Ubiquitous Computing

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  • Words: 1,231
  • Pages: 27



Basic idea

Computing is embedded every where in the environment.

Computing & processing is embedded into every devices.

Information access & communication is possible virtually everywhere.

Devices can be connected and networked.

It is also called as pervasive computing.

It names the third wave in computing

The age of calm technology, when technology recedes into the background of our lives.

UBIQUITOUS • Existing or being present every where at the same time. • constantly encountered •

wide spread

• Omni present, allover, universal, constantly available

• Pervasive to the point of subconscious •

Ex-wearable computing

DEFINITION • Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of human-computer interaction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities.

• Ubiquitous computing envisions a world in which people have unlimited, invisible access to information, processing power and computation capacities. Mobile devices are very popular today, and are playing a major role for ubiquitous information and communication. Smartphone's & PDAs are heavily used.

HOW TO ACHIEVE • Making computing & mobile connected. • Instrument the person. • Instrument the Physical Surrounding.

• Pervasive computing •Wearable computing •Intellignt environment •Augmented reality

ENABLING TECHNOLOGY • Embedded system + AI + Protocol = UBICOMP • Processingcheaper,faster,smarter,more energy efficient. • Storage- big and fast

• Networking – global, local, ad-hoc, low-power, highbandwidth • Sensors- types, speed, accuracy, price, robustness • Actuators-computer controlled

APPLIANCE C0MPUTING • Dedicated devicesMobile Phones, PDA, GPS • Multi-modal inputGUI’S, Speech, Pen, Touch Screen • Zero-maintenancePre-configured, rare-failure.

STIUATION :#1 • Suppose any body is at gate no.13 in airport, wants to edit some necessary mail and send it through WI-FI hotspot. • But, the person finds low bandwidth. • NOVA, detects the situation & consults with airport servers, that gate no.9,having no flight in next 2 hr, high bandwidth. • Now, the person accept the suggestion & move to gate no.9,checks and edit mail, then it again suggest to move to gate no.13 to catch the flight.


• Say, somebody has presentation in few min. but the persons is not ready yet. • So, the person grab’s handheld computing device & start walking to meeting . •

NOVA transfer the state from desktop to PDA or any handheld device ,finishes editing with voice.

• NOVA infers the schedule, downloads material to projection computer & warms up projector. • While entering the room the face detection system suggest that there are some unfamiliar face’s so not to disclose any sensitive detail.

KEY ASPECTS Scenario1 : • • •

Proactivity: -NOVA, can estimate how long the whole process takes and look ahead on is behalf. Combining knowledge from different layer :wireless congestion and boarding time Smart space: provide information of wireless issues, flight time and gates, distance between gates.

Scenario2: • • •

Moving execution state across diverse platform Automatic adjusting behavior to fit circumstances: voice inputs Proactivity and smart space.

THE MODEL ? • Design aspect : Wearable computer? Personal assistant? What sensor and networking ? • Context-aware : how to know user’s fate & surrounding & modify behavior. • How to cooperate & interact with infra structure? with outer person? • How to roam about? reconfigurable? PDA with 802.11.b,JAVA,UNIX or any other.

SMART OBJECT/ENVIRONMENT • Provide service system design: which embedded system? web server? Sensors &actuators? • Naming, registration, discovery • Physical/virtual mapping • Mobility management, energy management • i/o matching, adaptation, environment monitoring


Infrastructure in real life:Ex- electricity, roads. just there are even invisible, open platform.

Internet infrastructure:Domain name service(DNS registry) Service :cooperating routers, time servers


Extended the internet to everyday computing

common formats/protocols web standards

INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SMART OBJECTS • GAURANTEE:security, privacy, availability, reliability • PROVIDE SERVICES :location(where I am) context(are we in a meeting) event delivery(tell me when happens) brokering(find something that…) • Directory, Discovery ,Roaming • Mobility ,Roaming

CONTEXT AWARENESS Generic features – Context – information about the environment with application is associated. LOCATION and TIME are simple examples of context ! Context aware application:- is one which can capture the context - assign meaning to it - change behavior accordingly Need:Applications that are context aware and allow rapid personalization of their service.


S.E.CHALLENGES Challenges presented by the three features


TOOLKIT DESIGN ISSUE • be able to treat all types of I/P as easily as keyboard or mouse (e.g.: freeform pen based interaction) • need for clustering techniques that can associate various forms of data • Context aware applications need TILE interface (Time, Identity, Location, Entities)

Open challenges ‘Scalable Interfaces’ - variety of devices with different size and interaction techniques Rewriting of Applications !! Component Integration: - not all portions of every application are developed - many times we rely on software Constraint: - software are not available for various types of devices / OS

Need: Standard methods to communicate and control wide array of devices and OS


• How to integrate mobile communication into complex infrastructure? • What effect will thy have on work and leisure? • How to develop & manage adaptable context aware software systems? • To many similar standards of wireless network? • Privacy and security amongst data transfer? • How to lower the cost of diversity in devices?

ISSUES • What is software infrastructure for integration? • Can devices used as routers? • Do we get it by just adopting some standards? • How does a client choose between adaption strategies? how strategies be changed seamlessly as user moves? • How do resource reservation in a smart space? what are admission control policies?

• What high-level system can be managed for energy efficiency?(memory, application, adaptation).


Interactions cross multiple organizational boundaries

Specification, analysis and integration for mixed databases, firewalls, routers

Lessons from history:Cell phones, IR garage doors, CATV decoders Everything worth hacking gets hacked

Need for secure ‘out of the box’ set up

Identify friend or foe

Small communicators, with confidential data, are easily lost or stolen – biometric authentication

Necessary security technology exists


level of trust

PRIVACY • Location service tracks movement to within meters • Clearly indicate you are being sensed or recorded + user control to stop recording or control distribution of information • You are now predictable- System can co-relate location, context and behavior patterns •

Do you want employer, colleagues or insurance company to know you carry a medical monitor?

• Tension between authentication and anonymity business want to authenticate you for financial transactions and to provide ‘personalized’ • Constant spam of context dependent advertising

MANAGEMENT-NIGHT MARE • Huge, complex systems: Billions of processors Multiple organizations Managing physical world, controlling sensors, actuators Humans will be in the way • Errors propagate to bring down complete regions • Hacker and virus paradise • System propagates false information about individuals or organization • Complexity of s/w installation on a workstation or server – how do you cope with billions?

CONCLUSION • Universal PDA/communicator •

Explosion in embedded sensors/actuators

• Context-aware intelligent environment • Privacy will be a major issue • Embedded system ,AI, Perception, networking • Many new and fascinating problem are emerging • System integration is the key


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