Uat Guideline

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,166
  • Pages: 9
University of Edinburgh _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Stage: Acceptance User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plan

Document Version: 1.2 Date: 9/2/07

___________________________________________________________________________________ Management Information Services - Template Revised October 2004

Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


Contents 1 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT........................................................................3 1.1 Contributors...........................................................................................................3 1.2 Version Control.......................................................................................................3 2 USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING ...................................................................4 2.1 User Acceptance Definition...................................................................................4 2.2 UAT Responsibilities..............................................................................................4 3 UAT STRATEGY.............................................................................................5 4 USER TESTING.............................................................................................6 5 UAT RESULTS...............................................................................................9 5.1 Open Issues.............................................................................................................9 5.2 Document Sign Off.................................................................................................9

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


1 Document Management When completing this document, please mark any section that is not required as ‘N/A’. A brief description of why the section is not required should also be included.

1.1 Contributors Please provide details of all contributors to this document. Role Owner Contributor Contributor Contributor Contributor

Department ‘N/A’ Web Development ISS(Mitsubishi) ISS(Mitsubishi)

Name Notionage Min Soe Han Win Veronica

Sung Kit

1.2 Version Control Please document all changes made to this document since initial distribution. Date 23/04/08 28/05/08

Version 1.0 1.1

Author Leonard Min Soe Han Win


Amendment Create document Add New Information

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


2 USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING 2.1 User Acceptance Definition The UAT for website will be broken down into two sections namely front-end UAT and back-end UAT. This document is to ensure that the CMS web development service that Notionage Pte. Ltd. provided met the user requirement as in the agreement.

2.2 UAT Responsibilities Role Account Manager

Name Clara Leo

Responsibilities Communication with Customer to agree format and scope of UAT Agree acceptance criteria with the Customer prior to commencing UAT Ensure testing takes place within agreed timeframes


Min Soe Han Win

Assist Customer with the creation of detailed test plan and system documentation.


Min Soe Han Win

Ensure that a detailed test plan is available for test users Ensure that bugs identified during UAT are logged in the Test Log

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


3 UAT STRATEGY The User Acceptance Test Plan should be used to record the Customer’s sign off of the documented scenarios. It is recommended that detailed test plans be used to record the results of user testing. The document is a high level guide, and is not intended as a replacement for any specific user acceptance testing procedures that individual areas might have.

Consideration Test Approach Assumptions & Constraints Setup of Test Environment Test Scenarios Test Period

Date Agreed


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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


4 USER TESTING User testing should be based on the pre agreed test scenarios or acceptance criteria. It should be noted if the scenarios have been sourced from the BRD, or if they have been identified subsequently. Identified in BRD Scenario


Identified Post BRD Scenario

Date Tested


Date Tested



Was OK, Richard to work on Output template not yet available * Output template not yet available * Output template not yet available * Input template not working – minor fix Output template not yet available *



1. System Access 1.1 A user can log into the CM interface using EASE

CM, Richard

1.2 The published web site can be accessed using a (test) virtual server name


1.3 Pages on the published website can be accessed using their “friendly URLs”


1.4 Images can be viewed as part of pages on the published website


1.5 Files can be uploaded to articles using the CM interface [this ensures that the firewall settings are correct]

CM Richard

1.6 Files can be downloaded from the published website


2. Communication 2.1 Content entered via the CM interface is saved in the database 2.2 Content published via the CM interface can be viewed via the front servers


2.3 Updated content appears on the front servers within the time dictated by the cache settings.


2.4 If the CM server is unavailable, the front servers continue to serve content for ? hours



Output template not yet available * Output template not yet available * Output template not yet available *

3. Performance 3.1 [no load - baseline] A request for a published page should take no more than 0.5s


Output template not yet available *

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


3.2 [no load - baseline] A request for a page in the CM interface should take no more than 1s 3.3 performance testing under load





Part of OTH050 project? (Mark Wetton is organising load test)

4.1 A suitable backup schedule is in place for the database


Nightly backup in place (TEST)

4.2 A suitable backup schedule is in place for the CM server


4.3 A suitable backup schedule is in place for the front servers


Nightly backup in place (TEST) Nightly backup in place (TEST)

4. Backup

5. Logging 5.1 The Polopoly statistics server is operating correctly 5.2 The web server is logging page accesses



5.3 The log files as described at are working correctly



OK Apache web server is logging both CM and frontendaccess OK

6. Functionality 6.1 The build tests for the local code project are successful (see separate document in project OTH050)


In progress




Peter to confirm


MIS has no functionality to automatically detect availability. In LIVE the UWS system will be added to the CSG system availability monitoring sheet

7. Indexing 7.1 The Lucene indexing service is working correctly

8. Management 8.1 Suitable scripts are in place to start and stop Polopoly on the CM server and the front servers

9. Monitoring 9.1 Service availability is being monitored and logged

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


9.2 Procedures are in place to alert the relevant people if the service fails


Same as 9.1. If there are no automatic scheduled jobs the system owner is responsible to raise service failure as descrbed in SLA.

* The OTH050 project has not yet published data available (06-FEB-07). A template is being put together by OTH050 project team for above tests. Any issues identified during UAT should be added to the MIS Test Log. It may be agreed that UAT can be signed off while some issues remain – please add the test log reference to the appropriate section above if this is the case.

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


5 UAT RESULTS 5.1 Open Issues Please insert a copy of any open issues from the Test Log, together with details of why these issues remain open at the sign off of the Acceptance Stage.

5.2 Document Sign Off Business Project Manager Project Manager

Name Name

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