Understanding Quran

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  • Words: 1,354
  • Pages: 3


QURAN-----“THE BOOK” 1.Apparently it looks as if Quran is not properly edited or compiled ,as various topics seem to be intermingled and overlapping. 2.But if one keeps in mind that it is not a book but it is “THE BOOK” (AL-KITAAB), and also that it is not a book on religion but it is a guideline for the real success of humanbeings , then this confusion will no more remain.

BASIS OF QURAN KEEP THESE FACTS IN MIND 1.Allah has sent Man on this earth as His deputy or caliph with clear instructions that He alone should be obeyed and His law alone should prevail on this earth . 2.Man rejected these laws by following his own desires and went astray with a consequence that this earth was filled with chaos. 3.Allah sent His prophets and messengers who warned and showed the humanity the right path which they should adopt . 4.Finally prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was sent with a message of guidance and peace for the whole humanity . QURAN IS NOTHING BUT THIS MESSAGE OF GUIDANCE .

TOPIC THEME ‘N’ OBJECTIVE OF QURAN 1. It’s TOPIC is “man” as to show him the way which leads to his eternal success and the ways which lead to eternal doom. 2. It’s THEME is to contradict all those theories and superstitious beliefs which man adopted on the basis of his own imagination ,by his shallow thinking under the influence of his own desires 3. it’s OBJECTIVE is to call the man towards the right attitude which he either forgot r distorted ,though it was repeatedly reminded to him through so many prophets . KEEPING THESE POINTS IN VIEW IF ONE STUDIES QURAN HE WON’T FIND AN IOTA OF DEVIATION IN THE WHOLE TEXT AS FOR AS IT’S TOPIC ,THEME ‘N’ OBJECTIVE IS CONCERNED.

COMPILATION OF QURAN 1. It should be kept in mind that Quran is a book of call ‘n’ guidance which was revealed with a live movement. 2. This movement was aimed at breaking the shackles and chains of superstitions ,false views and bogus ideas which man had adopted by being a prey to his self desires and bigotry.On the other hand it calls the humanity towards obedience to their creator and implement His laws ‘n’ doctrines on this earth thereby ensuring peace on this planet. 3. These guidelines were revealed with the progress of this movement and struggle .Rightly speaking if this movement is not kept in mind then one is sure to get confused. 4. If one searches for a specific pattern of a thesis of doctorate in quran ,he won’t get anywhere ,because it’s not a thesis but it’s a book of guidance for the problems ‘n’

difficulties which one faces in the course of the movement r struggle in it’s various stages.

PRESENTATION OR STYLE OF QURAN It’s presentation is not theoretical but oratory; that too not like a lecture of a professor but a powerful speech of a “caller” which has to appeal both emotions ‘n’ reason, masses ‘n’ intellectuals, men ‘n’ women ,adamant disbelievers ‘n’ seekers of truth . It deals with all of them individually and collectively at the same time and has a tremendous impact on every one of them equally.

REPETITION OF TOPICS 1.One finds while reading quran that many a topics are repeated many a times . 2.It’s natural for a movement that a topic should be repeated as long as the movement remains in a particular stage that too in various ways using different ways till the movement enters the next stage .It’s essential for the fortification of any movement. 3.Monotheism, Prophethood and Hereafter ( Tauheed, Risaalat ‘n’ Aakhirat) are the fundamentals of this movement ‘n’ it’s like soul for it .If neglected even for a while it may prove lethal ;so it was necessary that these basic principles be repeated at every stage and that too so often ‘n’ in so many ways.

PRESENT FORM OF QURAN 1.Compilation of Quran which we have now is not in accordance with it’s revelation . It’s compiled so by the prophet (sal) according to Allah’s dictates The reason behind this appears to be : 1. In the beginning it was presented before “ignorant” persons who were infidels ‘n’ knew nothing about islam .But once an islamic system was established and the believers were grouped as an ummah ,then it was necessary that they should be informed ‘n’ taught the duties ,laws and warned ‘bout the pitfalls ‘n’ faults of their predecessors ,so that they can proceed forward and present the divine message before people who are still “ignorant”. 2. This should also be kept in mind that quran has a specific style of it’s own which does not allow a person to become “one-sided” . It takes up and encompasses all the aspects at a time so that the whole sceniaro and detailed picture remain projected always before us.

QURANIC TEACHINGS --RESTRICTED TO PARTICULAR TIME ? Quran generally refers to arabs ,their rituals ‘n’ their history . One may doubt if Quranic message is meant for Arabs ‘n’ that too of that particular period only,which now we are trying to project as universal law and doctrine . If it is universal then why so much emphasis on a particular nation of a particular time period? Keep in mind four points and this doubt will be clarified 1. A system which is confined to a particular nation ,concentrates on the rights of that nation and it focuses on their supremacy and it’s doctrines cannot be implemented an any other nation. 2. System which is restricted to a particular time period can prevail in those circumstances and conditions only .On changing time it’s principles loose their effectiveness and simply can’t be implemented.

3. For a particular system it is must that it should be applied on a particular nation so that the whole world could see it’s practicability and it’s dimensions;otherwise such a system will remain theoretiacal and abstract . 4. Go through the whole Quran and point one example which can be called specific to arabs or confined to that period only and has no relation or application to the whole humanity and the time periods to come.

WHY NO DETAILS ?? 1. We claim that Quran is a complete guidance for all the aspects of life let it be individual or whole ;but why it’s so we don’t find any detailed instructions. Even we don’t find the details regarding salath ‘n’ zakath . 2. It should be remembered that Quran was revealed not like a book from heavens but was revealed on our prophet in stages at a stretch of 23-24 years. 3. Quran deals with the principles and details we find in the explanations and interpretations and practical application of these principles in the lifetime of the prophet . 4. If one likes to understand fully it is must that he should have those explanations and those practical applications without which it’s like staring at the blueprint and neglecting the construction which is based on that blue print.

FIVE IMP.POINTS FOR STUDYING QURAN 1. Get rid of all the concepts ‘n’ theories which u might have in your mind before u start studying Quran , otherwise u will be biased 2. Keeping in mind it’s Topic, Theme “n” Objective ,read the Quran atleast twice . 3. Try to understand the Arabic text . Don’t confine yourself to translation only These words are Divine and have their own impact ‘n’ effect. 4. After going through the whole Quran twice, try to go in the depths by selecting fundamental concepts of islam ,salient features of the various systems outlined by Quran (like social, moral economical, political etc.)and write down the instructions ‘n’ explanations in a specific way. 5. Quran is not revealed just to satisfy your aesthetic sense of reading but it is a Book of Call ‘n’ Guidance .Unless you take-up an active part in this movement and try to implement it on individual ‘n’ collective life u can never attain the soul ‘n’ depth of the meaning of Quran .

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