Township Alliance For Youth

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The Loevy Consulting Group Chicago, Illinois Research Support Services Evanston, Illinois

CONTENTS  TAFY Mission  Research Methodology  Preliminary Findings  Response

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


MISSION To advocate for New Trier Township youth as they grow toward healthy and responsible adulthood by mobilizing resources across township’s agencies, schools, faith communities, governmental bodies, youth and families.

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


TAFY GOAL #1 To serve as baseline for measurement and assessment against which to measure progress over the coming years.

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


TAFY GOAL #2 To focus on preteens and teens in grades 6-12 in the township communities of Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Northfield and Glenview.

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


TAFY GOAL #3 To engage parents, faith communities, volunteers, social service agencies, schools, civic organizations, as well as youth themselves, in meaningful dialogue about the strengths, challenges, and needs of youth in New Trier Township.

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


TAFY GOAL #4 To address a wide-range of youth issues, such as emotional/ behavioral health, accessibility of recreational and support services, benefits and challenges of raising youth/being a youth in the North Shore, and opportunities for positive youth development. TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08



Links-North Shore Youth Health Service Stephani Becker Wilmette Youth Commission Erin Biernbaum TAFY Coordinator, New Trier Township High School 2003 Tim Dohrer New Trier Township High School Joe Feldman Former Chair, Wilmette Youth Commission Tom Golebiewski New Trier Township High School TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


TAFY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (2) Kate Mahoney Judy Meyer Diane Block/ Amy O’Leary Chris Rector Alec Ross Melissa Miller

PEER Services, Inc. Erika’s Lighthouse Haven Youth and Family Services Family Service of Glencoe Licensed Clinical Social Worker Student Advisor, New Trier High School 2008

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN DATA COLLECTION 1. Work from a positive point of view. 2. Use the issues and insights from the qualitative data collection to guide the quantitative data collection. 3. Develop questions based on validated surveys from respected organizations & foundations TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


DATA COLLECTION METHODS (1)  Seventeen Key Informant Interviews with community leaders in Spring 2007  Six Focus Groups with parents and service providers in Summer 2007 (26 parents and 19 providers)  Five Town Hall Meetings in Fall 2007 (40 people) TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


DATA COLLECTION METHODS (2)  Seven Focus Groups with students and teachers in Winter 2008 (36 students and 15 teachers & superintendents)  Web-based surveys with community members, 6th graders, 7th/8th graders, and High School students in Spring/Summer 2008 (528 respondents) TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


WEB SURVEY: CONTENT CONSIDERATIONS Qualitative data suggested ten content areas: 1.

Family Relations

1. Bullying



2. Emotional Well-being



3. Alcohol, Drugs



4. Sex


Relationships with 5. Community Engagement other Adults TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08



Reframe questions about sex for 6th versus 7th/8th grade

7th/8th Grade As with 6th Grade survey, questions about suicide use the term “harm yourself “ rather than suicide High School

More questions on alcohol, drugs, sex; tried not to repeat YRBS


Three tracks, for community members with (1) children between 6th-12th grade (2) children beyond 12th grade but younger than 40 (3) others

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


WEB SURVEY: DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS (1) 6th/7th/8th 4 Districts: Mailed letters to students inviting them to participate in web survey 1 district: Sent home letters to all students inviting them to participate in web survey 1 district: Drew sample from school directory & mailed letter inviting students to participate in web survey

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


WEB SURVEY: DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS (2) High School Drew 50% sample from school listing & mailed letter inviting students to participate in web survey Community

Drew 20% sample from purchased mailing list & mailed letter inviting community members to participate in web survey

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08




Response Rate




High School



Middle School



6th Grade






TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


1A. RELATIONSHIPS In my home, there is a parent or some other adult member Pretty Much/ Not at All/ A Very Much Little True True who expects me to follow the rules 6th 7th/8th HS Community - Current Child Community - Older Child who enforces the rules that have been set 6th 7th/8th HS Community - Current Child Community - Older Child TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

2% 4% 6% 0% 0%

98% 96% 94% 100% 100%

2% 8% 21% 2% 6%

98% 92% 79% 98% 94% 19

1B. RELATIONSHIPS In my home, there is a parent or some other adult member Pretty Much/ Not at All/ A Very Much Little True True who talks with me about my problems 6th 7th/8th HS Community - Current Child Community - Older Child who listens to me when I have something to say 6th 7th/8th HS Community - Current Child Community - Older Child TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

15% 22% 32% 0% 5%

85% 78% 68% 100% 95%

5% 14% 17% 0% 3%

95% 86% 84% 100% 97% 20

1C. RELATIONSHIPS Thinking about how much time you spend together as a family, Not enough would you say it's… time 6th 5% 7th/8th 8% 19% HS 47% Community - Current Child Community - Older Child

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

About the right Too much amount time 87% 8% 81% 12% 68% 13% 47% 7% NAP


2. FRIENDS I have a friend about my own age…

Not at All/ A Little True

Pretty Much/ Very Much True

3% 6% 8% 17% 7%

97% 94% 93% 83% 94%

21% 15% 19% 31% 13%

79% 85% 81% 69% 87%

6% 14% 10%

94% 86% 90%

who really cares about me 6th 7th/8th HS Community - Current Child Community - Older Child who talks with me about my problems 6th 7th/8th HS Community - Current Child Community - Older Child who will stand up for me. 6th 7th/8th HS TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


3A. BULLYING In the past year, have you been bullied or threatened either physically, verbally, or by some remote means like instant messaging, e-mail, or cell phone?

6th 7th/8th HS Community - Current Child Community - Older Child

A lot 6% 9% 6% Yes 21% 22%

More than a couple Once or of times twice 21% 18% 11% 38% 8% 34% No 79% 78%

Never 55% 42% 52%

When you were bullied, did any of your friends ever stand up for you?

6th 7th/8th HS

Yes 73% 74% 71%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

No 27% 26% 29% 23

3B. BULLYING When you witnessed someone being bullied, did you… stand up for that person 6th 84% 7th/8th 73% HS 64%

walk away not do anything 5% 11% 5% 19% 5% 29%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


4A. FEELINGS: STUDENTS If you needed help with a personal problem, to whom or where would you go first? Second? First Second Parent 6th 66% 28% 7th/8th 42% 39% HS 19% 35% Friend, including girlfriend or boyfriend 6th 34% 28% 7th/8th 51% 22% HS 57% 17% My brother/sister 6th 3% 31% 7th/8th 7% 26% HS 14% 15% TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


4B. FEELINGS: STUDENTS If you needed help with a personal problem, to whom or where would you go first? Second? First Second Other family member 6th 3% 13% 7th/8th 1% 7% HS 3% 13% Counselor, social worker, teacher or other trusted adult at school 6th 0% 7th/8th 3% HS 5% Other 6th 9% 7th/8th 6% HS 12% TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

6% 6% 18% 12% 29% 33% 26

4C. FEELINGS: COMMUNITY How would you rate your child's level of High/ Very Very Low/ stress? Would you say it's… High Moderate Low Community - Current Child 40% 36% 24% Community - Older Child 43% 52% 5% Very/ Are you concerned about your child's Somewhat Not at all level of stress? Concerned Concerned Concerned Community - Current Child 52% 19% 30% Community - Older Child 55% 21% 23%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


4D. FEELINGS: COMMUNITY How much does each of the following contribute to your child's level of stress?

Somewhat/ Not very much/ Very much Not at all

The amount of school work your child has.



Peer pressure or relationships with other children



Divorce or separation issues



Other difficulties with family members



Illness or death of friends or family





Activities like sports, music, arts, and the like



Pressure to compete and excel at school



Family financial pressures

* Asked only about child currently in Grades 6-12

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08



Are you concerned that your child might be depressed? Yes No Community - Current 14% 86% Community - Older Child 37% 63% TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


5B. DEPRESSION: TEENS Below is a list of some of the ways you may have felt or behaved. Please indicate how often you have felt this way DURING THE PAST WEEK by checking the appropriate space. (Responses are for 3 or more days during the last week.) You enjoyed life.

You were happy.


97% You felt lonely.












94% You felt sad.



7th/8th HS

16% 23%

7th/8th HS

86% 84%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


5C. DEPRESSION: TEENS During the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider harming yourself? (attempting suicide) Yes 6th 7th/8th HS

No 6% 19% 18%

94% 81% 82%

During the past 12 months, how many times did you actually attempt to harm yourself? (attempt suicide) 1 or more times 6th 6% 7th/8th 8% HS 3% TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

0 times 94% 92% 97% 31

5D. DEPRESSION: TEENS If you or a friend felt like you wanted to harm yourself, where could you go for help? (Mark all that apply.) A parent 6th 88% 7th/8th 77% HS 49% A friend your own age, including your boyfriend or girlfriend 6th 75% 7th/8th 81% HS 77%

Wouldn't go to anyone 6th 7th/8th HS

0% 6% 22%

Don't know where I could go 13% 6th 13% 7th/8th 14% HS

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


6A. ACTIVITIES Thinking about the amount of time you have outside of school to be with friends or play or just generally enjoy unscheduled time, would you say you have… More than About the Not quite Not nearly enough right amount enough enough time of time time time 6th 3% 50% 35% 12% 7th/8th 11% 41% 40% 8% HS 5% 30% 42% 23% Community - Current Child 21% 41% 29% 10% Community - Older Child 16% 68% 15% 2%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


6B. ACTIVITIES Students report spending at least 30 minutes per day or several times per week on… Homework or studying Read for pleasure Getting help with schoolwork

93% 48% 17%

Physical activity Sports Playing musical instruments Private classes or lessons

74% 61% 37% 20%

Hanging out with friends Spending time with my boyfriend/girlfriend

54% 9%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


6C. ACTIVITIES Students report spending at least 30 minutes per day or several times per week on… Surf or browse the web Talk on the phone or text message TV or play video games Social networking (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) On-line gaming

75% 70% 61% 48% 24%

Family or household responsibilities Working at a paid job Volunteer work Religious activities or instruction

61% 9% 6% 4%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


6D. ACTIVITIES If your community were to provide new activities for people your age/young people, what would you want? (Pick your top three choices from the list.) A place to hang out, with recreational activities like movies, bowling, arcade games 6th 85% 7th/8th 65% HS 59% Community - All 43% Organized sports 6th 52% 7th/8th 47% HS 29% Community - All 25% Volunteer opportunities to help others, animals, or the environment 6th 30% 7th/8th 36% HS 43% Community - All 57% TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


6E. ACTIVITIES (continued) If your community were to provide new activities for people your age/young people, what would you want? (Pick your top three choices from the list.) Job Readiness and Work Internships 6th 7th/8th HS Community - All

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

21% 26% 46% 31%


7A. SEX In the past 6 months, have you talked with your parents or other adults in your family about… Yes No Your questions about sex? 6th 26% 74% 7th/8th 28% 73% HS 19% 81% Community - Current Child 47% 53% Community - Older Child 70% 30% Birth control? 6th 7% 94% 7th/8th 35% 65% HS 32% 69% Community - Current Child 39% 61% Community - Older Child 60% 40% HIV/AIDS & other sexually transmitted infections (STI)? 6th 19% 81% 7th/8th 40% 60% HS 26% 74% Community - Current Child 50% 50% Community - Older Child 73% 27% TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


7B. SEX Where do you get your most useful information about sex? Parents/ Other Adult Family Members School Friends Other 6th 48% 23% 13% 17% 7th/8th 25% 34% 21% 20%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08



Have you ever felt pressure to participate in any kind of sexual activity when you didn't want to? Yes No 7th/8th 4% 96% HS 18% 82%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


8A. ALCOHOL & DRUGS In the past 6 months, have you talked with your parents or other adults in your family about… Yes No Alcohol use? 6th 52% 48% 7th/8th 66% 34% HS 52% 48% Community - Current Child 89% 11% Community - Older Child 92% 9% Drug use? 6th 55% 45% 7th/8th 62% 38% HS 50% 50% Community - Current Child 86% 14% Community - Older Child 92% 8%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


8B. ALCOHOL & DRUGS There are clear rules in your family about your alcohol and drug use. 6th 7th/8th HS

True 91% 91% 82%

Agree/ Strongly Agree Community - Current Child 81% Community - Older Child 86%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

Not True 9% 9% 18% Strongly Disagree/ Disagree 19% 15%


8C. ALCOHOL & DRUGS How difficult is it for students in your grade to get any of the following substances if they really want them? Fairly Easy Easy Alcohol 6th 0% 13% 7th/8th 45% 27% HS 33% 60% Marijuana 6th 0% 3% 7th/8th 21% 9% HS 45% 37% Cocaine and other illegal drugs 6th 7th/8th HS

0% 12% 31%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08

3% 5% 13%


8D. ALCOHOL & DRUGS During your life, how many times have you used or tried…. 4 or more Never Once 2 - 3 times times one full drink of alcohol, such as a can of beer, glass of wine, or shot of liquor (do not include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes)? 6th 100% 0% 0% 0% 7th/8th 83% 4% 8% 4% 29% HS 55% 7% 9% marijuana (pot, grass, weed)? 6th 100% 0% 0% 0% 7th/8th 97% 1% 0% 1% 5% HS 83% 3% 10% misused prescription drugs or over the counter drugs? 6th 100% 0% 0% 0% 7th/8th 96% 4% 0% 0% 6% HS 89% 5% 0%

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


9. DIFFICULTIES In this community, what do you think are the three hardest things for teens to deal with? 6TH GRADE Peer pressure Competition (academics, sports, drama, etc.) Parents’ expectations for success Drugs/Alcohol Being accepted for who they are Stress/Depression Getting along with students/making friends School's expectation of academic success Bullying/Violence Pressure to have sex Boredom Dating/Relationships Family financial issues Other problems

Second % 58%(39) 24.4% 34.1% 29%(43) 39.1% 26%(34) 48.8% 6%(42) 22.4% 19%(19) 39.7% 16%(27) 39%(12) 34.3% 32%(17) 51.5% 35.7% 10%(10) 9.1% 3% (1) 36.4% 13%(4) 32%(2) 22.2% 33.3% 0%(2) 16.7% 13%(1)

TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08







37% 46%

63% 50% 34% 34% 33%

29% 13% 10% 26%

37% 33% 30% 21% 3% 10% 29% 3% 9%

27% 24% 23%

49% 20% 30% 3% 6% 9% 19% 3% 6%

27% 14% 13% 11% 4% 4% 4% 2% 2% 45

10. SOCIAL CONNECTEDNESS/ COMMUNITY EFFICACY Community residents who agree or strongly agree that… People in this neighborhood can be trusted.


People around here are willing to help their neighbors.


When I'm away from home, I know that my neighbors will keep their eyes open for possible trouble to my place.


The park or playground closest to where I live is safe at night.


There are adults in this neighborhood that children can look up to.


Parents in this neighborhood generally know each other.


Adults in this neighborhood know who the local children are.


Parents in this neighborhood know their children's friends.


If a group of teenagers were drinking in the park, the neighbors would do something about it.


You can count on adults in this neighborhood to watch out that children are safe and don't get in trouble.


TAFY Presentation. 11/5/08


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