Understanding The Importance Of Hydration

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 824
  • Pages: 3
Karyn Lewis Effective Speaking / Jenkins 0535-501-01 Fall 20051 Speech #1 - Informative

Understanding the Importance of Hydration Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the benefits of proper hydration for peak performance. Central Idea: Drinking an ample amount of water daily will ensure optimal function, mood, and productivity. Introduction I.



Thirsty? Tired all the time? Addicted to caffeine? A. Most people are aware that a person cannot survive without water, but few realize the effects of low-level dehydration. B. Everyone knows to drink 8 8-oz glasses of water daily, but most don’t drink enough. C. Everyone surveyed felt they could be more successful academically if better hydrated. College is a demanding challenge, and the role of the physical body is key to peak performance. A. It allows us to summon the full measure of our brainpower and talent on demand without hesitation. B. Strong study habits and academic discipline are most productive when performed by a brain and body that is properly hydrated. As an eager student, athlete, and general health enthusiast, I’ve researched proper hydration with the mind to enhance my own achievement at RIT. I’m here to share with you of some of the benefits of proper hydration for your own peak performance. I will explain the benefits of drinking water as it relates to three main categories: function, mood and productivity.

Transition: I’ll start with function. Body I.

Drinking an ample amount of water daily will ensure optimal function of the body. A. Water is crucial for efficient circulation. 1. Fluid in blood dissolves and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and glucose to working muscles (including major organs like the heart). a. Our bodies are from 50 to 80% water. b. Every body cell, tissue, and organ requires water to function. 2. Fluids carry away metabolic by-products, such as ketones and other toxins formed through regular body processes. B. Water is needed for regulation. 1. Fluid in urine removes waste, assisting in the prevention of bladder infections and colon cancer, and ensuring the health of your kidneys.

2. Fluid in sweat dissipates heat through skin and regulates body temperature. (Transition: Next I will explain the benefits of drinking water as it relates to mood.)


Drinking an ample amount of water daily will ensure optimal mood. A. Dehydration causes many health complaints, including headaches, lethargy, and anxiety. 1. Headaches occur when inadequate fluid consumption constrict and dilate blood vessels, creating a spasm in the head and causing pain. 2. Even a small loss contributes to fatigue and impaired reaction time. B. Water can satisfy thirst that is often mistaken for hunger pangs. 1. Drinking water with meals causes you to eat less food, which helps you control portion sizes without extra calories. 2. In helping with dieting, you can drop a pound every 4 weeks simply by drinking eight pints of ice water every day. a. Your body will expend 123 calories of body heat every day to warm that much ice water to 98.6. b. Your body also needs 1.5 milliliters of water to absorb every calorie ingested.

(Transition: Lastly I will explain the benefits of drinking water as it relates to productivity.)


Drinking an ample amount of water daily will ensure optimal productivity. A. Hydration is important for clear thinking. 1. A mere 2% drop in body water is capable of triggering fuzzy short-term memory trouble with basic math. 2. Also causes decreased visual ability and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or a printed page. B. Water is capable of enhancing athletic performance and allows more successful workouts. 1. According to American Fitness magazine, mildly dehydrated exercisers fatigue 25% faster than hydrated exercisers. a. Even small water losses, like 2% of body weight, can hinder an athlete’s strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity, hampering his ability to achieve peak physical performance by 6 or 7%. b. In a study done to see how fluid affects endurance during prolonged exercise, it was found that the more water guys drank, the less glycogen—which muscles use for energy—they spent. 2. Dehydrated muscles are more likely to develop cramps, spasms, and microtears. Conclusion

I. II.

I hope you can see how proper hydration will certainly benefit your function, mood, and productivity. More water in your diet may be the only thing you need next time you feel thirsty or tired or find yourself consuming large amounts of caffeine to help improve your daily performance.

Bibliography Articles Plut, Kimberly. “The Forgotten Nutrient.” The Tufts Daily. 24 April 2003. Murphy, Dee. “Tap into health with water: find out how to get the water your body craves.” Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader Publication. April-May 2003: v29 i8 p18(2). Eck, Beth M. “Waterproof Your Body.” Runner’s World. July 2000: v35 i7 p24. Deppe, Michele. “Natural refreshment. (Special Report). American Fitness. July-August 2002: v20 i4 p56(3). Post, Robyn. “I drink, therefore I am….” Men’s Health. Sept 1997: v12 n7 p81(2).

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