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Download & View Trematodes(flukes) as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 699
  • Pages: 35

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Hermaphroditic (both male and female reproductive organs in single body) Exception- schistosomes 1st intermediate host-mollusks (snails and clams) Eggs have operculum-allows larval worm to find the host (exception-schistosomes)

Types        

Fasciolopsis buski Fasciola hepatica Opisthorchis sinensis Paragonimus westermani Schistosomes S.mansoni S.japonicum S.haematobium


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Giant intestinal fluke Largest, most prevalent fluke Intermediate host-snail Reservoir hostpigs,dogs,rabbits,humans Biologic vector-water plants

Life cycle

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Infective stage- metacercaria Diagnostic stage- eggs in feces Free swimming larval stage-miracidium

Clinical features   

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Abdominal discomfort,diarrhoea Marked eosinophilia Worm takes up residents in the bile ducts,ther mechanical irritation and toxic secretions cause hepatitis,biliary obstruction etc Lab diagnosis Stool microscopy-large, golden,bile stained eggs with an operculum on the top DOC-praziquantel Proper sanitation measures


Sheep liver fluke Intermediate host-snail Biological vector-water plants Reservoir host-sheep, cattle, humans

Life cycle

Lab diagnosis and treatement same as that of buski


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Also called clonorchis sinensis/CHINEESE LIVER FLUKE Intermediate host-snail and fresh water fish Biologic vector-uncooked fish Reservoir host-dogs,cats, humans

Life cycle

Clinical features 

Pain in the right upper quadrant over the liver,chills,fever, marked eosinophilia. Hepatitis ,portal cirrhosis, invades the bile duct

Lab diagnosis & treatment  

Stool examination- unembryonated eggs Eggs are present in the bile also, unlike f.buski which is limited to small intestine Bithionol or benzimadazole compound triclabendazole are the drugs used Avoid uncooked acquatic vegetation


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Lung fluke Intermediate host-snail, fresh water crabs, Cray fish Biologic vectors-uncooked crabs, Cray fish Reservoir host-pigs, monkeys and humans

Life cycle

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Infective stage-metacercariae in the fresh water crabs Larva hatches in the stomach and migrate Adult worm resides in the lungs Eggs from it released in sputum or feces

Clinical features 

Onset coincides with larval migration-fever, chills and high eosinophilia When it reaches the lung-fever. cough and increased sputum-blood stained and dark with eggs(RUSTY sputum),chest pain

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c/c infections lead to fibrosis of lung May invade brain and spinal cord-cerebral paragonimiasis Also invades subcutaneous tissue, abdominal cavity and liver

Lab diagnosis 

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Examination of sputum and feces-golden brown operculated eggs Chest xray-pleural effusions,cyst,infiltrates Eosinophilia

Treatment  

DOC-praziquantel Avoid consumption of uncooked fresh water crabs Proper sanitation

SCHISTOSOMES(blood flukes)       

S.MANSONI S.JAPONICUM S.HAEMATOBIUM Causes-schistosomiasis/bilhariasis/snail fever Separate male and female flukes Intermediate host-snail Reservoir host-rodents, domestic pets, live stock, humans

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Eggs do not have operculum. Infective stage- cercariae S.mansoni and japonicum- mesenteric veins and produce intestinal amoebiasis S.hematobium – veins around the urinary bladder and causes vesicular schistosmiasis.

Life cycle

Clinical features 

Earliest symptoms- penetration of cercaria though the skin- pruritic rash Onset of oviposition-katayama syndromefever,chills,cough,urticaria,arthralgia,lymphad enopathy,splenomegaly,abdominal pain cases- granulomas and fibrosis


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EGGSOval and have a sharp lateral spine. Dermatitis with allergic reaction,pruritis,edema In lungs-cough Liver-hepatitis

Intestinal-abdominal pain,diarrhoea,tenderness of liver c/c cases-hepatosplenomegaly with large accumulations of ascitic fluid in pleural cavity

Gross examination-liver-pseudotubercles (white granulomas) Clay pipe stem fibrosis- fibrous tissue reacting to the eggs in liver surrounds the portal vein in a thick and grossly visible layer

Lab diagnosis   

Demonstration of eggs DOC-praziquantel Schistosomal dermatitis and katayama syndrome –treated with administration of antihistamines and steroids Improved sanitation


EGGS- spherical, tiny spine Clinical features same as mansoni Frequently involves the CNSgranulomas,lethargy,speech impairment, visual defects, seizures DOC-praziquantel


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Mainly in the Nile valley Develops in the liver and migrates to vesical,prostatic,uterine plexus of venous circulation Eggs-sharp with a terminal spine Eggs may be seen in urine Reservoir hosts-monkeys,baboons,chimpanzees

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Initial features are similar to others But also has hematuria,dysuria,urinary frequency Develops obstructive uropathy in the end stage May show squamous cell carcinoma of bladder DOC- praziquantel

Cercarial dermatitis 

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Swimmers itch-non human cercaria produce dermatitis, but they cannot develop in the human host Can lead to secondary bacterial infection Treatment-oral trimeperazine, topical antihistamines