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  • Words: 6,243
  • Pages: 32
Chapter 1 1. 一 one 2. 二 two 3. 三 three 4. 十 ten 5. 口 mouth 6. 日 sun 7. 几how (much/many) 8. 也 also 9. 不 not 10.木 wood, tree (radical) 11.机 machine 12.杯 cup 13.人 man, person 14.他 he 15.力 strength

7. 勺 spoon

2. 什 what

8. 的 belonging

3. 什么 what?

(grammatical particle) 9. 四 four Chapter 3 1. 文 pattern (also: language)

word 4. 八 eight 5. 儿 son 6. 白 white

7. 九 nine 8. 六 six

10.一边 one side

4. 这儿 here

11.这边 this side

5. 门 gate

12.边 side

6. 们 plural

13.上 up

7. 他们 they

14.下 below

8. 她们 they

15.下边 below

(female) 9. 人们 people 10.止 to stop; toe (radical) 12.是 to be

3. 个 measure

6. 七 seven

3. 这个 this

17.她 she

2. 好 well, good

5. 五 five

9. 百 hundred

11.正 straight

1. 子 child


2. 这 this

16.女 woman

Chapter 2

4. 什么的 and so

13.手 hand 14.戈 lance (also: spear) 15.我 I (also: me) 16.我们 we 17.中 middle Chapter 4 1. 么 what 1

16.一下儿 a little bit 17.马 horse 18.马上 at once 19.吗 question mark (used at the end of a sentence to denote a question) 20.妈 mother Chapter 5 1. 大 big 2. 大人 adult 3. 太 extremely

4. 太太 Mrs 5. 夫 husband 6. 大夫 doctor 7. 夫人 lady 8. 大小 size 9. 你 you 10.你们 you (the plural form) 11.又 again, right hand (radical) 12.友 friend 13.友好 friendly 14.土 earth 15.地 the earth 16.地下 underground

26.大会 general assembly

19.多云 cloudy

28.王 king

20.名 name

29.玉 jade

21.外 outside

30.国 kingdom

22.外边 outside

31.中国 China

23.外语 foreign

Chapter 6 1. 月 moon, month 2. 朋 friend 3. 朋友 friend 4. 朋友们 friends 5. 有 to have 6. 有的 some 7. 有力 powerful 8. 未 not yet

18.正在 in the

9. 妹 younger

19.云 cloud 20.运 to transport 21.动 to move 22.运动 sport 23.动手 to start work 24.会 to know how

sister 10.妹妹 younger sister 11.来 to come 12.上来 to come up 13.下来 to come down 14.了 past tense


15.说 to speak


16.语 language


(wonderful etc)

27.一会儿 a while

17.在 located

process of

18.多么 how

17.多 many


language 24.外文 foreign language 25.外国 foreign country 26.在外 outer 27.外人 foreigner 28.外国人 foreigner 29.刀 knife 30.刀子 knife 31.分 to divide 32.十分 fully; 100% 33.到 to arrive 34.倒 to turn upside down Chapter 7 1. 天 heaven 2. 白天 daytime 3. 天天 every day 4. 明 bright 5. 汉 Han

6. 汉语 Chinese language 7. 另 separately 8. 别 to separate

28.上去 to go up 29.下去 to go down 30.法 law 31.法语 French

9. 别的 other


10.别人 other

32.法文 French



11.如 if

33.语法 grammar

12.不如 not as

34.耳 ear

good as 13.丁 cubes (of food) 14.行 okay 15.不行 not okay 16.行动 movement

35.取 to grab 36.千 thousand 37.前 front 38.前边 in front Chapter 8

17.学 to study

11.咱 we (including addressee) 12.咱们 we (including addressee) 13.阳 yang 14.太阳 the sun 15.阴 yin 16.阴天 cloudy day 17.那 that 18.那个 that 19.那么 so 20.那儿 there 21.那边 that side 22.哪 which 23.哪儿 where

18.大学 university

1. 安 peace

24.哪个 which

19.中学 middle

2. 天安门

25.西 west

school 20.上学 to go to school 21.文学 literature 22.车 car 23.连 to link (also:

Tiananmen 3. 字 Chinese character 4. 汉字 Chinese character 5. 名字 name

26.西边 west 27.西安 Xi'an 28.要 to want 29.不要 don't want to

6. 目 eye

30.要是 if

24.开 to open

7. 目前 currently

31.酒 wine

25.开学 to start

8. 自 self

32.酒杯 stoup

9. 自动 automatic

33.从 following,


school 26.开车 to drive a car

10.自行车 bicycle

27.去 to go

from 34.从前 once upon a time


35.自从 ever since

12.这样 this kind

35.之前 before

36.村 hamlet

13.班 duty

36.之下 beneath

37.村子 village

14.上班 to go to

37.之中 amidst

38.时 time 39.小时 hour 40.有时 sometimes 41.过 past tense 42.过来 to come over 43.过去 in the past 44.身 body 45.动身 get out on a journey 46.身边 side 47.谢 to thank 48.谢谢你 thank you Chapter 9

work 15.下班 to go off work 16.出 go out 17.出来 to come out

export 20.岁 years old 21.旦 dawn 22.但 but 23.但是 but 24.不但 not only (... but also...) 25.得 must

3. 国家 country

28.公 public

4. 山 mountain

29.公开 to make

9. 那样 that kind 10.样子 manner 11.一样 the same

(often mistakenly) 42.办 to manage

27.取得 to get

8. 样 appearance

40.以为 to think

19.出口 exit/ to

2. 大家 everybody

7. 山羊 goat

39.为了 in order to

41.为什么 why?

26.得到 to get

6. 小羊 lamb


18.出去 to go out

1. 家 home

5. 羊 sheep

38.为 for the sake

public 30.以 using 31.以前 before 32.以外 apart from 33.之 of 34.分之 (indicating a fraction) 4

43.办法 method 44.办公 work 45.干 to do 46.干杯 heres to 47.干吗 why 48.午 noon 49.上午 morning 50.中午 midday 51.下午 afternoon 52.禾 grain 53.和 and 54.和好 to become reconciled Chapter 10 1. 母 female elder, mother 2. 母语 mother tongue

3. 字母 letter

27.姓 surname

50.人行道 sidewalk

4. 每 every

28.姓名 full name

51.发 to dispatch

5. 每天 every day

29.星 star

52.出发 to set out

6. 每每 often

30.星星 star

53.发出 to send

7. 海 sea

31.明星 celebrity

8. 海边 seaside

32.先 first,

9. 上海 Shanghai 10.用 to use 11.不用 need not 12.有用 useful 13.半 half 14.半天 for a long time 15.多半 chiefly; the majority 16.利 advantage

previously, to precede 33.先生 Mr. 34.告 to tell 35.告别 to leave

out 54.发明 to invent 55.发生 to happen 56.公 public 57.工人 worker 58.工会 labor union

36.洗 to wash

59.江 river

37.干洗 dry-clean

60.江山 Jiangshan

38.可 can 39.可以 can (also: may)

Chapter 11 1. 厂 factory, slope

40.可是 but

(radical meaning)

41.河 river

2. 工厂 factory

18.有力 powerful

42.运河 canal

3. 后 behind

19.生 to be born

43.星河 galaxy

4. 后边 behind

20.生日 birthday

44.何 what

5. 以后 after

21.出生 to be born

45.啊 (particle

6. 后天 the day

17.利用 to make use of

22.学生 student 23.女生 schoolgirl 24.胜 success

showing elation, doubt, puzzled surprise, or approval)

25.胜利 victory

46.首 chief

26.名胜 a place

47.首先 first of all

famous for its scenery or historical relics

48.道 the way 49.一道 a stream of 5

after tomorrow 7. 而 and yet, beard (radical) 8. 从而 as a result 9. 而后after that 10.找 to look for 11.找到 to find

12.打 to hit

36.心 heart

5. 没 without

13.打动 to be

37.安心 to feel at

6. 没有 to not

moved 14.打倒 to overthrow 15.对 against, correct 16.对手 opponent 17.对了 right 18.树 tree 19.树干 tree trunk 20.男 male 21.男人 man 22.里 village (also: in, inside) 23.里边 inside 24.这里 here 25.哪里 where 26.公里 kilometer 27.理 logic 28.道理 reason, sense 29.电 electricity 30.电车 tram 31.同 the same 32.同时 the same time 33.同学 classmate 34.不同 different 35.同样 same

ease 38.中心 centre 39.用心 sincerely 40.小心 be careful 41.必 certainly 42.必要 necessary 43.不必 need not 44.相 each other 45.相同 identical 46.想 to think

have 7. 没用 to be useless 8. 广 vast, lean-to (radical) 9. 广大 vast 10.广告 advertising 11.床 bed 12.河床 riverbed 13.机床 machine tools

47.理想 a dream

14.床上 in bed

48.想法 way of

15.长 to increase


16.长江 Yangtze

49.想一下 to think


50.思 to think

17.长大 to grow up

51.思想 thought

18.生长 grow

52.今 present

19.班长 team

53.今天 today


54.今后 henceforth

20.弓 bow

55.念 to read (also:

21.张 to stretch

to think of) 56.想念 to miss Chapter 12 1. 年 year 2. 今年 this year 3. 去年 last year 4. 明年 next year 6

22.本 root 23.本子 book 24.本来 original 25.本地 local 26.日本 Japan 27.体 body

28.身体 human body 29.个体 individual 30.书 book 31.书法 calligraphy 32.立 to stand 33.自立 self-help 34.树立 to plant 35.位 position

52.书店 bookstore 53.酒店 hotel Chapter 13 1. 果 fruit 2. 如果 if 3. 后果 consequences 4. 棵 measure word for plants

36.地位 position

5. 课 lesson

37.拉 to pull

6. 课文 text

38.啦 a contraction

7. 上课 to attend

of 了 (le) and 啊


20.亲 relatives (also: parent) 21.母亲 mother 22.亲自 personally 23.产 to produce 24.生产 manufacture 25.产生 to produce 26.卡 to block 27.卡车 truck 28.还 still 29.还是 or 30.看 to look


8. 课本 textbook

31.好看 good

39.火 fire

9. 下课 to finish


40.火车 train

the class

41.灯 lamp

10.政 politics

42.电灯 electric

11.古 ancient


12.故 reason

43.占 to divine

13.姑 aunt

44.站 station

14.姑姑 paternal

45.车站 train station

aunt 15.胡 facial hair

46.点 a bit

16.湖 lake

47.点心 dim sum

17.克 gram

48.地点 place

18.马克 Mark

49.一点儿 a bit

19.辛 suffering, hot

50.有点儿 some 51.店 shop

(in taste, flavor), hard, laborious


32.看来 apparently / it seems / it looks as if 33.看法 way of looking at a thing 34.讨 to demand 35.回 to return 36.回来 to return (come back; be back) 37.回去 return 38.来回 return ticket 39.接 to receive

40.差 to fall short of 41.差不多 almost 42.差点儿 nearly 43.着 action (in progress) 44.接着 and then (after that) Chapter 14 1. 能 to be able 2. 可能 possibly 3. 能干 capable 4. 能力 capability 5. 作 make 6. 工作 work 7. 作文 composition 8. 昨 yesterday 9. 昨天 yesterday 10.左 left 11.左边 left side 12.左手 left hand 13.做 to do

18.座位 seat 19.右 right 20.右边 right side 21.右手 right hand 22.左右 about 23.见 to see 24.看见 to see 25.会见 meeting 26.接见 to receive 27.现 now 28.出现 to appear 29.现在 now 30.发现 to discover

45.辆 measure word for vehicles 46.俩 several 47.满 full 48.满分 full marks 49.互 mutual 50.互相 each other 51.相互 each other 52.它 it 53.它们 they 54.比 to compare 55.比如 for example

31.观 to watch

56.对比 contrast

32.观点 point of

57.批 to criticize

view 33.再 again 34.再见 goodbye

(also: batch) 58.大批 large quantities of

35.再说 say again

59.切 to cut

36.苦 bitter

60.一切 everything

37.辛苦 exhausting

61.亲切 amiable

38.内 inside

Chapter 15

39.以内 within

1. 词 word

40.在内 including

2. 生词 new word

15.坐 to sit

41.呐 battle cry

3. 名词 noun

16.坐班 on duty

42.肉 meat

4. 动词 verb

17.座 measure

43.羊肉 mutton

5. 典 dictionary

14.做法 way of doing things

word for buildings

44.两 a pair


6. 词典 dictionary

27.就是 to be

(of Chinese compound words)


7. 字典 character dictionary 8. 红 red 9. 红海 Red Sea 10.细 fine; detailed 11.细心 cautiousness 12.其 such (refers to something preceding it) 13.其他 other 14.期 a period of time

28.斤 half a kilo, axe (radical) 29.公斤 kilogram 30.近 near 31.近来 recently 32.接近 near 33.听 to listen 34.听见 hear 35.听说 to hear of 36.新 new 37.新年 New Year 38.经 scripture 39.经过 to pass

52.实用 practical 53.实行 to implement 54.实在 in reality Chapter 16 1. 旨 edict 2. 指 finger 3. 手指 finger 4. 指出 to point out 5. 论 to discuss 6. 讨论 to discuss 7. 论文 paper 8. 认 to recognize 9. 认为 to think

15.星期 week

40.经理 manager

16.日期 date

41.轻 lightweight

17.长期 long term

42.年轻 young

11.只 only

18.学期 semester

43.头 head

12.只好 have to

(also: term)

44.买 to buy

13.只要 as long as

45.买不到 unable

14.只是 merely to

19.基 foundation

10.认得 to care about

20.基本 basic

to buy

21.基础 base

46.卖 to sell

15.只有 only

22.犬 big dog

47.买卖 buying and

16.织 to weave

23.尤 especially 24.尤其 especially 25.京 capital 26.就 only then

selling 48.读 to read 49.读书 to study 50.实 reality 51.实现 to achieve 9


17.识 knowledge 18.认识 to know 19.音 tone 20.语音 voice 21.口音 accent

22.意 opinion (also: idea) 23.满意 satisfied 24.意见 complaint

45.老儿 old man

12.所有 all

46.老实 honest

13.己 oneself

47.老人 old people

14.自己 self

48.老百姓 ordinary

15.记 to remember

25.同意 to agree


26.意思 meaning

49.教 to teach


50.教学 teacher

interesting 28.没意思 uninteresting 29.成 to perfect 30.成长 to mature 31.成就

and student 51.然 correct 52.然后 after 53.自然 nature

Chapter 17

2. 当然 of course

35.长城 the Great

3. 当前 current

does 38.作者 author 39.读者 reader 40.都 all 41.首都 capital (city) 42.猪 pig 43.猪肉 pork 44.老 old

19.年纪 age 20.纪念 to commemorate 22.已经 already

34.城 city walls

37.者 person who


55.不然 otherwise

1. 当 to work as

36.城里 city

18.纪 discipline;

21.已 already

33.成立to establish


17.日记 diary

54.必然 inevitable

accomplishment 32.成果 result

16.记者 journalist

4. 当地 local 5. 当做 to treat as 6. 当时 then 7. 当年 in those days 8. 呢 a particle (a grammatical particle, not a physical one) 9. 户 door (radical) 10.所 which 11.所以 therefore


23.巳 fetus 24.走 to walk 25.走道 walkway 26.走动 to move 27.起 to rise 28.起床 to get up 29.一起 together 30.起来 to stand up (also: to revolt) 31.对不起 sorry 32.导 to guide 33.指导 to lead 34.钟 clock 35.点钟 o'clock 36.钟头 hour 37.分钟 minute

38.种 to grow

8. 西方 West

34.注 to annotate

39.种子 seed

9. 对方

35.注意 to take

40.足 foot 41.满足 to satisfy 42.很 very 43.根 root; unit for long thin objects 44.根本 basic 45.跟 with 46.跟前 front 47.眼 eye 48.眼前 now 49.银 silver 50.银行 bank 51.娘 mother 52.姑娘 girl 53.食 food 54.食用 to eat 55.饿 to be hungry Chapter 18


note of

10.地方 place

36.往 towards

11.立方 cube

37.往往 more than

12.比方 analogy 13.访 to call on 14.访问 to visit (formal) 15.房 building 16.房子 house 17.放 to put (also: to release) 18.旁 next to

often 38.已往 already to have passed 39.元 measurement word for money 40.公元 Common Era 41.日元 Japanese yen

19.旁边 beside

42.园 park

20.两旁 either side

43.公园 park

21.万 ten thousand

44.远 to be far

22.百万 million 23.万能 almighty 24.万岁 long live 25.主 lord

away 45.远亲 distant relative 46.远近 distance; far and near

1. 问 to ask

26.主要 main

47.玩 to play

2. 问好 send one's

27.主意 plan; idea

48.玩儿 to play

28.主观 subjective

49.好玩儿 funny

29.主动 actively

50.完 end (also:

regards to 3. 闻 to hear 4. 新闻 news 5. 方 square 6. 方法 method 7. 四方 four-way

30.主人 master 31.买主 customer 32.住 to live 33.住口 Shut up! 11

finished, to run out) 51.完成 to complete

52.用完 to finish using

6. 没事儿 no problem

28.南部 southern part

53.院 courtyard

7. 面 face

29.北 north

54.学院 college

8. 见面 to meet

30.北边 north side

55.住院 to be in

(by appointment)

hospital 56.院子 courtyard 57.南 south 58.南边 south 59.南海 South China Sea 60.幸 lucky 61.平 to weigh 62.平安 safety 63.和平 peace 64.平方 square 65.不平 unfair 66.苹 apple 67.苹果 apple 68.评 to criticize 69.批评 to criticize Chapter 19 1. 事 business 2. 故事 story 3. 做事 to do things 4. 办事 to handle affairs

9. 方面 side (also: respect, aspect) 10.外面 outside 11.前面 ahead 12.对面 opposite 13.地面 floor 14.此 this 15.些 a few

31.北面 northern side 32.西北 northwest 33.将 to handle, will be 34.将来 the future 35.将要 will 36.东 east 37.东边 the east side

16.那些 those

38.东西 thing

17.一些 a few

39.东北 northeast

18.这些 these

40.东方 East

19.有些 to have

41.乐 happiness

some 20.倍 times (multiplier) 21.四倍 fourfold

42.音乐 music 43.算 to calculate, to figure, to count, to plan

22.部 department

44.打算 to plan

23.部分 part

45.第 ordinal

24.干部 cadre


25.部门 department 26.内部 interior 27.部长 Minister

46.第一 first 47.弟 younger brother 48.弟弟 younger brother

5. 事实 in fact

49.劳 to toil 12

50.劳动 labour 51.加 to increase 52.加以 in addition 53.加工 processing 54.驾 to harness 55.劳驾 please 56.咖啡 coffee 57.非 wrong 58.非法 illegal 59.排 to line up 60.安排 to arrange Chapter 20 1. 反 to rebel 2. 反对 to fight against 3. 反动 countermoveme nt 4. 饭 rice (cooked or boiled) 5. 午饭 lunch 6. 饭店 restaurant 7. 板 board 8. 老板 boss 9. 米 rice 10.大米 rice 11.米饭 cooked rice 12.青 green

13.青年 young people

38.中间 in the middle of

14.年青 young

39.时间 time

15.请 please

40.之间 between

16.请问 may I ask

41.洗手间 toilet

17.清 clear

42.简 simplified

18.晴 clear

43.简单 simple

(weather) 19.晴天 sunny day

44.合 to shut (also: to join)

20.情 emotion

45.合理 rational

21.事情 affair


22.同情 compassion

cooperation 47.合同 contract

23.心情 mood

48.拿 to hold

24.睛 eyeball

49.拿去 to take

25.眼睛 eyes 26.精 refined 27.精力 energy (as in effort) 28.亮 light 29.月亮 moon 30.亭 pavilion 31.停 to stop 32.单 single 33.单位 unit 34.单词 word 35.单人床 single bed 36.间 space 37.房间 room 13

away 50.拾 to pick up 51.哈 laughter 52.哈哈 sound of laughter 53.给 to give 54.答 to answer 55.回答 to answer

Chapter 21 1. 片 slice 2. 片面 unilateral 3. 叫 to call 4. 叫做 be known as 5. 叫门 call at the door to be let in 6. 收 harvest 7. 收拾 to put in order 8. 收音机 radio 9. 卑 vulgar 10.啤 beer 11.啤酒 beer 12.讲 to speak 13.讲座 a course of lectures 14.进 to enter 15.进去 to enter 16.近来 recently 17.进行 to advance 18.前进 onward 19.请进 please enter 20.先进 advanced (technology) 21.改 to change 22.改进 to improve 14

23.改期 change schedule 24.改日 change date 25.改正 to correct 26.况 situation 27.情况 circumstances 28.次 measure word for actions 29.其次 secondly 30.两次 twice 31.吹 to blow 32.欢 to be pleased 33.久 a long time 34.爪 claw 35.爱 to love 36.爱人 husband or wife 37.爱情 romance 38.可爱 cute 39.亲爱 Dear or beloved (way of starting a letter) 40.暖 warm 41.暖和 warm 42.父 father 43.父亲 father 44.巴 to look forward to

45.吧 bar

17.少 few

46.酒吧 pub

18.多少 how much

47.把 to grasp

19.不少 quite a few

48.爸 dad

20.步 a pace

49.爸爸 father

21.进步 progress

50.爬 to crawl

22.省 to economize

Chapter 22 1. 关 shut; to concern 2. 关心 concerned 3. 海关 customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)

23.省力 laborsaving 24.省会 capital 25.交 to exchange 26.外交 foreign affairs 27.饺 dumpling 28.饺子 dumpling

4. 送 to deliver

29.较 to compare

5. 送行 send-off


6. 欢送 to send off


7. 联 to unite

31.校 to check

8. 联合 alliance

32.学校 school

9. 言 word

33.校园 school

10.语言 language 11.发言 statement 12.信 believe 13.相信 to believe 14.来信 received letter 15.回信 to reply to a letter 16.信心 confidence


campus 34.牛 cow 35.牛肉 beef 36.吹牛 brag 37.件 (measure word for clothes) 38.哥 older brother 39.哥哥 older brother

40.大哥 big brother

4. 事业 career

41.歌 song

5. 亚 Asia

42.歌手 singer

6. 碰 to touch

43.儿歌 children's

7. 史 history

song 44.应 to respond 45.应当 should 46.向 direction 47.方向 direction 48.响 to make a sound 49.化 to change into (also: to spend)

8. 历史 history 9. 使 to cause 10.使用 to use 11.更 even more 12.更加 even more 13.便 convenient 14.方便 convenient 15.便利 convenience

50.化学 chemistry

16.英 hero

51.文化 culture

17.英语 English

52.花 flower 53.花园 garden 54.种花 floriculture 55.历 calendar 56.经历 experience 57.旧 old fashioned 58.旧历 lunar calendar Chapter 23 1. 业 line of business 2. 工业 industry 3. 作业 homework

language 18.英文 English 19.英里 mile 20.块 lump 21.一块儿 together 22.快 fast 23.决 to decide 24.决心 determination

29.决定 to decide (to do something) 30.一定 for sure 31.重 to repeat 32.重要 important 33.重点 main point 34.重大 important 35.懂 to understand 36.懂得 to understand 37.睡 to sleep 38.睡觉 to go to sleep 39.睡着 asleep Chapter 24 1. 飞 to fly 2. 飞机 airplane 3. 气 to breathe 4. 天气 weather 5. 力气 strength 6. 暖气 heater 7. 火气 anger

25.觉 to sleep

8. 汽 steam

26.觉得 to feel

9. 汽车 car

27.自觉 conscious

10.亿 one hundred

28.定 to decide

million (also: to calculate) 11.艺 art


12.文艺 literature and art 13.乞 to beg 14.吃 to eat

37.写 to write

3. 票 ticket

38.听写 dictate

4. 票子 tessera


5. 门票 ticket


15.好吃 tasty

40.书写 to write

16.吃饭 to eat food

41.大写 capital

17.小吃 snack 18.吃完 finish eating 19.全 entire 20.完全 complete 21.全部 complete 22.全体 all 23.安全 safety 24.色 color 25.红色 red 26.角 role (in a play)


6. 飞机票 airplane ticket 7. 火车票 train ticket

42.号 number

8. 漂 to float

43.单号 odd

9. 漂亮 pretty

numbers 44.口号 slogan 45.度 degree 46.度过 to pass 47.态 attitude 48.态度 manner; attitude 49.市 market 50.城市 city

10.社 society 11.社会 society 12.祝 to wish 13.视 to look at 14.电视 television 15.近视 shortsighted 16.表 watch; display

51.都市 city

17.表示 to express

52.师 teacher

18.手表 wristwatch

53.老师 teacher

19.表现 to show

29.确实 indeed

54.教师 teacher

20.发表 to publish;

30.正确 correct

55.带 to bring

31.嘴 mouth

56.地带 region

27.三角 triangle 28.确 authenticated

32.最 most,

21.表面 surface 22.表明 to make



33.炎 blaze 34.谈 to chat

to make an announcement

Chapter 25

35.会谈 discussions

1. 示 sign

36.座谈 to discuss

2. 示意 suggestion 17

23.衣 gown 24.大衣 overcoat

25.洗衣机 washing machine 26.农 agriculture 27.农业 agriculture 28.农村 countryside 29.初 at first 30.最初 first 31.初步 initial step 32.皮 skin 33.被 by (indicates passive-voice sentences or clauses) 34.被子 quilt 35.破 broken 36.破产 to go bankrupt 37.坏 bad 38.破坏 to wreck 39.且 moreover, a long time (radical) 40.而且 in addition

47.租 to rent

73.民主 democracy

48.出租汽车 taxi

74.民歌 folk song

49.祖 ancestor

75.民用 civilian use

50.祖国 homeland

76.代 generation

51.组 to organize

77.现代 modern

52.组织 to organize 53.宜 appropriate 54.便宜 cheap

times 78.代表 representative, to represent

55.谊 friendship

79.时代 age

56.友谊 friendship

80.年代 decade

57.直 straight 58.一直 continuous 59.真 real 60.真正 genuine 61.认真 conscientious 62.真理 truth

Chapter 26 1. 舌 tongue 2. 刮 to blow (also: to shave) 3. 话 speech 4. 会话 conversation

63.真实 true

5. 电话 telephone

64.毛 fur

6. 对话 dialogue

65.羊毛 fleece

7. 公用电话 public

66.毛衣 wool sweater

telephone 8. 适 to fit

41.姐 older sister

67.笔 brush

9. 合适 suitable

42.姐姐 older sister

68.毛笔 writing

10.适合 to fit

43.小姐 young lady 44.姐妹 sisters 45.助 to help 46.助手 assistant

brush 69.笔记 note 70.民 people 71.农民 peasant 72.人民 the people 18

11.适当 suitability 12.适用 applicable 13.活 life 14.活儿 activity

15.活动 activity (also: exercise)

37.少数 small number

64.搞 to make 65.搞好 to do good

16.生活 life

38.楼 storey, floor

17.术 method

39.楼上 upstairs

66.台 stage

18.艺术 art

40.楼下 downstairs

67.治 to govern

19.手术 surgical

41.层 layer; storey

68.政治 politics

42.室 room

69.抬 to lift

43.教室 classroom

70.始 beginning

44.办公室 office

71.开始 to begin

45.屋 lounge

72.容 to permit

operation 20.术语 terminology 21.支 to prop up 22.技 skill 23.技术 technology 24.等 to wait for 25.平等 equality 26.久等 wait for a long time 27.持 to hold 28.支持 to be in favor of

46.屋子 house 47.同屋 roommate 48.握 to hold 49.握手to shake hands 50.提 to raise 51.让 to allow 52.贝 cowrie

29.特 special (also:

53.页 page

unique, distinguished)

54.题 topic

30.特别 especially 31.义 justice 32.意义 meaning 33.风 wind

55.问题 question 56.题目 subject 57.员 person 58.人员 staff


Chapter 27 1. 士 scholar 2. 志 records 3. 同志 comrade 4. 意志 determination 5. 声 sound 6. 大声 volume 7. 声音 voice 8. 壮 robust 9. 装 outfit; to pretend 10.装样子 put on an act

59.店员 store clerk

11.失 to fail

60.圆 circle

12.知 to know

35.数 maths

61.高 tall

13.知道 to know


62.高度 height

14.知识 knowledge

63.提高 to raise

15.医 doctor

34.风力 wind strength



16.医生 doctor

40.难 disaster

17.医院 hospital

41.难过 sad; feel

18.贵 expensive 19.贵姓 last name 20.您 you (polite) 21.束 bundle 22.整 entire 23.嗽 cough 24.亥 wild boar 25.该 should 26.应该 ought to

sorry 42.难看 ugly 43.准 to allow 44.准确 accurate 45.准时 on time 46.集 to gather 47.集合 congregation 48.集中 to concentrate

62.路口 intersection 63.客 to be a guest of 64.客气 polite 65.会客 receive a visitor 66.作客 stay with somebody as a guest 67.客人 guest 68.请客 to invite guests

27.孩 child

49.处 place

69.病 disease

28.孩子 child

50.好处 benefit

70.看病 to see a

29.小孩儿 child

51.处理 to handle

30.咳 particle (used to express sorrow, regret, etc) 31.咳嗽 cough 32.刻 to engrave 33.立刻 promptly 34.刻苦 hardworking 35.谁 who 36.谁的 whose 37.推 to push 38.推广 to popularize 39.推动 to

(process) 52.坏处 disadvantage 53.用处 usefulness 54.各 each 55.各种 all kinds 56.路 road 57.道路 road 58.路上 while on a journey 59.问路 to ask for

doctor 71.病人 patient 72.病房 sickroom 73.毛病 sickness, problem, trouble, breakdown, shortcoming Chapter 28 1. 杂 miscellaneous 2. 怎 how


3. 怎么how

60.公路 highway

4. 怎样 how

61.马路 road

5. 怎么样 how about

promote 20

6. 庄 farmstead

29.求 to look for

7. 脏 dirty

30.要求 to request

8. 总 always

31.请求 to request

9. 责 duty

32.球 ball

10.绩 merit

33.排球 volleyball


34.足球 football

achievement 12.负 to carry 13.负责 to be in charge of 14.才 only just 15.人才 talented person 16.天才 talent 17.团 group 18.因 because of 19.因为 because 20.因而 therefore 21.恩 grace 22.嗯 Mmm 23.困 to be stranded, to surround 24.困难 difficulty 25.水 water 26.汽水 soda 27.水果 fruit 28.水平 level (of achievement etc)

35.月球 the moon 36.地球 the Earth (planet) 37.勿 don't 38.忽 suddenly 39.忽然 suddenly

53.广场 square, plaza 54.市场 market 55.停车场 parking lot 56.汤 soup 57.清汤 broth 58.扬 to raise 59.表扬 to praise 60.发扬 to praise 61.乃 thereupon 62.奶 grandmother

40.物 substance

(also: milk, breast)

41.动物 animal

63.牛奶 cow milk

42.物理 physics

64.奶牛 milk cow

43.生物 biology

65.及 to attain

44.食物 food

66.极 summit;

45.动物园 zoo


46.易 to change

67.极了 extremely

47.容易 easy


48.踢 to kick 49.踢球 to kick the ball out of bounds

exceedingly 69.北极 north pole 70.级 grade 71.年级 grade

50.场 open space

72.初级 junior

51.机场 airport

73.上级 superiors

52.会场 meeting

74.原 origin


75.原来 originally 76.平原 field


77.原因 cause

22.条 twig

47.感 to sense

78.高原 plateau

23.条件 condition

48.感到 to feel

79.愿 willing, desire

24.面条儿 noodles

49.感谢 to thank

80.愿意 willing (to

25.务 affair

50.喊 to call

26.业务 business


do something) Chapter 29 1. 吉 fortune 2. 结 knot 3. 结果 result 4. 团结 to unite 5. 结束 to finish 6. 喜 to enjoy

service 27.医务室 medical room 28.备 to prepare 29.准备 to prepare 30.鱼 fish 31.复 again 32.复杂

7. 喜欢 to like


8. 欢喜 joyful

33.反复 repeatedly

9. 周 week

34.任 to appoint

10.调 to exchange

35.任何 any

11.声调 tone

36.任务 mission

12.尚 to esteem

37.计 to count

13.躺 to lie down

38.计算 to count

14.堂 main room

39.设 to arrange

15.常 often

40.设备 equipment

16.常常 frequently

41.设计 plan

17.经常 frequently

42.划 to

18.非常 extremely 19.平常 ordinary 20.掌 palm 21.掌握 to grasp, to master

differentiate 43.计划 to plan 44.或 perhaps 45.或者 or 46.咸 salty

exclamation 52.呐喊 to cry out 53.布 to declare 54.希 rare Chapter 30 1. 节 festival 2. 节目 program 3. 节日 holiday; festival 4. 却 but 5. 脚 foot 6. 脚步 footstep 7. 脚灯 footlight 8. 报 to announce 9. 报名 to sign up 10.报道 report 11.服 to serve 12.服务 to serve / service 13.衣服 clothes 14.服务员 waiter 15.通 through 16.通过 to pass through


17.通知 to notify

43.影子 shadow

3. 笑话 joke

18.交通 traffic, to

44.合影 group

4. 开玩笑 to play a

be connected



19.痛快 overjoyed

45.电影院 cinema

5. 乔 tall

20.痛苦 pain

46.喝 to drink

6. 桥 bridge

21.危 danger

47.喝酒 drink

7. 歹 chip, evil

22.危机 crisis


8. 列 a row (of

23.顾 to look after 24.顾客 client 25.亡 to die 26.忙 to be busy 27.忘 to forget 28.忘记 to forget 29.望 to hope 30.雨 rain 31.雨衣 raincoat 32.下雨 to rain 33.雪 snow 34.雪人 snowman 35.下雪 to snow 36.参 to join 37.参观 to visit 38.参加 to participate 39.景 view 40.影 shadow 41.影响 an

48.喝汤 drink soup 49.渴 thirsty 50.口渴 thirsty 51.继 to continue 52.世 generation 53.世纪 century 54.去世 passed away 55.介 to introduce 56.界 world 57.世界 the world 58.亦 also (also: armpit) 59.变 to change (to transform, to become) 60.变成 to change into 61.改变 to change 62.变化 change Chapter 31


1. 笑 to laugh

42.电影 film

2. 大笑 laugh 23

things); to line up 9. 例 example 10.例如 for example 11.比例 proportion 12.例子 case 13.死 to die 14.解 to divide 15.了解 to understand 16.解决 to solve 17.解放 to liberate 18.急 urgent 19.着急 to feel anxious 20.急忙 hastily 21.彦 accomplished 22.颜 colour 23.颜色 color 24.许 to allow; to promise 25.许多 many

26.也许 perhaps

49.查对 verify

1. 幺 coil (radical)

27.需 to need

50.检 to check

2. 系 to fasten

28.需要 to need

51.检查 inspection

3. 关系

29.须 moustache

52.脸 face

30.必须 must

53.脸红 to blush

31.续 to replenish;

54.险 danger

to continue 32.继续 to continue 33.手续 formalities 34.令 to command

55.危险 danger 56.验 to examine 57.经验 experience (usually work related)

35.冷 cold

58.试 to try

36.零 zero

59.试验 to

37.领 to lead 38.领导 to lead 39.本领 skill 40.召 to convene 41.绍 to introduce 42.昭 illustrious 43.照 to illuminate (also: according to) 44.照顾 to take care of

experiment 60.试试 to try 61.考 to be tested 62.考试 exam 63.考场 specialized field 64.斗 peck 65.科 science 66.科学 science 67.科长 branch director

relationship 4. 联系 connection 5. 没关系 it doesn't matter 6. 累 tired 7. 践 fulfill a promise 8. 实践 practice 9. 钱 money 10.零钱 change (of money) 11.浅 shallow 12.礼 ceremony 13.礼物 gift 14.礼堂 assembly hall 15.乱 messy (also: chaotic) 16.乱说 to talk nonsense 17.乱世 the world in chaos

45.照相 take a

68.科学家 scientist

18.育 to rear


69.研 to grind (also:

19.教育 to educate

46.关照 to take care of 47.照片 photo 48.查 A surname

study; research) 70.科研 research Chapter 32


20.体育 sports 21.体育场 stadium 22.流 to flow

23.交流 communication 24.流利 fluent 25.穴 cave 26.究 to investigate (also: to study carefully) 27.研究 research 28.空 free time 29.空气 air 30.空间 space 31.空中 airborne 32.太空 outer space 33.突 to dash 34.突然 sudden 35.突出 prominent 36.深 deep 37.抽 to draw out 38.抽水 unwatering 39.抽身 to withdraw 40.邮 mail 41.邮票 postage stamp

45.演 to evolve

3. 机器 machine

46.演出 to perform

4. 品 product


5. 操 to hold

performance 48.演员 actor 49.开眼 to begin 50.黄 yellow 51.黄河 Yellow River 52.共 collectively 53.一共 altogether 54.公共 public 55.公共汽车 bus 56.画 to paint 57.画儿 painting 58.画报 illustrated magazine 59.怕 to fear 60.可怕 terrible; frightening 61.哪怕 even 62.拍 to clap 63.拍手 clap 64.拍子 beat (music)

44.寅 (3rd Earthly Branch)

7. 洗澡 to bathe 8. 早 early 9. 早饭 breakfast 10.早上 early morning 11.章 chapter 12.文章 article 13.草 grass 14.草地 lawn 15.草原 grasslands 16.包 to wrap 17.面包 bread 18.钱包 wallet 19.包子 steamed stuffed bun 20.书包 school bag 21.饱 to be full 22.报 to announce 23.跑 to run 24.跑步 to run 25.跑道 runway

42.申 to explain 43.神 spirit

6. 澡 bath

Chapter 33 1. 哭 to cry 2. 器 utensil 25

26.商 to trade 27.商店 store 28.商业 business

29.商场 shopping mall 30.商人 businessman 31.宿 to lodge 32.食宿 food and lodging 33.予 to grant 34.预 beforehand 35.预备 preparation 36.舍 house 37.宿舍 dormitory 38.舒 to relax 39.舒服 comfortable 40.兴 to be happy 41.高兴 happy 42.矛 spear

51.局长 director

11.肖 to resemble

52.够 enough

12.消 to disappear

53.能够 to be able

13.取消 to cancel

54.付 to pay

14.消化 to digest

55.附 near

15.息 to rest

56.附近 nearby

16.消息 news

57.府 government

17.留 to leave

office 58.政府 government 59.凶 fierce 60.离 to depart 61.遇 to meet 62.脱 to shed Chapter 34 1. 建 to construct 2. 建设 construction

43.橘 tangerine

3. 建立 to build

44.橘子 orange

4. 健 healthy

45.举 to hold up

5. 健儿 good

46.举行 to hold a


meeting 47.句 sentence 48.句子 sentence 49.局 office, chessboard (radical meaning) 50.邮局 post office

6. 廷 palace courtyard 7. 庭 court 8. 家庭 household 9. 挺 rather 10.挺立 to stand erect


(something behind) 18.留念 to keep as a souvenir 19.留学生 exchange student 20.派 to send 21.派别 denomination 22.派系 faction 23.派头 manner 24.展 to spread out 25.发展 development 26.展出 to put on display 27.畏 to fear 28.喂 hello 29.候 to wait 30.时候 time 31.有时候 sometimes 32.气候 climate

33.齐 neat

55.好像 as if

22.报纸 newspaper

34.整齐 tidy

56.换 to change; to

23.低 low

35.一齐 simultaneously 36.挤 crowded (also: to cram, jostle, squeeze)

exchange Chapter 35 1. 冈 ridge 2. 刚 just now

37.挤奶 milking

3. 刚才 just now

38.济 to benefit

4. 刚刚 just

39.经济 economy 40.黑 black 41.黑板 blackboard 42.黑市 blackmarket 43.黑白 black and white 44.曾 once (in the past) 45.增 to increase 46.增加 to raise / multiplication / increase


53.象 elephant 54.像 to look like

27.泳 to swim 28.族 ethnicity 29.民族 nationality

31.游泳 swimming


32.冬 winter

7. 鸟 bird

33.冬天 winter

8. 鸡 chicken

34.疼 to hurt

9. 虫 bug

35.头疼 to have a

10.虽 although


11.虽然 although

36.图 picture

12.舟 boat

37.地图 map

13.般 type

38.春 spring

14.一般 generally

39.春天 spring

48.免 to exempt

52.晚会 party

26.永远 forever

6. 钢笔 fountain

16.搬家 move

51.晚上 evening


30.游 to travel

15.搬 to move

50.晚饭 dinner

25.永 forever,

5. 钢 steel

47.增长 to grow

49.晚 late

24.低调 low key

house 17.迎 to greet 18.欢迎 to welcome 19.迎接 to meet 20.氏 clan 21.纸 paper 27

season 40.春节 Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) 41.秋 autumn 42.秋天 autumn 43.夏 summer 44.夏天 summer 45.丸 pellet 46.执 to grasp

47.热 heat 48.热情 enthusiastic

10.游览 to go sightseeing 11.监 supervisor

49.热点 craze

12.蓝 blue

50.热爱 passion

13.蓝图 blueprint

51.热带 tropic

14.篮 basket


15.篮球 basketball

enthusiasm 53.享 to enjoy 54.熟 cooked 55.成熟 mature 56.面熟 familiarlooking Chapter 36 1. 坚 resolute (also: strong; solid) 2. 坚持 to persevere (also: to insist) 3. 坚决 uncompromising 4. 紧 tight 5. 紧张 nervous 6. 要紧 urgent 7. 不要紧 not urgent 8. 览 to look over 9. 展览 to put on display

16.福 good fortune 17.幸福 blessed 18.富 rich 19.丰 fertile 20.丰富 abundant 21.丰产 high yield 22.邦 state 23.帮 to help 24.帮助 assistance 25.帮忙 to help 26.韦 to walk off

35.封里 inside front/back cover (of a book) 36.街 street 37.街道 street 38.革 cowhide 39.鞋 shoe 40.脱鞋 take off one's shoes 41.鞋带 latchet 42.双 twin 43.双方 both sides; bilateral 44.双号 even numbers 45.炼 to smelt; to refine 46.练 to practice 47.熟练 experienced

27.围 to enclose

48.段 paragraph


49.手段 method

surroundings 29.伟 great 30.挂 to hang 31.挂号 to take a number 32.封 to seal up 33.信封 envelope 34.封建 feudal


50.锻 to forge 51.锻炼 to exercise 52.屯 difficult 53.顿 to stop 54.烦 to be irritated 55.烦劳 to trouble (somebody to do something)

23.休 to rest

45.播 to sow

1. 斥 to scold

24.休息 to rest

46.广播 radio (also:

2. 诉 to inform

25.退 retreat

3. 告诉 to tell

26.退休 retirement

4. 约 to make an

27.腿 leg

Chapter 37

appointment 5. 药 medicine 6. 争 to compete

28.大腿 thigh 29.豆 bean, flask (radical)

7. 净 clean

30.短 short

8. 干净 clean

31.短期 short-term

9. 静 calm

32.误 mistakenly

10.安静 quiet


11.平静 peaceful 12.朝 morning sun 13.朝阳 Chaoyang

misunderstandin g 34.误点 to miss the mark

broadcast) 47.习 to practice 48.学习 to learn 49.复习 to revise, to review 50.练习 to practise 51.语系 language system 52.羽 wings 53.翻 to translate 54.翻新 face-lift 55.翻跟头 turn somersaults 56.译 to translate

14.卓 outstanding

35.采 to pick

57.翻译 translation

15.掉 to fall (also:


58.余 surplus

to drop, to exchange, to turn) 16.用掉 used up 17.卖掉 sell out 18.忘掉 unlearn 19.桌 table

multicoloured 37.精彩 brilliant 38.彩色 chromatically 39.菜 vegetable 40.白菜 Chinese cabbage

20.桌子 table

41.做菜 to cook

21.敢 to dare

42.饭菜 food

22.不敢当 not

43.点菜 to order

presume to be (humble expression)

dish 44.番 times (also: foreign) 29

59.除 to get rid of, not including 60.除了 besides 61.茶 tea 62.红茶 black tea 63.茶杯 cup 64.奇 weird 65.骑 to ride 66.骑马 horse riding 67.椅 chair 68.椅子 chair

69.寄 to send 70.寄件人 sender Chapter 38 1. 昔 the old days 2. 错 mistake 3. 错误 error 4. 不错 not bad (pretty good) 5. 借 to borrow

22.麻烦 inconvenient 23.麻药 anaesthetic 24.麻烦您 would you mind... 25.嘛 a modal particle 26.隶 attached to 27.康 healthy

(also: to lend)

28.健康 health

6. 借用 to borrow

29.录 to record


30.录音 to record

7. 散 to break up


8. 散布 to scatter

31.记录 record

9. 船 ship

32.绿 green

10.汽船 steamboat

33.红绿灯 traffic

11.船场 shipyard 12.船员 sailor 13.船票 boat ticket 14.铅 lead (metal) 15.铅笔 pencil 16.蛋 egg 17.鸡蛋 chicken egg 18.林 forest 19.楚 distinct 20.清楚 clear 21.麻 hemp; numb

lights 34.旅 trip (also: travel, to travel) 35.旅行 to travel 36.旅客 traveler 37.俞 to say "yes" 38.愉 pleased 39.愉快 cheerful 40.输 to lose 41.运输 to transport, transportation 42.输出 export

43.输家 a loser (gambling) 44.凉 cool 45.凉快 nice and cold 46.谅 to forgive 47.宛 indirect (speech) 48.碗 bowl 49.饭碗 rice bowl 50.香 fragrant 51.香水 perfume 52.香精 essence (of plant) 53.象棋 chess 54.香客 worshipper 55.香火 to burn incense 56.奴 slave 57.努 to exert 58.努力 to put effort in 59.焦 burnt, surname Jiao 60.蕉 banana 61.香蕉 banana 62.唐 surname Tang 63.糖 sugar 64.糖果 candy


65.糖衣 icing 66.酸 sour 67.酸牛奶 yogurt 68.委 to entrust 69.矮 to be short 70.矮子 a short person Chapter 39 1. 囱 window, chimney 2. 窗 window 3. 窗户 window 4. 寒 chill

15.感冒 to catch a cold 16.帽 hat 17.帽子 hat 18.辰 morning 19.晨 dawn 20.早晨 early morning 21.贯 to pierce 22.惯 to be accustomed to 23.习惯 habit 24.尺 note in musical scale

5. 赛 contest

25.公尺 meter

6. 比赛

26.迟 late

competition (sports etc) 7. 赛跑 race 8. 遍 a time 9. 三遍 three times 10.篇 sheet 11.昌 sunlight (radical); flourishing 12.唱 to sing 13.合唱 chorus 14.冒 to cover one's eyes

27.迟到 to be late

37.戴 to wear 38.穿戴 to dress 39.乘 to take (bus, train, escalator etc) 40.剩 to remain 41.官 mandarin (a government official) 42.馆 hall 43.图书馆 library Chapter 40 1. 曼 prolonged 2. 慢 slow 3. 慢车 slow vehicle (bus/train)

28.尧 emperor Yao

4. 慢慢 slowly

29.烧 roasted with

5. 罢 to cease

sauce 30.发烧 to have a fever

6. 摆 to arrange 7. 摆设儿 ornaments

31.既 already

8. 舞 to dance

32.概 approximate

9. 兆 omen


10.跳 to leap

approximately 34.牙 tooth 35.呀 ya (to express surprise or doubt) 36.穿 to wear 31

11.跳舞 to dance 12.跳高 high jump 13.甫 to begin 14.辅 to assist 15.辅导 to coach

16.傅 tutor 17.师傅 master 18.并 to combine 19.瓦 tile 20.瓶 bottle 21.瓶子 bottle

41.请假 to ask for time off 42.寒假 winter vacation 43.墙 wall 44.爬墙 to climb a wall

22.花瓶 vase

45.赢 to win

23.祭 to offer a

46.赢利 profit

sacrifice 24.察 to inspect 25.擦 to wipe 26.末 tip 27.袜 socks 28.袜子 socks 29.兹 herewith 30.磁 magnetic 31.磁带 tape 32.丢 to lose (an object, face etc) 33.丢掉 to throw away 34.宴 feast 35.宴会 banquet 36.夜 night 37.夜里 at night 38.半夜 midnight 39.假 vacation 40.放假 to go on vacation 32

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