Transcript Online Meeting 20090424

  • April 2020
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TIMAC Online Meeting on April 24 2009 This is only from the main room, and not the breakout rooms, and only from 2 pm to 4 pm. The firs part got lost because we were in the breakout rooms.

Susan Mac: (4/24/2009 14:04) :-) Susan Mac: (14:04) Martha gets my vote for the funniest TIMACER Andria Keiser: (14:06) i second that Andria Keiser: (14:06) this analogy cracks me up too sally peckenham: (14:07) nice job! howard adams: (14:09) hello Rebecca Ring: (14:09) Hi all Susan Mac: (14:09) Martha for the funniest TIMACER Andria Keiser: (14:09) howdy Myrna Montenegro: (14:09) HI Hi Hongyan Zheng: (14:09) Hi Branka as Guest: (14:09) beam me up sally peckenham: (14:09) hi! Kathleen Edel : (14:09) Hello! Tina Sander: (14:09) Greetings howard adams: (14:09) energize Donna Edwards-Brown: (14:10) hi sylvia bullock: (14:10) hi Susan Mac: (14:10) someone is talking to themsleves on the phone howard adams: (14:11) whatever works Martha Rankin: (14:11) I have to excuse myself to sit on the "user interface" Susan Mac: (14:11) :-) Andria Keiser: (14:11) LOL Andria Keiser: (14:11) that is true Annie Cho: (14:11) hello Kathleen Edel : (14:12) martha is very funny! Kathleen Bywater: (14:12) i'm here howard adams: (14:12) Penny you up? Bethany Rich: (14:13) No. Are you? Penny Pearson: (14:13) I'm in the room, but not on the phone... supporting another workshop Susan Mac: (14:13) oh. I was hoping no one would read it Susan Mac: (14:13) sorry Kathleen Edel : (14:14) Hey Penny! Michael Barnes 2: (14:14) i just lost phone connection. i don't know how it happend, but I think I'm Michael Barnes2 Diana Batista: (14:15) Include Vicki Jones Michael Barnes 2: (14:16) Branka I'm back Diana Batista: (14:16) Hello Vicki is in my computer

Kathleen Edel : (14:16) whoops, sent that to bethany! Branka Marceta: (14:39) Hi Sybil Branka Marceta: (14:39) Are you on the phone, too? Branka Marceta: (14:39) Would you like me to put you in aroom with atnother group? Branka Marceta: (14:40) I didn't realize that you are behind that s. Branka Marceta: (14:40) I'll put you in room 2 Andria Keiser: (14:51) that whiteboard was fun! Branka Marceta: (14:51) Andria Keiser: (14:53) does anyone know when the mentee survey that our colleagues do have to be completed? Myrna Montenegro: (14:53) May 1 Penny Pearson: (14:53) should be done by the end of this month.. Myrna Montenegro: (14:54) Can anything from the group meeting be saved to look at later? Andria Keiser: (14:54) so same as our description due date then. Thank you Penny Pearson: (14:55) Yes we can go back and retrieve the chat transcripts Penny Pearson: (14:55) not sure about the white board info though Penny Pearson: (14:55) have to check on thatl Tina Sander: (14:55) it was a great presentation! Tina Sander: (14:55) It helped me make mine better at CATESOL! Myrna Montenegro: (14:56) thanks, then later let us know how to get transcripts Penny Pearson: (14:56) Branka will have to forward them/post them to the wiki Myrna Montenegro: (14:56) thanks Tina Sander: (14:59) The cakes were jummy too! Martha Rankin: (14:59) Note to self...come hungry. peter hubbard: (15:01) Clonopin is very nice for this. Branka as Guest: (15:01) haha! Andria Keiser: (15:01) are you going to share peter? howard adams: (15:02) tightem muscles like this Penny Pearson: (15:03) lol cute Howard... Martha Rankin: (15:03) You stud Donna Edwards-Brown: (15:03) Have I missed some VERY interesting conversation? Martha Rankin: (15:04) Ha ha Martha Rankin: (15:04) Howard has been caught red-handed. Andria Keiser: (15:04) yes it has Tina Sander: (15:05) Great information! s: (15:05) Yes, I think I will bring a hook Kathleen Edel : (15:05) Yes it has. Kathleen Bywater: (15:05) good reminders and helpful to know that everyone gets nervous.

sylvia bullock: (15:05) yes Andria Keiser: (15:05) but, our audience is us,right? Kathleen Edel : (15:05) check out howard's link on tightening your muscles... Branka as Guest: (15:05) right Andria Keiser: (15:05) ok ty Martha Rankin: (15:05) Does anyone now a good bakery in Sacramento? Martha Rankin: (15:05) know peter hubbard: (15:06) Everyone forget that Pogo said "We have met the enemy, and he is us." howard adams: (15:06) Myrna Montenegro: (15:06) this PPTs are VERY helpful Donna Edwards-Brown: (15:06) Howard: :) howard adams: (15:06) m ore so than the fist i think s: (15:06) I is les s difficult to speak in front of strangers, howard adams: (15:07) what if i speak strangley? Penny Pearson: (15:08) I would also suggest that you always try to tie your conclusion back to your beginning (hook?) Penny Pearson: (15:08) makes for a nice tidy package. Branka as Guest: (15:08) your jaw? Kathleen Edel : (15:08) that's a good point penny Penny Pearson: (15:09) It brings your audience back to your initial introduction Penny Pearson: (15:10) THIS is sooo true -- you will be SHOT if you read your presentation! Kathleen Edel : (15:11) i think my mentor should be shot if I read my presentation. Penny Pearson: (15:11) I agree! Kathleen Edel : (15:11) she should have taught me better! :-) Kathleen Edel : (15:12) so, moving jaw and open arms and movement? do i have that right? Penny Pearson: (15:12) I think that will do. Kathleen Edel : (15:12) thanks Penny Pearson: (15:13) LOL Kathleen Edel : (15:13) back at you Kathleen Edel : (15:13) that was for penny howard adams: (15:15) howard adams: (15:16) No thank you :-) Martha Rankin: (15:16) Note to others: If you forget everything else, don't forget to bring the CAKE! Tina Sander: (15:18) or chocolate! Tina Sander: (15:18) (But no Diana - no wine!) Diana Batista: (15:19) wine for later though, right? Tina Sander: (15:19) absolutely!

howard adams: (15:19) how about manipulatives like gallager? or Carrottop? Myrna Montenegro: (15:19) and a HAPPY / SAD FACE will time you Penny Pearson: (15:19) LOL howard adams: (15:20) it is a gremlin don't feed it Teresita Marchisello: (15:22) I am. Tina Sander: (15:22) I'll help you! Andria Keiser: (15:23) this will be my second, but i have diana helping me, right?? Kathleen Edel : (15:23) Do links within the powerpoint connect pretty quickly? Diana Batista: (15:23) Yes I am Andria Keiser: (15:23) thanks Diana Martha Rankin: (15:25) Cool! howard adams: (15:26) Good Bye everyone. This was my first on-line meeting and I learned a ton. See you all soon Martha Rankin: (15:26) Bye, Howard! Penny Pearson: (15:28) Branka Marceta: (15:29) Martha Rankin: (15:30) Restricted access...bummer peter hubbard: (15:30) Hi, want to share a tip about SmartBoard use. First, be sure and download the latest version. Second, see if you can attend an Oliver Workships Lab. Martha Rankin: (15:30) Diana Batista: (15:31) Kristi Reyes shared a fun site Penny Pearson: (15:33) Martha Rankin: (15:33) Blocked, too sylvia bullock: (15:33) me too Penny Pearson: (15:33) ohh too bad Martha! Martha Rankin: (15:34) BOO, NMUSD IT Branka as Guest: (15:34) Martha, we need to make that cake for your IT department! Kathleen Edel : (15:34) I used something similar to this on bluemountain cards. i've sent it to students...a talking chipmunk. Andria Keiser: (15:35) I wanted to thank Branka for a very informative presentation. Thanks to everyone else for their input. I will see you all in 2 weeks. Bye! Tina Sander: (15:36) my students loved that! Martha Rankin: (15:36) Are those the talking chipmunks? Michael Barnes 2: (15:36) Does anyone have any suggestions for getting music from the internet other than limewire? Penny Pearson: (15:36) Ouch -- is someone's battery going dead? Diana Batista: (15:37) Martha are you driving now? Penny Pearson: (15:37)

Martha Rankin: (15:37) I did nuttin' Penny Pearson: (15:37) very good site -- creative commons licensed Branka Marceta: (15:37) It sounds like we may need to end the phone call Penny Pearson: (15:37) Kathy is that your phone? Susan Mac: (15:37) getting a headache Michael Barnes 2: (15:37) we have been using limewire to get music, but we run into viruses. Branka Marceta: (15:37) Are you getting the static? Kathleen Bywater: (15:37) Thank you, Branka. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Have a great weekend. Branka as Guest: (15:37) Visit to join a twitter twibe (tribe) for adult education Martha Rankin: (15:37) Thanks for the podsafe audio link. Kathleen Edel : (15:38) so what was that? Penny Pearson: (15:38) someone's cell phone went wacky I think Penny Pearson: (15:38) maybe? Martha Rankin: (15:38) I'll twy that. peter hubbard: (15:39) Hafta run, see you all! sylvia bullock: (15:40) gotta go see you all shortly Susan Mac: (15:42) Donna's daughter works for Pandora Tina Sander: (15:43) Thank you everyone! Martha Rankin: (15:43) Thank you, Branka. Great job!! Donna Edwards-Brown: (15:43) Thanks. This was a new experience. Tina Sander: (15:43) Great Job Branka! Myrna Montenegro: (15:44) Thank you SO much Branka and everyone, VERY helpful!!! s: (15:44) I enjoyed talking to you all Michael Barnes 2: (15:45) Great idea...great information...Thank You...My colleagues always want to talk to me about what I've learned after talking to you guys! Annie Cho: (15:45) thanks! Kathleen Edel : (15:46) Thanks to everyone! Myrna Montenegro: (15:46) Yes, I will email okay? Kathleen Bywater: (15:46) Thanks, Diana. & Thanks again for coming to my session at CATESOL - very cool of you! Branka Marceta: (15:46) Tina Sander: (15:48) Bye Everyone! Diana Batista: (15:48) Can't wait to see all of you! Diana Batista: (15:48) Susan & Branka great job at CATESOL Rebecca Ring: (15:48) Bye All Tina Sander: (15:48) Bring bathing suits and wine! Tina Sander: (15:48) (for the hut tub not the presentations!) Diana Batista: (15:49) TINA! Penny Pearson: (15:49) Tina you off the phone? Tina Sander: (15:49) am getting off now

Kathleen Edel : (15:49) Bye everybody! Penny Pearson: (15:49) branka waws asking for you :) Martha Rankin: (15:49) Adios, friends. Rebecca Ring: (15:49) But they would really hook!!! Penny Pearson: (15:50) But there are free online services available Diana Batista: (15:51) BYE! Diana and Vicki

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