Trusting Christ For My Marriage Partner Bs

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 708
  • Pages: 7
TRUSTING CHRIST FOR MY MARRIAGE PARTNER This study is an effort to find, first hand, the principles laid down in the scriptures. We must apply the truth of the bible to our times. Our preconceived ideas and even so called ‘Christian thinking’ is to be kept aside so we can learn from God directly. Start out by reading Genesis 2: 18 – 3: 20 and then answer the following questions.

Marriage is God’s Idea •

Who saw the need for marriage for Adam?

• Who provided the need?

How was the need provided?

• What was Adam’s response when he met Eve?

• What do you understand from the expression ‘suitable helper’ in Gen. 2:18?

What does the word “solemnized” mean? Who solemnized this marriage and who were the witnesses?

Why did God chose only one wife for Adam?

• Did this marriage happen before or after the fall of man?

What was God’s purpose in this marriage?

• When was the partner provided to Adam? • a) How did “leaving and cleaving” (Gen. 2:24) apply to Adam? b) How were they intended to become one flesh? c) How were they to become one in spirit? (Mal. 2:15)

• What is the significance of marriage in Eternity? (Matt. 22:29)

How come Jesus was not married? (Use the Bible to explain your answer).

What was Jesus’ role in His disciples’ marriages?

Did Jesus attend any marriages? What did he do at them?

Can you think of a “model” couple in New Testament? Why are they a “model?”

What is God’s ultimate purpose of all marriages and family? (Look for scriptures to explain your answer).

Marriage is God’s command Read Deut 7:3, and 1Cor 7:39. If marriage is God’s command how did God allow exceptions and why?

How will you make sure that s/he loves the Lord and has a saving knowledge of the truth?

God’s gift vs. Our choice Study the following couples and record your views? Are they choices of God? Who proposed the decision? How & who decided? (Don’t forget to use Bible verses in order to explain your answers). • Adam & Eve –

Moses & Zippora –

Joseph & Asaneth –

Isaac & Rebecca –

Boaz & Ruth –

Esther & King –

God’s Purpose of Marriage Partnership/Companionship Procreation/ Reproduction • Pleasure • Purity in society • Picture/Shadow of Christ and the Church • •

When choosing a marriage partner, ask yourself… “Do I have an ulterior motive in marrying this person?”

God’s Eternal Purpose in Marriage •

Compare the situations involving a Midianite woman in Num. 25:6 and Exodus 2: 16, 21. Why did God approve? Disapprove?

Compare the situation involving a Moabite woman in Num. 25: 1- 3 and Ruth 1: 4, 2: 6, 1:16, 2:12. Why did God approve? Disapprove?

Why did God approve of an Egyptian identity and Egyptian wife for Joseph?

Why was Rehab, the prostitute, accepted? How do you understand David’s statement in 1Chronicles 17:6?

How was deliverance and faith demonstrated through all of this? (The scarlet thread of redemption and God’s eternal purpose)?

What lessons have I learned and how can I apply this to my situation?

Work Shop • What do you understand by the expression in Matt. 24: 38? (“Eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage...till the flood came...)?” •

What are some other reasons for marrying in our contemporary society?

When I considering God’s eternal purpose of marriage, does God approve of my marriage?

• How do I evaluate my situation?

• What are my choices? How many areas of “Suitability” are to be addressed? (Look at Gen 2:20 and meditate over the following areas). • Physical •

Intellectual/Mental/ Educational

• Emotional •

Spiritual, Perception of truth, Calling, and Gift?

Financial/ Life style


• Likes/ Dislikes • Temperaments •

Future Aspirations

How do I understand or much do I need to understand?

What is my responsibility to trust Christ regarding my marriage and future? (Record your views from Biblical understanding).

A Prayer Concerning Marriage God you See my need. You can Source it . You Solemnize it for your Glory! Amen.

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