Ubj Compositions On Literature

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ubjcompositions on literature Thursday, March 19, 2009 recession --the current crisis "As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession." -----Bo Bennett [Definition--] A period of reduced economic activity is called Recession. There are two types of recession. Cyclical recession comes around regularly, as reactions to periods when growing confidence gets out of control. A structural recession is more than a crisis of confidence. It occurs when a deep, underlying problem in an economy can no longer be denied. [Causes --]A recession normally takes place when consumers lose confidence in the growth of the economy and spend less. This leads to a decreased demand for goods and services, which in turn leads to a decrease in production, lay-offs and a sharp rise in unemployment. Investors spend less as they fear stocks values will fall and thus stock markets fall on negative sentiment.Main causes of 2009 recession were Credit crunch - shortage of finance Falling house prices - related to shortage of mortgages and credit crunch Cost push inflation squeezing incomes and reducing disposable income Collapse in confidence of finance sector causing lower confidence amongst 'real economy'.

Ingeneral Impact of recession on Business --Today’s recession is already longer than all but two of the downturns since World War II.After the GDP data was out gold prices slumped from its new highest level of Rs 16,000 per 10 gm to below Rs 15,500 level. India imported no gold in February as against 23 tonnes during the same period last year.The Sensex crashed by nearly 13 per cent in just two trading sessions in January. The markets bounced back after the US Fed cut interest rates. The yen's 13 percent rise versus the dollar in the last six months is also taking a toll. The Japanese currency reached a 2 1/2-year high of 104.97 to the dollar last week.International tourism began to slow in June of last year. This year, the World Tourism Organization (WTO) expects cross-border visits to remain steady or decline 2 percent, according to its latest report in January.A slowdown in the US economy is bad news for India.Indian companies have major outsourcing deals from the US. The India economy is likely to lose between 1 to 2 percentage points in GDP growth in the next fiscal year.The worries for exporters will grow as rupee strengthens further against the dollar. A recession could bring down oil prices to $70. Positive Impact of recession-- Recession may in fact be the wake-up call that forces them to take necessary measures that not only preserve them but may turn out to be the making of their fortunes.Business is Darwinian. Survival of the fittest is cruel, but ultimately it is the best way to allocate limited resources. If a business is terminally inefficient, or operating in a market of decreasing viability, it is better that the money of the investors, the labour of the employees, and the enterprise of the management be deployed elsewhere, where they can do more good.The "redeployment" process is best done quickly.The problem with recession as an agent of that "redeployment" is that is it is a blunt instrument, destroying not only the terminally inefficient but also many businesses that might be viable under other circumstances.

How to combat Recession--1.Tax cuts are the first step that a government fighting recessionary trends or a full-fledged recession proposes to do. 2.Few days back, the Bush government had proposed a $150-billion bailout package in tax cuts.The government also hikes its spending to create more jobs and boost the manufacturing and services sectors and to prop up the economy. 3.The government also takes steps to help the private sector come out of the crisis. Conclusion--An economy which grows over a period of time tends to slow down the growth as a part of the normal economic cycle. An economy typically expands for 6-10 years and tends to go into a recession for about six months to 2 years.We had seen how unemployment in the US peaked at almost 25% in the period 1929-1933 when the US economy shrank by 27%and the stock market lost 90% of its value from boom to bust.Even after that US managed to record 37 quarters of economic expansion the longest period of expansion on record. The US saw a recession during 1982-83 due to a tight monetary policy to control inflation and sharp correction to overproduction of the previous decade. This was followed by Black Monday in October 1987, when a stock market collapse saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunge by 22.6 per cent affecting the lives of millions of Americans.The early 1990s saw a collapse of junk bonds and a financial crisis.The US saw one of its biggest recessions in 2001, ending ten years of growth, the longest expansion on record.From March to November 2001, employment dropped by almost 1.7 million. In the 1990-91 recession, the GDP fell 1.5 per cent from its peak in the second quarter of 1990. The 2001 recession saw a 0.6 per cent decline from the peak in the fourth quarter of 2000.The dot-com burst hit the US economy and many developing countries as well. The economy also suffered after the 9/11 attacks. In 2001, investors' wealth dwindled as technology stock prices crashed.So based on the above facts we can easily say that if the above mentioned measures are taken we are sure to come out of recession once again. And in any case you can always like Fowler say-"The other thing is quality of life; if you have a place where you can go and have a picnic with your family, it doesn't matter if it's a recession or not, you can include that in your quality of life."

at 2:21 AM 0 comments Links to this post Posted by ubjtutorial for gate Kota diaries (written on kota life of my dear friend and roommate Ramji bhai kalvi) "The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another.”"Vision excellence in carrier education Mission practice persistence and performance ".Upto this point Resonance and I were seeing eye to eye.There were a huge many options for me on one side there was the boisterous presence of Bansal , Resonance ,Carrier"k" of kota stands for three things kachouri,kiraya,koching.They say destiny is always preplanned for everyone and in my destiny it was resonance and Mk Verma."So what was your IITJEE rank with 12th?". "4300 sir ",I said ."Okay

so Mr ramji why do you want to try again?". "Sir I want to be like DungaRam Chowdhury IIT air 1 in IITJEE 2003 who happens to be from the same place that I belong."So you are also from jalore,Rajasthan na?so is he a relative to you?"."he is my relative , a distant cousin actually"."Okay then best of luck for your preparations and you must be already knowing how competitive it is ,but donot worry for we will guide you through the process and you need to work hard thats all.You will be finding many reacreations in Kota but you must not give in to the entertainment part instead you should be true to your purpose and follow the classes regularly"."your classes will begin on 13th May and all the best".Well I was tensed and became further tensed after the last line .His last words "all the best" seemed to spur me on unleashing the Areion which ran through the vast green fields of serengeti ready to take the decisive battle to its cresendo. "Sir the answer is 4.32 sir it is solved in mechanics chapter in HCVerma.Sir Vijay Budhani has not taken into account the area of crosssection while calculating the friction part.Sir the direction would be reverse and as the box will rotate it will assume a shape of a ball that is moving ".Vijay Budhani looked at me and pondered over the idea, the would be IIT kanpurite was caught blank on that. BKM sir looked mighty impressed.Soon after the class Vijay Budhani paid personal attention to me and we too slowly but gradually became good friends for the most part of Kota Odessey.And yes I had another friend of mine named Vikash Jain,he is currently in NIT Warrangal , he was more like me and used to stay put all the time with books only.Among us the three musketters Vijay was the most talkative person he used to talk about women ,life .He was a Bits pilani select too but he wanted to do computer science from IIT KANPUR only.He was the topper of Central Public School Kota putting up a 88 percent in 12th 1% less than me but he was from a different board altogether.He used to tell us stories of how his brother had managed to get IIT Kanpur computer Science after a 3 year toil and now currently he is the topper of IIMAhmedabad.We used to talk of how he used to study and all such things. These conversations used to take place in Chambal garden just near the Chambal River one of the most popular places of Kota.Boys and girls used to visit the garden at alltimes , the wind of the river used to have such a cool and calm effect touching our strained brains and tensed hearts giving relief to both.The mellifluous naussem of the flowers used to transport us to different place altogether where there was no strain and we were all successful and happy. "why did not you join Bansal?Gaurav Tower is so popular "once Vikash asked .Vijay replied to this by saying "R3 is better pahla R1 me to pahoch ne ki sooch.IIT top 1000 rankers bhare pare hai usme to . Saalo sabko chahiye Rank 1 ."I and vikash both laughed.We often used to talk of every thing when resonance classes were not there .VIjay was particularly good at mechanics ,infact he was a God of it .Mk verma once told "Vijay if you are able to get atleast 100 questions of HC Verma in 2 hours then u are in with a fighting chance of making to the top.And you are nearing it fast."Vikash and I used to stay put all day long with the sheets of Resonance and then we needed to study peter sykes,op tandon,organic chemistry som series,ie irodov ,resnick haliday,arihant series.At times the bad thing was that the boys of hostel at night often used to put off the light by switching of my rooms light from the main switch board.I used to rebuke them a lot for this but the more i said not to do they would do it all the more. We used to devour the delicious kachouri of Jains and used to drink juice regularly while returning back to our hostels.Sitting in the cool shade of the banyan tree in the Chambal garden we used to memorise the equations of chemistry.Main livelihood of the households of kota come from the revenue generated from the students boarding these houses.Almost all the houses of our locality put big rent boards "If you are not a drinker and are looking for a place to stay and study please move in" some read" 300/- a month rent .please contact 9894567432" .In kota NewYear and Dushera are two main festivals and almost all the

coaching institutes make this days memoriable by giving party to all students.It is the sort of merry making that gave some breathing space for otherwise mundane clastrophobic schedule.We used to go to visit nearby temples these days asking for almighty's blessings although Vijay used to say,"I go to temple to see beautiful girls especially the bihari girls they are so easily empressed"but both I and Vikash knew it was only words to say really (although we liked his words) for Vijay was a serious student and at the time of the prayer he seldom looked here and there. Finally as time passed and the day of exam drew closer the intensity of preparations reached its zenith and as the final doubt clearing capsules were finished we were all ready for the exam.I came out with an Aieee 3400 all india rank ,as competition in Rajasthan is intense as compared to other states so I had to be content with Nit Raipur finally .The last day when i finally moved out of Kota with all the bagandbaggage i found i am leaving behind a host of memories ,the chambal garden ,faces of vikash ,Vijay ,jain ki dukan, putting of lights by truant boys of hostel , the nightlong fights to keep up with scheduleof resonance.,the girl with whom vijay used to make fun of ,the memories lay etched in memory finally forever.The main reason why I went there was though not successful entirely although I learned a lot there yet I had been successful in knowing how life is and the experience have helped me in the previous few years and I think will help in the coming years too. at 2:07 AM 1 comments Links to this post Posted by ubjtutorial for gate Saturday, February 7, 2009 realm of ubj ubj is a person so shy, lively agile springy like rye, lost in thought in insouciant antechambers, does come up with an ant in timbers.. ubj loves to paint in sands near oceans, meet people and faces in fairyland cases, in dry summers and cold winters all, ubj with toddy,the frog brings sizzling rain. love to ubj is a dolphin caught in coral reef, crying for help to the ocean deep, yet no radar hears its cry dull summers pass , as winters cry. love to ubj is still an ocean green, as life passes in dreams unseen, bullets rivet in the heart of king, ubj bleeds in the fountain of crimson dreams. when spring rain falls and drains fill with waterry sols , sitting beside the open window ubj recalls, the funfilled days of limitless wonders , when clouds made faces and freedom chilled winters, when the green clock shouts and cries in rage, just then mom says "ubj, its time to wake". --------------------------------------------------------------------ubj(uddalak banerjee) at 10:55 AM 1 comments Links to this post Posted by ubjtutorial for gate Friday, February 6, 2009 Loves labour Lost

Lets go party tonight , loves Labour has elevated to fight, In today s world all satake patake and that's al love ends with daylight. In yester years love was so devine, After death damosels used to lean to reach for the lover left behind. Today,my friends love has lost its flavour, be it cinema ,music whatever, loves flavour has become disfigured. ----------------------------uddalak(april 2007) at 7:30 AM 1 comments Links to this post Posted by ubjtutorial for gate Teetoteller Lovely lovely sky so bright, a teetoteller sat on my right, humble as ever what ever he mumbeled. I found pure love without fumble. Race for power lay world apart, his gentle words but balm to my aching heart, his words sounded sweet as ever , teetoteller,teetoteller come to me forever. -----------------------------uddalak (composed :2007 jan-march) at 7:26 AM 1 comments Links to this post Posted by ubjtutorial for gate mp3 Love at first sight or true love bites, what ever you say Mp3 is a kite, IT glids its way up and down, the winds the oceans like a fat lady in gown. Sweet lady romance and all, It s love that comes at beck and call, Dreams come and go a potboiler lies for us instore.. -----ubj(uddalak) -------------composed in march 2006 at 7:18 AM 0 comments Links to this post Posted by ubjtutorial for gate oyster shells lovely,lovely small freights costly,costly little bait, think what may come to you, It's oyster shell s of Tim May. "THey say they hold pearl devine? then why not we go and find?" Grandpa smiled at the childs sight, "But if we snatch the pearl won't the oyster look pale?" ---------- uddalak at 7:15 AM 0 comments Links to this post Posted by ubjtutorial for gate Older Posts Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) About Me ubjtutorial for gate i like to dream about everything.

View my complete profile ITS UBJ SPEAKING Blog Archive ▼ 2009 (8) ▼ March (2) recession --the current crisis Kota diaries (written on kota life of my dear fri... ► February (6) realm of ubj Loves labour Lost Teetoteller mp3 oyster shells A red gravity free space Adventure ► 2008 (10) ► January (10) first exam in nit raipur Sugandhi manace odd situation in raipur and beyond love and the end ups and downs of academics THE U TURN OF MY LIFE Well that was a view of my background in a nutshel... I when i was small once went to my maternal uncle... introducing me as i am me and my mission this is a man speaking to himself about his own past

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