Uhuru Hip Hop Movement

  • June 2020
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The Movement


he Uhuru Hip Hop Movement is a Freedom Movement geared towards liberating the minds, souls, and artistic talents of the Hip Hop Culture, from the immoral corporate titans of the Music Industry and Entertainment World. The goal and aim of the Movement is aimed at a complete Corporate Take Over. Industrial subversion; mental, spiritual, and artistic Freedom and detachment from the present immoral, fratricidal, genocide, and misogynous strong hold that’s perpetually promoted, encouraged, and exploited by the Music Industry. Freedom from what has become a Death Culture for the Black and Brown Community, who’s the primary benefactor of this culture called Hip Hop. The Black and Brown Community has and continues to suffer immensely from the present death culture. The Black and Brown Community has been and is currently being thoroughly exploited, Socially, Politically, and Economically. More so, the present death culture has proven to be transgenerational, affecting past, present, and possibly future generations of the Black and Brown Community. The Uhuru Hip Hop Movement will counter the current negative movement of the death culture, by first exposing the mind state of the culprits and perpetrators of the negative death culture. The mind state is the wicked mind state of White Supremacy and Zionism. This White Supremacist mind state has no interest what so ever in the Moral, Spiritual or Social, Political, and Economic Development and Advancement of the Black and Brown Community at Large. Then why should such a mind state hold the reigns of our culture? It’s Revolution Time. Revolution means Change! The Movement is here to bring about a change. The current death culture is detrimental to the mental, physical, and moral health of our current and future generations and with no end in sight. Our children and young people are constantly bomb barded with negative images of nudity, sex, murder, homosexuality, rape, and robbery. There’s absolutely no way to guard the young minds of our youth from the exposure of such immoral and indecent images.

DECEMBER/JANUARY 2009/2010 Satan begins campaigning for the minds of our youth at a very early age, via Television, Radio, Billboards, Peers, Poverty, Videos, Cinema, Media, etc… Every avenue leading to the young minds of the youth have been captured and occupied by the wicked mind of White Supremacy. This hypnotic, mind control method employed by the enemies of Black and Brown People has become an “In Place Nigga Making System.” Again, this is being purposefully done; systematically and scientifically implemented by the Corporate Giants of the Entertainment World and their Zionist counterparts. The Major Record Companies have become modern day Slave Plantations. Videos, Movies, Billboards, and Magazines have become modern day public Auction Blocks. Four hundred years ago the White Slave Master sold the Black Woman on the public Auction Block. She was stripped of her clothing (in public) and sold to the highest bidder. Now she’s stripped of her clothing and sold a million times Internationally on popular platinum Hip Hop Videos. The Black Man was made to Buck Dance, Entertain, Fiddle, and act a damn fool before a white audience. Now in this modern day time, the Black Man, with a mouth full of Gold and Diamonds from which nothing but Filth flows, while he’s exploited Internationally and owns no land of his own; has no Family values or respect for the Black Family Unit, his Black Woman and Black Community. He now Dances, Raps, Sings, Grins, Smiles, and Ignorantly Performs for his predominately white audience, which makes up nearly 80% of his Record Sales and is applauded for his foolish imagery and Entertainment. It’s A Take Over! The first line of defense begins in the minds of the Black Masses. Once behind the enemy’s lines of Black Thought, and Mass Perception; Conscious Black Thought will be lifted, fortified and Mobilized through the careful Organization of Deputized Generals and Cadre of Business, Musical, Promotional, Publications, and Marketing Geniuses, forming the Garrison of The Uhuru Entertainment Group. The Business Cadre and tactical Teams will focus on every Business aspect of the Music and Entertainment Industry; from Contracts and Deals to Publishing and Promoting, working hand in hand with Attorneys. This Cadre will also be in charge of Special Rescue Missions, meaning Artists who may be signed to other Labels under Unrighteous and Slavish

2 UHURU HIP HOP conditions of their contract agreement, and who may now wish to join the Movement under UEG Management & Entertainment Agreements.

The Uhuru Hip Hop Movement is attached to the 10-Point Platform of The Millions More Movement and completely espouses these principles.

This Cadre will also be in charge of managing the capitol interests and war chest of the Company; supplying frequent data and transparency of all systems and business transactions for the Company’s Generals (Executive Officers). This is the Head or Brain of the Uhuru Entertainment Group. All business management will be provided as part of UEG Artist’s Agreement.

One does not have to be an Artist or Professional of any field to become a part of the Movement. All that’s needed is a desire to see a Righteous Change.


The Music Cadre will consist of Musical Artist and Producers. The Artist/Producers will be encouraged to go through special military training geared towards Artist Development. This special training will consist of Indoctrination, Physical Training, and Discipline Drills, and Special Field Training. This Will be “BOOT CAMP.” This military style of training will help to Develop Discipline in the Artist, the kind of discipline not seen in today’s Entertainment World. The Indoctrination will induce higher levels of conscious thought, to be introduced through the Artist’s Music and Lyrical content.


By Henry Norr

The physical training and field training is designed to produce camaraderie as well as Leadership Skills. Groups will be formed into Units. Artist and Producers will go through Boot Camp together, but will form separate tactical Units. The Production Cadre is a Unit of it’s own, specializing in the making of Music; Funky Beats. The Publications Cadre is the link from UEG to the people (Masses) and is the propaganda Machine for the Movement. The Publications Cadre will produce and circulate a Newsletter called after the Movement “The Uhuru Hip Hop Movement.” The Publications Cadre will recruit writers and photographers for the Newsletters; Revolutionary Writers, to pump up the Artist of the Movement and castigate and assassinate all the other negative counter movement and aggressively pursue all the other Artist, Record Companies etc. Who continue to promote the death culture. These will be Literary seek and destroy missions. So these writers and guest columnist like the Artist of UEG will be armed with straight Fire! This also acts to counter the dirty recruitment tactics of the U.S. Military, esp. on school campuses across Amerika! The target of the Publications Cadre is the people (Masses), esp. the Black and Brown Youth. The goal is to develop the Newsletter and propaganda mechanism into a full fledge syndicated Magazine, sold and viewed World Wide. This is the spark through which the Uhuru Hip Hop Movement will be ignited. The Uhuru Entertainment Group will be dedicated to the Movement and its full development and goal to over throw the present immoral giants of the Music Industry and Entertainment World, and the freeing of the Hip Hop Culture from the grips of self-destruction and moral death.

A number of supporters came from across the country to support M.O.I. JR in the bogus arson case that he was given while he was covering the Oscar Grant rebellions. M.O.I. JR is in the front with New York rapper Mega Watts, Tom Flannery of Anhk Marketing, M1 of dead prez, Umi of the rap group Prisoners of War, Tymbani, a former member of the Black Panther Party, Prisoners of Conscience Committee Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. and POCC Ambassador Franco were all in attendance at the last court hearing. The next hearing in the case is on Friday, Oct. 30, 9 a.m., at 1225 Fallon St. in Oakland in Courtroom 11. We urge all of our readers to support the Minister of Information against this attack from the state. – Photo: Angela Carroll. More than nine months – and almost a dozen court dates – after the arrest of journalist M.O.I. JR aka JR Valrey as he covered protests over the cold-blooded murder of Oscar Grant, the Oakland police and Alameda County District Attorney’s Office still haven’t faced up to the fact that they have no case. JR – Minister of Information for the Prisoners of Conscience Committee (POCC), host of Block Report Radio, a producer at KPFA and associate editor of the Bay View – was thrown in

3 UHURU HIP HOP jail on the night of Jan. 7, 2009, during the street uprising over the authorities’ inaction against Grant’s killer, then-BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle. Ever since, the DA has been dragging out the case, forcing the defendant, his lawyers and his supporters to come back to court over and over again, mostly just to make minor procedural arrangements. At the latest hearing, on Sept. 21, Judge Maurice Jacobson (a former prosecutor and before that a corrections officer, until he was appointed to the bench by Arnold Schwarzenegger) set yet another date: Friday, Oct. 30, at 9 a.m. at the Alameda County Superior Court, 1225 Fallon St., Department 11, in Oakland. “We’re still hoping the DA will drop the charges before then, but if they insist on going to trial, we’re ready for them,” said JR’s attorney, Marlon Monroe, after the hearing. Many of the supporters who attended the hearing had signs with the defendant’s picture and the words “FREE JR” in large letters pinned to their chests. JR is facing a charge of felony arson, which carries a term of up to three years in state prison. At the “preliminary” hearing in the case, on Aug. 20, the one witness, Oakland Police Officer Robert Ruiz, claimed that he had observed JR holding a burning piece of paper over a trash can near 14th and Clay Streets in downtown Oakland, then saw flames in the trash can. But when JR was arrested and thrown to the street a moment later, he had no matches, lighter or anything else that could have started a fire – just his reporter’s notebook and camera. And under close questioning from Attorney Monroe, Ruiz had to admit that he couldn’t remember many details from the scene of the alleged crime, including the shape, color, or material of the trash can he said he had seen burning and examined later for damage.

Philip V. Sarkisian tried to arrange a plea bargain. Under the deal, according to JR, he would have been required to plead guilty to a misdemeanor, instead the felony charge, but he still would have faced five years of felony probation and warrantless searches of his person, car, home and places of employment at any time. In addition, he would have had to issue an apology to the city and pay restitution. Apology and restitution for what? “I don’t know what they were talking about,” he said. When JR turned that deal down, Sarkisian declared in open court that his decision “bordered on recklessness” – apparently it’s reckless, in his view, to try to prove you’re not guilty of anything when the cops say you are! Meanwhile, JR is still waiting to recover the camera the police confiscated the night they arrested him. Months ago the court ordered it returned to him, but every time he tries to pick it up, he said, the police either claim the officer who can release it isn’t available or raise some new procedural hurdle. “I’m certainly getting an education about how the legal process works – or doesn’t work,” he said. Henry Norr, who was fired by the San Francisco Chronicle in 2003, is a member of the KPFA Local Station Board. The Bay View strongly supports his re-election. He can be reached at [email protected].


From the beginning, JR has insisted that the charges are bogus and politically motivated. “It’s just part of the campaign to lock the Black community up, specifically the political voices in our community,” he said. “The real reason they’re going after me is that I have written extensively about police terrorism in the Bay Area, such as the cases of Laronte Studesville and Gary King” (two young Black men shot by the Oakland police in 2007).

Uhuru Hip-Hop Movement: We sitting here with “V!RTU”, taking time out of his day to give the Uhuru Hip-Hop movement an exclusive interview.

All told, the police arrested about 160 people during the protests that rocked Oakland after the murder of Oscar Grant, but nearly all have had their charges dropped. At the Sept. 21 hearing, Judge Jacobson told one of the other remaining defendants, Andrew Lewis of Oakland, that the DA was prepared to drop drug possession charges against him if he agrees to pay $3,000 in restitution for damages allegedly caused to an Oakland restaurant during the Jan. 7 protest.

V!RTU: The main project I’m working on right now is this project called “The Shoe-In”; that’s actually the name of the album. The reason why I called it the “Shoe-In” is because I painted about 10 plus pairs of custom shoes for industry recognized artists in exchange for the collaborations. So there’s about 10 or so cats out there wearing shoes that I painted. And exchange for the shoes they got on some tracks with me. After about a year of painting shoes and recording, I finally came up with a stack of photos and a stack of tracks that I put together, and I’m calling it the Shoe-In; like I’m a Shoe-In to the industry thru these shoes that I painted. I got dudes from all over the country on there with me; I got people from LA, to Florida, to Philadelphia, to Toronto Canada, to all the way back here in Portland, Oregon.

Even the judges who have presided over the proceedings in the case have expressed doubts about the case against JR. After a Sept. 3 hearing, Judge Jacobson said, “I have some concerns about the charge – there may be something there or there may not.” And after the preliminary hearing in August, Judge

V!RTU: yes sir, yes sir. [laughs] Got love for y’all! UHHM: Tell us a little bit about your music, and what you’re working on right now.

4 UHURU HIP HOP UHHM: The “Shoe-In”, that’s a free download right? V!RTU: Yes sir, yes sir! Anybody can get it for free. Absolutely free. I got it up on my MySpace page. (www.myspace.com/virtu01) click on the album cover, it’ll take you right to the download page where you can download the whole 14 track album for free. Go check it out, and spread it around to your people. UHHM: Who influenced you to start making your own music? V!RTU: I’ve been messing around doin little kid freestyles ever since I used to listen to Doug E. Fresh back in the day; but I guess I started getting kinda serious around high school. There was other kids that would come to lunch with some raps that they wrote that morning or the night before. It started getting popular around school. We would get together around lunch time and read our raps; then it kinda got to be a battle thing. But once I started being able to get some recording equipment, I began to refine my craft. UHHM: Thank You for taking the time out of your day to speak with the Uhuru hip-hop movement news letter and give us this exclusive interview. V!RTU: I appreciate y’all taking the interest in me and pursuing me and wanting to hear what I got to say, and letting me put my 2 cents in, so I appreciate that.


The United States Government’s Plan To Exterminate The Entire Black Population Of America In Time Of National Crisis/Emergency By The Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) [KING ALFRED PLAN]: “In the event of wide spread and continuing coordinated ‘Racial Disturbances’ in the United States, THE KING ALFRED PLAN, at the discretion of the president is to be put into action immediately.” PARTICIPATING FEDERAL AGENCIES: The National Security Council; The Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Department of Justice; Department of Defense and the Department of Interior. PARTICIPATING STATE AGENCIES: [Under Federal Jurisdiction] National Guard Units; State Police. PARTICIPATING LOCAL AGENCIES: [Under Federal Jurisdiction] City Police and County Police. The following memo’s/information was derived from unidentified Government sources which felt it would be too controversial to release it directly to the general public. The entire document is in the text “THE MAN WHO CRIED I AM” By JOHN WILLIAMS. The actual documents were obtained by Intelligence Researchers, including Mrs. May Britt, who forwarded them to radio station K.F.J.C. in Los Altos Hills, California, and was read over the air in September 1987. The first copies sent to K.F.J.C. never arrived! The third set of copies took over a week to arrive from the post office, instead of the average two (2) days. The exact wording of THE KING ALFRED PLAN document may or may not be verbatim, however, it must be understood that the policy of such a program/plan does in fact exist within the United States National Security Council under the “REX 84” project, which is itself under EXECUTIVE ORDER #52.



DON’T SAY IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE IN AMERICA! IT’S HAPPENING! Therefore, the Afrikan-Amerikan Community must assess this REALISTICALLY and devise “CONTINGENCY PLANS” Survival Locally, Nationally, and Globally. Memo – [National Security Council]: Even before 1954, when the Supreme Court of the United States of America declared unconstitutional separate educational and recreational facilities, racial unrest and discord had become very nearly a part of the Amerikan way of

5 UHURU HIP HOP life. But that way of life was repugnant to most Amerikans. However, since 1954, that unrest and discord has broken out into wide-spread violence which has increasingly placed the peace and stability of the Nation in dire jeopardy. This has resulted in loss of life, limb, and property, and has cost the tax payers billions of dollars, and the end is not in sight. This same violence has raised the tremendously grave question as to whether the races can ever live in peace with each other. Each passing month has brought new intelligence that, despite laws passed to alleviate the conditions of the minority, they are still not satisfied. Demonstrations and rioting have become a part of a familiar scene. Troops have been called out in City after City across the land and our image as a world leader severely damaged. The minority has adopted an almost military posture to gain its’ objectives which are not clear to most Amerikans. It is expected therefore, that when those objectives are denied the minorities, racial war must be considered inevitable. WHEN THAT EMERGENCY COMES WE MUST EXPECT THE TOTAL INVOLVMENT OF ALL TWENTY TWO (22) MILLION MEMBERS OF THE MINORITY MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. FOR ONCE THE PROJECT IS LAUNCHED, ITS GOAL IS TO TERMINATE ONCE AND FOR ALL THE MINORITY THREAT TO THE WHOLE OF AMERIKAN SOCIETY AND INDEED THE FREE WORLD. CHAIRMAN NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL

Hill, Virginia, D.C., (4) Fort Benning, Georgia, (5) Elgin Air Force Base, Florida, (6) Camp Crome, Florida, (F.E.M.A./I.N.S. Administration/Interogation Center), (7) Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, (8) Fort Huachua, Arizona, (9) Elgin Air Force Base, California, (10) Oakdale, California.


********* ARTIST INTERVIEW: “UNLEASHER” OF S1K ONES Uhuru Hip-Hop Movement: We’re sitting here with “Unleasher”……tell me a little bit about your music and your crew. Unleasher: My crew……the name of my crew is Sik-Ones. The main dude that makes our beats and does a lot of our hooks, his name is “C-Sik”. Then we got “Osofly” we got “RSK”, “Inelect”, “MC” (out of Lincoln City), then we got “Osofresh” (out of Tucson, Arizona), and also we got “Pete Rose” out of Portland. We’re always looking for more people…….people with the same kind of work ethic, people that aren’t playing around. We’re trying to expand and do it big. UHHM: You got something you wanna plug? An album or a website?

PRELIMINARY MEMO – [DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR]: Under KING ALFRED, the Nation has been divided into ten (10) regions. In case of emergency, minority members will be evacuated from the Cities by Federalized National Guard Units, local and state police, and if necessary, by Units of the regular armed forces using public and military transportation and detained in nearby military installations until a further course of action has been decided. (1) Capitol region [D.C.], (2) Northeast region, (3) Southeast region, (4) Great lakes region, (5) Souht Central region, (6) Deep South region I, (7) Deep South region II, (8) Great Plains/Rocky Plains region, (9) Southwest region, (10) A & B West Coast region. No attempt will be made to seal off the Canadian and Mexican borders. REX 84 PICK-UP REGIONS: First The Federal Emergency Management Agency, after Deputizing all Department of Defense Personnel and State National Guard Personnel, ostensibly so as to make such personnel civilian and thereby avoid violating the Congressionally enacted Posse Camatatus Act. Secondly, would undertake to seek out and take into custody some 400,000 undocumented Central Amerikan Aliens throughout the United States and then inter said Central Amerikan Aliens in ten (10) military detention centers to be established during this REX 84 readiness exercise. (1) Fort Drum, New York, (2) Fort Indian Town Gap, Penn., (3) A.P.

Unleasher: Yeah, first off, we have “Smoke Outz Vol. 1”, and you can find that at “C-sik.com” ……but that’s the older stuff, prior to me joining the crew. But the latest stuff we’re working on is called “S1konom1ks”, we’re gonna have about 17 tracks, so far we have 13. We’re trying to nail things down on that right now. UHHM: What role does Hip-Hop play in shaping society? Unleasher: I would say it plays pretty much the majority of the role. Pretty much nowadays, you don’t even see music on MTV or BET. Nowadays we have reality shows….things you don’t want your children to watch. That leaves the kids to listen to the radio. With songs like “Birthday Sex”, it’s not appropriate for kids. We gotta realize that it’s entertainment and not to let it dictate our lives. After it’s over, you push stop and just enjoy the song or the movie for whatever it is, and don’t follow in those foot-steps. For example, everyone loves Scarface, but think about what happens to him at the end? That’s more of a reality than him balling like that in real life. It really makes a difference, what the kids listen to. UHHM: Are you satisfied with the direction that hip-hop seems to be headed in?

By Paris


Unleasher: I think that nowadays it seems like you have to be carrying a gun and have a long record to be a rapper. I don’t think that’s what hip-hop or any kind of music should be about. It should be about the creativity that comes from ones soul. What you rap about should reflect who you really are. If you be honest with yourself, your music will be a lot better. People are gonna think you’re trying to be like other people. We can spot fakes, the kids can spot fakes. Even if you get your 15 minutes of fame, when they find out you’re fake, you just go down. People don’t like you no more. UHHM: We appreciate you taking the time to give us this exclusive interview. Unleasher: Thank You very much for having me.

info to pass on. Besides, if it's on, it's on...but here's a brief rundown of things everyone should be aware of: This government's system of laws exists to maintain the dominance of those in power, and the police are its armed enforcers. If you doubt this for a minute, look at who are the selective targets of local laws: The homeless, the young, the poor, dissenters. Globally, look at who dies and who gets rich from our wars and other disasters. For 250 years in this country, the government and their enforcers have consistently fought against people working for liberation: Indigenous resistance, land reformers, slave revolts, abolitionists, labor organizers & workers, free-speech advocates, women's and civil rights workers, anti-war and anti-globalization protesters, and recently, animal rights and environmental activists. Your relationship with the police is at heart adversarial. While there may be cops with hearts of gold, the job of all police is to arrest and prosecute you. As such, it is almost never in your best interest to cooperate with them. Keeping yourself safe and resisting the police state comes down to these simple principles: 1) Non-cooperation: If you talk with the police, you could unintentionally hurt yourself, your friends, or others. 2) Do not consent to searches: Never give law enforcement the okay to examine your pockets, car, backpack, or home. 3) Remain silent: Say nothing except "I'm going to remain silent, and I would like to see a lawyer."


********* EXCERPT FROM “The Bullet Or The Bullet: Killer Cops Make Cop Killers”

4) Talk to a lawyer: Never take advice from the police, they may try to trick and mislead you. 5) Use trust and intuition: Work only with people with whom you have a history of trust. Without being paranoid, trust your intuition. Rights During a Police Encounter In a police encounter these rules will help protect your civil rights and improve your chances of driving or walking away safely. From here on out, we are talking about your legal "rights" guaranteed by law. Though in our view, what you can do and what you can do legally are two different things. All of these rights also apply to minors and non-citizens.

By Paris Keep Private Items Out of View The following is meant to give a brief overview of law enforcement and how to protect yourself from unnecessary legal entanglements. Of course, Oscar Grant adhered to these principles - which is why we are outraged - but it's still good

This is common sense: Always keep any private items that you don't want others to see out of sight. Legally speaking, police do not need a search warrant in order to confiscate any illegal items that are in plain view.

a lawyer representing

7 UHURU HIP HOP yo Stay Cool & Politely Assertive

enough evidence to search without your consent.

Police are well armed and often unpredictable, so remaining cool and calm will keep you safe. Treat them with the caution you would treat a dangerous, wild animal.

Police officers are not required to inform you of your rights before asking you to consent to a search. If the officer searches you in spite of your objection, do not resist. Your attorney can argue that any evidence found during the search was discovered through an illegal search and should be thrown out of court.

Be polite and yet assertive to ensure that your rights aren't trampled on. Some officers may come on heavy if you are not absolutely submissive, but standing up for your rights will keep you safe in the long run, in court when it really matters. Determine If You Can Leave You don't have to talk to the police. As soon as an officer approaches you, ask the officer, "Am I free to go?" If you get an answer other than a definitive "No," gather your stuff and leave without another word. You have the right to end an encounter with a police officer unless you are being detained or arrested. Don't waste time trying to determine your status. Test if you are free to go, and then go. If you aren't free to go, the officer will make it perfectly clear. Use the Magic Words If you are detained or arrested, use the magic words: "I'm going to remain silent. I would like to see a lawyer." Do not talk to police. Wait to talk to a lawyer representing you. Even casual small talk can come back to haunt you. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you. Cops have numerous tricks to get you to talk. They can and do use fear, solitude, isolation, lies, advice, playing you against others, and even kindness to get you to cooperate. Don't be fooled. If you need to say anything, repeat the magic words. Keep in mind the credo: If no one talks, everyone walks. Regardless of what you are told by an investigating officer, you have nothing to gain by talking to the police...and everything to lose. Refuse to Consent to Searches Officers seeking evidence will often try to get you to allow them to search your belongings, your car, or your home. Refuse to consent to a search, with the phrase: "I do not consent to a search." Usually, a search request will come in the form of an ambiguous statement, such as, "I'm going to ask you to empty your pockets." Answer such requests unambiguously. Repeat as many times as necessary. You are under no obligation to allow a search. The only reason an officer asks your permission is because he doesn't have


********* How the South Destroyed Rap: Time to Stop Hee Haw Hip Hop By Paul Scott "All my brothas eatin' chicken Talk broken English and drug sellin'"



My Philosophy- Boogie Down Productions Hip Hop is many things to many people depending on which side of the planet you rest your head. New York is honored for being the birth place of the genre. Cali is known as being the place that capitalized off of gangsta-ism (for better or worst.) And the South is known for what can best be described as "Hee Haw Hip Hop"; that throw back to the era when people lived in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten. Welcome to Dixie Land. While many Hip Hop headz will, vehemently, argue against criticizing any one region for the demise of the genre, it must be admitted that the worst form of Hip Hop for the last decade has originated below the Mason Dixon line. While other forms of Hip Hop have at least tried to convey some sort of message, Southern Hip Hop is as devoid of style as it is substance, that is, unless you consider dudes with gold teeth rappin' like they have a mouth full of snuff some sort of swagga chic. The rappers of the South Coast seem to go out of their way to rep the stereotype of country folks having the intelligence level of a watermelon to the fullest. Every time, I hear a Gucci Mayne or Plies song on the radio, I think that my IQ drops a couple of levels. It must be noted that this has not always been the case. The history of southern Hip Hop can be traced back as far as the early 80's with an artist named Shy D and his Planet Rock type rhythms. He was followed by Luke "Skywalker" Campbell and the 2 Live Crew who gained world wide fame for their mixture of Hip Hop and hedonism and their attempts


to push the 1st Amendment to the limit by claiming that they

to push the 1st Amendment to the limit by claiming that they could be "as nasty as they wanna be." Like NY Hip Hop, the South also had a brief conscious era ushered in by the Dungeon Family (Outkast, Goodie MOB) in the mid 90's. However, just as gangsta rap replaced East Coast conscious Hip Hop in the early 90's, "Crunk Music" replaced the socially conscious rap of the South by the late 90's. Much of the credit for this can be attributed to the mastermind Steve Gottlieb, at the time, owner of TVT records, a company that started off selling TV show themes but found out that they could make a whole lot more money popularizing retarded rap (Ying Yang Twins) and making, otherwise, intelligent black men (Lil Jon, reportedly has a Masters Degree) sound mentally challenged. The question we should ask ourselves is how can an area with more than its share of black institutions of higher learning (especially the ATL) now be famous for producing music only suitable to step and fetch to? Historically, perhaps, it has something to do with the post Civil War Era as many black folks left the South to go North where getting an industrial job required a higher level of education than it took to pick tobacco. Also, according to Dr. Noliwe Rooks in her book, "White Money, Black Power," "southern whites feared that education for blacks would provide African Americans with the means to, eventually, upset white supremacy." Dr. Claude Anderson in his book "Black Labor, White Wealth" argues that after slavery, "cultural customs and laws forced the newly emancipated blacks to conform to the historical image of blacks as common labors." So the plot was clear, keep black folks deaf, dumb and blind to preserve white socio-economic hegemony. We see the same method of operation today with "Operation Dumb Down," today. This is why most commercially successful southern rappers sound like they are just two feet off the plantation. In an effort to preserve the status quo, the powers that be are determined to destroy Hip Hop and take the minds of black children down with it. If the rationale for "Operation Dumb Down," is, indeed economic, then the counter solution must also be economically based. As Jay Z said, "men lie, women lie, numbers don't." This, so called, holiday season is the period when the entertainment industry counts on making most of their money by pushing anti-conscious Hip Hop. This is why we are using "Black Friday" to kick off the "Black-out Ignorance Boycott."

We are asking that those who truly appreciate black culture and want to save Hip Hop not purchase anything that disgraces our culture from November 27-January 1st (the end of Kwanzaa.) Instead of buying music to put us to sleep, we must support artists that are trying to wake us up, whether it be internationally known Hip Hop pioneers like Rakim or up and coming MC's like Pittsburgh's Jasiri X. With the educational challenges that our young people face, we must also start buying more books and less video games. Also, instead of paying hundreds of dollars to turn our youth into walking billboards, advertising everything from Home Depot to Mountain Dew, we should seek out designers that have clothes with positive messages. This makes a whole lot more sense in tough economic times than spending what's left of our hard earned cash on bamboozled bammas who happen to have hot beats. Now we are aware that some folks are going to miss the point of this call to action and dismiss this as a case of "hatin' on Hip Hop" as that is what they have been programmed to do. Some will even argue that we are in control of the images of us that are projected around the world. Dr. Bobby Wright put it best in his book, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality," where he discussed "behavior modification" by quoting psychologist Dr. BF Skinner who wrote "it is possible to delude people into believing that they have the essence of life-Freedom and dignity-and still control them." So, as in the days of Harriet Tubman the condition of our people remains the same. Some folks just don't want to be emancipated from mental slavery. As






"I freed a thousand slaves..I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves. "

TRUTH Minista Paul Scott writes for No Warning Shots Fired.com. He can be reached at (919) 451-8283 or [email protected] For more information on the Intelligence Over Ignorance Campaign visit http://www.ioimovement.com *********






U.H.H.M. APPRECIATES: RIGHTEOUS KINGDOM www.jsuniversalconnection.com THE HELPER FOUNDATION www.jsuniversalconnection.com THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION “J.R.” www.sfbayview.com PARIS www.guerrillafunk.com FOOTSOULJAHS www.myspace.com/footsouljahs V!RTU THE EMCEE www.myspace.com/virtu01 UNLEASHER OF S1K ONES www.sikones.com TRUTH MINISTA PAUL SCOTT www.nowarningshotsfired.com AND ALL OF OUR READERS AND SUPPORTERS




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