Transfer Pricing

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,098
  • Pages: 24


Group: 9

Contents 

Definition of Transfer Pricing

Why Problem?

Operational Difficulties  Determination of Arm’s Length Price (ALP)  Databases  Benchmarking

Legal Issues

Accounting Issues

Problems in Documentation 2

Contd…. 

Tax Assessments

Issues relating to Allied Laws

Treatment of TP in India

Pricing Methods

Way Forward 3

Transfer pricing

Transfer pricing is not an exact science


Definition of Transfer Pricing 

Transfer pricing is the price charged by one associate of a corporation to another associate of the same corporation.

When one subsidiary of a corporation in one country sells goods, services or know-how to another subsidiary in another country, the price charged for these goods or services is called the transfer price.

Transfer pricing provisions primarily require any income arising from an international transaction between two or more Associated Enterprises (‘AE’) to be at arm’s length price and comparable to similar transactions between unrelated enterprises. 5

Why Problem? 

Transfer pricing is a strategy frequently used by TNCs to book huge profits through illegal means.

Lowering prices in countries where tax rates are high and raising them in countries with a lower tax rate

Removal of restrictions on capital flows

Increased mergers and acquisitions


Operational Difficulties 

Determination of ALP 

Some intra-group transactions are so unique that they can-not be compared

TP reports of two AE’s would have conflicting conclusions

No recommended Profit Level Indicator (PLI) – wide fluctuations may result depending upon each PLI.

Corporate hesitant to disclose information

Major countries do not require rejection of other methods 7

Operational Difficulties 

Databases 

Time gap in search of Databases

Non availability of recognized databases

Lack of comparables


Operational Difficulties 

Benchmarking 

No recommended method for benchmarking    

 

Transaction by Transaction Aggregate of similar Transactions Based on Functions For each AE separately

Pricing of Intangibles – soft targets Difficulty in justifying adjustments for factors having a bearing on prices Insufficient information available for calculating gross margins 9

Operational Difficulties 

Benchmarking 

In case of rapidly fluctuating prices, which prices to compare with

Gift from one enterprise to another

Transfers at cost

Capital transaction

Cost Allocation & Cost Sharing Arrangements

Acceptable Band of (+ - 5%) 10

Legal Issues 

Rule 10D(2) – No documents required for transactions below 1 Crore, but still to justify Arm’s Length basis

Determination of AE’s – unusual/ irrelevant situations

Whether AO can open previous years’ assessments on the basis of TP report

Whether transactions which do not affect profitability are covered– e.g. reimbursements

Whether Liaison Offices are covered


Accounting Issues 

Segmental accounts were not mandatory in India till 2001

How to factor Internal Set-offs

Comparability in special circumstances – startup losses, market strategy, government controls, winding-up.


Problems in Documentation 

Duplication of Documents in case a Foreign Company (FC) earns Royalty, technical fee, interest on ECB etc – ie FC also required to file a ROI, TP report

How to document discussions over phone and in meetings


Tax assessments 

Not an exact science

Concept of TP is still in its infancy.

Flexibility to apply a method other than that prescribed or apply a combination of methods

Use of secret comparables

Confidentiality of information

Authenticity & reliability of databases


Role of Tax Officer   

Brief given to the TPO by the tax authorities Objective in mind Degree/depth of the review   

 

Overall understanding (general feel) Transactional analysis Actual documentation review

Assessment Procedure What level of information/document would be considered acceptable. 15

Issues relating to Allied Laws 

Whether Customs authorities can take recourse of valuation in TP report

FERA/FEMA issues on higher valuation in TP report


Treatment of TP in India 

Applicability  There must be an international transaction,  Such international transaction must be between two or more associated enterprises, either or both of whom are non-resident/s.

Pricing Method Allowed  CUP method,  Resale Price Method,  CPM,  Profit Split Method,  TNMM, or  Any other method prescribed by the CBDT 17

Pricing Methods 

CUP method The taxpayer or another member of the group sells the particular product, in similar quantities and under similar terms to arm's length parties in similar markets (an internal comparable)

Resale Price Method The resale price method begins with the resale price to arm's length parties (of a product purchased from an non-arm's length enterprise), reduced by a comparable gross margin 18

CPM (Cost plus method) The cost plus method begins with the costs incurred by a supplier of a product or service provided to an non-arm's length enterprise, and a comparable gross mark-up is then added to those costs

Profit Split Method The first step is to determine the total profit earned by the parties from a controlled transaction. The second step is to split the profit between the parties based on the relative value of their contributions 19

TNMM (Transactional net margin method) Compares the net profit margin of a taxpayer arising from a non-arm's length transaction with the net profit margins realized by arm's length parties from similar transactions


Documentation/ Return 

Enterprise-wise documents  

Transaction-specific documents   

Description of the enterprise, Relationship with other associated enterprises, Nature of business carried out. Information regarding each transaction, Description of the functions performed, Assets employed and risks assumed by each party to the transaction, Economic & Market Analysis etc.

Computation related documents   

Describe in details the method considered, Actual working assumptions, policies etc., Adjustment made to transfer price, Any other relevant information, data, documents relied for determination of arm's length price etc. 21

Penalty 

Penalty for concealment of income or furnishing inaccurate particulars thereof- 100% to 300% of the tax sought to be evaded.

Penalty for failure to keep and maintain information and documents in respect of International transaction- 2% of the value of each international transaction

Penalty for failure to furnish report under Section 92E- Rs. 100000/22

Way Forward 

Transfer pricing "band" rather than a transfer pricing "price"

“Safe harbor" rules

Procedures for obtaining Agreements (APA)”

Use of multiple year data

Objective and reasonable approach of the tax officer 23



Thank You……………


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