Truth Behind The Sabra And Chatilla Killings

  • June 2020
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The Syrians were behind it 100 percent. New information proves it. An LFP Exclusive (Lebanese Foundation for Peace) Direct Submission The Truth Behind the Sabra and Chatilla killings. Source: A retired Lebanese intelligence officer who is willing to testify at a trial of Elias Hobeika, if it takes place at an international court. Perceived as the driving force in the murders at Sabra and Chatilla, General "Arik" Sharon has been condemned and discarded by accepted history. No matter that he is now the leader of the Likud party in Israel, no matter that he is the hero of many campaigns that preserved Israel in the face of overwhelming odds, history's perception destroys his viability as deserving of the highest office of the land. The truth is that the massacre did indeed happen; however, the perpetrator's were neither Israeli nor Lebanese rioters as reported. The entire operation was masterminded by Syrian intelligence, as reported by a number of witnesses, and was carried out ruthlessly and efficiently by a Lebanese stooge of Syria named Elias Hobeika. The most comprehensive source of published information is by the body guard of Hobeika: Robert Hatem nicknamed Cobra. Hatem wrote a diary of events leading up to and past the massacres that is available on the internet at: The book is banned in Lebanon, and many of the participants are still active in Lebanese politics. Hatem is a political refugee hiding in France. Hatem writes that Hobeika spoke of two thousand Palestinian terrorists hiding in the Palestinian refugee camps, the Israelis had asked Hobeika to rid the camps of the terrorists, and the Israeli forces expected them to supervise the Palestinian evacuation from the camps. Their specific orders were to sort out the armed terrorists and hand them over to the Israelis. Hobeika was under strict orders by Sharon to act as a dignified, armed force and not resort to any unnecessary violence. Hobeika, a known Syrian agent, ignored Sharon's orders and gave his own command: "total extermination, camps to be wiped out." When Hobeika spoke to Sharon, Sharon was infuriated and condemned Hobeika for murder, and wanton killings. Hatem reports that"All the victims were civilians killed with grenades, hatchets, assault rifles, and knives. Some of the corpses were even boobie- trapped." "General Sharon ordered his men

to fire flares from that moment on until 400 a.m. to avoid further killings but it was too late. The harm was done." One witness, a Lebanese dissident, is easy to dismiss as a malcontent, irrelevant and without credibility, yet after all these years we now find substantiating evidence, credible evidence, and directly from the Palestinians and others. The Voice of Palestine (Official Palestinian Radio Station), September 15,2000, reported that Brigadier General Sultan Abu-al- Aynayn, official in charge of the Fatah Movement in Lebanon, deplored the non-trial and non-questioning of Hobeika for the innocent blood that was spilled in the two refugee camps. Another source is Agence France Presse whose article "Massacre of Palestinians at refugee camps remembered," was reported in the Jordan Times September 17,00. The story included the following "BEIRUT (AFP) Palestinians and Lebanese commemorated the 18th anniversary on Saturday of the massacre of 1,500 Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut. Relatives of the victims point an accusing finger at Elie Hobeika, now an outgoing pro-Syrian member of parliament who was then the intelligence chief for the Lebanese forces. He denies all responsibility for the massacre." Yasir Arafat continues the charade, carefully omitting the Syrian responsibility for the massacre. In spite of overwhelming evidence that Sharon was not in any way responsible for the massacre, indeed, the present Syrian controlled Lebanese government is at fault, the controlled Lebanese press persists in its fable of faulting Sharon, as they are well aware that if charges of guilt are leveled at Hobeika, it would infuriate Syria for Hobeika is "protected," well known as Syria's protegé, and any charges against Hobeika would implicate Syria. Additionally, a number of Lebanese papers manipulated by Syrian intelligence have ignored the entire event and all the sordid events leading up to the killings. There is a direct, power struggle between PLO and Syrian proxies on the ground, involving control of Lebanese territory and control over the ruling elite in Lebanon. Lebanese intelligence sources report of the massacres -"that to distract the world from focusing on the murder of the President then elect Bachir Gemayel, a plot was devised to blame Israel." The intelligence sources add that Habib Chartouni (freed by the Syrians from jail during the 1990 invasion of the Presidential Palace in Baabda) a member of the Syrian National Socialist Party (an instrument of the Syrian Secret Service in

Lebanon) under the direction of Nabil El-Alam (senior intelligence officer in the SNSP) carried out the assassination with the help of Hobeika who operated from within the Lebanese Forces. Nabil El-Alam is believed to be living today in Libya working as an intelligence advisor of terrorism affairs for the security apparatus of Qadhafi. Confirmed intelligence reports state that Qadhafi during the Lebanese war financed the SNSP with millions of dollars to launch terrorist attacks against Israeli targets world wide. The late Inaam Raad, senior political SNSP member, was the architect of the SNSP Libyan relationship. With Syrian approval, Hobeika ordered the massacres at Sabra and Chatilla, as Hobeika working undercover for the Syrians used the Lebanese forces as an instrument to weaken the Palestinian forces and use Israel as a scapegoat, clearing Syria from any involvement. The massacres were carried out by intelligence units of the Lebanese Forces. These units were under the sole control of Hobeika and belonged to the Security Service and not the General Military Command (Military Wing). The General Command of the Lebanese Forces had some 2500 soldiers in mechanized divisions waiting at the Beirut International Airport, advancing to West Beirut and linkup from there with East Beirut and the Christian controlled areas. Sharon, angered that Hobeika had tarnished Israel's image worldwide by implicating him in the massacres, took steps to prevent additional carnage. Sharon ordered on the 16th and 17th of September 1982 that the Lebanese Forces that were waiting at the Beirut airport could not enter West Beirut as he feared even more murders. The Lebanese Forces were ordered by the Israeli Military command to return to their barracks in East Beirut through the Druze town of Choueifat and the Christian town of Hadath, in the Beirut suburbs. They did not enter West Beirut. There are dozens of witnesses, former Lebanese Forces officers willing to testify to the matter. To hide the details of this Palestinian massacre, the information presented to the world,was that the Christian Lebanese Forces backed by General Sharon orchestrated the massacres. That is incorrect. It was years too late, that the Lebanese Forces discovered that Hobeika was working as a double agent from within the Lebanese Forces for Syria's interest, and his Security Service agency actions were manipulated by Syria intelligence, and Hobeika fingerprints was behind every car explosion and assassination from East Beirut to West Beirut. From the foiled car bomb attempt on former Lebanese president, Camille Chamoun, in Dora, to the faulty car bomb attempt on the Christian Lebanese Front in Awkar, to the assassination attempt by car bomb on Sunni leader Moustafa Saad in Saida, to the attempt

on Druze leader Walid Jumblatt's life in Beirut, to the assassination attempt on Hezbollah's spiritual leader Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah in Beirut, and many others. This detailed information is provided by classified sources in the Lebanese Forces Intelligence Department. With Hobeika carrying out the dirty work, Syria was dismantling the fabric of Lebanese Society to better control it. Hobeika and his lieutenants alone are responsible for all these deaths. He masterminded it, orchestrated it and executed it, under secret Syrian orders and blamed it on Israel. This was not the first nor the last massacre the Syrians ordered in Lebanon. In 1985 the Syrians ordered the Shiite Amal Militia, under the control of the present Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berry, to lay siege to the Palestinian camps in Beirut for months, inflicting hundreds of casualties. A few years later, Syria's proxy's, the SNSP militia in Bohsas in northern Lebanon, and the Lebanese Baath units of Ali Eid, backed by the Syrian Special Forces, easily defeated Arafat's PLO in Tripoli, Northern Lebanon, and hundreds of PLO members were slaughtered and shot on the walls of the city. Arafat and his men were saved and by boats returned to Tunis. This was not done to assist Israel. The sole objective of Syria was to throughly take control of all of Lebanon, and the Sabra and Chatilla massacres were only a chapter in a long history of Syrian massacres. Finally, Syria rewarded all the leaders of the massacres by elevating their status from militia leaders to that of deputy or minister in later Lebanese governments. Their political approach was always to use the Palestinians masses in Lebanon as a force to pressure Israel in every peace negotiation. Also remember, at this Time, Assad just killed 22,000 of his own people in Hama Syria.

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