T,''x.;".,x.) "

  • July 2020
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t,''X.;".,X.) "





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Jonah4v1lApdsherrtrdnottrsnareNineveh... 1 .,r . :I a"$v \ ,'\t'l' rwry(^' i^)^r-' I I. !n,.ro I ,^r<.J ,f , \ n'J tf i vz lw'-'ul A. I he enci ol the storv is not sentimentat or romantic or' I hev ait iiveo hapniiv ever aner

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lf1cnrhi grarfl Hae+t 1 nrr

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t. R"ioi"ing in heaven but seething






Ay* ,, i'*J fa-J L'-r'

resentn'rent on earth - His feet were ir' the wav of dutv but liis heart


still out of it

J^1:-,^+L^ ..'-- -^+ +^..^L^J . I^-^Lt^ l--l:-^ D-:l^lD-^:..r:^^\ -:- /U^L,^--, r\rrtlvrlur rvl/e[!4trv! rlr uvrvlr rrre \T:*^-':+^rvuvrrvu L.' uy L:^ ,^ ) -. jviiiiii 5 \iaiiiiiie orii \rrluiUW i rruw/r rwluurwlJ' wqs rlv. ll' 3 . P:tdq/lrreSudlce '".vere great cbstacles to NT Church expansron - He eats rvith publicans/He saves NtneviteVElder

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z[ Tor!r., - {^]o!c'rrr natinnqlit., qocial class rlenominati+na! lahels laoqrraqe &nli\-' ties.ilack gf then, ed'Jcatign €MSO LF €

B .Ssf;gentreri prayer ivr irmeimy) \ :,r :, 1 i .ionah was righr and God was wron-o - He charpes Goci with sin *.1 l_:a 11:l:!1r 7 i ---: - -'l - --1 lt€.il!s -.- I'' ttcll [l Llut F-ec-P a lllLlt ull ut lO iJieaes!a I L. vie wti lear ireateit 0 :. t know my 4!qbgdig!!g._was forgiven but the Ninevites should be punished - Quarrels with God's sovereignty


l.:-^.-,-,,*.,^*.:^* .-- ,l.i- 'JiU'y;ii lnA .ll^^-^+t^- l^+ ^f +1*^ .rrv *^+..1^-+ iiP iuiiiuii ur ywlsrqr aLi!;r!!Ir* ici iiiii.aiil J,./i. iiiciCiiiiC U. Ihen sard the Lord'fs,rt nght tor you to be angry/Have you any ng}t

4*.,*^-^l -^1 *1o.'irry..'ltL..crr pru)rrrb vrrtrr Jvu srr-trrtvrv.


to be angrt' d *zz-Cqelwafinn / - i Vnrr rwhnm I herre heen creeintrc fn in and nrowidence r_ - _--- --n is never righr ro be angla wirh Gori esp and ir is ne-ver righr to chaiienge God on rire way he exren
./)- ^ we plq,rycnoose wirom we wantido noi want io regeive gracei Is there anybotiv l- ). uo

we wouid noi like io see sonveftcd? Y^L1--O n^--J^^^-.^ ^--,L^l-, ^1-^ 1lrJulut ^-l. -^L:^,- -.-^-^ ^-^Jvo. n--L Lptr ^--l L\a'Jl<\ avd. r\uili <-'O l- +. ^^ iiiulC ^L^Lirdir 4rr-yuuu-v ErJt i0vell OneS O-C5!!JS;Saavaaluir \ ij0 --,^ we -l^:-^lii-riiiii wC Of Oijf t^-,^r D. Jonah takes the huff, makes a shelter, and waits to see the desire of his heart - The annihilation of l\.lineveh h,

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o-t.o all:ji_;iilils: "holro"

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heart are so entwinedlrround this plant that he wants to join it and die also ;z r-l 3 He went from being.hapoy to being suicidal over a plant - He made an idol of it and loved it more than God or U 4. A man's usefulness measured bv evident success mav bear little or no relationshio to his state belore God




rrf. rehrivah=s



5 + Jonah€pgiin '?rt


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worse state than ever - BaclCto square-one F ggltstens to his iectures, perseveres with him and continues to patiently cajole. teach and chasten him 4-Jonah,wert up to ttre hilltop to wait te see what would happen - Who knows? AC. f n" Lord accelerated the natural growth of a seed and made an effective shelter and shade for J to ease his discomfort a

Vq. Tlrleuin" p."uE"Jiorrereign

grace to Jonah - Freely given to the undeserving

P B But God-ptelgfed aworm and a scorching east wind ht^ I to* ;''ar*i'*J . pt fne.6qt died and withered away - If we make idols of God's gifts God w-ill take them away from us ( 2. Jonah cared more for the plant than the people - Do we care more lor our gardens, garages, homes, cars, than the gospel 3 Jonah is t4lntiag from sunstroke - lnordinate afi-ection leads to inordinate all'liction - And wants to die a 1 The igrnsir+-of Jonah's reaction is being used as a lever to give him insight into the Lord's attitude i=

C. Jonah's narruw shrivelled heart v Go& tage and overftowing hoart l'ry-* p 1. You have had. gk on the plant v Should not I have pity for the Ninevites - Real people L 2.It is a litlls thing v Nineveh is a great citv

vV 3. You did not work the ground or on the plant v The Ninevites are the work of my hands * 4.YoudidnotmakedgplantgloWvlmadetheNinevitesgrow (U*-4\"1t*u,rn *"t"iy'. 1l*-ta 1"."ia*,,* 4u vet'j;-d I 5. The plant is not youri v They are my people "-\ >a


. T}t" plant sprang up overnight v The Ninevites have lived many years together 1) 7. The plant died overnight v The Ninevites have immortal souls U 8. It is qnlyseplant v There are 100,000's of Ninevites - Men, women, children, cattle yr,r9. You do well to be angry v I do well to be merciful f. Ala You will die for a plant v I will die for these people \ f f . Your affections ate,eAtwined around the gourd v Mine are entwined around this poeople D. fud should not I spare.ipity Nineveh? 2 L We are not told how Jonah responded"because what matters is how we respond q

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3. Do we have Jonah's confidelqgllt God's ability to save us and others-He who expects nothing will never be disappointed +. wh"r" is our p,it! and prgqllgg concern and commitment te E. The message of the book of Jonah is'God is love'in His dealings with Jonah the pagan sailors and the Ninevites
