Transience And Mortality

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  • Pages: 3
Transience and Mortality

1. The earth asks the sky: How many preachers have passed away? Many are passing their unhappy days in graves; And many are repenting for their deeds. (Faridji, Asa Rag) 2. Dear man, all that you see in this world, You shall have to leave one day. (Guru V, Sorath Rag) 3. Behold with your own eyes, The world is passing: Maya is purely transitory. (Guru V, BIHAGARA RAG) 4. You may verify for yourseld, Whatsoever you behold will not go with you. (Guru III, Sri Rag) 5. All this universe Is temporary and transitiory. (Guru III, Gauri Rag) 6. Nanak, I have seen with my own eyes; This world is all a mansion wrought of smoke. (Guru I, Majh Rag) 7. When the life is extinguished, And the soul has flown away, Nobody likes to keep the corpse even in the courtyard. (Bainji, Sri Rag) 8. The body that you anoint with scented oils, Will be reduced to ashes one day. (Kabirji, Gauri Rag) 9. What should I beg of Thee, when everything is transient, And all that I see is passing? ( Kabirji, Asa Rag) 10. Do not attach heart to this world, It is all transient. (Guru I, Sri Rag) 11. O shrewd businessman,Do only profitable business, Deal only in that commodity which shall accom- pany you after death. (Guru I, Sri Rag) 12. Everyone receives the inevitable call of death. (Guru I, Gauri Rag) 13. Every day and night that passes lessens your remaining hours; So fulfil your mission in accordance with the Will of the Guru.

(Guru V, Gauri Rag) 14. Dear man, this body of yours, Verily, unto dust it shall go. (Guru V, Asa Rag) 15. Teeth, feet, eyes and ears are now impaired; The whole of the body groans: Alas, all my companions have passed away. (Faridji, Shlokas) 16. This body is a mere garb of mendacity. (Guru I, Japji) 17. Woe to him who says: This is my permanent abode. (Kabirji, Gauri Rag) 18. Dear man! This universe is transient. (Guru V, Gauri Rag) 19. The king, the rich and the poor, No one will remain for ever in this world. (Guru I, Ramkali Rag) 20. The fool attaches himself to this dream-like world, His whole life is passed in pursuit of worldly things. (Guru V, Jaitsri Rag) 21. Neight has passed while sleeping, And day has been spent in eating. The jewel of life has been bartered awayfor a trite. (Guru I, Gauri Rag) 22. If a breath comes we are living; Absorbed in Maya we do not know the duration of our existence. (Guru I, Dhanasri Rag) 23. The mother thinks that her son is growing up in years, But she does not know: Everyday that passes lessens his term of life. (Kabirji, Sri Rag) 24. The day rises and vanishes into the night, And the night also passeth, The age thus wears off; But the man knoweth not That the mouse of Time is tearing at the string of life. Like a herdsman thou hast come to the pasture- land, In vain thou seekest to stay long, For, when thy time is over, thou hast to go; Collect then thy goods, O dear man, (Guru V, Sri Rag) 25. A man is born, he grows and then he dies, Yea, before our very eyes, the whole world is being dissolved; Are not you ashamed of saying: this house is mine, When nothing goeth along with thee; Howsoever learned a person be, None remaineth when his days are over.

(Guru I, Sri Rag) 26. Have no attachment for that, Which is but a passing show. (Guru I, Sri Rag) 27. Says Nanak: when thou hast to go the way of death, Why hast thou gathered these goods? (Guru I, Sri Rag) 28. Nanak, I have searched and found: This world is but a castle of smoke. (Guru I, Shlokas) 29. Like the night-guest, thou shalt depart in the marn, Why art thou then enamoured of thy household? This pleasure-garden will not stay for ever. (Guru V, Sri Rag) 30. The Juggler has demonstrated a trick, This world is a play; Every moment one sees the play Passing away without delay. (Guru I, Asa Rag) 31. Life is the bride and death the bridegroom, Who will take her away in marriage. (Faridji Shlokas) 32. As the dream of the night, So is this world. (Guru V, Bilawal Rag) 33. Says Faird: On the bank of a river sits a crane sporting, Thus playing, hawk has unaware fallen on the crane. (Faridji, Shlokas) 34. How long a tree can remain firm on a river-bank, Saya Farid: how long can water be kept in a mud-vessel? (Faridji, Shlokas) 35. O self-willed man, bereft of Lord's Nam, Be not enticed away by the safflower colour, Its colour will last but a few days, Little is its worth. Through attachment to duality, The foolish and blind persons rot to death, They are as worms in the filth, And perish over and over again. (Guru II, Sri Rag)

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