Transcript 3

  • June 2020
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Noverint quilibet fideles Christi tam posteri quam moderni quod …alguz de foro coniuge suo Ricardo preordinante dum viveret infirmis de interiore hospitali reditum dedit ad victum sacerdotis qui serviet in ecclesia beate marie ante prefatum hospitalem et ibi manens infirmis eiusdem domus spiritualia ministrabit. Causa igitur tanti beneficii concessum est domine prenominate a canonicis beati petri in quorum parochia prescripta sita est ecclesia ut ipsa et pueri eis post eam quam diu vivent presbyterum imponant (ita) tantum quod annuatim canonicis eum presentabunt. Qui si qua de causa presbyterum refutare voluerint iudicium capituli beati amati super hoc pars utraque subibit. Defunctis autem domina et pueris eius donum illud cedet capitulo beati petri ita etiam quodsi infirmi per sacerdote refutando aliquod obiecerint iudicio similiter capituli beati amati terminabitur. Et quicumque presbyterum imponant sive domina et pueri eius sive canonici domus infirmorum que de ipsa elemosina investita est presbytero reditum ministrabit. Sacerdoti autem non licebit de hereditate alicuius aliquid accipere nec de hereditate ipsius domine quod ipsa tamen dederit in vita sua. Poterit vero a quolibet accipere casulam albam manutergia et huiusmodi que ad ornatum presbyteri et altaris ut temple pertinent. Si opus fuerit processiones licebit ibi celebrari praeter in purification beate marie et in die pasche et in commemoracione omnium fidelium defunctum. Et si forte ea de ecclesia ut actum sanguinis effusione violatum fuerit canonici reconciliari facient. Item sacerdos qui ibi serviet missas et vesperas in ecclesia beati petri per totum annum pro posse suo frequentabit salvo tamen infirmorum servitio. Matutinis vero non cogetur interesse nisi a pascha usque ad augustum cum tamen de die sonabunt. Decretum est ad ultimum inter ipsam ecclesiam beati petri et domum sepe dictam infirmorum quod altera alterius nullo modo molietur incommodum. Datum anno ab incarnation domini 1175, 5 kl Junii Let the believers of Christ know, those who were as well as those who will yet come, that … alguz of foro as ordered by her husband Richard while he still lived gave to the poor/sick income from the inner guesthouse/almhouse to furnish a priest, who would serve in the church of the St. Mary (located) in front of the aforesaid guesthouse/almhouse and here staying would provide the spiritual services to the poor/sick of that house. The reason for such a well-doing is a permission (given) to the abovementioned lady from the clergymen of the St. Peter in the diocese of which the church mentioned above is located that she and her children afterwards as long as they will live shall select the priest under the condition that every year they will introduce/present him to the clergymen. And if for any reason they would like to refute the priest, both parts will pass the decision on this matter to the chapter of St. Amata. Once the lady and her children are dead, this gift (e.g. income) will cede to the chapter of St. Peter and likewise if the poor/sick rose any objection and refused the priest, he will be, on the decision of the chapter of St, Amata, relayed from his office. And whoever chose the priest, whether the lady and her children or the clergymen, the

house of the poor/sick, which was founded from this charity money, will provide the income/funding to the priest. It is not allowed that the priest should gain anything from the inheritance of anyone, not even from the inheritance of this lady, what she would give during her life. But the priest may accept from whoever the cassock alb (casual alba, a type of liturgical dress), manuterge (manutergia, another liturgical clothing) and things of this sort, which belong to the priestly dress or dressing of the altar or the church. If there is need, he may celebrate the processional services except for the (holidays of) Purification of the Virgin Mary, the Easter and All Deceased. And if by chance from this church anything? was polluted by the spilling of blood, the clergymen will provide the reconciliation. Also, the priest who served there will attend the masses and vespers in the church of the St. Peter in the course of the whole year as a penalty except on the occasions when he provides for the poor/sick. He cannot be made to attend the matins apart from the time from the Easter to August when they will be daily announced (by the bell? sonabunt = literally sounded). Last, it was decreed between the mentioned church of St. Peter and the house afore said of the sick/poor that other matters will by no other means cause inconveniences. This was edicted on the 5th of June 1175 from the Incarnation of Lord.

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