True Copy Of March 7 Principles Of Fundamental Justice

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FORM 60 (RULE 51 (2) AND (6) ) No. 81581A KELOW NA Registry


March 7, 2009 (completed March 24, 2009)

The Principles of Fundamental Justice


To Everyone: 1.

Faith is the belief in something IN THE ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE.


But, what is remaining loyal to something that has been

repudiated by new found objective evidence as in science? For example, many remained loyal to the earth being flat because the leadership maintained this unacceptable standard until the space race proved objectively otherwise. In other words, Galileo Galilee hundreds of years earlier was correct and the objective Truth was that the earth is and always was round over the theories of it being flat by self proclaimed demigods. 3.

Sir Thomas More spotted this conundrum centuries ago when it pertained to governance

and its belief that its way was blessed by God “divine right” even though the evidence repudiated this stance. Sir Thomas More was executed by Henry VIII because he would not accept that the regent and parliament had the authority to start the Church of England simply because the king wanted to marry another woman in his search for an heir, once again, which the Pope refused to allow and excommunicated Henry VIII. In short, the reason Sir Thomas More was put to death by the king was because he had made his loyalty to God and natural order known while automatically lessening the authority of the King and making him not beyond reproach and Fundamental Justice. Therefore, when 1

pressed to do as the king “wished,” Sir Thomas More refused to do so when doing so was unilaterally deemed by the king and the House of Lords to be a treasonous act: i.e. either the document was to be signed or those not doing so were defined as traitors - jeopardy was attached to not doing as commanded which is BAD FAITH and grounds for revolution today. So, Sir Thomas More became the greatest martyr that few know of today. 4.

It is this same BAD FAITH - jeopardy - scenario when it comes to work today which is

known to injure, maim and prematurely kill all workers: if you do not accept work, the economy and love of money as your false god, everyone chastises you and shuns you even though security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice makes the request, that you work regardless of the truthful consequences, BAD FAITH and an egregious breach of Fundamental Justice that can only be defined as treason which also makes it grounds for civil revolt. 5.

I know all this because I was of the generation that went to work with a mature, healthy

and kinetic body - around our mid-20’s - and, because work was never made to comply with such bodies, I was injured and have been fighting with governments across Canada pertaining to the responsibility of the WCB and how it relates to s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - everyone’s Legal Rights - habeas corpus in the “civilized world”.


As already stipulated, it is beyond repute that work injures, maims and prematurely kills

all workers but this fact is no longer constraining governmental policies, laws and all decisions based on these laws, i.e. the order maintained by governmental agents and the judges who have been made in to governmental agents through the amending of the court acts across Canada.

Good Faith is the belief in something IN THE ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE. Bad Faith is the maintenance of the something through cruel and unusual treatment even though the new evidence repudiates the continued belief in what is now known to be wrong.


All governance in Canada currently is built upon BAD FAITH because the laws have

been amended to abolish the INALIENABLE Legal Rights of everyone so that we, the people, have to litigate not just to get the Fundamental Justice outcome in our case but also to insure that the appropriate 2

and just remedy is applied, i.e. the laws are changed to insure that the injustice and harm done to our person is not heaped upon others as the laws were not struck down and defined as unsalvageable or replaced with the proper laws.

The definer of Fundamental Justice in public policy and THE FREE Society is security of person - do no harm and do not let the harm inflicted upon you remain in place waiting to happen to others. Without security of person, there are no Charter Rights or universality of being!


The BC government has acknowledged the aforementioned reality, which exists equally

where judicial review exists, as no agent of the government has the authority to acknowledge anything beyond what exists today as anything beyond this exposes that the system is corrupt and acting in BAD FAITH towards everyone in its jurisdiction and acting like a false god where its letters of the law cannot be struck down and replaced even though that is exactly what happened in the Supreme Court’s October 3, 2003 Laseur and Martin v. Nova Scotia (its WCB and the appeals commission’s for the WCB) decision.

The opposite of BAD FAITH is Fundamental Justice which is based upon hard principles that are acknowledged as the establisher of everyone Legal Rights as based on universality of being.

The Principles of Fundamental Justice


The wonder of Fundamental Justice is that you don’t need to know what it is to

acknowledge it because either the governmental decision appears to be just or it is unjust/not Right/BAD FAITH. So, Fundamental Justice is something like pornography for those not knowing The Principles of Fundamental Justice: you will know it when you see it, to start. 3


But, the most basic of the Principles of Fundamental Justice is that all persons

are presumed to be honest, reputable and generally good and NOT “investigated” as though they are a criminal not known to the general public or everyone is attempting to deceive the government thereby justifying the BAD FAITH actions by the governments’ agents against everyone after the fact even though such stated actions contravene The Principles of Fundamental Justice. The actions of the governments’ agents and the unconstitutional use of “exercises in discretion” to justify all BAD FAITH decisions and the imposition of the illegal “judicial review” process, that utterly contravenes everyone’s Legal Rights and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms especially s. 52(1) of The Charter, must stop forthwith as BAD FAITH and its order never were valid to start, therefore, they should never have been undertaken and cannot be maintained now that they are exposed to be invalid, of no effect nor saved according to s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms!


However, when the most basic Principle of Fundamental Justice is contravened,

legalism arises and everyone is immediately believed/perceived to be wrong and their words fraudulent even though all the evidence from the criminal and court systems are screaming out to everyone that legalism is in place. To understand this reality, look at DNA evidence and the response to it by both the Supreme Court of the US and Canada. 12.

The Canadian Supreme Court readily accepted its evidence and ability to overrule the

judicial system in Canada without question. The reason for this is because of the Principles of Fundamental Justice which demands acceptance of the Truth without question. But, by imposing Fundamental Justice in historical DNA evidence cases that repudiated the wrongfully convicted as being the perpetrator of the crime, a discussion was not entered in to concerning what this Truth and wrongful convictions meant for the current and historical system of justice. 13.

According to logic and Fundamental Justice, the fact that DNA evidence exists and

existed always until discovered and has the ability to force the review of the conviction, where the outcome is viewed as simply wrong or correct, determines that the whole judicial system and penal system is NOT BEYOND REPROACH! In short, the way in which Canada has and continues to 4

dispense justice is in disrepute and nobody wants to acknowledge this reality. 14.

The Supreme Court of the US spotted this undeniable Fundamental Justice Truth and

fought tooth and nail to deny that being innocent through DNA evidence was not grounds for immediate reversal of the wrongful conviction at the US Supreme Court or the Supreme Court of any state. The leaders in the US are fully aware that its approach to disharmony and disrespect of security of person within the United States - its civilization - is of no effect, invalid, not saved and needs to revised. 15.

Again though, there is no discussion on this reality because nobody wants to admit that

what has gone on for centuries is wrong by today’s standards, i.e. the justice systems in Canada and the US are completely disreputable today just as they were decades past. 16.

The problem within crime and punishment arises from the rule of law wrongly and

currently being asserted as “the letter of the law” provided by the elected bodies rather than the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the US Constitution where security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice is the rule of all laws, i.e. it is not limited in any way to criminal law and unlawful detention of political prisoners but is also supposed to be the most dominate of all concepts that applies to all laws.

17.00. The Principles of Fundamental Justice do NOT permit the presentation of evidence that can only be simply argumentative in the court of law - there is only right with all else being not right. 17.01. The Principles of Fundamental Justice also do no permit the courts to allow anyone to file an appearance when the evidence will knowingly constitute perjury as such an action would constitute subornation of perjury. For example, the government of BC is currently suborning perjury through the process of judicial review because the rule of the laws is The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its standards. Currently, in BC and all jurisdictions with judicial review, the current Court Act demands that the Superior Court uphold the concept that “the rule of law is the letter of the law” passed through the legislatures of the provinces and territories thereby attaching “divinity” to the current laws and their order.


Evidence affirming the current use of subornation of perjury in all jurisdictions with judicial review is contained on page 2 of the BC Guide Book for Judicial Review where the following is stipulated:

“The government has given tribunals the authority to make decisions about certain issues. The courts, on order from the legislature, recognize that tribunals have specialized knowledge and experience in their particular subject areas and, because of that, the courts will not easily interfere with a tribunal’s decision (and the laws that established it).” The Fix is in! (This quote is taken from page 2 of the document at the following internet address Thus, it is clear then that every government agent currently does not know right from wrong - end of discussion! 17.02.

The Principles of Fundamental Justice define this current abuse of authority through the

passed legislation to be the converse of Fundamental Justice or BAD FAITH which is a concept that only applies to governments and exists solely when the laws knowingly produce injustice in order to force the people to take matters to court so that the laws are brought in to alignment with Fundamental Justice which is what the Petition to the Court document does summarily or a defacto Petition to the Court - a Writ of Summons stipulating its grounds to be s. 52(1), s. 1, s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which automatically makes the latter in to a Petition to the Courts. 18.

What few know is that, in this world, the laws reflect either Fundamental Justice or

BAD FAITH as only 1 of these 2 entities can result from the laws and the decisions of governments. 19.

The Supreme Court of Canada in its October 3, 2003 decision stipulated the following

at the top of page 16 of its October 3, 2003 decision:

The Charter is not some holy grail which only judicial initiates of the superior courts may touch. The Charter belongs to the people. All law and law-makers that 6

touch the people must conform to it. Tribunals and commissions charged with deciding legal issues are no exception. Many more citizens have their rights determined by these tribunals than by the courts. If the Charter is to be meaningful to ordinary people, then it must find its expression in the decisions of these tribunals (and the laws that produced the decisions).


The Principles of Fundamental Justice do not allow governments, its agents and judges to usurp the authority of God and make decisions that defy the appropriate and just outcome or remedy, i.e. produce “adverse” decisions and/or maintain the “adverse” decision (“still adverse” decision) so that another level of decision-making must be undertaken to attain Fundamental Justice that is patently obvious to have been withheld in the matter thereby delaying the appropriate and just remedy for everyone.


Hence, Canada and some other countries accept that there are court proceedings where

the judge cannot speak because there are no grounds for deciding against the Petitioner(s) in the matters. Again, a Petition to the Court or defacto Petition to the Court can initiate the s. 52(1), s. 1, s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms proceedings equally and the courts must sign off on the Order presented because Fundamental Justice makes it clear that the outcome to date was wrong (patently unreasonable) and the laws permitting the injustice are also EQUALLY wrong (patently unreasonable). 22.

The Province of British Columbia did what it had no other options to do and published

evidence that it knew that the current decision making in Canada and judicial review branch of the courts contravene The Charter of Rights and Freedoms (s. 52(1) and s. 1)and everyone’s universal Legal Rights as affirmed by Fundamental Justice (s. 7). 23.

Consequently, everyone across Canada now has the right to litigate to have Fundamental

Justice outcomes reset the laws as is everyone’s God Given right because there is true objective reality and everything else is wrong. In this world, it isn’t “who” that defines the just outcome but “what” natural order and mutual respect for everyone’s universal security of person that dictates do no harm and do not let the harm inflicted upon you remain in place waiting to happen to another because the


laws, schemes and policies have not been corrected. 24.

Today is the start of the people taking back the letters of the law and making THE FREE

Society based around Fundamental Justice while also finally producing the corollary of laws that extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and which are based around everyone’s universal and equal Legal Rights - all 4 rights including the final one where Fundamental Justice defines the singular lifestyle for everyone based on natural order. 25.

When the injustice/BAD FAITH is patently obvious on the surface, we, the people, have

the authority to force the system to accept the proper course. Now, how to do just this is being made known to everyone so that THE FREE Society can be released from its prison while the civilization that was hammered in to everyone’s thoughts in contravention of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is cast off once and for all and forevermore.


No court or judge by themselves can reverse a governmental decision. That is true according to the Principles of Fundamental Justice as the judiciary is just another side of the hypocrisy of civilization.

But, by invoking s. 52(1), s. 1 and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we, the people, can do the improbable and eliminate the civilization and, then, take Canada and the world ultimately to the promised land - THE FREE Society - by using s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and invoking our God Given Right to produce the corollary of laws that extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and fostering the existence of THE FREE Society where everyone will abide by this single set of laws as mutual respect for everyone’s security of person will be the only consideration for everyone and THE FREE Society. The Supreme Court of Canada in the previous quote, stated the reality correctly:

The Charter belongs to the people. All law (and the resulting order)... must conform to it!


Summary of the Principles of Fundamental Justice

27.00. The most basic of the Principles of Fundamental Justice is that all persons are presumed to be honest, reputable and generally good and NOT "investigated" as though they are a criminal not yet known to the general public or they are attempting to deceive the government thereby justifying the BAD FAITH actions by the governments agents against everyone after the fact even though such stated actions contravene The Principles of Fundamental Justice. The actions of the governments’ agents and the unconstitutional use of “exercises in discretion” to justify all BAD FAITH decisions and the imposition of the illegal “judicial review” process, that utterly contravenes everyone's Legal Rights and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms especially s. 52(1) of The Charter, must stop forthwith as BAD FAITH and its order never were valid to start, therefore, they should never have been undertaken and cannot be maintained now that they are exposed to be invalid, of no effect nor saved according to s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms! 27.01. The Principles of Fundamental Justice do NOT permit the presentation of evidence that can only be simply argumentative in the court of law - there is only right with all else being not right. 27.02. The Principles of Fundamental Justice also do no permit the courts to allow anyone to file an appearance when the evidence will knowingly constitute perjury as such action would constitute subornation of perjury. 27.03. The Principles of Fundamental Justice do not allow governments, its agents and judges to usurp the authority of God and make decisions that defy the appropriate and just outcome or remedy, i.e. produce “adverse” decisions and/or maintain the “adverse” decision (“still adverse” decision) so that another level of decision-making must be undertaken to attain Fundamental Justice that is patently obvious to have been withheld in the matter thereby delaying the appropriate and just remedy for everyone. Hence, Canada and some other countries accept that there are court proceedings


where the judge cannot speak because there are no grounds for deciding against the Petitioner(s) in the matters. 27.04. Now, a Petition to the Court or a Writ of Summons (defacto Petition to the Court) can initiate the s. 52(1), s. 1, s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms proceedings equally and the courts must sign off on the Order presented because Fundamental Justice makes it clear that the outcome was wrong (patently unreasonable) and the laws permitting the injustice are also EQUALLY wrong (patently unreasonable). 27.05. The Principles of Fundamental Justice define the “defining of all letters of the laws and decisions based on these letters and the resulting order as ‘divine’” as abuse of authority and the converse of Fundamental Justice or BAD FAITH which is a concept that only applies to governments and exists solely when the laws knowingly produce injustice in order to force the people to take matters to court so that the laws are brought in to alignment with Fundamental Justice which is what the Petition to the Court document or a defacto Petition to the Court (a Writ of Summons stipulating its grounds to be s. 52(1), s. 1, s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which makes the latter in to a Petition to the Courts) do summarily. What few know is that, in this world, the laws reflect/produce either Fundamental Justice or BAD FAITH as only 1 of these 2 entities can result from the laws and the decisions of governments. 27.06. The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the Principles of the Supremacy of God are unified around the reality that what the elites have produced, i.e. the current civilization and its order, are not the be-all and end-all of existence nor may it be valid in light of that which exists beyond our knowledge bases which has the potential to negate the knowledge base completely - see the discovery of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, Ohm, the discovery that ginglymus joints never ever employed hinge theory but rather centripetal mechanics to maintain the function of the extremities, etc. In short, there is more than what the undereducated know which includes the academics because all they


know is a sliver of knowledge pertaining to the current order which in most cases does not have any relevance in the true objective reality. 27.07. If the judiciary were permitted to comment on a Petition to the Court/Writ of Summons initiated by s. 52(1), s. 1, s. 7 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, there would be no objective reality that cannot be argued against by whomever. Again, arguing for argument’s sake comes in to play where the position taken is indefensible and is a violation of Fundamental Justice which means that there are 2 grounds for Petitions to the Courts. The first is s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and everyone’s Legal Rights especially objectively affirmed security of person reality. The second ground for Petitions to the Court is simply the outcome does not comply with Fundamental Justice, i.e. the governmental decision is patently obvious to have been BAD FAITH and is always defended by a clause where the incorrect “decision” is defined as “final, binding and/or conclusive” in the legislation. Again, The Principles of Fundamental Justice do NOT allow the governments or any of its agents to declare unilaterally that their decisions, which are opinion, are beyond reproach by the objective evidence as happened in my specific case and all cases of overuse syndrome/repetitive stress injuries for decades and now whip lash which has been outlawed in British Columbia by adminstrators and supported by an uneducated judicial opinion in violation of The Principles of Fundamental Justice. 27.08

The proof that the government was wrong to deny/delay the Truth that the work duties, which replicate the tennis elbow motion, brought on my overuse syndrome and produced a physiological injury at the lateral epicondy even though the evidence, since 1960, repudiates the governments’ patently unreasonable stance and is presented in the x-ray evidence when compared to both the characteristics of an hinge and that of centripetal mechanics. In the MANDAMUS Evidence package document no. 0124 - the lateral image of a h e a l t h y

b e n t

e l b o w

( i n t e r n e t

a d d r e s s %20evidence%20for%20MANDAMUS/Radiographs%20of%20Primary%20Case% 11

20Study/MANDAMUS%20Evidence%20package%20nos.%200124-0126%20-%20l ateral%20bent%20elbow%20imagery/MANDAMUS%20Evidence%20package%20 no.%200124.pdf), the annotation is 100% accurate and affirmed by reviewing both the side picture of an hinge along with that of a centripetal mechanics wheel to determine once and for all that not 1 ginglymus joint across time and all bodies ever employed hinge mechanics but rather they truly employed centripetal mechanics unbeknownst to us because centripetal mechanics only became fully known since the space race started. (The







is 20Peremptory%20Order/Hinge%20characteristics%20NEVER%20exist%20in%20g inglymus%20joints.pdf while the image of a centripetal mechanics wheel’s internet a








s 20Peremptory%20Order/circle%20for%20centripetal%20mechanics.pdf. From this evidence, it should be patently obvious that mankind’s understanding of human anatomy and all animal anatomy is WRONG and needs to be wholly revised!) 27.09. In instances where “divinity” is unlawfully attached to the governments’ decision/ruling and repudiated by the Truthful interpretation of the objective evidence, Galileo’s, Sir Isaac Newton’s, Einstein’s, Ohm’s, Sir Thomas More’s discoveries revolutionizing mankind’s thoughts and understanding of this universe, this galaxy, this solar system and this planet would have no relevance nor be substantive today just as they were declared by the establishment in their respective era’s. 27.10. The Principles of Fundamental Justice dictate that now the laws must accept and effect the reality that the human body does not reach it mature functioning until the age of 25 and that all work must now be modified to the previously unreported reality that ginglymus joints employ centripetal mechanics and extremities, like legs and arms, produce overlapping drive trains where the lateral ligaments of the ginglymus joints maintain the singular flexion/extension plane of the extremity. 12


The objective scientific evidence has existed for decades but nobody wants to amend

the interpretation of the x-rays and human anatomy to bring them in to alignment with the discovery that tennis elbow is a serious physiological injury to the lateral load bearing soft tissue complex of the radiocapitellar joint nor does anyone want to limit hand supination to 20 degrees from vertical, the sagittal plane, because anything more than that isn’t performed in the forearm but along the drive train, arm, up in to the shoulder. Consequently, countless medical complications have been improperly and administratively labelled as medical conditions when the Truth is their existence affirms the insufficiency of the lateral load bearing soft tissue structure of the radiocapitellar joint as well as dyskinesis being present in the person.

The Principles of Fundamental Justice insure that simple general Truths - cause-andeffect relationships - are to be the basis for the resulting process of elimination which, in turn, insures everyone thinks according to Fundamental Justice and acts upon Doing Right, which is not happening in Canada nor the US because, if a person who is poor falls on the street, the first person and every person spotting this would, by order of Doing Right, be concerned about their fellow man’s security of person. Shockingly, the "well-to-do" youth of today are actually killing off the poor and the author of this document can attest to that personally because he had the pleasure of working with Paul Croutch in Dawson Creek. This individual later suffered mental illness and was murdered on August 31, 2005 by several Canadian military recruits after he relocated to Toronto and was living on the streets. The killers confessed that they killed this person because they had set out that night to kill a homeless person. The sad part is that this attitude is consistent across North America as the US Government’s studies and reports affirm concerning the treatment of the poor and homeless there. 28.01. However, the basis for refusing to abide by Fundamental Justice and think in accordance with The Principles of Fundamental Justice today, is quite simply initiated in the governments’ Acts because Exhibits “G” through “L” of the file no. 81581 at the Kelown Registry, also known as the attachments to the January 9, 2009 Writ of Summons









13 20Peremptory%20Order/Writ%20of%20Summons%20with%20scanned%20copies %20of%20its%20attachments/Attached%20WoS%20package.PDF, make it quite clear that the will of the elites has been imposed upon everyone with absolute contempt of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms because not 1 governmental decision is based upon The Charter of Rights and Freedoms to date. 28.02. Now, though, we, the people, can take back the country and put it back on the road to establishing the corollary of laws that extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and THE FREE Society through litigation while invoking s. 24(1), s. 52(1), s. 1 and s. 7 of The Charter where we, the people, will be standing up for Doing Right as defined by Fundamental Justice and where, by not being able to respond due to the Principles of Fundamental Justice, the governments are forced to accept that the current laws are invalid, of no effect, not saved and in most cases not even salvageable thereby leaving the courts to sign off on the Orders based on Fundamental Justice. 28.03. The governments are fully aware that The Principles of Fundamental Justice also dictate that, because there is no way that, what man creates, is “divine” including order and laws, the system has a natural corrective process whereby those touched with Fundamental Justice, from the denial of it and its proper outcome in their lives, have the absolute authority to obtain the sole appropriate and just remedy, i.e. amend the laws so that the corruption of the laws and order and the unjust governmental decisions DON’T befall another (security of person), by initiating unopposable Summary Orders in the Superior Courts which is where the Federal Court system begins and not at the Supreme Court of Canada: the Supreme Court of BC is the incorrect designation as it is the Superior Court or first step in the Federal judiciary just as in all provinces. 28.04. Since 2007, the author of this document has been grappling with the reality that Fundamental Justice was denied/opposed in his WCB (Alberta) matter and how to get the appropriate and just remedy. Upon review of security of person on Wikipedia, 14

everything that the author had already come to know was right as security of person is beyond reproach, inalienable and the absolute core of all Fundamental Justice which means that, in s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 24(1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms court proceedings, the government either presents the Fundamental Justice Dictate for the scheme that is consistent with s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the corrupt law and unjust decisions are immediately designated as invalid, of no effect, not saved and/or not salvageable in THE FREE Society and the Order presented by the litigant to the court upheld without question and without opinion by the judiciary. 29.

Because no lawyer will tell anyone of their personal authority relative to Fundamental

Justice proceedings, this document was written to be an addendum to the Order presented to the Supreme Court of BC - Kelowna Registry - and all the defendants in the January 9, 2009 Fundamental Justice proceeding under file no. 81581. 30.

As has been established by The Principles of Fundamental Justice, based on the current

evidence before the courts, the courts must sign off on the aforementioned Court Order presented to the Court on March 4, 2009 because the governments have affirmed in the Acts, which nobody reads, that Charter Matters are not to be taken in to consideration in any governmental proceeding other than a s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 24(1) Charter of Rights and Freedoms court proceeding where the appropriate and just remedy to insure Fundamental Justice is imposed for everyone universally is rubber stamped by the courts. 31.

Canada, although ordered through its Charter of Rights and Freedoms to make and

maintain Fundamental Justice the outcome of all due process by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, currently only has “social justice” where the governments’ laws are “edicts” to the governmental agents and all courts across Canada except for the Supreme Court of Canada. 32.

If the Principles of Fundamental Justice were adhered to in the administration of justice,

all courts would have to decide in favour of the disenfranchised, whose Legal Rights were patently and obviously denied, and strike down the law as no Fundamental Justice Dictate has been produced to uphold the law or the scheme. 15


More importantly, no law would exist if it does not have a Fundamental Justice

Dictate which means that almost all Canadian laws currently cannot be saved as the governments have refused to shift the order derived from the laws to all laws being a function of everyone’s Legal Rights.


The Principles of Fundamental Justice also creates an inherent but unknown demand

on everyone to review, across all time, all your perceptions and arrived at conclusions based upon nonobjective or subjective evidence that establishes a perpetual conflict between your will and that of natural order where natural order will ultimately produce THE FREE Society and the single set of laws that will extend from Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 35.

In the 1950’s, 1960’s and early 1970’s, this reality meant that people, generally, did not

accept the rule of law to be “the letter of the law” but rather what Heaven Allows or, more historically, The Mandate of Heaven from Ancient China which also applies to Galileo Galilee’s discovery that natural order contradicted the European standard that the elites’ perceptions were “beyond reproach,” which they never are, even by objective natural evidence that repudiates them completely. In the aforementioned decades, the laws and decisions made from them were never held as “static” as the data could change ultimately making the whole decision invalid as well as the law itself! 36.

Proof of this is actually the taxation agencies whose decisions are never binding and

final because the laws can change making the taxes different or unknown/new evidence can come forward to either raise or lower your tax burden. (The lowering of the taxes collected is very prevalent today as those that lost millions in the Madoff scandal have a right to have their taxes reassessed and reduced because the wealth claimed, in the tax forms based on numbers provided by Madoff’s companies, was fictitious determining that all taxes collected must be returned to those who paid it.) 37.

The original WCB (until 1982) was run exactly the same way as just presented: no

decision was ever declared “final, binding nor conclusive” because the WCB’s original Mandate was to abide by security of person and advancement in human anatomy and environmental sciences, i.e. “resolve entirely” all known job injuries on everyone equally and insure that the cause was eliminated in work. So, when the understanding of human anatomy changed due to the better understanding of centripetal mechanics since the 1950’s and its application to ginglymus joints across all time and tennis


elbow was consequently discovered to be a physiological injury, all those who suffered it had and still have the right to have it “resolved entirely” and the system was supposed to make work no longer cause this injury because dyskinesis results when the arm’s functionality is NOT restored to the mature and healthy standard as in my case and all other unresolved overuse syndrome/repetitive stress injuries, etc.! 38.

The human body matures to its final engineering standards in its mid- to late 20’s

and all laws must now be brought in to alignment with this Truth and medicine itself must admit that its understanding of human anatomy is so corrupt that it is failing to uphold everyone’s security of person. 39.

Furthermore, the government must now abolish its instilled standard that the economy

is a “god” that has only existed since The Emancipation Proclamation, which surprisingly only allowed the love of money to eliminate its restrictive social contracts: business prior to the aforementioned Proclamation had contracts of service that were now eliminated through the courts allowing business to gain equality to human being status thereby setting up the current conflict over businesses’ “right” to exist, i.e. create profit, and everyone’s security of person. 40.

The United States of America and Canada are by no means Christian even though they

and their leaders are proclaiming themselves as such. Jesus Christ just before He was arrested and executed is alleged several times to have stated the following:

“No servant can serve 2 masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else, he will be devoted to one and despise the other. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND WEALTH!”

So, how can everyone’s security of person as instilled in the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act and Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms be contravened while the governments claim the moral high ground when the very words of the Son of God repudiate the current order where everyone is demanded to pursue the love of money or wealth by the elites and their attitudes? 41.

Currently, the Democratic Party and most educated persons in the US falsely claim that

everyone has the “right” to earn a livelihood regardless of the fact that work has not been brought in to 17

alignment with the discoveries of the past century which dictates that work, in and of itself, continues to injure, maim and prematurely kill all workers. 42.

God did not create money, capitalism and the current civilization based around it

and it is the governments and the elites that are keeping Fundamental Justice reality out of all laws because then, that which we have lived with for merely a few centuries - governance through elections and nothing beyond it, will cease to exist forevermore as the corollary of laws based on objective Fundamental Justice will insure that everyone lives with the greatest gift of God: the right to care and love your fellow man because they too will love and care for you and your right to exist beyond any other consideration! 43.

Thank you for reading this document. I hope that you will read all my writings so that

you can learn not just what the corollary of laws for THE FREE Society is but also The Mandate of Heaven which is derived from applying science and Fundamental Justice to older decisions as was supposed to have been done by now because Sir Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution has been repudiated by the science of the 20th Century just as the US Supreme Court Decision pertaining to the Cherokee Nation designation in the 1800’s is also wrong given our current understanding of Fundamental Justice. 44.

For the record, the Cherokee Nation designation was and always will be valid just

as applies to all Native North American Tribes and Clans even though many white man governments and the US Supreme Court denied this reality to date. But, now, the Truth means that what North America has become is actually the contrary of that defined by The Principles of Fundamental Justice and our responsibility to do Right to the newly discovered persons’ residing here when discovered 500+ years ago. Our obligations from these principles are still valid today even though denied by the processes of the civilization here until now. (The Vikings did it right when they left after a conflict between the natives arose. But, the quest for wealth was much greater in those that followed centuries later and the desire to own, unlawfully, all that existed here without respecting the security of person of the natives and all that was still pristine after the thousands of years of their existence here was wrong but look at what we have now: 2 nations (Canada and the United States) whose structure and order, that is unilaterally imposed on everyone, remains unnatural and demands that the governments resort to BAD FAITH, i.e. declare the 18

corrupt decisions of its agents as “final, binding and conclusive” or deny the Truth even at the lower court levels because Doing Right and acting in accordance with The Principles of Fundamental Justice and insuring Fundamental Justice outcomes has fallen by the wayside.) 45.

True change based on the Principles of Fundamental Justice is scary today because the

governance structures we have wrongly come to accept have been placed beyond reformation based on Truth just as happened with Galileo and countless others since then. 46.

The hindrance to Truth is why governments have unlawfully imposed “social” justice

with the historical unnatural order grand-fathered in and where conflict of opinions is enforced rather than patently obvious outcomes based on objectively supported Truth culminating in the reformation of the laws to insure the right outcome is universal. In short, injustice is now standard across Canada and around the world and what the governments "simply permit" is accepted as correct by most of the people, now, and is all that ever will be permitted within the current civilization rather than acceptance and acknowledgment of the injustice which must then be cast aside in favour of Fundamental Justice for everyone, equally and universally! 47.

The surest sign that you are living in legalism, where the governments usurp the

authority of God making what exists beyond reproach, i.e. beyond any law having to have a Fundamental Justice Dictate, is that there are more and more laws on the books and the old laws are just amended between the current political party in power and those having been in power merely splitting the hairs finer but nobody truly reviews the laws any more as the standards for the laws no longer exist because the letter of the laws have become the rule of law rather than The Charter of Rights and Freedoms being the rule for all laws! 48.

For example, in Canada, all the provinces have their own rule of law where it pertains

to the WCB but the original 1913 Fundamental Justice Dictate that complies wholly with The Charter of Rights and Freedoms no longer is the primary objective of the jurisdictional WCB’s and all are producing and carrying massive multi-billion dollar underfunded liabilities for the WCB’s Accident Funds. 49.

This outcome for the WCB was predictable and was why the Workers’ Compensation

Act and most laws were not constantly being refined in the past nor was Tort, that contradicts reality, 19

put in place and had an unlawful parallel branch of the judiciary enforce the injustice through to the Supreme Court in Ottawa, as these approaches not only violated the Principles of Fundamental Justice but also the administration of such programs were know to make the tainted “due process” very costly for the unlawfully imposed agenda and resulting unjust outcomes. Basically, in the 1960’s and 1970’s, the establishment did not install the false standard that “fraud was so prevalent” as to require a multibillion dollar administrative and unjust judicial review process where the job injured had to prove that the whole system was/is an abomination to reasoning as the author of this document had to do because the Principles of Fundamental Justice were quietly walked away from by the establishment provincially and all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa and after the initial decisions were patently obvious to have been unreasonable and repudiated by the objective evidence. 50.

When a lie is perpetrated and maintained through negligence, dereliction of duties

and abuse of everyone, sooner or later, one dedicated to Truth comes along and does the proper research to find the evidence contained in the corrupt enacted laws and then takes the matter to court where all the courts can then do is sign off on the documentation because the found evidence of corruption cannot be contradicted in court as that would be an utter violation of the Principles of Fundamental Justice: i.e. if the court permitted an argument by the governments, it would be suborning perjury which would bring the administration of justice in to complete and utter disrepute plus providing a judicial opinion also is a violation of the Principles of Fundamental Justice as the Fundamental Justice outcome is known and must be enforced through Petitions to the Court or Writ of Summons where the grounds for the Writ is s. 52(1), s. 7, s. 1 and s. 24(1) which make the Writ matter in to a defacto Petition to the Court and, with evidence of contravention of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms from the legislatively passed Acts, the court MUST sign off on the Order provided! 51.

The consequences of lack of responsibility for producing laws that insure Fundamental

Justice, i.e. living with “social” justice, is that people are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law and this process isn’t demanded to be completed with True Justice as the outcome. With “social” justice, the aforementioned words just mean everyone is guilty until the courts are brought in to the matter to sentence/punish everyone. For example, if a confession is obtained under coercion and/or without being told that the person being interrogated is having this done to them while also being videotaped, with the Principles of Fundamental Justice, the coerced “confession” cannot be admitted or accepted 20

as evidence in any court but, with social justice, the people don’t know that fact and the system uses this videotape on the undereducated concerning the Principles of Fundamental Justice to obtain a “guilty” confession when the establishment knows that the tape and the interrogation techniques violate the Principles of Fundamental Justice and informed consent which means that false “guilty” pleas of this nature cannot be upheld as legitimate at any point in the courts but if and only if the courts are independent, impartial and adhere to the Principles of Fundamental Justice. 52.

With the Principles of Fundamental Justice, the courts are not supposed to be the

saviour of the pressured and tortured less educated people concerning The Principles of Fundamental Justice whose interrogation is/was unlawful but which was undertaken because social justice is based upon the belief that all persons are criminals, or bad, and not everyone knows that yet - a clear and utter contradiction of the most basic Principle of Fundamental Justice. 53.

Being Right and having the system deny Fundamental Justice just to keep its mechanics

of civilization in place demands that the Superior Courts sign off on the Orders presented by those touched with Fundamental Justice - end of discussion. 54.

The correction of going back to Fundamental Justice from the misguided social justice

standard is going to be massive but there is no other choice and, in the end, everyone across this globe can participate in THE FREE Society equally as was promised centuries ago and all nations will be replaced with the corollary of laws that arise from The Mandate of Heaven thereby exposing the 12 branches of “the tree of life”: True Christianity is not one of the branches but provides the trunk and the standards which are similarly embedded in the other religious texts like that of Lao-Tzu or Islam or... 55.

Governments and the elites fear the Principles of the Supremacy of God because they

placed their values, themselves and the current civilizations between you and God and His natural order. The Order from the universe down through galaxies, solar systems and their circles of life, this planet with its wondrous ways exist as an act of love for everyone equally. 56.

The civilization that you live with, were born in to and aspire to “ make yours” is wrong

and those in power know that to be true. Consequently, the “elites” live in fear of the Principles of the Supremacy of God because everything the people have come to know, has been imposed through manipulation of the laws where both the Principles of the Supremacy of God and Fundamental Justice


are being circumvented and contravened at the same time. 57.

The Creator of All That Is is more powerful but infinitely more kind and loving because

He gave you all that you truly have: this universe (E=mc3), the interaction of the corporeal and ethereal (Einstein's Discovery of Relativity); this galaxy with its black hole because, without it, there would be no galaxy; this solar system and sun around which the earth circles in what can only be called the circle of life, i.e. not too cold nor too hot; this planet which is far more miraculous given the discovery of the Kyper Belt and its countless objects which prove that our planets resulted from our sun's supernova which shot out both the space bodies in the Kyper Belt and the planets, still hot and capable of sustaining fusion until space cooled the surfaces, in to orbit while the power of the electromagnetic fields above and below the neutral 39 degree plane around its middle pulled all the debris from the small supernova back in to the sun. 58.

As is clearly evident, there is a natural order to this universe all the way down and on

this planet which includes electromagnetism and the mature, healthy and kinetic human body that the author has expressed online which is quite different from the current standards. But, this Truth cannot exist because the industrialized world exists to impose itself on the other parts of the world which still abide by the Principles of the Supremacy of God all the while knowing what the Industrialized World is doing and has done to the Americas, Africa and Asia is/was wrong. 59.

Those who live with natural order have nothing to fear because God is with them

always. But, those living in a civilization as currently exists in North America, have everything to fear because they refused either to stand up to the establishment and put in place the process to produce the corollary of laws that extend from The Mandate of Heaven/Natural Order/The Principles of Fundamental Justice or they mislead the people in to believing that the passed letter of law is the rule of law rather than The Charter of Rights and Freedoms: the rule of all laws that never was brought in to effect because the elites manipulated everyone with discrimination/equality of access to mankind’s civilization rather than the reality that habeas corpus/everyone’s Legal Rights are the foundation of all laws or, all that exists is BAD FAITH and injustice which everyone is encountering today in Canada and seeing but NOT knowing how to correct it with the appropriate and just remedy. 60.

After reading this document though, everything should be clear concerning and the

power that exists for everyone touched by Fundamental Justice/BAD FAITH can now be exercised if 22

they understand Fundamental Justice and its impact on the laws: they are either legitimate or illegitimate meaning the resulting order is supported by nature or repudiated by nature and you have the power then to throw them out in a Petition or Defacto Petition to the Court because injustice is intolerable in THE FREE Society. 61.

Ask yourselves, do you have security of person if you are working when the system

affirmed in 1912-1913 that all work injures, maims and prematurely kills the workers and, to correct this Truthful reality, the Juvenile Act, the Education Act and the Workers’ Compensation Act - the corollary of laws that naturally extend from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that establish THE FREE Society - were enacted? The latter Act established the Mandate of the WCB to be - make work not injure, maim and prematurely kill the workers, but doing so meant casting off the concept of the economy that was only just starting to gain momentum in England and the United States. 62.

Today, work still injures, maims and prematurely kills thousands of workers around the

world daily because the business community runs the WCB in Canada as an employers’ insurance company where nobody has the right to security of person and the system cannot confine its actions to insuring that nobody will get injured in the same manner as before because everyone is separate from each other even though the bodies are the same and they mature around the mid-20’s - a standard to which no law has yet to uphold! 63.

The sad reality of living in Canada today means that business has the right to kill, maim

and injury its workers regardless of everyone’s Legal Rights and respect for everyone else’s security of person!

The Process of Elimination as it applies to Right and all else being Wrong/Not Right 64.

In the Supreme (Superior) Court of British Columbia - file no. 81581 - at Kelowna, the

following process of elimination applies just as it applies to all matters. 65.

The Court must assess who is being untruthful and whose words carry resonance - the

Petitioner or the governments and political parties. Exhibits "G" through "L" make it abundantly clear that it is the governments who have been dishonest, lied and acted in BAD FAITH concerning all matters across Canada. Therefore, the Petitioner, Mr. E. J. Krass and the author of this document, is the only person that can be determined to have been honest and truthful in his documents because not only does


the objective natural order evidence support his understanding of the mature, healthy and kinetic functioning of the human body but also the evidence presented in the legislation pertaining to judicial review affirms that not only has the governments embarked on the path of BAD FAITH but also doing so means that Fundamental Justice and The Principles of Fundamental Justice have not been applied in Canada according to The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Therefore, the administration of justice is proven to be in disrepute since 1982 and all the way throughout the white man’s encounter with the natives since the discovery of the Americas in 1492. 66.

As the governments in Canada have exposed that governance has been maintained

through BAD FAITH while Fundamental Justice has been frozen out of the civilization, the defacto Petition to the Court filed January 9, 2009 must be accepted as dictated by the process of elimination and The Principles of Fundamental Justice. 67.

The Process of Elimination is super easy and to find out more about what questions to

ask and answer to expose the corruption to the courts, please, read my How to apply The Charter of Rights and Freedoms document (Exhibit "AA" with the Superior Court of BC at Kelowna with file no. 81581)









address: 20Order/How%20to%20apply%20The%20Charter%20of%20Rights%20and%20Freedoms.pdf.

Addendum - March 27, 2009


In existence, there are 2 streams to swim in and they are wholly different streams with

completely different outcomes. The first is called the civilization stream where there is a manmade hierarchy and, currently, there is only one man-created basic standard for everyone to ultimately aspire to in daily living. For example, everyone is basically a servant whose lifestyle is dictated to them by those at the top of the ladder or at the head of the chain and this order for everyone arises from perceptions created by the false gods - the elites or those at the top of the hierarchy. Many of the films from the mid- to late 1930’s and early 1940’s dealt with and commented on this reality as it arose in the 1920’s and the gog of the magog showed itself with full force for the first time while everyone became fish swimming within this false stream of being as created by man and his elites: Truth was equally suspended in this era, just as today, and actually went back to the American Civil War where the 24

outcomes were slavery or legalized slavery, i.e. to live you HAD to work and you were to receive insufficient money to be free from the system. (Does this sound familiar today to the poor in the US or the vast majority, the working poor? Few will get ahead but the carrot dangled in front of everyone is that the opulent lifestyle is not beyond you and your grasp but, really, the image of what you are ordered to go after in life is on a stick which will not be eliminated for most in their lifetimes and their children or their grandchildren or ever or this can be viewed as has your lives really changed for the better for over 60 + years.) 69.

The other stream to swim in is that beyond your civilization and its order maintained

by laws and decisions of the governments’ agents which includes the courts who have been ordered through the passed legislation to uphold the rule of law, aka the letter of the law, while the True Rule of law and its order, natural order, along with Truth and the proper interpretation of the objective evidence remains beyond the general populace’s attention because it exposes God’s Way or The Way and, therefore, cannot be permitted to be known to everyone or the false stream in which you live today will cease to exist as it was completely a fabrication rather than living in accordance with natural order. 70.

After reading this document and learning of the lost Principles of Fundamental Justice

and the legitimate process of elimination attached to these principles, you will be confronted with learning more about doing Right where all else is unacceptable within yourselves. But, the choice is not continuing to swim in the civilization but rather when will you decide to leave it all behind and become one with the Truth and swim in the stream of reality created by the corollary of laws that extend from everyone’s universal right to security of person as affirmed by Fundamental Justice and its FREE Society?



ME in the _______ of __________ ) in the Province of British Columbia) on this _____ day of ___________ ) _________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Mr. E. J. Krass

A commissioner for taking affidavits for British Columbia 25

CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS Legal Rights LIFE, LIBERTY AND SECURITY OF PERSON. 7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the Principles of Fundamental Justice. 11(d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;


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