Tv Impact(salman, Waqas)

  • May 2020
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Executive Summary:This is a report about social impact of Cable TV and how much different members of Society are getting affected by TV. In this report the affect about TV is shared and how children, teenagers and students are getting affected by it. And the role of TV in spreading Education, delivering us latest news & information and providing us Entertainment but mostly importantly the role of parents to control their Children TV viewing habits. TV keeps us in touch with the world and provides us very useful information. TV is also providing us education. Now we can keep in touch with the world happening through a variety of channels. It is a great source of Entertainment and one can enjoy watching different movies and dramas that represent their cultures. A variety of channels are providing us lots of information, Ideas and recreational activities. TV is now a part of our life and we are very much attached to it. We spend a lot of time watching TV and it is fairly evident from our behavior that we are very much influenced by this machine. We are learning crime through it, our health is effecting from it and we are becoming very much aggressive. Children are more influenced by the TV and in the earlier age they are exposed to such things which their parents even don’t knows while they were child. It is the duty of parents to have a check & balance on their children programmes and involve them in doing healthy activities rather than leave them to spend leisure time watching TV.


INTRODUCTION:“This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it is nothing but wires and lights in a box.” — Edward R. Murrow (American Journalist, and Television, and Radio Figure) TV was Invented in 1930’s and since then we all rely on it. Television is a "window on the world" for news and information. Newspapers and the print media provide a degree of separation from reality, but TV graphically brings happenings right into living rooms, complete with color, sound, time sequences, and even to some degree, the associated "feelings." With the recent explosion in satellite and digital speciality channels, we now have access to a excess of both good quality and inappropriate TV content. In this crowded television environment, the key for parents is to search out high quality TV programs for their kids, and whenever possible, enjoy them together as a family. Today Globalization with the improvement in the communication has changed the face of the globe. Local geographical boundaries have been invaded and eroded by the force of the modern mass communication. This change has brought many traditional and conservative cultures, in direct exposure has evolved as a strongest agent to broadcast programs carrying cultures of these sending countries


TV in Pakistan:-

TV launched into Pakistan in 70’s and In the early 90’s cable television entered in our houses, and with the passage of time it has become a part of our lives. Now it is common that people in almost every house have get access to cable TV. The 24 hours availability of international TV channels is affecting the life style, attitude and mentality of people at large. Children are getting some special influences and effects from it, as they are now expose towards many such things in little ages which are even new for their parents. Also in Pakistan, cable TV is the fastest growing medium in communication. Through this TV system the rural population has now gained access to the local as well as the foreign TV channels, which was not so earlier, PTV (Pakistan Television), which is the state owned TV channel had been the option for these villagers According to government publications, named PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regularity Authority) “last three years have witnessed growth of around 132% in the cable TV industry in Pakistan


TV & Education:TV is a great source of education. But we are not interested in getting Education form TV. Virtual University is providing Education through Cable TV. TV also gives information about sex and romance and these things are exploiting teenager. We are interested in watching naughty pictures rather than getting Knowledge from it. Different Channels have specific programming time for quality education such as VU (Virtual Television). VU channels are a 24 hour class room. TV & SPORTS:We can watch every kind of sports on TV. The players are as famous as the actors and actresses because of the live coverage of the events. We can watch colorful events such as Olympics, Asian games on TV. Cricket is very much popular in South Asia and our feelings are very much attached with this sport. This sport involves the intensions of the people and we sometimes feel that we are present in the Ground. This sport is only wastage of time as commented by lot of people. Every child of Pakistan wants to be Imran Khan, Sohaib Akhtar and Breet Lee. TV & BROADCAST NEWS:If there's a war, a disaster, or a major civil disturbance somewhere in the world, television news will be there. Electronic newsgathering or ENG technology makes us an eyewitness to happenings. Although the printed word can be powerful, as we've so often seen in the last 50 years, seeing images, especially on TV, makes. IDEAS & INFORMATION:Television introduces new ideas and information. Before the mass media, an important threat to health, a new medicine, or improved ways of doing things could take months or even years to become commonly known. 5

With television we are put in the center of the marketplace of ideas. We can compare these ideas, evaluate them, and then decide for ourselves whether to accept or reject them. These new ideas can also threaten traditional beliefs and the established order of doing things. This has happened in many countries throughout history. In the minds of some analysts the reluctance to make needed changes was what brought on the recent breakup of Soviet Russia (the USSR), one of the largest and most powerful nations in the world. Even on a personal level, not to change can mean that we get left behind professionally, and replaced by people with newer ideas — or even be replaced by a machine. In today's competitive, information-centered world, to stand still is to fall behind. TV & CHILDREN:How much impact TV has on children depends on many factors: how much they watch, their age and personality, whether they watch alone or with adults, and whether their parents talk with them about what they see on TV. Before television, children had no idea what most foreign countries or their peoples looked like, or how they lived. Most exotic animals and fish were only names in books. Letters, numbers, and words were things that you started learning when you got to first grade. However, because of television, most children are now familiar with these things even before they start school. The effects of cable television on children are both positive and negative. It depends upon the type of channels which children use to watch. Through cable TV they can get more informative material, which can add to their knowledge. But normally we switch on TV just for entertainment. That’s why children in our society most of the time think that TV is tool of entertainment and amusement. When they want escape from studies they sit in front of TV and look for entertainment programs. Most of the children are attracted towards the Indian TV channels because their language is about same but there is a lot of difference in the culture and ethical values. So there is great difference in their programs also. Children are very much attracted towards the glamorized Indian programs. When they watch there a different life style and culture they get confuse because there is


a lot of difference between the environment that they watch on TV, and in which they live. As a result they start adopting different things from TV with out knowing its impact. The language codes, dressing style, way of walking and talking, attitudes, hence the whole life style of children start becoming change. One can commonly find children speaking in the style of any Indian actor. Their vocabulary is also change. They easily use Hindi words in their routine talks. And above all they are becoming more and more familiar with Hindu customs and religious festivals. This is a big disaster of cable TV that a child may not know in detail about any Islamic issue but he knows what is done in Holli, Dewali, and Baysakhi etc. they sings Indian songs, knows the names of almost all Indian TV, Film actors, singers and anchors. A distance is building up between children and our own traditions, culture and values. Along with entertainment program Cartoons are most favorite thing for children to watch on TV. It is a big mistake of parents that they leave children in front of TV for hours to watch cartoons. Parents think that they are watching a childish program which will not create any harmful or negative effect on children. But if they analyze cartoons they will come to that there is lot of violence and vulgarity in cartoons. Look at the favorite channel of cartoons “Cartoon Network”. There are so many cartoons in which they use indecent dressing, abuse language; the structures of different characters are also made very vulgar like in “Cow & Chicken”, “Johnny Bravo”, “Flintstones” and the most favorite program “Tom & Jerry” consists mostly on violence. When a child gets continuous exposure to such programs, he may tries to practice it in real life because in cartoons they never feel the essence of pain resulting from any bomb blast or accident. All these things are shown in very funny way in cartoons which attract children. Children who watch more cartoons become violent in very unobservable way. In this way our ethical values are destroying. Researchers have identified three potential responses to media violence in children: • Increased fear—also known as the "mean and scary world" syndrome Children, particularly girls, are much more likely than adults to be portrayed as victims of violence on TV, and this can make them more afraid of the world around them. • Desensitization to real-life violence Some of the most violent TV shows are children's cartoons, in which violence is portrayed as humorous—and realistic consequences of violence are seldom shown. • Increased aggressive behaviour This can be especially true of young children, who are more likely to exhibit aggressive behaviour after viewing violent TV shows or movies. 7

Effects on Healthy Child Development Television can affect learning and school performance if it cuts into the time kids need for activities crucial to healthy mental and physical development. Most of children's free time, especially during the early formative years, should be spent in activities such as playing, reading, exploring nature, learning or participating in sports. TV viewing is a stationary activity, and has been proven to be a significant factor in childhood obesity. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada almost one in four Canadian children, between seven and 12, is obese. Time spent in front of the TV is often at the expense of more active pastimes. A Scientific American article entitled "Television Addiction" examined why children and adults may find it hard to turn their TVs off. According to researchers, viewers feel an instant sense of relaxation when they start to watch TV—but that feeling disappears just as quickly when the box is turned off. While people generally feel more energized after playing sports or engaging in hobbies, after watching TV they usually feel depleted of energy. According to the article "this is the irony of TV: people watch a great deal longer than they plan to, even though prolonged viewing is less rewarding." As well as encouraging a sedentary lifestyle, television can also contribute to childhood obesity by aggressively marketing junk food to young audiences. Responsibility of Parents:It is the duty of parents to have a check on the programs that their children are watching. In most of the houses it is common routine that parents themselves watch cable TV with great interest and their children also sit with them. They do not realize that there is a great difference in their and children’s mentality. They know what is good and what is bad but a child has a very raw mind and he accept every thing very quickly. So parents have to give sacrifice for the betterment of their children that the program which they think can negatively affect their child should not be watched in their home.


Parents of young children need to actively manage and control TV viewing in the home. Children need a variety of activities for healthy development and television can be a fun and educational part of a child's daily routine, if managed properly. Over the past two decades, hundreds of studies have examined how violent programming on TV affects children and young people. While a direct "cause and effect" link is difficult to establish, there is a growing consensus that some children may be vulnerable to violent images and messages. The "buy me that" syndrome:Parents of young children have to deal with the commercial influence of television every time they take their child to a supermarket or toy store. Some children's programs are little more than half-hour commercials for spin-off merchandise. When your children are young, you can greatly minimize "buy me that" pressures by restricting their viewing to educational, commercial-free TV channels. A lot of money goes into making ads that are successful in influencing consumer behavior. McDonald's, the largest food advertiser on TV, reportedly spent $500 million on their "We love to see you smile" ad campaign. TV & Teens:Television viewing generally drops during adolescence as young people start to spend more time socializing, doing schoolwork, and using other media, such as music, video games, computers and the Internet. Because watching television is a relaxing activity, requiring low levels of concentration, teens tend to watch TV when they're alone or bored. But even though viewing drops during these years, it's still important for parents to know what their kids are watching. For teens, television is a major source of information about sex. A survey conducted in 1997 by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 61 per cent of young teens, ages 13-15, rated entertainment media as their top source of information on sexuality and sex health. This should concern parents because although two-thirds of TV shows contain sexual content, only one in ten includes any reference to safe sex or the consequences of unprotected sex.


The early teen years are considered a crucial time for the development of healthy self esteem. Insecurities over attractiveness and weight are increasing while at the same time teens are bombarded with TV images of impossible thinness and beauty. It's important that young people understand that most of the images they see on TV are unrealistic and unattainable. Because teens are usually not supervised when watching television, parents have to make a concerted effort to find out what they are watching. You can help lessen the negative effects of TV if you. • • • • •

Watch your teens' favorite shows with them occasionally—if they'll let you! Use television as a springboard for talking about topics such as sex, AIDS, smoking and divorce. Talk about what you find objectionable on TV, and ask their opinions encourage teens to analyze and question what they see on TV Guide kids towards diverse, good quality programming such as science shows, documentaries, news, realistic teen dramas

TV & STUDENTS:Another bad effect of cable TV is especially on students. Now they have more channels to watch on TV so they spend more time in watching TV neglecting their studies. Students most of the time discusses with friend the stories of Indian Dramas, Movies; or any song or program. TV & Commercials:“Free TV” Is Not Exactly Free. Not all commercials are in breaks from programming; some are in the programs, themselves. This is called product placement, and it may simply be an eye-catching can of Coke or Pepsi, or a cup of Coffee held by an actor. Advertisers pay for this visibility. This advertising cost is the added cost of goods and services that we buy, and it amounts to hundreds of millions a year. Critics say that commercials make us materialistic and suggest that happiness and well-being revolve around material possessions. Commercials often pair happiness with products we need to buy.


Depiction of Casual Sex This is probably the most volatile of the media issues -- especially in certain areas of the country. But, research on the subject appears to be at odds with prevailing public opinion. There is no doubt that the depictions of casual sex (hooking up, "friends with benefits," etc.) have been increasing to the point that they have become almost "normal" on TV and in film. This has prompted some conservative families to ban most TV from their homes, or to subscribe only to "family" cable channels TV & Violence:Those who criticize television for showing gratuitous violence cite the fact that by the time they are 18, children typically see nearly 20,000 murders on TV. Most of these murders appear to be without consequence and most are represented as the "solution" to a problem. Studies show that each year the level of violence on TV in films increases -with 2007 setting a new record high. "Real life," violence and murder normally have profound and permanent effects on both the people involved and on their friends and families. This painful reality is normally glossed over or ignored in film and TV drama. Studies show that heavy viewers of TV violence tend to be more "paranoid" about the level of violence around them. They also tend to be more suspicious of people, in general, and more inclined to view their surroundings as "unsafe." In this regard it's time for another "reality check." We've noted that violence in films and TV, although related to ratings and profits, causes harm to individuals and society Over the past two decades, hundreds of studies have examined how violent programming on TV affects children and young people. While a direct "cause and effect" link is difficult to establish, there is a growing consensus that some children may be vulnerable to violent images and messages.


Other Moral Issues Although it may be much simpler to have a hero "do what's necessary" to bring "the bad guys" to justice, trampling over the laws of society in the process communicates the idea that if you are right - or at least if you think you are right - you can then simply ignore laws. As many court cases have revealed after all the facts were in, people who were originally thought to be the criminals, ended up being innocent. Plus, it's difficult to find someone who will not try to justify his or her behavior in some way - no matter what they do. For example, defrauding a company can be justified because "they are ripping off people and they deserve it." Hurting someone can be justified because he or she "had it coming." Even murdering someone has been justified because "she is bad," or because "he was messing with me." However, in order to enjoy the level of social order that we do, we must all abide by the laws we've established. Thus, programs that send the message that it's okay to ignore the law to achieve "what's right," create major problems.



Television is an unavoidable part of modern culture. We depend on TV for entertainment, news, education, culture, weather, sports—and even music, since the advent of music videos. Television is capable of making us an "eyewitness" to events as they happen. TV breaks down the barriers of distance and becomes an extension of our senses.

In this global village one can watch any thing happening in any part of the world and it is not possible to stop the flow of information. But it is very important to have a check on what is coming to us and what would be the impact of it. Especially children who are going to build the future of our country must have very clear mind, free from outer influence. In this regard parents have to play a very sensitive and responsible role.

Critics blame television for everything from obesity to the murder rate.







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