Ujung Kulon - Krakatoa Package 2

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 750
  • Pages: 4
UJUNG KULON – KRAKATAU CRUISING 2 Package 5 D/4 N ( wooden boat) Star/Finish : Carita – Jakarta Grading : Easy–Moderate DAY 01. JAKARTA - CARITA We pick you up at Jakarta air port or Jakarta city for meeting service with our representative than transfer by car directly to coastal town of Carita beach take about 4 hours, overnight at Sunset view hotel (free program) DAY 02. JAKARTA – HANDELEUM – PEUCANG ISLAND After break fast at 8: 00 a.m we depart by car to Sumur port passes through forest, hills, rice field arrived than board the wooden boat ( cruising ) take 1 hour to Handeleum island in situated among a group of small island just off the north eastern coast of the Ujung kulon peninsula, canoes trip up the Cigenter river meander through overhanging rain forest . The habitat of python, hornbill, type of monkey where crocodile and rhino are occasionally sight in this area, back to the boat (cruising ) for return trip t than continue to Peucang island, take 2 hours. The unique and delightful Peucang island lies in clear blue water off the north western coastline of the national park. It is white sand beaches, calm, quite and coral reef shore hold a fascinating world marine life while Peucang is impressive forest shelter an abundance of wild life, on the way we will stop over at Nyawaan blue lagoon for snorkeling or swimming, arrived continue to Cidaon situated on the peninsula opposite island,

this large grassland is grassing ground for Wild bull, wild pig, peafowl, leopard overnight at Fauna Eco lodge, dinner time will be served at 7: 00. a.m (free program).B/L/D DAY 03. PEUCAND ISLAND After break fast at 8 : 00 a.m we walk (trekking) north on Peucang island passes through towering forest to a rock archway beyond which are the reef pools of Karang Copong, keep your eyes look up as sometime you will find the black monkey, hornbill, javan civet, giant squirrel back to lodge (rest/lunch) than continue to Citerjun for snorkeling to see variety of fish at coeral reef “angelfish, surgeonfish, clownfish, batfish, butterfly fish etc, over night at Fauna Eco lodge, dinner will be served at 7 ; 00 A.M. (free program).B/L/N DAY 04. PEUCANG ISLAND – CIRAMEA BEACH After breakfast at 8 : 00 a.m taking the boat to Cibom than ( trekking ) the direct route to Ciramea travel through magnificence rain forest to shelter at the southern end of Ciramea beach one of the most nice beaches at the park by jungle and Indian ocean us background, beautiful sand stone which are formed naturally can be see, this sand coastline is the egg – laying site for Tur tle, keep your eyes look up as sometime you will find the black monkey, hornbill, javan civet, giant squirrel take 4 hours, back to Peucang island via Tanjung Layar the historical site this sand coastline is the egg – laying site for Turtle, back to Peucang island passes Tanjung Layar historical site (lunch/rest) than continue to Citerjun for snorkeling to see variety of

fish at coral reef “angelfish, surgeonfish, clownfish, batfish, butterfly fish etc, overnight at Fauna Eco lodge, dinner time will be served at 7 : 00 a.m (free program) B/L/D DAY 05. PEUCANG ISLAND - KRAKATOA - CARITA Tour early morning from island we board (cruising) the Sunda strait keep your eyes as sometime you will find the group of dolphin around the boat will be take 5 hours to the famous, deserted, active volcano island, to sea is left of the biggest explosion ever recorded in history mankind ( 1883 ) take 1 ; 30 hour, arrived than landing and climb up the volcano back to the boat than return trip back to Carita take 3 hours – Jakarta. End the trip. B/L Tour character: Easy to moderate hikes and excursions, comfortable hotels or guesthouses What you have to bring: comfortable trekking or sport shoes, sunglasses, hat, swim suit, towel, sun cream, camera with extra film Service including: transportations, boat, accommodation at lodge, meal, snack, fruits, soft drink, entrance permits, snorkeling gear, expert guidance, aqua, all ground and sea transfers as described in the program including private charter boat

The trip itinerary is very much dependent on the weather conditions and may make changes accordingly Visit the real adventure by Java Rhino ecotour FOR VISIT PLEASE … CONTACT US : Ami Tour Organization : Email : [email protected] Mobile : (+62) 8782 – 0978 – 244

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