Twilight! Well Something Like Twilight But Betta!

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,388
  • Pages: 4
something like twilight but better!

alicia sanders

prolugue i gazed out the window, the blazing sun, the brilliant sky. it was all...good. i wish i could be that way...good. there was no chance in turning back now. i am, what i am. there's only one thing in my life i put under the category of good. solea. solea is good....absolutely perfect in every way. there's only one

first sight there's only two ways you can become like me. either your born this way, or you were once human, but you were bitten. i... was bitten. my family and i, lived i a small town called Buffalo. it was sort of plain...simple. just the right amount of buziness. we lived in a small mansion. not like the really huge ones, the small ones. we were rich, but no one knew. we were only rich because all the time we had to invest. 209 years. thats how long my family been together. 209. i was only 19 when i was bitten, so i stayed that way. vampires dont get older...unless you were born a vampire, which is very rare. "lethan, i traked down this theif in colorado, i followed his scent." thought my youngest sister, rosa. it was a good advantage that vampires could read eachother's minds. its useful when we are in large groups, or fighting. "you go, alone. i have somethings to take care of, i found my own rapist nearby in canada." i arubtly thought. we only ate rapist's or killers, or theifs. we cared for good humans that faithfully obeyed the law. but sometimes our thirst get out of hand. and we lose control. we all hope that will never happen............again." safe, i know how thirsty you are. please, oh dear god...please dont lose control. i love humans...good humans. careful." her mental voice was worried, i wanted to reasure her that i was capable of not losing control for a few hours. "i promise, i will. dont worry, ok, im capable of not losing control for a few hours." i thought. "ok bye" she thought... then she was gone. she materialized to colorada. i transported myself to canada, though i could of walked, i was lazy. i followed the rapist's scent. it smelled so delicious, it was contaminated with wine, which made the smell intensify in sweetness. my mouth watered. in canada, it was 90 degrees, which made my tempature 90 degrees. the sun was blazing hot, i could smell the perspiration all around me. it was humid. i could now see the shaggy rapist. he had on tore jeans, and a raggy tshirt, that was smoldered in mud." maybe i'll get that pretty lady in the blue. she's all dressed up. i can see it now. i'll trick er, somehow and to following me, into some building..." i couldn't listen to his foul mind any longer. i swiftly, and silently, followed him towards the lady on the bench. the had on a blue, delicate dress. with lacy, silver high heels on. she was talking rudely with profanity. i listened as i lurked in the shadows. i was tense. i had to go save the girls in his garage...first. the girl shook her head violently back in forth, her sandy brown hair slapped her olive skin. she looked mexican. "dudent even know wutz cumin fo er." the foul man thought, as he stared at her. his english was horrible. he used his own type of slang, it seemed indefinant. it came naturally, the words flowed of his tongue, like air. except he didn't say it through his mouth....he was thinking it. "this hoe, gone get an attitude with me? who do she think she is?" thought the soon to be victim. the rapist, though as shaggy as he looked, walked toward her. " hey, um lady... uh...this girl was askin fo ya. she went right down dere." he said, politely...even though his nasty english made him sound a little slow. " did she have long black curly hair?" the girl said, disgusted. " umm yes!" he said too swiftly. like he had this all planned out, and reading his lies right of note cards. " hu has lung coorly hayer?" thought the rapist. " oh...its so on. that gal.............ooooooooooooooh. weeeee. she gone get it so hard." thought the girl. it was hard to keep from lauphing... i smile slowly spread across my face, and i lauphed low, but humourously. my chest bobbed up and down, as the chuckle escaped my throught. " wow, he's kind uh cute... i guess. nice body and features. nice face. the only thing wrong with him is his ugly clothes....after i fight dis girl, then im going to take him shopping, he could be a ladies man if he tried to be one." what the girl thought was true. he could use some nice clothes and girls would be even more atracted to him.... based on their similar thoughts. i've been trying to track this man down for the past two weeks, and i never ever got lucky till this day. but... instead of eating him first...i planned to take him hostage.... let the girl go. only because i needed to know where his garage was. thats where he kept his victims so they wouldn't get away. but i would free them... and tell them to keep quiet because the man would be punished already and there was no need in calling the police. the mexican lady followed the rapist into the ally across

the street. the sun waas going to set in about two minutes. i followed the rapist's scent. it was desirable. too desirable. i had to do this fast...or i might lose control and kill the girl instead. 30 minutes had passed since i talked to rose at the house back in buffalo. she probrably caught hers already. she was real experienced in tracking her prey. i continued to easedrop on there conversation. " yeah umm, how about we forget about the girl, and go hang out some where o.k?" "wow, dis iz eeezer den uh dut it wood be!" thought the rapist. " maybe uh wont even half to rape er!" he thought. " yummy....i would like to get some of him. wooooh! he is too sexy!" thought the girl. " o.k. how about dinner?" thought the man. " o.k" " wow! a romantice...even sexier" thought the young girl. all this talk about dinner was starting to get to me. my throat was craving blood now! but i just had to wait till the right time which could take hours!!! . this wan't going to work... i should've went with rose. i transported myself straight to rose. she huffed at my coming then chuckled a small humerous lauph. "what happened to your little dinnerd-date in canada?" she asked sacrcasticly. " got tied up with the know...that doesn't happen alot does it? the victim falls in love with the man that was going to rape her. huh!" yeah, guess you'll get him some other time....or not! ha! thought rose in her metalic mental voice. "fine...o.k I promise. but...where is....?" "they're hunting in araq! strange choice of food right! Yeah, guess there are lots of arabians that are lethal killers? Right! We are the good guys! The americans top al!l Right! THAT'S NOT COOL!" I knew exactly why she was getting angry in her personal mind. She lived in iraq when she was human...not too long ago. She was tired of Americans treating them like they were below them. Then she found me. an american soldier here to fight her troops! she gave me a look of pure hatred. that was the first time my thirst ever got out of hand. i was able to not kill her...but then she turned into a vampire... and we became close freinds. She's like a sister to me. I love her and would never kill any arabians again. Rose heard my thoughts and gave me an apoligetic look. " i'm sorry! sorry for bringing my opinion into this casual conversation. i ruined th moment and i know that americans are really nice and don't like killing people. but...they can! and they will! and they do! but i know that they don't mean least i think i know that... but the wars are for nothing! nothing! it just makes them look like huge bullies who you should be terrified of. i am not. and troops would probrably shoot me on the spot if i were in iraq and still human. they woudn't even have gotten the change to know me. all they would was that i was an arab and not good enouph! or i was just an unlucky human! or some junk of mortal enemies! or that it was self-defense! what could i do them! hun! just a small little woman on the road! and the reason we fight in the war is for self-defense! they would kill me and think nothing of it!!!" i knew exactly how she felt...and i agreed. her pain, was my pain. her happiness, was my happiness too! just as with my two brothers, edward, and cane... who were out hunting in iraq! would they ever care how rose felt? and my other sister, janali...who was with her newly found hawaii for their honeymoon. I WISH I COULD FIND THE ONE I I WOULD TRULY LOVE! "you will, lethan. i am almost sure you will. i found know him...well of course you do! oh... i wonder what cane is up to! when he gets home i will have a little talk with him. .even edward had his on/off relationship whom i was ver fond of. her name was monay. we have sort of a big family, because including our mother, and father figures. whose names were jaray, and martee. we don't call them mom and dad. we just call them Jaray, and Martee! they were at the house looking at the most wanted lists for their dinner. "well er....i''m uh...going to take a walk okay rose?" i needed to get away. away from people! i needed to think. why had i'd been alowed to exist this lonely anyway? oh, well um....take your time. i'm sorry brother! i am. hey, don't hurt anyone. see ya, going home. she transperted herself home back to buffalo. i stood with my feet planted to the ground. i felt my contacts pop out of place. i secured them then transported myself to the most deserted place that came to my mind. the cemetery. i felt like i belonged here. i come here every time i feel sad, or helpless, mostly lonely though, like i felt now. i heard faint footsteps a yard away. then through the shady mist i caught a glimpse of two light-brown sandy timberland boots sloshing through the thick mud. then i saw faded blue jeans and an off-white t-shirt that said, bite me. under the two words was a picture of an apple that was bitten. i was then worried. she was in a 10 foot range now, and i was afraid i woudn't be able to contain myself because i was so thirsty. she didn't know the meaning of her shirt anymore. then i saw her face. she was watching me warily. waist-long

wavey brown hair hanging down on her back. her cheeks flushed a tomatoe red. and her eyes searching. she looked frightened and aware. oh! my stance not so casual. i fixed it up. she inched closer... slower. "hi" i sniffed, but i couldn't smell anything....well, any blood at all. "hello" wow, he is so gorgeous! i suddenly feel tense and on edge around him. " i'm lethan." i said. "uumm, i'm solea." "are you lost?" i said. "no, i just umm..." she bit her lip and glanced down at her feet. "i just, came to visit a family um mother. i miss her so much! "sorry....about your mother." i said. " it's alright." she said. but i could see the wetness in the side of her eyelid threatining to overflow. she wiped her eye and sniffed, then she tucked a lock of her behind her right ear and crossed her arms onto her chest. i chuckled. "what?" she asked the side of her lips pulling up into a beautiful smile. "do you uh...need a ride home?" i asked. "nope!! i onlly live about 45 minutes away, i'll catch a bus." OH WHO AM I KIDDING! THE BUS WILL BE LATE ANYWAYS!! she hesitated. " know what? SURE! "alright then, come on." i waved for her to come. we walked to somebody elses porshe. i broke the lock when she wasn't looking, climbed in and unlocked her door for her. she lived near the woods, like me. when we finally reached her house she stepped out the car and waved. my answering smile was too swift. "hey, you wanna hang out sometime?" she asked. "yeah" i said. " how bout' dinner, a walk and something fun like rock climbing!" she said with a big grin. i chuckled. " sounds perfect" i liked her attitude very funloving and adventureous. "7.00! at olive garden! don't be late!" i smiled. "i'll try" she waved , but first she walked foward and pressed her soft lips against my lips. i was surprised. " see you tommowow!" she yelled back at me. all i could get out my mouth was "umm.. uhhh" wow i was never this distracted. why hadn't i seen that coming? guess i wasn't paying attention to her thoughts.

home After that, I transported myself back home. Rose was there, so was Edward and Cane. Monay was sitting on the couch. Janali and James came back today? Where's Jaray and Martee? they left a couple minutes ago, to go out to dinner at olive garden! haha! Where's solea? wow it's amazing how you didn't smell her. i wounder if you were to taste her blood would it taste good. Thought edward. keep on dreaming little brother.

if you wanna read the rest give me your email address by commenting, and i'll email you a copy. ps. im only 8 years old. i read twilight so i wrote my own book, this book is 113 pages long!

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