Tycoon Millionaires

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“Secrets Of Tycoon Millionaires” What They Know That You Don’t Proven Strategies And Methods You Can Use Right Now, In Your Life And In Your Business

By: Mastermind Tycoon, Ronny Engelke

First, let me congratulate you on taking this journey and giving me the opportunity to guide you. Thank you and congratulations! Realized that anyone can change their life, but it take decision and commitment to action. That moment came to my life when I had lost my job, and then my best friend, my wife. It was a low point in my life. A friend of mine decided to help me, by giving me a CD to listen to, it was on motivation. With the new found motivation, I went and found a new job as a limousine driver. I was so motivated that I invested my money in over four hundred books, videos, and books on tape, on business strategy and life. Because of a book, I started my corporation. Because of book, I knew

what business to start. And because I was taking positive action, people started to show up in my life. Next thing you know, I was driving super elite business men and women, and when they were in the car I would pay close attention to what they had to say. I want to learn why and how did they become successful, and every now and then, I would have a chance to ask questions. So by reading all these books and listen to all these tapes on business and talking to all the elite business people, these activities confirmed my own thoughts about business. Now I’m here to share it with you. Let’s start out with a bang. The first tip is before you go to sleep, write down the six things you must do the very next day. And make sure that the first thing you do is the most important thing you do, and the second thing you do is important, the

third is important, etc., etc., and check it off one at a time. Whatever you don’t complete, move it on to the very next day. This list is never-ending, because you always have six more things to do every day – every day. These things are things that are not pleasurable to do, but you must do them to improve your life and your business. Write it down so that it goes into your subconscious mind, to help you even more. Another tip: learn how to use shortcuts. Shortcuts save you time. The most valuable asset that you and I have together, in the whole world, is time. Time is a precious asset. Learn how to manage it. The way to use shortcuts, copy whoever’s doing the best at what you want to learn. Don’t copy everything, just copy the good stuff and make it into your own.

Example: the guy who created Wal-Mart, he would visit competitors’ stores, copy the good stuff, and put it into his own store. This way, he saved the time, energy and money to do the techniques that brought those stores the most money. So he put it into his own stores. Unfortunately, he passed away. But he left a fortune to his kids. So you must learn to use shortcuts. Model whatever you want to learn from somebody else that’s done it before. They took the time, the money and the arrows in the back to learn it, so why not use it? Another way that you save time is buy somebody else’s information. If they have tips, techniques and strategies to help you in your business or your life, buy it. Buy it and use it. Here’s another tactic to leverage your time. Hire someone else to help you, to give you the free time to think about business strategies and

techniques, to build your life and your business, and more money. And if you’re just starting out, that’s alright. You do it yourself in the beginning, then you hire other people to help you. Or, you can outsource to other companies so that you don’t have to worry about employees, the firing and hiring and all the headaches that come with managing employees.

That’s what I do. I hire out to other companies and not worry about all the headaches. But also, the key important thing that I want you to know is don’t ever out-source the money management, who writes the checks, and your marketing. The strategies that are going to bring people into your business or into your life to spend money with you, don’t out-source those two things. And always remember you are what you think and you are what you

study. So be careful how you think about yourself and be careful what you read and study. Because those two things will affect the subconscious mind. And the subconscious mind will affect your whole life. Another idea: if you need special knowledge, hire a consultant. Here’s a story for you. Back in the day when they had the gold rush in California, a guy went out there. He put a claim on a piece of property. And because he was persistent and he dug, he eventually found a vein of gold, covered it up, went to his family and his friends. They gave him the money. He came back, he ored the mine, he ored enough money to pay for the equipment and, of course, to pay his family back. And he continued for a while. Eventually, the vein ran out. He continued and continued, and he gave up because he couldn’t find the vein. He gave up.

He sold the property to the people that had sold him the equipment. And that guy that sold him the equipment said, “You know what? Since I already have the equipment there, I’m going to go ahead and see what happens.” That guy was smart enough to hire an expert. He hired a geologist. A geologist came down, he did a few tests, he used scientific methods, and three feet away from where the other guy had stopped digging, that’s where the vein of gold continued. That guy reaped millions and millions of dollars because he was smart enough to hire an expert. The other guy did not hire an expert. So I’m telling you, if you need special knowledge, hire an expert. The next secret is you must be your own boss. You must be in control to make the most amount of money. If you’re not making $1-million a year

plus working for somebody else, then the next best thing is to start your own business. You should start your business part-time. Of course, there’s plenty of businesses out there you can start, but you have to be smart on what you’re going to start. There’s businesses out there that will require a lot of time and a lot of money. If you have a lot of time and not a lot of money, still, you must optimize your existence on this planet. So the one perfect business is the business where it requires a little bit of money to start, a little bit of time to start, and something that will give you freedom in your life to do other things. And that business is the information marketing business. Why do I say information? Because it feeds people’s minds. People can consume large amounts of information. Lots. We consume information

until we die. Our brains are the biggest computers ever, that will consume so much information. And there’s also different forms of information that the mind consumes. For example, in the entertainment field, there’s music, there’s movies, and different forms of information: books, books on tapes, audiotapes, CDRom’s, reports. Also, there’s two types of income: there’s residual income and linear income. Linear income is where you work for one hour, you get paid for one hour. You work for two hours, you get paid for two hours. You work eight hours, you get paid eight hours. Residual income, you do the job once and you get paid over and over again from the effort that you did.

For example, people that write music and the people that sing the music, people that produce movies, make movies, also the actors in the movies, writers of books. All of these people get paid royalties from their efforts. They do the job once and get paid over and over again. Another secret: you must learn how to use publicity. Publicity is a very powerful tool that can bring vast amounts of money into your life. But you have to know how to use it. There’s plenty of books out there and courses that you can read, that will help you learn this technique. If you want information on learning about publicity and how to get publicity, go to the resource section on the website, http://www.TycoonMindSet.com Go to the resource section and look for the word “publicity.” There’s a little course there that teaches you how to get $1million worth of free publicity.

Another secret: you must learn how to use technology to your favor. Technology, as far as phones, cell phones, voice-mail, computers, internet, fax machines, all to make your life a little bit easier. Learn how to use the computer, especially. It’s an amazing tool. If you’ve never owned a computer, buy one. Don’t be afraid. If you break it, if it goes berserk, that’s alright because there are people who can fix it for you or you can buy another one. But you must learn how to use a computer. Learn how to get on the internet. Large amounts of information are on the internet, and it’s also a big, big moneymaker nowadays. Trillions of dollars are being made from people selling things online. But you’ve got to know how to make your website, or you’ll spend a lot of money on people that know how to do that type of technical services to make you money.

Also, if you want information on that, go to the website of www.TycoonMindSet.com. Another idea: You must change the way you think about money. You must know that you deserve the money. There’s people out there that are not wealthy, that are not rich because they don’t feel that they deserve the money. You have to feel that you deserve the money. You must change the way you think and the way you feel about money, and not feel guilty that you have money and other people don’t have money. And know that it’s not your fault, because everyone has choices in life to make and you chose a different path for yourself. Learn how to be a giver. Tithing. If you are a giver, you tilt the laws of the universe into your favor right now. This helps you tremendously. Not

only can you give money, but also a smile, a thank you. There’s many forms of giving. Giving will help you in your life. The story that comes to mind is Edison. Edison invented a lot of good stuff. But in the very beginning, he didn’t apply the principles of tithing. He did not give. So a lot of his ideas didn’t work, no matter how many times he went back to the drawing board. But then he discovered tithing. Next thing you know, all of his ideas started to work. He started to give 10%. He started to make a lot of money. The more money he made, the more money he was able to give. And now, look at it. There’s Edison products all over the world. It affected us, because of him and because he gave to receive. Smart guy. The principle he discovered, he applied it to his life. There’s a lot of people out there that give secretly, that they don’t want

no one to know. That’s why they are so successful in life, because they give. And they’re always thinking about a higher power to help them, to help you in life. Also, another secret: if you help people get what they want, they will help you get what you want. And that is why I’m giving you this information. I know the higher power is helping me to help you, to get this information in your life to help you succeed. Also, another secret. Speaking about giving people what they want, of course, you have to create value – value for others – so they can exchange the good that you have for money. Also, speaking of value, you have to know, when you hire somebody, what kind of value they’re going to bring to you. What are they going to do for the money that you’re giving them? Are they going to make your life

easier? Better? Faster? What value are they going to bring into your life? What kind of value will they create for you, as far as turning $1 into $100 or turning $1 into $1-million? How much value can that person make for you, if you hire them? Or, if you hire that company that you out-source to, how much value will they create to you? Is it going to make your life easier, faster, better? You must learn to optimize your time and your skills to help yourself create massive, massive amounts of value, even if you’re not making millions or billions of dollars; optimizing your existence in this life, whether it’s in your life, in your business, relationships, everything else. Optimizing. If you don’t know what that word means, it means extracting the most amount of value with little or the same effort as before. So out there, there are a lot of businesses that people have made

successful. And, again, I urge you to pick up these people’s books, if they wrote a book. Read the magazines they’re in. Read about their business. Because there are certain things you can copy from them that will help you in your life and in your business. Another secret: you must learn how to be firm with people. There’s people out there that will take advantage of your time, your money, etc. You must say no to those people, even if they are your family members. They may not do it on purpose, but you are smart enough to say no. Here’s the biggest secret: you must take action. Action. Not only action, but the correct action. Because there are people out there that take action and they’re persistent, but they weren’t smart enough to see that that action wasn’t working. You must change your strategy to be open-minded to changing

strategies, to get a different result, until you get the one that you want. You don’t need anyone’s permission to take action. As a matter of fact, I bestow unto you, if you’re listening to this, I bestow onto you that you are an action-taker. There you go, use that. Also, you’re going to have to be a leader. Take action on your own. Don’t be a follower. You must make it happen, not anyone else. Whatever happens in your life, you are responsible. If you’re not wealthy, you are responsible. If you’re not happy, you are responsible. If you don’t have a loving relationship, you are responsible. And because you are responsible, here is the answer. What are you going to do about it? What action are you going to take to change your life? And you know what? Forgive yourself. As long as you’re alive, you can make changes. It’s when you’re dead or you’re sick, that’s when you have

problems. So forgive yourself and start over the next day. Take action. Take action. Keep correcting the strategies until you get the results that you want. I’m going to give you a book you should read, besides the Bible. The Bible is a spiritual guide. You should read the book by Anthony Robbins,

Awaken The Giant Within. Millionaires have read that book, billionaires have read that book, because it helped them in their life. And if they’re reading it, you should read it too. If you have a copy, read it again and read it again. That’s another secret: repetition will teach you what your mind didn’t pick up from the first time. And that’s why you do it over and over again. As a matter of fact, read this book over and over again, until it gets ingrained into your mind. Read the books that you bought, that will help you

in your life over and over again. I learned that technique from Jay Abraham. A very smart guy with business strategies and marketing strategies. A marketing guy, very smart. People have paid him millions of dollars to tell them one secret that I’m telling you. And I’m giving it to you for whatever the cost of this tape. Another secret: you should learn how to sell. You must embrace selling, because once you sell something, that’s where the money comes from. It doesn’t come from you sitting behind your desk looking pretty, looking smart, being smart. It comes from selling somebody something that gives that other person value. You must embrace selling. Learn how to sell. Change your thinking. Don’t think that selling is bad. You’ve probably heard of people that are sneaky and they lie to people, but you’re not one of those people. That will haunt you for the rest of your life. I believe very

much in the law of karma. Whatever you do will come back to you 10-times fold. If you do good, 10-times fold will come into your life. If you do bad, 10-times fold will come back into your life. So sell honestly. You don’t have to lie. You must also learn about marketing. Not Fifth Avenue agency marketing, but direct response marketing. You must be able to influence people to buy from you or to inquire about your products. And no matter what business you get into, it’s all about marketing. If you’re not marketing, then nobody knows about your products. And if nobody knows about your products, then they won’t buy any of your products. So it’s all about marketing. Here’s the funny part. You can have a mediocre product, but if you have all of the marketing pieces in place you will make tons of money. But if

you have a great product and you don’t have your marketing pieces in place, you’re not going to make any money. So what’s the use? There’s a quantum shift of how you have to think. It’s all about the marketing. Of course, honest marketing. You can’t lie. Like I said, the laws of karma will come back to haunt you. Here’s another strategy. Create a business entity for yourself; a corporation, a limited liability company. There’s both pluses and negative to both, for those kinds of business entities. I have a corporation because I understand corporations more than I do a limited liability company. I call my company Solid Bullion Corporation. Maybe in the future, I might change the name. But in my company, I am the CEO, I am the

director, I’m everything right now because I am growing my business. I own 51% of the shares: 1,020,000 shares. All together, there’s 2-million shares. My shares are worth $1 apiece. So do the math. $1,020,000. I’m happy. But money shouldn’t be your motivator. Because eventually, the motivation runs out. You should be motivated by other things. Why do you want to start a business? Why do you want to have money? The reason you must have a business entity is because one out of four or one out of five Americans get sued. Somebody out there is going to try to steal your money legally. So it should have a corporation. They can sue the corporation and, if they win, they don’t get none of your personal money. They only get money from the corporation. A limited liability company is also good. If somebody sues a limited

liability company and they win, they don’t get any assets from that company. They’re only allowed to get money – which, in a way, is a plus, because then you can still use the assets to create cash to give to the people. I have to give my disclaimer. I am not an attorney. If you need legal help to talk about corporations, etc., hire one. Again, that’s the technique I was talking about, hire an expert. Controlling a corporation is a great tool. I’m not fully public yet, but I can do what’s called a reverse merger. You can buy a company that’s already gone public once, but they’re not an operating business anymore. Their shares are out there, but they’re not selling anything, they have no negative credits, no positive credits. You can buy those shares. And by bypassing the FCC rules, instead of doing an IPO, you can bypass all of those rules. An IPO is a lot of red tape, a lot of money and a lot of time.

And that’s one of our shortcut strategies, to do a reverse merger. Then, you can use the shares of that company to buy other companies, which is the most beautiful thing ever. Basically, you’ve created wealth out of thin air. And, again, it’s all about leveraging your position in life to acquire more value and more happiness for you and your family. For example, because you hired consultants in your life and in your business, let’s say the shares are now worth $100. So my 1,020,000 shares, do the math. It’s $100,200,000. That’s a lot of money. And the rest of the shares can be used by the company to buy other companies. And that’s the cool part, leveraging your position. Again, that’s a shortcut strategy. If you’re just starting out, the best place to start a corporation is in Nevada. Nevada is the last state that doesn’t have an IRS agreement, which

is good. And also, you don’t have to have a lot of capital. In some states, they want you to have between $10,000 and $50,000 before you even apply to open your corporation. But in Nevada, you can have zero assets. You don’t have to have any money. Just pay the state fee, the yearly fees, and it’s alright. The next best place to incorporate is in Delaware, but it requires a lot of money to start. The reason that Delaware is the next best place to start is because they have good laws to protect the corporation that’s getting sued. If my company was getting sued, I would transfer my corporation to Delaware because I’d be protected better than I would in Nevada. That’s why I said Delaware is the second best place to start. Another thing to keep in mind, you must embrace failure. Don’t be

afraid of failing at your projects. You’ll have more failures than you do successes. But when you get a success, it’s going to be a mega-success. This way, it will make up for all of the failures from before. But the one key ingredient about failure is you must learn about the failure; not to do the same thing again. Change your strategy until you get the results that you want. Example: Hershey’s, he filed for bankruptcy two or three times before he became successful – the candy company. And there’s a lot of other entrepreneurs that have gone bankrupt trying their ideas, but now they are mega-successes. I know I’m going from point to point, with a little bit of examples. The reason is I don’t want to give you so much fluff. I want to give you the information that’s going to help you the most. I want to create value for you,

no matter how much you paid for this tape. I want this to be 1,000 times more than what you paid for this tape. Here is a secret: you must have a balance between work, sleep and play. Too much work, not enough play, that’s bad. Too much play, too much work, not enough rest, that’s bad. Too much rest, not enough work. So you’ve got to create a balance. Every day, you must plan your day. Plan it. Because if you’re not planning it, who’s planning it? Somebody else? Don’t let them plan for you. There’s people out there, a large majority of people out there, that don’t even know what they’re going to do. So you must know what you’re going to do. And if you don’t know what you’re going to do, act like you know what you’re going to do. You’ll be surprised at how your mind will come out with the answers.

The same thing applies if you don’t know something. Act like you know, and your mind will give you the answers to help you in your life. Also, you must shift the way you think. Don’t think like a consumer anymore. You must think like a businessperson, a person looking for business strategies. Because once you shift your thinking, you’re going to see all of the strategies, the techniques of companies that are bombarding on you every day to get you to buy from them. So this way, you’re able to copy the best stuff and put it into your own business. I know I’m talking about shifting your thinking. This is the reason. First, you have to be in your mind for you to do it in your life, for you to have it in your life. You have to be in your head for you to take the right action, for you to have it in your life. That’s why everything comes from how you think.

Another secret: stay focused. Don’t try to do too many different businesses. Build the one that you had first, and then you can hire other people and other companies to help you into other businesses. If you know about the movie business, stay in the movie business. Don’t try to go into the restaurant business, because those are two different animals. The strategies in the movies will not work in the restaurant business. And likewise, if you’re in the restaurant business, don’t go into the movie business. That’s too many things that you want to do. Do what you know how to do and start from there. And then you build up your empire. Also, I talk about empires. But you must think big. Think you’re going to make $100-trillion. Because if you do 10% of that, you’re still okay. So you have to think big. Once you start to think big, your mind will bring

that into your life. So here’s an exercise. You must visualize what you want. Visualize, in your mind’s eye, how it’s going to feel to have that thing in your life, how it’s going to look. Feel how that project is going to be completed, how it’s going to make you feel once you win that project. That car you want to buy, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it in your imagination, as vividly as you can. Use all your five senses. This technique will help you materialize those things in your life. It’s a powerful technique. It also keeps you motivated. You must be motivated. Visualization is very important. All of these techniques I’m giving you, they are all important, all of them in your life. If you’re doing good in your business, you’re making money.

Money’s a great tool to have. That tool will help you in a lot of things. Money will give you the freedom that you want. It’s a great tool to have, like I said. But you must manage it wisely, because it can do harm in your life or it can do extreme good in your life. Another important tool, don’t use controlled substances. Don’t smoke, don’t do marijuana, don’t use cocaine, don’t use heroine, none of those things. You might think they’re helping you. But in the long run, they’re hurting you. If you smoke cigarettes, stop smoking. If you drink, drink moderately or quit. I don’t do any of those things, because I feel that without those substances in my body, my mind is working at its peak always. I’m always sharp. That will give you a slight edge over everyone else that is doing those things.

As you go on in your business life, you must get a mentor. I don’t care if it’s me or someone else, but you need a mentor. A mentor will help you in a lot of things. A mentor will guide you in the right direction. Try to be surrounded with people that are more successful than you. So this way, you have a chance to learn something from them and grow at the same time. Don’t envy those people, because they’ve done things in their life that you haven’t done in your life yet. So it can help you in your life and in your business. Don’t micro-manage. Micro-managing tasks take too much of your time. And time is the most valuable asset you have – the time you could be thinking about business strategies to create more money into your business; coming up with better ideas, more value for the people, like I said. Always be investing in your education. Always. Be expanding your

mind, because your mind can make new connections out of the old information that you have in your mind. And that’s how you come out with great ideas. The more you know, the more you’re able to create new ideas to bring more value into your life. Here’s a strategy to extract the most value from other people without putting a gun to their head. Use people’s natural tendency to be competitive against each other. The idea works on kids and adults alike. Let me tell you a story. There’s a gentleman, his name is Herb Allen. He niches his investment banking business in the media and entertainment field. Every year, he has a seven-day conference and he invites all of these super-elite businessmen to

come to this conference. The way he gets them to come to the conference is he does mental judo on them. The people get the invitation, and they see all of the names of the people that are going to be there. And, of course, you see your name there and you see your competitor’s name on there, and you say, “Oh, I have to be there, at this conference. Because if I’m not at this conference, my competitor might swipe a deal that I’m supposed to be doing.” So that’s what Herb Allen uses to force the elite businessmen to come to these conferences, even though the businessman might know that he has something more important to do. But Herb Allen uses this competitive strategy against these businessmen to be there. Also, Wal-Mart uses this strategy. They use it against each regional manager. Every regional manager knows how much the other regional

managers are producing. And Wal-Mart will reward the regional manager that’s bringing the most value, in front of all of the other regional managers that are not bringing value. So this way, they get to see, “Oh, he got praised for making that much value and he produced X value. If he’s producing X, I’m going to produce X value times three times. So this way, the boss will give me the praise and give me the reward.” And that’s how you get this technique to work. They also use it against each store manager. Each store manager, they all know how much the other store managers are making. Again, you have to praise the person who’s bringing the most value to you in front of all of the other people that are not bringing the value to you. And that’s how you activate this strategy for your advantage. Also, Lee Iacocca used this strategy to bring Chrysler out of ruins. He

used it against each salesman and each regional salesman to compete against each other. He would praise the one that was bringing the most value in front of the other people that were not bringing the most value. So this way, they got to see, “Oh, Lee Iacocca praised him, gave him bonuses. That guy’s producing X. I’m going to produce X three times.” That’s how he got to bring Chrysler out of ruin. You can also use it on kids. If you’ve got sisters and brothers, you can say, “Tommy cleaned his room, washed his clothes,” and you praise him in front of Johnnie. Then Johnnie’s going to say, “Mommy! Mommy! I did even better! I washed my clothes, I washed your clothes, and I did my room.” Use this strategy for your advantage. Everybody’s minds will be thinking of how to produce the most value to get the praise. Little do they

know it’s to your advantage. Use this technique. Another strategy: if you start to grow your business into the large numbers, you must lobby. Invest in political influences to help pass laws that will help you more in your business. If you don’t lobby, you can also find hard times because the people that you were supposed to lobby can also go against you. For example, Bill Gates. He overlooked this strategy of lobbying, investing in political influences. The next thing you know, he’s got all of these antitrust lawsuits against him. And the funny part is he only controls 5% of the market. He’s making billions of dollars, and he thought he was untouchable. So you must invest in political influences, for them to pass laws that will help you in your business.

Also, companies with a lot of money rely on the law of average to make money. For example, they know that out of 10 products they manufacture brand new, that one or two will hit it big-time. But if you don’t have large reserves of capital, then you have to think like this: sell what people want to buy. As simple as that sounds, people overlook that. I’m in the business opportunity market. There’s two sides to that. There’s people that want to start a business and there’s people that have a business but they want to improve the numbers. That’s the market I’m in – the biggest market in the United States. There’s between 30- and 45-million people in this market. It’s a big market. There’s not enough people like me to service this market. And that’s the reason I’m teaching you, because there’s always new people coming into

the market and I provide services and products for those people. You should think the same way. It’s a shortcut. Who am I going to sell to first. If you know who you’re going to sell to first, you can create the products that that group naturally buys. But not only sell what people want to buy. You have products; not so much to collect the money, but you have products to acquire a client. A client is a person that entrusts their life and their safety in your hands. A customer is a person that does a transaction once with you and never again. So you want to build a relationship with the client, because that is where the money’s at, long-term. And that’s what you must do for your clients. Before you sell your products to the people, have a plan. Before they

even buy the first product, what are they going to buy on the next product and the next product? How are they going to buy it? How much are they going to spend? When are they going to buy it? I’m pretty sure I’m offering you information about other products that will help you in your life. And for me to keep in touch with you, my strategy is for you to sign up for my e-zine. It’s free. It’s called Tycoon Secrets. This way, I can bring more information that will help you in your life and in your business. As you can see, my introductory product, Secrets of Tycoon Millionaires, that’s my strategy. I gave you this tape, then I asked you to sign up for my free e-zine. Then I’m going to bring other products to you that will help you in your life and in your business. Because if I can help you – in your life and in your business – to produce more, then you’ll help me get

what I want. And that’s how you have to think about your business. For example, the book publishers, that’s all they do is publish books. They don’t think about the backend or, “What else can I tell the customer that bought that book?” But here’s a businessperson that thinks like that. His name is Robert G. Allen. He’s written a few books. He’s written the book No Money Down for the 90’s, Multiple Streams Of Income, Multiple Streams Of Internet

Income: The Challenge, and the latest book, One-Minute Millionaire, with Mark Victor Hansen. He’s the guy that co-created Chicken Soup For The

Soul, the all-time best-seller. We’re still waiting for the movie, “Chicken Soup For The Soul.” I think that would be a good movie to go see.

But nowadays, when they create a book, they think of how can I get the clients that bought the book to contact them for more information about other products. So nowadays, they tell the customers to go to the website and sign up for the newsletter, and that’s how they stay in contact with that person. Next thing you know, they’re a client for life and they sell them other things and other things. And that’s what you have to be thinking about your business: strategies. Before you even start to sell the first thing, how is your marketing funnel going to be? Are you going to sell the $20 thing? The $100 thing? The $500 thing? The $1,000 thing? The $5,000 thing that will bring the most value into your life and also producing mass value, so they can give you money.

But let me give you an example, right now, of Robert G. Allen. Robert G. Allen wrote the book called The Challenge. He only sold 60,000 copies. In the publisher’s eye, it was a flop. But he was smart enough, because he was thinking like a businessman, in that book there were six different places that people could contact him for a free report. Out of those 60,000 people, 20,000 people requested a report. Those 20,000 people gave him $5,000. So, do the math: $5,000 times 20,000 people is $200-million. The $5,000 was to go to a life-changing seminar. People trusted Robert G. Allen, they liked him, so they went. And because he was thinking like a businessman and not like a publisher, he created a lot of money for himself. He was thinking, “What do I want the client to do when they buy that first product?” Apply the system, okay? And if you start thinking the way I

want you to think, you’ll see a lot of these processes happen everywhere and you’ll put it into your own business. Now, here’s a strategy you can use in your own business. It’s called the 80/20 principle. Let me give you a story. Jack Welsh, he used to run General Electric. The 80/20 principle goes like this: the bottom 20% of your employees cost you 80% of the total employee expenses. At best, you’ll get a break-even or less value from the money you’re paying these employees. So every year, Jack would fire these bottom 20% or reassign them to a different division. And that’s how he was able to keep GE at a competitive level and create lots of money. Here’s another example: 80% of your money or profits will come from the 20% of your top clients. So isn’t it smart to pay more attention to those

20% that are giving you the most money than the 20% of the bottom of the list that give you 80% of the headaches? Get rid of those people. They are the ones that will – like a vampire – suck your time. They demand too much and they spend the least amount of money. Get rid of those clients. That’s the 80/20 principle; 80% of my headaches come from 20% of my bottom employees. Here’s another strategy: you must develop a thick skin. You must learn how to fire people. Because it’s all about how much value they’re bringing you for the money that you’re giving them. Firing people is not a bad thing, because there’s 250,000 job categories that they can do, that you’re basically helping them find what they can do. So don’t feel bad that you’ve got to fire them. I would only feel bad if there were no other jobs and I was the only

employer. Then I’d feel bad. But because there’s 250,000 job categories that people can do, don’t worry. You want to fill your empire with people that will bring you the most value. Another secret: learn to license other people’s product s and ideas. Licensing is a shortcut. It saves you tremendous time. For example, I’ve licensed a product. I pay no royalties from the money that I make. It’s called “101 Secrets To A Six-Figure Income: How To Get More Customers, Clients Or Patients In A Month Than You Get All Year.” I’d license this idea. It sells for $400. It’s a 300-page manual, seven audios, and a bunch of bonus manuals. It comes with a lot of good ideas. But instead of me creating it, I just bought the license to distribute and make the most money. It’s the same as if I had invented this product, and

I’ll make the most money from it. So learn about licensing and use that technique. Another millionaire secret you should learn, learn to negotiate. Negotiating can save you tons of money. If you don’t have the skill, hire experts to help you. Negotiating can get you the best value, with the least amount of money. So learn to negotiate. Another millionaire/billionaire secret: you must be able to handle stress. There’s a lot of things that will happen in your life, as you’re growing more and more in your business. So I recommend that you do an exercise program every day, at least 30 minutes. You can walk, you can use the exercise bike. Do something to stimulate your blood, make your heart pump faster, because this will help your mind to release stress. But not only will it help you relieve stress, but it

will help you bring ideas into your life. Exercising or walking is such a natural motion, that it puts you under hypnosis and it makes your subconscious mind bring you all of these ideas. So do a cardio exercise. Also, drink a lot of water and think about your health. Because if you’re not healthy, nothing else matters. And you know what else is also important? You must reward yourself. After you’ve completed that project, reward yourself. Take a little break. Not too long, just a little break. And feel good about the project that you have accomplished. That’s also important to keep you motivated and to keep you going and growing. Another tool to help you, use what’s called the story-board. The storyboard of your life.

For example, the movies, they use a story-board of how the movie’s going to begin, the middle of it, and the ending of it. Use one for your life. Have a frame with a picture or a drawing of the thing that you want in your life and in your existence. Bill Gates uses this strategy. He has – I heard – between 1,100 and 1,600 story-boardings of all of the things that he wants in his life. Mark Victor Hansen has the same strategy. Robert G. Allen does the same strategy. If these guys are using these strategies, you would be smart to use these strategies. So use storyboarding to get all of the things you want in your life. Here’s a strategy that not only millionaires use, but billionaires use also. They mastermind with other people that think like them. Not that compete

with them, but think like them. Because masterminding can be one person masterminding with another person or a group of people. But they all have to be thinking the same way for this tactic to work. If you see two people together, you think, “Oh, it’s two people.” But in reality, if you see them standing next to each other, they create the symbol #11. So minds thinking the same way produce many, many more ideas than one person could, obviously. Of course. But it’s a very powerful technique. Billionaires are using it and millionaires are using it. Use it also. No matter how much money you have, you must learn to preserve it. You’ve got to be frugal. But you’ve got to be thinking, “How can I get the most value with the littlest amount of money possible?” But this is like a catch-22, also.

For example, don’t trip over dollars to pick up pennies. You have to use your whole brain to think about that one. Be frugal, but don’t trip over dollars to pick up pennies. For example, let’s say you had a product for fisherman and it would cost $20,000 to place your full-page ad in the fisherman’s magazine. That’s the correct magazine to place your ad. But because you’re thinking frugal, you’re going to place your ad in the cat and dog lover magazine. And there’s 500,000 people that read that magazine. And it’s only going to cost $5,000. There’s 100,000 people that read the fisherman’s magazine and, again, that’s going to cost $20,000. Right there, you’ve mismatched the product to the market because you’re advertising in the wrong place. You have to think of all of the angles, of how to spend your money.

Another secret: learn to speak in public. Learn to project your vision to other people. It’s a vital tool to help you in your business even more. And if you don’t have the skill, learn it. You can join the Toastmasters, you can read books on it, you can hire consultants to help you, but learn the skill, to speak in public, to project your thoughts into other people’s minds. And don’t worry if you say dumb things. I think about the comedians, how much money they get paid to say dumb things. So don’t worry about saying dumb things, because we’re all human. If, by some chance, you’re not able to overcome this fear at all, you’ve spent a lot of money and a lot of time, then hire a professional speaker to say the speech for you. The only problem is that speaker won’t give the most passion, the best story. That’s why I want you to learn this skill.

And remember, life and business is all about people. Learn how to influence people to either work for you, to create value for you, and to influence people to buy your products and services. There’s a book I recommend for you to read. It’s called Influence, by Robert Cialdini. Again, go to the resource section on my website, http://www.TycoonMindSet.com Another secret for you to learn: everyone has memory, but not everyone has a good memory. People have to learn how to train their memory to get the most value from it. So you have to train it. Training your memory will help you tremendously with long lists, things in sequence, out of sequence. In school, if you have a good memory, you

will do very, very good in school. It’s a fact. It’s all about memory. People study because they thought it would help them remember. But you’ve got to have a system to help you remember things. And again, there’s a book called The Memory Book, by Harry Lorrayne. Again, go to the resource section and find that book, The Memory Book. Also, another book, since we’re talking about books anyways, the book

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and the book How To Make Friends And Influence People. There’s a lot of techniques and strategies in these books that can help you in your life and in your business. And, you know what? These books are so cheap, I cannot even believe that they bring so much value. And the reason I’m telling you is because a lot of other people told me about these books, but I’m giving it to you at one time, one shot to get these books.

Again, I use repetition to read these books. I listen to books on tape. And an idea for you, if you get a lot of books on tape, you can buy a handheld recorder that has a speed-variable on the side. Usually, when I’m listening to a book on tape, I’ll put it on fast-play and push play to hear it. It comes out like chipmunks, but it comes out fast. I don’t get bored, it takes less time, and I learn more. That’s a shortcut strategy for you to use. You know what? Here’s a little truth. You cannot sell to people what they don’t want, let alone give it to them for free, what they don’t want. So I’m not forcing you to get these books, but it would be smart for you to invest in these books for your knowledge. If you’re low on money, that’s okay. Go to the library. Only 2% of the American population uses that tremendous resource.

Be one of those 2% that use the library to help you. But you must take the time and energy to go to the library. I don’t know what point you are in your life right now, but I’m going to tell you this. As you move on in your life, certain things you’re not going to be ready for. Maybe you’re not ready for this cassette here. Maybe you picked up one or two ideas. Maybe you’ve done all of the ideas. But I suggest to you to keep this tape somewhere, so that in future, when you’re all ready to digest all of this information and use it, it will be there for you. I know, many times, I’ve bought a lot of things and I threw them away because I didn’t think I was going to need them. But then a certain situation happened in my life where I needed that information, but I didn’t have it because I threw it away. So I’m suggesting the same to you. Don’t throw this away. Keep it

somewhere, so that you can listen to it in the future, when you’re ready. Another powerful tool you can use, pen and paper. Keep those two tools with you at all times. Even when you go to sleep, keep it next to you. Because the subconscious mind will be working for you when you’re sleeping. It will come out with great ideas – even dumb ones. Write those down. When you’re really awake, you can judge all of your ideas. But write them down. When you’re in the halfway sleep and awake state, write those ideas down. At the minimum, you should have a pen on you. I think the pen is such a valuable tool, I named it “the billionaire tool,” because you have to write your ideas down. Also, if you want to influence people the most and you have to go to a meeting, the best color to wear is dark blue. It influences people the most,

men and women alike. They will show you so much respect. They will look up to you. And, you know what? Scientists don’t have an explanation of why that is true. I don’t know why it’s true, but I use that technique. It works very well. Try it and you’ll see what I mean. The next best color is black. Black is the second choice, of course. Keep that in mind. Another secret to make millions, or billions, you must love what you do. Because if you love what you do, it won’t seem like you’re working and the money will flow into your life. And money should be the byproduct of being successful. Like I said, don’t let money be the main motivator, because the motivation will burn out.

Whoever said don’t mix pleasure with business is not probably very successful right now. Some of the biggest deals have been made while you’re eating dinner, having lunch, at the game, after the game if you’re into sports. So make it pleasurable and easy for people to do business with you. Because you also have to network with other successful people to make yourself more successful. So let me summarize this whole tape into four points. 1.) You have to take action. Take action. Change your strategy until you get the results that you want. 2.) Manage your time. Time is the most valuable asset you have. Manage it wisely. Apply the shortcut techniques. 3.) Manage your money. Preserve your wealth. Be frugal, but don’t trip

over dollars to pick up pennies. 4.) Manage the people. Get the most value you can out of them. Use the competitive advantage strategy to your advantage. And if people are not producing the value you want, get rid of them. Remember the 80/20 principle. And don’t feel bad that you fired them, because there’s 250,000 jobs that they can do. You’re just helping them find what they’re good at. These four points are not in any particular order, but they are all important. And always be expanding your mind. Because if you expand your mind, it never goes back to its original size. And remember, all of these ideas that come into your mind as time goes on will help you create new connections to make other ideas to create value, to bring value and money into your life. Money is a great tool to have

in your life. So do all of the things you want to do, because one day you and I will be going to heaven. And remember, if you want to visit my website, go to www.SecretsOfTycoonMillionaires.com, and sign up for my free e-zine called “Secrets Of Tycoon Millionaires.” Thank you. I wish much prosperity to you and much happiness. Life is perfect. Thank you for reading. This is Ronny Engelke saying, “Until next time!”

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