Tribute To Paul Harvey

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Nearly every blogger/netizen/broadcaster in America who would admit it, had deep respect for Paul Harvey. The only one known to have been heard nationally was Rush Limbaugh doing a line famous by Harvey in a Paul Harvey voice. Imitation is said to be the most sincere form of flattery. El Rushbo does not mention people lightly, he is no Name Dropper. To be sure, there were numerous eulogies and tributes, but this was an instance of imitation by a great talk show host. Many have been emulating, respecting, and admiring the iconic Paul Harvey, albeit, secretly. Radio and the USA in general, have been enriched by the wit, wisdom, patriotism, charm, and impact of this very amazing man. A recentky published book called," Paul Harvey's America" by New York Times best selling biographer Stephen Mansfield and coauthor David A. Holland highlights a fascinating look at America’s most popular (deceased since March,2009) radio host. The brutal murder of Paul Harvey’s policemen father,Harry H. Aurandt, shaped his life and his long radio career. A high school teacher, impressed early on with his baratone voice, helped him get hired to become a clean up person and later "cub announcer" doing commercials and announcements. This would launch Paul Harvey on his evermore successful career in radio. The truth behind his brief and controversial career in the Air Force was that he was injured, Air Force trainers thought he should have been more careful/healed faster and decided he was not stoicle and tough enough. Paul Harvey had a curiosity and pursuing a "news story scoop" about what was going on in a "Top Secret Laboratory" that eventually got him arrested for trespassing and breaking into a secure research laboratory (Argonne National Labs?) during the Cold War era. The authorities realized Paul Harvey was "just a "noisy reporter and released him. Paul Harvey was so enamored of a lady that he proposed to his life-long wife, Evelyn Lynne or “Angel,” on their very first date but to ensure that she said,"Yes!" he explained that he realized that she would have to know him better so she was not hasty in her decision and it took her a year to get around to a resounding,"Yes!" the important role of faith in his life; and how his immeasurable contributions to broadcast history transformed American culture In Mike Huckabee and Paul Batura's Good Day!: The Paul Harvey Story (Hardcover) such stories as "The Testing Time", "The Veiled Prophet Ball", "Autumn of Liberty","If I Were the Devil","Is Joe DiMaggio Finished?", and Paul Harvey (Aurandt), the only offspring of Paul Harvey, the radio announcer... created, produced, and starred in "Holiday in Orange and Black" in 1994 and "Incident at Lexington Green" in 1995, both hour-long entertainment specials for ABC. This website describes the entire sad story of how a little boy was subjected to a vicious multiattacker beating and "adult" protests because he is "normal" so to speak. He and his parents dared to object to "gay education" in the first grade. On Paul Harvey and : "Islam is a religion of peace" Responding to a vigorous demand for an apology from the Council on American Islamic Relations, Paul Harvey issued the following statement through an assistant: "Last week (Harvey)told you about bloody cockfights in Iraq and mentioned the relationship between Islam and violence. He says he received several letters from dear friends in the American Muslim community who expressed their disgust with those who have hijacked their religion to achieve their goal through violence. They reminded all of us that Islam is a religion of peace, that terrorists do not represent Islam." In the first week of December,2003, Paul Harvey stated on the radio that Islam "encourages killing." His new statement is not exactly an apology, but it is an affirmation statement of CAIR's central thesis that," Islam is a peaceful religion that has been hijacked." reported that," Evidently the hijackers are a wily bunch, as they have even penetrated into CAIR itself: three of CAIR's employees have recently been arrested on terrorism-related charges. It would be refreshing to see CAIR stop attacking people like Harvey, who have abundant reasons to think that Islam and killing have something to do with each other, and instead focus on efforts to ensure that radical Islam and the doctrines of violent jihad are eradicated from the Muslim community in

the U.S. and around the world." The U.S. Office of Censorship and the Volstead Act, were influential but not detrimental and tragic like the so-called,"Fairness Doctrine". Erasing the "Fairness Doctrine" set in motion a resergence in talk radio and AM in general that Rush Limbaugh created a niche within. "Many "Hush Rush" attempts have been attempted to muzzle his free speech. Michael Savage, another talker "with "legs" was recently "Banned From Britain" by being placed on an "excrement list" with murderers, terrorists and various dirtbags for no apparent reason except liberalism. But digression excepted, back to Paul Harvey, who would understand. PH was the only known broadcaster to receive a "Medal of Freedom" from a POTUS, Bush, the Great Forgiver. Bush named so because of his inexplicable magnamosity for all the Clintonites who trashed keyboards, glued things on the ceiling, hid porn in stacks of blank printer paper and acted like a bunch of school girls going on summer vacation from the "actors-out" correctional facility. Then like a drunkard priest, Bush forgave all the sins of his predicessor which were myriad, many, and quite plentifully aggregious because they are birds of a feather. The New World Order would never forgive Bush if he did not look the other way and ignore treason and other high crimes. In conclusion, Paul Harvey was the greatest and will never be approximated nor eclipsed. He was a legeon in his own time..and modestly so. He refused to brag about his own son who was a concert pianist and seldom if ever mentioned his own accomplishments which were many. Politicians came and went, but Harvey always was a real American icon and role model for millions. like practically every blogger/netizen/broadcaster in America having spent an entire career emulating, respecting, and admiring the iconic Paul Harvey. Radio and the USA in general, have been enriched by the wit, wisdom, patriotism, charm, and impact of this very amazing man.
A book called, Paul Harvey America by New York Times best selling biographer Stephen Mansfield and coauthor David A. Holland presents a fascinating look at America’s most popular (deceased since March,2009) radio host. The brutal murder of Paul Harvey’s policemen father,Harry H. Aurandt, shaped his life and his long radio career. A high school teacher, impressed early on with his baratone voice, helped him get hired to become a clean up person and later cub announcer doing commercials and announcements. This would launch Paul Harvey on his evermore successful career in radio. The truth behind his brief and controversial career in the Air Force was that he was injured, Air Force trainers thought he should have been more careful/healed faster and decided he was not stoicle and tough enough. Paul Harvey had a curiosity and pursuing a news story scoop" about what was going on in a Top Secret Laboratory that eventually got him arrested for trespassing and breaking into a secure research laboratory (Argonne National Labs?) during the Cold War era. The authorities realized Paul Harvey was just a noisy reporter and released him. Paul Harvey was so enamored of a lady that he proposed to his life-long wife, Evelyn Lynne or “Angel,” on their very first date but to ensure that she said,Yes! he explained that he realized that she would have to know him better so she was not hasty in her decision and it took her a year to get around to a resounding,"Yes!" the important role of faith in his life; and how his immeasurable contributions to broadcast history transformed American culture In Mike Huckabee and Paul Batura's Good Day!: The Paul Harvey Story (Hardcover) such stories as The Testing Time", "The Veiled Prophet Ball Autumn of Liberty;If I Were the Devil, Is Joe DiMaggio Finished? and Paul Harvey (Aurandt), the only offspring of Paul Harvey, the radio announcer... created, produced, and starred in "Holiday in Orange and Black" in 1994 and "Incident at Lexington Green" in 1995, both hour-long entertainment specials for ABC.
This website describes the entire sad story of how a little boy was subjected to a vicious multi-attacker beating and "adult" protests because he is "normal" so to speak. He and his parents dared to object to "gay education" in the first grade.
www.radiohof.or g/news/paulharveyaurandt.html

On Paul Harvey and : "Islam is a religion of peace"

In response to a vigorous demand for an apology from the Council on American Islamic Relations, Paul Harvey has issued this statement through an assistant: "Last week [Harvey] told you about bloody cockfights in Iraq and mentioned the relationship

between Islam and violence. He says he received several letters from dear friends in the American Muslim community who expressed their disgust with those who have hijacked their religion to achieve their goal through violence. They reminded all of us that Islam is a religion of peace, that terrorists do not represent Islam."

In the first week of December,2003, Paul Harvey stated on the radio that Islam "encourages killing." His new statement is not exactly an apology, but it is an affirmation statement of CAIR's central thesis that," Islam is a peaceful religion that has been hijacked." reported that," Evidently the hijackers are a wily bunch, as they have even penetrated into CAIR itself: three of CAIR's employees have recently been arrested on terrorism-related charges. It would be refreshing to see CAIR stop attacking people like Harvey, who have abundant reasons to think that Islam and killing have something to do with each other, and instead focus on efforts to ensure that radical Islam and the doctrines of violent jihad are eradicated from the Muslim community in the U.S. and around the world."

The U.S. Office of Censorship and the Volstead Act, were influential but not detrimental and tragic like the socalled,"Fairness Doctrine Erasing the Fairness Doctrine set in motion a resergence in talk radio and AM in general that Rush Limbaugh created a niche within. Many Hush Rush attempts have been attempted to muzzle his free speech. Michael Savage, another talker with "legs" was recently Banned From Britain by being placed on an excrement list with murderers, terrorists and various dirtbags for no apparent reason except liberalism.
But digression excepted, back to Paul Harvey, who would understand. PH was the only known broadcaster to receive a Medal of Freedom from a POTUS, Bush, the Great Forgiver. Bush named so because of his inexplicable magnamosity for all the Clintonites who trashed keyboards, glued things on the ceiling, hid porn in stacks of blank printer paper and acted like a bunch of school girls going on summer vacation from the "actors-out & correctional facility.
Then like a drunkard priest, Bush forgave all the sins of his predicessor which were myriad, many, and quite plentifully aggregious because they are birds of a feather. The New World Order would never forgive Bush if he did not look the other way and ignore treason and other high crimes.

In conclusion, Paul Harvey was the greatest and will never be approximated nor eclipsed. He was a legeon in his own time..and modestly so. He refused to brag about his own son who was a concert pianist and seldom if ever mentioned his own accomplishments which were many. Politicians came and went, but Harvey always was a real American icon and role model for millions.

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