U1 Essay 2- Marriage Family

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 839
  • Pages: 4
Bliss 1

What is a Family? Question Identify three people (it would be best if both sexes and a variety of ages were represented). Individually, ask each person to define "What is a family?" Your paper should include your subject’s gender, marital status, and approximate age as well as their complete response to the question. In addition to those three definitions, include your own definition. Note: Most people will try to give "simple" answers. Encourage them to give complete thoughtful answers.

Response According to ​The Marriage and Family Experience​, it states that family is “a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together; all such people are considered as members of one family” (Strong & Cohen, 2017, p. 10). After interviewing, I came to the conclusion that the definition of a family is subjective. I first interviewed my little brother. He is 14 years old, plans to be single for a time, and had specifically requested to be referred to as Jeff Christopher Bliss when citing him. He first stated an acronym for family being, “father and mother, I love you” (Jeff Christopher Bliss*, personal communication, March 2019). Jeff then proceeded to explain that his definition of family was people that will stick up for each other, and will watch out for each other. If one person is doing something dumb, to go out and rescue them. (Jeff Bliss, personal

Bliss 2 communication, March 2019). Upon further discussion, he shared with me his views about who to call family. “If you share blood, it doesn't automatically make you family. Sometimes there is a person in the family who doesn’t even really care about the family, doesn’t watch out for them, who doesn’t really do anything. I wouldn’t call that family” (Jeff Bliss, personal communication, March 2019). Through this interview, it reassured me that my little brother and I are family, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him, including teasing him like the older sister I ought to. The second person I interviewed was my boyfriend. He is the same age as me, 18 years old, and neither married nor cohabiting. His definition of family was as follows: “A group of individuals who are usually bonded through blood and experience who generally look out for one another, care for one another, and have a selfless desire. They do not offer their own gain, but love and compassion for the other person. Family is usually bonded through blood, but not always. A family works well as a unit, or can. A family embraces one another’s shortcomings, and help influence growth within the unit. Perhaps not try to not influence, but help to inspire” (Bob Smith*, personal communication, March 2019). He has been raised by a close-knitted family who very much hold each other in high esteem. John’s answer came through what his family has been for him, and he values family very strongly. The last person I interviewed was my mother. She is 46 and is divorced. She responded to the question simple at first, stating, “A family is consists of, well to me, a husband and a wife, and their children if they have any. Additionally, each of their siblings and parents, and their children make up extended family, i.e. blood relatives” (Sally Johnson*, personal communication, March 2019). She later revealed to me that she things it is a different question asking what ​is a​ family and what​ is​ family. She explained in her point of view that family is

Bliss 3 those you love and those who love you (Sally Johnson, personal communication, March 2019). As a women dealing with the divorce of a second husband, I think that my mom has come to have her own definition of family. My personal definition of family mirrors what was stated prior. I do think that family is more than blood or roommates. To me, family implies a deeper bond that blood doesn’t necessarily carry. Family should be more than a coexisting relationship. Family is the basic unit of society, yet the most important one. My family is those who love me and respect the decisions I make, even if they do not agree. A family should be encouraging and open. The strongest relationship bonds should be within a family, whether it is those who share blood ties or not. As someone who comes from a ‘broken home’, family to me is the people I care about so very deeply, and does not have to include those I am biologically related to. Through interviewing people who I consider family, I have learned a lot about what family is and what it can be.

*All names have been changed to protect privacy.

Works Cited Bliss, J. (2019). Personal communication. Johnson, S. (2019). Personal communication. Smith B. (2019). Personal communication.

Bliss 4 Strong, B and Cohen, T. F. (2017) The Marriage and Family Experience: intimate relationships in a changing society. (13th ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Word count: 700

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