Trump, Kiyosaki Network Marketing

  • August 2019
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FOR. THOSE OF YOU WT{g NfiJLYHQT SE FAMltlAn UlltH frfiY pnEViClUS BStlKSu in bookin the the second Quadrant, RichDad'sCASHFLOW people find$etgo some into why I ofbooks, RichDad series thanothers. tinQricheasier

to spend your life. Most MBA programs are tralnlng str'rdents for high-paying iobs in the corporatewodd as an E, not a B.

Network Marketing! The Industry for People Who Want to Ghange Their Lives \fhat if you're in the E or S quadrants and you want to change? \7hat if you want to be in the B quadrant? \(here do you find the education that trains you for that quadrant? I recommend a network marketing business'I recommend the industry for people who want to change, and get the necessatyskills and attitude training to be successfulin the B quadranr. Being an entrePreneurand building a B-quadrant businessis one ofthe toughest challengesa person can take on' The reasonthere are more people in the E and S quadrants

Quadrantis the mostimportant RichDad'sCASHFLOW people who want to makechan$esin their of my booksfor lives.Someof the termsusedherewill referto the lettersin this dia$ram:

is simply becausethose quadrants are less-demanding than the B quadrant. As they say,"Ifit were easy,everyone would do it." I had to learn how to overcome my self-doubt, shynessand fear of rejection. And I had to learn how to pick myself up and keep going after I failed. These are some of the personaltraits a person must develop if they are to be successfulin a B-quadrant business,whether it is a network marketing business,a franchiseor an entrepreneurial staft-up,

E - standsfor emPloYee person, S - standsfor small-business self-employedor sPecialist B - standsfor big-businessowners such asDonald TrumP I * standsfor investor Why Network Marketing? \7hen I first heard about network marketing, I was against it' But after opening my mind, I began to see advantages that few other businessopportunities offer. Long-term successin life is a reflection ofyour education, iife experienceand personal character. Many network marketing companies provide personal-developmentlraining in those key areas' Most schools train people for the E or S quadrants, and that is great if those are the quadrants in which you want

An important personal skiil required for any B-quadrant businessis leadership.Are you able to overcomeyour fears and have others overcome their fears to get the job





done?This is a skill tl'reMarine Corps taught rne. As Marine Corps ofllcers, it was imperative thar we were able to lead others into battle, even thor-rghwe were all terrified of dying. I meet many people in the S quadrant, rhe specialistsor smallbusiness owners, who would like to expand, but tl-reysimply lack leadership skills. No one wants to follow them. The employeesdo not trust their leacler,or the leader does t-totinspire the employees to better themselves. Forbesclefined a big-business owner, a B-quadrant business owner, as a person who controls a businesswith more than 100 employees.This dehnition is why leadersl.ripskills are vital for the B cluadrant.

ffietworlc Marketing !s a S.Suadrant Eusiness Building a B-quadrant businessis nor an easytask. So you need to ask yourself, "Do I have what it takesi' Am I willing to go beyond my

comfort zonesi'Am I willing to be led and willing to learn to lead?Is there a very rich person insicle me, ready to come or-rtl" If the answer is yes, start looking for a network marketing businessthat has a grear training program. I r.vill fbcus lesson the products or the compensation plans, and more on the eclucationand personal development program the company offers. A network marketing businessis a B-quadrant businessbecause it meets severalcliteria I look lor in a br-rsiness or investment.Those criteriaare: \flhere can yolr find a business that will invest the time in .1" .l-everage;Can I rmin other people ro work firr rnel' yor-rreducation, yollr personal development and br-rilding your 2. Conu:ol: f)r: I have a prorectecisystem rhat beiongs ro me? own business?The answer is most network marketing br-rsinesses. l. (,reativity: lrX/illt.]reitusinessalkrrvme lo be creative,and

WhyNetworfq Mlarketing?

giving your$elf enough time" These areg00dpoints t0ccnsider. qualities 0nnald's Trurnp's Response I agreethatleadership areeritical forsuccess" You MarketinE is a powerful tooi,andnetwork marketing haveto havea take-charge. can definitely can-do attitude. you're increase youcan thaipawelproviclecl self-motivated. lna simple As withanyotherundertaking, knoweverything visual, youbegin. seea Brsduct andremove theadvertising agsncy frorn about whatyou're doingbefore Neiwork marketing it. lt'supto youto dcthernarketing andadvertising. hasBroven itselfto be a viableandrewardinE s0urce0f That'sa bigjob,butit canbe doneif you're income, andthechailenges cnuldbejustright pa$si0nate to getgoing0nyourOwn, enCIugh andi0 fnr ynu.Therehavebeensomeremarkable goingat a high keepthemomentum andmotiuati*n exampies 0fsuccess, andthssesuecesses have r€quire$ anentrepreneurial spirit,andthat beenearned through diligence, enihusiasm and means focusandperseverance. i don'trecommend therightproduct combined withtiming. Aswith networkrnarketing tn peaple whCI arenothighly s0 manyissues, therearetangibles andthe self-motivated. intangibles lnvoived, butsu*cess is nota total Another impcrtant aspect 0f network marketing is mystery, andthatapplie$ to network marketing, thalit'sinherently s0if you're nota social $ocial, 0r aswell. psfson, I'dthinktwiceabnutgoingintoit. outgoing Mostpeoplehaveheard0f focusgroups, a Sociability is a requiremnnt. research tonladvertising agencies u$e.Whenthey're testing Justlikein advertising, there's n0pointin having a fantastic a newpr0duct theygoto different locations andsimplyask pe0pie advertising if theproduct isunequally campaign fantastic. Alsc, everyday whattheylikeanddon'tlikeab0utnew yorl'll keepinmindthatif youdecide tobecome a distributor, be pfoducts. 1t'sbestif yuucant<eep thefocusgroupideaclose youmakeabout legaily responsible fsrtheclaims you theproduct, at handwhendeciding abouta product. Justbe*ause thecampany andtheavailable opportunities. Butaboveall, likeit doesn't meaneveryone elsewill.Finding a common makesuretheproduct isworthyourenergy andtotaldevotion. denominator inproduct appeai willmatter. youcouldbeenergeti*ally 0therwise, spinning wheels. Myadvice aboutnetvt'ork marketing isto doyourresearch, ]rour y0urc0mfort andputeverything you'vegutintoyourproduct. Robert mentions theimpcrtance ofSCIing beynnd Genuine zonewh6nit csmesto network marketing. Healsomentions enthusiasm is hardto beat,andtheoddswillbewithyou"


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clcvtlop nly ()w1lpersonirlstyLeand talents!' Ilxpunclability':Can my busincssgrorvincleiirritelvi' ii: I clorvhtrtis Predictrbil.itl,:Is nr-vitrcrimepreclictalrie nnclkeepexpandir"lg cxirecredot'r-nc/lf I rm sttccessfitl, rvitir my suc(rssrll(i my busincss,.,vill nry inclmc increarse hartl lvori
Isn't Hetwork Marketing a Pyramid Scheme? I am often askedif network marketingis a pyramidscheme.My reply A corporationhas only is that corporationsare really pyramid schemes. one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyoneelsebeiow'

A true network marketing businessis the exact oppositeofa traditiontrl businessmodel. The network marketing businessis designedto bring yor-rto the top, not keep you at tl-rebottom. A tnre network n-rarketing businessdoesnot succeedunlessit brings peopleto the top.

Additional Points Worth hllentioning 1. Tax breaks increase. By starting a network marketing business in your sparetime and keeping your regular job, you begin to gain the tax advantagesof the rich. A person witl-ra part-time businesscan take more tax deductionsthan employeescan. For example,you may be able to deduct car expenses,gasoline, some meals and entertain-

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