True Korean Hero, Admiral Yi Sun-sin

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  • Words: 34,301
  • Pages: 88
Contents 04 05

Foreword Introduction

Chapter 1. His contribution to the world The Ultimate Naval Battles 08 The Battle of Salamis 11 The Battle of Gravelines 15 The Battle of Hansando 20 The Battle of Trafalgar Imjin War 24 The Imjin war International Reputation 28 International Reputation of Yi Sun-sin

Chapter 2. His contribution to Korea 32 Inspire Korean 39 Domestic Reputation

Chapter 3. Who is he? 42 46 50 55 56 59 60 67

Timeline Life Keywords Quotes and Poems Historical Sites People Major Battles Arsenal

Chapter 4. The truth about him 72 73 76

Looking for Truth Truths and Falses Letter writing campaign

Chapter 5. VANKY introduces him 78

VANKY introduces him to the world


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04 Foreword

Foreword Dear Readers, My name is Tae-ho Kim, the Governor of the Province of Gyeongsangnam-do in Korea. I am both pleased and honored to have the opportunity to greet you through this magazine. Gyeongsangnam-do is an important province for a number of reasons. Currently, in the fall of 2008, we are the host of the 10th Conference of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Government representatives from 165 countries, environmental specialists, NGOs, and other interested international organizations will be participating in the conference. It is also a popular tourist destination that attracts many visitors each year from throughout Korea and the world. Tourists visit for the scenery of its beautiful mountains and seas, and for its rich culture and history. Gyeongsangnam-do also has an important place in world history. It was the site of several naval battles that turned the tide against Japanese attempts to invade mainland Asia. In 1592, Japan invaded Korea, a land whose people favored peace and at the time was known as Joseon or “the land of morning calm”. The Japanese invasion led to the outbreak of the Imjin War (1592~1598), which eventually took the lives and destroyed the homes and property of millions of Koreans. Faced with this tragic war, Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin came forward to protect Korea and the peace in Asia. Gyeongsangnam-do was the site where many of his naval battles took place. He defeated the Japanese Navy in all of his battles, at least 23 victorious battles in 7 years during the Imjin War. This is a great record of naval success that is rarely found in Eastern or Western history. Such tremendous victories were made possible thanks to his foresight in preparing Korea for its defense against invasion. Before the outbreak of war, Yi Sun-sin built the Geobukseon, the world’s first ironclad battleship, in order to defend against Japanese attempts to invade. This innovative battleship played a significant role in Yi Sun-sin’s victories by helping the Korean navy overcome being outnumbered by the amount of Japanese ships. Unfortunately, most information on the Internet and in influential encyclopedias fails to accurately represent the aggressive nature of Japan during the Imjin War, and the important role of Admiral Yi Sun-sin in protecting peace in Asia. One of the primary reasons for these inaccuracies is that Japan had the advantage of using the Internet to promote its perspective on history before Korea. As a result, wider perspectives and important pieces of information from Korea and other Asian countries have been left out of the historical record. To address this problem and to fill in some of these gaps in world history, since December of 2007 the Province of Gyeongsangnam-do and the Cyber Diplomatic Mission, VANK (Voluntary Agency Network of Korea), have been engaged in a joint project to discover, analyze, and correct inaccurate historical information on the Internet and in encyclopedias and textbooks. This magazine is the result of our effort. However, correcting distortions of our history cannot be accomplished without your help. Historical truth and accuracy needs your interest, cooperation, and commitment. By reading this magazine, I hope that you will learn more about the accurate information of the Imjin War and the brave leadership of Admiral Yi Sun-sin during the war. I also would like to ask a favor of you; please, let your family, friends and neighbors know as well. Governor The Province of Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea September 2008



Introduction Greetings Readers, "Your Highness, I still have twelve battleships!" This is what Admiral Yi Sun-sin told the Korean King during a war against Japan in the Joseon Dynasty period. This statement showed his determination to go on to war with hope and without fear, despite the overwhelmingly unfavorable conditions that faced the Korean forces. Using his strong will, Yi rescued the endangered country of Korea and protected the peace in East Asia by achieving tremendous victories over Japan that would become some of the greatest in world naval history. For Koreans, Yi always comes out on the top of the list of most respected heroes in the 5000 years of Korean history. His sayings have long been used as Korean political campaign slogans, corporate CEO business philosophies, ways to stimulate the imagination of entertainers, and inspiring motivational quotes in the textbooks of Korean students. These examples show clearly that Yi has immense influence over Korean society. But, what do six billion foreigners think about Korea’s greatest hero Yi Sun-sin? This very question was the seed of this magazine. In January of 2008, Koreas Cyber Diplomatic Mission, VANK (Voluntary Agency Network of Korea) and the Korean province of Gyeongsangnam-do, found through extensive research that information about Yi Sun-sin and the Imjin War is seldom included in foreign history textbooks, encyclopedias and popular websites. Many Koreans are surprised to learn that Yi’s leadership and bravery, which can help to inspire youth in the world beyond Korea, are often neglected in educational resources available for foreign students. Even more surprising is that the few resources that do have limited content about Yi often provide incorrect information. The dissemination of such misinformation gives some cover to Japan, who had engaged in an aggressive war of invasion against Korea. Misinformation also degrades Yi’s character and accomplishments during the Imjin War. In recognition of this problem, VANK has decided to publish this magazine to inform international audiences about Yi Sun-sin, a man who changed the destiny of Korea and became one of the greatest heroes in Korean history. For this magazine, we put considerable effort into reflecting international perspectives, rather than only a Korean perspective, in our descriptions of Yi’s life and accomplishments during the Imjin War. World naval history and examples of leadership to save a country are familiar and inspiring topics for people across the world. Thus, we present Yi Sun-sin’s leadership, accomplishments, and contribution in a more global context through a chapter titled “His contribution to the world”. In the chapter, you will get to know about the Imjin War and the world’s four greatest naval battles, which include the Battle of Hansando, the Battle of Salamis, the Battle of Calais, and the Battle of Trafalgar. When you read this magazine and begin to learn about Korea’s most respected hero Yi Sun-sin, his accomplishments and leadership, as well as his great battle at Hansando, the knowledge you gain will be valuable to your future. The primary reason we are publishing this magazine is to promote Yi Sun-sin to the world. However, we promote Yi Sun-sin not merely because he is Korea’s greatest naval commander who was never defeated in battle, but more importantly, because he devotedly loved the people and the community to which he belonged, and served them even at the cost of his own life. The spirit that he showed can serve as a moral guide for the lives of contemporary people all around the world. The life and philosophy of a great hero who saved a country in crisis can be the seed that produces more heroes among future generations. We hope that through this magazine, you too can become heroes someday and change the world! Korea’s Cyber Diplomatic Mission, VANK September 2008

Gyeongsangnamdo government’s challenge to search Geobukseon Geobukseon ship played very important role in most battles of Admiral Yi. In battle, it led whole fleet and attacked Japanese ships first. After it dispersed Japanese battle line, remaining warships followed it. Admiral Yi could win continuously at sea battles with various strategies using this ship. Although many historical records about this ship were handed down to present, no wreckage of this ship was found. If some wreckage of this ship is discovered, it would be meaningful excavation in Korean history and very helpful for scholars who study the Imjin war period. Hence, Gyeongsangnamdo government started huge project that search for wreckage of Joseon’s warships and armories since June 2008. They’ll mainly explore the sea in front of Chilcheondo island it because many Joseon’s warships were sunken in this sea at the battle of Chilcheonryang. Battle of Chilcheonryang took place after King Seonjo deprived of Admiral Yi's rank as Commander-in-Chief, because he became entangled in domestic political strife. King Seonjo appointed Won gyun instead of Admiral Yi. Won gyun's Joseon navy decisively was defeated over Japanese at the battle of Chilcheonryang in July 1597. Therefore, many warships sank on this seabed and it means there are many possibilities that wreckage of Geobukseon or other relics can be discovered. Although there is only a 1 percent possibility that Geobukseon still exist in the seabed, Gyeongsangnamdo government and Koreans’ challenge to search Geobukseon will not end.

Sea area in front of Chilcheondo island

The governor of Gyeongsangnamdo is beating traditional drum

A professor having presentation about the structure of Geobukseon

Chapter 1 His contribution to the world The Ultimate Naval Battles - The Battle of Salamis - The Battle of Gravelines - The Battle of Hansando - The Battle of Trafalgar

08 His contribution to the world

The Battle of


It was one of major battles of Graeco-Persian wars which took place from B.C. 492 to B.C. 448. Although, this battle has less fame than another major field battles, such as the Battle of Marathon and the battle of Thermopylae, it was turning point for the Athens.

1. Historical Background

confronted Persian large forces in the field of Marathon, which is situated in north-east from Athens. After this

1⃞ Conflicts between Persian and Greek

battle, one messenger ran to the Athens and conveyed the

At that time, the world was under control of the Persian

victory of their army. He died when he accomplished his

Empire. Persians established immense empire from West

mission. His mission became the inspiration for the

Asia to Cacausus areas. To expand their land to the west,

Marathon race of modern Olympic Games.

this thriving empire had to conquer Greek city states. They constantly invaded Greek through many their king’s reigns.

1⃞ Invasion of Persian Darius, the Great planned the invasion to the Athens again,

The battle of Salamis took place during the reign of Persian

but he died before he carried out plans and this mission

king, Xerxes, the son of Darius the Great of Persia whom

was handed down to his son. Xerxes wasn’t warlike man,

invaded Ionian area. Several city-states in Ionia

but his followers didn’t let him stay in Persia. He settled

confederated and rose in rebellion against Persian Empire.

invasion plan and gathered men from his colonial areas.

Darius the Great sent Persian army and put down a

When he was ready to war, his army marched to the Greek

rebellion. When Ionian city-states asked aides, only Athens

mainland. Herodotus assumed Persian army was around

sent army for them. Consequently, the Persians settled the

5.28 million, but modern Sagas calculated estimated army

plan to invade Athens and another Greek city states which

was 360,000.

allied with Ionians. They marched down along coastline, because their navy When Persians invaded Greek mainland again, Athenians

supplied food and arms. Finally, Persian army arrived at

The Battle of Salamis

They marched down along coastline, because their navy


this Greek strategy and sent his naval fleet to here. On the way to Artemisium, Persian fleet lost a lot of

supplied food and arms. Finally,

warships during a heavy rainstorm. And they lost more

Persian army arrived at Takis of

warships at the Battle of Artemisium. This was one of the

Malis which is located nearby

Battle of Salamis. However, Greek Historian Herodotus

Thermopylae, this was the key

claimed that Persians filled the loses by another Greek city

reasons which Greek fleet defeated Persian fleet at the

states in Aegean Sea which were under the Persians.

point of the Central Greek. If Greeks lose this area, Athens

When Greek fleets were told the defeat of the Battle of

might be devastated by Persians.

Salamis to evacuate their people from their states to another

South Greek 31 city states allied

safe place.

Thermopylae, they withdrew and headed to the island of

and sent their army against Persians. Spartans were the leader of this allied army.

2. The Battle 1⃞ Fleet and commanders Winner: Greek fleet

Takis of Malis which is located nearby Thermopylae, this was the key point of the Central Greek. If Greeks lose this area, Athens might be devastated by Persians. South Greek 31 city states allied and sent their army against Persians.

Persian fleet

Commander Commander-in-chief : Commander-in-chief : Eurybiades, Xerxes I of Persia Spartan commander Warships

Spartans were the leader of this allied army.

Between 300~370 Around 800 warships, tiremes, and smaller (Conservative estimate : 650 50-oared pentekonters tiremes, Greek historians claim : over 10,000)

At August 18, B.C.480 the battle of Thermopylae had joined, Leonidas, a king of Sparta confronted Persian army

1⃞ Council of war

with 7,000 Greek army. Persian army was twentyfold than

After Athens escaped to the island of Salamis, the leaders of

Greeks. For two days, Persians couldn’t defeat small Greek

31 united Greeks had meeting. Spartans asserted to

army. Crafty Xerxes asked to the Spartan traitor the

withdraw to the Strait of Korint which is located nearby

shortcut which is directly connected to Thermopylae. Soon,

their land. Athens opposed to this idea, because they knew

the Persian contingent took a shortcut. Greek allied army

their people would be scapegoat of massacre by Persian

suggested to Leonidas to retreat from Thermopylae, but


this brave king and his 300 bodyguards left and had battle with Persians.

The result of meeting was in the dark. Themistocles went out of meeting site and thought the way to let Greek fleets

While Leonidas and his army were in the battle, Greek city

stay in island of Salamis. After few minutes, he sent his

states’ fleets were gathered at Artemisium and mainland to

dutiful and Persian slave to the Xerxes with the letter. He

support Greek army in Thermopylae. Xerxes penetrated

wrote the division of united Greeks and made Xerxes to

10 His contribution to the world believe they would win if they attack this island as soon as

Greek warships. Soon, Persian warships were mixed


together and couldn’t move either forward or backward.

Xeres made an order to their navy to attack Greek fleets in island of Salamis. When Greek leaders were told the Persian fleet was coming to the island, they had no choice. They prepared the battle. While Greeks were preparing the battle, Xerxes were at the mountain Aigaleos to observe the battle. By his side, his entourage wrote down the name of the warship which destroyed much Greek warships. 1⃞ Battle has joined When Persian warships entered, Greeks winded a ship and attacked first. Themistocles’ strategy was to break the line of battle by their ships’ bronze ram. Greek ships started rammed down Persian warships gradually and they surrounded Persians. The Persian warships at the front line were trying to retreat, but their rout of retreat was stuck by another Persians ships. While Greeks lost only 40 ships, Persians lost about 200 warships and they were sunk in the sea. The Persians divided their fleet to send some ships around the island and made them to cut off the Greeks. Remaining warships had to divide their fleet again, cause the islet in

3. Aftermath

front of the island of Salamis. They sailed into the Strait of Salamis, while Greeks were making a line of battle.

The Athens’ fleet led the victory and the Golden Age of Athens started by this battle. After this battle, Persians invaded Athens again, but Greeks defeated them. When Graeco-Persian wars were ended, Athens established Athenian Empire and Greek became one of the powerful countries in Mediterranean Sea. The Modern Hellenic Navy celebrates this day’s victory as Battle of the Salamis day in every 12 September. On the other hand, Persian Empire had more frequent rebellions in their colonial areas. It lasted 150 years more, till

Greeks pretended to be overwhelmed by the Persian fleet

the Alexander the Great defeated the last Persian king’s

and tricked the Persians to believe that Greeks were


retreating. Though Persian ships were not easy to enter the strait of Salamis, they suddenly entered into the sea to chase

The Battle of Gravelines

The Battle of



It was a part of Spanish Armada’s campaign against England. Spanish Armada-fleet in Spanish- sailed toward England to return her as a catholic country and retaliate English pirates’ buccaneering. Though Spaniards had outstanding land forces, they failed to embark them and anchor any port of England neither Scotland. English defeated Spaniard at the English Channel off Gravelines near by Calais. After this battle, Spain gradually lost her dominance at sea and it gave a chance for England to be a new power at sea

1. Historical Background

August, 1572. Hundreds of French protestants, Huguenots were butchered by Catholics at the wedding of Princess

1⃞ Establishment of protestantism

Marguerite. Catholic dominant countries, Spain and France

In 1517, a German priest, Martin Luther released The 95

hailed this massacre. He dispatched the army to the

Theses and his ideas spread through the European

Netherlands which was under control of Spain in order to

continent phenomenally. Though, he was excommunicated

suppress Protestantism. This sparked the movement of

from Roman Catholic Church, his doctrine inspired the

independence of the Netherlands. In 1566, Protestant party

Protestant Reformation. By the Peace of Westphalia, the

in the Netherlands rose in rebellion on the behalf of

Protestant Princes of Germany gained the right to choose

England. Ironically, his suppression policy became the one

their states’ religion.

of reasons of defeat at the Battle of Gravelines. Dutch protestants interfered the embarkation of Spanish land

As time goes by, Protestantism was welcomed in most European countries and the conflicts sparked between two


religions was drifted into war. England broke with Rome

1⃞ Conflict between England and Spain

during reign of Henry VIII. He closed all Roman Catholic

At late 16C, Spain was powerful state, and she possessed

abbeys and monastery and seized their property and

many colonies in American continent. Philip II, King of

announced that he’s the head of English Church. He

Spain was sincere Catholic and his ambition to be a ruler of

conducted this religious rebellion against Rome, because

England never subsided. While Spain was concentrated in

the Rome disapproved his divorce.

the holy war against Turks and Protestantism, Elizabeth I,

This religious conflict reached climax in France on 24th

the Queen of England dispatched Francis Drake to the

12 His contribution to the world Spanish Main and encouraged English to pirate Spanish ships. Beside, she followed her father’s religious policy and supported the Protestant dominant countries in the

Philip exaggerated his invasion plan as a holy war against Protestantism to gain support

continent, the Netherlands for instance. She gave aides for

from the Rome. In the end, he

Protestants in the Netherlands to protect this area from

gained the authority of invasion.

Spain. The distance between England and this land wasn’t so far, thus Spaniards in here was huge threat to the

But, it crashed by Drake whom

England. Spaniards had ships to carry strong land forces

drove his ships and burnt a half of

from this area to the England. For these reasons, Elizabeth always had contacts with Dutch. The presence of Elizabeth’s pirates at sea was one of the

Spanish ships which were anchoring at Cadiz in 1587. These

biggest obstacles to Spain. Philip regarded English ships

ships were carrying war supplies

since July, 1580 and accused Drake due to his piracies in the

and these were supposed to be

West Indies and Atlantic Ocean. He occasionally sailed to the West Indies and sacked the Spanish colonies or Spanish

used during the invasion of

ships on their return way to their mother country.


However, Elizabeth gave him the honor of knighthood. In the mean time, England dispatched army to the Netherlands and joined the independence war against Spanish rule in 1585.

Marquess of Santa Cruze at first place. He was supposed to 1⃞ Philip’s invasion plan of England

conquer Ireland and, then would march to the England. But

Philip determined the invasion plan of England shortly

this plan was scattered after his sudden death. Duke of

after he was told the execution of Mary, Queen of Scotland.

Medina succeeded him. He was great soldier but,

Catholic Mary was supposed to overthrow Elizabeth’s

inexperienced at sea battles. It was one of reasons why

throne on the behalf of Spain. Philip exaggerated his

Spanish lost this campaign. Philip’s plan was focused on

invasion plan as a holy war against Protestantism to gain

combining his fleet with Parma’s land forces off Spanish

support from the Rome. In the end, he gained the authority

Netherlands. He and his councilors were convinced that

of invasion. But, it crashed by Drake whom drove his ships

battle-trained Spaniards would defeat English army if they

and burnt a half of Spanish ships which were anchoring at

land on England.

Cadiz in 1587. These ships were carrying war supplies and these were supposed to be used during the invasion of

1⃞ England’s preparation

England. By this unexpected attack, Spanish lost lots of war

English knew the importance of collecting information

supplies and warships and Philip had to suspend his

more than Spanish. They collected information from

invasion plan.

various routes. English prime minister, Francis Walsingham spied on Spain through his person in Spanish

Spanish invasion plan was settled by veteran sailor,

palace. According to England documents, he already knew

The Battle of Gravelines


their commanders’ name were updated by English spies in Spain. According to the letter was sent to the English government, 130 ships including 4 galleases and 4 galleys were prepared for the invasion, while Don Alonso di Lieva was appointed as the general in charge of the Spanish land forces. A Spanish ship was sent to Calais to set up the plan with Parma’s army before fleet departed. This letter was based on a captain’s letter of Italian ship, was being worked for the Spanish government.

2. The Battle 1⃞ Spanish sail to the England Armada sailed off Lisbon and headed to the Flanders, present-day territory of France, Belgium and the Netherlands, which Parma’s land forces were awaiting the arrival of them, but their sail was delayed due to heavy rainstorms. In the middle of July, Spaniards could reach western part of English Channel. On July 30, Armada was observed from the Cornwall while the English fleet was anchoring at the Plymouth port. Armada was in formation National Maritime Museum, London

of crescent and advanced to the Flanders along the English

Spanish plan about 1 year before the invasion. England

Channel. After first battle, Lord Admiral divided fleet into

immediately conducted defense strategy and ensured the

four squadrons, which led by himself, Vice admiral, Rear

cooperation of Protestants in Netherlands. In same time,

Admiral and Sir Martin Frobisher. They attacked Spanish

English redesigned their warships and built more ships.

fleet from time to time. During these attacks, one ship was

The progress of Spanish plans, the structure of fleet and

captured by Drake and one ship was burnt by mistakes.

1⃞ Fleet and commanders Winner : English fleet Commanders



Spaniard fleet

• Lord Admiral : Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham • Commander-in-chief : Duke of Medina Sidonia • Vice Admiral : Sir Francis Drake • General(Cammander of land forces) : Don Alonso di Lieva • Rear Admiral : Sir John Hawkins • Sir Martin Frobisher • Sailors and seaman: 15,000 • Total : 197 • Fighting ships : 75(new built galleons :20)

• Total : 28,000 • Soldiers : 20,000 • Sailors and others: 8,000 • Total : 130 • Fighting ships : 65(Galleases : 4. Galleys : 4) • Hospital ships: 2

14 His contribution to the world Although English couldn’t give much damage to

1⃞ Result

Spaniards, they made Spaniards to consume ammunition.

Spaniards was supposed to sail back to the English

Medina-Sidonia sent messages to Duke of Parma and asked

Channel, but storm led them to the north only. They gave

him to prepare ammunition for his fleet. On the contrary of

up the invasion plan, because they already ran out of

them, English fleet could replace ammunition, drink water

ammunition and foods. There’s only one way to return

and foods from near by ports. This was the one of reasons

home for the Spaniards, Medina Sidonia commanded to

why English could prevent the invasion of Spaniards.

retreat and planned to sail back around Scotland and Ireland. The king of Scotland, James didn’t allow Spaniards

On 6-7th August, Armada anchored near by Calais where

to anchor at his land, he was supposed to be granted the

Parma’s army would join them. It wasn’t easy to anchor in

throne from the Elizabeth. He did not want to disturb the

here due to their ships’ size, they waited Parma’s transport

mind of Queen.

ships, pontoons from there. English fleet also anchored beside Spaniard fleet. Medina Sidonia already sent his

On their way to Spain, Spaniards were suffered from heavy

messenger to Parma before his fleet reach Calais, but

storms and starving. Starving Spaniards landed on Ireland,

Parma’s army were never shown. At that time, Parma

but they were killed by the army of Elizabeth. The Medina

thought this invasion would be failed, therefore he sent his

Sidonia could reach Santander on September 13 after he lost

army into the inland according to newly released Spanish

a half of his fleet and hundreds of sailors.

research. 1⃞ At Battle day

3. Aftermath

On August 6, southwestern wind began to blow, it was prevailing wind for the English fleet. Armada couldn’t

After this battle, the war between England and Spain lasted

proceed toward to England due to this wind. Around

till the treaty of London joined in 1604. England kept

midnight, English sent fireships to the middle of Armada,

supporting the Protestants in the Netherlands and

Spaniard sailors guessed these ships would be exploded in

snatching Spanish ships which carried huge amount of

a minutes, they cut cables which link ships and sailed off.

gold and products from Spanish colonies in America. As

Armada’s formation in crescent dispered by this, the chance

time goes by, the fame of Spanish Invincible Armada was

to defeat Armada had come for the English. Before Medina

faded, nevertheless this was rebuilt later. It became the

Sidonia refit the formation, English warships attack

reason why Spain gradually lost her dominance at sea. As

Armada off Gravelines, near by Calais. Spaniards

Spain lost her power, England gained power at sea.

attempted to board ship and had fights on English ships, it

England established East India Trading Co. in 1600 and it

was representative tactics of them. To avoid boarding

became the foundation of English Empire. She acquired the

tactics, English ships discharged guns from distance and

colony, Virginia-this was named after Elizabeth I- in North

avoided closeness of Spanish ships. Spanish ships carried

America in 1604.

more cannons which the range is short and their recharge time was longer than English ones. English ships discharged fire simultaneously. Spaniards ships were stuck in the middle between English fleet and coast of Low countries. Suddenly, wind changed and Spaniards could sail off to the north.

The Battle of Hansando

The Battle of



It was the biggest and decisive naval battle during disastrous war, Imjin war which took place from 1592 to 1598. Battle-trained Japanese invaded under control of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. His ambition was broken in pieces by Joseon's Navy and Admiral Yi Sun-sin. After this battle, Japanese changed their strategy of their invasion of Korea and the whole war situation was dramatically reversed.

it. His ambition was to be the first Japanese ruler who

1. Historical Background

conquered China. Furthermore, he worried about the 1⃞ Toyotomi's ambition

possibility that his subordinate daimyos would rebel In 1392, Korean medieval

against him.



He took action for his ambitious plan. At 1587, he


conquered Daemado Island, also known as Tsushima in

peninsula and they kept

Japan, and sent the mayor of this island as his envoy to

diplomatic relationship with

Hanyang, capital of Joseon dynasty. The mayor was



demanded to convey Toyotomi's war plan against Ming

exchanged envoy visits for

dynasty and Joseon's unconditional surrender. Because he

200 years and enjoyed peace.

was received economic support from Joseon dynasty, he

The circumstance changed

couldn't tell the truth. He only requested Hanyang to send


envoy to Toyotomi.



Toyotomi Hideyoshi





Hideyoshi succeeded his former lord, Oda Nobunaga. Hanyang dispatched Tongsinsa, diplomatic mission, to At 1500s, Japan was in turmoil. The war between daimyos,

Japan at 1590. They returned with Toyotomi's letter. In this

feudal lords, kept dragging on and on until Toyotomi

letter, he claimed his war plan against Ming dynasty again.

Hideyoshi united Japan. After unification, Toyotomi

On the other hand, two envoys reported to their king after

thought the chance to invade China had come to him. He

their trip. One of them asserted Toyotomi will invade

always carried the fan which East Asia's map is printed on

within few years, but another opposed to this idea.

16 His contribution to the world 1⃞ Joseon's preparation Joseon government speculated the possibility of Japanese invasion and prepared for the war since two envoys came back from Japan. They appointed three provincial governors and dispatched them in southern provinces of Korean peninsula. The governors prepared armory and built castles. Especially, many castles were built or rebuilt in Gyeongsangdo during this time. New barracks were also built in this province. To settle defense plans, Joseon government appointed new naval commanders of southern provinces' fleet. In February 1591, Yi sun-sin was appointed as Jeollajwado Sugunjeoldosa, commander-in-chief Jeolla province's western fleet and Yi eok-gi was appointed as Jellawudo Sugunjeoldosa, commander-in-chief Jeolla province's eastern fleet. In early 1592, Won gyun was appointed as

The situation at sea was obviously different. Combined Jeollado and Gyeongsangdo fleet defeated Japanese navy continuously. Before the battle of Hansando, combined Joseon fleet won for seven times. They could win because Joseon fleet was consists of well-trained navy and sailors and Joseon warships were well equipped with medium-and long- range guns. Furthermore, they had outstanding commander, Admiral Yi.

commander-in-chief Gyeongsangdo province's eastern fleet. These commanders prepared for the war in their local seas. Jeollado province' commander, Yi sun-sin perfectly prepared to defend his domain sea. A lot of amount of armory, ammunition, gun powder, foods were reserved

participated in this war, only 8,000 Korean army had to

under control of him. New warships, including 3

confront numerous invasion. Battle-hardened Japanese

Geobukseon were also built.possessed many colonies in

army defeated Joseon's armies by matchlock at every battle.

American continent. Philip

Koreans also was using firearms, such as cannons at siege

1⃞ Japanese invasion

at battles.

warfare, but they were mostly using sword, spear and bow

When King Seonjo was told the invasion of numerous Japanese army and Koreans' defeats, he dispatched his most trusted general, Sin Rip to defend Japanese invasion. General, Shin was famous for his missions against Manchus at the northern most border of Joseon dynasty. He defeated them in many times and became the General. Sin Rip confronted the first Japanese army, Gonishi yukinaga's at the Tanguemdae, Chungju, but his cavalry couldn't defeat Japanese. No one could halt the Japanese army's march to Japanese matchlock gun

the Hanyang after this battle. On April 30, King seonjo

At April 13, 1592 the Imjin war broke out. Japanese army

retreated to Northwest, and Japanese seized Hanyang after

arrived at Korean peninsula. Almost 160,000 Japanese

2 days.

The Battle of Hansando


2. The battle 1⃞ Fleet and commanders Winner: Joseon fleet Commanders


Japanese fleet

• Joellajwado suguntongjesa: Yi sun-sin • Joellajwudo suguntongjesa: Yi eok-gi • Gyeongsangwudo suguntongjesa: Won gyun • Korean record: 54 • Japanese record: 109(Big ships: 59, Small ships: 50)

1⃞ Victory at sea

Panokseon ship

• Commander-in-chief : Wakisaka Yasuharu

• Total : 73

invasion plan was focused on land battles and building The situation at sea was

castles. After continue defeats at sea, Toyotomi denounced

obviously different.

his daimyos and ordered to change war strategy. Japanese

Combined Jeollado and

troops of Wakisaka yasuharu, Guki yoshitaka and Gato

Gyeongsangdo fleet

yoshiyaki evacuated from north to the coast of the south

defeated Japanese navy

sea. They built castles at Angolpo, Jinhae to ambush Joseon

continuously. Before

navy and prepared war battles. It became headquarter of

the battle of Hansando,

Japanese navy.

combined Joseon fleet won for seven times. They could win because Joseon fleet was consists of well-trained navy and

Although, Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered their navy to be

sailors and Joseon warships were well equipped with

united and attack Joseon navy together, Wakisaka

medium-and long- range guns. Furthermore, they had

Yasuharu decided to defeat Yi's fleet by himself. He was

outstanding commander, Admiral Yi.

appointed as a chief of navy at the beginning of Imjin war, but couldn't have naval battle till this time. He thought he

PanokseonJoseon had trained navy and sailors to protect

might gain more fame if he won. On July 7, 1592, his fleet

their lands from Japanese pirates since the dynasty was

was departed from the Japanese headquarter. When

established. Japanese ships were designed for their main

Wakisaka's fleet arrived near by Geojedo island, his fleet

tactics, boarding tactics which grapple enemy ship and

anchored off Gyeonnaeryang. On the other hand, Joseon's

board on it. For this, Japanese needed fast ships. On the

fleet was at Dangpo of Mirukdo island.

contrary, Joseon's main warship, Panokship was made of sturdy pine wood plate , therefore it was capable of

1⃞ At battle

carrying many guns on it while Japanese ships couldn't

On July 7, a shepherd reported that Japanese fleet is

carry any cannons because these were made of Japanese

anchoring at Gyeonnaeryang to Joseon fleet. At night,

cedar. This wood has less solidity than pine tree. Koreans

commanders of Joseon fleet had council and planned

developed these guns since Choi mu-seon invented

strategy. Admiral Yi decided to entice Japanese fleet from

gunpowder and firearms in late 1300. Four different size

there to the open sea, because that sea is shallow and it was

guns were developed during 1555~1565, these guns were

hard to change body of main warship, Panokseon.

boarded on Joseon's warships.

Furthermore, Japanese tended to abandon ships and retreat

Actually, Joseon navy was out of Toyotomi's strategy at

to the island if they reach an impasse in the middle of battle.

first place. He ordered his daimyos to prepare many ships,

On July 8, 5~6 ships went to Gyeonnaeryang while

mainly transport ships for the invasion of Korea. His

remaining ships were poised to attack off Hansando island.

18 His contribution to the world

Watch Tower in Jeseungdang

Jeseungdang building

The water in front of Hansando island

Joseon ships attacked ships which were anchoring off coast

1⃞ Result

of Gyeonnaeryang. Immediately, Japanese boarded ships

Japanese fleet's casualties were unprecedented. They lost 59

and counterattack to Joseon warships. Joseon warships

warships and the list of ships as follow: 28 Big Sekibune

poised to retreat from there, Japanese followed them.

ships, 7 Adake ships, 28 middle Sekibune ships and 17small Sekibune ships. By considering capacity of these ships,

hansandoWhen enticing ships arrived at the open sea,

about 3,000 Japanese died after this battle. Joseon lost no

another Joseon fleet joined them. Admiral Yi commanded

ship and casualties were insignificant.

to make his famous tactic, Hakikjin, crane wing formation. Joseon ships formed like crescent moon and surrounded

On their way to Spain, Spaniards were suffered from heavy

Japanese ships. This tactic's name derived from a shape of

storms and starving. Starving Spaniards landed on Ireland,

crane when it spread its wings. This tactic designed to

but they were killed by the army of Elizabeth. The Medina

attack enemy's Adake(flagship) or main squadron first and

Sidonia could reach Santander on September 13 after he lost

simultaneously. Joseon fleet discharged guns and 2~3

a half of his fleet and hundreds of sailors.

Japanese warships in front line were sunken by this attack. Joseon fleet attacked flagship first, it was main tactic of Admiral Yi. Soon, Japanese fleet was out of their

3. Aftermath

commanders' order and dispersed to retreat, but Joseon fleet surrounded them and ambush their ships one by one.

Joseon enjoyed three advantages as a result of this battle.

Most Japanese ships were sunken before they approached.

First, Joseon could keep their control in Jeollado and

This battle ended within 2~3 hours.

Chungcheongdo which were breadbasket of Joseon. The

The Battle of Hansando

Joseon enjoyed three advantages as a result of this battle. First, Joseon could keep their control in Jeollado and Chungcheongdo which were breadbasket of Joseon. The food supply was kept for Joseon army and fleet, it became huge advantage and base of Joseon's victory at Imjin war.


King seonjo asked aid to the Ming dynasty and Ming sent their army to prevent invasion of Japanese troops in Korean peninsula. After this battle, Admiral Yi's fleet secured south sea till the end of Imjin war and Joseon could protect their land from Japanese invasion. On August 18, 1595, Toyotomi Hideyoshi died, but his councilors kept his death as secret. After several months, this came to light and Japanese councilors ordered retreat of their troops in Joseon. On November 19, 1598, Yi's fleet attacked Japanese fleet was on their return to mother land, almost 200 Japanese warships were sunken and it became Yi's final battle. After few days, all Japanese troops withdrew from Busan and the disastrous Imjin war ended. The result of this war impacted three countries in East Asia, Joseon, Ming dynasty and Azuchi-Momoyama period Japan. Joseon's lands were devastated by 7 years war and a

food supply was kept for Joseon army and fleet, it became

lot of national treasures were destroyed or plundered by

huge advantage and base of Joseon's victory at Imjin war.

Japanese. Although, it took many years to rebuild country, Joseon dynasty lasted for about 400 years.

Second, Japanese attempts to defeat Joseon fleet were failed

On the contrary of Joseon, Ming dynasty began to

and they had to change war strategy of invasion. Their

disintegrate and Toyotomi's government was replaced.

strategy was to deliver more Japanese land forces and foods

Ming was suffered from economic decline and rebels

through seas to northern part of Korean peninsula and then

against its government, and it was collapsed by Manchus in

they would march to Ming dynasty's territory. By failure of

1644. Manchu established China's last absolute monarchy

this strategy, Japanese troops which seized north provinces

state, Cheong.

of Joseon had to suffer from starving and shortage of ammunition. To invade China, they needed to secure war

Toyotomi's successor, Tokugawa Ieyasu moved capital to

supplying routes. Japanese attempts to deliver foods and

Edo, present-day Tokyo and Edo period started. Tokugawa

ammunition through roads were also blocked by Joseon

proposed reestablishing diplomatic relations with Joseon in

army and Uibyeong. Uibyeong is literally translated as

1607. Two countries exchanged envoy till Meiji Restoration

righteous army. A lot of civil army and Buddhist monk

took place. Joseon dispatched diplomatic mission, which

army voluntarily were formed and attacked Japanese

called as Tongsinsa. Tongsinsa was consists of about 500


people, including diplomats, painter, potter and doctors. Japanese could learn Joseon's technology by this diplomatic

Third, the army of Ming dynasty could march down to

mission. Especially, Joseon's potters have had a strong

Korean peninsula by road, because Japanese troops

influence on Japanese ceramic arts.

couldn't march forward to the territory of Ming dynasty.

20 His contribution to the world

The Battle of


It was a part of the Napoleonic wars. Napoleon longed to expand his empire to the east and conquer Britain. His ambition was torn by this battle and Admiral Nelson, the man whose name is immortal. This battle had ended with Britain's victory and Britain remained unchallenged at Sea for years.

1. Historical Background

Napoleonic war ended like this and he returned his attention to the Britain.

1⃞ Napoleon's ambition On July 14 1789, about 10,000 Parisians attacked Bastille and

In late 1797 Napoleon encouraged and persuaded French

this prison fell under control of angry people. The French

to believe that English monarchy should be destroyed by

Revolution took place on this day and absolute monarchy

them and then the Europe would be at their feet. He also

replaced by constitutional monarchy. Most European

started to concentrate his effort on the navy. But his

countries' royals were afraid if the same revolution

invade plans were blockaded by Admiral Nelson and

occurred in their land. Soon, they allied and tried to

Royal Navy.

reestablish absolute monarchy in France. In 1792, the war between French and allied countries' army started. This war

In 1802, the treaty of Amiens was signed and two countries

changed a man's life. His name was Bonaparte Napoleon.

were in peace for 14 months. Napoleon whose power was rapidly on the rise conferred upon him the tile of Emperor

His dream was to become a naval officer, but he had to be

Napoleon I on 2 December 1804. In this day, Napoleon's

an artillery officer because only noble family could join the

ambition to expand his empire rose up. He acquired the

Naval Academy. When he was 20, the French Revolution

power to invade England and ships.

took place and he defeated English in 1793 and Austrians in 1795. In 1797, Napoleon could attain Vienna, the capital of

1⃞ Admiral Nelson's endless chase

Austria. The treaty of campo formio was signed on October

British speculated the possibility of invasion of France.

17, 1797 and Austrian lands ceded. The first phrase of

England could be easily collapsed if French army arrives in

The Battle of Trafalgar


British speculated the possibility of invasion of France. England could be easily collapsed if French army arrives in ports. Britain knew the importance of securing the seas, as the history approved this for them. Royal Navy had observed the movement of French ships. In late 1804, Spain and France allied and planned the invasion of Britain. Spain fleet was given to Napoleon's hands. The Battle of Trafalgar by J. M. W. Turner

ports. Britain knew the

under their surveillance. They set their attempt to combine

importance of securing the

their fleets in Caribbean Sea, because they could reach

seas, as the history approved

English Channel only after they tricks British Navy.

this for them. Royal Navy

Vice Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson

had observed the movement

Admiral Charles Villeneuve's fleet was in Toulon while

of French ships. In late 1804,

Admiral Nelson's fleet secured his movement. On March

Spain and France allied and

30, 1805 he escaped port and headed to Atlantic Ocean.

planned the invasion of

When Nelson realized Toulon's fleet sailed out of the port,

Britain. Spain fleet was given

he assumed that French ships would sail to Mediterranean



Sea. He drove his fleet to Egypt, but he found his mistake

Napoleon organized army,

and chased Villeneuve. Spanish fleet in Cadiz also slipped

Grand Armee, it includes

out of the port and joined Villeneuve's fleet.


2,000 boats and 90,000 men. They stationed along the coast of France to invade England. Napoleon ordered to his fleets

1⃞ Failure of Napoleon's invasion plan

to blockade the Royal Navy while he would deliver his

When Villeneuve arrived in French colony, Martinique, he

newly organized army in England.

was reported that fleet in Ferrol couldn't break out of the

At that time, Napoleon's fleets were dispersed in five

therefore he sailed back to Ferrol to drive ships in there out

havens, Brest, Rochefort, Toulon in France and Cadiz and

of the port. Villeneuve's fleet was blocked by Vice Admiral

Ferrol in Spain. British Royal Navy was keeping these fleets

Sir Robert Calder off the coast of Spain, but he escaped

port. He knew that Napoleon was waiting for his arrival,

22 His contribution to the world from Calder's fleet and arrived in Vigo port which is

combined fleet was blocked by Royal Navy, they turned

situated below of Ferrol.

around and sailed to the port again.

For five months, Napoleon waited the arrival of his fleet,

Villeneuve's fleet was in formation which the ships position

but he was reported that Admiral Villeneuve couldn't

a line north-to-south, it was very common battle line,

combine fleet. And the Austria and Russia set their

because battleships could discharge guns only when their

attempts to invade France, while the Napoleon had

broadsides are heading to their enemy ships.

concentrate on invasion of England. He abandoned the invasion plan and led his Grand Armee to the Germany.

English columns followed the direction of Admiral

He ordered Villeneuve to sail to the Mediterranean to

Nelson's plan and cut off the battle line of combined fleet

support French land forces during their campaign against

from the west. Nelson knew that the wind changed and it

Austria and Russia.

helped British ships to sail fast. Nelson ordered to the first column to broke in front of Villeneuve's ship, the Bucentaure and destroy flagships first.

2. The battle When Nelson turned the bow of the Victory and 1⃞ The Battle has joined

discharged guns to Bucentaure, Collingwood broke French

Admiral Villeneuve's fleet left Cadiz to follow Emperor's

line further south. His column's mission was to ambush

order on October 18. Nelson arrived near by Cadiz in late

Spanish commander's ship and other warships which were

September. He anticipated the movement of French fleet

dispersed by Nelson's attack.

and had a council of war with his subordinate captains and

While 2 ships of Nelson's column changed course and

Admiral Collingwood. The battle plan was confirmed even

attacked ships which were in van of French fleet,

before French fleet leave the port. His tactic was to divide

Collingwood's column engaged second line of Spanish

his fleet into several columns and set them headlong, it is

fleet. At about 1:15 pm Nelson was hit by a sniper at

known as the Nelson Touch.

Redoutable and carried to the cockpit. Weather column devastated the middle battle line of French fleet and sailed

On October 21, English fleet discovered Villeneuve's fleet at

to the north where the 2 ships of weather column was

Trafalgar off coast of Spain. Admiral Nelson immediately

under attack of French fleet's vanguard ships. French fleet's

made the signal to divide his fleet into two columns,

vanguard ships fled when they discovered the weather

weather and lee. He led weather column while Admiral

column's sail to them. Nelson died after his captain,

Collingwood led lee column. When French-Spanish

Thomas Hardy reported the victory of his fleet at 4:30pm.

1⃞ Fleet and commanders Winner: English fleet Commanders Crew Warships

• Commander-in-chief : Vice Admiral, Lord Horatio Nelson Vice Admiral : Collingwood

French-Spanish combined fleet • Commander-in chief: Pierre-Charles Villeneuve(French) Spanish Commander:

• 18,000 men and wemen • Total: 32 Battleships : 25 Frigates and smaller ships :

• French ships - Total:26(Battleships: 18, Others: 8) Spanish ships - Battleships:15

The Battle of Trafalgar 1⃞ Result Combined fleet lost many sailors and their 21 ships were captured by British navy. 2,218 French navy dead and 1,155 were wounded. 1,025 Spanish navy dead and 1,383 were wounded. 7,000 sailors of combined fleet were captured. On the other hand, British lost no ship. 449 British including Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson dead and 1,246 were wounded.


Please visit our Yi Sun-sin


3. Aftermath After this battle, Napoleon decisively defeated allied army of Austria and Russia and the Austria had to sign Treaty of Pressburg, which made Austria ceded their land to Napoleon. Napoleon realized that his fleet could not defeat the Royal Navy and dismissed his invasion plan of England as a result of this battle. He chose other scheme to block English trade and pull down England's economic power. On November 21, 1806, he announced Continental System, which made all European countries' trade with England prohibited. He tried to isolate England from trade with European countries, but it ironically isolated him and became a reason which his empire collapsed within years. It brought many frictions between France and its allies. In 1810, Russian Empire abrogated this, and Napoleon marched to the Russia to punish them by his army. But he was decisively defeated by Russians, and his power rapidly declined. We, VANK has published this magazine to

Although, French historians deemed this battle was as an unfortunate affair, the truth that it halted the Napoleon's attempts to invade England and became the reason why Napoleon announced Continental System can't be denied.

help you learn more about the world’s four greatest naval battles, Admiral Yi Sun-sin’s life and his contribution to the world history and Korean society. You can read more articles about the world’s four greatest naval battles and Admiral Yi Sun-sin from our website at

English celebrated the victory of this battle during English Empire era. This continued till today. The Royal Navy held series of ceremonies, such as the International Fleet Review, Son et Lumiere, International Drumhead ceremony to celebrate the bicentennial anniversary of this battle in 2005. Please visit our website and leave your comments about this website and contents.

24 His contribution to the world


known as Bunroku Geichono yaku ( – Japan and Renchen 、 ( 、 Woluan 、

) in ) in China.

In 1392, Korean medieval state, Joseon

Imjin war

dynasty established in Korean peninsula and they kept diplomatic relationship with Japan. Two countries exchanged envoy visits for 200 years and enjoyed peace. The circumstance changed shortly after Toyotomi Hideyoshi succeeded his former lord, Oda Nobunaga. After unification, Toyotomi thought the chance to invade China had come to him. His ambition was to be the first Japanese ruler who conquered China. Furthermore, he worried about the possibility that his subordinate daimyos would rebel against him. According to Jingbirok, Memory of disastrous war, Joseon government speculated the possibility of Japanese invasion and prepared for the war since two envoys came back from Japan in 1590. They appointed three provincial governors and dispatched them in southern provinces of Korean peninsula. The governors prepared armory and built castles. Especially, many castles were built or rebuilt in Gyeongsangdo during this time. New barracks were also built in this province. To settle defense plans, Joseon government appointed new naval commanders of

Busanjin-sunjeoldo(Painting of Busanjin Castle Battle in 1592)


southern provinces' fleet. In February 1591, Yi Sun-sin was appointed as Jeollajwado

mjin war broke out when Battle-trained

Sugunjeoldosa, commander-in-chief Jeolla

Japanese under control of Toyotomi

province's western fleet and Yi Eok-gi was

Hideyoshi invaded Korean medieval

appointed as Jellawudo Sugunjeoldosa,

state, Joseon dynasty from 1592 to 1598. This

commander-in-chief Jeolla province's eastern

war is called Imjinwaeran in Korea, though

fleet. In early 1592, Won gyun was appointed

the first invasion is known as Imjinwaeran

as commander-in-chief Gyeongsangdo

and second invasion as Jeongyujaeran. This is

province's eastern fleet. These commanders

The Imjin war

prepared for the war in their local seas.

fleet was consists of well-trained navy and

Jeollado province' commander, Yi Sun-sin

sailors and Joseon warships were well

perfectly prepared to defend his domain sea.

equipped with medium-and long- range guns.

A lot of amount of armory, ammunition, gun


powder, foods were reserved under control of

commander, Admiral Yi.





him. New warships, including 3 Geobukseon were also built.

After Admiral Yi's fleet decisively defeated Japanese in the Battle of Hansando on July 8,

On April 13, 1592 the Imjin war broke out.

Japanese had to change their war strategy.

Japanese army arrived at Korean peninsula.

Their strategy was to deliver more Japanese

Japanese invaded Joseon dynasty. Battle-

land forces and foods through seas to

hardened Japanese army defeated Joseon's

northern part of Korean peninsula and then

armies by matchlock at every battle. Joseon

they would march to Ming dynasty's

army also used firearms, but they mainly

territory. By failure of this strategy, Japanese

fought Japanese soldiers hand to hand by

troops which seized north provinces of Joseon

sword, knife and bow.

had to suffer from starving and shortage of

When King Seonjo was told the invasion of

secure war supplying routes. Japanese tried to

numerous Japanese army and Koreans'

deliver Japanese land forces and foods

defeats, he dispatched his most trusted

through roads, but this was blocked by

supplies. To invade China, they needed to

general, Sin Rip to defend Japanese invasion.

Uibyeong. Uibyeong is literally translated as

General Sin Rip was famous for his campaigns

righteous army. A lot of civil army and

against Manchu in the northern border of

Buddhist monk army voluntarily were

Joseon dynasty. General, Sin Rip confronted

formed and attacked Japanese troops.

Gonishi Yukinaga's army, which led the van at the Tanguemdae, Chungju, but his cavalry

Reinforced Joseon army also blocked the

could not defeat Japanese. No one could halt

march of Japanese. In October, 1592, General

the Japanese army's march to the Hanyang,

Kim Si-min triumphed over 20,000 Japanese at

capital of Joseon dynasty after this battle. On

the battle of Jinju. General Gwon-yul also

April 30, King Seonjo retreated to Northwest,

triumphed at the battle of Haengju. Sine the

and Japanese seized Hanyang after 2 days.

end of 1592, Ming dynasty's Army started to

Japanese marched to the north and reached

participate in the imjin war. Combined army

the northernmost boarder of Joseon dynasty in

of Ming and Joseon retook the Pyongyang

June. Therefore, King Seonjo asked aids to the

castle that was seized by Japanese.

Ming dynasty. Japanese was defeated by Joseon navy, The situation at sea was obviously different.

reinforced and combined Ming-Joseon army.

Combined Joseon fleet defeated Japanese navy

In 1593, Japanese asked for a truce, but this

continuously. They could win because Joseon

couldn't last forever. Japanese invaded joseon

According to Jingbirok, Memory of disastrous war, Joseon government speculated the possibility of Japanese invasion and prepared for the war since two envoys came back from Japan in 1590.

26 His contribution to the world

again in 1597. Admiral Yi's fleet secured

troops withdrew from Busan and the

south sea till the end of Imjin war and

disastrous Imjin war ended.

Joseon could protect their land from

In 1593, Japanese asked for a truce, because

Japanese invasion. On August 18, 1598,

they reached the impasse. Although Joseon

Toyotomi Hideyoshi died, but his

government opposed to truce with

councilors kept his death as secret. After

Japanese, Ming government had truce

several months, this came to light and

negotiations with Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Japanese councilors ordered retreat of their

government. But, they couldn't reach an

troops in Joseon. On November 19, 1598,

agreement. In January 14, 1597, Japanese

Yi's fleet attacked Japanese fleet was on

reinforced the army and invaded Joseon

their return to mother land, almost 200


Japanese warships were sunken and it became Yi's final battle, the Battle of

At that time, King Seonjo deprived of

Noyrang. After few days, all Japanese

Admiral Yi's rank as Commander-in-Chief,

The Imjin war

because he became entangled in domestic

and Japanese councilors ordered retreat of

political strife. King seonjo appointed Won

their troops in Joseon. On November 19, 1598,

gyun instead of Admiral Yi. Won gyun's

Admiral Yi's fleet attacked Japanese fleet was

Joseon navy decisively was defeated over

on their return to mother land, almost 200

Japanese at the battle of Chilcheonryang in

Japanese warships were sunken and it became

July and Won gyun died after this battle.

Yi's final battle, the Battle of Noyrang. After

After defeat of Won gyun's Joseon navy,

few days, all Japanese troops withdrew from

Japanese attacked Jeollado province and

Busan and the disastrous Imjin war ended.

seized Nawon castle in August and King Seonjo





The result of this war impacted three countries

Commander-in-Chief. Admiral Yi prepared

in East Asia, Joseon dynasty, Ming dynasty

battle against Japanese navy after he took

and Azuchi-Momoyama period Japan.

over the 12 battleships which a naval officer,

Joseon's lands were devastated by 7 years war

Bae-seo retreated with him in the middle of

and a lot of national treasures were destroyed

battle of Chilcheonryang. Although the King,

or plundered by Japanese. Although, it took

seonjo ordered to combine Admiral Yi's navy

many years to rebuild country, Joseon dynasty

with army, Admiral Yi sent report to king. In

lasted for over 300 years.

this report he wrote his famous quote, "Your highness, I still have twelve battleships".

On the contrary of Joseon, Ming dynasty

Admiral Yi continuously moved naval base

began to disintegrate and Toyotomi's

to the west and west to find the best place to

government was replaced. Ming was suffered

defeat Japanese again.

from economic decline and rebels against its government, and it was collapsed by Manchus

On September 16, 1598, Admiral Yi confronted

in 1644. Manchu established China's last

Japanese fleet in front of naval base, present-

absolute monarchy state, Cheong.

day Haenamgun. He stationed in this sea, because he knew Japanese warships had to

Toyotomi's successor, Tokugawa Ieyasu

sail into the Uldolmok, sea between Jindo and

moved capital to Edo, present-day Tokyo and

hwawon peninsula, it is narrow sea which

Edo period started. Tokugawa proposed

lowest sea level is about 1.9m and flow speed

reestablishing diplomatic relations with

is 11.5 note. Although Admiral Yi's fleet was

Joseon in 1607. Two countries exchanged

consist of only 13 warships, he defeated 133

envoy till Meiji Restoration took place. Joseon

Japanese warships which passed Uldolmok at

dispatched diplomatic mission, which called

the battle of Myeongryang. By victory at this

as Tongsinsa. Tongsinsa was consists of about

battle, the situation reversed dramatically.

500 people, including diplomats, painter, potter and doctors. Japanese could learn

On August 18, 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Joseon's technology by this diplomatic

died, but his councilors kept his death as

mission. Especially, Joseon's potters have had

secret. After several months, this came to light

a strong influence on Japanese ceramic arts.


The result of this war impacted three countries in East Asia, Joseon dynasty, Ming dynasty and AzuchiMomoyama period Japan. Joseon's lands were devastated by 7 years war and a lot of national treasures were destroyed or plundered by Japanese. Although, it took many years to rebuild country, Joseon dynasty lasted for over 300 years.

28 His contribution to the world

International Reputation of Yi Sun-sin History of Korea, Homer B.Hulbert

eastward toward home. So euded, we may well believe, one of the great naval battles of the world. It may truly be called the Salamis of Korea. It

But soon a reinforcing fleet came up from An-gol Harbur near Han-san and the Admiral found that his day's work was not yet done. The attack straightway began and soon the Japanese were in the same plight in

War College in Japan in 1908)

signed the death-warrant of the invasion. It frustrated the great motive of the invasion, the humbling of china; and thenceforth, although the war dragged through many a long year, it was carried on solely with a view to mitigating the disappointment of Hideyoshi-a disappointment that must have been as keen as his thirst for conquest was unquenchable.

Throughout history, there have been several generals who revealed outstanding tactics. For naval generals, we cannot go without Korea's Yi Sun-sin in the East and Britain's Horatio Nelson (1758-1805) in the West. Unfortunately, Yi was unknown in the West because he was born in Korea, yet the literature of the Seven-Year War proved that he was a truly brilliant admiral. To find naval

which their comrades had been put.

generals that are a match for Yi from

Many, seeing how impossible it was

the West, they should be at least better

to make headway against this iron ship, beached their boats and fled by land; so on that same day forty-eight ships more were burned. The few that escaped during the fight sped

Sato Tetsutaro (Vice-admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy, also served as an instructor in the Naval

than Dutch Admiral Michiel Adriaanszoon De Ruyter (1607-1676). Someone like Lord Nelson in no way can reach the level of Yi in terms of character. Admiral Yi Sun-sin is

International Reputation of Yi Sun-sin


honored as an unparalleled naval

chance to serve a country, he should

might be summarized by saying that,

commander, who has no rival

be loyal until death. Otherwise, it will

although he had no lessons from past

anywhere in the world in all aspects,

be enough to live in the fields as a

history to serve as a guide, he waged

including his great character,

farmer. If I pursue honor by flattering

war on the sea as it should be waged if

outstanding strategies, creative

people in power, it will be a

it is to produce definite results, and

genius, and distinguished diplomatic

tremendous shame." These words

ended by making the supreme

ability. (Excerpt from 'A Military

show more than enough to prove his

sacrifice of a defender of his country.

History of the Empire'; a textbook

noble character. (Excerpt from 'the

(The Influence of the Sea on The

written and used in classes by General

unparallel naval commander Yi Sun-

Political History of Japan, pp. 66-67.)

Sato Tetsutaro)

sin', Local Administration of Joseon, Vol. 6, February 1926)

As a naval commander, I have admired Dutch Admiral Michiel Adriaanszoon De Ruyter and Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin all my life. If you ask me to decide priority, I would have no hesitation in recommending Yi first. Although Lord Nelson is an internationally renowned general, he

Ballard, G. A. (George Alexander), 1862-1948 The influence of the sea on the political history of Japan (1921)

Wakizaka Yasuharu (General of the Japanese Army, who took part in the Imjin War) Yi Sun-sin is the person who I am afraid of the most, hate the most, love the most, admire and respect the

is in no way a match for Yi in terms of his character and creativity ... Admiral

It is always

most, wish to kill the most, and want

de Ruyter is comparable to Yi in

difficult for

to have tea together the most.

aspects of character, ability and

Englishmen to

military career, but seems to rank

admit that

below Yi in creativity. Admiral Yi was

Nelson ever had

a great commander, who frustrated

an equal in his

the ambition of Toyotomi Hideyoshi

profession, but if

Tokotomi Teiichiro (Prominent Japanese historian, the author of History of Modern Japan)

and proved the importance of

any man is entitled to be so regarded,

controlling territorial waters in

it should be this great naval

national defense. At the same time, he

commander of Asiatic race who never

submitted himself without resentment

knew defeat and died in the presence

The death of Yi Sun-sin is similar to

to the humiliation of serving in war as

of the enemy; of whose movements a

that of Horatio Nelson. He died after

a commoner due to false accusations

track-chart might be compiled from

victory, and won after his death (from

by his superiors, which clearly

the wrecks of hundreds of Japanese

the book titled the War in Korea,

showed his noble character. He was

ships lying with their valiant crews at

written by Tokotomi Teiichiro) He [Yi

an exemplary general who was firm

the bottom of the sea, off the coasts of

Sun-sin] died after victory, and won

and strict in enforcing military

the Korean peninsula... and it seems,

after his death. For the seven years of

discipline, but loved his soldiers just

in truth, no exaggeration to assert that

Japan's war in Korea there had been

as his own children. He always put in

from first to last he never made a

many tacticians, speakers and writers,

his best effort in his duty and did not

mistake, for his work was so complete

but there was only one hero in battle

act depending on his mood. He often

under each variety of circumstances as

to be greatly honored. While he was

said, "If born as a man and given a

to defy criticism... His whole career

alive, Japanese naval generals always

30 His contribution to the world

flinched in fear. He was truly the

and bravery. He was already a

greatest hero during the Seven-Year

renowned commander before British

War, not only of Korea, but of all three

Admiral Horatio Nelson, and nobody

Eastern countries, including China

is comparable to Yi in world history.

Kawada Isao (Japanese researcher of naval tactics in the 1920s)

and Japan. The existence of Yi will never be forgotten in Korea, but also his

Chen Lin (General of the Ming Chinese Navy)

accomplishments and tactics should be studied even in Japan because respect for him influenced generations of Japanese and led to the

Yi Sun-sin has not only the ability to

establishment of the Japanese Navy

govern the whole world, but also the

during the Meiji Restoration.

merits of having straightened out a

Aoyanigi (Historian, the author of the Great Compendium of the Yi-Dynasty)

distinguished war service, but compared to Korean Admiral Yi Sunsin, Togo was far behind. If Yi was given as much national support, abundant weapons and battleships as Lord Nelson, Japan would have been very rude, but I have to say that Koreans hold him in high esteem, yet they know less about how truly great he was than us Japanese (from the book titled Penetrating into the shells, written by Kawada Isao)

Japanese generals, including Konishi You may

Yukinaga and Shimazu Yoshihiro,

compare me

continued fighting without knowing

with Lord

of the death of Yi Sun-sin, and

Nelson, but not

eventually retreated in defeat. It is not

with Yi Sun-sin.

different from a past event in China

Next to him, I

where the dead Zhuge Liang routed

am only a petty

the living Sima Yi. After the battle,

officer (Quotes from General Togo

Ming Chinese General Chen Lin

Heihachiro in his victory celebration)

finally got to know of Yi Sun-sin's death, threw himself down on his ship tree times, and cried out, "there is

Shiba Ryotaro (Popular historical novelist in Japan)

Heihachiro had a record of

defeated in a day. I know it would be


Togo Heihachiro (Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy)

It is true that Japanese Admiral Togo

nobody like him in all eras!" Yi Sunsin was a patriot who laid down his life for his country. The Yi-Dynasty of Korea at the time

Yi Sun-sin ... was a man of integrity.

began declining and 300 years later

He was an ideal soldier whose

was annexed to Japan. However, the

existence itself seems to be a miracle

fair name of the great hero Yi Sun-sin

with such leadership, tactics, loyalty

will be immortalized in history.

The Battle of Salamis

Chapter 2 His contribution to Korea - Inspire Korean - Domestic Reputation


32 His contribution to Korea

Yi Sun-sin, Han the Man to Inspire sik Koreans in the 21st Century (Korean Food)

The Great Admiral Yi Sun-sin is the man to inspire Koreans in the 21st century. If a foreigner was to come to Korea and ask any Korean on the street, "Who is your greatest hero in Korean history," one out of three would answer "Admiral Yi Sun-sin." He has been loved by men and women of all ages for many years in Korea. Few historical figures remain as influential in the life of Koreans today as Yi. How does he exist in the mind of Koreans today? Let me show you the different appearances of Yi that are integrated into Korean society.

Inspire Korean


Yi Sun-sin, the Everlasting Leader of the Korean People discharge from the military service, and sing a martial song. A discharge ceremony is a ritual where soldiers make their final report to their superiors, after finishing their national defense duty. Present-day soldiers from throughout the country come to Gwanghwamun to give their discharge report to the statue of a person who died 500 years ago. Also, on the birthday of Yi Sun-sin many people from the government, private companies, and voluntary communities gather to clean the statue. Every year Discharge ceremony for Korean marines in front of the Yi Sun-sin statue

Ceremony of washing te Yi Sun-sin statue

this scene draws the attention of the media and becomes the talk of the

A Statue of Admiral Yi Sun-sin stands

conducts state affairs, Yi stands as if he

country. It is not too much to say that

at the Gwanghwamun Intersection on

is still protecting the country. Every

Koreans continue to be united under

Sejongno Boulevard in downtown

year there appears a strange scene in

Yi's leadership, even after so many

Seoul. On the way to the Blue House

front of the statue. Marines, known as


where the Korean president resides and

Korea's elite troops, report to Yi on their

Yi Sun-sin, the Most Respected Person in Korea of all time Admiral Yi Sun-sin has been and

various areas of politics, business,

Yi was ranked as the second most

continues to be one of the most

culture and civil society, including

respected person with 24.5 %, after

respected people among Koreans of all

government officials, corporate CEOs,

King Sejong with 28.2%. Yi is not just

ages and both genders. The weekly

legal professionals, and journalists,

the hero of influential opinion leaders.

newsmagazine 'Sisa Journal' conducted

about the most honorable people that

Yi also came in third place in a 2001

a 2007 survey of 1,000 leaders from

inspire Korea.

survey by the popular Korean

34 His contribution to Korea

broadcasting company SBS of the most

ranked in fourth place when the

the most read biography among

respected people in Korean history

monthly newsmagazine 'Monthly

children in a 1982 survey conducted by

among 4,500 average adults. Yi once

Chosun' asked 15,000 Internet users for

the Samsung Life Insurance Company.

again took third place in a survey by

a month in January of 2002 for their

Over twenty years later, the list of

the Korean news agency 'Yonhap

opinions of the best Koreans.

respected men has changed with time,

News' of the most respected people in

yet biographies of Yi remain on

Korean history among 1,500 adults

Above all, Admiral Yi has continued to

bestseller lists among children and

over the age of 20. He is also one of the

live in the hearts of Koreans across


front-runners in online polls. He

time. The biography of Yi Sun-sin was

Yi Sun-sin, Role model of high-ranking officials and corporate CEOs In January of 2008, a TV commercial

in the 1500s ... Korea's shipbuilding

beginning in the war-battered country

was launched nationwide about Chung

technology is 300 years ahead of

after the Korean War, became number

Ju-Yung, the deceased founder of

Britain's." This argument persuaded

one in the world.

Hyundai Group, growing his business

Mr. Longbottom and he lent money to

into a global company. In 1970 he flew

Chung Ju-Yung to build ships. This

Chung is not the only successful

to London to find investors interested

story about the Geobukseon was the

Korean inspired by Yi. Many Korean

in helping him enter the shipbuilding

seed of a miracle 30 years later, in

CEOs find the courage to overcome

industry. Initially, he had a difficult

which Korea's shipbuilding industry,

their own challenges by reading Yi's

time attracting investors. On his last chance to secure an investor, he met with Charles Brooke Longbottom, the President of A&P Appledore Shipbuilders. However, President Longbottom refused any investment outright, saying that Korea had no financial ability to pay back money that was invested. Chung didn't give up and took a 500 won bill out of his pocket. He showed Longbottom the side of the bill that has a picture of the Geobukseon battleship printed on it and said "Koreans are the people who invented this unique ship called the Geobukseon and defeated the Japanese

Inspire Korean


stories about defeating Japanese forces

1990s. He also wrote a book titled

industry number one in the world.

under overwhelmingly disadvantaged

"Geobukseon-style Agriculture" to offer

Also, KTF, Korea's leading

conditions. Jeong Un-Cheon, appointed

suggestions on how to utilize Yi's spirit

telecommunications company, teaches

the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry,

in the management of agriculture in the

its high-ranking executives about Yi's

Fisheries and Food in February of 2008,

21st century, causing a sensation

dauntless venture spirit. Additionally,

is a well-known CEO who admires Yi

among aspiring entrepreneurs. Finally,

the valuable characteristics of Yi's spirit

Sun-sin. He took Yi's saying "Those

Jeong was brought into the government

have been taught in many business

who seek death shall live. Those who

to lead the ministry. He now has the

management seminars for prospective

seek life shall die" as his motto. He said

great responsibility of managing

CEOs to help them learn how to win a

that he learned important lessons about

Korea's 21st century agricultural

competition with a relatively poor

the entrepreneurial spirit from Yi Sun-

policies under the rapidly changing

resource base, especially when

sin, such as Yi's creation of unique

environment of the Korea-U.S. Free

compared to China and Japan. There

value through the innovative

Trade Agreement (FTA).

are even universities that offer Yi Sun-

management of personnel and battle

sin leadership courses to help build

strategies when Japan, with enormous

Similarly, President Hwang Chang-

human and financial resources,

Gyu of Samsung Electronics, a

who are seeking jobs. In Korea, Yi's

invaded Korea during the Imjin War.

worldwide semiconductor company,

leadership serves as a lighthouse to

Jeong used the same wisdom and

has Yi's saying "Those who seek death

guide businessmen and university

unyielding willpower of Yi to

shall live. Those who seek life shall die"

students in finding their way into the

overcome the economic crisis Korea

as his motto. With this saying as his


faced in the aftermath of the opening of

business philosophy, he succeeded in

the Korean agricultural market in the

making Korea's semiconductor

courage and confidence in students

Yi Sun-sin, the Legendary Hero in novels, dramas and movies

Novel, The Song of the Sword(2001)

Admiral Yi Sun-sin has been brought back to life in numerous books, dramas,

movies and commercials. 'The Song of

The author of the book said that he

the Sword', a novel about Yi written by

wished to suggest moral principles for

Kim Hun, had sold over one million

leaders who are in positions of

copies by December of 2007. This novel

responsibility in history, and life

portrays Yi's agony as a human being

philosophies for common individuals.

during the Imjin War. It won the Dong-

This novel succeeded in moving

In Literary Award, a prestigious award

Koreans to think of Yi's agony and

in the Korean literary world, in 2001,

solutions in their own time of ordeal.

and was translated and distributed to

Former Korean President Roh Moo-

other Asian and European countries.

Hyun (reigned 2003-2008) referred to

36 His contribution to Korea

biographies of Yi as books that he often read when encountering his own political hardships, generating more public interest in Yi's biography. The most decisive event to revive interest in Yi in the 21st century was the production of the drama, 'The Immortal Yi Sun-sin', which was broadcast in 2005 by KBS, Korea's state-run broadcasting company. This drama was based on the novel 'The Song of the Sword'. The drama registered a solid 30 percent rating, successfully appealing to the audience by showing his agony Snapshot of the drama 'The Immortal Yi Sun-sin'(2004)

and frustration over obstacles and challenges as a human being, rather than just his heroic accomplishments that had been the focus of previous dramas about Yi. Additionally, antiJapanese sentiment was rising due to Japan's claim to the Dokdo Islet, the continued distortion of history in Japanese textbooks, and series of inflammatory remarks by high-profile

Admiral Yi Sun-sin has been brought back to life in numerous books, dramas, movies and commercials. 'The Song of the Sword', a novel about Yi written by Kim Hun, had sold over one million copies by December of 2007. This novel portrays Yi's agony as a human being during the Imjin War.

Japanese right-wing politicians. Koreans watching the drama derived

vicarious satisfaction from Yi's victories

is about South and North Korean

over the Japanese in at least 23 battles.

soldiers who accidentally go back in

The success of the drama made the

time and help a 28 year old Yi Sun-sin

unknown actor Kim Myeong-Min who

to protect Korea. The magazine quoted

played Yi in the drama a national star,

the movie poster which read,

and the small town of Buan where the

"Superman, Batman, get out of the way!

drama was located became a popular

General Yi Sun-sin will save us," and

tourist destination.

detailed its story about a combined force of South and North Koreans

Poster of the movie 'Heaven's Soldiers'(2005)

A movie about Yi was soon produced,

going back to the 16th century and

spurred by the popularity of the novel

meeting Korea's greatest hero, Yi Sun-

and the drama. In July of 2005, the UK

sin. In many instances Admiral Yi has

magazine 'The Times' introduced the

been resurrected in the life of Koreans

movie 'Heaven's Soldiers' about Yi and

much like the title of the drama 'The

contemporary South and North

Immortal Yi Sun-sin, through a

Koreans working together. The movie

bestselling novel, a beloved national

Inspire Korean


Admiral Yi Sun-sin, Reborn as the Name of a Korean Battleship to signify that the named ships are the

aspire to protect Korean seas in the 21st

most formidable battleships of the

century by following the path laid by Yi

country. Korea is no exception. The

500 years ago. The Korea Naval

Korean Navy uses the name of Korea's

Academy has taught its cadets about

greatest naval hero Admiral Yi Sun-sin

Yi's spirit and leadership as a primary

for one of its destroyers, ships known

course, and has established a museum

as the fortresses of the sea. For the

with the documentary records and

name of a battleship, no one has a

relics of Yi in order to inform the

imageBattleships are commonly named

greater reputation among Korean

general public about Yi's life and

after a King, President, or war heroes in

historical figures and national heroes


most countries such as the US and the

than Yi. Also, Yi is still alive in the

UK. This practice is a widespread way

hearts of Korean Navy cadets who

Nationwide Yi Sun-sin Festivals Many festivals have been held

and the Chenggyecheon Stream. Many

throughout Korea, in Seoul,

Seoul citizens gather at these events to

Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do, and

share in the pride of living in the place

Gyeongsang-do, all to commemorate

of Yi's birth.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin. First, the Korean capital of Seoul, where Yi was born, is

In the city of Asan in the

promoting an ambitious project to

Chungcheongnam-do province, the

restore Yi's birth house, a memorial

Great Admiral Yi Sun-sin Festival is

The Yi Sun-sin festival in seoul

hall, a museum, and the

held every year. Designated as a

Chungmugong shrine

cultural tourism festival by the Korean

events include an essay contest for

(*Chungmugong: Yi's posthumous

government, this annual festival had its

children, archery, horseback riding, and

title). It also holds events that float a

46th year in 2007. Various events are

experience in military barracks. The

smaller sized model of the Geobukseon

scheduled to provide visitors with a

Hyeonchungsa Shrine, built to honor

battleship on both the Hangang River

chance to experience Yi's life. Such

Yi's accomplishments, is also in this

38 His contribution to Korea

city. It displays many relics of Yi, including Yi's war diary during the Imjin War called 'Nanjung Ilgi' (National Treasure No. 76). Over one million Koreans visit this shrine every year to learn about Yi's heroic life. The city of Yeosu in the Jeollanam-do

Many festivals have been held throughout Korea, in Seoul, Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do, and Gyeongsang-do, all to commemorate Admiral Yi Sun-sin. First, the Korean capital of Seoul, where Yi was born, is promoting an ambitious project to restore Yi's birth house, a memorial hall, a museum, and the Chungmugong shrine (*Chungmugong: Yi's posthumous title).

province has held the Yeosu Geobukseon Festival, also known as the

13 ships. In Haenam, the Usuyong

Victory of Noryang Festival in

Jinnamje Memorial Festival, for the last

Tourist Resort was established to

Namhae, and the Gunhang Festival in

40 years. Yeosu is well known as the

commemorate Yi. The resort covers an

Jinhae. The Gunhang Festival, held

place where the Geobukseon battleship

area of about 200,000 square meters and

annually to acknowledge Yi's

was constructed under the command of

encompasses an exhibition hall of the

patriotism, is growing as a nationally

Yi. To celebrate this accomplishment,

victory in Myeongnyang, a statue of Yi,

popular festival. About two hundred

Yeosu citizens promote Yi's life and the

and a monument inscribed with Yi's

thousand visitors come to Jinhae

Geobukseon with many Geobukseon-


during the 10 days of the festival. Many

related things to see for visitors. Also,

different parts of Korea hold various

the small town of Haenam in the same

The Gyeongsangnam-do province

festivals to commemorate Admiral Yi

province holds the Great battle of

holds several festivals, including the

Sun-sin's naval victories,

Myeongnyang Festival to pay tribute to

Great Battle of Hansan Festival in

accomplishments, and his birth.

the naval triumph in the Myeongnyang

Tongyeong, the Great Battle of

Through these cultural festivals, Yi's

Strait, where Admiral Yi defeated 133

Danghangpo Festival in Goseong, the

spirit is instilled into the life of present-

Japanese ships with only a small fleet of

Okpo Sea Battle Festival in Geoje, the

day Korea.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin, the Immortal Hero of every Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin protected Korea

naval commanders, never defeated in

Koreans. Even today, 500 years after his

against the invading forces of Japan by

at least 23 battles under his command,

death, Koreans everywhere still cherish

achieving tremendous victories during

but more importantly, because he

his spirit, his statements, his brave

the Imjin War, despite a lack of military

devotedly loved the people and the

accomplishments and the history he

personnel, warships, weapons, and

community to which he belonged, and

created. He guides Koreans to look to

government support. However, this is

served them even at the cost of his own

their future with bravery and a love for

not the only reason why Koreans still

life. He showed the true spirit of

people. Admiral Yi Sun-sin, he was, is,

remember him as their national hero.

transcending the fear of death to work

and always will be the Immortal Hero

Koreans keep him in their heart not

for the people. His noble life provides a

of all Koreans.

because he is one of the world's greatest

moral compass for the lives of today's

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Yi • Sik • •(1584-1647, • • • • • • • renowned • • • • scholar • • •under • • • • King • • Injo, • •served • • •as •a • • • high-ranked • • • • •academician • • • • • • [Daejehak], • • • • •inspector• • • • • • general • • • [Daesaheon] • • • • •and • • minister [Panseo in • • • • • • • • • • • • Korean]) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ingenerals •our•history, • •there • have • •been•many • • who defeated small enemies • in•ordinary • • times • •and•gained • a• • • • reputation, • • • but•nobody • • among • •them • • • can • match • •Yi •Sun-sin. • •While • the• • • • country • • was • weakened • • • and• trying • •to • • avoid • •war,•Yi•Sun-sin • •defeated • • • • • formidable • • • enemies • • in•all •his battles • • • • and • cut • off•ways • of• passing • • the• • • western sea of Korea, • • • • • • •and•thereby • • • prevented enemies who were • • • • • • • • •trying • to• • attack • •from • the• sea•and• land. • His • • • victories ware the foundation for • • • • • • • • • • • • recovering • • •our•country. • • Additionally, • • • • there is nobody, even among the • renowned • • •generals • • of•the •past•who• • • have • •been•celebrated • • as• the• few• great • • • heroes • •to•appear • in• a century, • • •that•can• • excel • •Yi in•his•aspects • •of unyielding • • • • • integrity, • • •loyalty • to•willingly • • lay • down • • • his• own • life • in•national • •crisis, • ability • • in• • managing • • •soldiers, • • and• wisdom • • for• • • dealing • • with • complex • • •affairs. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Domestic • • •Reputation • • • 39 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •King • •Seonjo • • (1552• • • • • farmer. • • If•I pursue • •honor • by • flattering • • • • •1608; • •reigned • • •1567-1608) • • • • • people • •in•power, • it•will• be•a • • • • tremendous shame." •I turned • •my•back• on•you,• but• you• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •didn't • turn • your • •back• on•me.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Although • • I •finally • awarded • • •you•as the • • • King • • Jeongjo • • • (1752• • • • • 1800; reigned 1776-1800) •first-rank • • meritorious • • • subject, • • this • • • • • • • • • • • • • • foundation stone for my ancestors reward is not enough for your • • • • • • • • • • • The • • • • • • • • • • • to recover our country was only the contributions. • • • • • • • • • • • power • •of •Chungmugong • • • (Yi's • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • posthumous • • • title), • •that•was• it.•Who• • • King Sukjong (1661•1720; • •reigned • • •1674-1720) • • • • • else • would • •I compose • • •an epitaph • • for, • • • •I've•heard • of•the•phrase • •'dying • for • • • besides • • a •special • one • for • • • • • • •loyalty', • •but•the•first•person • •I learned • • • Chungmugong? • • • • He • is•the• • • • • •of who • •actually • •sacrificed • • his•own • life• • combination • • • of• Li•Sheng, • who • • • • • stabilized the nation during •and•saved • a•country • •was•Yi•Sun-sin. • • • • • • • • • • the• Tang • • • Dynasty, and Zhuge Liang, who • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Choe • •Yu-hae • • •(1587• • • • recovered • • •the•royal• family • •during • •the • • •1641, • •royal • •secretary • • • • • • Han • Dynasty. • • • • • • • • • • [Seungji in Korean] under • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (1542•King • •Injo, • also • • the • author • • • • 1607, • Yu • Seong-ryong • • • • • • • • • Younguijeong, of Haengjang, biography • • • • • • • • • • • prime • • minister • • • •during • • the • • • of Yi Sun-sin) • • • • • • • • • • • Imjin • • war • •period) • • • • • • • Yi Sun-sin was strict, serious and • • • • • • • • • • • Yi•Sun-sin • •was•like•a solemn • • scholar, • • • • dignified. But he also loved others and •behaved • •modestly • • to•scholars, • • had • • • who • didn't • •speak • •or smile • •much. • He • • • •gratitude, • • faith • •and•generosity, • • and • • • had • many • •abilities • •and•the•potential • • • • •always • •tried•not•to show • •his• • • • contribution • • • of•his•abilities • •was• • • • •happiness • • or•anger. • •He •had•said,•"If• • limited • • only • by• his•short • life • • • • • •born•as•a man • and • given • •a chance • • to• • - Yu • Seong-ryong • • • •(1542-1607, • • • • • • •serve• a •country, • •he should • • be• loyal • • • Younguijeong, • • • •prime • •minister • •during • • • the Imjin war period) •until•death. • •Otherwise, • • •it will• be• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •enough • •to live • in•the•fields • as• a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Domestic Reputation of

Yi Sun-sin

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Chapter 3 Who is he? - Timeline - Life - Keywords - Quotes and Poems - Historical Sites - People - Major Battles - Arsenal

42 Who is he?

Timeline of Admiral Yi Sun-sin's Life and the Imjin War





■ Born in Geoncheon-dong (present-day Inhyeondong), Seoul on March 8



■ Applied for a military officer examination (Byeolgwa❹) in August hosted by the military training command (Hullyeonwon❹), but failed to pass the examination.



Yi Sun-sin's Life

Byeolgwa: Examinations held on special occasions, besides the regular state examinations to hire officials.

Hullyeonwon: Office in charge of selecting, educating and training soldiers during the Joseon Dynasty.

■ Passed a military officer examination (Singnyeonmugwa❹) in February and placed in the third rank group (Byeonggwa❹) ❹



■ Appointed naval officer titled Manho❹ in Balpo in July; the beginning of his career in the navy ❹



Singnyeonmugwa: Examination held every three years to hire military officers. Successful candidates were divided into three groups, Gapgwa, Eulgwa, and Byeonggwa, depending on their rank in the examination.

Manho: Government post as a military naval officer that belonged to the 8th ranking ('Jong 4-pum') out of a total of 18 in the government hierarchy during the Joseon Dynasty, which is similar to the rank of commander in the present

■ Dismissed from the post of Manho in January, trapped in the false accusation of inspector Seo Ik

Imjin war








Yi Sun-sin's Life


Dunjeon: Government-reserved land to secure provisions for the army during the Joseon Dynasty. Soldiers, petty officials (Seori), commoners, and slaves were made to cultivate virgin land and produce crops to fund the local government or military provisions.

Baegui Jonggun: Punishment of depriving a solider of his rank and forcing him to go to battle as a commoner in a commoner's white clothes.

■ Appointed officer titled Hyeongam❹ in Jeongeup, Jeollado province, in December


Hyeongam: Head of Hyeon, the smallest administrative division of Korea during the Joseon Dynasty. It belonged to the 10th ranking ('Jong 5-pum') out of a total of 18 in the government hierarchy.

■ Promoted to naval commander, titled Sugun Jeoldosa❹ of the western part of Jeollado province on February 13 ❹


Imjin war

■ Appointed officer titled Manho in the border town Josanbo in January ■ Concurrently appointed officer titled Dunjeongwan in charge of managing reserved land called Dunjeonin Nokdundo near Josanbo in August; this experience managing Dunjeon❹ helped him manage the navy later ■ Demoted to and served as a commoner (Baegui Jonggun❹) in August, trapped in the false accusation of his superior Yi Il



Sugun Jeoldosa: Government post as a naval military officer that belonged to the 5th ranking ('Jeong 3-pum') out of a total of 18 in the government hierarchy during the Joseon Dynasty, which is similar to the rank of real admiral in the present military ranking system.

■ Completed building the Geobukseonon❹ April 12 ■ Defeated the Japanese at the battles of Okpo and Happo on May 7, as well as at the battle of Jeokjinpo on May 8 ■ Defeated the Japanese at the battle of Sacheon on May 29; the Geobukseon was first used. Yi Sun-sin was shot in the left shoulder, and his Lieutenant Na Dae-yong was also wounded ■ Defeated the Japanese at the battle of Dangpo on June 2, at the first battle of Danghangpo on June 5, and at the battle of Yulpo on June 7 ■ Triumphed over the Japanese at the battle of Hansando on July 8; Yi's tactic of the crane-wing formation (Hagikjin❹) was adopted ■ Defeated the Japanese at the battle of Angolpo on July 10 and at the battle of Jangrimpo on August 29 ■ Defeated the Japanese at the battle of

■ The Imjin War❹ broke out on April 13 ■ General Yi Il was defeated in Sangju on April 24 ■ General Sin Rip was defeated in Chungju on April 28 ■ King Seonjo retreated to the northwest on April 30 ■ Militias (Uibyeong)❹ were formed by General Gwak Jae-u and others in April ■ Japanese troops seized Hanseong (present-day Seoul) on May 2 ■ Japanese troops seized Pyongyang on June 14 ■ King Seonjo retreated to Uiju in June ■ Go Gyeong-myeong, a militia leader, fought against the Japanese in Geumsan in July and died in battle ■ General Kim Si-min defeated the Japanese at the first battle of Jinju on October 6 ■ A large Ming Chinese relief army under General

44 Who is he? Year


Yi Sun-sin's Life



Hwajungumi, Dadaepo, Seopyeongpo, Jeoryeong and Busan on September 1; Yi's Lieutenant Jeong Un (Manho in the Nokdo Island) died in battle.



Geobukseon: Geobukseon literally means turtle ship, derived from its shape of a turtle. These warships were built by Lieutenant Na Dae-yong under the command of General Yi Sun-sin, and primarily employed as the spearhead of Korean Navy ships during the Imjin War.

Hagikjin: Naval tactic that surrounds the enemy fleet in a semicircle and bombards it all at once. The name was derived from its shape of a crane spreading its wings. It requires perfect order and discipline among soldiers.

■ Commanded at the battle of Ungcheonpo (February 6 to March 8) ■ Blocked the Strait of Gyeonnaeryang to stop Japanese forces from going to the west in May ■ Moved his headquarters from Yeosu to Hansando on July 14 ■ Invented an innovative firearm (Jeongcheol Chongtong❹) on August 10 ■ Appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the South on August 15, and received an official warrant of appointment on October 9 ❹



■ Defeated the Japanese at the second battle of Danghangpo on March 4 ■ Protested against Chinese General Tan Zongren's order (Geumtopaemun❹) on March 6 ■ Attacked the Japanese at the first battle of Jangmunpo on September 29 and the second battle of Jangmunpo on October 4 ❹





Jeongcheol Chongtong: Innovative firearms, made out of iron, created by Lieutenant Jeong Sa-jun under the command of Yi Sun-sin. It combined the strengths of both Korean and Japanese firearms of the time.

Imjin war Li Rusong arrived across the Amnokgang River in December ❹

Imjin War: Japanese invasions of Korea and the subsequent wars (1592-1598)

Uibyeong: Uibyeong literally means a righteous army. They were formed voluntarily, usually by commoners to protect the country under foreign invasion.

■ A combined force of Korean and Chinese troops defeated the Japanese at the battle of Pyongyang on January 8 ■ General Li Rusong's Chinese army was defeated at the battle of Byeokjegwan on January 25 ■ General Gwon Yul triumphed over the Japanese on February 12 ■ Japanese forces retreated from Hanseong in April ■ Korean forces were defeated at the second battle of Jinju on June 22 ■ Japanese and Chinese forces began withdrawing from Korea in August ■ King Seonjo returned to Hanseong on October 1

■ Ming China and Japan held a peace talk in Seosaengpo in April ■ Japanese General Konishi Yukinaga asked for amity in August ■ Ming China decided to dispatch an envoy to Japan in December

Geumtopaemun: Warrant sent by Chinese General Tan Zongren not to attack the Japanese.

■ Managed Dunjeon, and inspected the headquarters of the naval forces of western Jeolla in February ■ Produced salt to fund the navy in May

■ Ming China and Japan had a peace talk in Ungcheon (January to February) ■ Ming Emperor's envoy arrived in Hanseong in April ■ Japan asked for Korean emissaries to Japan in December

■ Managed Dunjeon in February ■ Performed a sacrificial rite in May for soldiers who had died of infectious disease

■ Japanese forces withdrew from Gimhae, Geoje and Angolpo (January to February) ■ Toyotomi Hideyoshi broke a truce in September, opposing China's offer to install Hideyoshi as King of Japan ■ Japan declared a resumption of the war against Korea in October


Yi Sun-sin's Life




Imjin war



■ Arrested and taken to Hanseong on February 26 ■ Imprisoned on March 4 ■ Released from prison on April 1 and served as a commoner under General Gwon Yul ■ His mother died on April 13 ■ Reinstated Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the South on July 23, and received an official warrant of appointment on August 3 ■ Defeated the Japanese at the battle of Eoranjin on August 28 and at the battle of Byeokpajin on September 7 ■ Triumphed over the Japanese at the battle of Myeongnyang on September 16 ■ Heard the news of his son Myeon's death in battle on October 14 ■ Established a naval base in Gohado Island on October 29

■ Japan initiated its second invasion of Korea with about 200,000 soldiers on January 14 ■ General Won Gyun replaced Yi Sun-sin as Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the South on January 27 ■ General Won's navy was defeated at the battle of Chilcheollyang in July, and he himself died in battle ■ Japanese forces invaded Jeollado province, and seized the Namwon Fortress in August ■ Chinese forces defeated the Japanese at the battle of Jiksan in September ■ Chinese forces were defeated at the battle of the Ulsan Fortress (December 23, 1597~January 3, 1598)



■ Moved the naval base from Gohado Island to Gogeumdo Island on February 17 ■ Formed a combined force of Korean and Chinese navies on July 16 ■ Defeated the Japanese at the battle of Noryang (the final battle of the Imjin War), and killed by a bullet on a ship along with ten other Korean generals on November 19

■ Toyotomi Hideyoshi died on August 18, and after his death, Japanese forces received the order for complete withdrawal from Korea ■ Remaining Japanese forces completely withdrew from Busan on November 25

46 Who is he?


of Admiral Yi Sun-sin

Becoming a Warrior Admiral Yi Sun-sin prepared for the invasion of Japanese. Admiral Yi Sun-sin, also transliterated Yi Sunsin, was born in Geoncheon-dong, Seoul, on March 8, 1545. Due to the poverty of his family, he moved to and grew up in his mother's





Chungcheongnam-do province. In August of 1572 at the age of 28, he applied for a military officer





examination after falling off his horse. Four years later, in February of 1576, he finally passed the examination. At the late age of 32, he began his career as a defense solider at the bottom rank in the northern frontier region. Yi Sun-sin would face many challenges during his military career. Since he lacked political and economic power, and was rigidly stuck to principles, he often had tensions with and thus faced false accusations by his superiors. Nevertheless, in February of 1591, he was promoted to naval commander of the western part of Jeolla-do province, as recommended by Yu Seong-ryong, a highprofile official and renowned scholar during the Joseon Dynasty. Upon his arrival, he set out to build up the fighting strength of the navy because he foresaw the inevitability of war against Japan. He tightened discipline among the troops, expanded armaments, and produced powerful defensive weapons, including the Geobukseon and Panokseon battleships as well as the Jija and Hyeonja Chongtong firearms. The Geobukseon battleship was especially important as the spearhead of the


Korean Navy. It was a mighty warship able

from the sea and land.

to fire cannons in any direction with a rounded roof covered with spikes to

As a result, Yi's naval victories turned the

effectively prevent Japanese soldiers from

tide of the war against Japan. Among all his

boarding. Yi wrote in his war diary

victories, the Great Battle of Hansando is

(Nanjung Ilgi in Korean) that his

considered not only one of Yi's greatest

Lieutenant Na Dae-yong completed the

battles, but also one of the world's four

construction of the Geobukseon battleship

greatest naval battles along with the Battle

and test-fired the Jija and Hyeonja

of Salamis (480 B.C.), the Battle of Calais

Chongtong firearms on April 12, 1592, one

(1588) and the Battle of Trafalgar (1805).

day prior to the outbreak of the Imjin War

The victory at Hansando proved the


superiority of Korean firearms and battleships as well as Yi's brilliance as a

The outbreak of Imjin war

naval commander in his use of his creative naval tactic called 'Hagikjin' or crane-wing formation. On August 15, 1593, Yi was

Joseon fleet blockaded Japanese invasion force.

appointed to Commander-in-Chief of the

On April 13, 1592, the Imjin War broke out

Tongjesa in Korean) in recognition of his

just as Yi had foreseen. Hundreds of

outstanding wartime service. By this time,

Naval Force of the South (Samdo Sugun

thousands of Japanese troops attacked

Japanese forces were stuck in a quagmire

Korea while it was not prepared for war. Yi

due to the successive victories of the

analyzed the war situation thoroughly

Korean Navy, the appearance of Korean

upon the outbreak of the war, and went to

militias (Uibyeong in Korean), and the

battle on May 4, 1592, with full preparation.

intervention of the Chinese Army. Japan

He defeated the Japanese forces by

had no choice but to initiate tedious peace

destroying 42 Japanese ships in the naval

talks with Ming China that lasted for 45

battles of Okpo, Happo and Jeokjinpo. He

months. The peace talks did not include

continued to have successive victories in

Korea because of Korean opposition to

the battles of Dangpo and Danghangpo in

peace negotiations with the invading forces

June, the battles of Hansando and Angolpo

of Japan.

in July and throughout the battles of Busan in September. The overwhelming victories

During this period, Yi continued his best

of Yi's naval fleet boosted the morale of

efforts to increase the fighting power of the

the Korean Navy, and led to Korean

Korean Navy by recruiting and training

control of the south coast of Korea. Yi

soldiers, building arms and battleships,

outmaneuvered the Japanese forces that

reserving gunpowder, and securing

had previously advanced northward

provisions. At the same time, he conducted

through Seoul and Pyongyang attacking

naval operations under the unfavorable


On April 13, 1592, the Imjin War broke out just as Yi had foreseen. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops attacked Korea while it was not prepared for war. Yi analyzed the war situation thoroughly upon the outbreak of the war, and went to battle on May 4, 1592, with full preparation. He defeated the Japanese forces by destroying 42 Japanese ships in the naval battles of Okpo, Happo and Jeokjinpo.

48 Who is he?

conditions of infectious disease and a

The years of hardship

shortage of provisions. According to his war

He could restore Joseon fleet by decisive victory at the battle of Myeongryang..

diary entries for March of 1594, he himself suffered from a disease. Yi commanded the war despite his ailing body. Additionally, he

Unfortunately, despite all of his efforts and

was able to successfully procure large

accomplishments, he became entangled in

amounts of food for the war by managing

domestic political strife and was eventually

land called Dunjeon, fishing, and producing

deprived of his rank as Commander-in-Chief

salt, which proved his notable management

and escorted to Seoul as a criminal in February


of 1597. He faced the threat of the death


penalty after suffering from brutal torture,

Afterwards, Yi concentrated all his efforts

but was eventually released from prison

on rebuilding the navy, while moving his

thanks to the efforts of many people to

naval base to Gohado, and later to

spare his life. However, he was forced to

Gogeumdo Island. Jingbirok, a chronicle of

serve in war as a commoner, which is

the Imjin War by Yu Seong-ryong,

referred to as the punishment of 'Baegui

recorded that Yi moved his base to

Jonggun' in Korean. What was worse, he

Gogeumdo on February 17, 1598, with

lost his beloved mother at this time.

8,000 soldiers and 53 battleships.

However, the General who took the place of Yi as Commander-in-Chief, General Won Gyun, was utterly defeated and died at the battle of Chilcheollyang in July of 1597.

His last battle, the battle of Noryang

disastrous defeat, Yi undertook a patrol

He was a true hero whose name would be immortal.

through Korean coastal areas with his

When the Japanese warlord Toyotomi

subordinates for a month in order to find

Hideyoshi died on August 18, 1598,

Immediately upon the news of the

solutions to recover the Korean Navy. He

Japanese forces rushed to withdraw from

also reorganized the scattered soldiers and

Korea. The combined Korean-Chinese fleet

gathered weapons and supplies. On

chased after the retreating Japanese army

August 3, 1597, he was brought back to

and had the last battle of the war off

lead the navy upon receiving an official

Noryang in November of 1598. Yi was

warrant of reappointment as Commander-

killed by enemy fire during this battle.

in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the South.

Mortally wounded and dying, he asked

By this time there were only 13 Panokseon

that no one be told about his death,

battleships left under his command. With

concerned about its impact on the morale

this small fleet, Yi faced 133 enemy ships at

of his troops. The battle of Noryang was

the battle of Myeongnyang. Despite being

one of the biggest triumphs and most



decisive battles that proved the patriotism

triumphed over the Japanese with his

and supremacy of the Korean Navy.

distinguished leadership, outstanding

Throughout the Imjin War, Admiral Yi

tactics, and knowledge of the geographical

Sun-sin was a preeminent warrior who was

features of the region. This victory stopped

never defeated in at least 23 battles under


Japan's attempt to advance into the west

his command for seven years. However, he

sea that was spurred by its victory at the

was not just a brilliant commander, he was

battle of Chilcheollyang. Sadly, Yi lost his

also a true leader who wholeheartedly

third son due to his victory at

loved his country and its people, and

Myeongnyang because the defeated

sacrificed himself to protect them. Hence,

Japanese forces raided his home in Asan

Koreans regard him as one of the greatest

and retaliated against his family.

heroes of Korean history.


When the Japanese warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi died on August 18, 1598, Japanese forces rushed to withdraw from Korea. The combined KoreanChinese fleet chased after the retreating Japanese army and had the last battle of the war off Noryang in November of 1598. Yi was killed by enemy fire during this battle. Mortally wounded and dying, he asked that no one be told about his death, concerned about its impact on the morale of his troops.

50 Who is he?


about Yi Sun-sin "Song of Hansando" by Admiral Yi in the watch tower In the Hansando Island, under the bright moon While standing alone on the watchtower over the water With a big sword held tightly in my hand I am falling into a deep pit of agony The melody of a flute from somewhere adds more concern.

The practice of justice

Ungcheonpo in 1593. In fact, the cause of the ship's capsize was his subordinate generals not following his orders, yet he

Admiral Yi Sun-sin practiced justice without any

took full responsibility as a commander.

compromise of his integrity throughout his life. As a military officer, he always strictly distinguished between public and

"A ship capsized and many were drowned.

private affairs, and had no hesitation in speaking plainly to

This is because I failed to adequately lead the soldiers, and

superiors or those in power about injustice. Such

my command was ineffective. I am waiting for punishment,

uprightness caused him to go through several hardships

prostrating myself on the ground."

during his lifetime, but despite all of those challenges, he

(Tongseonilcheokgyeongbokhudaejoejang, April 6, 1593; Yi's

remained faithful to his principle of justice. In practicing

report to the King)

justice, he was stricter on himself than on others. The following excerpt is from his report to the King, asking for

Also, he provided many subordinate generals with chances

his own punishment after his navy lost a ship at the battle of

to make a distinguished contribution to naval battles. He


leaders of all eras and countries are

strictly evaluated their operations to be recorded in his report to the King, so that they could be rewarded accordingly. Additionally, he hired engineers from various practical areas who were often treated contemptuously at the time, yet highly valued them and their work. "My Lieutenant Jeong Sa-jun discovered a unique technology to make firearms, and developed some firearms with Yi Pil-jong (a marine in Nagan who used to be a blacksmith), An Seong (a private slave in Suncheon), Dong Ji (a temple slave in Gimhae), and Eonbok (a temple slave in Geoje) and others. The firearms, which they made by striking iron, have well-constructed gun barrels and are as powerful as Japanese firearms." (Bongjinhwapojang, August 10, 1593; Yi's report to the King) While reporting to the King about the


When the Japanese warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi died on August 18, 1598, Japanese forces rushed to withdraw from Korea. The combined KoreanChinese fleet chased after the retreating Japanese army and had the last battle of the war off Noryang in November of 1598. Yi was killed by enemy fire during this battle. Mortally wounded and dying, he asked that no one be told about his death, concerned about its impact on the morale of his troops.

production of the innovative firearms

often well known to have had brilliant and creative minds. Yi Sunsin in the 16th century was also a leader with excellent creativity. Yi's creativity was reflected in his development of various innovative weapons including the Geobukseon battleship, outstanding naval tactics that became a part of world naval history, and effective ways to manage an army. The first documentary record about the Geobukseon battleship appeared in 1413 under King Taejong (reigned 1400-1418). However, the Geobukseon at the time was very different in its structure and capability from the Geobukseon Yi redesigned 180 years later in the face of the Imjin War. The following is a documentary appearance of Yi's Geobukseon, which was described in his report to the King about the battle of Dangpo on June 2, 1592.

called 'Jeongcheol chongtong' in August of 1593, he wrote down the names of all the people who had contributed to

"We put a dragon's head on the front of the ship, and we can

the innovation, not only the name of his lieutenant but also

fire our cannons through its mouth. We stuck iron spikes on

the names of lowly slaves.

the shell (top), and designed it so that we could see outside from our position inside the battleship, but enemies cannot

Admiral Yi Sun-sin lived all his life practicing justice by

see us inside from their position outside the battleship. This

strictly adhering to his principles. He always led by example

battleship can rampage through hundreds of enemy ships in

before he came to judge others. This attitude served as the

order to fire cannons. In this battle, I ordered an assault

foundation of his great achievements in saving the nation,

commander to lead the ship into the enemy fleet and

highlighting his greatness.

bombard the fleet with cannons (Dangpopawaebyeongjang, June 14, 1592; Yi's report to the King).


The Geobukseon as an assault battleship was designed by reforming the Panokseon battleship. The Panokseon was

Creativity is a primary value in the 21st century. Great

Korea's primary battleship, designed with an upper deck

52 Who is he?

that was shielded with a layer of

tenants farm, there is a need to

wooden panels to be suitable for

cultivate the reserved land. Or, you

battles against Japan. Japanese naval

may use the defense soldiers in

forces preferred hand-to-hand combat

Suncheon and Heungyang to farm

after boarding enemy ships. The Geobukseon rammed into the enemy, broke the formation of the fleet, and bombarded the enemy fleet with cannons. It fatally damaged the Japanese fleet. Japanese forces were very afraid of the Geobukseon, calling it the blind ship. Even during the continuous naval battles, Yi never neglected to develop new weapons. In August of 1593, he invented the Jeongcheol Chongtong, innovative firearms that combined the strengths of both Korean and Japanese firearms of the time. Yi's creativity was

Admiral Yi Sun-sin is a naval commander who was undefeated in at least 23 battles for 7 years during the Imjin War, starting from the battle of Okpo through the battle of Noryang. This is a great record rarely found in Eastern or Western history.

during peacetime and go on to battle during wartime. Then there will be no interference in their defense duty and it will be beneficial for procuring provisions" (Jojinsuryukjeonsajang, September 10, 1593; Yi's report to the King). Creativity provides the power to change weakness into strength, crisis into chance, and nothing into something. With his creativity, Admiral Yi Sun-sin constantly endeavored to stand up to numerous challenges in order to protect Korea against Japanese

also utilized in his management of the

invasion and to maintain peace in

navy during the Imjin War. For all

East Asia. This made him a

seven years of the war and almost

memorable hero who changed

single-handedly, he had to procure all

world history.

the means necessary for the maintenance of the navy, including provisions and funds for the production of weapons and military training.

Undefeated naval record

For this purpose, he engaged in creative administration

Admiral Yi Sun-sin is a naval commander who was

initiatives, including fishing, producing and selling salt,

undefeated in at least 23 battles for 7 years during the Imjin

managing land called Dunjeon, and issuing certificates that

War, starting from the battle of Okpo through the battle of

charged a fee for the passage of coastal waters around the

Noryang. This is a great record rarely found in Eastern or

three provinces of Gyeongsang-do, Jeolla-do and

Western history.

Chungcheong-do. Using his experience as a Dunjeongwan, the officer in charge of managing Dunjeon, he gathered

How was this legendary record possible?

wandering people in Dunjeon to supplement the military personnel, and effectively procured provisions for the army.

1. Thorough preparedness

The following is Yi's report to the King, stressing the need

Upon his appointment as naval commander of the western

and benefit of managing Dunjeon.

part of Jeolla-do province, Yi Sun-sin thoroughly prepared for a war against Japan since he already foresaw its

"Provisions for the army are the most urgent need ...

inevitability. He developed effective training strategies for

[omitted] ... Whether the government administers or lets

the navy and produced powerful weapons based on his


assessment of the strengths and

Japanese at the risk of their lives,

weaknesses of enemies. The invention

and triumphed despite being

of the Jija and Hyeonja Chongtong

overwhelmingly outnumbered. Yi

firearms and the Geobukseon and Panokseon battleships were all in this context. Such comprehensive preparedness led him to victories in all of his naval battles. Also, the number of Korean casualties was significantly smaller than that of Japanese casualties. 2. Outstanding tactics The battle of Hansando on July 8, 1592, is a famous naval battle that turned the tide of the Imjin War against Japan, and is considered as one of the world's four greatest naval battles. The Strait of Gyeonnaeryang, where about 70 Japanese ships were anchored, was too narrow and

Before every battle, he prepared thoroughly and devised effective strategies by using his remarkable insight in battle conditions. Yi's glorious record of all victories and no defeats was possible because he always took the lead in battle with distinguished bravery, despite the danger that would await him.


always led by example to encourage subordinates to do their best in battle. Before every battle, he prepared thoroughly and devised effective strategies by using his remarkable insight in battle conditions. Yi's glorious record of all victories and no defeats was possible because he always took the lead in battle with distinguished bravery, despite the danger that would await him.

Diligent recordkeeping A documentary record not only

unfavorable to the Korean Navy. Yi

delivers the past to the present, but

saw through these disadvantages and

serves as a milestone to look back upon the past and plan for the

enticed the Japanese fleet into the wider sea. He then attacked the unwary enemies using his

future. People who leave accurate records of what happened

creative tactic called 'Hagikjin' or crane-wing formation. This

at their time provide an invaluable gift to future generations.

battle concluded with the Korean Navy's triumph. The

Admiral Yi Sun-sin is one of them, even though he was a

battle of Hansando proved Yi's ability as a brilliant

military officer and not a professional scholar. He wrote a

strategist. He always studied and discussed strategies and

war diary (Nanjung Ilgi in Korean) for 7 years from 1592

tactics with his subordinate generals. Naval researchers in

until he died at the battle of Noryang in 1598. His war diary

the East and the West have long praised and studied Yi's

and the rough drafts of his war reports to the King (Imjin

distinguished naval tactics.

Jangcho in Korean) are celebrated as one of the three documentary classics of the Imjin War, along with Yu Seong-

3. Distinguished war service

ryong's Jingbirok, a chronicle of the Imjin War, and the

After establishing strategies on the basis of thorough

Seonjo Sillok, the veritable records of King Seonjo. It must

preparations, he acted more bravely than anyone else in

have been difficult for a soldier to maintain daily diary

battle. The record is well known that he defeated 133 enemy

entries while engaged in life-or-death battles. Nevertheless,

ships with only 13 ships at the battle of Myeongnyang.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin diligently kept records of all the events

When Korean Naval generals lost their fighting spirit and

during the Imjin War.

held back in going on to battle, Yi rebuked them and went forward to spearhead the battle. Encouraged by his brave

In the Nanjung Ilgi, Yi recorded the barracks life of his naval

initiative, the Korean Navy desperately fought against the

headquarters, naval tactics and situations in many naval

54 Who is he?

battles, and various features of the lives of people in the

decided to temporarily hold back at a distance of 1-ri away

Joseon Dynasty. He also straightforwardly wrote down his

from them at night" (Gyeonnaeryangpawaebyeongjang ,

emotions and thoughts, making the diary the best resource to

July 17, 1592; Yi's report to the King)

learn about him as a person. The diary was written in seven volumes, each volume completed every year from 1592 to

In July of 1592, he triumphed over the Japanese at the

1598. The Nanjung Ilgi, designated as National Treasure No.

historic battle of Hansando and at the battle of Angolpo.

76, is kept in the Hyeonchungsa Shrine in Asan along with a

However, he allowed two remaining enemy ships to retreat.

collection of his letters (Seogancheop in Korean). Collections

This was because he was afraid that the Japanese soldiers

of Admiral Yi Sun-sin's works have been published in many

might kill ordinary people around the area for revenge. This

different editions, and are constantly read by researchers of

choice of his was consistently observed in many later

Yi and by the general public.

occasions. The following excerpt shows that he evacuated people in the urgent situation before the battle of Myeongnyang.

Devoted love for the country and the people

"I sent a messenger boat to the headquarters of the naval forces of western Jeolla so as to urge people to go up to the

Beginning his military career at age 32, Admiral Yi Sun-sin

land quickly" (Nanjung Ilgi, September 13, 1597; Yi's war

devoted his entire life to protect the country that he


belonged to and loved. Regardless of his military rank, he did his best in his duty. After the breakout of the Imjin War,

Three days later, the Korean Navy faced 133 enemy ships

he protected the territorial waters of Korea as the head of the

with only a small fleet of 13 ships in the Strait of

Korean Navy at the cost of his life. He faced many

Myeongnyang. This naval battle was critical in deciding the

challenges in serving his country as a military officer.

recovery of the Korean Navy and the existence of the

Trapped in false accusations by his superiors, he was

country. Before such a decisive battle, he still thought of the

demoted several times and served as a commoner in battle

people first. Without a heartfelt love for the people, this

(the punishment of Baegui Jonggun) in 1587 and in 1597.

attitude would not have been possible at such a critical

Despite his outstanding accomplishments in naval battles,

moment. Throughout his life, he took care of people who

he even faced the threat of the death penalty as a criminal.

had lost their homes, helping them make their living

However, these ordeals never affected his patriotism. Until

through fishing and farming while under the protection of

his death on a ship during the battle of Noryang in

the army.

November of 1598, he was firmly determined to serve his beloved homeland.

The life of Admiral Yi Sun-sin had many challenges and obstacles in serving the country and the people of Korea.

His love for the country was consistent with his love for the

Despite all the hardships, however, he protected the country

people. Even dangerous and precarious situations, his first

and looked after the people as always.

priority was always for the safety of the people. He sincerely cared about people suffering hardships and tried to comfort them. Such humanitarian efforts were specifically described in several documentary records, including his war diary. "If we burned all the Japanese ships and cornered them into a deadlock, they might slaughter our people. Hence, I

Quotes and Poems


Quotes and Poems by Admiral Yi Sun-sin Don't make a hasty movement. Be like a mountain. Move silently and cautiously. Yi's statement to his generals before the battle of Okpo, stressing that they be calm and cautious in battle: The battle of Okpo was the first victory of the Korean Navy and Korean Army since the outbreak of the Imjin War (Okpopawaebyeongjang, May 10, 1592; Yi's report to the King).

Your Highness, I still have twelve battleships. King Seonjo sent a royal edict to Yi after the Korean Navy under General Won Gyun was nearly annihilated at the battle of Chilcheonllyang, saying "Close the navy. Concentrate on land warfare". However, Yi strongly insisted that the Korean Navy should be maintained because he knew the importance of the navy better than anyone else. He later added one more ship. The Korean Navy under Yi's leadership faced hundreds of enemy ships with a force of only thirteen ships, yet triumphed at the battle of Myeongnyang (Yi Chungmugong Haengnok ; Biography of Yi Sun-sin).

Those who seek death shall live. Those who seek life shall die. Yi's statement to his generals on the eve of the battle of Myeongnyang, stressing that they be mentally strong in battle: On the next day, Yi and his generals desperately fought against overwhelming odds, 13-133 (number of battleships), and triumphed (Nanjung Ilgi, September 15, 1597; Yi's war diary).

We are at the height of battle. Don't let anybody know about my death! Yi's last words: Yi Sun-sin was shot by an enemy bullet in the battle of Noryang against retreating Japanese forces on November 19, 1598. Even in the last moment of his life he was concerned about the war situation. In order to not discourage his soldiers, he said the famous phrase to his oldest son Hoe and his nephew Wan who were at his side. The battle concluded with a Korean victory (Yi Chungmugong Haengnok; Biography of Yi Sun-sin).

Song of Hansando (Nanjung Ilgi, August 15, 1597) In the Hansando Island, under the bright moon, While standing alone on the watchtower over the water, With a big sword held tightly in my hand, I am falling into a deep pit of agony, The melody of a flute from somewhere adds more concern.

A Night in Hansando The Sun falls into the vast sea in autumn, A flock of wild geese, startled by coldness, flies high up into the sky, During a restless night in agony, The dawn moon, aloof, sheds light on bows and swords.

56 Who is he?

Historical Sites

following the traces of Yi Sun-sin Hyeonchungsa Shrine in Asan

Yeosu Jinnamgwan

during the Imjin War. It was designated as National Treasure No. 304 in 2001. It is located in Gunjadong, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do.

Historical Site of Yeocheon Seonso in Yeosu The Yeocheon Seonso was a dockyard where General Yi Sun-sin hired the The Hyeonchungsa Shrine was built

The Yeosu Jinnamgwan was a

in 1706 to commemorate Admiral Yi

guesthouse (official residence) that

Sun-sin. It displays many relics of Yi,

belonged to the naval headquarters of

including Nanjung Ilgi (Yi's war

the eastern part of Jeollado province

diary) and Imjin Jangcho (Yi's war

during the Joseon Dynasty. At the

report). The old house where Yi spent

time that General Yi Sun-sin used this

his childhood and youth is preserved

site as his headquarters there was a

within this shrine. It is located in

watchtower called Jinhaeru. Later in

Yeomchi-eup, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-

1718, the watchtower was renovated

do. His grave is also located in Eumbong-

by General Yi Je-myeon because the

myeon in the same city of Asan.

original building was burned down

shipbuilding engineer Na Dae-yong as his lieutenant, and constructed the Geobukseon or turtle ship. The remains of Gulgang (a pond used to hide the Geobukseon) still exist. It was designated as Historical Site No. 392 in 1995. It is located in Sijeon-dong, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do..

Okpo Great Victory Commemorative Park

Historical Sites

The Okpo Great Victory


Resort Complex was opened in 1987

battleship. The replica of the

Commemorative Park was opened in

to commemorate Yi's two naval

Geobukseon was constructed in 1980

1996 to celebrate Korea's first victory

victories at Danghangpo in 1592 and

by the Korean Navy following

over Japan during the Imjin War and

1594. Within the complex are the

historical evidence. Visitors are

to commemorate the spirit of the

Songchungsa shrine that houses the

allowed to enter and see the inside of

leading commander Yi Sun-sin. It

portrait of Yi, the Monument of the

the Geobukseon. It is located within

displays a map of the Okpo battle and

Danghangpo Victory, and other

the R.O.K. Naval Academy, Aenggok-

other remains. It is located in Okpo 2-

remains. It is located in Danghang-ri,

dong, Jinhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do.

dong, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do.

Hoehwa-myeon, Goseong-gun,

Danghangpo National Tourist Resort Complex

The Danghangpo National Tourist


Hallyeohaesang Marine National Park

Korea Naval Academy Museum

The Hallyeohaesang Marine National Park consists of a waterway between

The Korea Naval Academy Museum

Yeosu and Tongyeong as well as parts

was established in 1976 to educate

of the southern coastal regions

naval cadets, naval officers, and other

including Namhaedo and Geojedo.

visitors about the history and

This area encompasses many

traditions of the Korean Navy. Its

historical sites of Yi Sun-sin. Among

exhibitions include documentary

these are Hansando (the location of

records and other relics of Yi, and a

Yi's naval headquarters), Odongdo

replica of the original Geobukseon

(the location of the drilling ground of



Admiral Yi Sun-sin's People Na Dae-yong (羅大用 : 1556-1612) Na Dae-yong was born in 1556 in the city of Naju in the Jeolla-do province. He and his cousin Na Chi-yong began serving under Yi Sun-sin in 1591, one year prior to the outbreak of the Imjin War. As a lieutenant, and with Yi's complete confidence, he was given the responsibility of constructing the Geobukseon and other battleships. The Geobukseon was built by remodeling the Panokseon battleship, then Korea's primary battleship. These battleships were specifically designed for naval battles against Japan, whose navy excelled in on board hand-to-hand combat. The Geobukseon was shielded by a roof covered with iron spikes to prevent enemies from boarding the ship. It played a decisive role in breaking the enemy's formation by spearheading attacks. The Geobukseon could rampage through the enemy fleet and fire cannons from every direction of the ship. Needless to say, the Geobukseon made an enormous contribution to the Korean Navy's victories during the Imjin War. Na Dae-yong was not only an excellent shipbuilding engineer, but also a courageous soldier who carried out remarkable operations in many naval battles, including the battles of Okpo, Dangpo and Sacheon. He was wounded by enemy fire at the battle of Sacheon along with Yi Sun-sin. After the war, he continued to study battleships, and developed another ironclad battleship called Changseon, which was densely covered with swords and spears.

Eo Yeong-dam (魚泳潭 : 1532-1594) Eo Yeong-dam served as an officer titled Hyeongam in the city of Gwangyang, an area within Yi Sun-sin's jurisdiction, when the Imjin War broke out in 1592. Since he grew up by the water, he had considerable skills in the operation of ships. He was also particularly knowledgeable of the tides and currents of the seas around the Gyeongsang-do and Jeolla-do provinces, and so served as a tide expert. This ability made a significant contribution to the victories of the Korean Navy during the Imjin War. Eo Yeong-dam engaged in the operations of many great naval battles, including the battles of Okpo, Hansando, and Busan, until he died of infectious disease in the naval base in Hansando in April, 1594. On April 9, 1594, Admiral Yi Sun-sin wrote in his war diary (Nanjung Ilgi in Korean) that "My defense soldier Eo Yeong-dam died. How can I say how sad I am?" Eo Yeong-dam was an outstanding soldier whom Yi loved and trusted very much.

Yu Seong-ryong (柳成龍 : 1542-1607) Yu Seong-ryong served as second state councilor. Upon the outbreak of the Imjin War in 1592, he also took the lead in general military affairs as the minister of war. For all seven years of the war, he played a crucial role in bringing the war to victory by leading all state affairs, including military affairs, administration and diplomacy. Also, he recognized the ability of General Yi Sun-sin and General Gwon Yul, and raised them to high positions by recommending them to the King before the Imjin War. As he expected, these two generals thoroughly prepared for war, and performed distinguished service during the war in naval and land combat respectively. He had known Yi Sin-sin from childhood, and appreciated his noble character. Whenever Yi went through hardship in his life, Yu would give him special assistance. As a prominent scholar, Yu Seong-ryong left many writings. Among them, Jingbirok (懲毖錄) is famed as a remarkable documentary record of the Imjin War, and was designated in 1969 as National Treasure No. 132. In the opening of the book, he stressed the need to be wary of possible wars by learning from the lessons of the Imjin War.

60 60 Who is he?

Major Battles His

❽ ❽ ❽ ❽❽ ❽ ❽

❽ ❽

❹ The Battle of Okpo (May 7, 1592) ❹ The Battle of Habpo (May 7, 1592) ❹ The Battle of Jeokjinpo (May 8, 1592) ❹ The Battle of Sacheonpo (May 29, 1592) ❹ The Battle of Dangpo (June 2, 1592) ❹ The first battle of Danghangpo (June 5, 1592) ❹ The battle of Yulpo (June 7, 1592)

❹ The battle of Hansando (June 8, 1592) ❹ The battle of Angolpo (June 10, 1592) ❹ The battle of Jangrimpo (August 29, 1592) ❹ The battle of Busanpo (September 1, 1592) ❹ The second battle of Danghangpo (March 4~5, 1594) ❹ The battle of Myeongryang (September 16, 1597) ❹ The battle of Noryang (November 19, 1598)

Major Battles


1. The Battle of Okpo (May 7, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Won gyun 24 panokships and 57 small vessels None

Japanese fleet Dodo Dakadora 30 ships 26 ships destroyed, about 4000 dead

It was the first his battle against Japanese fleet during Imjin war period. He sent spy ships to eastern sea off Busan port. He didn't depart his naval base until he confirmed Japanese fleet's scale and tactics. On May 7, his fleet and Won gyun's fleet departed together and sailed to okpo port. Japanese fleet disembarked from their ships and was plundering villages near by okpo port. Japanese embarked quickly after they found Joseon fleet. Admiral Yi waited until all Japanese boarded and ordered to discharge guns. His fleet was in a formation of Iljajin which ships position a line east-to-west. He didn't use boarding tactics, which were very common at that time. He ordered to bombard guns against Japanese ships. This battle became first victory of Joseon while Joseon army couldn't attain in land.

2. The Battle of Habpo (May 7, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Commander Commander-in-chief : Admiral Yi Strength 24 panokships and 57 small vessels Casualties and losses Unknown

Japanese fleet Dodo Dakadora 5 ships 5 ships destroyed

After Battle of Okpo, Admiral Yi’s fleet was supposed to anchor at youngdeungpo, which is situated in Geojedo, but they headed to Happo off Ungcheon, present-day Jinhae, because spy ship sent message that Japanese ships were passing through near sea. Immediately, his fleet chased them and attacked them. Soon, they abandoned their ships and fled to the land. After Joseon fleet destroyed all ships, they sailed to Nampo in Changwon.

3. The Battle of Jeokjinpo (May 8, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Commander Commander-in-chief : Admiral Yi Strength 24 panokships and 57 small vessels Unknown

Japanese fleet Unknown 13 ships 13 ships destroyed

It was the first his battle against Japanese fleet during Imjin war period. He sent spy ships to eastern sea off Busan port. He didn't depart his naval base until he confirmed Japanese fleet's scale and tactics. On May 7, his fleet and Won gyun's fleet departed together and sailed to okpo port. Japanese fleet disembarked from their ships and was plundering villages near by okpo port. Japanese embarked quickly after they found Joseon fleet. Admiral Yi waited until all Japanese boarded and ordered to discharge guns. His fleet was in a formation of Iljajin which ships position a line east-to-west. He didn't use boarding tactics, which were very common at that time. He ordered to bombard guns against Japanese ships. This battle became first victory of Joseon while Joseon army couldn't attain in land.

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4. The Battle of Sacheonpo (May 29, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Won gyun 26 panokships and 20 small vessels None

Japanese fleet Unknown 13 ships 13 ships destroyed

Admiral Yi discussed next tactics with his subordinate officers and decided to combine his fleet with Jeolla eastern fleet. He sent message and was supposed to meet them on June 3. On May 27, Won gyun sent message that his fleet was under attack of Japanese, he had to leave before Jeolla eastern fleet joined his fleet on May 29. After Won gyun’s fleet joined his fleet, they chased one Japanese warship and found more ships which were anchoring in Sacheon port. Admiral Yi ordered to make the formation, Jansajin, which ships station a line north-to-south and tried to reach this port, because the sea off port was shallow and the tide was ebbing. He tried to entice Japanese from the port, but about 200 Japanese counterattacked by matchlock in the port. Opportunely, tide changed and his fleet could reach port. He employed Geobukseon at this battle for the first time. Geobukseon led fleet and rushed to Japanese. Soon, Japanese abandoned ships and fled to the land. His fleet destroyed all ships. Admiral Yi was wounded his left shoulder by matchlock.

5. The Battle of Dangpo (June 2, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Won gyun 26 panokships and 20 small vessels None

Japanese fleet Gamei Korenori 21 ships 21 ships destroyed

On June 1, he drove his fleet and anchored at Saryangdo in Goseong. Around 8 am, he departed there after he got a message that Japanese warships are anchoring at Dangpo port. He arrived off Dangpo around 10 and attacked Japanese ships. Japanese counterattacked from the land and ships. He sent Geobukseon first, and it destroyed Adakebune, flagship. Soon, his subordinate officer, Gwon jun cut the head of Japanese commander. Joseon fleet destroyed Japanese ships while Japanese were perplexed after their commander°Øs death. Shortly after he triumphed, spy ship sent the message that Japanese fleet was sailing from Geojedo. His fleet tried to search them, but they lost Japanese fleet.

6. The first battle of Danghangpo (June 5, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Yi eok-gi, Won gyun 51 panokships and 50 small vessels None

Japanese fleet Gato giyomasha 26 ships 26 ships destroyed

On June 4, Jeolla eastern fleet joined Admiral Yi’s fleet. It doubled strength of Joseon fleet. One citizen informed Joseon fleet that Japanese ships were anchoring at Danghangpo in Goseong. Admiral Yi discussed tactic with other commanders and decided to entice Japanese ships out of port. Joseon fleet divided into two columns and first column sailed into port. Second column followed them after first column sent message to enter the port. Geobukseon destroyed Adakabune first again and all Japanese ships were destroyed

Major Battles


7. The battle of Yulpo (June 7, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Yi eok-gi, Won gyun 51 panokships and 50 small vessels None

Japanese fleet Gurushima Michiyuki 7 ships 7 ships destroyed

Combined Joseon fleet departed at dawn again and reached Jeungdo island. They searched traces of Japanese fleet and reached youngdeungpo at around noon. They found small fleet and chased them. Soon, Japanese abandoned their ships and ran away in land after this battle. According to Japanese records, Gurushima Michiyuki reached near land and committed suicide after this battle. On June 10, Combined Joseon fleet scattered and returned to their naval bases.

8. The battle of Hansando (June 8, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Yi eok-gi, Won gyun 59 panokships and 50 small vessels None

Japanese fleet Wakisaka Yasuharu 73 ships 59 ships destroyed

Although, Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered their navy to be united and attack Joseon navy together, Wakisaka Yasuharu decided to defeat Yi°Øs fleet by himself. On July 7, his fleet was departed from the Japanese headquarter in Jinhae. When Wakisaka’s fleet arrived near by Geojedo island, his fleet anchored off Gyeonnaeryang. On the other hand, a shepherd reported that Japanese fleet was anchoring at Gyeonnaeryang to Joseon fleet. Joseon fleet decided to entice Japanese fleet from there to the open sea, because that sea is shallow and it was hard to change body of main warship, Panokseon. Furthermore, Japanese tended to abandon ships and retreat to the island if they reach an impasse in the middle of battle. On July 8, 5~6 ships went to Gyeonnaeryang while remaining ships were poised to attack off Hansando island. Joseon squadron enticed Japanese and poised to retreat from there, Japanese followed them. Squadron arrived at the open sea and joined Joseon fleet. Admiral Yi ordered to make his famous tactic, Hakikjin, crane wing formation. Joseon warships discharged guns and 2~3 Japanese warships in front line were sunken by this attack. Joseon fleet attacked flagship first and surrounded them. Wakisaka drove 14 ships and retreated.

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9. The battle of Angolpo (June 10, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Yi eok-gi, Won gyun 59 panokships and 50 small vessels None

Japanese fleet Guki yoshitaka, Gato yoshiyaki 42 ships About 20 ships destroyed

On July 9, spy ship sent the message that they found 40 Japanese warships in Angolpo port while Joseon fleet took a rest in Gyeonnaeryang. The Japanese fleet at Angolpo was combined Guki yoshitaka and Gato yoshiyaki fleet. On July 7, they drove their fleets and followed trace of Wakisaka’s fleet. On July 10, Joseon fleet sailed to Angolpo and faced Japanese fleet. Joseon fleet tried to entice them again, because the sea level is low and therefore Panokship couldn’t reach port. However, Japanese fleet didn’t sail out of the port. They counterattacked at port only, because Toyotomi banned naval battle with Joseon fleet after the Battle of Hansando. Admiral Yi sent squadron and they destroyed Japanese ships by guns. Thousands of Japanese died and survivors fled to land. After an half of Japanese warships were destroyed, Joseon fleet left battle field due to they worried the safety of Joseon civilians who hid near by mountains. Admiral Yi°Øs fleet returned to their base on July 13.

10. The battle of Jangrimpo (August 29, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Yi eok-gi, Won gyun 74 panokships and other small vessels None

Japanese fleet Unknown 6 ships 6 ships destroyed

He built 22 warships more during about a month and maneuvered tactics with Jeolla eastern fleet. They departed on August 24 shortly after officer of Gyeongsang eastern fleet sent a message that Japanese are sailing down from Gimhae. They sailed toward Busan and searched Japanese warships till August 28. On August 29, they found Japanese warships off Janglimpo port in Dongrae and destroyed all.

11. The battle of Busanpo (September 1, 1592) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Admiral Yi sun-sin, Yi eok-gi, Won gyun 74 panokships and 92 small vessels Admiral Yi’s subordinate officer Jeong Un dead, 6 dead, 25 wounded

Japanese fleet Most Japanese generals 470 ships 130 ships destroyed

After the battle of Jeolyoungdo, Admiral Yi sent spy ship to Busanpo port. Spy ships found about 470 warships at that port and came back to Joseon fleet. Joseon fleet headed to Busan port and destroyed Japanese squadron, 4 warships and they made the formation, Jangsajin and rushed into Japanese fleet. Japanese army joined their fleet and attacked Joseon fleet from the near hills. Joseon fleet decisively defeated Japanese fleet and returned to base, because they had to fix warships and ran out of foods. On September 2, Admiral Yi’s fleet arrived at their naval base.

Major Battles


12. The second battle of Danghangpo (March 4~5, 1594) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Commander-in-chief : Admiral Yi, Eo young-dam 30 panokships None

Japanese fleet Unknown Unknown 30 ships destroyed

Admiral Yi drove his fleet and headed to Jeungdo shortly after his spy reported that Japanese fleet was sailing to Oriryang and Jeodo. He divided his fleet into two columns. His subordinate officer, Eo young-dam led first column, which was consist of 30 warships and attacked about 30 Japanese ships. Admiral Yi’s column secured sea off Jeungdo. Eo young-dam destroyed about 30 Japanese warships off Danghangpo port. He returned to base on March 7.

13. The battle of Myeongryang (September 16, 1597) Commander Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Commander-in-chief : Admiral Yi sun-sin 13 warships and 32 small vessels, About 1500 soldiers Unknown

Japanese fleet Gurujima Michihusa, Wakisaka yasuharu, DoDo akidora About 300 ships, About 120,000 soldiers Casualties unknown, 31 warships destryoed

On July 16, 1597, Admiral won gyun was defeated at Chilcheonryang and dead after this battle. About 160 Joseon fleet’s warships were destroyed during this battle. A naval officer, Bae-seol retreated with 12 warships out of battle field. Joseon government reappointed Admiral Yi sunsin as a commander-in-chief. Before he arrived at naval base, Admiral Yi collected his navy officers and sailors. On August 19, he took over Bae-sol’s warships at Hoiryeongpo port and collected foods, arrows, bows. Although the King, seonjo ordered to combine his navy with army, Admiral Yi sent report to king. In this report he wrote his famous quote, “Your highness, I still have twelve battleships.” He moved his base to the west and west. On September 16, his spy reported that hundreds of Japanese warships were sailing to his base at around 7 am. He drove his fleet and waited Japanese fleet in front of his base, present-day Haenamgun. 133 Japanese warships had to sail into the Uldolmok, sea between Jindo and hwawon peninsula, it is narrow sea which lowest sea level is about 1.9m and flow speed is 11.5 note. Japanese had to separate their warships. Most big warship, Adakabune stationed in front of this sea. Only 133 middle warships, Sekebune could pass the sea. Admiral Yi ordered to make a formation, Iljajin which ships position end-to-end. At first, Admiral Yi°Øs ship fought against Japanese warships with guns in the front battle line, while other generals ships were hesitated to attack. He called other ships and rushed into Japanese battle line first. Soon, tide changed and his all warships followed him. They destroyed about 31 warships in a flash. After this attack, Japanese retreated at around sunset. He never gave up and gained glorious victory.

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14. The battle of Noryang (November 19, 1598) Commander

Strength Casualties and losses

Joseon fleet Commander-in-chief : Jin lin Admiral Yi

About 400 Ming’s warships, 80 Joseon’s warships Admiral Yi dead, 10 Joseon officers dead, navy casualties Unknown

Japanese fleet Gonishi Yukinaga, Shimazu Yoshihiro, So yoshitoshi, Dachibana Muneshige, Derajawa masanari, Takahashi munemashu 500 warships

After the Battle of Myeongryang Japanese fleet evacuated to Ungcheon, far away from Admiral Yi’s naval base. He collected foods, ships, soldiers and ammunition and moved his base to east and east. He settled in Goguemdo on February 17, 1598 to reinforce his army and secure seas from Gonishi Yukinaga’s army. He could attain other benefits that he saved foods for the next battle, because there were many farms. His glorious victory was spread throughout southern provinces of Korean peninsula and, many civilians gathered to this island. Admiral Yi could reinforce his fleet with them. According to Jingbirok, records of Yu seong-yong, Admiral Yi trained about 8,000 and then he worried about shortage of provisions when his fleet was stationed in this island. In early 1598, Ming began to send their army to prevent invasion of Japanese through sea. Ming fleet joined Admiral Yi’s fleet on July 16. Combined Joseon-Ming army had small and big battles in land and sea. On August 18, Toyotomi Hideyoshi died and his councilors ordered Japanese army in Joseon to retreat until November. Gonishi Yukinaga sent his fleet’s squadrons and tried to retreat, but combined Joseon-Ming fleet blockaded his fleet. Gonishi bribed Jin lin and then sent his ships to other Japanese fleet bases. Admiral Yi’s officers realized and reported this to him. He had council of war with his officers and decided to sail to Noryang. His fleet stationed off Noryang and waited Shimazu’s fleet on November 18. Jin lin’s fleet joined Yi’s fleet because he couldn’t reach agreement with Gonishi yukinaga. His fleet would receive attack from Shimazu°Øs fleet. The wind blew from northwest and combined fleet enjoyed benefit from it. They attacked Japanese fleet with fire. Soon, Japanese warships were in flame and retreated. They locked in port on their way to retreat. Japanese strongly confronted combined fleet to escape from the port. Middle of battle, Admiral Yi was dead by bullet wound around gwaneumpo port in presence of his son Yi hoe. Before he died, he said his famous will, “We are at the height of battle. Don’t let anybody know about my death!”





Battleships 1

Panokseon ship Panokseon ship was main warship of Joseon fleet. Its name means literally wood warship having panok, loft on it. Commander boarded on this loft while oarsmen and soldiers boarded in gun deck. Koreans added tall wood plates in both side of a ship above upper deck because Japanese main naval tactic was boarding tactic which navy board enemy's ship and fight on their ship's deck by sword. It was also designed to sail in southeastern coast of Korea which has wide mudflats and many large and small islands. Hence this ship had flat keel. Its structure was sturdy than Japanese warships, because Koreans used wooden nail to fix planks when they build this ship and it was made of sturdy pine wood plates. Therefore it was able to absorb reaction which occurred after the gun was pushed backward by the force of the blow. On the contrary, Japanese ships couldn't absorb reaction, because they fixed planks with iron nails and their ships were made of Japanese cedar. This wood was less solidity than pine tree. Hence it couldn't carry guns on it. Admiral Yi's fleet was composed of this ship in most battle. It followed Geobukseon and bombard Japanese fleet. He built 24 ships before the Imjin war broke out and built more ships during war period. His famous formation, Hakikjin, was able to position due to this ship. Furthermore, he could defeat Japanese fleet far away by guns. It was one of reasons why he could gain continue victories till the Imjin war ended.

68 Who is he?

Battleships 2

Geobukseon ship It is also known as turtle ship. Geobukseon means literally turtle shaped warship in Korean. It was similar as floating turtle. According to Lee Chungmugong Jeonseo, Biographies of Yi Sun-sin, the Geobukseon ship which was used during the imjin war period was designed by Admiral Yi Sun-sin and built by his subordinate naval officer, Na Dae-yong. According to T'aejongsillok, Annals of King T'aejong, Joseon scientists already invented turtle warship and had launch it in Hangang river. This test launch occurred during T'aejong's reign, 1401~1418. But, modern Korean historians inferred that this ship was quite different as the Geobukseon ship which used by Admiral Yi's fleet. Sailors inside of this ship could see the enemy, but enemy couldn't see its inside. It made Japanese to confuse where they shall attack. It was double-deck ship and propelled by sails and oars. There were cabin and warehouse in the first deck. It carried four series of guns in the second deck and Soldiers and oarsmen boarded on it. Its figurehead was dragon's head to frustrate Japanese because they scared dragon the most. There was a wooden crest which rammed enemy ships below the dragon's head. It could discharge fires from the four directions. Inside of the Dragon's head, it carried Hyeonjachontong and fired when it rushed to Japanese battle line. It carried 6 Chenjachongtong or Jijachongtong in broadside and approximately 1 gun in stern. Admiral Yi built 3 Geobukseon ship before the Imjin war broke out. It was employed in the Battle of Sacheonpo for the first time. In battle, it led whole fleet and attacked Japanese ships first. After it dispersed Japanese battle line, remaining warships followed it. The main target of this ship was Adakebune, flagship which Japanese commander boarded.



Firearms Firearms were first introduced to Goryeo, medieval state of Korea in 1104, but these weapons were extensively developed after Choi mu-seon developed method to produce gunpowder and established special government agency, Hwatongdogam in 1377. Joseon people also had developed various guns, muskets and shots. This development became one of reasons why Joseon fleet could defeat Japanese.

Guns Four series of guns, Cheonja, Jija, Hyeonja and Hwangja were used during Imjin war period. Ancient Koreans gave different names for this four series of guns to separate their capability according to maximum range, number of balls and length. These guns mounted on Geobukseon ship and Panokseon ship. According to Nanjungilgi, war diary of Admiral Yi, he inspected naval bases when they test fire the guns in February 1592. He also drove his fleet and tested these guns of Geobukseon in the middle of south sea.

Guns comparison Range Calibre Length

Cheonjachongtong 1,125m 118~130mm 130~136cm

Jijachongtong 1,000m 105mm 89~89.5cm

Hyeonjachongtong 1,000m or 1,875m 60~75mm 79~83.8cm

Hwangjachongtong 1,378m 40mm 50.4cm

Cheonjachongtong : Cheon literally means sky in Korean. It was the largest gun and fired mostly Daejanggunjeon, cannon arrow to make a hole in the body of Japanese warships. It also could fire cannon ball and 400 Joranhwan, kind of shrapnel. Jijachongtong : Ji literally means earth in Korean. It was the second largest gun and fired mostly Janggunjeon and 200 Joranhwan. Hyeonjachongtong : Hyeon literally means black in Korean. It was the third largest gun and fired mostly Chadaejeon and 100 Joranhwan. Hwangjachongtong : Hwang literally means yellow in Korean. It is the smallest gun and fired mostly Piryeongchajungjeon and 40 Joranhwan. The actual gun which was produced by gun artisan, Bu Gwi was designated Treasure Number 886, and preserved in the National Museum of Korea.

Musket Jeongcheolchongtong : According to Nanjungilgi, , it was invented by the officer, Jeong Sa-jun under the admiral Yi. He compared Joseon's matchlock, sungjachong with Japanese matchlock and invented it. It was made of refined iron.

Friendly Korea V@NK is making a steady progress toward its goal to build a bridge between Koreans and foreigners.17,000 V@NK members are keeping in touch with their international friends and building friendships. Our international members gave us many interesting stories about their experiences with Korean friends that helped them learn about Korean culture, history and the daily life of the people. Most impressive stories are presented to you in this magazine, Friendly Korea. You can also read letters that have been exchanged between foreigners all over the world and their Korean friends, and find answers to a lot of questions about Korea that you may have. Moreover, you can grasp the essence of Korean culture through ‘Han-style’ that consists of Hangeul (Korean language), Hansik (Korean food), Hanbok (Korean clothing), Hanok (Korean traditional housing) and more, which will deepen your understanding of Korea. Also, five regions in Korea send their special invitations for you through this magazine. Experience what they want to show you in their regions. Friendly Korea is ready for you to read at

Chapter 4 The truth about him - Looking for Truth - Truths and Falses - Letter writing campaign

72 The truth about him

Looking for Truth Yi Sun-sin and the Imjin War in foreign textbooks and websites Analysis of descriptions about Yi Sun-sin and the Imjin War in foreign textbooks and websites A major issue we found in analyzing descriptions of Yi Sun-sin and the Imjin War in foreign resources is that often these descriptions are simply neglected in foreign history textbooks, encyclopedias and popular websites. Although Yi's leadership and bravery are useful educational contents to inspire youth in the world beyond Korea, they are not even mentioned in reference books and websites that foreign students use for studying purposes. Another significant issue we found is that even those few foreign resources with limited content about Yi often provide incorrect information. For example, Yi's last battle in the Noryang Strait is described as an illegitimate attack on Japanese retreating forces because it broke an armistice agreement. However, there was no armistice agreement between Korea and Japan, and so this description gives readers the wrong impression that Yi won the battle by resorting to foul play. The dissemination of such misinformation gives some cover to Japan that had engaged in an aggressive war of invasion against Korea, and degrades Yi's character and accomplishments during the Imjin War. The way the Imjin War is described is also problematic. Foreign history textbooks and websites represent the Imjin War only from the historical perspectives of China and Japan. This absence of a Korean perspective is consistent with the common fallacy that Korea is only a shrimp caught between the two whales of China and Japan. An example of a description of the Imjin war from a Chinese perspective is the mistaken belief that Korea was only able to escape from the threat of Japanese occupation due to the arrival of Chinese relief forces because Korea had no modern weapons to defend against the Japanese forces. This perspective reduces the conditions of the Korean victories during the Imjin War to the presence of Chinese assistance, downplaying the accomplishments of the Korean Navy under the command of Yi Sun-sin. An example from a Japanese perspective is that the Japanese invasion of Korea was only to use Korea as a stepping stone or passage to China. This perspective assumes that the Imjin War was a conflict between China and Japan for hegemony in Asia, ignoring Korea's stance and role as a regional player in Asian geopolitics.

Truths and Falses


Truths and Falses Yi Sun-sin and the Imjin War in foreign textbooks and websites Errors in the descriptions of Yi Sun-sin and the Imjin War in foreign textbooks, websites and corrections of those descriptions based on accurate information



History of World Civilizations (Ongot Khevel et al., 2005): Mongolian textbook Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent troops to Korea, a vassal of China, and invaded several towns on the coast in 1592 ... Japan's attack on Seoul caused the conflict between China and Japan. In 1597, Japan again sent large forces to China to strike a blow to the Chinese Army.

Korea was not a vasssal state of China in 1592. The Imjin War (1592~1598) consisted of Japanese invasions of Korea as an independent state, not a part of China. Japanese forces landed on the shore in the southern port city of Busan in April, 1592, and successfully advanced through Korea's northernmost area of the Tumen River. However, Yi's successive naval victories, the resistance movements of Korean militias throughout the country, and Ming China's intervention turned the tide of the war against Japan. Eventually in 1598, Japanese forces completely withdrew from Korea, due to their continuous defeats in naval battles and the death of Hideyoshi, the Japanese warlord who had waged the Imjin War.

Holt World History: The Human Journey (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003): American textbook In 1598, the Korean Navy invented the iron-clad battleship called the Geoubukseon.

It was in 1592 when Admiral Yi Sun-sin built the Geobukseon battleship in preparation for Japanese invasion. Its name was given because its shape was similar to a turtle (Geobuk in Korean). Yi developed this battleship by reforming the Panokseon battleship, then Korea's primary battleship. The Geobukseon was a mighty battleship that could fire cannons in any direction for offense and was covered with iron spikes for effective defense. In battle, it struck fatal blows to enemy ships by disturbing the formation of their fleet.

74 The truth about him Error


The History of Asia (Serafin D.Quiason, Fe B.Mangahas, et al., 1998): Philippine textbook Factional strife worsened in the Yi-Dynasty ... Hideyoshi's invasion dealt a more serious blow to Korea in 1590.

Hideyoshi invaded Korea in 1592, not in 1590.

The Cassell Atlas of World History (John Haywood et al., 2001): British textbook Kato Kiyomasa and Konishi Yukinaga led the invasion of Korea under the command of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Although Konishi successfully occupied Busan in 1592, the Japanese Army became isolated after the Ming Navy forces nearly wiped out the Japanese fleet.

It was Admiral Yi Sun-sin's Korean Navy that nearly annihilated the Japanese fleet. Kato Kiyomasa and Konishi Yukinaga were the spearhead of Japanese invasion forces. They arrived at Busan in April, 1592, and advanced northward. The Japanese Army had victory after victory and marched through Korea's northernmost area of the Tumen River. However, the Japanese Army became isolated after they were cut off from their communication and supply lines by Yi's Korean Navy. The Ming Chinese Navy did intervene in the war, but it didn't take the leading role in naval battles.

Global Studies: Civilization of the Past and Present (Henry Brun, 1998): American textbook China also gave Korea military aid. With this help, Koreans resisted the Japanese forces that had invaded their country from 1592 to 1598.

The intervention of Ming China assisted Korea in repelling the Japanese invasion forces. However, Chinese aid was not the primary factor of Korea's victory. Rather, the Korean Navy under Yi's leadership and Korean militias raised throughout the country both played a crucial role from the beginning of the war to the end.

Knowledge Rush Encyclopedia On November 19, 1598, Admiral Yi was shot during the final battle of the war when he broke an armistice agreement and attacked Japanese remnants at Noryang.

Correction: In the Noryang Strait, Admiral Yi Sun-sin defeated the Japanese forces that invaded Korea and had inflicted immense suffering on a number of innocent civilians. During this operation, he was shot and died. At the time, he said his famous words; "We are at the height of battle. Don't let anybody know about my death!" He faithfully stuck to his role of protecting the country even on the verge of his death.

Truths and Falses




Jade Dragon Online On September 16, 1597, he led 12 turtle ships against 133 Japanese ships in the Myongnyang Strait. The Koreans sank 31 enemy ships and sent the others fleeing in this victory.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin defeated 31 Japanese ships with 13 battleships and patriotic soldiers at the battle of Myeongnyang. Through this victory, Korea took control over the Korean seas.

American Airlines,256325/81/record.html A Korean fleet of only twelve kobuksan was able to defeat 133 Japanese ships in 1597, preventing enemy troops from occupying Korea at that time.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin's Korean Navy faced a Japanese fleet of 133 ships with only their 13 battleships in the Myongnyang Strait. Despite being overwhelmingly outnumbered, they desperately fought to protect their country and triumphed by sinking 31 enemy ships.

Free Dictionary by Farlex,+Sun-sin He was killed in one of the final battles of the war, at Kogum-do.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin was killed on a ship during his last battle off Noryang, and his corpse was temporarily moved to the Gogeumdo Island where his naval base was located.

76 The truth about him

Letter writing campaign Dear sir or madam (Textbook publishing company person in charge) Hello. I express my sincere respect for you to manage the website inspiring and challenging the young people around the world. I am living in South Korea, and a member of a nongovernmental organization called VANK. VANK is an abbreviation for Voluntary Agency Network of Korea and consists of Korean students from elementary to senior school and other adult volunteers. We are promoting Korea to the world through pen-pal activities with foreign friends from all over the world. Also, we are learning different countries' culture, history, and a leadership of national heroes as a part of an education for world citizenship. As I have contacted with students in many other countries via emails, I became interested especially in the naval battles and the leadership of national heroes who saved their country from a crisis, often introduced in world history textbooks. Especially when I studied the naval battles to be a turning point of world naval battles' history and shift the stream of human history such as the battle of Salamis, the battle of Gravelines, and the battle of Trafalgar, counted as the World 3 Naval Battles, I could learn how should I live on the global stage and what should I prepare now to change my own country and the world. While I read the stories of world naval battles and the biographies of the world heroes introduced in major textbooks, websites, and encyclopedias, I was encouraged to let you know that there is a missing point in your website and your publication. There is affluent and detailed introduction about the battle of Salamis, the battle of Gravelines, and the battle of Trafalgar with a great deal of weight, but there is little reference on a Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin and the battle of Hansando.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin is a Korean hero in the 16 century who fought against Japanese invasion upon Joseon for seven and a half years, and won the unprecedented 23 complete victories among the 23 naval battles. It is the unique record in the history of world naval battles as well. He is not only a national hero who's been selected as the most respected hero for the Korean people during the 5,000 years of Korean history, but also the one who played a role of the bulwark of peace of East Asia at that time, driving a wedge in Japanese plan to expand their territory to the East Asian countries including China, using South Korea as a steppingstone. Furthermore, the battle of Hansan regarded as his representative battle has a historical value and meaning with its innovative strategy and the applicative competence of the fleet. Some experts in naval battles and the Naval Academy appreciated the significance of the battle of Hansan. You can get the well-organized information about the battle of Hansan, one of the world 4 naval battles, by visiting our website below.

The reason why I especially promote Admiral Yi Sun-sin and the battle of Hansan to you is that many people in the world introduce heroes on the point of western history only. The world 3 naval battles also exclude the East. In Asia, there are many stories of hidden heroes and leadership having changed the world history. Your company is standing on the significant position as like a hatchway delivering the right historical facts and truth to the students all around the world. Thus, it would be mostly appreciated if you introduce Admiral Yi Sun-sin and the battle of Hansan for the balance of the perspective toward the West and the East. If you ask any materials related to Admiral Yi Sun-sin or the battle of Hansan, we will help you as much as we can. Our wish is to promote the great but hidden Asian heroes to the people in the world through our voluntary effort. And also, we sincerely hope to promote the Korean national image, the peace maker in 21 century in Asia as Admiral Yi Sun-sin was in the past. We'll look forward to your kind cooperation for our dream to come true. Faithfully yours,

Chapter 5 VANKY introduces him - VANKY introduces him to the world

78 VANKY introduces him Hey! It’s Seonghwa here. How are you? You know I’m really interested in politics and my ambition is to become either a politician or a diplomat right? Well, speaking of politics, there’s something I want to tell you about. You know Korea was once colonized by Japan like Indonesia, right? Well, the attack of Japanese in Korean peninsular did not just happen once at that time but was an issue for a long period of time since about even before Joseon Dynasty, the last dynasty in Korea before it became a democratic country. Japan wanted to take over Korea as one of their expansionism and colonialism plan. During over hundreds of Japanese attack of Korea, lots of Korean fought. What I want to talk about now is the most praised hero from 16th century Korea(Joseon Dynasty), Yi Sun-sin. You may know some famous Korean figures like King Sejong, who created Korean language. But unfortunately, Yi is not as world-wide famous as King Sejong despite his achievement in protecting Korea, well at that time, Joseon Dynasty. Yi Sun-sin was born in 1545 and later he became the admiral in Joseon fleet at the age of 47. His great achievement ties with the Japanese invasion in 1592. The background of this Japanese invasion was the political instability due to the recent unification of the government in Japan by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. After Hideyoshi has united Japan by seizing power, there was a lot of opposition and domestic conflicts so he started to attack Joseon in order to draw the Japanese attention to this war. This war has lasted for 7 years, leaving huge loss of soldiers and so on. This war was over with Joseon’s victory due to Yi Sun-sin’s military tactics and bravery despite the disadvantages his army had such as small number of ships and ill-equipped soldiers. Saying that Japanese soldiers possessed the gun and Joseon soldiers had to fight against them with traditional arrows, guess how many difficulties Joseon soldiers encountered? Nevertheless, Yi did not complaint on any disadvantages he had, he fought with his best effort and lead to Joseon’s victory. According to the sources, Chungmugong, Yi Sun-sin’s nick name meaning patriotic hero (I think), has always emphasized on keeping soldier’s morale. Like in WWI, one of the reasons why central powers lost was the decreased morale of the soldiers due to the entry of USA in 1917. Well, now you see how important it is to keep soldiers morale. He focused on keeping soldiers mind strong, as in like, always think they will win. He said If you fight like you will die, you will live. But when you try to survive in the battle, you will get killed., in a Battle of Myeongryang. This was said to remind the soldiers that no matter what happens, they should fight with their best effort so they don’t show any excuse for the Japanese soldiers for the sudden attack. To set up the tactics for the wars at sea, he was fully prepared for the tactics those are suitable for the geographical condition. He also did not forget to prepare for the food supply, home front and minimize the loss of civilians life. Yi has invented a very interesting Ship called Geobukseon which means the Turtle Ship. Sounds fun? But you should not underestimate it. The ship was designed by Yi to scare the Japanese. As you see in the photo (I’ve attached it for you!), it is made up of metals with spike on the top. This was used to lead the group of ship. Under the metal spike, the wooden part, soldiers would hide and shoot the arrows. No matter how much Japanese soldiers would fire at Geobukseon the metal deck was strong enough to protect the ship and the soldiers. It is said that this ship, Geobukseon played a very crucial role in the defeating the Japanese. It seems like Yi was really talented in both military tactics and designing devices for military tactics. He surely had a capability of becoming a great admiral and the national hero. Is there any famous Indonesian general who fought against the Dutch government during colonization or any revolutionary forces against Dutch and Japanese forces? I’ve heard the man in the 1,000 Rupiah (money paper) is a famous civil revolutionary man

VANKY introduces him to the world


with a sword? Ah, speaking of which, I’ve got an interesting thing to tell you! In a memorial museum, there’s a 2m long sword owned by Yi Sun-sin. So people were wondering, “How tall was Yi to be able to use such long and heavy sword?” And they also had an interesting discussion about his height. Haha. But at the end, it was proved that he didn’t actually used the sword in the battle but was just used as a symbol of his power as a admiral. Even though Yi is not a world-wide figure yet, there were some testimonials praising his achievements made by western historians and even Japanese. One Japanese admiral, Sato Tetsutaro was once a professor in Japanese navy university in 1908. In his book, he wrote “If you would mention a great sea admiral, there’s Yi Sun-sin from Korea in Eastern country and Nelson from the UK in Western. Yi Sun-sin surely is a greatest naval hero. Unfortunately, he was born in Joseon which limited his fame to spread to all around the world. However, if documents about Japanese Invasion were read, one will realize he surely was a great sea admiral.” Japan was the one who attacked Joseon and might have biased idea due to its defeat but the fact that even a Japanese General was praising Yi Sun-sin admiral’s greatness, he must have been a great person. Furthermore, he also has said that even a great British admiral, Nelson, cannot be compare to Yi Sun-sin’s personality. His patriotism is still remembered by Koreans for about 500 years. To remember his achievements, his status are build in different places and his museum as well. Also, a computer game based on his wars was created and his life and war story has been made as a drama series. There’s a famous saying by Yi which all the Koreans know. “Do not tell anyone about my death.” He didn’t want to tell his followers- soldiers about his death because they might be in panic, so he chose to spend his final moment alone. I always thought he was a brave and strong figure but he might have been lonely. He was poor so he was raised up by grandparents, he became admiral at the age of almost 50 and lost his son from the battle. He surely is one of the greatest hero who protected Korea. If he wasn’t there, Joseon would’ve lose in the Japanese invasion attack and Korea might have been colonized by Japan since then. Or even worse, today’s Korea wouldn’t exist. I want to learn his strong mind which didn’t give up in any situation, and hope other people around the world will do the same. We’re still young, so if we try our best I’m sure we will be able to become a great people as well. We live in a global world as one of the Global citizen. Apparently, each of us will represent our country Indonesia and Korea. Therefore, we have to be patriotic as Yi was, be sympathetic and kind like he look after his soldiers, be creative like how he invented Geobukseon( these days, creativity is really important than before!), and have a strong mind to not to give up easily. (Yi was born in a poor family, he went to the battle field just with 10 old ships and he was even imprisoned for several times.) And most importantly, believe in yourself. Oh boy.. my letter is so long! I’ve been talking so much. Hehe. Well, what do you think about Admiral Yi and his achievements? If I could give a nickname for him, I would call him ‘Invincible Admiral Yi’ Next time, tell me about Indonesian general or revolutionary. Just like Yi , I don’t think there is any world-wide famous Indonesian general, right? I think we, as patriotic citizens, have to put our effort in spreading our cultures and history. There’s no one who just knows about their own culture today. Everyone has fertile knowledge about other country’s history and international issues. Everyone tries to become a true global citizen. Since we go to an international school, I think we should be their role model. Our graduation is really soon and after the graduation we’re going to become a real adult. I hope both us can be the great leader of the world by remembering Yi Sun-sin’s will as you become an architect and myself as a politician or a diplomat. Thank you for being patient and reading all my endless long-essay like letter. :P Take care!

-Seonghwa, Lee -

80 VANKY introduces him Hey Seonghwa! I’m sorry for the late reply. I’ve been struggling with lots of stuff these days. Hehehe. Well, anyway, yes I’ve read your letter and gosh, it’s so long. :P First of all, I would like to say that the history about Admiral Yi you wrote is very interesting and I could see that you got an excellent view in politics. He fought the Japanese as hard as he could to protect Korea and reach his achievements. In my opinion, I could agree with you that without him, today’s Korea might not even exist. The story about Geobukseon( is this how you spell?) sounds interesting. Perhaps maybe it is the only unique ship in the history of the world! You forgot to attach the photo but I looked it up myself in google. It was hard to find because in google, they spelled it as Geobukseon.. But it’s okay because two of them sound similar. I think Yi was really smart! I mean, who would ever think about making a ship that looks like a turtle? It’s hilarious. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s really creative. I wish I was there to see how it worked but I’m too scared. :P Besides the story about Tortoise Ship, the 2meter long sword was pretty interesting too. It seems like one’s status was really important long time ago. You said you also wanted to know about the general or revolutionary from Indonesia right. Well, apparently i don't know much detail about it You mentioned the picture of a man on the Rp 1000,- right? I'll tell you, he is one of the patriotic hero from Maluku (small islands between Sulawesi and Irian). His name is Pattimura. The reason he strikes back is because the Dutch ma de some nonsense rule about monopolying in trading which is unfair. It took me a little bit of research to find what happen and this is what I got. So, for example, the Indonesians had to plant spices and the Dutch took it when it grows so they could sell it for their own benefits. But, if the price of the spices goes down, we had to destroy those we had plant. Pattimura took action in strikes them back and the Dutch were starting to lose. The Dutch were asking for backups because the Pattimura troops were hard to defeat. However, at the end they had to fall back because their force was unbalance to defeat the Dutch. Some of them were captured and it was found that there were traitors in Maluku. So then Pattimura was sentenced to death. Imagine how sad is that. To be honest, I'm lucky enough that I wasn't born on that period. Even though there are no more colonization, war is still not over. You may heard an issue in Maluku that there was a struggle between Christian and Muslim. In my perspective, I don't see a point in war of religion. I mean they can't fight over on other people's faith, it's just.... unethical or something. I think I have the same opinion as you. Without those patriotic heroes, I don't think Indonesia would look like this today. It is good to know that such different countries Korea and Indonesia had similar heroic figure. Anyway, I don't think I could write more cause if I do, it would be so long and you'd loose you patience in reading it~ LOL! Thank you for reading my reply and I hope it helped you to learn a little bit of the background of the colonization in Indonesia. It is a shame that our hero, both Yi Sun-sin and Pattimura are not world wide hero like they should be. Hope there will be a time when people know them like King Sejong or any other western heroes. (I still remember a bit about Korean language history from the Korean language club you had at school!) Time and the amount of efforts we put will tell. Be success and be a great diplomat. See you!

From Amanda

VANKY introduces him to the world


Never Dying Admiral Yi Sun-sin who lives in the past, present and future. Thank you for your E-mail about Alfred Novel. People all over the world know about Novel Prize and I°Øm quite sure that you're really proud of him. Now, I want to tell you about a great admiral who saved my country from Japanese attack. All Koreans respect the great admiral Yi Sun-sin because he was the one who sacrificed himself for Korea with no reward. To make a short summary, he was born in 1545, and became admiral in 1591. During that time, he built ships including Geobukseon, turtle shaped battleship to prepare for the Imjin war. Accordingly, he was able to win all the battles, and that eventually lead our country to win the war. What's more is that admiral Yi Sun-sin wrote a diary during the war which helps researchers to know the accurate situation during the war. Nowadays, we can see a bronze statue of him on the street of Gwanghwamun in Korea and it's really famous among Koreans. This tells us the fact that all Koreans admire and love Yi Sun-sin. Please don't forget that there is admiral Yi Sun-sin in Korea as there is Novel in Sweden! Bye!! From yours,

Lee sue jung from Korea

Dear. sue jung Thank you for telling me about the admiral. I've been looking forward to hearing a famous person of Korea from you. Admiral Yi Sun-sin is a great person that I have never imagined before. I found more information about him after reading your E-mail. Thanks to that, I was able to know Korea's history and I feel that I can go even closer to Korea. You know what? One of my best friend is going to visit Korea this summer. I recommended her to visit Gwanghwamun and see his bronze statue. She may take some pictures of it and maybe I can see it through pictures. If I have opportunity to visit Korea, I will go there too. Thank you again for your good information. Bye! p.s. I'm going to make a presentation about the admiral. I'm planning to announce it to all my classmates during the sociology class.

From Joakim

82 VANKY introduces him

I feel so grateful to you for letting me write this. I began this writing for the contest, which gets me to know a lot of great things about Admiral Yi Sun-sin. The Joseon Dynasty was the last Empire of Korea. Imjin War was so horrible, and had affected the Dynasty a lot so that it divided the Dynasty into the former term and the latter one. Admiral Yi Sun-sin was at that time. From his first battle, battle of Okpo, to his last, battle of Noryang, he achieved great honor. But the king and other retainers didn't acknowledge that. Let me quote an abbreviation of him by a professor. It's like the below: Don't put blame on being of no special family. I was born in family of ruined rebel, and was raised by relatives on my mother's side due to poverty. Don't tell me that you are not intelligent. I had failed in the first examination, and barely passed it when 32 years old, in my late years. Don't complain of not holding a high position. I went on my rounds as a minor guard officer in the border areas for 14 years. Don't tell me it's inevitable just because it's the order of your boss. I got dismissed and disadvantaged for many times due to the discord with my immoral bosses. Don't be worried about your fragility. I suffered from chronic stomach troubles and infectious diseases all in my lifetime. Don't be discontented with having no chances. I became an admiral in the age of 47 after my country was in danger by the invasion of the enemy. Don't be disappointed with not being supported by the organization. I supplied the sinews of war all by myself by cultivating the soil to fight 23 times and win 23 times. Don't be dissatisfied with not being admitted by your boss. I had to remain imprisoned, deprived of all my credit due to endless misconception and mistrust of my King. Don't feel desperate having no capital. Returning empty-handed, I kept off the enemy of 133 vessels with 12 old vessels. Don't say that you love your own family in wrong way. I lost my 20 year-old son by the blade of the enemy, but went to the front with other sons. Don't be afraid of death. I chose death by myself in the last war of the enemy receding. And his story is written in novel, and filmed as soap-opera. Please visit this website Then, you can know more about him. I think this website can explain about him better than me. ^.^;

Jisu Lee

VANKY introduces him to the world


Hello jisu, I have searched information on internet about him and read. Honestly I’m impressed by his life, struggle, character and morale. I should confess that his story was really touching. When I read, I remembered heroic characters of Ottoman and Muslim history. (As a Korean you know your own history and bring instances from your historical legacy, so too I know about my historical legacy most) I don’t know if you had in your history many instances of figures of similar personality, but I can say about our history that there were many heroes of similar attributes. The distinguishing property of Lee Sun-sin was that many good attributes were gathered in his spirit. In addition to his being a martial genius, he was thoughtful towards his soldiers and people. In history we see some talented genius figures; however they use people for their own fame and benefit. They couldn’t be beloved of their nations. Having a good character and talent at the same time as a leader is not seen in every historical figures. Surely he (admiral Yi) was a humble patriot, after having tortured because of false accusations; he consented to start again from the beginning as a plain soldier in order to serve his nation; although being demoted to such a plain degree from admiralship was worse than death for Korean generals at that time. I think he refused king’s command to lay an ambush in dangerous shores (that command was given on the false information given by a japanese spy) because he afraid to harm his fleet. Although he knew that refusing king°Øs command will lead him to troubles and punishment (as happened) he sacrificed himself for benefit of his people, his soldiers. (I mean the event on which he was arrested and punished in 1597). He was very brave; his fighting amongst his soldier proves this. Similarly in Ottomans time, Sultans were fighting in battles with soldiers. (This tradition continued until the great Suleiman). Surely this keeps up morale of his soldiers. Moreover he was very innovative person, designing such a two or three decked armored ship, that is the turtle ship, is outstanding in comparison with his time. But the strange point is that; he was not an educated person to be a commander. There was no naval training facility in Joseon times. So being successful in war tactics and planning good fighting strategy to such a degree is unusual. If there was no admiral Yi, perhaps map of the world might have been different than today’s Well, he was a gift to Koreans from God. Because neither generals of his time, nor his successors achieved what he accomplished. This is also strange. The general Won Gyun couldn’t be successful against Japanese navy as admiral Yi could. And after his death, his ! reforms disappeared soon. If Japan was successful in its invasion of Korea, perhaps they may have reached to even Russia of today. Anyway, he was victim of some selfish and jealous people. Well, that’s all for now. If you want me to write more, or something specific, tell me. I hope I could assist you. Take care and have a nice day.

Nurullah > From red land.

84 VANKY introduces him Dear my friend, Heiko! Hello~~ Wie geht es dir? 잘지내니? Hi, how are you my friend, heiko?? How long do you sleep nowadays? I hope you have a good sleep like a Marmot. The sun stays longer in the sky. Summer is coming. You know we’ve had good friiendship since summer in 2005. Wow, it’s almost 3 years. So we should have some celebration together. For our celebration, I would like to talk to you... about cool and exciting story!! I would like to introduce a coooool and handsome guy in Old Korean History. Can U remember that I said to you Korea has very sad and tragic history in early 1900. My country was a colony of japan. Before that period, Korea was attacked by other countries. Because Korean territory is a “peninsula”. I know you are a smart boy. And you are much better than me about war stuffs. So I can guess you know this fact. Originally sea was one of the most important parts in old age. Korea has 3 sides of sea and it is linked with Chinese continent. The local position of Korea was important in old days. There wasn’t only airplane at all, as eveyrbody knows. So Korean peninsula was easy to be attacked by the other countries. However, in an old proverb, there appread surely a great man in the most difficult situation. Korea had a very smart and cool general in middle of 1500. His name was Ysun sin. There is his picture. Does he look brave and powerful?? I brought them from my friend linked my blog. We can’t know his face. But famous pointers drew his portrait, after he was dead. Which one do you like, my friend? Who is Yi Sun-sin? Yi Sun-sin(이순신) was one of the most famous and greatest generals in Joseon dynasty(july 1392-August 1910).He was a Korean naval leader and he made his victories against the Japanese navy during 1592-1598. We call it Imjin war(임진왜란). It was the time of Japan invasion. - I searched it from wikipedia, my friend I added my own explanation for you:) Here is a map of his battle during his life. Today I would like to introduce you. “1. The battle of okpo” and “8. The battle of Hansando”. I brought some information and the map from VANK website. Http:// If you would like to know more information, Visit the site whenever U want. There is a good explanation for you. This paragraph is also from VANK. But I also added my own explanation for you in detail. “1. The battle of Okpo” It was the first his(Yi Sun-sin) battle against Japanese fleet during Imjin war period. He sent spy ships to eastern sea off Busan port. He didn’t depart his naval base until he confirmed Japanese fleet’s scale and tactics. On May 7, his fleet and Won gyun’s fleet departed together and sailed to okpo port. Japanese fleet disembarked from their ships and was plundering villages near by okpo port. Japanese embarked quickly after they found Joseon fleet. Admiral Yi waited until all Japanese boarded and ordered to discharge guns. His fleet was in a formation of Iljajin which ships position a line east-to-west. He didn’t use boarding tactics, which were very common at that time. He ordered to bombard guns against Japanese ships. This battle became first victory of Joseon while Joseon army couldn’t attain in land. I thought his strategy was very clever. The story is like a Fantasy novel, isn’t it? it’s dramatic and exciting!! My favorite one is “8.The battle of hansando”. There was the most dramatic and cool strategy of Yi. I also added my own detail for you in this paragraph.

VANKY introduces him to the world

Although, Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered their navy to be united and attack Joseon navy together, Wakisaka Yasuharu decided to defeat Yi’s fleet by himself. On July 7, his fleet was departed from the Japanese headquarter in Jinhae. When Wakisaka’s fleet arrived near by Geojedo island, his fleet anchored off Gyeonnaeryang. On the other hand, a shepherd reported that Japanese fleet was anchoring at Gyeonnaeryang to Joseon fleet. Joseon fleet decided to entice Japanese fleet from there to the open sea, because that sea is shallow and it was hard to change body of main warship, Panokseon. Furthermore, Japanese tended to abandon ships and retreat to the island if they reach an impasse in the middle of battle. On July 8, 5~6 ships went to Gyeonnaeryang while remaining ships were poised to attack off Hansando island. Joseon squadron enticed Japanese and poised to retreat from there, Japanese followed them. Squadron arrived at the open sea and joined Joseon fleet. Admiral Yi ordered to make his famous tactic, Hakikjin, crane wing formation. Joseon warships discharged guns and 2~3 Japanese warships in front line were sunken by this attack. Joseon fleet attacked flagship first and surrounded them. Wakisaka drove 14 ships and retreated. This is “Hakikjin”, crane wing formation. I love this clever idea. You can see Hansando island,too.... in this map. Cranes are very good birds in Korea. They are white, it means never-changed and pure mind. Sometimes I think about Old people’s wisdom. They were very genius. They made the first from nothing!! It’s so wonderful. I respect them. “Panokseon and Turtle ship(Geobukseon)” Above all I love turtle ship he made. Here is the turtle ship he invented. I brought following paragraph from this site. You can visit here, if you want more about this. Panokseon was the import ship with turtle ship. It assisted the turtle ships. I searched the pics on the internet encyclopedia for you. Does the turtleship look like a turtle? I downloaded more informations from the website I told U right now! And I added my explanation because I wanna help your understanding.:) The turtle ship first appeared in 1413(King Taejong reign, 13th Joseon Dynasty King) according to the record of history and was rebuilt as a armed warship by Yi in 1592. Turtle ship was equipped with Dragon’s head and Turtle’s body. The roof of the Turtle ship was covered with sharp iron spikes which prevented enemy soldiers from boarding and the part holes were designed in order for the crew to look outside.(Personally I love the design of roof. It looks interesting.) But the enemy could not see inside of the Turtle ship. The ship rowed 16 oars and made two sails, and the dragon-shaped head sent out smoke of burning sulfur powder in order to hide itself and confuse enemy fleet. The Turtle ship was 37m long, 6.8m wide and weighted 150 tons. The Turtle ship was a product of the brilliant creativity of Admiral Yi Sun-sin, who defeated the Japanese fleet during Imjin war. I am sure that “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Famous people remain famous words. This is my words ^^;;;;; It’s just my opinion. Do not care about this title, Heiko “Those who seek death shall live. Those who seek life shall die.” Yi’s statement to his generals on the eve of the battle of Myeongryang, stressing that they be mentally strong in battle:On the next day, Yi and his generals desperately fought against overwhelming odds, 13-133(number of battleships), and triumphed(Nanjung Ilgi, September 15, 1597;Yi’s war diary).

from Choi Eun-young


86 VANKY introduces him

Dear Eun-young how are you? 잘 지내? I'm very fine. 잘 지내. :) I also hope you are ok and healthy as well. 네가 건강하고 잘 되기를 바래. :) It's fantastic we are friends since nearly three years. 우리가 친구라서행복해요! :) So I'm very happy you introduce me more famous Korean stories and persons for our celebration. :)

Thank you very very much for your explanations about Yi Sun-sin. :) It was very interesting to read and I learnt a lot from your text. While I read it I felt very excited and fascinated. The pictures in the text were also very helpful for a better understanding. :)

Yi Sun-sin was really a great general and naval commander with very good tactic skills. His victories were very spectacular and dramatic for me. He was a great hero in this time. His pictures really looks brave and powerful. Especially the second and third one. On the first picture he looks like a very wise man for me.

The two famous phrases of him you showed me sounds very brave and powerful as well. Both are very interesting for me. Especially the second one is very exciting and impressive, because he didn't want to demotivate others because of his death. I'm very glad you introduced me his story and interesting facts about him. Thank you very much. :)

I also learnt very much about the turtle ship. I think I heard the name "turtle ship" before but didn't know informations about that. So thanks a lot for the introduction Young. :) After watching the pictures I also understood why it got that name. :) The construction of that ship looks very interesting for me.

Thanks a lot as well for the website links you told me. They were very helpful for me and I bookmarked all. I also want to introduce you more culture about Germany. It's always a pleasure for me to tell you cultural things about my country. :) Same like you from Korea.^^ Thank you so much my friend. :)

Nice greetings to Korea. From your German friend,


Publisher VANK, Voluntary Agency Network of Korea is non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in Korea. VANK has been dedicated to developing friendships between Koreans and foreigners and promoting Korea’s national image to the world. Our organization’s vision for Korea is Hub of Asia, Gateway to Northeast Asia, a country where you can share friendships and dreams. VANK’s Korean members are cyber diplomats who introduce various information about Korea to the world. International members also join VANK’s website. VANK welcomes all of you, especially who want to know more about Korea through true friendship with Koreans.

Website : Email : [email protected] TEL. +82-2-921-3591 FAX. +82-2-921-3593

Sponsor Gyeonsangnamdo Province is located in southernmost of Korean peninsula. Its area is 10,521km2 and it possesses 10.6% territory of South Korea. The population of our province is about 3,172,000 and it enjoys beautiful sea scenery of south sea. Gyeonsangnamdo Province has successfully preserved many heavenly-blessed natural treasures such as the Hallyeosudo National Marine Park, three major national mountain parks (i.e., Jirisan, Deogyusan and Gayasan), temples (e.g., Haeinsa and Tongdosa) with internationally acclaimed reputations and other historic relics handed down over the centuries. For instance, there are historical sites where the admiral Yi Sun-sin had his last naval battle which ended with his army's victory from the invasion war of Japanese, Imjin war about 410 years ago. Furthermore, Gyeonsangnamdo Province has a potential to become a maritime hub of logistics, industries, and tourism in northeast Asia as it now opens to the pacific with strong industrial bases and abundant natural resources.

Website : E-mail : [email protected] TEL. +82-55-211-4882 FAX. +82-2-211-4859

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