Treaty Of Amsterdam

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 499
  • Pages: 15

What are its provisions?

CONTEXT: 1997 -globalising economy -terrorism Threats: public health, consumer and environment

QMV – employment, incentives PESC/ CFSP- troika, peace, humanitarian aid INTERNAL SECURITY- police INSTITUTIONS SOCIAL QUESTION MIGRATION – migration, criminal law PROTECTION -environment, consumer, health


What are its provisions? CONTEXT: -deal with new member states 2001

NEW ENLARGEMENT PROTOCOL QMV – migration, financial aid ENHANCED COOPERATION 1. MS create groups of 8, go further in certain areas of policy than the rest (conditions: further EU objectives, respect- treaties/ EU institutions and law, MS- competences/ rights and responsabilities, open to all MS 2. new institutions- Eurojust 3. new procedures- setting political parties 4. institutional changes – EP- 750 MPs, Commission: 27 members, no more, Council- meetings hold in Brussels (18 MS +)


What are its provisions?

CONTEXT: Signed by all MS, but not ratified by all of them Ratification process a) parliamentary votes (most countries) b) referendum + parliamentary votes (Ireland) Referendums: UK, France, NE/LUX

INSTITUTIONS: 1. The Council renamed- The Council of Ministers 2. Treaty recognignition: flag, anthem, motto EU AS A WHOLE:


1. Common values – free market, rule of law 2. Common principles: a) conferral principle- MS delegate competences voluntarily to the EU b) subsidiarity principle- decisions that are effective at EU level, taken at the lowest level c) proportionality principle- action taken by the EU only until the objectives are achieved d) primacy of EU law- for areas in which there are legally binding agreements with the EU the EU law is superior to National law 3. EU defines+ implements CFSP 4. Legal personality (represent itself as a single body in international law) 5 Competences- energy, space


What are its provisions? CONTEXT: Complement the existing treaties

PRINCIPLES: 1. Democratic equality – all citizens are = in front of EU institutions 2. Representative democracy a) NATIONAL PARLIAMENTS: Rights – access to Council's decisions and who took them Responsabilities – monitor subsidiarity (1/3 of MS think a proposal does not respect it, Comm can maintain it but it explains it and C + EP decide upon its addoption or not b) EP: co- decision procedure extended to all policy areas 751 MPs



QMV extended Blocking minority

Presedent of the EU Council

e) COMMISSION: 1. President: Nomination: proposed by the Council Approved by the EP Choosen based on the EU elections Functions: dismiss Commissioners 2. Vice- president: Function: HRCFSP – representative of the Council Commissioner- external relations

3. Commissioners:

Nomination: proposed by Comm President + Council Approved by EP STEPS: 1. CV examination 2. written questions- objectives 3. oral hearing – responsibilities 4 skills evaluation and portfolio knowledge 5. Conferences – Presidents - Committee Chairs 6. plenary sitting – TRIO (Comm+ EP + Council) – Commission's president presents College + program 7. EP approval vote

3. Participatory democracy Citizens' initiative -1 million citizens may ask the Commission to formulate a proposal)

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