Towards Unified Strategy For Implementing E_learninge-learning

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Towards a Unified Strategies f IImplementing for l ti E_Learning E L i Dr Modafar Ati Wednesday April 10, Wednesday, 10 2002 Etisalat College, United Arab E i Emirates 1

Email E il : [email protected]

™Purpose of the seminar ™Background ™Wh iis E-Learning ™What EL i ™Six Reasons for using the web to deliver lectures ™Observations ™Forces driving the development of ee-learning learning ™Forces opposing the development of e-learning ™St t i and ™Strategies dC Conclusion l i ™My own advice 2

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Purpose of the seminar To simulate T i l t our thinking thi ki andd start t t ppreparing p g for the potential p of establishing an e-learning structure within an educational institute. institute 3

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Background • There is an acute understanding throughout all sectors of the pressures regarding new learning technologies. • Provision for education will be the biggest gg challenge g for most governments as they attempt to position themselves to generate more wealth and compete in the free global market. a et. • Bold steps have to be considered by states to provide their people with affordable access to education. • Using U i methods th d off mass education d ti will ill be b inevitable. i it bl Even E by using these methods, not all aspirations will be met. • Forbes magazine published not long ago an article by management guru Peter Drucker: “Thirty years from now the big university campuses will be relics…. Higher education is in a deep crisis. The college wont survive as a residential institution. Today’s buildings are hopelessly 4 unsuited and totally unneeded.”

What is e-learning

• Definition An e-learning institution is defined as an organisation that, directly or indirectly, uses ICT’s information and communication technologies to provide educational services; this includes traditional agencies such as universities or non-educational organisations that distribute virtual educational services . 5

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

• Many labels but same meaning 9Open and distance learning, 9distributed learning learning, 9networked learning, 9 li learning, 9online l i 9Web-based learning, g and 9Computer learning systems that combine broadcast and interactive teleconferencing technologies that operate in real time. 6

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Six reasons for using the web • • • • •

To deliver course materials To use online resources To expand the classroom T support a variety To i off learning l i styles l To provide a broad audience for student work g skills • To developp “information age” 7

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Delivering course materials • Makes materials available independent of time and place • Helps structure student interaction with materials • Allows for constant updating


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Expanding the classroom • Enables greater interaction between ¾ Faculty and students ¾ Students and students • Gives all students a voice • Fosters critical thinking


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Supporting learning styles • Taps into several senses • Gives student control over pacing • Provides interactivity and active learning


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Providing an audience • Displays sp ays student stude t wo work beyo beyond d tthee classroom • Encourages student participation in scholarly community • Ensures E that th t standards t d d andd responsibilities are taken seriously


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Developing information age skills • Promotes network literacy • Makes students more employable • Empowers students by teaching them to fi d evaluate, find, l t andd use networked t k d resources


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Observation ™There are very few examples of institutions using ICT to carry all the functions a traditional university/college would deliver. ™While there are still few examples of virtual institutions in the purest sense, the amount of development activity in all types and l l off educational levels d ti l organisations, i ti both b th public and private, is considerable in all parts of the world world. 13

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

™The development of virtual institutions is still experimental, rather unfocused, and not necessarily matched to clientele learning needs. needs

™The introduction of e-learning g is directly y linked to the development of, and access to, gy information and communication technology infrastructure. However, major socio-economic geographical g p disparities p exist in such access. and g 14

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

™The application of information and communication i i technologies h l i to the h provision of education is impacting on the marketing k i off education d i by b institutions. i i i ™The belief that a small number of providers will international education p dominate the educational market through g vast distribution networks and strategic partnerships is more rhetorical than real at g this stage. 15

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

™The emergence of institutions with a focus on e-learning l i appears to t be b coming i from f four separate sources: ¾I tit ti ¾Institutions that th t have h historically hi t i ll been b involved in open and distance education on a single or dual mode basis basis. ¾Traditional institutions, from schools to universities that have never been involved universities, in distance education. ¾The corporate sector. sector ¾Individuals 16

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

™There is a rapid p emergence g of new forms of subsidiary educational organisations. ™The rapid growth of private sector providers is another dimension of the emerging model scene. These are three types of such providers: 1. Direct providers of instruction. 2. Corporate training networks. 3. Specialised service organisations. 17

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

™There is rapid emergence of new forms of subsidiary y educational organisations. g ™Cost reduction


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Forces driving the development of e-learning ™Technological advances: cost factors ™Diversity y of knowledge g and peoples p p aspirations ™Improved p Learning g ™The demands from isolated learners ™Market forces ™The need to be seen to be in keeping up with the competition. competition 19

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

Forces Opposing the Development of e-learning ¾Technological and access limitations ¾Copyright restriction ¾The front front-end end cost ¾Hesitation on part of teachers and faculty to embrace the use of information and communication technologies. ¾The transfer of course credits among institutions. ¾General preference towards traditional face 20 to face learning environment

Strategies and Conclusion 1. Ensure that ICT development planning is linked with educational planning. p g 2. Use policy, legislative, and regulatory incentives to ensure that some portion of telecommunication capacity ( e.g X% of cable channels or Y% of bandwidth ) is reserved for educational use at costs that are affordable by institutions. institutions 21

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

3. Ensure that all facets of the concept p of appropriateness are considered. 4. Show how the application pp of information and communication technology in education can enhance existing practice. 5. Ensure that appropriate staff training and development programmes are available as an essential i l part off any change h strategy. 6. Demonstrate that savings can be made 7. Encourage and support initiatives of faculty members. 22

Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

8. Recognise that the development of el learning i models d l will ill create change h forces f in a variety of other ways: ¾ ¾

¾ 23

Advising and counseling may need to be managed differently. Concerns over the h quality li assurance off providers using information and communication technologies will develop as new players become involved. Issues of credit recognition and transfer will arise between institutions. Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati


Demands from learners for assessment of existing skills and knowledge will become commonplace. commonplace

9. Effective incorporation of the technologies requires a commitment by all parts of an institution.


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

My Own Advice • Keep first effort simple • Learn from others • Borrow good ideas for the benefit of your students • Use the resources on your campus.


Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

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Towards a Unified Strategies for Implementing E_Learning Dr Modafar Ati

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