Truste Privacy Services - Building A Business Based On Customer Trust With The Truste Privacy Seal

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 529
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TRU S T e S UCCE S S S TORY : J UNG L E S OURCE , INC . Building a Business Based on Customer Trust with the TRUSTe Seal

abou t TRUSTe

TRUSTe Privacy Seals help consumers click with confidence by guiding them to trustworthy Web sites. More than 2,400 Web sites rely on TRUSTe industry best practices to help them make the right decisions about privacy and protecting confidential user information. Many of the most trafficked Web sites are certified to TRUSTe’s leading practices including, Disney, eBay, Facebook, Intuit, Microsoft and Yahoo. To learn more about internet privacy visit

Situation Jungle Source™ was founded in 2007 by a consortium of employment and compliance specialists to fill a growing need to provide potential employers with a richer, more personalized background screening service. With today’s heightened focus on safety, security, and legal concerns, companies are increasingly careful about each new hire – and pre-employment screening is more important than ever. Jungle Source offers a highly personalized approach, based on developing strong partnerships with their customers. Understanding that the foundation of their business hinged on the ability to build long-term, trusted relationships with their customers, Jungle Source engaged with TRUSTe early on as part of their initial Web site design. certification In November 2007, TRUSTe began the review of data collection and use practices on the Jungle Source website. In December, Jungle Source completed certification of their Web site’s privacy statement, and were granted authorization to post the TRUSTe Privacy Seal. RESULTS Since becoming a certified TRUSTe Web Privacy seal holder, Jungle Source has continued to grow and extend their client base. As part of their business process, Jungle Source now handles the personal information for hundreds of customers each month. Presence of the TRUSTe Click-to-Verify Seal provides customers with the assurance that any information that they provide is handled appropriately, and that their privacy is fully protected. Since customer satisfaction and personalized service provide the core of Jungle Source’s differentiated offering in a highly competitive marketplace, Jungle Source continues to extend their partnership with TRUSTe, and consider TRUSTe to be a core enabler to their business. Learn more about Jungle Source at

“J u n g l e S o u r c e wo r ks to b u i l d tr u ste d part nershi ps wi t h o ur custo m e rs. H av i n g t h e TRU ST e se a l o n o u r W eb s ite l ets our cu stomer s k n ow th at w e u p h o l d th e h i g h e st sta n dards i n t he way we hand le i n fo r mati o n p r ov i de d to u s as pa rt o f the b ackgro und screeni ng p r o c e ss .” B r o o k Pa r k e r , J u n g l e S o u r c e p r e s i d e n t

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