Tqm Final

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Total Quality Management

Dr Vikas Madhukar Professor Amity Business School,

Fundamental Concern of Management Worldwide   

Quality Cost, and Productivity

Meaning of Quality 

Webster’s Dictionary 

American Society for Quality 

degree of excellence of a thing totality of features and characteristics that satisfy needs

Consumer’s and Producer’s Perspective

What is Quality? •Quality is “fitness for use”

(Joseph M Juran)

•Quality is “conformance to requirements” (Philip B. Crosby) •Quality of a product or services is its ability to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customer •‘WOW’ your customers •Producing with ‘Zero Defect’ •The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied need of customers. (ISO 8402: Quality Vocabulary)

Defining Quality – 5 Ways

Conformance to specifications 

Fitness for use 

Evaluation of usefulness vs. price paid

Support services 

Evaluates performance for intended use

Value for price paid 

Does product/service meet targets and tolerances defined by designers?

Quality of support after sale

Psychological 

e.g. Ambiance, prestige, friendly staff

Evolution of Quality Management Inspection

Salvage, sorting, grading, blending, corrective actions, identify sources of non-conformance

Quality Control

Develop quality manual, process performance data, self-inspection, product testing, basic quality planning, use of basic statistics, paperwork control.

Quality Assurance

Quality systems development, advanced quality planning, comprehensive quality manuals, use of quality costs, involvement of non-production operations, failure mode and effects analysis, SPC.


Policy deployment, involve supplier & customers, involve all operations, process management, performance measurement, teamwork, employee involvement.

Evolution of TQM – New Focus

Dimensions of Quality: Manufactured Fitness for use Products how well product or 

service does what it is supposed to

Quality of design

designing quality characteristics into a product or service A Mercedes and a Ford are equally “fit for use,” but with different design dimensions 

Dimensions of Quality: Manufactured Performance Products 

Features 

basic operating characteristics of a product; how well a car is handled or its gas mileage “extra” items added to basic features, such as a stereo CD or a leather interior in a car

Reliability 

probability that a product will operate properly within an expected time frame; that is, a TV will work without repair for about seven years

Dimensions of Quality: Manufactured Products (cont.) Conformance

 

degree to which a product meets pre– established standards


 

how long product lasts before replacement


 

ease of getting repairs, speed of repairs, courtesy and competence of repair person

Dimensions of Quality: Manufactured Products (cont.)  Aesthetics 

Safety 

how a product looks, feels, sounds, smells, or tastes

assurance that customer will not suffer injury or harm from a product; an especially important consideration for automobiles

Perceptions 

subjective perceptions based on brand name, advertising, and the like

Dimensions of Quality: Service

Time and Timeliness 

How long must a customer wait for service, and is it completed on time? Is an overnight package delivered overnight?

Completeness: 

Is everything customer asked for provided? Is a mail order from a catalogue company complete when delivered?

Dimensions of Quality: Service (cont.) Courtesy: Courtesy:  

How are customers treated by employees? Are catalogue phone operators nice and are their voices pleasant?

Consistency  

Is the same level of service provided to each customer each time? Is your newspaper delivered on time every morning?

Dimensions of Quality: Service (cont.) 

Accessibility and convenience  

Accuracy  

How easy is it to obtain service? Does a service representative answer you calls quickly? Is the service performed right every time? Is your bank or credit card statement correct every month?

Responsiveness  

How well does the company react to unusual situations? How well is a telephone operator able to respond to a customer’s questions?

Meaning of Quality: Producer’s Perspective 

Quality of Conformance 

Making sure a product or service is produced according to design 

if new tires do not conform to specifications, they wobble if a hotel room is not clean when a guest checks in, the hotel is not functioning according to specifications of its design

Meaning of Quality: A Final Perspective 

  

Consumer’s and producer’s perspectives depend on each other Consumer’s perspective Producer’s perspective Consumer’s view must dominate

What is


TQM  

Total - Made up of the whole Quality - degree of excellence a product or service provides Management - Act, art or manner of planning, controlling, directing,….

Therefore, TQM is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence.

How Work Gets Done in an Organization? 


Delivered by suppliers


Outputs Goods and Services valued by customers

Steps to transform inputs

Quality of outputs depends on the correct execution of FIRST two steps. A mistake anywhere in the process affects everyone in one way to another.

Concept of Internal Customers Improveme nts

External Supplier s


Interna l Suppli ers

Improveme nts

Interna l Suppli ers


Extern al Custo mer

What does TQM mean? Total Quality Management means that the organization's culture is defined by and supports the constant attainment of customer satisfaction through an integrated system of tools, techniques, and training. This involves the continuous improvement of organizational processes, resulting in high quality products and services.

Total Quality Management “TQM is a management philosophy embracing all activities through which the needs and expectations of the customer and the community and the objectives of the organisation are satisfied in the most efficient and effective way by maximising the potential of the employees in a continuous drive for improvement”

Total Quality Management TQM is integrated organisational approach in delighting customers (both internal and external) by meeting their expectations on a continuous basis through everyone involved in the organisation, working on continuous improvement in all products, services, and processes along with proper problem solving methodology.

Another way to put it At it’s simplest, TQM is all managers leading and facilitating all contributors in everyone’s two main ✔objectives: (1) total client satisfaction

through quality products and services; and ✔(2) continuous improvements to processes, systems, people, suppliers, partners, products, and services.

Total Quality Management and Continuous  TQM is the management process Improvement 

used to make continuous improvements to all functions. TQM represents an ongoing, continuous commitment to improvement. The foundation of total quality is a management philosophy that supports meeting customer requirements through continuous

Continuous Improvement versus Traditional Approach Continuous Improvement Traditional Approach       

Market-share focus Individuals Focus on ‘who” and “why” Short-term focus Status quo focus Product focus Fire fighting

      

Customer focus Cross-functional teams Focus on “what” and “how” Long-term focus Continuous improvement Process improvement focus Problem solving

Quality Throughout 

“A Customer’s impression of quality begins with the initial contact with the company and continues through the life of the product.” 

Customers look to the total package - sales, service during the sale, packaging, deliver, and service after the sale. Quality extends to how the receptionist answers the phone, how managers treat subordinates, how courteous sales and repair people are, and how the product is serviced after the sale.

“All departments of the company must strive to improve the quality of their

The TQM System Continuous Improvement


Principles Customer Focus

Process Total Improvement Involvement

Top Management Commitments Customer Focus Elements Employees Involvement and Empowerment Process Focus and improvement Continuous improvement Measurement of performance Education and Training Supportive structure Communications Reward and recognition

Manufacturing Quality vs. Service Quality 

Manufacturing quality focuses on tangible product features 

Conformance, performance, reliability, features

Service organizations produce intangible products that must be experienced 

Quality often defined by perceptional factors like courtesy, friendliness, promptness, waiting time, consistency

TQM Philosophy – What’s Different? 

Focus on Customer  

Continuous Improvement 

Continuous learning and problem solving, e.g. Kaizen, 6 sigma

Quality at the Source 

Identify and meet customer needs Stay tuned to changing needs, e.g. fashion styles

Inspection vs. prevention & problem solving

Employee Empowerment 

Empower all employees; external and internal

TQM Philosophy– What’s Different? (continued) 

Understanding Quality Tools 

Team Approach  

Teams formed around processes – 8 to 10 people Meet weekly to analyze and solve problems

Benchmarking 

Ongoing training on analysis, assessment, and correction, & implementation tools

Studying practices at “best in class” companies

Managing Supplier Quality 

Certifying suppliers vs. receiving inspection

What is TQM? Constant drive for continuous improvement and learning.

Result Focus

Actions not just words (implementation)

Management by Fact

Passion to deliver customer value / excellence

Process Management

Concern for employee involvement and development

Organisation response ability Partnership perspective (internal / external)


Management Led Company Wide Everyone is responsible for Quality


Prevention not Detection


Right First Time


Cost of Quality


On going Improvement

LEARNING AND TQM Learning Process Improvement Quality Improvement Customer Satisfaction

Shareholder Satisfaction

Employee Satisfaction

Cost of Quality 

Cost of Achieving Good Quality 

Prevention costs 

Appraisal costs 

costs incurred during product design costs of measuring, testing, and analyzing

Cost of Poor Quality 

Internal failure costs 

include scrap, rework, process failure, downtime, and price reductions

External failure costs 

include complaints, returns, warranty claims, liability, and lost sales

Prevention Costs 

Quality planning costs 

costs of developing and implementing quality management program

Training costs 

Product-design costs 

costs of designing products with quality characteristics

Process costs 

costs expended to make sure productive process conforms to quality specifications

costs of developing and putting on quality training programs for employees and management

Information costs 

costs of acquiring and maintaining data related to quality, and development of reports on quality performance

Appraisal Costs 

Inspection and testing 

Test equipment costs 

costs of testing and inspecting materials, parts, and product at various stages and at the end of a process costs of maintaining equipment used in testing quality characteristics of products

Operator costs 

costs of time spent by operators to gather data for testing product quality, to make equipment adjustments to maintain quality, and to stop work to assess quality

Internal Failure Costs 

Scrap costs 

costs of poor-quality products that must be discarded, including labor, material, and indirect costs

Rework costs 

costs of fixing defective products to conform to quality specifications

Process failure costs 

costs of determining why production process is producing poor-quality products

Process downtime costs 

costs of shutting down productive process to fix problem

Price-downgrading costs 

costs of discounting poor-quality products— that is, selling products as “seconds”

External Failure Costs 

Customer complaint costs 

costs of investigating and satisfactorily responding to a customer complaint resulting from a poor-quality product

Product return costs 

costs of handling and replacing poor-quality products returned by customer

Warranty claims costs 

costs of complying with product warranties

Product liability costs 

litigation costs resulting from product liability and customer injury

Lost sales costs 

costs incurred because customers are dissatisfied with poor quality products and do not make additional purchases

Quality Gurus 

     

W Edwards Deming Joseph Juran Philip Crosby Shigeo Shingo Kaoru Ishikawa Yoshio Kondo Taiichi Ohno

W Edwards Deming (1900

     

 

1993) the key to quality: reducing variation Electrical Engineering, University of Wyoming, 1921 PhD, Yale University Western Electric Hawthorne, Chicago US census statistician, 1939/40 Teaching Shewhart methods, 1942 invited to Japan after the war .... Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position, 1982 Out of the Crisis, 1986/88 British Deming Association, Salisbury

W Edwards Deming 

regarded by the Japanese as the chief architect of their industrial success “all processes are vulnerable to loss of quality through variation: if levels of variation are managed, they can be decreased and quality raised” quality is about people, not products

W Edwards Deming 

Core element is the “management circle” planning  do/implementation  check/study  action  PDCA (or PDSA) cycle 

Continuous improvement (Kaizen) 

teamwork and competence in problem solving

The Deming Cycle or PDCA Cycle PLAN


Plan a change to the process. Predict the effect this change will have and plan how the effects will be measured

Adopt the change as a permanent modification to the process, or abandon it.


Implement the change on a small scale and measure the effects

STUDY Study the results to learn what effect the change had, if any.

W Edwards Deming 

Out of the Crisis (1984) having a satisfied customer is not enough  profit in business comes from 

repeat customers  customers that boast about your product and service  customers that bring friends with them 

necessary to anticipate customer needs

W. Edwards Deming’s 14 Points

1) Create constancy of purpose towards improvement of product and services.

2) Adopt the new philosophy. We can no longer live with commonly accepted levels of delays, mistakes, defective workmanship.

3) Cease dependence on mass inspection. Require, instead, statistical evidence that quality is built in.

4) End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag.

W. Edwards Deming’s 14 Points 5) Find problems. It is management’s job to work continually on the system.

6) Institute modern methods of training on the job. 7) Institute modern methods of supervision of production workers. The responsibility of foremen must be changed from numbers to quality.

8) Drive out fear that everyone may work effectively for the company.

W. Edwards Deming’s 14 Points 9) Break down barriers between departments. 10) Eliminate numerical goals, posters and slogans for the workforce asking for new levels of productivity without providing methods.

11) Eliminate work standards that prescribe numerical quotas.

12) Remove barriers that stand between the hourly worker and his right to pride of workmanship.

W. Edwards Deming’s 14 Points 13) Institute a vigorous programme of education and retraining.

14) Create a structure in top management that will push everyday on the above 13 points.

Deming’s Chain Reaction Improve Quality Cost decreases because Provide jobs and of less rework, fewer more jobs Stay in business

mistakes, fewer delays, snags, better use of machine time and materials

Productivity improves Capture the market with better quality and lower price

Joseph Juran (b.1904) company wide quality cannot be delegated

   

Western Electric manufacturing, 1920s AT&T manufacturing Quality Control Handbook, 1951 Management of Quality courses Juran on Planning for Quality, 1988

Joseph Juran 

structure CWQM concept: Company-Wide Quality Management essential for senior managers to involve themselves  define the goals  assign responsibilities  measure progress 

Joseph Juran  

empowerment of the workforce quality linked to human relations and teamwork key elements identifying customers and their needs  creating measurements of quality  planning processes to meet quality goals  continuous improvements 

Joseph JURAN  Quality just not just happen but has to be planned  Trilogy of Quality: Quality Planning  Quality Control  Quality Improvement 

Joseph JURAN Quality PLANNING consists of:  Identifying customers and their needs  Establishing optimum quality goals  Creating measurements of quality  Plan to meet quality goals under operating conditions  Produce continuing results

Joseph JURAN 

Emphasises the importance of internal as well as external customers Concept of ‘fitness for use’ to be applied to the interim product for all internal customers Actions should consist of  

90% substance, 10% exhortation

(not the reverse)

Philip Crosby (19262001)

    

conformance to requirements Martin missiles QM at ITT, then corporate VP 1979: Quality is Free Philip Crosby Associates Inc. 1984: Quality without Tears “Do It Right First Time” “Zero Defects”

Philip CROSBY  Quality is defined as conformance to requirements  Traditional quality control represent failure  Manufacturing companies spend 20% revenues doing things wrong so… ‘Do it Right First Time’  ‘Zero Defects’ 

Philip CROSBY  Without reservation senior management is entirely responsible for quality  Goal should be to give all staff training and tools of quality improvement to apply the concepts of Prevention management  Quality improvement has to be ongoing

Philip CROSBY Characteristics of continuing success… 3. People do things right first time 4. Change is anticipated and used to advantage 5. Growth s consistent and profitable 6. New products and services appear when needed 7. Everyone is happy to work there

Philip CROSBY Four absolutes of Quality Management • • • •

Quality is conformance to requirements Create quality by prevention, not appraisal Performance standard should be ‘Zero Defects’ Measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance Hence ‘QUALITY IS FREE’

Four Absolutes of Quality Management (Crosby, 1979) Cost of Quality classified as: ① Prevention costs ① Appraisal costs ① Failure costs

Cost of Quality: prevention costs design reviews

   

          

product qualification drawing checking engineering quality orientation supplier evaluations supplier quality seminars specification review process capability studies tool control operation training quality orientation acceptance planning zero defects programme Quality Audits preventative maintenance

Cost of Quality: appraisal costs  

     

prototype inspection and test production specification conformance analysis supplier surveillance receiving inspection and test product acceptance process control acceptance packaging inspection status measurement and reporting

Cost of Quality: failure costs          

consumer affairs redesign engineering change order purchasing change order corrective action costs rework scrap warranty service after service product liability

Shigeo Shingo (b.19091990)

Poka-Yoke: mistake-proofing 

 

 

1930: ME degree from Yamanashi Tech Taipei Railway Factory, Taiwan consultant with Japan Management Assn 1955: training at Toyota Motor Company 1959: Institute of Management Improvement 1961-64: concept of Poka-Yoke

Shigeo Shingo 

Poka-Yoke: mistake-proofing identify errors before they become defects  stop the process whenever a defect occurs, define the source and prevent recurrence 

1967: source inspection + improved PY 

prevented the worker from making errors

Kaoru Ishikawa (19151989)

Pareto and cause-and-effect  1939: engg. graduate of Tokyo Univ diagrams  

1947: Assistant Professor 1955-60: Company-wide QC movement 1960: Professor

Kaoru Ishikawa “quality does not only mean the quality of the product, but also of after sales service, quality of management, the company itself and human life”

Kaoru Ishikawa (points 1-7 of 15)

product quality is improved and becomes uniform. Defects are reduced  reliability of goods is improved  cost is reduced  quantity of production is increased, rational production schedules are possible  wasteful work and rework are reduced  technique is established and 

Kaoru Ishikawa (points 815 of 15)

rational contracts between vendor/vendee  sales market is enlarged  better relationships between departments  false data and reports are reduced  freer, more democratic discussions  smoother operation of meetings  more rational repairs and installation 

Yoshio Kondo (b.1924) 

 

motivation of employees is important

1945: graduated from Kyoto University 1961: doctorate in engineering & Prof 1987 Emeritus Professor 1989: Human Motivation

- a key factor for management 

1993: Companywide Quality Control 

leadership is central to implementation of TQM

Yoshio Kondo 

Human work should include: 

creativity 

physical activity 

the joy of thinking the joy of working with sweat on the forehead

sociality 

the joy of sharing pleasure and pain with colleagues

Yoshio Kondo 

Four points of action to support motivation when giving work instruction, clarify the true aims of the work  see that people have a strong sense of responsibility towards their work  give time for the creation of ideas  nurture ideas and bring them to fruition 

Yoshio Kondo 

Leaders must have a dream (vision and shared goals)  strength of will and tenacity of purpose  ability to win the support of followers  ability to do more than their followers, without interfering when they can do it alone  successes  ability to give the right advice 

Taiichi Ohno (1912-1990) 

 

regarded as the father of Just-In-Time (JIT) at Toyota. graduated with mech eng degree from Nogoya worked for the Toyoda Weaving Company 1939: transferred to Toyota Motor Company as a machine shop manager 1988: Workplace Management ~ justin-time and Toyota Production System (later known as Lean Manufacturing).

Ohno: seven forms of waste       

overproduction waiting transportation motion inventory defects overprocessing

Review of Main Ideas of the Quality Guru 

W. E. Deming - introduced concepts of variation to the Japanese and also a systematic approach to problem solving, which later became know as the Deming, PDCA or PDSA cycle. Also given 14 points and has summarized his 70 years experience in his System of Profound Knowledge. Juran – Quality does not happen by accident, it must be planned, and quality planning is part of the trilogy of planning, control and improvement. There is no

Review of Main Ideas of the Quality Guru 

Philip Crosby – ‘DO it right first time’ and ‘Zero defects’. He based his quality improvement approach on four absolutes of quality management, the cost of quality and quality improvement process. Kaoru Ishikawa’s – 1) 7 tools of Quality Control, 2) Company Wide Quality Control (CWQC), 3) Quality Circle Movement. Shiegeo Shingo – Poka-Yoke system to ensure ‘zero-defects’ in production by preventive measures.

Review of Main Ideas of the Quality Guru 

Yoshio Kondo – identifies that quality is more compatible with human nature than cost and productivity. He developed a four point approach to motivation which makes it possible for work to be reborn as a creative activity. Taiichi Ohno – JIT (Just-in-time), Lean Manufacturing, Seven form of WASTE (MUDA)

Seven Problem Solving Tools       

Pareto Analysis Flowcharts Checklists Histograms Scatter Diagrams Control Charts Cause-and-Effect Diagrams



A Pareto Chart is a  vertical bar chart in which the bars are   arranged in the descending order of their height starting from the left and prioritize the problems or issues.

to prioritize problems to analyze a process to identify root causes to verify that whatever improvement process you implement continues to work

Pareto Analysis



Poor design Wrong part dimensions Defective parts Incorrect machine calibration Operator errors Defective material Surface abrasions


80 16 12 7 4 3 3

64 % 13 10 6 3 2 2


100 %

Po or De si gn di m en De si fe on ct s iv e M pa ac rts hi ne ca O pe l ibr at ra io to ns r e r De ro rs fe ct iv e Su m at rfa er ce ia ls ab ra si on s W ro ng

Percent from each cause 70 (64)




Pareto Chart




(13) (10) (6) (3) (2)


Causes of poor quality (2)

Flow Charts Flow charts are nothing but graphical representation of steps involved in a process. Flow charts give in detail the sequence involved in the material, machine and operation that are involved in the completion of the process. Thus, they are the excellent means of documenting the steps that are carried out in a process.

Start/ Finish








Start/ Finish

Check Sheet Check sheets are nothing but forms that can be used to systematically collect data. Check sheet give the user a place to start and provides the steps to be followed in Collecting the data

COMPONENTS REPLACED BY LAB TIME PERIOD:  22 Feb  to  27 Feb 2002 REPAIR TECHNICIAN:    Bob TV SET MODEL 1013 Integrated Circuits Capacitors Resistors Transformers Commands CRT

|||| ||||  ||||  ||||  ||||  ||||  || || |||| |


to gather data to test a theory to evaluate alternate solutions to verify that whatever improvement process you implement continues to work


  

team agrees on what to observe decide who collects data decide time period for collecting data design Check Sheet collect data compile data in the Check Sheet review Check Sheet

Histogram Histograms help in understanding the variation in the process. It also helps in estimating the process capability.

20 15 10 5 0 1 2

6 13 10 16 19 17 12 16 2017 13 5 6 2 1

Scatter Diagram It is a graph of points plotted; this graph is helpful in comparing two variables. The distribution of the points helps in identifying the cause and effect relationship Between two variables.



Control Chart A control chart is nothing but a run chart with limits. This is helpful in finding the amount and nature of variation in a process.

Number of defects

24 UCL = 23.35


c = 12.67

18 15 12 9 6

LCL = 1.99

3 2






Sample number



Cause and Effect Diagram 

Developed by Dr Kaoru Ishikawa in 1943. It is also known by the name of 1) Ishikawa diagram, 2)Fishbone diagram.

This diagram is helpful in representing the relationship between an effect and the potential or possible causes that influences it.

This is very much helpful when one want to find out the solution to a particular problem that could have a number of causes for it and when we are interested in finding out the root cause for it.

Cause-and-Effect Diagram Measurement Faulty testing equipment

Inadequate training


Old / worn

Quality Problem Defective from vendor Not to specifications

Dust and Dirt

Tooling problems

Lack of concentration

Improper methods

Machines Out of adjustment

Poor supervision

Incorrect specifications

Inaccurate temperature control


Materialhandling problems


Poor process design Ineffective quality management Deficiencies in product design


Quality Circles Organization 8-10 members Same area Supervisor/moderator


Presentation Implementation Monitoring

Group processes Data collection Problem analysis


Problem Identification

Problem results

Problem Analysis Cause and effect Data collection and analysis

List alternatives Consensus Brainstorming

Six Sigma 

 

A process for developing and delivering near perfect products and services Measure of how much a process deviates from perfection 3.4 defects per million opportunities Champion 

an executive responsible for project success

Black Belts and Green Belts 

Black Belt 

Master Black Belt 

project leader

a teacher and mentor for Black Belts

Green Belts 

project team members



67,000 DPMO cost = 25% of sales




3.4 DPMO

Pokayoke (Error Proofing) 

To design an operation in such a way that specific errors are prevented from causing major problems to the customer. It is used when defects occur and require 100 per cent inspection, immediate feedback and action at the 1) source of raw material 2) start of the production process 3) production point where an error may occur.

Kaizen 

A Japanese term meaning ‘change for the better’ the concept implies a CONTINUOS IMPROVEMENT in all company functions at all levels. It is more cultural attitude and a life style rather than techniques.

5 S Framework for Good Housekeeping     

Seiri - Reorganisation, get rid of the unnecessary and keep the necessary. Seiton - Arrangements, putting things in order. Seiso - Cleanliness, clean work condition of work and to get rid of trash and dirt. Seiketsu – Personal cleanliness, ‘there is healthy mind in healthy body’ Shitsuke - Discipline, follow procedure in the work place and workshop with utmost sense of discipline.

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) 

BPR is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, and speed.

Steps in BPR  

   

Process identification and mapping Choosing or selection of process to re-engineer Focus on critical processes Feasible processes Understanding the process Re-design the process.

Creating TQM Culture             

From Traditional Culture Hierarchical style Top down information flow Inward quality focus Functional focus Short-term planning Episodic improvements Top down initiatives Manage and delegate Direct Counsel Functional and narrow scope of jobs Enforcement Fire – fighting with few individuals/group

            

To TQM Culture Participative style Top down, lateral and upward information flow Customer defined quality focus Process focus A vision for the future Comprehensive/Continuous improvements All staff involved and engaged Lead and Coach Empower Ownership and participation Integrated functions Promoting mutual trust Team initiatives group focussing on continuous improvement

Steps for Creating TQM Culture

      

Management accountability and a deep sense of responsibility & commitment towards employees is the starting point. Total people involvement and empowerment Communication Training to employees Management thoughts and action towards delighting its customers Removing organisational boundaries and internal competition Using fact based decision making Use of Kaizen

Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement 

Benchmarking 

The practice of establishing internal standards of performance by looking to how world-class companies run their businesses

Continuous Improvement 

The company makes small incremental improvements toward excellence on a continual basis

ISO Standards 

ISO 9000 Standards: 

 

 

Certification developed by International Organization for Standardization Set of internationally recognized quality standards Companies are periodically audited & certified ISO 9000:2000 QMS – Fundamentals and Standards ISO 9001:2000 QMS – Requirements ISO 9004:2000 QMS - Guidelines for Performance

ISO 14000: 

Focuses on a company’s environmental

Quality is a Journey, not a Destination

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