Tyranid 5th Ed Codex 40k

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 10
This is not an official codex Tyranids and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either R, TM And/or C, Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 2000-2009, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

TYRANIDS 5ED CODEX Any stat marked with an “s” or any biomorph without points is assumed to be the same points value as in the current codex. Tyranid Army Special Rules Hive Mind and Synaps (Same as before) -Tyranid Monstrous creatures in synaps are immune to the effects of instant death. Any attack that would kill a tyranid monstrous creature outright will cause D3 wounds instead. - Spore mine cluster explosion.

(same as before)

-Tyranid creatures will always fall back towards the nearest synaps creature. -Tyranid synaps creatures are scoring units. Instinctive behavior If all models in a brood begin their movement phase more than 12” away from a synaps creature, and are not falling back or already in combat, it will revert to instinctive behavior. -Tyranid creatures outside of synaps who are subject to instinctive behavior will have to make a leadership test or immediately move its full movement toward the nearest enemy unit. In the shooting phase they must either shoot at or fleet toward the nearest enemy unit, and must fleet the full amount of the dice roll. In the assault phase they must charge an enemy unit in range. Move Through Cover All Tyranid creatures have the” Move Through Cover “special rule. Shadow Of The Warp All tyranid armies have the shadow of the warp power. (works the same as before, but no one will ever take perils of the warp) We Live For The Hive Mind -Tyranid creatures in synaps that are in the same close combat are treated as one brood when distributing wounds from no retreat. Living Ammunition (same as before)

Spore Mine Clusters A spore mine cluster is always a unit of three spore mines of the same type. Spore mine clusters are mindless cannot capture or contest objectives they are never worth a kill point. They will automatically pass any leadership based test they are called upon to make, and cannot run. They may assault as normal. A spore mine will always move D6” in the direction rolled on a scatter dice. (same as before) Detonation (same as before) A spore mine that deep strike onto an enemy unit will detonate, and will not roll on the deep strike misshape table. Acute senses All tyranid creatures have the Acute Senses USR. TYRANID WEAPON-SYMBIOTES Strength (Same as before) Rate of Fire (same as before) Barbed Strangler Rng St S -


Type Heavy 1/large blast, pinning, Rapid growth


Rapid Growth All models hit are wounded on a 4+. Vehicles even partially under the template must make an immediate dangerous terrain test. Devourers (same as before) Deathspitter (Same as before) Fleshborer Rng 18 Spinefist Rng 18

Str Ap (same as before) Str


Ap s


Type Assault X, twin linked, poison

Venom Cannon Rng Str Ap Type S s s Heavy X The venom cannon suffers a -1 on all vehicle damage rolls for non open topped vehicles. Bonesword Reroll all close combat attacks even against vehicles without a weapon skill. Crushing Claws A unit wounded by a creature with crushing claws suffers an additional d3 wounds. A creature with crushing claws adds +1 to its vehicle damage rolls. Add +2 if two sets are taken. Lash Whip Models attacking a model armed with a lash whip lose one attack, to a minimum of

one attack. Rending claws (same as before) Scything Talons (Same as before) Hive Mind Powers The shadow of the warp drives all demons before it. Tyranid creatures do not suffer Perils Of The Warp. Catalyst Effects all broods with a model within 6”. The Horror (same as Before) Psychic Scream All enemy units within 16” must make a pinning check. Add a -1 to the roll for every member of the unit with this power that makes a successful psychic test. Warp Blast (same as before) Warp Field A model with warp field has cover and a 5+ invulnerable save. Biomorph Enhancements Acid maw (same as before) All CC attacks will cause a single glancing hit to vehicles, on a to hit roll of a 6. Adrenal Glands Gives the model furious charge. Bio plasma (same as before) -Bioplasma will cause a single glancing hit to vehicles, on a to hit roll of a 6. -Tyranid monstrous creatures can also make a single vomit attack, in the shooting phase, with the following profile. Rng St Ap Type Template 6 3 Assault 1 Bonded Exoskeleton Creature gains+1 toughness Enhanced senses (same as before) Extended Carapace Adds an additional wound. Feeder Tendrils (same as Before) Flesh Hooks Units may not make counter attack moves against a model armed with flesh hooks. Implant Attack (same as before)

Leaping (same as before) Mace tail +1 attack at In1 Scythe Tail +d3 attacks at half strength and In1. Regenerate (same as before) If a model with regenerate is killed roll a d6, on a role of a 6 the model is left in place with one wound remaining. Scuttlers (same as before) Spine Banks Counts as Frag grenades. Spore cysts A creature with spore cysts fires a toxin spore mine cluster up to 12” in the shooting phase in addition to its regular shooting. This attack does not need to target a unit. Symbiote Rippers A brood armed with symbiote rippers may ignore 1 wound from “No Retreat“. Thorn back Counts as defensive grenades. Toxic Miasma (same as before) Toxin sacs All CC attacks become poisoned. Tusks (same as before) Winged (same as before)

HQ Hive Tyrant Pts 85 s






T 6



I s







Acid Maw** Adrenal glands 15pts Bio Plasma** 15pts Toxin sacs 2+ Toxic Miasma Winged* Tusked ** 10pts

Spine Banks 4pts Implant attack Symbiote Rippers Enhanced Senses Extended Carapace 20pts Feeder tendrils 20pts Mace Tail 5pts***

Scythed Tail 5pts*** * only one still ** only one can be chosen *** only one Barbed stragler 15pts Twin linked Deathspitter 10pts Spine Fists3+ 4pts 20pts Venom Canon 25pts

Scything talons Twin linked Devourer 10pts Lash Whip & Bone Sword Twin linked Fleshborer 10pts

Hive Mind Powers Comes with synaps creature, and the horror. Can choose one of the following from the list below. Catalyst Psychic Scream Warp Blast Warp Field 40pts Special Rules (same as before) Up to two tyrant guard my be chosen as a retinue. (same points)

Tyrant Guard (same as before) Change to T7 with no save. Brood Lord Pts WS 80 s s Brood: (same as before) Bio-weapons (same as before) Acid Maw Adrenal glands Extended Carapace Feeder Tendrils


S s

T s

W 6

I s



Sv s


Sv s


Spine Banks 3pts Implant Attack 10pts Toxin Sacs 3+ 5pts

8pts 15pts 10pts

Special Rules (same as before) Add fleet Vanguard organism:

genestealers in the army can be taken as troops.

Warrior Brood Pts 20 8 Brood: (same as before) Adrenal glands Leaping Toxin Sacs 3+



BS s

S 3

T s

W 6

Spine Banks 1pt Bioplasma * Thorn Back 5pts

I s

A s

Winged 10pts Acid Maw 3pts* Tusked 3pts* Enhanced Senses 5pts Thorn Back 5pts *Only one of these bimorphs can be taken. The entire brood may take symbiote rippers for 10 points. Barbed Strangler 15pts** Rending claws 5pts Death spitter 10pts Scything talons 4pts Devourer 5pts Spine Fists 4+ Twin-linked Fleshborer 10pts Lash whip &Bonesword 15pts Venom Cannon 20pts ** ** only one weapon can be taken per brood. A warrior brood may take the Catalyst psychic power at a cost of 10pts. Roll once for the entire brood when casting this power. Measure range from any model in the brood. Special Rules (same as before)

Elites Lictors








s Brood: (same as before)










Sv 4


Sv s


Weapons: Rending claws, feeder tendrils, flesh hooks spine banks. Biomorphs Implant attack 4pts Toxin sacs 2+ 4pts

Extended carapace 15pts Symbiote Rippers 4pts

Special Rules (same as before) Add fleet, and infiltrate. Genestealers Pts 17 9 Brood: (same as before)


BS s

S 0

T s

W 5

I s

Bioweapons: Rending claws and spine banks. Acid Maw Scything talons Scuttlers 4pts Special Rules (same as before)

Implant attack 2pts Feeder Tendrils 2pts Toxin Sacs 4+ 1pts

A s

Troops Gaunts Pts 3 s Brood: (same as before)



Adrenal glands 2pts Scuttlers * 2pts Winged * 4pts Acid Maw ** 2pts Tusked** 2pts Devourer 2pts Spinefist 5+ 2pts





W s

I s

A s

Ld s

Sv s

Spine banks 1pt Leaping * 2pts Toxin sacs 4+ Bioplasma ** 2pts WON 3pts Fleshborer 2pts Scything talons 2pts

Special Rules (same as before) Add gaunts are made to die for the good of the hive mind. They are not scoring units.

Ripper Swarm Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 2 s 2 2 s s s 5 Brood: 3 to 10 rippers may be taken as a single troop’s choice. All ripper broods taken will be formed into one large brood. Biomorphs Adrenal glands 2pts Toxin sacs 5+ 2pts * May not be taken together.

Leaping * 4pts Winged * 6pts

Spine Fists 5+ 2pts Special Rules (same as before) Add the Eternal Warrior USR.

Fast Attack The Red Terror Pts 125 Biomorphs Acid maw 10pts Extended Carapace 16pts


BS 5

S 3

T 6

Adrenal glands 10pts Spine Banks 6pts

W 6

I 3

A 5

Ld 3

Sv 9

Bioweapons The Red Terror comes with two sets of scything talons. Special Rules Monstrous Creature Fearless Swallow whole: all attacks from the Red Terror cause Instant Death. Montrous creatures are immune to this effect. Tunneling: On the turn the Red Terror arrives place a 3” dia tunnel marker on the board. Role the scatter dice and move the template 2d6” in that direction. If the template would end up under an enemy unit stop the template 1” away. The Red Terror and all further reserves may enter play from the template. Just as if they entered play from your table edge. If there is no room to place the models any remaining models will be destroyed. Ravener Brood Pts 40 8






T s



I s




Sv 3+2


Brood: (same as before) Biomorphs Adrenal Glands 4pts Spine Banks 2pts Toxin Sacs 3+ 4pts Weapon-symbiots Death spitter Spine Fists 4+

Bioplasma * 4pts Symbiote Rippers 2pts Acid Maw 5pts Devourer Flesh borer 8pts


Special Rules (same as before) Their Beneath us: On the turn Raveners deep strike they may chose to stay below the surface. Place the models as normal. They may not shoot this turn. Any attacks made against the models are made at half strength. They may be assaulted as normal (@½ str), but cannot fight back. The following turn they will surface and move and fight as normal. Spore Mine Clusters Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 80 s s s s s s s s s A spore mine cluster of the player’s choice will arrive via deepstrike each turn. Frag becomes S6 Ap5

Toxin now ignores cover. Heavy Support

0-1 Pts S 9

Zoanthropes WS -





T s








Sv s

Brood: (same as before) They may also join together to form a single brood. Biomorphs: (same as before) Hive Mind Powers: Zoanthropes always have the synaps, and warp field psychic powers. In addition they may choose one power from the list below. Catalyst Psychic Scream The Horror Warp Blast


Biovores Pts 80 8






T s


I s





Sv s


Brood: (same as before) Bio-weapons: Biovores fire spormines as their main weapons, defending themselves with tooth and claw if attacked. They come armed with all three types of spore mine standard. Choose what type of spore mine you will fire before you fire. Independent fire: Each Biovore may shoot at a different target. Special Rules: (same as before) Carnifex Pts S s -






T s


I s




Brood: 1-3 Biomorphs Acid Maw* Adrenal Glands 10pts Bio-plasma * 15pts Bonded Exoskeleton 25pts Enhanced Senses Extended Carapace 15pts Flesh Hooks 15pts Implant Attack 5pts Regenerate 20pts Spine Banks 2pts Spore Cysts Symbiote Rippers Tail Weapon -mace** 5pts Tail weapon -scythe** 5pts Thorn Back 10pts Toxic Miasma Tusked* *Only one of this biomorph may be chosen. **Only one of this biomorph may be chosen. Weapon Symbiotes Barbed Strangler 10pts Lash Whip 15pts Twin-Linked Deathspitter 10pts Venom Cannon 30pts Add a second Venom Cannon 15pts Special Rules

Crushing claws 15pts Scything Talons Twin-linked Devourer


Sv s

Monstrous Creature Fearless

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