Trivial Informatico

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 28
Trivial informático Realizado por el profesor

I.E.S. Victoria Kent Mayo del 2003 Ricardo Rodríguez García Tecnologías de la Información 1º de Bachillerato

Tecnologías de la información

Trivial informático desarrollado por el profesor

1º.- Desarrollo del programa El programa ha sido desarrollado mediante el entorno de programación Visual Basic, con el que se han diseñado cada una de las ventanas que forman parte del juego, así como el código de programa que lo hace funcionar. A su vez, las preguntas y respuestas han sido guardadas en un archivo que contiene la base de datos, habiendo sido ésta creada mediante el programa Access. Dicha base de datos será abierta mediante el código de programa presente en el proyecto del juego desarrollado en Visual Basic. Todos estos elementos serán presentados a continuación. 2º.- Ventanas que componen el proyecto ‰

Ventana principal. Nombre del formulario: trivial.frm


Ventana de información adicional. Nombre del formulario: ampliar.frm



Tecnologías de la información

Trivial informático desarrollado por el profesor

3º.- Código de programación Código correspondiente al formulario trivial.frm Declaraciones: Dim BaseDatos As Database Dim Preguntas, Respuestas As Recordset Dim NumeroPreguntas, NumeroAcertadas As Integer

Procedimientos: Sub ActualizarMarcador(Resultado As Boolean) If Resultado = True Then NumeroAcertadas = NumeroAcertadas + 1 End If Dim Frase As String Frase = NumeroAcertadas & " preguntas acertadas de " Frase = Frase & NumeroPreguntas & " preguntas" Marcador = Frase End Sub

Sub MostrarPregunta() 'Muestra en pantalla la pregunta actual 'y sus correspondientes 4 respuestas Pregunta = Preguntas("PREGUNTA") Respuestas.FindFirst ("CODIGO='" & Preguntas("CODIGO") & "'") Dim I As Integer For I = 0 To 3 R(I).Caption = Respuestas("RESPUESTA") Respuestas.MoveNext Next I 'Marcamos la primera respuesta R(0).Value = True 'Comprobamos si existe información adicional sobre la pregunta y activamos el botón MasInformacion.FindFirst ("Codigo='" & Preguntas("Codigo") & "'") If MasInformacion.NoMatch Then Ampliar.Visible = False Else Ampliar.Visible = True Ampliar.Enabled = False End If End Sub



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Eventos: Private Sub Form_Load() 'En primer lugar abrimos la base de datos Set BaseDatos = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\Trivial.mdb") 'A continuación extraemos todas las prespuestas y preguntas de la base de datos Set Preguntas = BaseDatos.OpenRecordset("Select * from Preguntas") Set Respuestas = BaseDatos.OpenRecordset("Select * from Respuestas") Set MasInformacion = BaseDatos.OpenRecordset("Select * from Masinformacion") 'Damos valores iniciales a las siguientes variables NumeroPreguntas = 1 NumeroAcertadas = 0 'Desactivamos el botón Siguiente Pregunta Siguiente.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Solucion_Click() 'Comprobamos si la respuesta marcada es correcta Dim Acierto As Boolean Acierto = True Dim I As Integer 'Nos situamos en la primera respuesta Respuestas.FindFirst ("CODIGO='" & Preguntas("CODIGO") & "'") For I = 0 To 3 If R(I).Value <> Respuestas("CORRECTA") Then Acierto = False End If Respuestas.MoveNext 'Desactivamos las respuestas R(I).Enabled = False Next I 'Mostramos If Acierto MsgBox Else MsgBox End If

un mensaje con el resultado = True Then "ENHORABUENA: R E S P U E S T A "LO SIENTO: R E S P U E S T A

C O R R E C T A" I N C O R R E C T A"

ActualizarMarcador (Acierto) 'Activamos el botón de Siguiente pregunta Siguiente.Enabled = True 'Desactivamos el botón de Solución Solucion.Enabled = False Ampliar.Enabled = True End Sub



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Private Sub Siguiente_Click() 'Mostramos en pantalla la siguiente respuesta 'y sus correspondientes pregutnas 'En primer lugar comprobaremos si hemos llegado al final Preguntas.MoveNext If Preguntas.EOF Then Unload Me 'El juego ha terminado 'Activamos las respuestas Dim I As Integer For I = 0 To 3 R(I).Enabled = True Next I MostrarPregunta NumeroPreguntas = NumeroPreguntas + 1 MarcoPregunta.Caption = "Pregunta nº " & NumeroPreguntas 'Activamos el botón de solución Solucion.Enabled = True 'Desactivamos el botón de siguiente pregunta Siguiente.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Reloj_Timer() 'Mostrar la primera pregunta y sus respuestas en pantalla MostrarPregunta 'Desactivamos el reloj Reloj.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Ampliar_Click() AmpliarInformacion.Show vbModal End Sub

Private Sub Terminar_Click() Unload Me End Sub



Tecnologías de la información

Trivial informático desarrollado por el profesor

Código correspondiente al formulario ampliar.frm Eventos: Private Sub Reloj_Timer() Titulo = MasInformacion("Titulo") Texto = MasInformacion("Informacion") Reloj.Enabled = False End Sub

Private Sub Aceptar_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Código correspondiente al módulo trivial.bas Declaraciones: Public MasInformacion As Recordset



Tecnologías de la información

Trivial informático desarrollado por el profesor

4.- Relación de preguntas y respuestas

1º How many states are there in the USA? a) 52 b) 50 c) 54 d) 48 2º Which word is represented by this phonetic transcription: [ 'n⊃lid∋ ]? a) Knowledge b) Sandwich c) Psychology d) notice 3º 'Lift' is the British English word for 'ascensor'. Can you tell us the American English word for 'ascensor'? a) Elevator b) Ascensoring c) Ascensored d) Pull up 4º What's the name of the American ex-president Bill Clinton's wife? a) Hillary Rodham b) Hillary Clinton c) Hillary Grant d) Chelsea Clinton 5º When and where was Elvis Presley born? a) Mississippi, 1935 b) Louisiana, 1935 c) Alabama, 1935 d) New Orleans, 1938 6º Which 'Beatle' was "Winston" as his second name? a) John Lennon b) Paul Mc Cartney c) Ringo Starr d) George Harrison 7º Which country gets the greatest number of tourists? a) Spain b) USA c) Great Britain d) Cuba



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8º 'Chemist' is the British word for 'farmacia'. Can you tell us the American English word for 'farmacia'? a) Farmacion b) Drugstore c) Farmacy d) Wal-Mart 9º Which famous and legendary king of Great Britain, who lived in the first half of the 6th century, founded the Order of the Knights of the Rounded Table? a) King Philip b) King Arthur c) King Arthur, prince of Wales d) King Charles I 10º What colour are the London buses? a) red b) black c) green d) blue 11º Who was the first Catholic president of the USA? a) John F. Kennedy b) Calvin Coolidge c) Harry Truman d) Richard Nixon 12º Which American city has the most black population? a) New York b) Chicago c) Los Angeles d) San Francisco 13º Which of these Shakespeare's characters lived in Denmark? a) Hamlet b) Romeo c) Juliet d) Othello 14º What's the approximate meaning in Spanish of this expression: "Mind your own business"? a) Eres un bocazas b) No te metas donde no te llaman c) Eres un metepatas d) Siempre te equivocas



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15º When did Elvis Presley release his first album? a) January, 1960 b) January, 1956 c) January, 1940 d) March, 1935 16º Which US city is called the "skyscraper's birthplace"? a) New Jersey b) New York c) Chicago d) Philadelphia 17º What's the American currency? a) rupee b) franc c) dollar d) euro 18º Which letter is not pronounced in the word 'Listen'? a) T b) L c) N d) E 19º How did the Romans call the city of London? a) Londum b) Londinium c) Londres d) Londonderry 20º Which of these sentences is grammatically correct? a) London is much more big than my town b) London is much bigger that my town c) London is much big than my town d) London is more big than my town 21º What 1950s sex-symbol had a part in the film 'Some Like It Hot' ('Con faldas y a lo loco')? a) Marilyn Monroe b) Grace Kelly c) Greta Garbo d) Marlene Dietrich



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22º Which country has been host of the Olympic Games for five times? a) Spain b) England c) USA d) France 23º What's the English currency? a) Sterling pound b) English dollar c) English franc d) Euro 24º Which letter is not pronounced in the word 'Write'? a) W b) R c) T d) E 25º Where was King Arthur's court? a) Lancelot b) Camelot c) Rounded Table d) Almendralejo 26º What's the Spanish equivalent of the expression 'You must be joking'? a) Debes bromear b) Debes contar un chiste c) Debes estar disfrutando d) Debes estar alucinando 27º Who's the English national team's goalkeeper? a) Winter b) Van der Saar c) Seaman d) Casillas 28º Where's the house of the British Prime Minister since 1735? a) Fifth Avenue b) Square Garden c) 10, Downing Street d) 25, Madison Avenue 29º Where did Ronald Reagan have a benign tumor which was extirpated? a) spleen b) colon c) pancreas d) stomach Página:


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30º What is the most popular sport in the USA? a) Golf b) Rugby c) American football d) Badminton 31º What name was the first child of Prince Charles and Lady Diana christened with? a) Charles b) William c) Peter d) John 32º Who was the first woman to become Prime Minister in Great Britain? a) Sarah Risley b) Rose Waish c) Margaret Thatcher (1979) d) Ana Botella 33º What four presidents of the USA (their heads) are sculptured by G. Borglum in Mount Rushmore (South Dakota)? a) George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Burren b) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln c) Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman d) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Michael Jordan 34º When is Halloween celebrated by the Americans? a) October 31, at night b) December 24, at night c) December 31, at night d) January 6, at night 35º 'Vacation' is the American English word for 'vacaciones'. Can you tell us the British English word for 'vacaciones'? a) Vacations b) Holidays c) Vacancy d) Vacancies

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36º What famous American inventor and physicist invented the electric lamp with coal filament? a) Alexander Graham Bell b) Isaac Peral c) Thomas Alva Edison d) John Logie Baird 37º What famous palace, which belonged to Queen Elizabeth II, was destroyed in a fire in 1992? a) Burkinham Palace b) The White House c) Buckingham Palace d) The Pink House 38º Which of the following plays was not written by Shakespeare? a) Othello b) The Merchant of Venice c) Julius Caesar d) I, Claudius 39º The football team which represents catholics in Glasgow is: a) Glasgow Rangers b) Glasgow Celtics c) Chelsea d) Everton 40º The Bronx is a borough in: a) London b) Boston c) Los Angeles d) New York 41º Lolita is a novel by: a) Charles Dickens b) Dolores O’Riordan c) Vladimir Nabokov d) Herman Melville

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42º What families are represented in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet? a) Cottages and Bungalows b) Montagues and Capulets c) Hollywood and Holmes d) Romeos and Juliets 43º What nationality is the singer Van Morrison ? a) Dutch b) American c) Irish d) English 44º Which of these football teams is not from London? a) Arsenal b) Everton c) Chelsea d) West Ham United 45º Stonehenge is a megalithic monument which was built in: a) The 3rd and 4th centuries A.D. b) 1000-500 B.C. c) 3000-1500 B.C. d) From the 6th to the 1st centuries B.C. 46º Which of these musicians was not a member of The Beatles? a) John Lennon b) George Harrison c) Mick Jagger d) Ringo Starr 47º The actress who plays the main role in Pretty Woman is: a) Julia Roberts b) Cindy Crawford c) Jennifer López d) Demi Moore 48º The American flag is known as: a) The Union Jack b) The Rastafarian c) Stars and Stripes d) Rules of Order

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49º The ship in which the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England to the US was called: a) The Cutty Sark b) The Mayflower c) Spirit of St. Louis d) Pomp and Circumstance 50º The English Prime Minister during World War II was: a) Clement Attle b) Winston Churchill c) Anthony Eden d) Margaret Thatcher 51º The most famous reggae musician was: a) Bob Marley b) Bob Dylan c) Eric Clapton d) Frank Sinatra 52º What's the name of the astronaut who was a democrat pre-candidate in some US presidential election? a) Neil Armstrong b) John Glenn c) Pedro Duque d) Yuri Gagarin 53º Who wrote Venus and Adonis? a)William Shakespeare b) Oscar Wilde c)Walt Whitman d) Mark Weatherspoon 54º What's the main religion in Great Britain? a)Protestant b) Anglican c)Orthodox d) Catholic 55º Where is Fish and Chips typical from? a)USA b) Great Britain c)Spain d) Nowhere

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56º What's the tallest building in New York City? a)Empire State Building b) Chrysler State Building c)Sears Towers d) Petronas Towers 57º What famous Scotsman patented in 1876 a device which was the beginning of the telephone? a)Alexander Graham Bell b) Isaac Peral c)Thomas Alva Edison d) John Galiano 58º Who was the boyfriend of the famous English model and actress Liz Hurley? a)Grant Hill b) Hugh Grant c)Anthony Hugh Grant d)Hugh Thomas 59º On Monday 19, October 1987, in Wall Street, the Dow Jones went down more than 500 points. How was this day called? a)The Great Slump b) Dark Monday c)Black Monday d) Bloody Sunday 60º How was Rhodesia called when it became independent from Great Britain? a)The Rock b) North Guinea c)Zimbabwue d) South Africa 61º What type of dance was a sensation in the USA in 1926? a)Twist b) Charleston c)Rock and Roll d) Fox Trot 62º How many cities called 'Washington' are there in the USA? a)Two b) One c)None d) Three

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63º How many stars has the British flag got? a)52 b) 4 c)None d) 2 64º Which of these pairs of universities are British? a)Oxford and Cambridge b) Yale and Cambridge c)Georgetown and Oxford d) Stanford and Edinburgh 65º Which is the main religion in Ireland? a)Protestant b) Anglican c)Catholic d) Budhist 66º What famous admiral defeated the Spanish Armada in the battle of Trafalgar? a)Redbearded b) Nelson c)Darwin d) Tony Blair 67º Why are the London buses famous? a)They are doubledeckers b) They are electrical c)They are convertible d) They are blue 68º Where is the Big Ben? a)Paris b) Dublin c)Oxford d) London 69º What’s the British currency? a)Euro b) Sterling pound c) US Dollar d) English dollar

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70º Which war did the Americans lose in the 1960s? a)Gulf War b) Vietnam War c)Waterloo Battle d) II World War 71º What’s the name of the Basketball League in the USA a)CBS b) NFL c)CBA d) NBA 72º Where’s the Pentagon? a)London b) Philadelphia c)Washington d) New York 73º Which is the typical dish in the American Thanksgiving Day? a)Roastbeef b) Turkey c) Roast lamb d) Piglet 74º Which is the capital city of the movie industry in the US? a)Hollywood b) Beverly Hills c) Broadway d) San Francisco 75º What is typical of the phone boxes in London? a)They are cast-iron b) They are red c) They are black and blue d)They are armored 76º The typical Scottish dress displays a female piece of cloth, which one? a)a garter b) a skirt c) a cloak d)panties 77º How did president Kennedy die? a)In a car accident b) In Vietnam War c) In an air accident d)Killed by a sniper Página: 16

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78º What did Marilyn Monroe do for a living? a)Actress b) Singer c) Astronaut d)Politician 79º In 1894, France gave a famous sculpture to the USA, which was called: a)The Freedon Statue b) The Statue of Liberty c) The Little Mermaid d)The Eiffel Tower 80º Where is the White House? a)New York b) Philadelphia c) Ahaheim d)Washington 81º What is the most important day for the Americans? a)The 11th of September b) The 4th of July c) The 1st of May d)The 12th of October 82º What is celebrated on October the 31st in the Anglo-Saxon world? a)All Saints’ Day b) Gay Pride Day c) Father’s Day d) Halloween 83º What’s the most famous park in London? a)Park Avenue b) Hyde Park c) Retiro Park d)St James’ Park 84º How are violent football fans called in Great Britain? a)Torcida b) Tiffosi c) Supporters d)Hooligangs 85º Which is the most famous character of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? a)Sherlock Holmes b) Hercules Poirot c) Harry Potter d)Frankenstein Página: 17

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86º The author of Frankenstein was: a)Percy Bysshe Shelley b) Lord Byron c) Goethe d)Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 87º Sidney is a city from: a)New Zealand b) The USA c) Australia d)England 88º What American actor, with Italian origins, won an Oscar by his part in the movie The Godfather Part II in 1974? a)Al Pacino b) Chazz Palmentieri c) Robert de Niro d)Silvestre Stallone 89º If a worker is blue-collar, it means that he/she is: a)middle-class b) doing a practical job c) a farmer d)working in a an office 90º Led Zeppellin was a British pop group whose style was: a)Grunge b) Heavy metal c) Rock & Roll d) Blues 91º Joseph M. W. Turner was an English painter from: a)The 18th century b) The 20th century c) He was not English but Scottish d)The 19th century 92º Mark Twain did not write: a)Oliver Twist b) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer c) A Yank in King Arthur’s court d)Huckleberry Finn 93º Who of the following was a famous female jazz singer? a)Francis Scott Fitzgerald b) Julie Andrews c) Ella Fitzgerald d)Duke Ellington Página: 18

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94º The original version of the Elton John’s Candle in the Wind was inspired by: a)Diana of Wales b) Marilyn Monroe c) Celine Dion d)Annie Lennox 95º Which city is known by being the see of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or Mormons? a)Salt Lake City b) Los Angeles c) Las Vegas d)Providence 96º Which writer is considered to have invented the modern detective story in the book: The Murders in the Rue Morgue? a)Sherlock Holmes b) Edgar Allan Poe c) Arthur Conan Doyle d)Agatha Christie 97º The explorer who discovered Florida was: a)Juan Ponce de León b) John Bunyan c) Benjamin Franklin d)Captain John Smith 98º What’s the popular nickname of the American dollar? a)Dime b) Buck c) Bill d)Banknote 99º James Joyce’s Ulisses is set in the city of: a)London b) Athens c) New York d)Dublin 100º Some people say he was a bloody pirate, others claim he was a corsair who faithfully served his country in the 16th century. He is: a)Oliver Cromwell b) Robin Hood c) Francis Drake d)John Edgar Hoover

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101º The oldest daily newspaper in England is: a)Time b) The Times c) The Guardian d)Daily Telegraph 102º The city where jazz was born is: a)San Francisco b) New Orleans c) New York d)Hollywood 103º Seattle is the capital city of : a)Arizona b) Oregon c) Washington d)Virginia 104º The islands located in the north of Great Britain and famous by the quality of their lambswool are called: a)The Orkneys b) The Shetlands c) Feroe Islands d)Iceland 105º What’s the capital city of Scotland? a)Glasgow b) Aberdeen c) Edimburgh d)Sheffield 106º There’s a city in the West of England which is famous by its port and by The Beatles. Do you know its name? a)Manchester b) Birmingham c) Newcastle d)Liverpool 107º There’s a city in the Mississippi delta which is known by its carnival and its jazz music. Which one? a)Dallas b) Sacramento c) New Orleans d)Miami

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Trivial informático desarrollado por el profesor

108º Which of these cities is not in the state of Texas? a)Dallas b) San Antonio c) Denver d)Houston 109º Which American state is the city of Las Vegas, famous by gambling and its casinos, in? a)Nebraska b) Oregon c) Nevada d)Colorado 110º Which famous attack pushed the USA into World War II? a)Midway b) Pearl Harbor c) Guadalcanal d)Normandy 111º How was the British society of the 19th century known? a)Victorian b) Fabian c) Democratic d)Islamic 112º How are British Conservative party members known? a)Tories b) Lords c) Labour d)Lefties 113º Which has been the longest war America has been involved in? a)Korea b) Vietnam c) Independence d)Cuban 114º Which British stateman and writer won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953? a)John Harding b) Robert Anthony Eden c) Graham Greene d)Winston Churchill

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Trivial informático desarrollado por el profesor

115º Where did Alice, the character created by Lewis Carrol, live? a)Fairyland b) Neverland c) Wonderland d)Dixieland 116º How was Peter Pan’s one-armed enemy called? a)Captain Thunder b) Captain America c) Captain Hook d)Captain Torrente 117º Who directed Michael Crichton’s best seller Jurassic Park? a)George Lucas b) Quentin Tarantino c) Steven Spielberg d)Ridley Scott 118º What Scottish actor was the Agent 007 who fought against Dr. No? a)Sean Connery b) Roger Moore c) Pierce Brosnan d)Timothy Dalton 119º How is usually London’s underground called? a)Subway b) The El c) Underground d)The Tube 120º In which city, hometown of Coca-Cola, were the 1996 summer Olympic Games held? a)Los Angeles b) Boston c) Atlanta d)Sidney 121º Which animal is associated with the most important basketball team in Chicago? a)Bear b) Cub c) Bull d)Cow

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122º Which is the American city where Pau Gasol plays for the NBA? a)Vancouver b) Memphis c) Los Angeles d)Seattle 123º How is football called in the USA? a)Saucer b) Pinball c) Kickball d)Soccer 124º What’s the name of the film in which rap music star Eminem makes his acting debut? a)Eight Miles b) The Commitments c) Matrix d)Blade 125º What British politician was also known as the Iron Maiden? a)Margaret Thatcher b) Winston Churchill c) Tony Blair d)Queen Elizabeth II 126º Which is the best archaeological museum in London? a)Tate Gallery b) National Gallery c) British Museum d)The Tower of London 127º Where was English dramatist William Shakespeare born? a)London b) Oxford c) Cambridge d)Stratford-upon-Avon 128º Which of these British newspapers is considered to be more serious and influential worldwide? a)The Sun b) Daily Mirror c) The Times d)The News of the World

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129º Who is the writer of the succesful novels about Harry Potter? a)Virginia Woolf b) Barbara Cartland c) J.K. Rowling d)Enid Blython 130º Which of the members of The Beatles was in bed for a whole week with his wife Yoko Ono to protest against war? a)Paul McCartney b) George Harrison c) Ringo Starr d)John Lennon 131º Canberra is the capita of which country? a) Canada b) Lebanon c) Australia d) New Zeland 132º Where are the most famous celtic crosses? a) In Ireland b) In Wales c) In Germany d) In Scotland 133º The Brooklyn Bridge connects...? a) Manhattan with Brooklyn b) Greenwich Village with Brooklyn c) Brooklyn with the Bronx d) Little Italy with Brooklyn 134º What's the last word of this proverb: A friend in need is a friend...? a) Good b) Indeed c) Free d) Too 135º How many vowel sounds are there in English? a) Six b) Five c) Eight d) Twelve

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136º In which part of your body voild you find the Achiles tendon? a) The back b) The knee c) The elbow d) The hell 137º Reggae is a type of...? a) Food b) Music c) Clothing d) Films 138º In The Las Crusade, who played the role of the father of Indiana Jones? a) T. E. Lawrence b) Sean Connery c) Tom Hanks d) Sir Laurence Olivier 139º Who compiled the first dictionary of Englis? a) Samuel Pepys b) William Wordsworth c) Samuel Johnson d) Sir Walter Raleigh 140º Who built many of England's great cathedrals? a) The Roman b) The Vikings c) The Greeks d) The Normans 141º What's the most successful British car of all time? a) The Mini b) The Fiat c) The Seat d) The Volvo 142º Which film was made by the Marx Brothers? a) Rebel Without a Cause b) A Day at the Races c) An Americna in Paris d) Richard III

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143º The famous Charge of the Light Brigade was part of...? a) The World War I b) The World War II c) The Crimean War d) The American Civil War

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Tecnologías de la información

5.- Respuestas correctas 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. B 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. D 41. C 42. B

43. C 44. B 45. C 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. B 51. A 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. A 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. C 61. B 62. A 63. C 64. A 65. C 66. B 67. A 68. D 69. B 70. B 71. D 72. C 73. B 74. A 75. B 76. B 77. D 78. A 79. B 80. D 81. B 82. D 83. B 84. D

85. A 86. D 87. C 88. C 89. B 90. C 91. D 92. A 93. C 94. B 95. A 96. B 97. A 98. B 99. D 100. C 101. B 102. B 103. C 104. B 105. C 106. D 107. C 108. C 109. C 110. B 111. A 112. A 113. B 114. D 115. C 116. C 117. C 118. A 119. D 120. C 121. C 122. B 123. D 124. A 125. A 126. C

127. D 128. C 129. C 130. D 131. C 132. A 133. A 134. B 135. D 136. D 137. B 138. B 139. C 140. D 141. A 142. B 143. C

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