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  • Words: 4,036
  • Pages: 58
Friday, October 24, 2008


Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 1

Friday, October 24, 2008

4.1 - Detailed Planning Overview

4.1 - Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.2 - The Work Breakdown Structure 5 - Size Estimates -- Lines of Code / Function Points 6 - Effort, Schedule and Cost Estimating ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 - Scheduling 8 - The Software Development Plan

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 2

Friday, October 24, 2008

Three Principles of Planning (1)

1. The precedence principle: Planning logically takes precedence over all other managerial functions 2. The effective planning principle: Plans will be effective if they are consistent with the organization’s policy and strategy framework 3. The living document principle: Plans must be maintained as living documents or they quickly lose their value

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 3

Friday, October 24, 2008

The General Management Process

New Knowledge


Information Nitin V Pujari




TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management



Metrics Slide 4

Friday, October 24, 2008

Detailed Planning Process

• Goals • Lifecycles • High level Schedule • Complexity Model • Communication Model • Process Model • SOW / Contract • Requirements • Expectations • Commitments • Risks Nitin V Pujari


Detailed Planning



TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

PEOPLE • WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) • Estimates of Size & Cost • Detailed Schedule • SW Development Plan • Risks Slide 5

Friday, October 24, 2008

• Customer Needs or • RFP or • Draft SOW or • Product Ideas

Nitin V Pujari

BUSINESS PLANS MANAGEMENT AND OBJECTIVES INSIGHT & DECISIONS • Market Analysis • Commitment • Statement of Understand Work • Statement of the Need Requirements • Tests • Expectations FACILITIES TRAINING • Process (hi level) RESEARCH JOB AIDS • Risks TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management Slide 6

Friday, October 24, 2008

Detailed Planning in Government Contract Context

RFP for Next Phase

Contractor Selection

Write Previous Phase Proposal

Contract Negotiation

} }


Carry Out Next Phase


Note: - overlap of previous phase with proposal activities - gap between previous phase and next phase DETAILED PLANNING USUALLY STARTS DURING PROPOSAL! (Initial planning should start even before that.) Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 7


Friday, October 24, 2008

Objective of Detailed Planning

To describe in detail how the project will satisfy the requirements of the project

Who? When? How? Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 8

Friday, October 24, 2008

Risks Associated with Detailed Planning

• Incomplete or incorrect estimates due to lack of sufficient detail or lack of sufficient information – Guesstimates instead of legwork to get accurate data

• Incomplete flow of system level constraints – Example: failure to accommodate special system limitations, financial constraints, etc.

• Insufficient visibility into other parts of the system – – – –

Hardware Test Sets Maintenance and Support Plans etc.

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 9

Friday, October 24, 2008

Facts vs. Innuendo

• Fact 1: Electric Company raises electric rates by $1 per person per month • Fact 2: There are 10 million people living in the city • Fact 3: There are 12 months in a year -------------------------------------------------------------------• Newspaper Headline: “Electric Rates Rise by $120 million” Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 10

Friday, October 24, 2008

Facts vs. Innuendo Part II

• Fact 1: Electric Company lowers electric rates by $1 per person per month • Fact 2: There are 10 million people living in the city • Fact 3: There are 30 days in an average month -------------------------------------------------------------------• Newspaper Headline: “Electric Rates Cut by 3 cents -- big deal!” Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 11

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ways to get Wrong Conclusions

• • • • • • •

Lack of Data Missing Facts Distorted Facts Opinions without substantiation Biases Lack of Visibility etc. Truth Bias

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management



Slide 12

Friday, October 24, 2008

Risk Mitigation

• Review assumptions with all affected parties • Work the details. Don’t guess if you don’t have to guess. • Communicate with those working on other parts of the system • Plan to replan Planning

Replanning Plan


actions Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Replanning Updated Plan actions

feedback for next replan Slide 13

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Big Picture for Software Estimating

Where Is the Software?


How Big is the Software?


How Much Effort is Required? Effort

No: rethink assumptions or renegotiate Yes Done

Nitin V Pujari

Is This Realistic?


How Much Will it Cost?

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

How Much Time is Required? Schedule

Slide 14

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Big Picture for Cost Estimating

Where Is WBS How Big is the the Software? Software?



No: rethink assumptions or renegotiate Yes Done

Nitin V Pujari

Is This Realistic?


How Much Effort is Required?

How Much Will it Cost?

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

How Much Time is Required? Schedule

Slide 15

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Definition: A work breakdown structure is a hierarchical list of the work activities required to complete a project. This includes tasks for: - Software development - Software development management - Support of software development - Any other activities required to meet customer requirements, such as creating documents, training programs, tool development or acquisition, travel, etc. Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 16

Friday, October 24, 2008

Why Use a WBS?

The WBS is the tool you use to document all work that must be done to develop and deliver the software in a satisfactory manner Although this information is “redundant” with the various “source” documents (SOW, requirements document, design document, etc.), it serves to consolidate information from many sources into one place and into an organized format. Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 17

Friday, October 24, 2008

Top Level Role of WBS

Cost Estimate (proposal &/ project start) Source Documents (SOW, Requirements, contract, test criteria, etc,)

Nitin V Pujari


TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Cost Tracking (during execution) Historical Records (at end of project)

Slide 18

Friday, October 24, 2008

An example of a WBS Shown as a Tree

Software for SIS

Build SIS Software

Build Test Suite

User Create a Query Interface Database Nitin V Pujari

Write Installation Software

Write Documentation


Manage Software Development

Information Kiosk

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 19

Friday, October 24, 2008

An example of a WBS Shown as Indented Text

1.0 Software for SIS 1.1 Build SIS Software 1.1.1 Build a User Interface 1.1.2 Create a Database 1.1.3 Write Query Processing Scripts 1.1.4 Populate the Database 1.1.5 Interface with Information Kiosk 1.2 Build the Test Suite for SIS 1.2.1 etc. 1.3 Write Documentation 1.4 Write Installation Software 1.5 Manage the Above Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 20

Friday, October 24, 2008

Example of an Additional Level of Detail in a WBS

1.0 Software for SIS 1.1 Build SIS Software 1.1.1 Build a User Interface Analyze Requirements for User I/F Design the User Interface Code the User Interface Test and Integrate the User Interface 1.1.2 etc.

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008


• With object oriented and relational databases, perhaps we could come up with a new concept of a work breakdown structure that is not hierarchical • We could then look at things any way we wanted to, such as: – – – –

by process by software component by responsibility etc.

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 22

Friday, October 24, 2008

Why Do a Work Breakdown Structure? Purposes:

- To organize the work to be done - To illustrate the work to be done - To assure that all necessary work has been identified - To divide the work into small, well defined tasks - To facilitate planning, estimating and scheduling of the project - To provide a basis for data monitoring and historical data collection - To identify contractual tasks and deliverables

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 23

Friday, October 24, 2008

Some Uses of a WBS

• Cost Estimating – To make sure that all tasks are estimated – To make sure that each element of the estimate corresponds to a necessary task – To “roll up” costs of individual elements to get total costs for sub-elements or for the system as a whole

• Cost Accounting – Work is assigned and “charged” based on specific WBS elements – You can then determine the actual cost of each element

• Schedule Performance – You can monitor which tasks are complete Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 24

Friday, October 24, 2008

Additional WBS Terminology

• Activity


• Work Package

• Cost Content Summary

• WBS Dictionary Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

The Activity

Definition: an activity is a specific task to be performed. Activities occur at all levels of the WBS. Generally, each activity corresponds to some documented work requirement, such as a SOW paragraph However, some activities are merely implied – – – –

Management Acquisition of resources Details of development process ...

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 26

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Work Package

Definition: the work package is a bottom-level or “atomic” activity in the WBS This represents a task or group of tasks whose costs will be tracked and estimated together

Work Package Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Typical Work Package Properties

• Associated with a concrete event or milestone when starting and when complete • Suitable for independent cost estimating and tracking • Small enough to manage and large enough to be worth tracking separately • Suitable for allocating part of the budget (people, hours, dollars, computers, etc.)

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 28

Friday, October 24, 2008

Examples of Work Packages

• Design of a software component • Travel to customer for interchange meetings • Management of development for an individual software product • Quality assurance for the software product • Configuration management for the software product

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 29

Friday, October 24, 2008

Alternative Work Packages for Configuration Management Tasks

• Configuration management for the software product • Configuration management for a specific software component • Configuration management for the design phase of the life cycle

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 30

Friday, October 24, 2008

Guidelines for Selecting a Work Package

• Start with the Process – Associate each work package with a discrete portion of the process [all or part]

• Consider the Design (high level) – Associate each work package with a discrete portion of the software, such as a configuration item or major component

• Consider the Nature of the Work – Associate a work package with a given type of work or payment – For example, separate travel from equipment from development labor Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 31

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cost Content Summary

Definition: a description of a work package and a rationale for its cost estimate Example: Cost Content Summary Item: Travel for Customer Interchange Meetings WBS #:

Cost: $16,800

Description: Four trips to customer for I/C meetings. Each trip will involve 3 engineers and be 2 days long Cost Calculation: 4 * 3 * 2 * $700/day = $16,800 Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 32

Friday, October 24, 2008

WBS Dictionary

Definition: a supplement to the WBS that provides additional detail for each WBS activity Typical contents for a given activity: – – – – – – –

Inputs Outputs Performance Goals (if any) Reviews Exit or Completion criteria Detailed description (if a work package) Sub-activities that make up this activity

Some of the contents are determined by the process to be followed Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Example WBS Dictionary for a bottom level WBS activity (i.e., a work package)

Name: Design the File system (for compiler) WBS #: Performance Goal: 3 months Inputs: requirements specification for file system Output: file system design description Reviews: preliminary design review, detailed design review, plus intermediate peer reviews Exit Criteria: file system design addresses all requirements and meets design standards Detailed Description: using the Booch method, use object oriented design technique to establish a design for the file system. ............. Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Example WBS Dictionary for an intermediate WBS activity

Name: Develop File system (for compiler) WBS #: 1.1.3 Performance Goal: 8 month schedule Inputs: requirements specs for file system Output: file system code Reviews: preliminary design review, detailed design review, test status review, formal qualification test, internal peer reviews Exit Criteria: file system passes functional tests based on requirements Subtasks: requirements analysis (; design (; code (; integrate ( Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 35

Friday, October 24, 2008

Goals of a Good WBS (1)

1) Specify the ingredients of the project clearly and concisely 2) Identify the responsibilities of each task and its place within the whole 3) Identify project performance targets at every level 4) Support the comparison of actual performance with target values 5) Motivate people to meet targets

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 36

Friday, October 24, 2008

Observations on the WBS

• Different parts of the WBS could have different levels of detail • Later updates of the WBS could provide more detail than what is developed initially • Avoid making too many very small work packages -- if several of them have nearly identical descriptions, see if you can combine them. (each level in the WBS multiplies by 510 the amount of detail that must be estimated, tracked, etc.) • Trace the WBS to the requirements Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 37

Friday, October 24, 2008

Construction of a WBS (high level view)

1) Develop (or refine) the WBS 2) Trace the WBS to the source documents 3) Perform (or update) cost and schedule estimates 4) Determine if WBS is consistent with cost and schedule data 5) Identify Risks 6) Repeat as necessary – To correct discrepancies – To refine during replanning Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 38

Friday, October 24, 2008

Develop a WBS

1) The Software Hunt -- Go through the SOW, rqmts. document, etc. and make a complete list of all items that impact the cost of doing the software Document





Design Software for Compiler



Travel for Design Reviews



Follow ISO Standard 5432f

Rqmts. Doc.


Use data compression


... Customer

Mtg. on 3/5/95 Code all software in C++

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 39

Friday, October 24, 2008

Source Documents

Don’t forget that there are many possible source documents SOW - usually the best item to start with Specifications Concept of Operation documents Requirements Documents of Many Kinds Design Documents Standards (internal and external) Customer Conversations Test Criteria or Expectations Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 40

Friday, October 24, 2008

Develop a WBS

2) Determine the WBS for the company or the project (system) and how software fits in – Many organizations have a standard WBS architecture – If your organization does not have a standard, determine what project requirements may be applicable – For example, your project manager may have a specific approach -- number of levels, where to show certain kinds of costs, etc.

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 41

Friday, October 24, 2008

WBS with Software Embedded in Hardware

Radar Sig. Proc.



Power S.


Computer Software

This approach can result in a large number of software elements in the WBS. A spreadsheet may be handy for tracking them all. Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 42

Friday, October 24, 2008

WBS with Software Separate

System Software Compiler


Electrical Mechanical



This approach may tend to isolate software planning from the rest of the system, resulting in inconsistent interpretations of requirements, etc.

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 43

Friday, October 24, 2008

Develop a WBS

3) Determine a logical structure for the software portion (s) of the WBS – many organizations have standard architectures to facilitate collection of costs across the organization – different software products (configuration items) may need different WBS structures

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 44

Friday, October 24, 2008

Some “Standard” Architectures for a Software WBS

All Software Products Components Process Steps

All Software Organizations Products ...

All Software Process Steps Products Components

All Software Products Organizations ...

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 45

Friday, October 24, 2008

Develop a WBS

4) Populate the chosen WBS structure with tasks that address the work identified in the SOW, etc. (from step 1). 5) (optional) Add a column to the data gathered in step 1 to record the corresponding WBS number, so you can have a WBS - to - source documents trace. Doc

Parag WBS# Description


1.3.4 Design Software for Compiler




Travel for Design Reviews

... Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 46

Friday, October 24, 2008

Develop a WBS

6) (optional) Determine the cost estimating category for each element in the WBS. Doc

Parag WBS# Description


1.3.4 Design Software for Compiler








Travel for Design Reviews

Category S C

... See Assignment 4 for sample cost categories If this step is not done here, it needs to be done later, during the cost estimating process Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008


• There will be some items from step 1 that are scattered throughout many WBS elements (example: use a particular standard or a particular programming language) – But costs specific to that standard or language may be separate WBS elements -- such as purchasing a compiler or carrying out a mandated review or producing a document that would not otherwise be needed

• There may be some items from step 1 that do not seem to fit the standard WBS form – Examples: warranty costs, special testing, ... – You usually just add another element somewhere – You may need to be creative Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Notes (continued)

• Some items in the organization’s standard WBS may not be explicitly stated in source documents – Examples: training, management, facilities, development tools

• For these you determine whether they are needed and, if so, work with your customer or system engineer to define them in statement of work or other source documents. • The standard WBS acts as a reminder not to forget things like these. Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 49

Friday, October 24, 2008

Examples of WBS issues

Issue: customer requires that the design document be written in a specific format that your process does not require Option 1: include cost of this in basic cost estimate for software development – may make your productivity rate a bit lower

Option 2: include incremental cost of producing this format as a separate WBS item – this shows the customer what it costs – but be prepared to reduce the cost accordingly if the customer says “OK, use your own format.” Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 50

Friday, October 24, 2008

Examples of WBS issues

Issue: configuration management is a significant overall cost, but a minor increment to individual component cost estimates Option 1: include cost of this in basic cost estimate for each software development task – tends to create a lot of very small work packages

Option 2: include CM cost as a separate item at a higher WBS level (for example, at the level where you show project management) – tends to obscure the details of what it costs, and makes the total look large – invites arbitrary cuts in CM cost Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Examples of WBS issues

Issue: customer or program manager requires a WBS format or architecture that does not conform with organizational standard Option 1: put WBS in a spreadsheet and organize both ways (separate column for each numbering system) – use “sort” command to produce WBS in either format

Option 2: negotiate to see if they will accept your standard format

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 52

Friday, October 24, 2008

Additional (Optional) Information in WBS Trace

• Who is responsible for estimating cost • Who is responsible for development • What paragraph of the software development plan addresses this task • What standards are to be applied in performing this task • What is the final cost estimate for this WBS item (often filled in later, after cost estimating is complete) • etc. • etc. Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 53

Friday, October 24, 2008

Using the WBS Trace Matrix

1) Sort by SOW paragraph and make sure each task is covered in the WBS, etc. 2) Sort by WBS number and make sure each corresponds to a legitimate activity that must be performed 3) Sort by WBS and requirements document to identify all the requirements that must be met by each activity (helps in cost estimating)

Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

Slide 54

Friday, October 24, 2008

One More Note

If a single SOW paragraph is reflected in several WBS elements (or vice versa), you can make several separate entries in the cross reference matrix. Doc

Parag WBS# Description


1.3.4 Design Software for Compiler


1.3.4 Design Software for Editor


2.3.4 Use Booch Design Method




Travel for Design Reviews

[In this example, perhaps SOW 1.3.4 says “design software”] Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Risks in Preparing a WBS Page 1 of 2

• Too Much Detail – The more detail, the higher overhead of cost monitoring and estimating – Some government customers insist on tracking all detail that you put in the WBS -- do you really want them tracking how many weeks you spent during design reviews? – You may have two WBSs to get around this: a “formal” WBS at the high level and a “working” WBS at the detail level

• Work Packages are Vague – Look for concrete starting & ending events with specific evaluation criteria – Remember that a work package must be discrete, trackable, and measurable Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Risks in Preparing a WBS Page 2 of 2

• Excluding certain tasks – Exclusion implies 0 cost -- rarely true – When in doubt, check with others to make sure everything is covered -- it is easy to assume someone else covered it – If you don’t know, ask. Just because you don’t know about a required task or a software component does not mean that it costs nothing.

• Duplication – It is easy to have the same work show up in more than one place, especially on a large project – Managers must “scrub” the WBS Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Risk Mitigation Approaches

• WBS inspection or walkthrough – Look for completeness, consistency, well defined activities, etc. – Let others see the WBS (you have tunnel vision and may miss something)

• Trace to source documents (and, later, to cost estimate) – Check that all requirements are included and all entries are required

• Remember that the WBS is part of the plan -include WBS revisions in replanning activities Nitin V Pujari

TSDP-Sep-2005 - Project Management

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