Tumba De Jesus-datos

  • November 2019
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la polemica-hallaron los huesos de jesus ? decian que en tibet o en cachemira,o aun en japon o en centroamerica, pero parece que hallaron la tumba del hijo de jesus,apodado la pantera,un guerrero y caudillo y esta la losa con la inscripcion familiar y la boveda-cajon de piedra con los restos..... documentalistas dicen que encontraron el sepulcro de jes�s Este lunes presentar�n la pel�cula que muestra el supuesto ata�d, que habr�a estado en una cueva de jerusal�n. el film, de james cameron, asegura que tambi�n encontraron los restos de un supuesto hijo de jes�s. redacci�n Lavoz.com.ar faltan pocas horas para que una conferencia de prensa vuelva a poner en discusi�n el misterio de la resurrecci�n de jesucristo, tal como lo sostiene la fe cristiana. los autores de un documental -que estar�a a punto de estrenarse- dicen que durante la investigaci�n para la pel�cula encontraron supuestamente el sepulcro en el que habr�a sido enterrado no s�lo jes�s, sino tambi�n dos mujeres de nombre mar�a (no se aclara si se trata de la virgen) y un supuesto hijo de jes�s. la pol�mica se encender� seguramente este lunes, cuando hagan el anuncio el ganador del emmy, el productor simcha jacobovici, y el famoso director james cameron, seg�n anuncia el sitio de internet de israel ynetnews.com . todo habr�a comenzado en 1980 en el barrio talpiyot de jerusal�n con el descubrimiento de una cueva de unos dos mil a�os en la que hab�a 10 ata�des. nombres. supuestamente, seis de esos cajones ten�an las inscripciones "jes�s hijo de jos�", mar�a, mar�a, mat�as, jos� (identificado como un hermano de jes�s), y judas hijo de jes�s (que seg�n los autores del documental ser�a un hijo de jesucristo). estos ata�des, encontrados por el arqu�ologo amos kloner, seg�n el sitio ynetnews.com , ahora fueron enviados a nueva york, estados unidos, para su primera exhibici�n p�blica. lo que nadie se hab�a atrevido a hacer hasta el momento era decir que correspond�an nada menos que a jes�s. Los que s� lo hicieron son cameron y el productor jacobovici. lo hacen con un documental que estar�a por salir al aire por el discovery channel y otras se�ales internacionales, y seg�n dice la periodista ariella ringelhoffman, los autores se basaron en trabajos de famosos cient�ficos, arque�logos y especialistas en ex�menes de adn. ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ******* friday, february 23, 2007 bones of jesus & son uncovered in jerusalem? airing new evidence digging for controversy, the titanic filmmaker james cameron and simcha jacobovici are about to stun christians the world over with a docu-drama that claims archaeologists have located the casket of jesus. the inscribed box, with some human remains still inside, apparently was crammed into an old cave near talpiyot, an industrial zone in jerusalem, alongside nine other two thousand year-old sarcophagi allegedly containing the bodies of mother mary, the carpenter joseph, a little-known brother called jofah, mary magdalene, and, most surprisingly of all, jesus's son judah, who technically could be considered the grandson of god. to read more, click here. it sounds like a sequel to a da vinci code sequel. and just as profitable. the filmmakers express aim is to cross the excitement of indiana jones-style tomb

raiding with dan brown's bold approach to modern theology, all in a 90 minute video. a couple of these mysterious bone boxes are about to be unveiled in new york city, in good time to promote cameron's latest made-for-television movie, which will be broadcast on discovery channel in the us, channel 8 in israel, and channel 4 in britain before easter. devout christian congregations will abhor cameron's publicity stunt as absolute heresy. some 27 years after archaeologists first uncovered this unprepossessing family tomb containing half a dozen inscribed caskets and four unmarked ones, the sensational scientific claims now threaten to debunk belief in the resurrection, a cornerstone of the christian faith. the new testament recounts how three days after crucifixion, jesus arose from the grave (which is now supposedly the site of the church of the holy sepulchre at the heart of jerusalem's old walled city.) but scientists, archaeologists, dna experts, statisticians, and antiquities specialists are suggesting that jesus's burial site was on a hill rather far away from the old rugged cross. repercussions of the initial discovery were minimized, even after israeli professor amos kloner deciphered the inscriptions containing such profoundly familiar biblical names a decade ago, because the israeli antiquities authority stored the caskets in their beit shemesh archive. little publicity leaked out. biblical archaeology has proven to be a minefield, albeit with a certain sects' appeal. who could have foreseen that forensic tests could be made on jesus' bones in a new york crime lab? if you thought that the israeli archaeologists' salvage tunnel close to the al aqsa mosque ignited some religious fury, get ready for another white hot fight. remember the spanish inquisition? or the fuss over teaching darwin's theory of evolution? after monday's press conference, izzy imagines it won't be long before an intelligent design component emerges for the holy caskets in the cave. "king of the world", eh? here is the inscription that started all the speculation, from the webpage of savvy simcha jacobovici, who dubbed himself the "naked archaeologist" posted by izzy bee at friday, february 23, 2007 labels: da vinci code, dan brown, grandson of god, james cameron, jesus, mary, mary magdalene, naked archeologist, ossuary, resurrection, simcha jacobovici, son of god, talpiyot ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* * film depicts discovery of coffins of jesus, his son judah, and two marys by israel insider staff and partners february 23, 2007 bookmark to del.icio.usdigg this story the cave in which jesus was buried has been found in jerusalem, claim the makers of a new documentary film -- including a coffin containing his bones. if it proves true, the discovery, which will be revealed at a press conference in new york monday, could shake up the christian world as one of the most significant archeological finds in history. the coffins which, according to the filmmakers held the remains of jesus of nazareth, his mother mary and mary magdalene will be displayed for the first time on monday in new york. the documentary, titled "the burial cave of jesus," is a joint production by israeli-born canadian documentary maker simcha jacobovici and three-time-oscarwinning canadian film director james cameron (titanic, the terminator). the film tells the exciting and tortuous story of the archeological discovery. the 2000-year-old cave had already been found in 1980 in jerusalem's talpiyot neighbourhood. in it were 10 coffins, six of which bore inscriptions, which -translated into english -- included the names "jesus son of joseph," twice

"maria," and "judah son of jesus." the second maria is hypothesized to be maria magdalene, while the tomb bearing the name judah could indicate jesus had a son. that's what the filmmakers claim. if true, the find could be one of the most significant in the history of archeology and shake the christian world. but the senior israeli archaeologist who researched the tombs after their discovery, and at the time deciphered the inscriptions, cast doubt on the claim. "it's a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever," professor amos kloner, who had published the findings of his research in the israeli periodical atigot in 1996, told deutsche presse-agentur dpa friday. "the names that are found on the tombs are names that are similar to the names of the family of jesus," he conceded. "but those were the most common names found among jews in the first centuries bce and ce," he added. kloner dismissed the combination of names found in the cave as a "coincidence. " the israel antiquities authority (iaa), which is keeping the caskets in its archive in the town of beit shemesh near jerusalem, declined to comment on the documentary, saying it had not researched the caskets and that its duty was only to safeguard them. the iaa nevertheless sent two of the caskets to the news conference in new york. decades of research the findings in the cave, including the decipherment of the inscriptions, were first revealed about ten years ago by internationally renowned israeli archeologist professor amos kloner. since their discovery, the caskets were kept in the israeli antiquities authority archive in beit shemesh, but now two have been sent to new york for their first public exhibition. although the cave was discovered nearly 30 years ago and the casket inscriptions decoded ten years ago, the filmmakers are the first to establish that the cave was in fact the burial site of jesus and his family. the film, which documents the stages of the discovery, is the result of three years labor and research. it will be broadcast on the international discovery channel, britain's channel 4, canada's vision and israel's channel 8, which also took part in the film's production. according to the filmmakers, the film's claim is based on close work with worldfamous scientists, archeologists, statisticians, dna specialists and antiquities experts. ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *****

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