Tourism And Gastronomy Glossary

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Tourism and Gastronomy Terms Glossary

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spanish 1 pollo entero a la brasa 1 pollo entero a la brasa 1/2 costilla, camarones y brocheta de carne 1/4 pollo a la brasa 1/4 pollo a la brasa 1/4 pollo a la brasa, 1/2 costilla 1/4 pollo a la brasa, 1/2 costilla y churrasco 10 primeras guías de viaje de testigos presenciales dk: Los Angeles 3 Jamones a campo abierto a fuego lento a iniciar bien el día a la chorrillana

a la florentina

a la huancaina

a la king

a la medida de a la parrilla a la plancha a lo macho a menos que sea en lugar de aviso previo a proporcionar cubiertos a punto a punto (carne) a punto de nieve a punto nieve a su servicio, vaya donde vaya a un paso abadejo abadejo eglefino abalanzarse sobre abalón

english 1 whole broiled chicken 1 whole rotisserie chicken 1/2 rack of ribs, beef chunks shishkebab and shrimp 1/4 broiled chicken 1/4 rotisserie chicken 1/4 rotisserie chicken and 1/2 rack of ribs 1/4 rotisserie chicken and 1/2 rack of ribs, and a steak dk top 10 eyewitness travel guides: Los Angeles Three-ham sandwich:Salami, prosciutto and ham open range on a low heat rise and shine sauce based in frying onion, garlic, paprika, cumin and black pepper. commonly used over fish or meat. in the style of florence, italy. refers to dishesthat are presented on a bed of spinach and topped with mornay sauce. cold sauce used over potatoes or corn. this sauce is a combination of feta or cottage cheese, with milk, oil, lime juice, hot pepper, salt and black pepper. a dish of diced food, usually chicken or turkey, in a cream sauce containing mushrooms, green peppers, and sometimes sherry. tailor-made grilled grill, grilled dishes that are accompanied by a spicy seafood sauce. other than in lieu of notice set and serve just right medium rare until it froths stiff we are everywhere for you within walking distance pollack haddock swoop down on abalone

spanish abalón

ablandador de carne

ablandar abombar abstinencia de comer abundancia abundante acajou acanalado acanalado acantilado escarpado con fuerza visual intensa acceso gratuito para turistas acedera acedía aceite aceite de oliva aceituna acelga aceptación por parte de los viajeros aceptar el reto acera acera achicoria

achiote acida acompañamiento actividades recreativas bajo techo y al aire libre adecuados a su horario y calendario aderezo aderezo ácido adherir adiós adjudicación administración del parque administración municipal administrado por sus dueños adobo

english abalone a mollusk, related to the sea snail, similar in flavor to a clam. also called awabi in japanese cuisine and loco in south american cuisine. Meat tenderiser: Most chemical meat tenderizers are a powder composed chiefly of papain, an enzyme extracted from papayas. This enzyme breaks down the meat fibers. soften to hollow fasting galore bountiful madera de caoba corrugated grooved its towering cliff face of sheer visual force holiday makers are not charged access sorrel plaice oil olive oil olive chard traveler adoption step up to the plate pavement (GB) sidewalk (US) chicory: An endive relative with curly, slightly bitter leaves that are used in salads or cooked as greens. Radicchio is the red-leafed Italian chicory. Annatto: condiment with a strong flavor and an intense red color; also known as bija. sour side dish indoor/outdoor recreation time-relevant dressing vinagrette stick bye license agreement park management local government owner operated paste or sauce made from chiles, vinegar and


english other seasonings. used as a seasoning for meats. adobo ácido marinade adobo: carne de cerdo marinada en vinagre, agua, ajo, adobo: pork marinated in vinegar, water, cominoy palillo. Dejado macerar por varias horas y cocinado garlic, cumin and turmeric. Let macerate for a a fuego lento. Se sirve con papas, zapallo y ají fresco en number of hours then simmered until meat is polvo cooked. Served with potatoes, pumpkin and fresh powdered pepper adonde vuela/ adonde va/adonde llega served by adoquín paving stone adorno Garnish: Edible accompaniment to dishes. They can be placed under, around or on food depending on the dish. They vary from simple sprigs of parsley to carved vegetables, etc. adquirir cuerpo to thicken aduana customs advertencia caveat aéreo by air aéreo by plane aeropuerto airport aeropuerto más importante por donde se ingresa, sale y hace gateway airport conexiones. aeropuerto para aviones privados executive airport afrutado (vino) fruity afueras outskirts agencia boutique boutique firm agencia de viajes travel agency agencia de viajes travel agency agencias clientes agency customers agente de viajes travel agent agente viajero commercial traveller (GB) agente viajero traveling salesman (US) agitar stir,toss agnolotti the name for a dish of small half moon-shaped pasta shells filled (usually) with tortellini stuffing. it is boiled and served with olive oil and garlic, a broth or in a sauce. agregar add agrio tart agua water agua con gas sparkling mineral water agua de coco Coconut water: The opaque white liquid in the unripened coconut that serves as a beverage for those living near the coconut palm. agua mineral mineral water agua potable drinking water agua sin gas still mineral water

spanish aguacate aguadito Aguadito aguas gaseosas aguas gaseosas aguaymanto

aguja agujas de ensueño agujerear ahogar ahora en cartelera ahumado ail aioli ajedrea

ají ají amarillo fresco

ají cayenne

Aji de Gallina

Aji de Gallina ají de gallina

ají de gallina

ají en polvo

english avocado pear agnolotti Chicken or fish rice soup carbonated water beverages sodas native andean fruit, that ripens to a golden color. it was grown by the incas in cusco´s sacred valley and actually very popular in novo-andean cuisine. garfish dreaming spires pierce smother now playing smoked french word for garlic. a cold egg and oil emulsion with olive oil and garlic. there are many variations of this sauce. savory: a strongly flavored herb of the mint family. there are two varieties: winter and summer. the summer savory is slightly milder, but both should be used carefully. savory has a flavor reminiscent of a cross between thyme and mint. chili, guindilla, hot pepper. fresh yellow chili: yellow, green or orangecolored fresh hot pepper or chili. this is the most common aji used in peru; also known as aji verde. Cayenne pepper: A hot red pepper powder made chiefly from dried ripe pepper. While very hot to most people, it is not as hot as chili pepper, which is sometimes sold as cayenne. Also called red pepper. Chicken in creamy sauce: Shredded chicken in walnut gravy sauce sprinkled with parmesan cheese, served with rice Shreded chicken chili chicken Thin strips of chicken stewed with creamy & spicy sauce (ají Amarillo, cheese, milk, bread, and walnuts) served over slices of boiled potatoes, accompanied with white rice chili chicken: thin strips of chicken served with a creamy yellow and spicy sauce, made with yellow chilli, cheese, milk, bread, and walnuts. Traditionally from non-laying hens, now almost exclusively from more tender chickens Chili powder: A seasoning mixture of dried


english chilies, garlic, oregano, cumin, coriander, and cloves. ají limo Chili: red, yellow or purple-colored aji, tiny, with a strong taste and a fragrant smell. used mainly in peru for cebiche and tiradito dishes. ají mirasol sundried yellow chili: sundried yellow hot pepper or chili. served as a condiment, either whole or ground as a paste. its taste is smooth. ají panca sundried red chili:. its aromatic taste makes it superb raw in salsas or salads. Served as a condiment, either whole or ground as a paste ajiaco mixture of potato and ají mirasol along with other seasonings. ajíes verdes green peppers ajo garlic ajo Garlic: A hardy bulbous plant related to leeks, chives, onions, and shallots. A powerful seasoning that can be used with almost any non-sweet dish. ajo (diente de) garlic clove ajustes del cliente customer adjustments akron, la ciudad del caucho rubber city of akron al acercarse la medianoche run up al dente a term meaning to the bite. used to describe the correct degree of doneness for pasta and vegetables. it is a sensory evaluation for deciding when the food is done. al estilo de la fantasía brigadoon brigadoonism al fondo las aguas de un azul profundo del mar mediterráneo the deep blue sea of the mediterranean beyond ala (de ave) wing Alameda Bolognesi Bolognesi Boulevard albacora albacore albahaca basil albahaca basil a herb with a pungent flavor described as a cross between licorice and cloves. called by the greeks: the royal herb. most varieties have green leaves. Albanés Albanian Albanian Albanés albaricoque apricot alberga el museo de los franciscanos hosts the franciscans` museum albergue hostel albergue juvenil youth hostel albóndiga large meatball albóndiga meatball albóndigas meatballs albóndigas a la jardinera meatballs “jardinière” albóndigas con guisantes meatballs with peas

spanish albóndigas con salsa de tomate albóndigas con sepia albóndigas de bacalao albúmen alcachofa alcachofa

Alcachofina alcalde alcantarilla alcaparra alcaparras

alcaravea alcaucil alcohol alcohólico aldea alegría de vivir alemán aleta alfajor


alfajor Alfajor especial alfajores alfajores alfajores alfredo

algarrobina algarrobina: syrup which is made from the beans of the Algarrobo tree (Prosopis pallida). It is mixed with pisco brandy, cream, egg and cinnamon to make a drink that

english meatballs in tomato sauce meatballs with cuttlefish balls of salt cod the protein of egg whites. artichoke Artichoke: artichokes have tightly-packed clusters of tough pointed prickly leaves that conceal a tender gray-green flesh at the center called the heart. hearts are also available canned or frozen. Artichoke salad with shrimps, cherry tomatoes and quail eggs mayor sewer caper Capers: these are the sun-dried, then pickled buds of a bush native to the mediterranean. capers make a pungent addition to many sauces and condiments, including tartar sauce. caraway seeds artichoke alcohol alcoholic village joie de vivre German fin dessert of arabic origin, formed with two or three layers of hard dough joined with a filling of manjar blanco or honey. filled cookies: base mix of flour, lemon rind, margarine, and powdered sugar which is then oven-baked. Alfajor consists of two or more layers of this baked pastry, and is usually filled with either manjar blanco shortbread sandwich cookie filled with caramel sandwich cookie: stuffed with caramel and garnished with fior di panna ice cream a sweet custard pastry caramel sandwich cookies Peruvian caramel cookies a pasta sauce originally consisting of butter, cream and the finest parmesan cheese available. carob syrup carob cocktail

spanish resembles a "brandy alexander". algarrobo algarrobo


carob Carob: The dried and roasted pulp of the tropical carob tree. After it is ground to create carob powder, it is used to flavor baked goods and candies. Because it tastes somewhat like chocolate, it is sometimes used as a chocolate substitute. algo trifle algunas ideas sundae making talent show family cookie algunos peldaños de la escalera estaban desconchados the stair had broken chips alimentación feeding alimentar to feed aliño dressing Alitas de Pollo Chicken wings w/rice, salad and french fries Alitas de Pollo con frijoles, arroz y ensalada Chicken wings with beans, rice and salad almeja clam almejas baby clams almejas clams almendra almond almíbar syrup almidón starch almidón de maíz corn starch almidón de maíz maizena Almidón de papa maizena almuerzo lunch almuerzo de 3 platos 3 course lunch alojamiento accomodation alojamiento bed and breakfast, alojamiento con desayuno bed and breakfast alojamiento de alquiler self-catering alojamiento tradicional heritage home alojamiento y pensión lodging & boarding alojamiento y pensión lodging and boarding facilities alojamientos accomodation bases alojarse en un hotel to put up at a hotel alquilar un auto to rent a car alquiler de autos car hire (GB) alquiler de autos car rental (US) alquiler de casas para vacaciones vacation rental alrededores outskirts alrededores poco atractivos y repletos de nuevas edificaciones surroundings not interesting and packed with new constructions alterado corrupted alternativamente alternately alternativamente ofrecemos otros platos alternately we offer other dishes Alto de la Alianza Monument and site Museum Monumento del Alto de la Alianza y Museo

spanish alubias fritas con carne, tomate y cebolla alumbrado aluminio cepillado amapola Amaretto Di Sarono amargo de angostura amasar amasar

ambiente informal y distendido ambiente y alojamiento amplia variedad de lugares que vale la pena explorar amplio patio amueblado cerrado con mosquitero ampolla an alcoholic cocktail made with Peruvian Pisco , limes and sugar. Excellent but beware, its not a lemonade. ananás ancas de rana anchoa anchoa

anchoveta anchoveta andén anfitriones para la recepción - a tiempo completo angel de la caridad cristiana anguila animada anís

Anís del Mono Verde / Rojo anticipo contra comision anticucho


english de Sitio fried beans with meat, tomato and onion lighting brush aluminium poppy Amaretto Di Sarono angostura bitter knead Knead: To work a dough in order to form a cohesive, flexible mass. Accomplished either manually or by machine. Well kneaded dough is smooth and elastic. setting atmosphere ambience and accommodation such a wide range of worthwhile places to explore substantial furnished patio area in enclosed screen blister pisco sour pineapple frog’s legs anchovy Anchovy: small, silvery fish. the true anchovy comes from the Mediterranean and southern European coastlines. anchoveta anchoveta platform guest room attendants-full time the angel of christian charity eel high-spirited Anise: a small annual plant from the parsley family was used as far back as 1500 b.c. the leaves and the seeds have a distinctive sweet licorice flavor. used to flavor a number of confections. monkey`s anise green/red draw against commission quechua word formed from two other words: anti (eastern region) and uchu (mixture). beef heart, meat, chicken etc. marinated and cooked on a skewer over live coals. Shishkebab: tender char-broiled cow heart marinated in vinegar and with special seasoning

spanish Anticucho Mixto



Anticuchos anticuchos de lenguado anticuchos de lomo de res antipasto

antro, tugurio anuncios publicitarios programados añadir añadir a partir de neutral añejo apartahotel (cuando lo gestiona un hotel) aparthotel apéritif

aperitivo aperitivo apetecible apetito apetito apetitoso apio aplastado aplastado apoyar aprendiendo a pescar con la técnica del dapping aprobado por el automóvil club de los EEUU apuntando aquellos que disfruten de correr en el parque cercano aquí cerca arándano arándano arándano

english Mixed shishkebab: Two skewers of a combo of beef, chicken, shrimp and fish. Marinated to perfection, served with fried potatoes and fried yucca brochettes made from a beef heart marinated in a various Peruvian spices and grilled, often sided with boiled potatoes and corn. dish consisting of small pieces of grilled skewered cow heart. Heart is marinated in vinegar and spices .and served with a boiled potato or corn and a chili sauce Hard beef & potatoes sole fish brochettes with hot sauce brochettes of sirloin steak dipped in hot sauce the Italian word for snacks served before a meal. these are dishes to peak one´s appetite, not quench it. common elements of an antipasto table are cured meats and salamis, olives, marinated vegetables and cheese. dive bar timeline adverts add add from neutral mellow self-contained accommodation selfcatering hotel French term referring to a light alcoholic drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite. aperitif appetizer toothsome apetite appetite appetizing celery crushed smashed to support learning to dap aaa approved pointing those who like to have a nice run in the nearby park right in our back yard bilberry blueberry cranberry

spanish arándanos arándanos, pasas de árbol de anillo aborigen arboleda arbusto Arco de los Héroes Arco Parabólico área de descanso área de huéspedes área de rutherfordton área social en patio área triestatal de nueva york arenque Argentino Argentino armarios empotrados armarse de valor aroma aromático arquerías arrabal arrastrar arreglar arribo sin reserva arrival at 12 pm arrollado arroz Arroz Arroz a la cubana arroz blanco Arroz Chaufa Arroz chaufa con camarones arroz chaufa de carne arroz chaufa de mariscos

arroz con camarones Arroz con Camarones Arroz con crema de olivas negras, bañado con camarones y conchas de abanico, en salsa newborg Arroz con Frijoles arroz con leche arroz con leche

english bilberries craisins aboriginal ring tree grove bush Arch of the Heroes Parabolic Arch travel plaza guest area rfdt. area atrium lounge the new york tri-state area herring Argentine Argentinian built-in robes step up to the plate flavour flavourful arcade suburb drag arrange walk in llegada a las 24 swiss roll rice Rice Cuban rice white rice Chaufa rice Rice with shrimps meat fried rice seafood in fried rices: assorted fresh mixed seafood, sauteed with onions, fried rice and garlic rice with shrimps: assorted fresh shrimp and yellow rice Saffron rice with shrimp Olivar Rice, rice coloured with black olives creamy sauce, covered with crayfish, and scallops with Newborg sauce Rice with beans: Rice and white beans with salsa criolla peruvian-style rice pudding rice and milk

spanish Arroz con leche Arroz con Mariscos


Rice with milk Peruvian Paella: mussels, calamari and shrimp. Sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Served with lime marinated red onions arroz con mariscos rice with seafood: assorted fresh mixed seafood and yellow rice, sauteed with onions and garlic Arroz con Mariscos saffron rice with seafood Arroz con mariscos Seafood mixed withrice Arroz con Pollo Chicken and rice arroz con pollo rice with chicken with cilantro, green peas, bell peppers and cooked with beer, combined with chicken pieces. arroz de grano corto short grain rice arroz de grano largo long grain rice Arroz de mariscos criollo estofados con ajíes en su jugo, Creole seafood rice, stewed with chili alverjitas, morrones y un toque de culantro picadito, con peppers, vegetables and chopped cilantro, langostinos, camarones o sólo camarón served with shrimps, crayfish or only crayfish Arroz negro, cocinado en tinta de calamar y coral, con black rice, cooked in squid ink and coral, with calamarcitos, conchas, colas de camarón y ostiones, salteados squids, scallops and crayfish tails and oysters, en aceite de oliva y pimentón sautéed in olive oil and paprika artículos de piel leathergoods arveja pea, sweet pea asa handle asadera roasting pan asado roast asado roast asado (carne) flanken asado (parrillada) barbeque asado a la leche seethed in milk asado de codorniz roast quail asado de tira short ribs asado en olla cooking a round of beef in a clay pot. asador carving room asar roast asar Roast: to oven-cook food in an uncovered pan ascensorista lift attendant asfalto asphalt ashlar sillar Asiático Asian asiduo concurrente a los cafés café-squatting asiento forma tumbona spa lounge asiento-bidé shower toilet asientos de banquete banquet seats asilo de ancianos old people`s home asistente attendant asombrosos - deslumbrantes narradores wide eyed story tellers

spanish aspartame aspic

Asti Riccadonna asumir la responsabilidad aterrizaje atracciones de diseñador atrancamos puertas y ventanas atrayendo comensales con gusto refinado atrio atrio con techo de cristal atrium suite atún atún Atún albacora a la parrilla, con sus bordes emperejilados, en salsa livornese cruda y risotto de palta con espinacas salteadas al azafrán atún de aleta azul au gratin

au jus auditor de ingresos aunque algo deteriorado auténtica experiencia 4x4 auto de alquiler con seguridad para niños autóctono autostop autostop autovía auxiliar de mantenimiento o limpieza de hospital auxiliar de vuelo avances de las proximas atracciones avellana avellanas avena avenida aventureros dedicados a la caza, vida al aire libre, etc aves aves palmípedas. avinagrado avión

english a sugar substitute that is said to be 180 times sweeter than sugar. a savory jelly made of clarified meat, fish, or vegetable stock and gelatin. most aspic is clear, but tomato aspic (made from tomato juice and gelatin) is opaque. Asti Riccadonna step up to the plate landing designer amenities battened the hatches drawing discriminating atrium glass atrium ceiling atrium suite tuna tunny Grilled “albacora” tuna, raw livornese sauce, with a side of avocado risotto with sautéed saffron spinach bluefin tuna a French phrase that refers to food that is topped with grated cheese or breadcrumbs mixed with bits of butter. this food is then broiled until brown and crisp. the French phrase that refers to meat served in its own natural juices. income auditor worn about the edges runner-off road runner kid friendly rent car roosty hitchhicking hitching railcar medical orderly steward ahead of the line hazelnut hazelnuts oats avenue buckskinner poultry palm footed birds vinegary aeroplane

spanish avión avión avión avión continental avión de distancias largas avión de distancias largas avión de distancias medias avión de pasajeros avión de pasajeros avión de reacción avión supersónico avión transcontinental avión transcontinental aviso detrás de la ventana activa ayuno ayuntamiento azafata azafata azafata azafrán azahar azúcar azúcar cruda

azúcar de arce

azúcar extrafino azúcar glacé azúcar impalpable azúcar moreno azúcar no refinada

azúcar quemada azúcar superfino azulejos bacalao bacalao bache bagre baile privado Bailey's bain marie

english aircraft airplane (US) plane medium-haul aircraft long-haul aircraft long-range aircraft medium-haul aircraft airliner passenger aircraft jet supersonic plane long-haul aircraft long-range aircraft pop-under fasting town hall air hostess flight attendant stewardess saffron orange blossom sugar raw sugar: the residue left after sugar cane has been processed to remove molasses and refine the sugar crystals. Maple sugar: sugar made from the sap of the sugar of maple. It is sold loose or pressed into cakes or decorative molds. castor sugar glazing sugar Confectioners sugar: granulated sugar that has been crushed into a fine powder. brown sugar raw sugar: the residue left after sugar cane has been processed to remove molasses and refine the sugar crystals caramel caster sugar subway tiles cod cod air pocket catfish lap dancing Bailey's water bath (oven) or in double boiler (stove).

spanish bajo o sótano Balanza balanza balcón principal con galería balde para vino balnearios con cabañas balón para abdominales balsas bandeja bandeja de quesos banqueta para el equipaje bañar baño de aguas termales onsen mixto baño incluido baño maría baño turco hamam bar con licencia para servir bebidas alcohólicas bar de zumos bar lácteo baratillo barco barco barco carguero barco de pasajeros barco de velas barco velero barnizado en color pino barquillo barra barraca de cuartel barras trepadoras barrendero barriada barrido barrio barrio chino barrio de la catedral barrio pobre barrios bajos Barrolucos basado en un análisis que muestra un mapeo simétrico de correspondencias respecto del valor de marca base de salsa base de salsa

english floor on or below ground scale: instrument for accurately weighing ingredients. scales navigator`s verandah wine bucket cottage resorts abs ball rafts tray cheese board luggage bench baste mixed hot spring onsen en-suite bain marie turkish hamam fully licensed bar juice bar milk bar junk shop boat ship cargo liner passenger liner sailing ship sailing boat redwood-stained wafer loaf barracks monkey bars sweeper shantytown sweeping district Chinese quarter cathedral quarter shantytown slums Steak with cheese and french fries based on symmetrical map output of correspondence analysis of brand equities roux roux

spanish base del cuerpo de infantería de marina de quantico bastante basurero basurero batán batata batata batido batido batido batido de chocolate batido para rebozar batidora batidora batidora batir batir batir batir baúl bavarois

bavette (de buey) baya de enebro bazaar bazar bazar bazar Beans mixed with rice and refried. Served with pan-fried steak, fried egg and fried bananas. bearnaise

beber bebida bebida becada becerro beef carpaccio beicon beignet

english quantico marine corp base quite dustman (GB) garbage collector (US) flat stone used as a grinder. sweet potato yam batter beaten whipped chocolate milkshake batter beater blender egg whisk Beat: mix by stirring rapidly with a fork, spoon or other utensil. blend cream whisk trunk French for Bavarian cream. Cold dessert made of a rich custard, whipped cream and various flavorings like fruit purée, chocolate, liqueurs etc. and gelatin. bavette juniper berry bazar bazaar bazar bazar tacu tacu hollandaise sauce variation, made with a wine and vinegar reduction, flavoured with tarragon. Makes a good companion to grilled meats and fish. to drink drink drink, beverage woodcock calf carpaccio de buey bacon a French term for a type of doughnut. dough or batter is deep fried and dusted with sugar or glazed with a flavoured syrup.

spanish beneficio operativo bruto berenjena berenjena berenjena bergamota berro beurre manie

biblia biblioteca bicarbonato de soda

bicarbonato de soda bicarbonato de sodio bien asado bien cocido (carne) bien me sabe bife bife bife de costilla(c/lomo) bife de lomo bife de lomo bife de ternera billar billar ruso billetes de grupo biscochuelo de capas bisque

bistec bistec bistec a la chorrillana bistec a la pimienta verde bistec a la plancha bistec a las finas hierbas Bistec a lo pobre

english gop aubergine (GB) Eggplant (US) Eggplant: Pear-shaped, dark-purple and smooth, glossy skin vegetable. bergamot watercress a mixture of flour and butter kneaded to a smooth paste. Used in small quantities adjusts the thickness of sauces and stews. the sauce must then be boiled briefly to remove the starchy taste of the flour. bible: pisco oporto wine, milk and whole egg iced drink library bicarbonate of soda: a leavening agent which is used as an essential ingredient in baking powder. bicarbonate of soda: baking soda. used as a levener in baked goods. baking soda well done well done colonial sweet originally made by nuns chop, fillet steak, beefsteak t-bone steak sirloin steak tenderloin,sirloin baby beef billiards snooker bulk ticket triffle a rich shellfish soup made with the shells of the animal. the soup is enriched with cream and cognac and garnished with pieces of the shellfish meat. steak steak Chorrillana steak: special seasoned steak topped with sauteed onions and tomatoes steak with green pepper sauce grilled steak steak “aux fines herbes” Beefsteak poor`s-style, beefsteak with rice and corn kernels, fried peruvian potatoes, fried banana and egg


english bistec a lo pobre poor`s steak: steak, beans, plantains, fried eggs, and rice bistec al ajillo steak with garlic and parsley Bistec chateaubriand, en salsa Chateaubriand en demi glace Beef chateaubriand, sliced in a demi glaze de cognac Napoleón, montada con espárragos verdes a la Napoleón chateaubriand sauce, garnished plancha, corazones de zanahorias al champagne y escondido with grilled green asparagus, champagne de papitas naturales carrot hearts, and natural potatoes bistec con dos huevos, tajadas de papas fritas y tostadas Steak with two eggs, homefries and toast bistec con guarnición steak with garnish bistec con patatas fritas steak with chips bistec de buey steak bistec de costilla rib steak: boneless cut from the rib section, tender and flavorful bistec de palomilla palomilla steak bistec de ternera veal steak bistec empanizado breaded steak Bistec en pimiento, centro de lomo emparrillado sobre salsa Pepper Steak, grilled beef over a toasted black cremosa de pimienta negra tostada, acompañado de fetuccini pepper creamy sauce, garnished with a lo Alfredo Alfredo´s fetuccini Bistec Encebollado Beef W/onions, rice, beans and salad bistec envejecido aged steak bistec ruso hamburger steak bistec tártaro steak tartar Bistec tournedos con cinto de tocino natural, en salsa Beef “Tournedos”, with natural bacon ribbon, reducida al cabernet sauvignon, patatas panaderas y in a cabernet sauvignon reduction, garnished verduritas a la francesa with potatoes gratin and french vegetables Bistec y queso Steak and cheese Bisteck a la mexicana Chanfainita Bisteck a lo Pobre Steak Poor style Bisteck frito Fried steak Bistek a la Chorrillana Chorrillana beefsteak: Lean top sirloin topped with onions, tomatoes and cilantro, served with rice Bistek a la Pobre poor`s beefsteak: Top sirloin steak, served with beans, rice, fried egg and fried plantain. bizcochuelo sponge cake blando soft, mushy blando (huevos) soft boiled blanquear Bleach: to make white or colorless by means of chemicals or the suns rays. blanquette a stew of white meats, usually veal, without initial browning. the sauce is thickened with roux and enriched with cream. blanquette blanquette blanquette blanquette blanquette white stew blini a small pancake made of buckwheat flour and leavened with yeast. these pancakes are often



boca de agua contra el fuego Boca del Río bocadillo bocado bocado boda con destino bofe bol bola bolas boleto boleto de ida boleto de ida y vuelta boleto de ida y vuelta bollo Bolognesi Boulevard bolsa bolsa de valores bolsa de valores bolsa de viaje bombero bombero bonito bonito boquerón borde de la acera borde de la acera borde de la vereda borde de la vereda bordillo bordillo Borgoña bote banana bote turístico botella botones botones Bourbon

english brushed with large amounts of melted butter and served with caviar and sour cream. a very thin pancake rolled and stuffed with either sweet or savory fillings. the most common fillings are cottage or ricotta cheese, fruits, and meat mixtures. often sautéed and served with sour cream. hydrant Mouth of River Beach: seaside district west of Tacna, 45 minute-drive from downtown sandwich bite snack destination wedding lungs of large animals, usually cattle. bowl ball balls ticket single ticket return ticket (GB) round-trip ticket (US) roll Alameda Bolognesi bag stock exchange stock market traveling bag firefighter fireman bonito bonito fresh anchovy curb (US) kerb (GB) curb (US) kerb (GB) curb (US) kerb (GB) Burgundy banana boat guide boat bottle bellboy buttons whiskey distilled from fermented mash of not


boutique Brandy Carlos I Brandy Fundador brecól británico brocheta mixta brochete brocoli bronceador broqueta brote de helecho brotes bruma budín buen amigo buen amigo buena cocina buenas noches (al despedirse antes de dormir) buenas noches (al encontrarse) buenas tardes buenos días buenos modales buey buey buey en adobo y asado buey Wellington / solomillo Wellington bulevar bull de cargols bulto buñuelos buque de gran calado buscar mucho búsqueda del tesoro Butifarra butifarra a la brasa butifarra a la losa butifarra con alioli butifarra con alubias butifarra con col y patatas salteadas butifarra con mostaza

english less than 51 % corn grain and stored in charred new oak containers for not less than 2 years boutique Brandy Charles I Brandy Founder broccoli British brochettes of prawn, chicken, sirloin steak and fish served with a spicy sauce skewer broccoli sun lotion skewer fiddlehead sprouts mist pudding bon ami good friend fine-dining good night good evening good afternoon good morning white gloves beef steer, bullock roast marinated beef uf Wellington boulevard bull de cargols package fritters a deep-draught ship look far scavenger hunt Home made ham, creole sauce and mayonnaise charcoal-grilled Catalan sausage Catalan sausage grilled on a stone slab Catalan pork sausage with garlic mayonnaise Catalan sausage with white beans Catalan sausage with “trinxat” [bubble and squeak] Catalan sausage with mustard


english butifarra con níscalos Catalan sausage with mushrooms butifarra con pisto Catalan sausage with “ratatouille” butifarra con salsa de tomate Catalan sausage with tomato sauce butifarra con setas Catalan pork sausage with wild mushrooms butifarra con trufas Catalan sausage with truffles butifarra cruda Catalan sausage butifarras sandwich in a hamburger-type bread roll (french bread) and consisting of Peruvian ham with an onion spicy sauce.(creole sauce) caballa mackerel caballa mackerel caballo horse caballos de tiro drawhorses caballos del viento windhorse cabaña cottage cabañas de refugio shelter huts cabeza head cabeza de cordero a la brasa charcoal-grilled lamb’s head cabina de pasajeros passenger cabin cabra goat cabrito a la losa kid grilled on a stone slab cabrito al horno baked kid cabrito asado roast kid cabrito confitado confit of kid / kid preserve cabrito lechal al horno, con mini tacu-tacu de pallares y salsa cooked baby goat with mini tacu-tacu, de cebollas mixture of rice and mashed lima beans garnished with yellow chili pepper and red onion sauce cacahuete peanut cacao cocoa cacao Cocoa: The fruit of the cocoa plant. These beans are fermented, dried, roasted, cracked, and ground. After extracting half the fat, it is again dried into unsweetened cocoa. cacciatore the italian word for hunter. Refers to food prepared hunter-style, with mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, various herbs, and sometimes wine. Chicken cacciatore is the most popular type of cacciatore. cacerola saucepan cachanga bread made from ground corn flour, which is either baked or fried. cachema also called ayanque. a silver-coloured fish between ten and fifteen inches in length. it is very common in the north of Peru. cacito small saucepan cada trimestre del 2007, se distribuirán 3 lotes de 25.000 3 x 25,000 8-page mailers folletos de 8 páginas

spanish cada uno cadena de hoteles café café Café con Agua cafe con leche Café con Leche Café con leche Café Cortado café cortado Café de Popa, helado casero empapado en licor de café y expresso con toque de crema batida. Café Descafeinado Café Express café instantáneo Café Irlandés cafés exclusivos cafetera caigua

caipìriña caja para depositar o dejar caja para lustra zapatos, lavandería calabacín calabacín

calabacita calabaza calabaza calamar calamar calamar calamar frito con yuca frita

calamar saltado calamares calamares fritos Calana

english each hotel chain coffee coffee coffee with water coffee with milk café au lait coffee with milk cut coffe, split coffee Expresso with a drop of milk Stern coffee, home made coffee ice cream soaked in coffee liquour and expresso with whipped cream decaffeinated coffee Express coffee instant coffee Irish Cofee up-market cafes coffepot a pale green oblong vegetable with a slightly wrinkled surface, sometimes covered with soft spines. the interior is white with black seeds. it has the property of lowering cholesterol in the body. Used in soups, stews and salads; cooks quickly. caipirinha path-through box valet box courgette squash: vegetable, member of the gourd family. squash varies widely in size, shape and color acorn squash pumpkin squash, pumpkin,g ourd calamar squid squid, cuttlefish fried squid with cassava: squid lightly battered, deep fried topped with creole sauce, served with fried cassava and tartar sauce sautéed squid: succulent sauteed squid with onions & tomatoes squid fried squid Calana: town east of Tacna, 15 minute-drive from downtown

spanish Calana: town east of Tacna, 15 minute-drive from downtown calcetines altos o calcetines largos calcular caldereta de pato con patatas caldo caldo caldo

caléndula cálidos caliente Calientes Calientes: town east of Tacna, 30-minute drive from downtown calle calle de circunvalación calle de un sólo sentido calle mayor callejeros y locos callejón callejón sin salida callejón sin salida callejuela calles de esquiar en cámara de aire callos y manitas de cordero caloría calzada cama con columnas cama de dos postes cama flotante camarera camarero camareros acrobatas camareros y maitres camarón camarón camarón de río

camarones Camarones a la Milanesa

english Calana knee socks calculate duck casserole with potatoes broth broth, stock, consome stock: strained liquid that is the result of cooking vegetables, meat or fish in water. brown stock: made by browning bones, vegetables and other ingredients before they are cooked in water marigold warm warm, hot Calientes: town east of Tacna, 30-minute drive from downtown Calientes road ring road one-way street high street streetwise and kooky alley blind alley cul-de-sac alley tubing lanes lamb’s trotters with tripe calorie a unit measuring the energy value of foods. roadway four-poster pedestal bed two-poster bed flotating bed chambermaid valet cart wheeling waiter servers and hosts shrimp shrimp Crayfish: Any of various fresh water crustaceans, that resemble tiny lobsters, complete with claws. They turn bright red when cooked. shrimps, prawns(small) Battered shrimp or prawns

spanish camarones a la parrilla Camarones a la plancha camarones al ajillo camarones enchilados camarones novo, en costra andina, exótica y crocante con capchi al ajillo picantón camarones o langostinos a la milanesa camarones saltados camarones san marino camarones surtidos camarote camarotes camastro cambio de precio Camboyano camillero caminante caminar o pasear por las turberas caminata de hospedaje en hospedaje camino de circunvalación camino seguro caminos agrestes caminos cruzados caminos o veredas laterales al canal camote campamentos campamentos base campari amargo con naranja campo de golf silvestre campo de practicas de 10 puestos camu camu

Canadiense canal de captación canal intracostero Cancha cancha cancha serrana candy filled with manjar blanco and coated with a fondant-

english grilled shrimp in lemon and garlic sauce grilled shrimp w/rice, beans, french fries and salad garlic-flavour shrimp: shrimp cooked in garlic sauces, served with rice chilli-flavoured shrimp: shrimp cooked in spice tomato sauce Novo shrimps, in an andean crust, exotic and crispy, with a bit of hot garlic spices battered shrimp or prawns sautéed shrimp: succulent sauteed shrimp with onions & tomatoes shrimps served over an arugula salad with caramelized nuts and parmesan slices assorted shrimp cabin staterooms lounger change rate Cambodian medical orderly hiker bog walking a lodge-to-lodge trek ring road trust trail bush tracks fingertrace canal walks sweet tuber, also known as batata. camps field camps bitter campari with orange heath-style golf course 10-bay driving range camu camu (myrciaria dubia), is a fruit that has extraordinarily high vitamin c content (in the order of 2-3% of fresh weight). It also contains the amino acids valine, leucine and serine, and is also rich in flavonoids. Canadian intake crib intracoastal waterway Peruvian corn nuts toasted corn kernels. toasted highlands corn grain tejas

spanish like shell. Some are also made with a chocolate shell (chocoteja). canela canela cangrejo cangrejo cangrejo canilla de agua Cannellonis de Ricotta canoa hawaiiana cantidad cañihua cañones de 12 pulgadas capa capacidad de pago capacidad extra de alojamiento capacidades satelitales de enlace ascendente/descendente Capelletti a la Panna y Prosciutto capilla capipota capipota capital capital capitán capon capón capón asado capón relleno Capuchino capulí caqui caracoles caramelizar

caramelo caramelo

carapulca carapulcra


cinnamon cinnamon: spice that comes from the inner bark of a tropical evergreen tree. crab crab Crab: Ten legged crustacean with two front pincers. Noted for its sweet succulent meat. spigot Canelloni filled with ricotta cheese outrigger canoes quantity, amount plant whose fruit is toasted and eaten with sugar or molasses. 12-inch seacoast rifled mortars layer affordability surplus bed capacity satellite up/down link capabilities Capellettis in bechamel sauce, parmesan and prosciutto slices chapel capipota capipota capital capital captain: sweet vermouth and pisco drink capón capon roast capon stuffed capon capuccino sour cherry found in Peru. persimmon snails Caramelize: To heat sugar until it liquefies and becomes a clear syrup ranging in color from golden to dark brown. candy,caramel Caramel is a mixture produced when sugar has been cooked until it melts to become a thick clear liquid ranging in color from gold to brown. Caramel is used to flavor soups, stocks, desserts, and sauces. Mixture which uses dried potatoes as its base. A stew of dried potatoes, combined with pork

spanish carapulcra


cardamomo cardamomo careta de cerdo / carrillo de cerdo careta de cerdo al horno careta de cerdo guisada cargar energías carnaval: festividad celebrada en Febrero carne carne carne carne a la parrilla carne al ast Carne asada carne asada carne de buey carne de buey en conserva carne de cerdo carne de cerdo carne de ciervo carne de cordero carne de cordero carne de cordero carne de lechal carne de oveja carne de ternera carne de ternera carne de ternero carne de vaca carne de vaca carne de vaca carne de venado carne estofada a la jardinera carne faisandé carne picada carne rellena carne viva

english or chicken, red chilies, peanuts and cumin. stewed dish of pork and chicken, dried potatoes, red chilis, peanuts and cumin. The version from the Afro-Peruvian Ica region uses fresh potatoes. a pasta dish of spaghetti or other noodles with a sauce of cream, eggs, Parmesan cheese, and bits of bacon. Fresh green peas are sometimes used to add flavor and color. cardamom Cardamon: A pungent aromatic spice that is member of the ginger family. pork cheeks baked pork cheeks roast pork cheeks rekindle your spirits carnival: festivity held in Febrero meat meat meat, flesh charcoal-grilled meat spit-roasted meat / meat on the spit Beef, rice, beans and salad roasted meat beef corned-beef pork pork venison lamb lamb lamb suckling lamb mutton veal veal veal beef beef beef venison stewed meat “jardinière” hung meat mince,mince meat,ground meat stuffed meat raw flesh

spanish carnes (platos de ) carnet de identidad carnoso carozo carpa carpa (pescado) carpa con mosquitero carpaccio carpaccio carpaccio de atún


meat dishes identity card meaty pit carp carp screen gazebo carpaccio carpaccio warm tuna steak with our sweet and sour vinagrette, arugula, parmesan cheese slices and caramelized nuts Carpaccio de atún aleta amarilla, como una tagliata, mi-cuit a Yellowfin tuna carpaccio, like a tagliata, milas finas hierbas, sobre salsa tonnato, con ensalada en cuit with fine herbs, over a tonnato sauce, vinagreta de alcaparras y pesto de recula with capers vinaigrette and a rucula pesto sauce carpaccio de buey beef carpaccio carpaccio de lomo finely cut fillet steak with a dijon mustard sauce, balsamic vinegar and olive oil Carpaccio de pulpo al Roquedal, en salsa combinadas al olivo Roquedal octopus carpaccio, with two sauces: y de oliva oliva and olive oil carpaccio de ternera veal carpaccio Carpaccio de ternera a la Rossini, láminas fateadas a la Rossini veal carpaccio, slices in a white italiana, en una infusión al balsámico blanco con virutas de balsamic infusion with foie gras, marinated in foie gras, marinado en vinagreta de trufas y hojas de arúgula trufles vinaigrette and rucula leaves Carpaccio marino a la Provenzal, pesca del día en finas Carpaccio from our sea, Provenzal style, catch láminas, servido en tian y bañado en salsita aromática con of the day, cut in fine slices served in tian, alcaparras, lascas de queso maduro y tomate picado with an aromatic sauce, capers, hard cheese slices and chopped tomatoes Carpano Punte Mes Carpano Punte Mes carpeta folder carré de cerdo con albaricoques pork loin with apricots carré of lamb costillar de cordero carrera ride carrete salvavidas life-saving reel carretera road carretera asfaltada blacktop highway carretera de circunvalación ring road carretera interestatal 90 i-90 carritos de la limpieza/mantenimiento/conserjes lodging cart carro de bomberos fire engine Carrusel de Corvina Grilled corvina with artichoke hearts and asparagus with capers and anchovies carta de comidas menu carta de los ciudadanos citizen charter carta de vinos wine list cartapacio briefcase


english cartera de propiedades portfolio of properties cartílago grisle carving carving casa house casa con vista a la naturaleza nature view townhouse casa convertida en hotel house-cum-hotel casa de campo farm cottage casa de cuidados nursing home casa de huéspedes, pensión guesthouse casa de niños abandonados foundling home Casa de Zela Zela house Casa Jurídica Judicial House casa pensión boarding house casa rodante motor-home casa señorial manor casa señorial manor house cascanueces nutcracker cascar shell (eggs) cáscara Husk: Hull. The outer covering of a fruit or seed, such as corn cáscara shell cáscara de huevo egg shell cáscara de tostada tostada shell: a flat, crisp-fried flour or corn tortilla shell. this serves as the base upon which tostadas are created by adding refried beans, shredded chicken or beef, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, and other ingredients. caserío hamlet casilla de correo de voz voice hold messaging Casillero del Diablo - Cabernet Sauvignon Pigeonhole of Devil - Cabernet Sauvignon Casillero del Diablo – Carmenere Pigeonhole of Devil - Carmenere Casillero del Diablo – Syrah Pigeonhole of Devil - Syrah casilleros de seguridad para bicicletas y esquís que funcionan deposit-operated bicycle and ski locks con una moneda casita hecha de basalto o piedra azul bluestone cottage castaña chestnut castillos del siglo xv y Talavera de la reina 15 th century castles and Talavera de la reina cat`s claw tea known for its healing or medicinal properties té de uña de gato catalizador creativo - igualmente cómodo, divertido, serves as a creative catalyst-equal parts estimulante y tranquilizante comfortable, playful, stimulating and soothing catedral cathedral catedral de Tacna cathedral of Tacna cau cau dish onsisting of tripe and diced potatoes and turmeric stew, served with rice. The seasoning of this dish is now also used with other meats or seafood rather than tripe.


english cau cau Distortion of the word Can, which refers to thin intestines. Cau cau meal consisting of mondongo or tripe stew and accompanied by rice cau cau estilo italiano strips of precooked tripe sauteed with red onions, peeled tomatoes, tomato paste and dried mushrooms. Seasoned with parsley and mixed with chips prior to serving. Wine or pisco are added following the sautee step cau-cau con arroz beef tripe stew with delicious herbs and dice potatoes, served with rice causa causa: mashed yellow potato dumpling mixed with lemon, onion, chili and oil. Varieties can have avocado, chicken, tuna (typically canned) or even shellfish added to the mixture. served cold with hard boiled eggs and olives. causa mashed yellow potato dumpling mixed with lemon, onion, chili and oil, stuffed with avocado, tomato and boiled eggs. Varieties include stuffing with chicken, tuna, shellfish and others. Served cold with black olives causa Mixture which uses mashed potatoes mixed with ají as its base. Causa colonial de palta y tomate con escabeche de Colonial causa with diced tomatoes with camarones, rollo de papa amarilla aderezado relleno con shrimp escabeche, peruvian yellow potato picadillo de palta y tomate, en mayonesa casera con causa roll dressed and stuffed with avocado camarones escabechados, coronado con queso blanco, huevo slices in a homemade mayonnaise, crowned de codorniz y tajada de aceituna negra with white cheese, quail egg and a slice of black olive causa de pulpo al olivo traditional lima style potato purée stuffed with octopus in olive sauce Causa rellena stuffed causa cavernas con grandes arcos caverns with large arches caviar caviar caviar Elegant and expensive appetizer. Salted roe fish. Sturgeon roe is considered the true caviar. The three main types of caviar are beluga, osetra and sevruga. cayo cat en Bahamas cat cay bahamas cayó en desgracia fell afoul of cazo saucepan cazuela casserole cazuela cassoulet cazuela campesina casserole of vegetables, pork and snails cazuela de conejo rabbit casserole cazuela de pollo chicken casserole cebada barley cebiche Ceviche: fish or seafood mixture which is marinated with lime juice and ají.

spanish cebolla cebolla de verdeo cebolla escalonia

cebollín cebollino

cebollinos cecina ceder espacio cementerio cementerio cena cena cena cena cena cena de 4 platos cenar cenar cenar centeno centolla centrado en el marketing para lograr mejoras significativas centre of population centre of population centro centro centro comercial centro de fitness de 4.000 pies cuadrados centro de la ciudad centro de la ciudad centro de reunión centro de salud y bienestar centro turístico centro turístico instantáneo centros recreativos centros turísticos de masas centros turísticos excesivamente grandes cerafolio

english onion spring onion shallot: from the onion family. its form is more like garlic than onion, with a head composed of multiple cloves, each covered with a thin, papery skin. chives chives: A fragrant herb with slender, hollow green stems and a mild onion flavor. Chives are related to onions and leeks. chives Salted and dried meat. give way cemetery graveyard dinner dinner Dinner time usually beginning at six in the afternoon. dinner,supper supper 4 course dinner to dine to have dinner to have supper rye spider crab focus on marketing for significant improvement población poblado center (US) centre (GB) shopping centre 4,000 square foot fitness center city centre (GB) downtown (US) stomping ground wellness centre resorts cities instant resort activity centres mass market resorts over-developed resorts Chervil: A mild, aromatic herb of the parsley family. It can be used like parsley, although its delicate flavor is diminished when boiled.

spanish cercanías cerdo cerdo cerdo cerdo a la jardinera cerdo a la pequinesa cerdo agridulce cerdo asado con melocotones cerdo con espinacas cerdo con salsa de manzana cerdo con soja cerdo confitado cerdo en adobo a la andaluza cereales ceremonia de entrega de premios cereza cerezas cernir certificado superior o para ascender de categoría cerveza cerveza Cerveza Cristal Cerveza Cusqueña Cerveza Cusqueña Malta cerveza de barril cerveza en botella Cerveza Pilsen cerveza rubia cervezas artesanales con un sabor exclusivo cervezas embotelladas cervezas embotelladas, importadas cervezas embotelladas, nacionales cesión de licencia cesta cesto de basura cesto de basura cesto de basura ceviche


english outskirts pork pork pork pork “jardinière” Pekin-style pork sweet-and-sour pork roast pork with peaches pork with spinach pork with apple sauce pork with soya bean sprouts confit of pork / pork preserve Andalusian-style seasoned pork cereal award winning ceremony cherry cherries sieve: to strain liquids or particles of food through a sieve or strainer. upgrade certificate beer beer (lager) Cristal beer Cusqueña beer cusqueña beer malt draught beer bottled beer with Pilsen beer lager uniquely flavored microbrewed beers Bottled Beers Bottled Beers, imported Bottled Beers, domestic license agreement basket dustbin (GB) garbage can (US) trash can (US) ceviche: bite-size pieces of white fish (such as corvina or white sea bass), marinated raw in lime or lemon juice mixed with chilis. served with raw onions, boiled sweet potatoes, toasted corn and sometimes green seaweed yuyo ceviche: Diced marinated fish in limes served with sliced red onions and aji limo or rocoto


english (chili), accompanied with sweet potato, corn and seaweed. ceviche ceviche: fish, shrimp, scallops, or squid marinated in a lime and pepper mixture, often served with corn-on-the-cob, cancha (toasted corn), or sweet potatoes ceviche de camarones shrimp ceviche: fresh shrimp cured in lemon juice Ceviche de camarones Shrimp in lemon juice w/onions ceviche de conchas negras ceviche with black shells ceviche de Conchas Negras ceviche with black shells, the seafood used in the dish should be black clams accompanied toasted corn. ceviche de corvina croaker ceviche: fresh croaker cured in lemon juice with onions, coriander, and pepper ceviche de lenguado fish (sole) marinated in lemon, sliced onions and hot pepper ceviche de mariscos seafood ceviche: fresh seafood and shrimp cured in lemon juice Ceviche de Mariscos Shrimp in lemon juice w/onions Ceviche de pato deshuesado a la huaralina, piernitas Boneless duck “ceviche”, confit duck legs, confitadas en ají y limón, cebollas curtidas en su jugo y tacos marinated in lemon and chili,onions and fried de yuca frita yucca sticks Ceviche de Pescado fish ceviche: Fresh chunks of sole marinated in lime juice, served with lettuce, sweet potato, potatoes and Peruvian corn nuts ceviche de pescado y camarones fish and shrimp ceviche: fresh fish and shrimp cured in lemon juice ceviche de pulpo octopus ceviche: fresh octopus cured in lemon juice Ceviche del Espigón, con la pesca del día, claro y jugoso con Ceviche breakwater, with the catch of the day, pica-pica de ajíes clear and juicy with a chili peppers confetti ceviche mixto fish and seafood, marinated in lemon, sliced onions and hot pepper Ceviche Mixto Mixed Ceviche: Fresh chunks of fish, shrimp, calamari & mussels marinated in lime juice. Served with lettuce, sweet potato, potatoes and Peruvian corn nuts ceviche mixto mixed ceviche: fresh fish and seafood cured in lemon juice Ceviche Mixto seafood mixed in lemon juice w/onions Ceviche norteño, de los Esteros, pesca del día, conchas Ceviche from the north, catch of the day, negras y conchitas señoronas, con ají arnaucho, yuca y black scallops, scallops, arnaucho chili, yucca canchita serrana and “canchita serrana” Ceviche sudado de cangrejo de río, en aderezo de mirasol y Crayfish ceviche, in a mirasol and red chili rocoto como a la piedra, con cebollas de rabo, limón de pica y pepper dressing, with onions, lemon and papitas doradas sautéed potatoes chabelo Combination of dried pork with mashed banana. It is a dish common in Piura, in the northern coastal region of Peru.

spanish chactado chairo chalona

champán champignon champiñon pequeño chamuscar chamuscar

chancaca chancho chanco hroneado chanfainita chanque chapana charapa charcas marinas charqui

chateaubriand chateaubriand chateaubriand” con patatas chateubriand

chauchas chauchas chaufa Chaufa de Camarones Chaufa de Carne Chaufa de Pollo check-out desde su televisor checo cheque de viajero chicha

english Type of frying which uses the pressure of a flat rock to achieve an even golden color. soup of black chuño, aji panca (red chili pepper), sweet potatoes, meat and chalona. alpaca or lamb cured meat. Recently-cured meat with furrows made with a knife in order for the salt to penetrate into it. This is left to dry in the sun and cold nights for almost one month champagne French word for an edible mushroom. button mushroom sear sear: to brown meat by subjecting it to a very high heat in a skillet, broiler or very hot oven in order to seal in the meats juices. Molasses made from solid sugar cane. pig baked pork Dish of Arabic origin. Abalone. Dessert made from yucca flour, sweetened with chancaca, and wrapped in banana leaves. River tortoise from the Amazon region of Peru. rock pools Dried llama meat used extensively in the auroral cooking; today dried beef is more commonly used. chateaubriand chateaubriand chateaubriand with potatoes Succulent, thick cut of beef, taken from the center of the tenderloin and usually large enough for two people. green or french beans string or runner beans Fried rice derived from the Chinese chou fan. Shrimp fried rice: Peruvian style shrimp fried rice Beef fried rice: Peruvian style beef fried rice Chicken fried rice: Peruvian style chicken fried rice video check-out Czech traveler`s cheque Chicha de Jora known drink, based on different varieties of fermented maize and


english different aromatic herbs, depending on the region of the country chicha Drink which is made from corn, peanuts, quinoa or fruit. chicha de jora Made out of a yellow maize and fermented. Has alcohol chicha Morada a beverage prepared from a base of boiled purple maize to which are added chunks of pineapple, sugar, and ice as it cools Chicha Morada Purple chicha chicha morada purple chicha: sweet, refreshing concoction made from purple corn kernels, cinammon, cloves, nutmeg, and brown sugar, among other ingredients chichamorada Made out of purple maize. Very sweet and popular, non alcoholic chicharrón pork crackling a dish consisting of deep-fried (in its own fat) and heavily salted pork. Chicharrón con camote frito y encebollado crackling of pork with fried sweet potato and onions Chicharrón de Calamares Crisp breaded squid: Deep fried squid served with French fries and tartar sauce chicharrón de chancho con maíz tostado: trozos de cerdo pork crackling: pork chunks cooked with low cocinados en poca agua al principio luego en su propia grasa. water at first then in their own fat. Served Se sirve con maíz tostado with roast corn grains chicharron de pescado crispy breaded tid bits of fish, deep fried topped with creole sauce, served with tartar sauce chicharrón de pollo fried chicken chunks served with rice, beans, and plantains chicharrones Deep-fried (in its own fat) and heavily salted pork served with fried sweet potatoes (camote) Its also eaten as a sandwich. chicharrones deep-fried pork and chicken chifa A Peruvian version of Cantonese-Chinese food. Sweets : chifle Green banana, very thinly sliced and fried chilcano Flavourful fish and seafood broth; also known as a Peruvian cocktail. chilcano pisco and lemon drink chile (pimiento) chili pepper Chileno Chilean Chino Chinese chirivía, pastinaca parsnip chistorra chistorra: thin spicy sausage chistorra: thin spicy sausage chistorra chita Fish with white meat; known as grunt, sargo fish or rockfish. chita Rockfish

spanish chita (Anisotremus scapularis) Chita en costra de sal, con salsa de mantequilla y perejil Chita fragata, en salsa de mariscos al ajo, sobre papitas y espinacas salteadas chochoca choclo choclo choclo con queso choclo con queso: maíz tierno sancochado acompañado de queso fresco y a veces con ají chocolate

chocolate chocolate blanco

Chocolate con Crema chofer chonta chop-suey (de cerdo, langostinos, pollo o ternera) chorizo choro choros a la chalaca

Choros a la Chalaca

chorrito chorro choucroute choucroute / chucrut chuleta chuleta chuleta chuleta chuleta de cerdo con patatas chuleta de cerdo en adobo chuleta de cordero Chuleta frita Chuletas chuletas (de cordero, de cerdo...)

english rockfish Rock fish in salt crust with butter and parsley sauce “Frigate rockfish” in a garlic seafood sauce over sautéed potatoes and spinach Dried corn flour. corn cob, ear corn Soft whole corn. corn on the cob with cheese corn with cheese: young corn parboiled, accompanied with fresh cheese and sometimes chilli Chocolate: preparation made from cocoa seeds that have been roasted, husked, and ground. drinking chocolate white chocolate: not a true chocolate at all. it is, rather, a blend of sugar, cocoa butter, milk solids, lecithin and vanilla. if a product does not contain cocoa butter, it is not white chocolate chocolate with cream driver Palm hearts favored in recipes from the Amazon region chop-suey sausage Mussel Chalaca mussels: fresh mussels stuffed with diced onions, tomato and coriander cured in lemon juice Chalaca mussels: Hard shelled New Zeland mussels topped with onions, lemon and cilantro dash squirt choucroute / chucrut choucroute chop chop cutlet rib pork chop with potatoes marinated pork chop lamb chop Fried pork chop Pork chops with rice, salad and 2 tortillas chops / cutlets

spanish chuletas a la brasa chuletas de cerdo chuletas de cerdo a la cantonesa chuletas de cerdo a la charcutera chuletas de cerdo con patatas chuletas de chancho chuletas de puerco chuletillas de cabrito rebozadas chuletón de ternera chuletón de ternera a la brasa chuño chupe

Chupe de Camarones chupe de camarones chupe de camarones

Chupe de Lenguado chupe de pescado Churrasco churrasco churrasco churrasco a la parrilla churrasco de nalga churro chutney

cidra cielos abiertos cierre del cajero cierre relámpago ciervo cilantro cilantro cine cine Cingalés circuito circuito abierto circuitos circunvalación

english charcoal-grilled chops pork cutlets Cantonese-style pork chops pork chops “à la charcutière” pork chops with chips pork cutlets pork chops kid chops fried in breadcrumbs veal chop charcoal-grilled veal chop Potato flour chilled to a low temperature. Quechua word which refers to a concentrated liquid, filled with meats, grains, and vegetables. Concentrated prawn soup with rice, corn and steamed potatoes milky shrimp soup shrimp cioppino: thick freshwater shrimp stock soup, potatoes, milk, egg and chili pepper. Concentrated sole soup with rice, corn and steamed potatoes milky fish soup Barbecue Barbecued steak cutlet char-broiled steak rump steak a deep-fried, honey-filled pastry A spicy condiment containing fruit, vinegar, sugar, and spices. Chutney can range from mild to hot and is often used as an accompaniment to curried dishes. cider open sky cashier closure ziplock deer Coriander corriander cinema movies Ceylonese onward trip open jaw trip circuit tours ringway

spanish ciruela ciruela pasa ciudad ciudad dedicada exclusivamente al turismo ciudad dormitorio ciudad en la que no se practican los juegos de azar ciudades aeroportuarias ciudades para jubilados ciudades turísticas civet / encebollado civet de cerdo civet de conejo civet de jabalí civet de liebre civet de rebeco clara clara (huevo) clara de huevo clarificar


plum prune city dedicated resort commuter place non-gaming city gateway cities retirement towns resort towns game stew / “civet” / jugged meat civet of pork civet of rabbit civet of wild boar civet of hare civet of izard shandy egg white egg white Clarify: To clear a liquid by removing the sediment. The most common method is to add egg whites to a liquid such as a stock and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes clase de habitación reservada por tour operadores y su precio lead room type and rate clase turista tourist class clavadas en la tierra thrust into the ground clavo Clove: This spice is the dried, unopened flower bud of the tropical evergreen clove tree. clavo de olor cloves clavo oxidado rusty nail: scottish whisky and drambuie drink cliente potencial y referencia lead and referral club de cuadrilla infantil critter crew club club nocturno night club Club Sandwich Bacon, ham, cheese and chicken clubes y bares nocturnos nightclubs and late night bars cobrador conductor cobro por pulsera wristband fee coca cola de máquina tap coke cocada Dessert made from coconut and chancaca. cocer cook (to) cocer a fuego lento simmer cocer al vapor steam (verb) cochayuyo Algae, sold in dehydrated form. coche coach coche cama sleeper coche cama sleeping car

spanish coche comedor coche comedor coche comedor coche litera coche restaurante coche-salón con bar cochinillo / lechón cocido al vapor

cocina cocina (cuarto) cocina fusión cocineta y minibar cocktail de camarones o langostinos coco coco cocona cocotales coctel cóctel coctel de algarrobina coctel de fresas Cóctel de langostinos al plato, con una rusa de pulpa de cangrejo al rábano picante con dos salsas, americana de tomate y calypso coctelera código de exención codillo codornices codornices a la cazadora codornices a la vinagreta codornices con almejas codornices rellenas codorniz coexistan y florezcan juntos cofre de seguridad de tecnología digital Cognac Courvoisier Napoleón Cognac Courvoisier V S Cognac Courvoisier V S O P cogote cohetes bomba luz Cointreau col (f.)

english dining car full dining car luncheon car sleeper with couchettes restaurant car lounge coach with a bar suckling pig steam cooking: refers to cooking food in a rack placed over, but not in contact with boiling water in a covered pan on the top of the stove stove, kitchen kitchen crossover dishes wet bar and honor bar shrimp or prawn cocktail coconut coconut Yellow-colored fruit with a smooth flavor originating in the rain forest region of Peru. coconut groves cocktail cocktail algarrobina cocktail strawbwerry cocktail Shrimps cocktail at the dish, with a crab meat and horseradish russian salad with two sauces, tomato american and calypso cocktail shaker waiver code hand / knuckle quails quails chasseur quails vinaigrette quails with clams stuffed quails quail to all prosper side by side digital safe Cognac Courvoisier Napoleon Cognac Courvoisier V S Cognac Courvoisier V S O P neck thunder flashes Cointreau cabbage

spanish cola cola de pescado Cola Inglesa colaboración destacada colador colador colar colar

colar, escurrir colas de esquís colchones con almohadilla superior colchoneta de agua inflable coleccionistas de conchas marinas colegas colegio secundario coles de Bruselas coliflor colinas escalonadas colinas onduladas Colombiano colorea tu propia camiseta Columbia Británica continental e isla Vancouver columnas de piedra suave de bath Combinacion de 3 tacos combinando con la capacidad manufacturera comer comer langosta comida comida (alimento) comida (plato) coming from comino comino

comino comisaría comisión por referencia o contacto como antiguo centro de la España morisca y lugar donde se mezclan las culturas como sardinas en lata cómodos paseos para tus posaderas compañía aérea

english tail fish glue, isinglass English Cola core contributor colander strainer sieve: to strain liquids or particles of food through a sieve or strainer. strain: to pour a liquid or dry ingredient through a sieve or strainer to remove undesirable particles strain ski tails pillow top mattress water lounge shellers fellow associates high school Brussels sprouts cauliflower terraced hills rolling mountains Colombian t-shirt colouring B.C. mainland and Vancouver island mellow bath stone pillars 3 Tacos combination with rice and beans grafted onto the manufacturing capacity to eat eating lobster meal, food food meal procedente de cumin Cumin: spice, member of the parsley family. Its nutty-flavored seeds are used to make curries, chili powders, and Kümmel liqueur. kummel police station referral fee as the former center of moorish Spain and confluence of cheek by jowl bottom friendly airline company

spanish compartimento para bolsa de hidratación compartimiento competición canina de arrastre de barriles complejo turístico complejo turístico complejo turístico complejo turístico en torno a un casino completamente Completo Jamón, Huevo y Queso comprador en la costa compras en el paseo marítimo compras en la costa compras en la rambla comunidad bohemia comunidad de surfistas comunidades cercadas comunidades para todas las edades comunidades rurales con 3 engañosas estrellas con cargo a la habitación con cuidado con destino a con dos estrellas michelín con experiencia a nivel nacional con los techos revestidos por entramados de plantas con servicio de limpieza con sólo abrir las persianas con tejado de varias aguas con un estilo consumado con...encima concassé concejo municipal concesión maestra concesionario ancla de venta al por menor concha de abanico concha de pala concha negra concha negra Concha y Toro - Amelia Concha y Toro - Casillero del Diablo Concha y Toro - Casillero del Diablo Concha y Toro - Don Melchor Concha y Toro - Marqués de Casa Concha Concha y Toro - Marqués de Casa Concha Conchas gigantes rockefeller, cubiertas de espinacas

english hydration ready compartment canine keg pull holiday resort resort resort complex casino resort destination thoroughly Ham, cheese, egg, and french fries seaside shopper seaside shopping seaside shopping seaside shopping arty cafe society boarding community gated communities all-age communities crossroads communities with another spurious 3 stars signing privileges gently to two michelin-starred in-country experience ceilings hung with latticed greenery serviced flick of a wooden blind multi-gabled consummate style topped with … Coarsely chopped or ground. town council master concession anchor retail tenant Scallop. From the same family as scallops, cockles. black shell pustulose ark (anadara tuberculosa) Concha and Toro - Amelia Concha and Toro - Pigeonhole of Devil Concha and Toro - Pigeonhole of Devil Concha y Toro - Don Melchor Concha and Toro - Marquis of Casa Concha Concha and Toro - Marquis of Casa Concha Rockefeller jumbo scallops, covered with a

spanish estofadas con bacon, vino y parmesano, bien gratinadas en su concha Conchas gratinadas a la Thermidor, jumbos salteadas en mantequilla de ajo y gratinadas en dos mostazas

english wine sautéed spinach, parmesan cheese, and bacon baked gratin style shell Gratined scallops Thermidor style sauteed jumbos in garlic butter and gratined in two mustards Conchas jumbo grillé, con salsa de ají y limón, con ajo Grilled jumbo scallops, served in its shell, picante with sweet chili pepper and garlic sauce conchitas a la parmesana scallops covered with parmesan cheese au gratin conchitas tailandesas scallops in crunchy garlic marinated in thai sauce condimento flavouring, seasoning condimento relish, dressing condimento seasoning conducir to drive conejo rabbit conejo rabbit conejo a la brasa (con alioli) charcoal-grilled rabbit (with garlic mayonnaise) conejo a la cazadora rabbit chasseur Conejo a la cazadora, estofado en salsa de cognac y oporto, Hunter-style rabbit, stewed in a cognac and reducido con estragón fresco en glaceado rubio de cebollino, port sauce, with fresh tarragon reduction in a champignones y tocino ahumado, acompañado de arroz pilaf golden glaze of baby onions, mushrooms and de verduras y gajos de papas doradas smoked bacon, garnished with a vegetables pilaf rice from our farm and fried yellow potatoes slices conejo a la cazuela casseroled rabbit conejo a las finas hierbas rabbit with savoury herbs conejo al “romesco” rabbit with “romesco” sauce conejo al ajillo rabbit with garlic and parsley conejo al ron rabbit with rum conejo al vino añejo rabbit with matured wine conejo asado roast rabbit conejo con ajos y tomillo rabbit with garlic and thyme conejo con alubias rabbit with white beans conejo con azafrán rabbit with saffron conejo con boniatos rabbit with sweet potatoes conejo con chocolate rabbit with chocolate conejo con cigalas rabbit with prawns conejo con ciruelas rabbit with prunes conejo con pimientos rabbit with sweet peppers conejo con pisto rabbit with “ratatouille” conejo con senderuelas rabbit with wild mushrooms conejo con setas rabbit with wild mushrooms conejo confitado confit of rabbit / rabbit preserve conejo de bosque con caracoles wild rabbit with snails conejo deshuesado en escabeche marinated filletted rabbit

spanish conejo frito con alioli de membrillo conejo picante confirmar confitado Confitado de pato, estilo Languedoc, cocido en su propia grasa hasta la perfecta tiernez, con ensalada tibia de lentejitas al ajo y perejil, en reducción de vinagre de vino añejo congelado congelar conger congrio congrio consejal consejo conserva conserva agridulce conservar consolidator fare consomé

consomé construcciones e instalaciones contrafilete contrastes de épocas contrato de concesión contrato no laboral coñac coordinador coordinador de conserjes copa copa de vino copa de vino blanco Copa de vino de la casa Blanco / Tinto copa de vino dulce copa de vino tinto copos copús

coral de camarón coral de langosta

english fried rabbit with quince garlic mayonnaise rabbit in spicy sauce to confirm glacé Duck confit, languedoc style, cooked in its own fat for perfect tenderness, with warm lentils, garlic and parsley salad, in an aged wine vinegar reduction frozen freeze congrio conger conger town councillor tip preserves chutney keep (verb) tarifa especial de consolidador A clarified meat or fish broth. Can be served hot or cold and commonly used as a soup or sauce base. consommé physical plant and facilities top cut / sirloin time clashing license agreement non employment contract brandy travel courier concierge liaison goblet wineglass white wine glass Glass of wine of the House white / red sherry glass red wine glass flakes dish of Piura. Its ingredients are ripe fried bananas, sweet potatoes, and seasoned hen, turkey, goat, and mutton. The meat is cooked in a furnace under the ground covered with blankets and clay. shrimp`s coral: eggs of crustacean. when cooked turns into a coral-red color. Lobster`s coral: Eggs of crustacean such as lobster. When cooked turns into a coral-red

spanish corazón corcho cordero cordero a la cazuela cordero a la parrilla cordero asado cordero asado con salsifí y zanahoria cordero con salsa de ciruelas cordero en salsa de menta cordero lechal / lechal coriandro cornalitos cornisa y sendas de caminata correas y bloques corredor correr (agua) corridor corriente, sin nada que la haga destacar cortado cortado (en loncha) cortado en cubitos cortado en juliana cortado en rodajas cortahuevos cortar cortar cortar en cuartos cortar en cubos cortar en dados cortar en dos corteza corteza de limón corteza de pan cortinas cortinas opacas de oscuridad total que impiden que pase la luz corvina corvina corvina corvina corvina “al contrario”, sobre una salsa de cebolla confitada al vino tinto, con arroz cremoso al choclo y queso al perejil corvina a la chorrillana

english color. core cork lamb lamb casserole grilled lamb roast lamb roast lamb with salsify and carrot lamb with plum sauce lamb with mint sauce suckling lamb coriander whitebait rim and trailheads straps and bricks corridor run corredor the room has a small kitchen, though a bit undescript chopped sliced (verbo) cubed julienned sliced egg slicer cut, chop (con hacha) slice,cut quarter (verbo) Dice: To cut food into tiny cubes. dice halve rind, crust, bark lemon rind/peel crust sheers blackout curtains corvina croaker sea bass, croaker white sebass Seabass “on the contrary”, seabass over a red wine confit onions sauce, garnished with creamy rice with cheese and parsley Chorrillana croaker: fresh croaker fried,


english topped with sauteed onions and tomatoes, served with rice corvina a la francesa French croaker: fresh croaker filet with lemon, butter, and wine Corvina a la Marsellesa, en bullabesa de mariscos al hinojo y Marsellesa seabass, in a fennel seafood sauce, rouille romesco, sorpresa de arroz y penacho de ensaladita de with romesco rouille, surprise rice, and berros con tomate watercress salad corvina a lo macho macho croaker: especially fresh croaker filet topped with seafood, served with rice corvina al ajillo con arroz garlic croaker with rice: succulent croaker filet, served with rice Corvina de Bandera, lomo de corvina a la plancha terminado “Flag seabass”, sautéed sea bass with al vapor, con camarones, champignones salteados en aceite crayfish, grilled mushrooms in olive oil and de oliva y ajos Todo sobre una cama de espárragos con garlic with grilled asparagus and piquillo pimientos del piquillo y arroz con choclo peppers, garnished with rice and peruvian corn kernels Corvina en salsa limoncello, cocida a la plancha y envuelta en Seabass with limoncello sauce, seabass grilled espinacas, con papa amarilla machacada en aceite de oliva y and wrapped in spinach, with mashed láminas de zanahoria dulce potatoes in olive oil, sheets of sweet carrots Cooked on the grill, served on bed of peruvian potatoes & onions, with creamy leek fondue sauce, and watercress crown Corvina en salsa pernod, con conchas y camarones, en salsa seabass in pernod sauce, sreabass cooked in a al Pernod, sobre papas amarillas coronada con masa inflada pernod (anis) sauce, served with sea scallops and crayfish, on a bed of yellow peruvian potatoes and topped with puff pastry Corvina estilo escuela Arzak, en salsa vasca de mostaza de Arzak-school-style Seabass, seabass in a bask grano, puré de alcaparras, almejitas coquinas estofadas y tian mustard grain sauce, capers sauce, and cooked de panaderas clams, garnished with potatoes tian corvina frita fried croaker: fresh croaker fried filet, topped with creole sauce, served with rice Corvina Notre Dame sobre lecho béchamel de alcachofas Notre Dame seabass with bechamel divan sobre un saltadito parisino de champignones con tomates artichokes, over sautéed mushrooms and enanos y papitas doradas tomatoes, garnished with fried yellow potatoes, corvina saltada sautéed croaker: succulent sauteed fish tid bits with onions & tomatoes corvina special fresh croaker filet with shrimps, sauce with herbs and white wine corvina sudada con arroz steamed fresh croaker filet, served with rice cosecha harvest cosmopolita cosmopolitan: vodka, lime juice, cranberry juice, and cointreau drink costanera promenade Costarricenses Costa Ricans coste excesivo overbearing cost costilla rib costillar de cordero carré of lamb costillas (de cordero, de cerdo...) chops / cutlets costillas de cerdo spear ribs

spanish costillas de vaca costo de la entrada costra

costumbres culinarias coulis Cousiño Macul - Ant Res Cabernet Sauvignon Cousiño Macul - Ant Res Chardonnay Cousiño Macul - Don Matías Cabernet Sauvignon Cousiño Macul - Doña Isidora Riesling Cousiño Macul - Merlot Reserva credulidad crema crema (not from milk) Crema catalana con jalea de membrillo tibia y tajadas de manzana crema chantilly

crema chantilly Crema de Brócoli Crema de Champiñones crema de coco

Crema de Espárragos crema de tarwi crema tartar

crema volteada Crema volteada crêpe

criadilla / turma cribar

english short ribs admission fee Crust: The hardened outer layer of a cooked food such as bread; a thin layer of pastry covering a pie, pâté, etc. table fare A thick purée or sauce, such as a fruit or tomato coulis Cousiño Macul - Ant Res Cabernet Sauvignon Cousiño Macul - Ant Res Chardonnay Cousiño Macul - Don Matías Cabernet Sauvignon Cousiño Macul - Mrs Isidora Riesling Cousiño Macul - Merlot Reserve gullibility cream cream (general) catalan cream with warm membrillo jelly and apple chips Chantilly creme: French term that refers to dishes that are served or prepared with whipped cream. Chantilly Creme is a lightly sweetened whipped cream that is sometimes flavoured with vanilla or a liqueur. whipping cream Broccoli cream Mushroom cream Coconut cream: cream made by combining one part water and four parts shredded fresh or desiccated coconut meat and simmering until foamy. The coconut is then discarded. Used in recipes, particularly those in curried dishes. Asparragus cream andean lupin soup Cream of tartar: A natural fruit acid in the form of a fine white powder derived from a crystalline deposit found inside wine barrels. Used as the acid in some baking sodas. Also used in frostings, candies, and as an egg white stabilizer. a type of flan, very tasty and easy to prepare Turned Over Cream The French word for pancake. Available in various flavors and filled with savory or dessert fillings. amourette sieve: to strain liquids or particles of food through a sieve or strainer.

spanish criterio de medida Croissant Mixto croqueta croquette

cruce crucero crucero cruceros con cena a bordo cruceros continuos crucerovespertino con cena de langosta crudo cruise crujiente crujiente de conejo cuadra cuajada cuajada cuajar cuajarse cuarto cuarto de pollo cuarto oculto cuarto/habitación en una posada cuarzo hialino de color frambuesa Cuba Libre Cuba Libre 7 años cubeteado cubierto cubiertos cubirto de ensalada cubrecolchones de plumas cubrir cubrir gastos de viaje cuchara cuchara cuchara de madera cuchara de postre cuchara grande (para servir) cuchara grande (para servir) cuchara sopera cucharada cucharada

english benchmark Ham and cheese, served with french fries cutlet A mixture of minced meats or vegetables, a thick white sauce and seasonings that is formed into small rounds, dipped in beaten egg and breadcrumbs, then deep-fried until crisp and brown. intersection cruise cruise dinner boat cruises back-to-back cruises sunset lobster cruise raw, rear crucero crisp crispy rabbit block curd Solidified milk. curdle curdle quarter quarter of chicken priest hole lodge room raspberry ice quartz free Cuba seven-year free Cuba cubed set meal cutlery salat server feather-top mattress covers smother meet travel expenses spoon spoon,tablespoon wooden spoon dessert spoon tablespoon tbsp (tablespoon) soup spoon dollop,scop tablespoonful



cucharadita cucharita cucharita de postre cucharita de té cucharón cucharón cuchillo cuchillo cuchillo de pescado cuchillo p/ trinchar cucurucho cuenco cuenco cuenco cuenta promedio cuentan con cuentas a treinta días cuentas satélite de turismo: fugas / vínculos cuero regenerado compuesto por un 80% de fibras de cuero y un 20% de otras sustancias. cuerpo Cueva de Toquepala

teaspoonful tsp (teaspoon) dessert spoon teaspoon dipper, ladle ladle knife knife fish knife carving knife wafer basin bowl pudding basin average check featuring thirty day accounts tourism satellite accounts: leakages / linkages bonded leather containing 80% leather fibers and 20% non-leather substances body Toquepala Cave: 2 hour-drive from downtown. Rupestrian paintings 9000 years BC Coriander callejón sin salida baby cot gutter turmeric turmeric: a slightly bitter spice taken from the root of a plant of the ginger family. fact boxes coastal bend Cusqueña Light guinea pig Guinea pig weight-press-cooked guinea pig: whole guinea pig fried in frying pan under a big, heavy stone peach daikiri: rum, lemon juice and peach drink fruit daikiri: rum, lemon juice and fruits drink apricot Poach: To cook food gently in a liquid at or just below its boiling point. Meats are normally poached in stock, eggs in lightly salted water, fruit in light sugar syrup

culantro cul-de-sac cuna cuneta cúrcuma cúrcuma curiosidades curva costera Cusqueña ligera cuy cuy chactado cuy chactado: cuy frito en sartén bajo el peso de una piedra grande y pesada daikiri de durazno daikiri de frutas damasco dar un hervor

spanish dar vuelta dátil datos de interés de búsqueda espiritual y encuentro con las raíces de diseño arquitectónico de tiempos pasados de una en una decantar

decoración decoración minimalista o simplificada decorar dedo de dama

deep fried squid. served at breakfast or any time of day dejar dejar enfriar dejaron huella delegado delgado deliciosamente puntilloso delicioso demasiado cocido departamento departamento departamentos de línea y preparación depósito en efectivo depósito no canjeado depresión geológica longitudinal derramar derretir derritida derritir derrubio costanero desayuno desayuno continental hasta media manana desayuno servido en el sitio desayuno tardío descarozados descascaradas descongelado descongelar

english turn over date lowdown to soul searching and roots finding architect designed days gone by one by one Decantar: to pour a liquid, specially wine, from its bottle to a carafe or decanter, in order to separate the wine from any sediment. It also allows the wine to breathe. garnish pared-down minimalism decorate Lady`s finger: A light and delicate sponge cake that is shaped somewhat like a large, fat finger. Often used as an accompaniment to ice cream, puddings, and other desserts. squid crackling leave leave to cool rubbed off favorably delegate thin, slim pointillizious delicious, scrumptious overdone apartment (US) flat (GB) line prep cash drop unredeemed deposit longitudinal geological depression spill, slosh melt,thaw melted melt coastal drift breakfast late-morning continental breakfast on-site breakfast brunch pitted shelled defrozen defreeze

spanish descongelar descontar del sueldo descontar un día de vacaciones descremar

descuento del precio normal desde loco a moderado desecado desembarcar desembarque desempaquetado desfilar desglacear


deshuesado deshuesar designer amenities desleír desmenuzar desmenuzar, hacer tiras desmoldar despedazado despegue despellejar despensa despeñadero de bisontes desperdiciar desplumar desprender destapar destrozamos muchas llantas detalles que denotan una conciencia ecológica detallista devorar días con bajo nivel de ocupación

english thaw, defrost off-pay deduct a day of vacation skim: to remove top layer from a liquid, such as cream from milk and fat from stock, soups, sauces, etc rack rate from wild to mild dried disembark disembarkation unbundled file into Deglaze: After food has been sautéed and excess fat removed from pan, deglazing is done by heating a small amount of liquid in a pan and stirring to loosen browned bits of food on the bottom. This liquid often becomes the base for a sauce. Degrease: To skim fat from the surface of a hot liquid, stock or gravy using a spoon. Another way is to chill the mixture until the fat becomes solid and can be easily lift off the surface boned, boneless bone to remove the bones from meat, fish or fowl. atracciones de diseñador dissolve, to thin crumble,flake shred (verb) take out of the mould flaked takeoff skin: to remove the skin of food before or after cooking to improve appearance and taste pantry bison cliff jump waste pluck give off (juices etc) uncover we busted many a tire eco-conscious detail oriented rave shoulder days

spanish diente diente de ajo diente de ajo diente de tenedor dieta Dieta de Pollo digital safe dignos de chuparse los dedos dinero en línea directivas sobre la calidad de los servicios director del centro de competencia disfrute las delicias de nuestra cafetería dish onsisting of tripe and diced potatoes and turmeric stew, served with rice. The seasoning of this dish is now also used with other meats or seafood rather than tripe. dislocados disparos de tequila dispone de impresora remota en caso de que ésta esté encendida disponibilidad distinguirse por su hospitalidad distribución de asientos distrito distrito del muelle diversión nocturna divertido doblar doble porta piolets documentación documento nacional de identidad documentos clave a entregar documentos para entrega Dolores Correas Dom Perignon donde el aventurero donald campbell dorado dorar al horno dormitorio principal con baño privado dos asientos por fila Drambuie duchas con rociado corporal duchas estilo roll-in adaptadas para sillas de ruedas dueño de la posada dulce durazno

english tooth clove of garlic garlic clove prong diet Concentrated chicken soup with angel hair pasta and vegetables (diet soup) cofre de seguridad de tecnología digital lip smackingly money direct service quality directives head of competence centre get a bite to eat from our cafeteria cau cau

wrenched from their sockets tequila shots remote printer via printer on inventory to offer a signature brand of hospitality seating requirements district dockside district clubbing good-time tuck,fold twin ice axe loops papers identity card key deliverables deliverables Dolores Correas Dom Perignon boy`s own style dorado gratin en suite master bedroom two across Drambuie body-spray showers roll-in showers innkeeper-owner sweet peach

spanish duro duxelles

echalote echar echar el guante echar un vistazo a ecuatoriano edificio edificio municipal edulcorante edulcorante el barco estaba demasiado alejado para ser visto desde tierra firme el día pasa volando el distrito central de la ciudad el enorme atrio de cristal que cuenta con piscina y bañera de hidromasaje el espíritu neoyorkino el estilo del hotel combina líneas bien definidas con colores vivos y pieles el exceso no renunciable el gimnasio incluye una piscina climatizada el hecho de estar de moda el hotel mas grande de la cadena el huerto de un país el mar, por supuesto el máximo rendimiento para su dinero el país de las maravillas el rincón del pintor el viaje duró 21 horas y fue horrible porque no pude dormir elevar el nivel de la experiencia gastronómica embarcación para celebrar fiestas embarcadero embarcar embarque embutir emergencia no relacionada a incendio empalme empanada


english hard , stif A mixture of finely chopped mushrooms, shallots and herbs slowly cooked in butter until it forms a thick paste. scalliot pour get your mitts on rifle through Ecuadorian building town hall sweetener sweetener: sugar substitute. the most popular being aspartame, acesulfame-k and saccharin the ship was out of sight of land the day just goes midtown district the huge glass atrium that houses a pool and whirlpool New York state of mind the hotel`s styling combining clean lines with warm hues and furs non-waiverable excess. the fitness club includes a heated swimming pool fashionability largest unit of the chain the vegetable basket of a country sea sure the biggest bang for your bucks wonderland painter`s corner the journey was 21 hours long and it was horrible because I couldn`t sleep to raise the bar on the dining experience festive party boat put-in point embark embarkation stuff non-fire emergency connection Meat pie: Pastry crust with savory meat and vegetable filling. Also filled with fruit and served as dessert. pie

spanish Empanada de pollo y carne empanadas Empanadas de carne

empanadas peruanas

empanadas peruanas

empaquetado emperifollado emperifollarse emplazamientos (de un museo por la ciudad) empleados de tierra empresa de viajes empresas municipales y comunales en apuros en cuenta de banco estadounidense en el grupo en grano en ingresos anuales en la categoría 5 estrellas en la categoría más alta en lo más alto de su especialidad en marcha en pedacitos en pleno centro en régimen de media jornada en todas nuestras vacaciones le garantizamos incondicionalmente el mejor precio del mercado en tránsito encajar encanelado encarar el asunto encargado de la piscina encargado del bar encargado residente encomienda encuentro fortuito encurtido

english Beef and chicken pie meat- or cheese-filled pies Beef Enpanadas: pastry turnovers filled with seasoned chopped meat and vegetables, sealed and deep-fried Peruvian pastries/meat pies: filled either with chicken, beef, cheese. It can also be strictly vegetarian. Unique taste due to the addition of olives and sometimes hard boiled eggs and raisins Peruvian pastries: can be filled either with chicken, beef, cheese or be strictly vegetarian, unique taste due to the addition of olives and hard boiled eggs and raisins. These are not fried but baked. bundled gussied up gussy up locations (of a museum across the city) station employees tour operator township and village enterprises struggling on a US. bank in party wholegrain in annual revenue on the 5 star market at the high end at the top of its tree on the go flaked right smack bang half-day basis all our holidays come with a no quibble price guarantee in transit fit a cinnamon-based cake step to the plate pool bar attendant resident manager parcel chance meeting Pickle: A food that has been preserved in vinegar or a seasoned brine. Commonly


english pickled foods include cucumbers, pearl onions, cauliflower, baby corn, pigs feet, watermelon rind, and herring. Flavours include dill, sweet, and sour varieties endibia endive endibia Endive: This salad green is related to the chicory. Belgian endives are grown in darkness and never turn green. Curly endive has curly leaves and a slightly bitter taste. Escarole is the mildest variety of endive. endosos o aprobaciones endorsements endulzante sweetener enebro juniper eneldo dill eneldo dill: Originally from Dijon, France, this pale variety of mustard is known for its sharp, clean flavor that can range from mild to hot. It is made from brown mustard seeds, white wine, unfermented grape juice and a variety of seasonings. enfriar (comida) cool (verb) enfriar (vino) chill engrasadas greased engrasar grease enjuagar rinse enlace connection enlace escocés scottish link enlatado canned enredadera vine ensalada salad Ensalada Salad Ensalada Caprese Caprese Salad Ensalada César Ceasar Salad Ensalada Cesar´s, con parmesano, lechugas romanas Caesar´s salad, with parmesan, with crunchy crocantes en vinagreta César, con tomatitos grillés y pan green romaine lettuces in caesar dressing, tostado campesino con langostinos salteados al ajo ó con grilled tomatoes and toasted bread with garlic pechuga de pollo a la parrilla sautéed shrimps with grilled chicken breast Ensalada con chita verdes del huerto aliñados en balsámico, Rockfish salad, greens from the farm dressed limón, pétalos de tomate, lascas de palta, con chita cocida al in balsamic, lemon, tomatoes, avocado slices vapor y un aderezo de alioli de limón and steam rockfish chunks with a lemon alioli sauce Ensalada contracorriente lechugas mixtas, berros y espinaca, Contercurrent salad, mixed lettuce, water con espirales de salmón y queso de cabra, con vinagreta ácida cress, spinach, with salmon and goat cheese al eneldo rolls in a dill citric vinagrette ensalada de la casa house salad Ensalada de la casa Salad of the house Ensalada de mar y tierra langostinos jumbo abrazados de Land and sea salad, jumbo shrimps and conchas de abanico sobre ensalada verde, palmitos y scallops, over green salad with palm hearts remolacha confitada en aderezo de mostaza and confit beet in a mustard vinagrette


english ensalada de mariscos seafood salad: fresh and delicious seafood salad Ensalada de pallares Lima butter bean salad Ensalada de pallares a salad made with Peruvian Lima butter beans, boiled whole and mixed (when cooled) with a salsa of onions, slices of tomatoes, and green chili, marinated in green Peruvian lime juice, oil, salt, and vinegar ensalada de pulpo octopus salad Ensalada de Queso de Cabra Arugula, Winter apple slices, toasted bread and goat cheese with our chef's special dressing Ensalada del Cheff Vegetable salad, shrimp or prawns, cheese, ham and chicken ensalada individual side salad Ensalada Manchego con Trucha Festival of lettuces with balsamic vinegar and olive oil with smoked trout and Manchego cheese Ensalada Oriental Pineapple carpaccio with a mixture of organic lettuces in tempura sauce with grilled chicken kebabs Ensalada tibia de queso de cabra, mesclun y tomates secos Warm goat cheese salad with mixed greens, marinados al aceite de oliva extra, higos secos caramelizados, sundried tomatoes, caramelized figs, roasted nueces tostadas, miel y especias nuts, honey and spices Ensalada tres corazones, alcachofas, palmitos y romana, con Three hearts salad, artichokes, palms and huevos de codorniz y pimientos del piquillo, en corona de romaine with quail eggs, avocado chunks and palta y vinagreta de aceite de oliva al limón piquillo peppers, in lemon vinaigrette ensaladas salads ensaladera salad bowl ensanche extension enseñanza de ciencias teaching science en-suite baño incluido entrada entrée entrada starter entrecôte A steak cut between the ribs of beef. It is a very tender cut usually cooked by quickly broiling or sautéing. entregada o emitida dispensed entremés hors d' oeuvre entrenamiento de fuerza strength training entretanto meanwhile entretenimiento liviano o ligero light entertainment entusiasmarse rave equipaje de mano hand luggage equipaje de viaje travel gear luggage erizo de mar sea urchin es mucho más is so much more es muy fácil it`s a breeze

spanish es muy inferior a escabeche criollo

escala escalar escaldar


escalopa escama escamar escapada de compras escapadas a un centro turístico con casino escarbadientes escarchado

escarola escarola escarola escenario perfecto para su vivienda o sus vacaciones Escocés escondite escotes exuberantes escribano escritorio de información escuela escuela del aire del servicio real de medicos voladores escurreplatos escurridor escurrir escurrir

esmerado servicio espacio entre asientos español espárragos

english is well behind pickled fish: fish, duck or chicken cooked in vinegar and onions together with other spices and chili. stopover to ladder Blanch: to plunge food briefly into boiling water, then into cold water to stop the cooking process. this process is performed to firm the flesh, loosen skins, and to heighten and set the color and flavor of foods. Poach: To cook food gently in a liquid at or just below its boiling point. Meats are normally poached in stock, eggs in lightly salted water, fruit in light sugar syrup escalope scale scale: technique by which the scales are removed from the skin of a fish. holiday shopping getaway casino resort getaways toothpick Frosting: Icing. Sweet, sugar-based mixture used to fill and coat cakes, pastries and cookies. curly endive,escarole endive Escarole: variety of endive with broad, slightly curved leaves. island home Scottish priest hole overflowing bosoms Sauce from Arequipa, Peru, based on cheese, onions, and broad beans. hospitality desk school royal flying doctor school of the air dishrack rack drain strain: to pour a liquid or dry ingredient through a sieve or strainer to remove undesirable particles refined service legroom Spanish asparagus

spanish Espárragos dobles en camisa, envueltos en jamón crudo, hechos a la plancha y glaza de tomate espátula especia especialidad especias especias especias de encurtido

espejo de tocador espesado espesar espeso espeso espetar

espiga espinaca espinacas espolvorear esponjoso espumoso espumoso (vino) esquiar sobre nieve polvo esquina está en plena forma establecimientos comerciales de calidad inferior estación estación estación de bomberos estación de esquí estacionamiento estacionamiento estacionamientos satélites afuera del aeropuerto.. estadía estadio están estriados con olivares cuidadosamente cortados y moteados con estancia estanque estar al día con el asunto

english Double covered asparagus, grilled with raw ham and covered with a tomato glaze spatula spice major spices spices: substances obtained from plants with a strong taste or smell, used for flavoring food A blend of seasonings used to flavor pickles, including varying combinations of allspice, bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, ginger, mustard seeds, and peppercorns make up mirror Thickened: traditional dish made of ground corn and beef or fish stock. thicken (to) stiff thick truss: to secure poultry or other food with string pins or skewers so food maintains compact shape during cook ear spinach spinach sprinkle fluffy frothy, bubbly sparkling powder skiing corner gets into his stride poor quality shopping station station fire station ski resort car park (GB) parking lot (US) off airport satellite parking stay stadium are striated with perfectly manicured olive groves and dotted with stay pond stay up on events

spanish estar con sus contemporaneos puede ser agotador estar un tiempo fuera vs. estar fuera de tiempo estilo arquitectónico estilo colonial estirar con el rodillo estofado estofado estofado estofar

estómago de ave estragón estragón

estrategia colaborativa de desarrollo de turismo de enclaves estrategia de mercado 4puntos: producto, precio, lugar y promoción) estropear etapa etiqueta de equipage de mano euforia de las alturas, al mejor estilo panameño evaporado evento de presentación eventos empresariales eventos grupales excelentes habilidades en presentación y comunicación así como fluidez en tres idiomas exceso de equipaje excursión excursión excursión excursión excursión a pie excursión en la que se puede subir y bajar del autobús en cualquier momento de la ruta excursiones de ida y vuelta excursionista excursionista exhibición sobre viajes de incentivo y de reuniones de ejecutivos (it & me)

english can find being with her contemporaries draining taking time off vs calling time out architectural bent mission style roll out with the rolling pin ragout stew stew stew: a method of cooking by which food is barely covered with liquid and simmered slowly for a long period of time in a tightly covered pot. this method tenderizes pieces of meat and allows flavors of ingredients to blend thoroughly gizzard tarragon tarragon: a distinctive, aromatic perennial herb often called french tarragon. used in butter, chowders, juices, marmalades, fish, poultry, meat, soups, vegetables, and sauces such as béarnaise tourism cluster developmnet approach market mix ruin stage hand tag rocky mountain high, panama style evaporated chartering event business events group functions extremely good presentation as well as fluency in three languages excess baggage excursion onward trip outing trip hiking trip a hop on hop off excursion double tours excursionist tripper incentive travel and meeting executive show (it & me)

spanish existencias sobrantes expedición expedición en llama experiencia de playa experiencia emocionante experto en hotelería exportaron menos del doble que exprimido exprimidos exprimir exquisitez extender extensión extracción de oro fabricante tercerizado fabuloso facilidad de cargar la cuenta a su habitación mediante firma personal factibilidad económica facturación faisán Fajitas de Pollo o de res falsas curvas farol farol fechas restringidas Fernet Branca Importado ferrobús ferrocarril ferrocarril festival del maíz y la papa: festival realizado en Abril Festividad del Señor de Locumba: fiesta religiosa celebrada el 14 de Setiembre Fetuccini Alfredo fiambres fiambres fiambres condimentos fibra fideos fideos cilíndricos fiebre del baile latino fiesta de las cruces: fiesta celebrada en Mayo fiesta de pijamas y caras pintadas fiesta de presentación filas de dos x tres asientos

english distressed inventory expedition llama packing beach experience mind-bending experience hotel expert export less than twice as much. squeezed pressed wring delicacy spread (out) extension fossicking third party manufacturer awesome signing privilege affordability registration pheasant Chicken or beef fajitas w/rice, beans and salad falsies streetlamp streetlight black-out dates apply Fernet Branca Imported railcar railroad (US) railway (GB) corn and potato festival: festival held in April Festivity of The Lord of Locumba: religious festivity held on the 14th of September Fetuccini with white cream sauce and ham cold cuts (US) cold meats (GB) cold meat fiber noodles noodles latin fever ball crosses festivity: religious fiesta held in May a-b seas face painting slumber party chartering event two-by-three

spanish Filet Mignon filete filete filete Filete de lenguado al Ajo Filete de Pescado a la Chorrillana

filo (del cuchillo) filtrar

filtro solar finca Finlandés Finlandés fino (no grueso) fino (vino) Fish and seafood Jelly


flamencos primitivos flan flan flan flan (de huevo) flanera florecen Florentina de pollo, en salsa agridulce de sauco, con arroz almendrado flotación seca flujo de caja-balance o cuenta de resultados-estados financieros o contables flujo de embarque de pasajeros focos con regulador de intensidad folleto fonda formalidades de aduanas formar una bola formulario de exoneración de responsabilidad formulario de registro

english Grilled steak with mushroom sauce, vegetables and french fries fillet Fillet: A boneless piece of meat or fish. steak Garlic-flavoured Sole filet: Deep fried filet of sole in garlic sauce, served with potatoes Chorrillana fish filet: Deep fried filet of fish sautéed with onions and tomatoes, served with rice and potatoes edge strain: to pour a liquid or dry ingredient through a sieve or strainer to remove undesirable particles sunblock estate home Finn Finnish thin, fine dry sherry Deep fried fish with shrimp, mussels, scallops and calamari served with marinated onions and tomatoes Flambeado: method of food presentation which consists in sprinkling certain foods with liquor which after warming is ignited just before serving. French for flamed or flaming. flemish primitives creamy caramel custard custard,creme caramel terrine crême caramel mould thrive Florentine chicken breast, with a sweet and sour sauco sauce, accompanied with nut rice dry float cash flow-income statement-financial statement flow forward passengers dimmer-switch controlled spotlights brochure buffet customs formalities make a ball liability release form registration form

spanish formulario de registro de hotel formulario para solicitar apoyo temporario de locación a bcha forrado con goma eva forrar

forrar el molde forrar el molde fotografía digital frambueza Frangélico fregar con fuerza freir freír freir agitando

freir rápidamente frejol frejol bayo frejol caballero frejol canario frejol colado

frejol panamito frejoles fresa fresco fresco y seco fricase de pollo con arroz

Fried cassava frigorífico Frijoles frío fructosa

fruta Fruta de estación, helado y yogurt natural de vainilla frutilla fruto de la rosa

english hotel registration form bcha floating support referral form eva face Line: To use parchment or waxed paper to cover the bottom of a pan in order to prevent the mixture from sticking. cover/line the mould line a tin digitally applied photograph raspberry Frangelico scrub Fry: To cook food in hot fat over moderate to high heat. fry stir-fry: any dish that has been prepared by stir-frying. that is, the food is chopped into small pieces and cooked very quickly over high heat in a large pan for a short period of time while briskly stirring the food sear bean Large brown bean. Large, round, white bean. Yellow bean. Sweet dessert made from mashed beans and chancaca. It is generally prepared in southern Peru. Small white bean. beans strawberry fresh crisp chicken fricassee with rice: tender juicy chicken stew with boiled potato, served with rice Yuca Frita fridge Peruvian beans cold Fructose: A natural by product of fruits and honey. More water-soluble than glucose and sweeter than sucrose with half the calories. Can be used by diabetics. fruit Seasonal fruit, ice ream and yogurt of vanilla strawberry rose hip: the ripe reddish-orange fruit of the


fuego fuente fuente fuente de horno fuentes interactivas fuentes que murmuran fuera de estación fuerte publicidad de boca en boca funcionario de atención al cliente fundas ártica de algodón down fundir funeraria gabinete gafas de sol Galés galleta galleta galletas saladas galletita galletitas sureñas de lima al registrarse gallina galopera de champiñones gamba gambas gambas con gabardina gancho de rescate ganso garbanzo

garbanzos garrafa gaseosa gastos por servicios al pasajero gaviotín de pico rojo gelatina


english rose that is often used to make jellies, jams, syrups, teas, and wines. because of their high vitamin c content, rose hips are dried, ground, and sold in health-food stores. fire fountain pan,dish,platter baking sheet shooting fountains trickling fountains off season heavy word of mouth promotion guest relations clerk arctic down melt undertaker`s cabinet sunglasses Welsh biscuit Biscuit: soft bread dough baked in small shapes. crackers biscuit, cookie key lime coolers at check-in hen mushrooms in garlic sauce au gratin prawn scampi, prawn scampi life hook goose chickpea : Also called garbanzo beans. Round irregular -shaped buff- colored legumes with a firm texture and a mild nutlike flavor. chick peas carafe lemonade passenger expenses stern Gelatine: An odorless, tasteless, and colorless thickening agent that forms a jelly when dissolved into hot water and then cooled. Used in jellied desserts, salads, and cold soups. Available in both flavored and unflavored varieties. jello, jelly

spanish generoso (vino) generoso (vino) gerente de centros de alojamiento gerente de compras gerente de hotel germen de trigo gestión de una tercera parte gestión in situ gestión o gerencia hotelera gin gin con gin gin con tonic gin tonic ginebra ginebra ginebra holandesa gira gira gastronómica girasol glacé glace de viande

glotonería glucosa

gobierno local golosina goloso Gorditas gordo gorila de nightclub o disco gramo gran arrecife de coral granada granadina granadina

Grand Marniere Rojo/Amarillo

english ful bodied full lodging facilites manager cp manager hotel manager wheat germ third party management on-site management hospitality management tonic gin with gin gin with tonic gin and tonic gin gin schnaps tour dine-around sunflower French for glazed or frozen. Refers to the frosting on a cake or frozen desserts or drinks. French for meat glaze made by boiling meatjuices until they are reduced to a thick syrup. Adds flavor and color to sauces. gluttony Glucose: sugar. The most common form of this sugar is called dextroglucose, commonly referred to as dextrose. Corn syrup is a form of glucose made from cornstarch. local government candy tooth Meat, beans, mozzarela cheese, lettuce, tomatoes inside a tortilla with choice of meat fat bouncer gramme great barrier reef pomegranate grenadine Grenadine: A brilliant scarlet non-alcoholic syrup made from the juice of pomegranates. Used to color and flavor drinks and desserts. Called grena dine because was originally available only from the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. Grand Marniere Red/yellow

spanish grandes almacenes granos granos granos grasa grasa gratin


gratinar green fees y carrito gratuitos por persona Griego grosella grosellas negras grueso grueso grumo grupos de mesas con bancos de respaldo alto guachimán guagua guanaco guardar guardar guardia mujer guardia varón guargüero

guarnición guarnición Guatemaltecos guayaba

guía guía para el líder guinda guisantes guisar

english department stores beans seeded pods of various legumes. grains kernels fat, grease grease Dish that is topped with cheese or bread crumbs mixed with butter broiled until brown and crispy. Grate: To rub large pieces of food against a coarse, serrated surface (grater) to obtain small particles or thin shreds. gratin complimentary green fees & cart per person Greek currant blackcurrants coarse thick lump high-back booths watchman Quechua word for baby. Type of bread South American animal related to the camel. keep store (verb) policewoman policeman Dessert made with flour and egg yolks, filled with manjar blanco, and topped with powdered sugar. accompaniment trimmings Guatemalan Guava: Sweet, fragrant tropical food. Oval shaped and about 2 inches in diameter. Skin ranges from yellow to red to purple-black; the flesh from pale yellow to bright red. Excellent for jams, jellies and sauces. In Spanish: guayaba. guide leader`s guide morello cherry peas stew: a method of cooking by which food is barely covered with liquid and simmered slowly for a long period of time in a tightly covered pot. this method tenderizes pieces of


guiso guiso Guiso de arroz y pato Arroz, estofado y ahogado en aderezo de culantro, hierbas y cerveza negra gula gustar (sabor) gusto ha estado alguna vez en …? habas habitación con baño privado habitación con cama queen / king habitación con camas de plaza y media habitación con dos camas individuales habitación de la esquina habitación doble habitación doble habitación doble habitación doble habitación doble con dos camas habitación ecológica habitación estudio habitación simple habitación simple habitacion tipo estudio habitaciones habitaciones bien decoradas habitaciones con frente a la playa habitaciones de lujo y habitaciones superlujosas hacer hacer alpinismo hacer canopy hacer sus propios waffles Haitianos hambre hambre hamburguesa hamburguesa Hamburguesa hamburguesa Hamburguesa con Queso hamburguesa con queso Hamburguesa de queso con papas fritas Hamburguesa en Salsa de Pimienta

english meat and allows flavors of ingredients to blend thoroughly stew stew Duck and rice stew, stew and sautéed with cilantro, peruvian herbs and black beer gluttony taste taste have you ever been to ... ? butter beans en-suite queen/king room semi-double room twin room corner room double room double room twin double twin rooms double room with twin beds evergreen room studio hotel single room single room efficiency room unit well appointed rooms beachfront rooms deluxe rooms and luxury rooms make to go mountaineering canopying make-your-own waffles Haitians hunger hunger beefburger hamburger Hamburger served with french fries Hamburguer Cheese burger served with french fries cheeseburger Cheese Burguer with french fries Hamburguer in pepper sauce, served with french fries

spanish harina harina con levadura harina de maíz harina de maíz

harina de trigo hasta conseguir hastío de playas hay entretenimiento bingo, bailes folclóricos de grupo hay grúas por todos lados hecho en casa heladera helado helado (frío) helado crepe suchard helado de café glasé helado de ensalada de frutas helado de fresas al natural helado de lucuma helado de melón helado de plátano partido helado domingo de fresas o fudge helado durazno helado en copa helado tutti fruti helecho hermosos campos de golf cuyas tarifas razonables hacen rendir mas su dinero hervido hervido (pescado) hervir hervir

hervir a fuego lento hervor lento hidropedal hielo hierba marina hierbabuena hierbabuena hierbas

english flour, meal self raising flour corn flour,corn meal Corn flour: Finely ground cornmeal, used for breading and in combination with other flours in baked goods. In British recipes is synonymous to cornstarch. wheat flour until you get/achieve beach boredom there is some entertainment bingo, linedancing cannot move for cranes homemade fridge ice cream iced Suchard pancake ice cream chilled coffee ice cream fruit salad ice cream fresh strawberry ice cream ice cream from the andes mountains in peru melon ice cream banana split ice cream Sunday of strawberries or fudge peach ice cream ice cream glass assorted fruit ice cream fern reasonable green fees stretch their dollars boiled,scalded poached boil Boil: to cook food in boiling liquid. bring to a boil: refers to heating a liquid until bubbles break the surface. simmer: to cook food gently in liquid at a low temperature simmer peddle boat ice seagrass mint Mint. herbs

spanish hierbas aromáticas hierbas finas


herbs Fine herbs: A mixture of finely chopped herbs. The classic ones are chervil, chives, parsley and tarragon. Fines herbs should be added to a cooked mixture shortly before serving and should not be removed from the dish. hígado liver Higado Encebollado Liver w/onion, rice, beans and salad higo fig hilo bramante twine hinojo fennel hinojo Fennel: An aromatic plant from the carrot family. Florence fennel, also called finocchio, is eaten raw and in salads. Common fennel is the plant that produces fennel seeds. historial de mantenimiento service history hogueras con madera de aliso alder fires hoja foil hoja (del cuchillo) blade hoja de laurel bay leaf hoja de laurel bay leaf: also called laurel leaf or bay laurel, this aromatic herb is native to the mediterranean. used to flavor soups, vegetables, and meats. hojaldre puff pastry hojas de cilantro Cilantro leaves: This pungent herb, also called Chinese parsley and coriander, is used in highly seasoned foods. Although it is purported to be one of the worlds most popular herbs, Americans and Europeans find it to be an acquired taste. hojas de culantro Coriander leaves: this pungent herb, also called cilantro and Chinese parsley, is used in highly seasoned foods. Although it is purported to be one of the worlds most popular herbs, Americans and Europeans find it to be an acquired taste. hojas de uva Grape leaves: The large green leaves of grapevines. These leaves are often used in the Middle East to wrap foods. hola hello hola (muy informal) hi Homenaje a los defensores del Alto de la Alianza: ceremonia Homage to the defenders of Alto de la patriótica realizada el 26 de Mayo Alianza: patriotic ceremony held on the 26th of May Hondureños Hondurans hongo mushroom,mold hongo paccu Mushroom. hoptel hospital-based hotel for veterans and

spanish horario horario de oficinas horarios de viaje aproximados para los principales generadores demanda horarios de vuelos no preferenciales Horchata horchata hornalla hornear hornilla o placa de cocción horno horno convencional hors d' oeuvre hospital hospital-based hotel for veterans and homeless patients hostal hostal hotel hotel a la pie de la carretera hotel de cinco estrellas hotel de cuatro estrellas hotel de lujo hotel de tres estrellas hotel económico hotel integral o completo hotel íntimo y lujoso hotel selecto hoteles de mediana categoría hoteles de primer nivel hoteles todo-suite huacatay

huachata huachimán hueso huesos huevera huevo huevo al plato huevo chimbo huevo duro huevo frito huevo pasado por agua

english homeless patients timetable banking hours approximate travel times to major demand generators non prime air schedules Almond, pumpkin or melon seeds emulsion Drink made from almonds. stove bake stove top oven conventional oven entremés hospital hoptel hostel hostelry hotel state-run hotel five-star hotel four-star hotel luxury hotel three-star hotel budget hotel to go the distance boutique hotel boutique hotel mid-scale hotel properties upper-upscale hotels all-suite hotels Black mint: Herb with strong flavour and odour which is frequently used in Arequipa, Peru and other mountainous areas in general. Quechua word for a duck which is similar to a goose. watchman bone bones egg cup egg sunny side up (US) a rich egg-based dessert hard-boiled egg fried egg soft-boiled egg

spanish huevo poché huevos huevos a la rusa huevos con tomate y cebolla huevos revueltos huevos revueltos con salchicha húmedo humita

humita humo idiosincracia iglesia igualdad de oportunidades laborales igualdad de oportunidades laborales iluminación de ambiente imparable carrera médica impresionar por la moderación inca kola

inca kola incentivacion de la demanda incluido el bufé caliente, menú completo o servicio a la habitación incluyen el desayuno inconformista adinerado índice de alfabetización Indonés industria de centros recreativos y vacacionales información de otros servicios información de otros sevicios infusión infusión de hierbas ingente patrimonio ingredientes ingreso medio por habitación disponible iniciaron una ceremonia propia inmigrantes por razones de calidad de vida insípido inspección muy detallada inspecciones reglamentarias

english poached egg eggs egg salad Eggs with tomatoes and Onion scrambled eggs Scrambled eggs with sausage moist are corn mixed with spices, sugar, onions, filled with pork and olives and wrapped in the leaves of corn husks. often served with a spicy onion sauce (Salsa Criolla) Similar to tamales; made of ground corn and wrapped in corn husks. smoke idiosincracy church eeo equal employment opportunity mood lighting fast lane cruise wisely impress brand of fizzy soda drink (gaseosa), which is a cultural icon, served literally on the most humble to the most exclusive tables nationwide, alone or with any type of food. Yellow in color, it is sweet and refreshing yellow color soda pop demand incentivation hot buffet, full menu, or room service include breakfast moneyed maverick literacy rate Indonesian vacation and resort ownership industry osi other service information infusion herbal tea amazing heritage ingredients revpar launched into a ceremony of their own amenity migrant dull white glove inspection statute inspection



inspector inspector inspector de policía institución educativa mixta instructores de tenis interna interna international referral network intestino intuyendo lo que la gente quiere inversión acertada invertir en una publicidad dirigida ir a dar una caminata ir a escalar ir a esquiar ir a la playa ir a nadar ir de bares ir de camping Irlandés irradiar irse al extranjero irse de vacaciones is a cocktail made from pisco combined with lemon juice, the white of an egg and sugar isla islas banks isleta Italian dessert made of Lady Fingers dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream Italiano

inspector inspector police inspector co-ed college resident tenis pros back of house back of house i.r.n. gut a sense of what people want shrewd investment investing in targeted and effective promotions to go hiking to go climbing to go skiing to go to the beach to go swimming bar hop to go camping Irish to ooze to go abroad to go on holiday (GB) pisco Sour

itinerario itinerario jack russell terrier jaiva jaiva jalea jalea

jalea de mariscos y pescado jamón jamón Japonés

island banks islands island tiramisu Italian prosciutto, tomato, arugula and mozzarella itinerary journey the hound blue crab Sea crab jelly, jello Traditional procedure for preparing meat and seafood, consisting of first airing the ingredients then grilling directly on hot coals. fish and seafood jelly: deep fried fish and mixed seafood ham ham Japanese

spanish jarabe jarabe de arce

jarabe de caña

english syrup Maple syrup: A syrup made by boiling the sap of the maple tree until it has the consistency of syrup. Boiled longer, it becomes maple honey. Longer still, and it becomes maple cream or butter. When cooked long enough, it becomes maple sugar. cane syrup: thick, extremely sweet syrup made from the sugar cane. aka Gomme aka gomme Bar Syrup Bar Syrup, cane syrup Gomme syrup gomme syrup Gum Syrup gum syrup

Jarabe de goma jarabe de goma jarabe de goma Jarabe de goma jarabe de goma Jarabe de goma jarabe de goma Jarabe de goma jarabe de goma: high-concentration water & sugar solution, with the addition of gum arabic as an emulsifier. Used as a primary sweetening agent in drinks; and, in combination with fresh lemon and/or lime juice, precludes the need for sweet and sour mix. jarabe de maíz Corn syrup: This is a syrup derived from cornstarch. It comes in dark and light varieties. Light syrup has been clarified and decolorized. Dark syrup has a stronger flavor. Both are used for desserts, frostings, candies, jams, and jellies. jardín clásico de estilo tudor knot garden jardín en la azotea rooftop garden jardín para atraer vida silvestre wildlife garden jardines gardens jardinière A French term that refers to dishes garnished with vegetables. jarra jar jarra jug jarro can jaula de bateo batting cage jefe de comedor headwaiter jefe de comedor maitre d'hotel jengibre ginger jenjibre Ginger: A tropical plant cultivated for its root. The flavor is peppery and sweet, the odor is spicy. Used to flavor candy, soups, meat, poultry, curries, gingerbread, and cakes. Also the chief flavoring agent for ginger ale. jerez sherry jeréz tío pepe uncle Pepe jerez jet avión de reacción

spanish jinetes y ciclistas jora joya o tesoro escondido jrein jrein juanes

judías judías verdes juego del pañuelo jugo jugo de chirimoya jugo de fresas jugo de fresas con leche Jugo de mango jugo de melón jugo de naranja jugo de papaya jugo de piña jugo especial jugo surtido jugos naturales Jugosito de corvina, bien hecho, en aderezo de hierbas criollas rehogadas con cebolla ají, espesado con arroz reventado y toque de rocoto jugoso juliana juliana, cortado en julienne junior suite junkanoo junkanoo jurel Kahlúa kasha (trigo sarraceno) kilo kinoto kion

kiwi kiwi kiwicha kneidel

english horseback riders and byciclers Fermented corn sleeper horseradish horseradish Similar to tamales, given the name in honor of the feast day of Saint John the Baptist, the patron saint of the Amazon, Peru. beans runner beans steal the bacon juice chirimoya juice strawberry juice strawberry juice with milk Mango Juice lemon juice orange juice papaya juice pineapple juice special juice assorted fruit juice Natural Juices Juicy seabass soup, with peruvian herbs, with chili, onions, rice and a bit of red hot chili pepper juicy julienne juliened Refers to cutting food into long thin strips. junior suites junkanoo junkanoo horse mackerel kahlua buckwheat kilo kumquat Ginger: A tropical plant cultivated for its root. The flavor is peppery and sweet, the odor is spicy. Used to flavor candy, soups, meat, poultry, curries, gingerbread, and cakes. kiwi kiwi fruit Amaranth. dumplings

spanish kneidel, kneidlaj kummel la adr estaba en el extremo superior de lo que el mercado local estaba dispuesto a pagar la cantidad mínima de viajeros la capital de los barcos naufragados la cima del mundo la cocción la costa del centro oeste de los estados unidos la devaluada imagen de los la flor y nata la gente siempre dice la gran via blanca la gran vida La Grande Dame la habitación es asquerosa la India la Inglaterra más agreste la juventud dorada la mejor habitación disponible al llegar al hotel la naturaleza a su alcance la primera gira documentada de un portavoz con la revista se conecta con la sabiduría de la calle para ofrecer una visión fresca sobre varios la zona más segura y con servicios de mejor calidad en la ciudad laboriosidad lacayote lactosa

lado oeste lago de deshielo lago de Escocia lámina laminilla lámparas lancha motora langosta langosta (crustáceo) langostino langostinos langostinos (crustáceos) Langostinos con brócoli Langostinos en camisa crocante y salsa oriental

english dumplings caraway seeds the adr was bounded on the upper end by what local markets would bear critical mass wreck capital the roof of the world cooking (the) west central coast of the united states maligned symbol cream and dessert people always say the great white way high life La Grande Dame the room is minging India wildest England jeunesse doree run of house bringing the outdoors to you documented spokesperson tour the magazine deals in street savvy to offer a fresh spin on several media the most secure and quality service area in the city industriousness Gourd, pumpkin, squash Lactose: Also called milk sugar; lactose is that sugar that occurs naturally in milk. It is less sweet than any of the other sugars. Used in baby formulas and candies. west end meltpond scotland loch foil sliver laps duck boat lobster lobster prawn prawns(large) prawns (large) Shrimp scampi and brocoli Shrimp rolled in crunchy pasta, served with

spanish lanzamiento gratuito de botes lanzarse en picada lapa lapa

lápida lardo las camas están hechas para que parezcan piedras las fluctuaciones en su popularidad las instalaciones / el servicio / el personal las mousses ocupan un lugar importante las suites coral de dos dormitorios y 2 baños las tallas de madera en las bóvedas lasagna

Lasagna de Carne Lasagna Vegetariana lata (envase) laurel (hojas de) lavabo con gabinete lavaplatos le encantarán, lo dejarán sin aliento leche Leche Asada leche chocolatada leche condensada leche cortada (suero) leche cortada descremada leche de coco

leche de tigre

leche descremada leche desnatada leche evaporada

english oriental sauce, jumbo crayfish free boat launching swoop down on limpet Limpet: mollusk normally found stuck to sea rocks which is highly esteemed in southern Peru; also keyhole limpet. tombstone lard beds are made to look like stone! waxing and waning popularity fac/serv/staff foams feature heavily the coral 2 bedroom / 2 bathroom suites vaulted wooden statutory A wide, flat pasta noodle with a ruffled or plain edge. Also a dish prepared using the lasagna noodle with various cheeses, and a tomato sauce. Meat is sometimes included. Pasta au gratin filled with ham, cheese and meat sauce Pasta au gratin filled with mushrooms, spinach and artichoke canister, can bay leaves, daphne leaves vanity unit dishwasher blow you away milk Boiled Milk chocolate milk Condensed milk: A mixture of whole milk and sugar. Extremely sticky and sweet. buttermilk buttermilk Coconut milk: milk made by combining equal parts water and shredded fresh or desiccated coconut meat and simmering until foamy. The coconut is then discarded. Used in recipes, particularly those in curried dishes. tiger's milk: colloquial name for the juice produced from the ingredients of ceviche. It has a light spicy flavor and serves as a good reconstituent. skim milk skimmed milk Evaporated milk: Canned unsweetened milk, fresh and homogenized from which 60


lechera lechera lechón lechón lechon asado lechón asado y cazuela de cordero deliciosamente condimentado lechón confitado con compota de manzana y sidra lechuga lechuga flamenca lechuga romana legumbres lengua lenguado lenguado lenguado lenguado Lenguado a la Chorillana Lenguado a lo Macho Lenguado al Gusto Lenguado Cabo Blanco Lenguado Especial lenteja lenteja bocona lentejas levadura levadura de panadero levadura en polvo levadura en polvo

libra librillo (de vaca) licencia de regreso a casa licor licor licor de damascos: hecho de damasco, pisco y azúcar licores

english percent of water has been removed. Used to enrich custards or add a creamy texture to many dishes. milk churn, milkpot milkpot sucking pig suckling pig tender roast pork roast suckling pig and a wonderfully spiced lamb casserole confit of suckling pig with apple purée and cider lettuce cabbage-lettuce romaine legumes tongue Flounder sole sole sole, flounder Steamed sole fillet with onions and tomatoes Steamed or grilled sole fillet served with seafood sauce Steamed or grilled sole fillet served with rice, salad or french fries Grilled sole fillet with shrimp and crab sauce Steamed sole fillet covered with homestyle sauce lentil Common lentil lentils yeast bakers yeast: levening agent. basic type found is activedry yeast. baking powder baking powder: a levener containing baking soda, an acid (such as cream of tartar) and a moisture-absorber (such as cornstarch). pound bible (of cow) home leave liqueur spirit apricot liqueur: made of apricot, pisco and sugar spirits

spanish licuadora Licuadora licuar

licuar liebre ligar ligas locas ligeramente ligero lima lima (especie de limón) Lima ácida

Limeñitos Envueltos

limitados a las excursiones reglamentarias límite de expedición de pasajes en base a la hora de partida limón limón limonada limpiar limpieza limpieza limpio línea aérea línea aérea disfrazada líneas de evolución de los complejos lisa liso lista de espera lista de espera lista de espera en viaje vacacional listo, preparado litera litera litro llegada a las 24 llevar a ebullición llevar tiempo existiendo lluvia tropical lo más novedoso y de moda

english blender food mixer blend to mix two or more ingredients together with a spoon, beater or electric blender until combined. liquefy hare Bind: to stir a variety of ingredients into a hot liquid, causing it to thicken. equalizer lightly light lime lime Key lime: A round fruit like a lemon, but smaller and more acid with a yellowish-green skin. Fillet steaks stuffed with yellow peppers and cheese served with yellow potato croquettes and grilled vegetables shunted off on strictly regimented tours ttl based on departure lemon lemon lemonade clean, mop cleaning mopping clean airline closet airline resort renewal stem mullet smooth waiting list waiting list vacation queue travel prepared berth bunk litre arrival at 12 pm bring to the boil to have been around rainforest shower the next hot and trendy thing

spanish local government local government localidad localidad diminuta localización competitiva de la propiedad localizado en una galería de tiendas de fines de siglo loche loco locro Locumba

locutores de voz en off Lomito Lomo al Vino Lomo de atún Loh, con miriada de ajonjolíes, shiitakes y setas salteadas en salsa de ostión dulce, berenjena japonesa encurtida y verduritas orientales, en cama de arroz al ajo lomo de cerdo Lomo de La Nonna lomo de ternera lomo de vaca Lomo especial Lomo Porter House Lomo Saltado Lomo Saltado lomo saltado

Lomo Saltado

lomo saltado

lomo saltado Lomo Saltado con Pisco, con arroz con choclo, huevos y

english administración municipal gobierno local locality postage-stamp town property`s competitive set set in a turn-of-the-century imperial shopping arcade Pumpkin squash used extensively in Lambayeque, north Peru. abalone Traditional stewing method using squash or pumpkin as its main ingredient. Locumba: town northeast of Tacna, 1.5-hour drive. Lord of Locumba veneration September 14th voice-over artists Baby sirloin steak, served with french fries Sirloin au vin: Pieces of steak in red wine and mushroom sauce served with mashed potatoes Tuna steak Loh, sweet and sour, in a sesame crust with japanese eggplant, parsley and garlic rice loin, loin of pork Fettuccini pasta with two sirloin steak coronated with prawn and mushroom sauce sirloin tenderloin Fillet steak with black pepper and red wine sauce with lyonesse potatoes Steak fillet cut, Porter House style served with fine herbs potato tart Beef w/french fries, onion, tomatoe w/rice Fried pieces of steak with onions, tomatoes, potatoes and hot sauce served with rice jumping beef: beef sauteed with onion, tomato, soy sauce, vinegar, chili (aji) and served or mixed with French fried potatoes and accompanied with rice. sautéed sirloin: Lean top sirloin sautéed with onions, tomatoes and French fries, served with rice. A true Peruvian classic sliced beef (if made from the tenderloin it is lomo fino) stir fried with onion, tomato, soy sauce, vinegar, chili (aji) and served or mixed with French fried potatoes, and accompanied with rice. succulent sored steak tid bits with onions, tomatoes, and French fries Jumping beef with pisco, with rice and

spanish papas amarillas fritas lona loncha loncheras López los chaparrales australianos los descuentos se aplican sobre las tarifas económicas super value de venta al público los edredones son de plumón los pasajes de retorno más directos y económicos los que marcan las tendencias en el ambiente nocturno los recursos adecuados luces brillantes empotradas luces de bengala lúcuma lugar de acampada lugar de descanso lugar de entrega de ups lugar de moda lugar de vacaciones lugar preferido de los turistas lugares de reunión generalmente famosos Luigi Bosca - Cabernet Sauvignon Luigi Bosca Sauvignon Blanco lujo estridente lujosos destinos vacacionales emergentes lúpulo macarones macarrones macerar macha macha machacar machete macho cabrio macis madera de caoba madera de frutal Maduro maduro Magret de pato de Pachacamac, cocido al término y cortado al bies, bañado en una salsa con jaleas de bayas de sauco aciduladas, capulies braseados y gratin de papas

english peruvian corn kernels, yellow french fries, and fried egg canvas slice lunch pails Lopez bushlands discounts are off super value retail rates in the hotel room comforters are down the most direct and economical return trips clubland trendsetters the right tools brilliant recessed lighting flares Fruit of the lucuma tree, found in Southamerica, especially Peru. campsight comfort station ups drop-off location hip joint resort tourist haunt venues and sights Luigi Bosca - Cabernet Sauvignon Luigi Bosca Sauvignon Blanc unabashed luxury emerging luxury resort destinations hop macaroni macaroni to tenderize, to marinade surf clam Widge clam to crush menhaden buck mace acajou fruitwood mellow ripe Duck magret from Pachacamac, cooked and carved at the height of perfection, over a sauco berries sauce, garnished with oven cooked potatoes gratin

spanish magro magullados mahi mahi mai tai maicena maicena maicillo maíz maíz maíz patasca maizena maizena maizena malaya dorada Malayo malecón malecones de cieno maleta maletas verticales maletín maletín maleza malvavisco mamey

mamón (animal) mamón (fruto) maná en frutitas y bola de oro mandarina mandarina mandarina

mandarina sour mandioca mandioca mango mango Mango manhattan manicomio

english lean bruised dolphin dorade dark rum, fair rum, almond syrup, lemon juice iced drink corn starch (US) cornflour A baked dish based on corn flour corn maize Also called mote; it is a large grain, white in color, used extensively in chupes and soups. cornflour cornmeal cornstarch Fried flank steak; it is a typical dish in Arequipa in southern Peru. Malaysian promenade silt jetties suitcase uprights suitcases small suitcase valise weed marshmallow Mammee: Fruit with orange pulp, thorny seeds, and a flavor reminiscent of peaches and oranges, although much more consistent. suckling (animal) mamon (fruit) a cake stuffed with fruit and custard mandarine tangerine tangerine: a loose-skinned orange category from tangier, morocco. it has a thick, rough skin and sweet flesh tangerine sour cassava manioc Mango mango mango manhattan: bourbon or american whisky and red wine drink mental asylum

spanish manicomio maníes manjar manjar blanco


mano de mortero manojo manta decorativa manteca manteca manteca de maní mantel mantener mantener mantener una reserva mantengan la imagen mantequilla mantequilla fundida manzana manzana manzanilla manzanilla máquina barredora mar embravecido see sentence maracuyá maratón de cine y desayuno con los empleados jóvenes marcar marcar ganado margarina margarina margarita maría sangrienta maría sangrienta con conchas marinado

marinar mariscadacabo blanco

english mental hospital peanuts delicity white delicacy (a caramel-colored, sweet, creamy filling made with milk and sugar) or molasses A mixture of milk and sugar cooked until thickened and the bottom is seen while stirring. Consistency similar to fudge. pestle bunch bedding scarf butter fat peanut butter tablecloth to maintain to support to hold a reservation curb appeal butter clarified butter apple block camomile camomile tea road sweeper whirling seawater and high water-levels Passion fruit with acidic taste which belongs to the passion flower family. movie night breakfast with your youth staff score cattle branding margarine shortening margarita: tequila, cointreau or triple sec and lemon juice iced drink bloody mary bloody mary with shells Marinade: a highly seasoned liquid in which foods are soaked. Marinating foods permits them to absorb the flavour of the marinade. Most marinades contain acid of some sort (lemon juice, vinegar, wine) which aid in tenderizing meats. to marinate chef choice, shrimp, calamary, octopus,


mariscos mariscos mariscos saltados marmaquilla marmita marmita Marqués de Murrieta Marqués de Riscal – Cabernet Marqués de Riscal – Chardonnay Marqués de Riscal – Reserva Marqués de Riscal – Rueda marrano marrón marron glacé marron rojizo martini martini de manzana marucha (de vaca) más de ocho mil metros cuadrados más el seguro de responsabilidad civil mas o menos más por suerte que por juicio masa masa masa masa masa hojaldrada masa pastelera masas de puerco mashed yellow potato dumpling mixed with lemon, onion, chili and oil, stuffed with avocado, tomato and boiled eggs. Varieties include stuffing with chicken, tuna, shellfish and others. Served cold with black olives mashmelo

masticable masticar matadero matambre

english clams, mussels, and fresh croaker filed in lemon and garlic sauce seafood shellfish sautéed seafood: succulent seafood tid bits sauteed with onions & tomatoes Herb which is used in pachamanca cooking pot stockpot Marquis of Murrieta Marquis of Riscal - Cabernet Marquis of Riscal - Chardonnay Marquis of Riscal - Reserve Marquis of Riscal - Rueda pig brown marron glace russet martini: dry gin, dry, white vermouth with a green olive, iced drink apple martini oyster blade (meat) 2 acres with liability roughly more by luck than by judgement dough dough paste pastry puff pastry pastry fried pork chunks causa

Marshmallow: an American confection made from sugar, gelatin, corn syrup, gum arabic, and flavouring. Some add egg whites for additional fluffiness. Marshmallows used to be made from the sweetened extract of the roots of the marshmallow plant. chewy to chew slaughterhouse muscle cutaneous trunci

spanish matambre matanza matarife matasquita


strippings carnage slaughterman Traditional dish made of meat and chopped potatoes mate Container made from a dried gourd mate herbal tea mayonesa ”mayo” mayonesa mayonnaise mayonesa Mayonnaise: Thick, creamy dressing obtained by blending vegetable oil, eggs, lemon juice or vinegar and seasonings. mayor alcalde mayordomo houseman mazamorra Dessert made from fresh and dried fruits mazamorra morada a jelly like dessert made from purple corn mazamorra morada a jelly-like dessert made with—purple maize.(same as Chicha morada) mazamorra morada purple corn pudding Mazamorra Morada Purple maize jelly-like dessert mazapán marzipan mazapán marzipan mazorca de maíz cob me gusta el aspecto del anuncio y la sensación que transmite I like the look and feel of the ad meal consisting of mondongo or tripe stew and accompanied Cau cau by rice mechar larder mechar to lard Medallón de Atún a la Pimienta Negra Tuna steak wrapped with a thin slice of raw ham served with butter bean purée Media chita en jalea de mariscos, frita, acompañada de Half rockfish with seafood mixture, all fried, camotes capeados, yucas doradas, abundante salsa criolla y garnished with sweet potatoes, grilled yuccas, tártara creole onions sauce and tartar sauce media pensión halfboard media pensión half-board medialuna croissant medida measure medida pint medida pinta medio bajo medium low heat medio boleto half fare medio boleto half-price ticket medio cocido coddle Medio lechoncito bebé, crocante y asado lentamente, Roasted baby suckling pig, slowly oven acompañado de puré de papas al ajo con ciboulette y cooked, garnished with garlic mashed duraznos confitados potatoes with ciboulette and confited apricots medio pasaje half fare

spanish medio pollo medir Mejicano mejillón mejillones mejora de categoría mejorana mejorana

mejorando la perfección melaza melaza

melocotón melón melón melón cantalupe melón rocío de miel membrillo menestrón Menestrón menjunje mensajes por folio mensí

menta menta

Menta Frappé menta helada menuda, de aspecto aniñado menudos de ave meollo mercadillos mercado mercado mercado de vacaciones invernales hacia lugares con sol mercado masivo de paquetes turìsticos mercado proveedor mercado turístico aereo mercado turístico emisivo mercados proveedores

english half chicken measure Mexican mussel mussels upgrade marjoram Marjoram: a culinary herb from the mint family with a mild, sweet sage-like flavour. Used to flavor meats and stews. improving on perfection molasses Molasses: A thick brown syrup that is separated from raw sugar during the refinement process. peach honey melon melon cantalupe honeydew quince minestrone minestrone concoction folio messaging Black, very salty, mashed soy bean with a potent sea flavor which has been adopted in Peruvian - Chinese cooking. mint Mint: The two most popular types of the over 30 varieties of mint are peppermint and spearmint. Peppermint is more pungent. Mint is used in both savory and sweet dishes. chilled mint chilled mint waifish giblets core trash and trivia markets market market place winter sun package market mass package holiday feeder market air holiday market outbound tourism market feeder markets

spanish Merengado de Chirimoya merengue merengue merengue de lúcuma merienda merienda cena merienda ligera merluza merluza merluza chilena mermelada mermelada (de cítricos) mero mero mero mero mesa metro metro metro metrópoli mezcla mezcla mezcla batida mezclar miel miel miga migas mijo milanesa Milanesa de Pollo millones mini-golf mirar frase mirepois

misa de navidad misión de experiencias misionero metodista misiones de formulación de políticas y planificación mitad

english chirimoya meringue meringue Meringue: A mixture of stiffly beaten egg whites and granulated sugar. meringue cake filled with the tropical fruit lúcuma tea high tea snack hake hake Chilean hake jam marmalade grouper grouper halibut halibut table subway (US) tube (GB) underground (GB) metropolis admixture blend batter to blend honey Honey: The thick, sweet liquid made by honey bees from the nectar of flowers. crumb crumbs millet shnitzel Chicken milanesee mn crazy golf ver frase A mixture of diced carrots, onions, celery and herbs, sautéed in butter. It is used to season sauces, soups and stews. christmas mass experience mission methodist organiser policy and planning assignments half

spanish mobiliario pasado de moda mochila mochila mochila mochila mochilero explorador Moët Chandom - Francia moho mojado mojado mojar mojar Mojarra frita molde molde molde para hornear molde para horno molde para tortas moldear moler molido molido molino harinero molleja Molleja frita molletes moluscos mondado mondar mondongo mondongo mondonguito a la italiana

monosodio glutamato

montañas kársticas verdes montar las claras Monumento del Alto de la Alianza y Museo de Sitio mora morcilla morcilla morcilla

english out of date furnishings backpack knapsack pack rucksack pioneer backpacker Moët Chandom - Francia mold soggy wet mop, wet to mop, to wet Fried tilapia mold Mold: Container into which a food is placed in order to take on the shape of that container Baking tray ramekin baking tin to mold grind ground ground, flaked grist mill sweetbread Fried molleja Muffins mollusks pared to peel Stomach of ruminants; tripe tripe, innards Italian sauteed beef tripes: beef tripe sautéed with onions and tomatoes served with French fries Monosodium glutamate: Known as MSG, this natural white flavour-enhancing amino acid was isolated from seaweed in 1908. verdant karst mountains froth the egg white Alto de la Alianza Monument and site Museum blackberry black pork sausage black pudding blood sausage

spanish mordisco morrones morrones mortadela mortero mostaza mostaza

mote motel motel motel moto acuática moto de agua moto náutica motociclista que no pertenece a una banda mousse

mousse mousse de chirimoya mousseline

mover movido y lleno de gente dando vueltas Mozarella mozarella in caroza mozo de bar mozo de bar mucama o encargada de la limpieza multi media multicolores multipropiedad mundo municipal municipal municipalidad muña

english bite peppers sweet peppers mortadella mortar mustard Mustard: Any of several culinary herbs grown for its acrid seeds. Mustard seeds can be ground into a powder that can be prepared into a table condiment containing mustard, sugar, vinegar and turmeric (which gives it its bright yellow color). Boiled, large white corn motel motel motor lodge jetski jet ski jetski non-gang motorbike rider A rich, airy dish that can be sweet or savory and served hot or cold. The fluffiness comes from whipped cream or beaten egg whites. Mousses are made with meat, fish, vegetables, cheese, chocolate, and fruit purees mousse a mousse made with Peruvian cherimoya Sauce to which whipped cream or beaten egg whites have been added to give a light, airy consistency stir noisy and busy with people milling about everywhere Shredded chicken, ham and mozzarella cheese au gratin breaded mozzarella with pomodoro sauce and basil barman bartender turndown attendant mm multihued timeshare Saratoga trunk municipal municipal municipality Muna muna: Aromatic herb

spanish muros de piedra muselina museo museo de la biósfera del min. de medio ambiente de canadá Museo Ferroviario Museo Ferroviario Museo Histórico música garage musIo muslo de ave Muslo de ave muy cerca de algo nabo nabo repollo nabo repollo nabos rutabagas nalga (de vaca) napoleón de camarones al romero naranja nata nata nata enriquecida nata montada Navarro Correas - Colección Privada Navarro Correas - Julián Correas Navarro Correas Chardonnay Navarro Correas Colección Privada Navarro Correas Colección Privada Chardonnay Navarro Correas Riesling Navarro Correas Sauvignon navegando en barca necesita néctar nectarina negritos negroni Neozalandés nevar nevera nevera nevera ni registro ni asistencia níspero

english drystone walls muslin museum environment canada`s biosphere Railroad Museum (US) Railway Museum (GB) Historic Museum garage music drumstick drumstick thigh within a home-run ball turnip kohlrabi turnip cabbage swedes topside/inside puff paste stuffed with shrimps with rosemary and fine herbs orange cream cream double cream whipped cream Private collection Navarro Correas - Julián Correas Navarro Correas Chardonnay Navarro Correas private collection Navarro Correas private collection Chardonnay Navarro Correas Riesling Navarro Correas Sauvignon punting calls for … nectar nectarine brownies negroni: campari, drink made of sweet vermouth and gin New Zealander to froth (egg white) freezer ice box refrigerator no rec, no show medlar



niveles de calidad no despertarás en medio del bullicio no eligible para puntos honors en reservaciones por internet no escatimar recursos no espumoso (vino, agua) no ponga en riesgo la seguridad no salado no se conforme con menos disfrute a la americana no se pueden apilar más de tres sillas altas no tan básicas no vale la pena pagar Noche de San Juan y caravana al Valle Viejo: fiesta celebrada el 24 de Junio noche-huesped nogal americano noisette

par level to wake up in the heart of things honors not eligible to go to great lengths still don`t take risks with safety unsalted don`t downsize amerisize over three high not-so-basic not worth paying for Saint John`s night and caravan to the Old Valley: festivity held on 24th of June eve guest night hickory French word for hazelnut. A small tender, round slice of meat taken from the rib or loin yard north by northeast north by northeast American Norwegian were comped notes for your guidance actualities new designer fabrics knuckle nuts walnuts cashew nuts our time was already spoken for members come first big easy nut jowl nuts (of cow) nutmeg Nutmeg: he spice of the nutmeg tree. The lacy membrane around the seed, when dried and powdered, is the spice we call mace. The mild, sweet flavor of nutmeg is used in cream dishes and fruit desserts pecan accountable arrivals foreign nights spent in hotels frequent travel number as yet unseen

nombre informal para Jamaica nornoreste norte cuarta al noreste norteamericano noruego nos salieron gratis notas para su orientación novedades novedosas telas de exclusivo diseño nudillo nueces nueces nueces de cajú nuestro tiempo ya estaba comprometido nuestros miembros son la prioridad nueva orleans nuez nuez de quijada (vaca) nuez moscada nuez moscada

nuez pecan número de llegadas número de noches pasadas en hoteles en el extranjero numero de viajero frecuente nunca antes visto

spanish nutrición nutrir obituario oblea oblicuo obsequios de bienvenida, observación de aves obturando oca


nutrition to nourish obituary wafer bias welcome caddy bird watching clogging Sweet tuber with a flavor between sweet potatoes and olluco ocopa A dish typical of the southern region of Peru ocopa boiled and sliced yellow potatoes covered with a sauce of made of aji (chili pepper), walnuts, huacatay (that gives it a vivid green color), and fresh or white cheese, sided with lettuce, boiled eggs and olives Ocopa arequipeña Potato w/ peruvian sauce ocote Seafood very common near the southern beaches oficina de correos general post office oficina de turismo tourist office oficina para dejar el equipaje checkroom (US) oficina para dejar el equipaje left-luggage office (GB) ojeada peek Ojo de bife argentino premium, hecho a la barbacoa, Premium American Ribeye, bbq style, with amortajado en sal de maras, salsa bearnesa y sorpresa de maras salt, bearnaise sauce and garnished parrilla, acompañado de papas fondant y espinacas salteadas with fondant potatoes and sauteed spinachs ojo de uva Sea bass oliva olive olla cooking pot olla saucepan olla stockpot olla de presión pressure cooker olluco Yellow-coloured, elongated tuber with multiple eyes olluquito Olluco is a yellowish tuber. A stew of finely diced ollucos with charqui pieces (traditionally alpaca, or less frequently llama meat or ground beef or cheese) served with white rice. olluquito con charqui meat cured by salting, then dehydrated. Stew of finely diced olluco with charqui pieces (traditionally alpaca, or less frequently llama meat, though today it is also very commonly made from sheep), served with white rice olor a pescado fishy smell olor acre pungent odor oloroso fragrant

spanish Omelet occidental con tajadas de papas fritas y una tostada Omelette con papas fritas, tocino y queso Omelette de queso con papas fritas y tostadas Omelette española con tajadas de papas fritas y tostadas Omelette griega con tajadas depapas fritas y una tostada ómnibus ómnibus ómnibus de dos pisos ómnibus de dos pisos omnipresente grosería en el trato onza onza onza opciones de pago flexibles operador mayorista de turismo operadores turísticos mayoristas oporto ordenanza de hospital ordenar ordenar ordenar pedir,encargar) orégano orégano

orejón orfanato organismos consultivos organizar orgasmo ossobuco Ossobuco de cordero, con risotto milanés, verduras y queso parmesano ostion ostra ostras oveja paccu paccu pachamanca

english Western omelets served with home fries and a toast Omelet served with home fries, bacon and cheese Cheese Omelete served with homefries and toast Spanish omelet with home fries and toast Greek omelet with home fries and a toast bus coach (GB) double decker bus double-deck bus ubiquitous larger lout ounce ounce oz flexible cashiering option travel management company wholesale tour operators port medical orderly arrange to arrange to order oregano Oregano: A popular culinary herb of the mint family with a flavor similar to that of sweet marjoram or thyme. Also called wild marjoram dried apricot or peach orphanage consultative bodies to plan orgasm shank bone Roasted lamb “Ossobuco”, with risotto milanese, vegetables and parmesan cheese scallop oyster oysters sheep Edible fungus; mushroom. food baked underground, for a few hours, using fire heated stones and banana leaves between layers of food. Several types of meat are used, together with potatoes, chopped aji, herbs, cheeses and marmaquilla leaves which

spanish pachamanca


paella paellera página de beneficios pajita para beber palacio de justicia palacio sobre ruedas paleta (carne) palillos chinos pallar palmear palmear palmera palmera palmeritas palmitos palo de amasar paloma paloma blanca palomilla steak palomita (carne) palta palta palta palta rellena pan pan Pan bagel Pan bagel con crema de queso pan blanco pan blanco pan casero pan casero Pan con tamal pan de centeno pan de chancaca

english provide the flavor. pachamanca: made from a variety of meats (including pork and beef), herbs and a variety of vegetables that are slowly cooked underground on a bed of heated stones. pachamanca: made from fish, chicken, lamb, pork or beef, herbs and a variety of vegetables, mainly potatoes. Slowly cooked underground on a bed of heated stones. paella paelal pan benefits landing page drinking straw lawcourt palace on wheels shoulder chopsticks White vegetable which is smooth and creamy when cooked pat to pat palm palm tree heart shaped pastry heart of palms rolling pin pigeon dove bistec de palomilla leg of beef (meat) Avocado avocado avocado a pear-shaped fruit with smooth skin and rich tasting light green flesh. stuffed avocado bread loaf Bagels Bagel with cream cheese white bread white loaf round bread round loaf Bread with Tamal rye bread Solidified cane sugar

spanish pan de viena pan duro pan francés pan integral pan lactal pan negro pan rallado panadería panadería panadero Panameño panca de choclo pancas de maíz

panceta pancita

pancito pancito pancitos tipo inglés panecillo paneles de madera panificar Panqueque Panqueque acaramelado Panqueque Acaramelado con Frutas Panqueque con Duraznos Panqueque con Manjarblanco Panqueque con manjarblanco Panqueque con Miel Panqueque de naranja-mandarina, con licor Napoleón, helado de vainilla y piel de naranja caramelizada Panqueque de suero de leche con salsa y papas fritas panza papa Papa a la huancaina Papa a la Huancaina

papa a la huancaina

papa a la huancaína

english bridge roll stale bread french loaf wholemeal bread packed sliced bread brown bread breadcrumbs bakehouse bakery baker Panamanian Corn husks Corn husks The dry outer covering of corn, used to wrap foods for steaming, like in the preparation of tamales. bacon little belly: fresh char-broiled cow belly marinated in vinegar and with special seasoning roll muffins roll wooden panels to manufacture bread pancake pancake with caramel syrup pancake with caramel syrup and fruit pancake with peaches pancake with caramel pancake with white delicacy pancake with honey Mandarin-orange crêpes, with Napoleon liquor, vanilla ice cream and caramelized orange peels Buttermilk pancakes served with sauce and home fries belly Potato Boiled potato w/peruvian sauce and garnish Huancaina potato: Halved potatoes served on lettuce with delicious Peruvian creamy cheese sauce Huancaina potato: potatoes topped with a creamy and delicious low-fat cheese and yellow pepper sauce Huancayo-style potatoes: sliced boiled


english potatoes, served on a bed of lettuce with a sauce made out of Aji amarillo, milk and farmers cheese with olives and a slice of boiled egg papa huayro Variety of potato with purple skin papa rellena stuffed potato: mashed yellow potatoes stuffed with minced meat, eggs, olives and various spices and then deep fried. papa rellena stuffed potato: mashed potatoes stuffed with ground (minced) meat, eggs, olives and various spices and then deep fried. papa salamanca Variety of white potato papafritas chips, potato crisps papafritas french fries, potato chips papas potatos, spuds papas fritas chips papas fritas chips (GB) papas fritas crisps papas fritas French fries (US) papas secadas al frío Freeze-dried potatoes: Potatoes that are exposed to very low temperatures in the Andean altitudes. Used to prepare a typical dish from Peru: Carapulca. papaya papaya papel aluminio foil papel de hornear parchment paper papel parche Parchment paper: A greased and moisture resistant paper used in lining baking pans papeleo paperwork papeleria y servicio postal de la compañía stationary and postage meter papilla mush Papillote de Corvina Steamed corvina fillet with fine herbs and capers served with potato tart Papillote de corvina, lomo cocido al vapor en vino blanco, en Seabass Papillote steamed with a bit of white una caja de pergamino al estilo origami, con cintas de wine, inside a parchment paper box, origami zanahoria, zucchini, blanco de poro y champignones, style, with carrot strips, zucchini, white leek acompañado con arroz a a la jardinera en juliana and mushrooms, garnished “gardener” rice papita serrana Known also as papayuela, a potato much smaller than usual paprika A seasoning powder made by grinding dried red or bell pepper pods. The flavor ranges from mild to hot, the color from orange-red to bright red páprika paprika paquebote packetboat paquete package paquete package deal paquete parcel paquete habitación packaged room



par par (pareja) para 10 personas para disfrutar de esta ciudad única y maravillosamente pintoresca para dormilones para impresionarla con sus intenciones para proporcionar a los adolescentes lo máximo en materia de cruceros en alta mar para sentirse como en casa parada parada discrecional paradero de taxis paradero de taxis parador parapente parapente pargo en salsa verde

couple couple serves 10 persons to savor this unique, impossibly picturesque city late riser for him to impress his intentions upon her to make for the high seas` top teen cruising experience call their own stop request stop taxi rank taxi stand state-run hotel cliff parachuting heliskiing green-sauced red snapper: whole red snapper, clams and shrimp, sauce with herbs and white wine whole red snapper , cooked in spicy tomato sauce, olive oil, white wine, garlic and green pepper whole fried snapper: fresh whole fried red snapper, served with rice and salad in season. Bouillabaisse: Peruvian Bouillabaisse made with fish, shrimp, calamari, & mussels in a spicy tomato broth Boulebaisse: Type of dish which combines fish and seafood; similar to chupe marinated fisherman`s soup with clams, shrimps, squid, octopus, and fish Concentrated fish soup and seafood parmesan This term refers to foods that have been cooked with Parmesan cheese park national memorial fairground fun fair fairground fun fair theme park Locomotive Park business park zoological garden vine

pargo enchilado

pargo entero frito Parihuela

parihuela parihuela Parihuela Marinera parmesano parmigiana parque parque conmemorativo nacional parque de atracciones parque de atracciones parque de diversiones parque de diversiones parque de diversiones Parque de la Locomotora parque empresarial parque zoológico parra

spanish parrilla parrilla parrilla Parrilla Londinense, corte y preparación al clásico estilo ingles, en salsa Jack Daniels, con saltado de espárragos verdes, cebollas blancas, ajíes amarillos y yucas doradas parrillada parrillada parrillada Parrillada de mariscos, con papitas nuevas y legumbres a la parrilla, salsas de ajo, perejil y chimichurri de rocoto

parrilladas parte interior y exterior del pie partida a las 6 am partidas partidas en mitades partido en trocitos partir y compartir pasa pasa de Corinto pasa de Esmirna pasa uva pasado (comida) pasado de moda pasaje pasaje pasaje pasajero pasaporte pasar pasar por agua pasarlo bien pasarlo mal pasas de arándanos pasas de corinto pasas de esmirna pasas de uva paseo paseo paseo central paseo en carreta

english broiler pan broiler, grill, barbecue grill pan London broil, English style preparation beef cut, in Jack Daniel´s sauce with sautéed green asparagus, white onions, yellow chili peppers and fried yuccas barbecue grill done outdoors over an open charcoal or wood fire. barbecue: half chicken, one steak, 1/3 rack of ribs, 1 shishkebab, and 1 pork chop mixed grill (of meat or fish) Seafood from the grill & Octopus, squid, shrimps and scallops served with new potatoes grilled vegetables, parsley and hot pepper sauces mixed beef grilled instep y outstep departure at 6 am halved halved snipped share and tear raisin currant sultana raisin stale (pan), bad (carne etc) old fashioned alleyway passage passageway passenger passport roll in poach (huevos, pescado) to have a good time to have a bad time craisins currants sultanas raisins promenade walk midway hayride

spanish paseo en hidrodeslizador y buggy paseo en una red atada al barco paseo marítimo paso de la aduana paso peatonal paso peatonal paso peatonal pasta pasta pasta de ají mirasol pasta de ají panca pasta de kava pastas pastel pastel pastel Pastel de “Tocinillo del cielo” cremoso, con base de galleta brandy crocante, salsa cítrica de damascos, adornado con sorbete de granadilla pastel de carne pastel de carne picada pastel de cereza pastel de choclo: hecho de maíz fresco, salado si se prefiere, relleno con guiso de cerdo o pasas dulces y maní pastel de limón pastel de lúcuma con cerco tipo Alaska sobre espejo de chocolate pastel de Manzana Pastel de pecanas caliente, en jarabe de chancaca y arce con helado de vainilla pastel de queso pastel inflado

pastelería pastinaca Pastrami Capresse pastrom pata pata de animal Pata de animal pata de ternera pataca

english airboat rides and buggy rides boom net promenade customs formalities cross walk pedestrian crossing zebra crossing pasta pastas aji mirasol paste sundried red chili. kava mash pasta cake pie pudding Creamy “Tocinillo from heaven” tart, with a crunchy brandy cracker base, apricot citric sauce garnished with passion fruit sorbet meatloaf mince pie cherry pie corn cake: made of fresh corn, salty if preferred, stuffed with pork stew or sweet raisins and peanuts lemon pie Lucuma tart with alaskan railing shape on a chocolate mirror apple pie Hot pecan pie in a chancaca and maple syrup with vanilla ice cream cheese cake Puff pastry: A delicate French pastry with hundreds of layers of dough and butter. The French call it pâte feuilletée. When baked, the butter creates steam which creates the puff. Used to create croissants, Napoleons, and allumettes pastries parsnip Pastrami ham with capresse dressing pastrami leg leg shank (meat) veal shank jerusalem artichoke

spanish patasca: sopa de cabeza de cerdo oreada, chalona, carne de res, mote de trigo, zapallo, papa y chuño.

english Patasca:soup of pork head dried, cured mutton, beef, boiled wheat, pumpkin, potato and dried (chuño) potato patasca: sopa de vísceras con maíz, hierbabuena y patasca: viscera soup with corn, peppermint menudencia. También llamada sopa de tripas and offal. Also called tripes soup patasca: viscera soup with corn, peppermint and offal. Also patasca: sopa de vísceras con maíz, called tripes soup hierbabuena y menudencia. También llamada sopa de tripas patata potato patata al horno sin pelar jacket potato patatas fritas chips (GB) patatas fritas french fries (US) paté pate paté terrine pâté Well seasoned ground meat preparation, smooth and spreadable or coarsely textured. It can be made from a mixture of meats (pork, liver, veal or ham), fish, poultry, game and vegetables. paté-flan terrine patio de trabajo work yard patios con fuentes de agua fountain courtyards pato duck pato duck pava kettle pavimento paving pavimento de caucho anticaídas wet pour pavo turkey pavo turkey pavoneándose alegremente gaily shaking their stuff peceto eyeround (meat) pecho brisket pechuga breast pechuga breast of chicken pechuga brisket pechuga a la parrilla grilled and tender boneless chicken breast pechuga de pollo chicken breast pechuga de pollo a la francesa French chicken breast: chicken breast sored with lemon, butter, and white wine pechuga de pollo a la marinera seaman`s chicken breast: chicken breast sored with green, yellow, and red pepper Pechuga de pollo al carbón, sobre verduras cocidas al horno, Chicken breast cooked over charcoal, with con arroz pilaf y bañada en una crema de alcaparras oven cooked vegetables, garnished with pilaf rice in a capers creamy sauce pectina pectin pectina Pectin: A thickening agent used in the preparation of jams, jellies and preserves. Pectin is found in a variety of ripe fruits and

spanish pedacito pedacitos pedazo pedir pegar pejerrey pejerrey pejerrey peruano pejesapo

peladas peladas peladas pelado peladura pelar pelar pelar película peligrosidad pelón pelotas penca pensión completa Peperonata pepinillo pepinito en vinagre pepino pepitas pequeñas lesiones pequeño pera perca perdiz perejil perejil

perforar perforar performance

english vegetables bit small pieces chunk to order stick atherine grey silver smelt silverside Fish resembling toads which adhere to sea rocks. Its meat is very flavorful; known as clingfish hulled shelled shelled pared rind peel pluck to pare, to peel, to pluck, to skin film (surface) edginess nectarine balls fleshy leaf fullboard Chicken, basil and peppers sauteed in olive oil small cucumber gherkin cucumber nuggets, seeds, pips tweaks little pear bass partridge parsley Parsley: A highly peppery herb related to anise, dill, celery, and carrots. Used to flavor soups, meats, fish, cream and cheese sauces, eggs, breads, butter, marinades, and salads. More than 30 varieties of this herb can be found pierce to pierce rendimiento

spanish periplo permanecer pernil (de cerdo) Pernod pero el entorno lo compensa con creces persistente persona que transfiere millas personal in situ personalización personalization of reservation to me peruano Pesca del día a la plancha, a lo matamandinga, en salsa de mariscos a los ajíes machos, con arroz y choclo, con langostinos y camarones o sólo camarón.


journey to stay haunch, ham (pig) drink of a particular brand of anise but the setting more than makes up for that lingering miles donor on-sites customization una reservacion personalizada para mi Peruvian Grilled catch of the day, “matamandinga” style, with a spicy seafood sauce, garnished with rice and peruvian corn kernels with shrimps, with crayfish or only crayfish Pesca del día los bajíos, a la plancha, en salsa verónica de Catch of the day, bajios style, grilled with the uvas al moscatel, sobre una cama de puré de papas amarillas skin, in a grapes veronica and muscatel sauce, y reducción ácida, con espinacas al natural over mashed yellow potatoes and natural spinach pesca en lugares apartados remote fishing pescadería fish shop, fishmonger’s shop pescadero fishmonger pescado fish pescado fish Pescado a la plancha grilled fish Pescado a lo macho grilled fish sautéed with assorted seafood Pescado a lo Macho Macho fish: Shrimp, mussels, and calamari sautéed in a spicy creamy sauce with a touch of wine over a filet of sole. Served with rice. Pescado frito Fried fish cooked w/tomatoes, onions, rice, beans and salad pescador fisherman pescados fish dishes peso y equilibrio de la aeronave aircraft weight & balance Petroglifos de San francisco de Miculla San Francisco de Miculla Petroglyphs pez espada swordfish Pez espada a la parrilla en salsa diabla, antigua preparación Grilled swordfish with “diabla” sauce, in an de jugoso filete, en salsa holandesa a los ajíes y mirasol, con hollandaise panca and mirasol chili sauce, gratincitos de yuca en triángulos garnished with yucca gratin pez volador flying fish picada assortment of appetizers and titbits picadillo minced meat picado chopped picado sliced picado en en trozos finos finely chopped picados sliced, chopped picanha (de vaca) rump cap

spanish picante picante picante picante a la Tacneña: guiso de menudencia, charqui o carne salada y papas con orégano picante de camarones picante de mariscos Picante de Mariscos

Picante de Mariscos o de Camarones picar (comer algo) picar (romper) picar carne picar comida picar comida picarones picarones


picarones picle pico de gallo pie de burro pie sobre el que recae el peso y pie libre piel piel de semilla de nuez moscada molida

pieza abovedada pilaf

pileta pileta ornamental piloto y pasajero pimentero

english hot spicy With a strong, biting taste hot Tacnenian stew: offal, dried or salted meat stew with potatoes and oregano piquant shrimps: shrimp cooked in spicy yellow pepper, served with rice hot seafood: shrimp, squid, octopus, clams in special sauce, served with rice sautéed hot seafood: Mussels, calamari and shrimp sautéed in a spicy garlic chilli sauce with a touch of wine. Served on halved potatoes. Sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Served with rice Hot shrimp or seafood, covered in shrimp sauce to nibble to mince, to chop, to shred chop finely to nibble to peck A sweet, ring-shaped fritter with a pumpkin base, served with a molasses syrup. are made of squash or pumpkin dough and sweetened with chancaca (raw cane sugar) melted into a syrup. are pumpkin fritters that are also eaten as lateafternoon street food during The Lord of Miracles celebrations pumpkin fritters relish, pickle rooster`s beak: A topping made from fresh tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers. abalone downhill foot and uphill foot skin, cuticle Ground Mace: spice made from the membrane that covers the nutmeg seed. Tastes like a stronger, more aromatic version of nutmeg. domed affair A dish prepared with browned rice or bulgur, cooked vegetables, meat, seafood, or poultry. It originated in the Near East and is called know as Pilau fountain ornamental fountain double riders pepper pot

spanish pimentón pimienta pimienta (sazón) pimienta de cayena pimienta de jamaica pimienta en grano pimienta malagueta pimiento pimiento blanco

pimiento chile pimiento de chapa pimiento molido

pimiento rojo pimiento verde pincelar pincelar pinchar el fondo piña piña colada piña colada virgen piñones piñones pipí de mono piqueo Piqueo Antipasto piqueo de carne saltada Piqueo de La Casa piscina piscina con entrada tipo playa piscina con fuente piscina cubierta piscina de forma libre piscina infantil piscina o lugar con agua natural (y peces muchas veces dentro de ella)

english paprika pepper pepper (seasoning) cayenne allspice peppercorns allspice, grains of paradise pepper (vegetable) white peppercorn is somewhat less pungent than the black variety. after ripening, its skin is removed and the berry is dried. white pepper is used in light-colored sauces and dishes where black speckles could be unaesthetic chili pepper All spice; black pepper which is larger than usual Ground pepper:The result of grinding peppercorns, the berries of the pepper plant. Ground pepper is the worlds most popular spice. Ground pepper stimulates gastric juices and aids in digestion. red pepper (veg) green pepper (veg) brush to brush make holes in the bottom pineapple pine apple blend drink: white rum, pineapple juice and coconut cream drink virgen pineapple blend drink pine nuts pine nuts, pine seeds Chili; pepper Appetizers Ham, prosciutto, salami, cheeses and fruit nibbling sautéed beef: succulent sauteed beef with onions and tomato Fried shrimp, chicken nuggets, calamari and parmesan scallops lap pool zero entry pool fountain pool screened-in pool free form pool wading pool touch pool

spanish piscina profunda pisco

pisco acholado pisco aromatico

pisco mosto verde

pisco puro pisco puro biondi pisco sour

pisco Sour pisco sour con biondi (doble) pisco sour con biondi (normal) pisco sour doble pistacho pistacho pistas y cuencas pizca pizca pizca Pizca de líquido Pizca de sólidos pizza plancha de asado plancha de bifes anchos planchado ilimitado de cortesía plane planificadores de marketing plástico para envolver plátano Plátano plátanos maduros platform platillos platito plato plato (de una comida)

english plunge pool Clear, fermented brandy obtained from grapes grown in the fertile valleys of Ica, 300 kms. South of Lima, Peru. Named after the port of Pisco. Blended Pisco made from a variety of grapes Produced from Moscatel, Torontel or Italia grapes with an intensefruity aroma and flavour Produced from grape juice which has not fermented completely keeping therefore some sugar content. It is the most expensive of all the Piscos Made from black Quebranta grapes. The result is a dry pisco biondi pure pisco an alcoholic cocktail made with Peruvian Pisco , limes and sugar. Excellent but beware, its not a lemonade. is a cocktail made from pisco combined with lemon juice, the white of an egg and sugar pisco sour con biondi (double) pisco sour with biondi (normal) pisco sour double pistachio pistachio (nut) cruisers and bowls bit dash, bit, pinch pinch dash pinch pizza plate (meat) roll (meat) unlimited complimentary pressing avión marketing planners clingfilm, clingwrap banana, banana tree Fried plantains fried plantains andén monkey dishes saucer dish, plate course, dish

spanish plato de pescados plato hondo plato principal plato principal playa de arena negra playas de islas de barrera playas inexploradas playstation® plaza plaza de armas plaza mayor plazuela plegar plegar pletórico poblacho poblacho población poblado poco poco asado poco cocido poco cocido poco comercial Pocollay


fish dishes soup plate main course main course black beach barrier island beaches quest beaches playstation® square main square main square court fold, tuck to fold, to tuck ooze, oozing dump hole centre of population centre of population bit, little underdone, rare rare underdone hard-edged Pocollay: town east of Tacna, 10-minute drive from downtown poder adquisitivo total y real total effective buying income podrá ser incluído en flujo de caja antes del pago de deuda y may be carried to cash flow before debt amortizaciones service and depreciation podrido rotten Polaco pole Polaco Polish pólder polder policía de carreteras road police policía de tránsito mujer traffic policewoman policía de tránsito varón traffic policeman policía forestal forest police policía mujer policewoman policía urbana urban police policía varón policeman polizonte stowaway Pollito Tricolor Chicken stuffed with prosciutto, asparagus and mozzarella served with our grilled vegetables pollo chicken pollo chicken


english pollo a la chorrillana chicken breast with onion and tomatoes Pollo a la mandarina, al licor de Curaçao, relleno de roquefort Mandarin chicken, with curazao liquor, y nueces, presentado en escalopas con papas duquesa, stuffed with nuts and roquefort cheese, zanahorias tiernas y camita de acelgas salteadas garnished with duchess potatoes, carrots and sautéed spinachs Pollo a la Romana Chicken Roman-style: Chicken breast in lemon sauce with fettuccini al oleo Pollo al Grill con Risotto de Champiñones Chicken breast fillet grated with tomato and mozzarella served with green asparagus and watercress sauce and mushroom rissotto pollo castrado capon pollo entero whole chicken Pollo especial Chicken Breast with spaghetti in zaffron sauce Pollo Florencia Chicken breast with spinach and mushrooms, served with capelletti Pollo Frito Fried chicken: Fried boneless chicken breast served with your choice of salad, rice or French fries Pollo Marsala Chicken Marsala Pollo Saltado Sautéed chicken: fried pieces of chicken with onions, tomatoes and pepper pollo saltado sautéed chicken: tender chicken tid bits sauteed with onions, tomatoes and French fries Pollo Saltinboca con Ravioles a la Crema Saltinboca chicken with ravioli a la créme Pollo Teriyaki Shredded chicken in teriyaki sauce with avocado and Philadelphia cheese polvo powder polvo de sílice libre concentrado concentrated free silica dust polvorón Traditional sweet from the south of Peru pomelo grapefruit ponche punch ponche de huevos eggnog ponche del terrateniente planter's punch: chilled drink made of rum, lemon or lime juice, and sugar ponchera punch bowl ponderaciones an egg and milk dessert from the vice-regal period poner a sus hombres en el cepo put his men in the stocks poner especial énfasis lay great store poner orden to arrange poner tu mejor cara you have to put your game face on poner, colocar place (verb) póngase cómodo/acomódese sit back póngase su ropa impermeable suit up in your all-weather gear Popietas de corvina a la Florentina rellenas de espinacas Florentine seabass popietas, seabass stuffed salteadas a la crema, sobre lascas de tomate y púre gratinado with sautéed creamy spinach, over tomato

spanish en salsa de queso fundido poquito por avión por avión por cada milla de vuelo que un pasajero haya pagado por lo menos - o como mínimo por persona por su cuenta porción poro poroto poroto de manteca porotos porotos alubias portales portavalores de cintura portero portes de devolución porto azul posada posada posada de lujo posadero posición ventajosa posmoderno poste post-empleo postre postre postre pota potentados que se han forjado a sí mismos práctico praline praliné precalentar precalentar precio de coste precio del boleto precio estandar de habitación precio medio precio oculto precios por habitación en base doble

english slices and gratin purée with cheese bit by air by plane paying passenger flown one mile if nothing else per person of your own portion Leek Bean in Quechua butter bean beans black eyed beans arcade waist safe porter return carriage blue port inn inn lodge resort innkeeper inside track high-camp pole post employment dessert dessert (GB) Sweet (US) jumbo squid self-made big shots hands-on A brittle confection made of almonds and caramelized sugar praline preheat to preheat cgs fare rack price room mains opaque pricing rates are per room and based on two people sharing

spanish preferir prendas de los años cincuenta preparar presentación de la fachada y ventas a viajeros presentar palas y cajas presidente de la Federación de estudiantes de la Universidad Jorge Basadre primer plato primer plato primera clase primeros indicios de tierra procedente de procesadora productos de tocador productos ofrecidos a bordo productos y documentos a entregar programa de exencion de visado programas de aprendizaje activo promedio de cuentas o facturas cobradas Promesa de lealtad a la bandera: ceremonia patriótica celebrada el 7 de Junio promoción promotora propiedades vacacionales de tiempo compartido propietario de una instalación vacacional en un centro turístico xxxx propina propina proveedor proyecciones de ocupación y uso proyecto de principios proyecto de ventas pruebe alguna de nuestras especialidades calientes en nuestro bar local puchero pueblo de pescadores puerco puerro puerto deportivo con 125 atraques puesta en marcha puesto de periódicos puesto de primeros auxilios puesto de socorro puestos de fruta pulpa Pulpito grillé a la parrilla, al estilo vasco en salsa pil pil, con

english prefer pompadour-and-poodle-skirt prepare curb appeal and transient sales to present shovels and boxes university Jorge Basadre students union`s president appetizer (US) starter (GB) first class precursors of land coming from processor, food processor vanity kit in-flight products deliverables visa waiver arrival action learning programs covers-checks Promise of Allegiance to the Flag: patriotic ceremony held on the 7th of June outreach developer vacation ownership properties owner of a vacation interest at an xxx resort tip tip caterer projections of occupancy and use draft principles sales pipeline have a bite from our hot local specialty bar stockpot fishing village pig leek 125-berth marina commissioning newsstand first-aid station first-aid station fruit-tasting stops pulp Grilled grillé octopus, bask style, with a pil-

spanish english pimientos de colores salteados y espárragos verdes crocantes pil sauce, sautéed peppers and crunchy green asparagus Pulpito Parrillero Baked potatoes served with arugula greek salad and coronated with grilled baby octopus pulpito parrillero baked potatoes served with arugula greek salad and coronated with grilled baby octopus pulpo octopus pulpo al olivo octopus with black olive cream punta tip puntas de los dedos fingertips punto de encuentro collection area punto de encuentro pulse point punto de fusión melting point puntos a favor de nuestra contabilización de segmentos de credit towards our segment counts vuelo puntos de control (gps) pushpins (gps) Pupusas Corn flour tortillas filled with pork and cheese puré mash puré de papas mashed potaoes puro plain puro plain que atraviesa el atrio y asciende hasta el techo reaching through the atrium to the ceiling above que busca calidad a buen precio value-directed qué está preparando what he’s up to que lo arrastraba por toda la bah'ia blown every which way up the bay que no es poco trabajo no small job in itself que no se muestre descascarado chips que se ha conservado relativamente intacta to be left anything like intact quemadura de sol sunburn quemar to sear, to burn quemar work off quenelle A light delicate dumpling made of seasoned, minced or ground fish, meat or vegetables bound with eggs, and poached in water or stock. Usually served with a rich sauce Quesadillas Flour tortillas folded with rice, beans, lettuce, pico de gallo, sour cream with choice of meat quesera cheese dish and cover queso cheese queso cheese queso azul roquefort, blue cheese queso crema cream cheese queso crema cream cheese queso de paria Hard and flavorful cheese native to the mountainous regions in southern Peru queso de soja tofu

spanish queso fresco

queso gouda queso roquefort quiche

quijada (de vaca) quina quincena quinua

quitar las migas de la mesa rabanito rabanito picante japonés

rábano rábano rábano picante rábano picante

rabo rabo encendido Rache racimo ración radiante con la noticia radichio rafting en aguas bravas ragoût

raíz de flecha


english Farmers cheese: Unripened soft cheese with a mild flavor. Firm enough to slice or crumble. Can be eaten as is or used in cooking. Used in Peruvian dishes. Can be substituted with cottage cheese, feta or ricotta. dutch cheese blue cheese This dish originated in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. It is a pastry shell filled with a savory custard of eggs, cream, onions, mushrooms, meats, shellfish, and seasonings. Quiche Lorraine includes crisp bacon jowl chinchona bark fortnight Moon in Quechua; mother grain of the ancient Incas. Its flavour is delicate and can be used in any way suitable for rice as part of a main dish, side dish, soups, salads and puddings crumb down table radish, wild radish Japanese horseradish: horseradish that is dried, powdered, and made into a pale green paste with an extremely potent flavour. Often mixed with soy sauce and served with sushi, sashimi, and other Japanese specialties. Also called wasabi. radish radishe horseradish Horseradish: The pungent root of the horseradish tree. Used in sauces and as a condiment to meat and fish. tail ox-tail Fried tripe bunch, cluster helping beaming at raddicchio white-water rafting a thick, rich, highly-seasoned stew of fish, poultry, or meat that can be prepared with or without vegetables. arrowroot the root of the tropical arrowroot plant. this tuber is dried, ground, and used as a thickening agent for puddings, sauces, and other foods (arrowroot flour). it has about twice the thickening power of wheat flour. grated

spanish rallador ralladura de cítricos rallar rallar rallar


grater zest grate grate (verb) Grate: To rub large pieces of food against a coarse, serrated surface (grater) to obtain small particles or thin shreds. rallar to grate rallar grueso shred rallar grueso to shred ramas branches rambla promenade ramito sprig ramo frond rango de cuatro horas four-hour window ranurado slotted raro weird rascacielos skyscraper rascado scraped, torn rasgado torn raso level raspado scraped raspaduras scrapings ratatouille a dish that combines eggplant, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, zucchini, and a variety of seasonings, including garlic-all simmered in olive oil. Ravioles de Carne Pork filled ravioli with meat sauce Ravioles de Oxtail, con salsa de vino de la Rioja, quesos tipo Oxtail ravioli with a rioja red wine sauce, parmesano, aromas ibéricos, galleta de jamón y cebollitas parmesan cheese and iberican essences, glaseadas en tomate garnished with ham crackers and tomato glazed onions ravioli an italian dish made with small square or round noodles stuffed with meat, cheese, and/or vegetable mixtures. this pasta is boiled, then baked with a cream, cheese, or tomato sauce. raya (pez) skate realizando renovaciones doing reno`s rebanada slice rebozado battered rebozante oozing rebozar to dredge, to ooze recepcion front desk recepción reception recepción stub recepción con postres dessert reception

spanish reception receptionista receta recetario reciben las caminatas de arte de los primeros viernes recipiente recipiente reclamar reclamo sobre la acumulacion de millas de vuelo recoger reconocimiento recorrido recorrido turístico en tranvía guiado recortar recortar recubrir con azúcar impalpable recurrir red de difusión red ferroviaria redondeo reducir

reformar reformista refractario refresca como en el ártico refresco refresco de camu camu

Refrigeradora refrigerar refrigerio refrigerio de cortesía refrito refugio regidor régimen región boscosa vs bosque registrarse a la entrada registrarse a la salida registration form registro registro de confirmaciones y cancelaciones

english recepción receptionist recipe cook book hosting first friday art walks container vessel,canister bagsy flight retro-claim to reap to do a reccy of route talking tram to trim trim frosting to appeal broadcast brand railway network rounding reduce: to boil a liquid, usually a stock, wine or sauce mixture until the volume is reduced by evaporation. consistency will be thickened and flavor intensified. reclad reformers heat-resistant arctic refresher soft drink non-fizzy beverage and simple juice of camu camu often served with the set menu of the day at smaller restaurants refrigerator to chill snack hospitality hour over fred island town councillor diet woodland vs forest check-in check-out formulario de registro registration hold-cancel schedule

spanish registro de vacunación por viajes al extranjero regreso rehabilitar rehogar rehogar

rehogar reincorporación de Tacna a la soberanía del Perú Reincorporación de Tacna al Perú: ceremonia patriótica celebrada el 28 de Agosto rejilla relajándose en el área de la piscina religiones que rinden culto al cargamento rellenar rellenar relleno relleno relleno relleno

rellenos rematadas con un eje de vidrio remojar remojar remolacha remolachas

remover remover remozar rendimiento rentabilidad de la inversión repleto réplicas de los objetos de arte repollitos de bruselas repollo repollo hojas rizadas repollo-nabo reposar repostero representante para huéspedes requesón

english foreign travel shot record return reclad fry lightly sweat: a technique by which ingredients are cooked in a small amount of fat over low heat, covered with a piece of foil or parchment paper. to fry lightly reincorporation of Tacna into Peruvian sovereignty Return of Tacna to Peru: patriotic ceremony held on the 28th of August rack lounging by the pool cargo cult religions stuff, fill to stuff, to fill filling filling, stuffing stuffed stuffing: a savory mixture put as a filling into poultry, rolled meat, vegetables, etc. before cooking stuffed offset by a glass axis soak to soak beet, beetroot beets normal root vegetables that are known for their deep red bulbs and their long, dark green stalks and leaves. stir to scoop reclad performance roi jam-packed utility designs brussels sprouts cabbage kale kohlrabi stand baker guest representative curd or cottage cheese

spanish requiere res reserva de habitaciones en bloque de habitaciones reservar reservar reservar reservar una habitación reservas pesqueras reservas tradicionales de viajes y pasajes resguardos residencia residentes procedentes de otros países europeos resistencia o flexibilidad del turismo resistente islander resplandecen con arte pop responsables de compras restaurant autoservicio restaurante de servicio completo y bar restaurante especializado en fideos restaurante que es parte de una sucursal o franquicia restaurantes para gourmets o gente exquisita restaurantes y lobby bars con terraza restaurar restricción de escala retiene su dinero retirar del fuego retraso reunión con representantes de medios de comunicación reuniones sin publicidad revigorizar revisión de cuentas por video revisor revisor de boletos revolución caliente revolver revolver ribete de madera encalada estilo Victoriano rico rígido Rincón Famoso riñón riñones río lento río sin presas o embalses ríos sinuosos

english calls for… beast, animal hotel contingent put aside to book to make a reservation to book a room fish stocks traditional travel booking anf ticketing docket residential hotel european ex-pat tourism resilience hard working islander shine with pop art purchasing managers automat full-service restaurant and bar noodle house in line restaurant gourmet restaurants terraced lobby bars and restaurants reclad stopover restriction holds monies take off the heat delay meeting media commercial-free meetings rekindle your spirits video account review conductor ticket inspector crunchy, spicy cookies stir, toss to stir, to toss Victorian white-washed wood trim tasty stiff Famous corner kidney kidneys lazy river undamed laced ribboned rivers

spanish riquísimo risotto


yummy italian specialty made by stirring continually while it cooks, hot stock over rice that has been sautéed in butter. the result is a creamy rice with grains separate and firm Risotto de camarones a los cuatro hongos, champignones, Fungi risotto, roasted crayfish with four setas, porcini y trompetas different kinds of fungi: mushrooms, setas, porcini and trumpets Risotto de Hongos Silvestres Aphrodisiac risotto with different types of mushrooms, with white wine and parmesan cheese Risotto Porto Fino Risotto with shrimps, scallops and squid with a coral and white wine sauce and tomatoes confit róbalo bass rociar sprinkle,baste rociar to sprinkle, to baste Rociar con un poquito de líquido dash rocío de miel (melón) honeydew rocoto Chili pepper: Any of over 200 varieties of hot pepper. They vary from mild to blistering hot and make very powerful seasonings. rocoto red hot pepper ají with a biting taste, resembling a red pepper, but smaller in size. in bolivia, it is also known as locoto rocoto picante y aromático, relleno de camarones gratinado Hot and spicy stuffed red hot chili pepper, con quesillo de cabra serrano, 75,000 unidades en la escala de with crayfish, gratinated with peruvian goat pungencia (picor) cheese. 75,000 units in the pungency scale rocoto relleno stuffed rocoto chilis: very hot (spicy) chillis of Peru. In this dish they are stuffed with spiced beef or pork, onions, olives, egg white and then cooked in the oven with potatoes covered with cheese and milk rocoto relleno stuffed rocoto: very hot chillies stuffed with spiced beef, onions, olives, egg white and then cooked in the oven with potatoes covered with cheese and milk. rodaballo turbot rodaja slice rodillo rolling pin roi rentabilidad de la inversión Rollitos de Lenguado, Salmón y Cangrejo Sole fillet stuffed with salmon and crab with rossa pepper served with garlic and parsley potatoes Roma se ha extendido a lo largo de todas las rutas principales rome is spread out all along the arterial roads romero rosemary romero rosemary: this highly aromatic herb from the mint family has a flavor that some describe as a cross between lemon and pine. used in dressings, fruit salads, soups, vegetables,

spanish romper romper ron Roncador peruano roncador peruano Ronda Caliente ropa vieja roquefort rosado rosbif rosquilla rosquita rotafolio roux

roux rúcula rueda (carne) ruido de cocina ruso blanco o negro rústico ruta ruta de 236 millas (o 380 km) ruta de exhibición de inundaciones rutabagas rutas de aventura sabroso sabroso sabroso sacacorchos sacapleitos sacar sacarina sacarosa sacudir sacudir sajino sal sal (f.) sal de apio sal de cebolla

english meats, fish, egg dishes, stuffings. tear to tear rum Rockfish rockfish Breaded prawns, chicken nuggets, squid, parmesan scallops old clothing: tender shredded beef cooked to perfection with special seasoning roquefort, blue cheese rose (wine) roast beef doughnut pretzel flip chart a mixture of flour and fat used to thicken mixtures such as soups, creams and sauces. should be cooked over low heat. base of sauce arugula, salad rocket round back of the house noise white or black russian rough-cut route a 236-mile route flood route swedes adventure treks tasty tasty toothsome corkscrew bouncer take out saccharin sucrose shake to shake wild boar. salt salt Celery salt: A seasoning composed of celery seed and salt. A mixture of onion powder and salt

spanish sal de mar

sal no yodada sal sustituta

sal yodada sala de espera sala de patrocinadores sala para congresos y seminarios salado salamandra salame salazón salchicha salchicha salchichón salchichón salcochar salida del sol tequila salir de vacaciones salir del país para volver a entrar con un nuevo visado salitre salmón salmón salmón ahumado salmón marinado salmonete salmonetes salmuera salón de lujo con balcón principal y galería salón de tertulia salón social con luz natural salón tab salón, sala de estar, living salpicado del estilo de im pei salpicados de enormes molinos de viento blancos salpicar salpicar salpicar salpimentar salpimentar salsa

english sea salt: salt produced by evaporating sea water. salt produced in this manner is more expensive than salt that has been mined. Ordinary table salt to which sodium iodine has not been added a substitute for salt that contains little or no sodium. used by persons on a salt restricted diet. iodized salt waiting room patrons lounge seminar room salty salamander salami salting sausage sausage salami salami type sausage to boil in salt water tequila sunrise to go vacation (US) visa runs saltpetre salmon salmon lox, smoked salmon gravalax red mullet mullets brine navigator`s verandah conversational seating arrangements atrium lounge tab lounge lounge im pei punctuated dotted with enormous white windmills drizzle, sprinkle splash, splatter to drizzle, to sprinkle, to sizzle season to season with salt & pepper Dressing: a sauce, usually cold, used to coat or top salads, fish and meat dishes.

spanish salsa salsa bechamel

salsa cebolla y tomate fritos salsa criolla Salsa Criolla salsa de carne salsa de remojar salsa de soja con trigo salsa de soja sin trigo salsa de soya salsa golf salsa huancaína

salsa mornay

salsa picante salsa suave de mejillones salsa tártara salsa velouté

Saltado de Camarón, con arroz con choclo, huevos y papas amarillas fritas Saltado de Mariscos

Saltado de Papas Saltado de Pescado

Saltado de Pollo

saltear saltear saltear Saltimbocca de pollo al pomodoro, relleno de prosciutto y mozzarella con spaghettis a lo Alfredo

english sauce bechamel sauce white sauce made with milk or cream and thickened with a roux. bechamel sauce is generally used as a base for other more complex sauces, though it may be used alone for binding or moistening. sofrito creole sauce Creole sauce: Lime marinated red onions gravy dip tamari shoyu soy sauce russian dressing Huancaina sauce: Cold sauce used over potatoes or corn. This sauce is a combination of feta or cottage cheese, with milk, oil, lime juice, hot pepper, garlic, salt and black pepper. Mornay sauce:A béchamel sauce prepared with parmesan or Swiss cheese. For added richness use cream or egg yolks. Served with eggs, fish, vegetables and chicken hot sauce clear mussel sauce tartar sauce velouté sauce: stock-based white sauce. made from chicken or veal stock or fish fumet, thickened with white roux. one of the five mother sauces Sautéed shrimps, with rice and peruvian corn kernels, yellow potato french fries, and fried egg sautéed seafood: Sautéed mussels, calamari and shrimp with onions, tomatoes and French fries served with rice sautéed potatoes: Sautéed potatoes with onions and tomatoes, served with rice sautéed fish: Sautéed fish marinated with onions, tomatoes, and French fries served with rice sautéed chicken: Lean chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes and French fries, served with rice saute sauté to sauté Chicken saltimbocca al pomodoro, chicken breast stuffed with prosciutto and mozzarella,


english served with spaghetti in Alfredo sauce salvado bran salvado de trigo wheat bran Salvadoreños Salvadorian salvia sage salvo que horarios de vuelos en esa tarifa sean incompatibles unless business circumstances cannot con agenda comercial accomodate such scheduling sambayon sabayon Sambuca sambuca: Italian liqueur having the flavour of licorice (European perennial plant of the pea family) samovar samovar sanación de la nueva era new age healing sancochado A hearty beef and vegetable stew which includes yuca (cassava) and camotes (sweet potatoes). sancochado parboil: beef sausage and varied vegetable parboiled. You are served a clear soup and separately the different meats and vegetables. sancochar parboil sancochar to parboil sandía water melon sandwich roll sandwich roll, sandwich sandwich de bistec Steak Sandwich sandwich de bistec steak sandwich sandwich de chancho pork sandwich sandwich de pescado fish sandwich sandwich de pollo Chicken Sandwich sandwich de pollo chicken sandwich sandwich de salchicha hot dog Sandwich panqueque, dos tortas, un huevo y papas fritas en Pancake sandwich, two cakes, one egg and tajadas home fries Sangre de toro bull’s blood sangría sangria sangría (por jarra) sangaree (by the vase): drink of red wine, lemon, water and fruit small dices sanitarios comfort station saravin yeast cake soaked with rum-flavored syrup and filled with pastry cream, chantilly cream or fresh fruit. sardina pilchard sardina sardine sardinas ahumadas spats sargo rockfish sargo rockfish sartén frying pan

spanish sartén sartén china sasafrás, hojas de satisfacción garantizada Saudita sazonar sazonar scousers se admiten mascotas se combina el estilo oriental con el occidental se interesan por la gente se juega con viento en contra se le dió a la actividad un gran sentido de aventura se perseguirá el robo se puede acceder fácilmente se recomendará la afiliación más apropiada a una marca y sistema de gestión se requiere vestimenta apropiada sea parte del paisaje de la habitación sebo secado al sol secar secar seco seco seco de Cabrito

Seco de Cabrito Seco de Carne con Frijoles seco de cordero Seco de Corvina

sectores de mercado en ascenso sed sed seda seda selecta Selva Negra

english skillet, frying pan wok filé no cure no pay! Saudi Arabian season: to give extra flavor to food by adding salt, pepper or other sharp-tasting substances. to season scousers pet-friendly east meets west style is all about people plays into the wind it gave the whole enterprise a sense of a grand adventure shoplifters will be prosecuted is conveniently accessible to a recommendation of the best brand and managment affiliation appropriate dress required blend this into scan of bedroom suet sundried to wilt, to dry wilt,dry dry refers to a dish which is made with meat (beef, chicken, or fish) and cilantro. goat stew: pot stew after marinating with chicha de jora or beer and other spices including lots of fresh cilantro and garlic. now you an find Seco made with beef or chicken Lamb Stew Dry beef: Beef stew, served with rice and beans lamb dry dish: unique lamb stew seasoned in coriander and white wine Steamed corvina fillet with a traditional Peruvian sauce served with rice and corn kernels higher yield aspirational markets sector thirst thirst silk silk intimate black jungle

spanish semáforo Semifrío de Maracuyá semilla semilla de ajonjolí


traffic light Semifredo of maracuyá seed, pip sesame seed: tiny, flat seeds, with a nutty, slightly sweet flavor. used in baked goods such as breads, pastries, cakes and cookies. semilla de alcaravea Caraway seed: The aromatic seed of an herb in the parsley family with a flavor described as a cross between aniseed and fennel. Used to flavor cheese, breads, cakes, stews, meats and vegetables. semilla de amapola poppy seed semillas seeds sémola semolina sémola semolina: hard round grains left when wheat has been ground and sifted, frequently used to make puddings and pasta. sencillo o decorativo fancy-later sendero de caminata hiking trail senderos para vehículos todo terreno atv trail senderos rurales country byway sentados frente a una barra de zinc at a zinc bar sentimiento de estar en casa cuando se está fuera del hogar home-away-from-home feeling señalización informativa interpretive signage señorial estatelike separador de ambientes privacy divider separar to pry of sepia cuttlefish ser arrojado por la borda washed overboard sereno night watchman servicio amenity servicio buscapersonas por toda la ciudad citywide beepers servicio completo catered servicio de ajuste de palos club-fitting service servicio de cuidado de casas house sitter service servicio de información de group master or información sobre group master information group master servicio de motel motor inn service servicio de mucama al anochecer evening turn down service servicio de reservas booking service Servicio de Té tea service servicio gratuito de autobús courtesy bus servicio nocturno a las habitaciones nightly turn-down service servicio park and ride park and ride service servicios esenciales no-frills services servicios terrestres land cost servilleta serviette

spanish servilleta servilletero servir sésamo sesgado sesos setas si bien no es realmente una estación de montaña si quiere emoción, súbase a un taxi si te lo perdiste, fuiste alpiste sidra sifón sillar sillón orejero sin devolución a menos que se realquile sin paradas sin privilegios de entrada y salida sin semillas Sinfonía de Mariscos

Singaporiano singapur sirope sistema de adquisiciones sistema ferroviario sistemas para protejer la vida sitio frío sitio para acampar sitio turístico sitios concentradores soasar soberbios soda soda sofreir sofreír sofrito soja sole solicitantes solicitud de servicio sólo habitación solomillo solomillo

english servillete, napkin napkin ring serve sesame bias brain fungi not much by way of a resort mountain if you want a thrill, go for a taxi ride be there or be square. cider siphon ashlar wing back chair nil unless relet not hop on hop off no in & out pipped Octopus, squid, scallops and winkles marinated in a sauce made with olive oil, garlic and lemon Singaporian singapore syrup procurement system railway system life-saving systems cool place camping site site aggregator to roast lightly scrumptious soda soda water to fry lightly fry lightly fried tomato and onion sauce soy, soybean lenguado applicants shop call unbundled room rump steak sirloin

spanish solomillo Solomillo Capresse Solomillo Vivaldino


sirloin steak Grilled steak, served with capresse salad Sirloin steak with Marsala sauce and fetuccini a la créme solventes empowered sombrerera hatbox sometida a una renovación de cuatro millones de dólares under a four million dollar renovation. sonda probe sopa soup Sopa a la Criolla Creole soup: A hearty milk, beef and noodle soup Sopa a la Criolla Meat soup with angel hair pasta sopa crema de mariscos bisque Sopa de Cebolla French onion soup Sopa de cebolla estilo Parisino receta de los viejos barrios de Onion soup, parisienne style, a recipe from “Les Halles”, en consomé de carne, con un crouton crocante “Les Halles”, in a meat consome, with a de pan al gruyere crunchy gruyere bread crouton sopa de choros mussels soup Sopa de cola de buey a la criolla, con diversión de morón, Oxtail soup, with morron pepper, fried pasta fideitos fritos y un consistente huevo frito and a fried egg sopa de mariscos seafood soup sopa de pescado fish soup sopa de pollo chicken soup sopa de trufa negra black truffle soup sopa espesa gumbo, chowder sopera tureen, soup tureen sopera tureen,soup tureen soportales arcade soporte caddie soporte para plancha y tabla de planchar iron and ironing board holder sorgo sorghum soso bland, dull, insipid Souffé de chocolate con salsa grand maunier chocolate soufflé with Grand Marnier sauce soufflé a light, airy mixture that is normally made by taking an egg yolk-based sauce that has been lightened by adding stiffly beaten egg whites. souffles may be sweet or savory and served cold or hot souvlakia souvlakia souvlakia souvlakia Spaghetti a la catalana, con escalivada de verduras Catalan style spaghetti, with mediterranean mediterráneas y aceite de oliva extra vegetables in olive oil and garlic spaghetti con camarones spaghetti with shrimp in garlic-flavoured sauce: large shrimp (scampi) used Spaghettis a la Parisienne Spaghetti, ham, mushrooms and chicken au gratin Spaghettis All'fredo, con grandes langostinos salteados al All´fredo spaghetti, with sautéed jumbo

spanish aglio, oleo y peperoncinos Spaguetti Fruti di Mare strips of cooked tripe, seasoned by a mixture of sauteed onions, garlic, yellow chilli, a pinch of turmeric, salt and pepper and chunks of boiled potatoes. The mixed is allowed to cook together. It is then sprinkled with spearmint or mint strips of precooked tripe sauteed with red onions, peeled tomatoes, tomato paste and dried mushrooms. Seasoned with parsley and mixed with chips prior to serving. Wine or pisco are added following the sautee step suave subido de tono subsistencia suburbio suchard sucio suculento sudado Sudado de lenguado

sudado de mariscos sudado de pescado con mariscos suero de leche suites con vistas al patio suizo sumergir sumergir sumérjase suministro de agua supervisor de habitaciones supervivencia al aire libre Supiro limeño Suprema a la Parisienne Suprema César suprema de pollo surfeo cometa surtido surtido surubí Suspiro a la Limeña Suspiro a la Limeña, servida en canela merengue oporto

english shrimps in aglio, oleo and peperoncinos Spaguetti with pomodoro sauce and seafood with white wine and tomato creole cau cau

Italian-style cau cau

smooth racy subsistence suburb crunchy chocolate nougat dirty succulent process in which meat (fish or duck) is steam cooked steamed fish: Steamed filet of sole sautéed with onions, tomatoes and wine, served with potatoes poached seasoned fresh seafood, onions & tomatoes steamed fish and seafood buttermilk, whey courtyard suites Swiss dip to dip get an insight water supply housing supervisor outdoor survival Limenian woman sigh Chicken breast with spaghetti and mushroom sauce Breaded Chicken breast with Caesar`s Salad chicken shnitzel kite surfing assorted assortment, variety large catfish Lima’s woman sigh Lima-style sigh: served on a cinnamon crunch with port merengue

spanish suspiro de limeña suspiro Limeño Sustancia de Pollo sustentar sustitución/conversión de divisas sustitutos del azúcar

taberna taberna apartada tabla de cocina tabla de picar tabla para el queso tableta de chocolate Tacama Blanco de Blancos Tacama Brut - Perú Tacama Reserva Especial tachaduras Tacna sour: macerdo de damasco, tumbo y fresa Tacna: ciudad más al sur del Perú, cerca de la frontera con Chile (35 km), 692 msnm, temperatura 18,6 C (promedio anual) tacneño Tacos tacu tacu

Tailandés Tailandés Taiwanese tajada tajada de pan tajear tal como deben disfrutarse tallarin a la huancaina con pollo Tallarin saltado Tallarín Saltado con Pollo Tallarin Saltado de Carne tallarin saltado de carne

english a classic milk and egg dessert Limenian sigh: sweet dessert made of milk, egg whites, port and cinnamon. Chicken substance: Chicken soup with angel hair noodles to maintain currency override sugar substitutes: also called non-nutritive sweeteners, sugar substitutes are used by persons with reasons for avoiding or restricting their intake of sugar. saccharin and aspartame are two common sugar substitutes bar room out-the-way inn cutting board chopping board cheeseboard chocolate bar White of whites Tacama Tacama Brut - Perú Tacama special reserve ex-outs Tacna sour: macerate of apricots, curub and strawberry Tacna: southernmost city in Peru near the border with Chile (35 km). 562 m.o.s.l., temperature 18,6 C (annual average) Tacnenian Folded with tortilla with choice of meat Beans mixed with rice and refried. Served with pan-fried steak, fried egg and fried bananas. Thai Thailander Taiwanese slice slice of bread to slash as they are meant to be enjoyed Huancaina spaghetti and chicken: spaghetti with cheese sauce served with chicken breast Beef, onion, fried tomatoes w/spaghetti Spaghetti mixed with fried chicken pieces with onions, tomatoes and pepper Beef sauteed: Lean top sirloin, sautéed with onions, tomatoes and linguini spaghetti sautéed with beef: sored steak tid bits with onions, tomatoes over linguini

spanish tallarin saltado de mariscos

Tallarin Saltado de mariscos

Tallarin saltado de Pollo Tallarin Saltado de Pollo tallarin saltado de pollo Tallarin Verde

tallarin verde con bistec Tallarin Verde con Bistek Apanado

tallarin verde con churrasco tallarin verde con pollo tallarines Tallarines verdes con bisteck y papa dorada tallo tamal


tamal tamal: meat-filled corn dumplings tamal: oiled corn with pork or chicken meat and wrapped in banana leaf. tamales Tamales Peruanos de Chancho o pollo Tamales salvadoreños tamarindo también se puede tamiz tamizar tamizar tamizar tapa tapa de asado

english sautéed seafood spaghetti: spaghetti with tomatoes, onions, clams, shrimp, squid and octopus sautéed seafood with linguini: Sautéed mussels, calamari and shrimp with onion, tomato and linguini beef, onions, spaghetti sautéed chicken linguini: Lean chicken sautéed with onion, tomatoes and linguini spaghetti sautéed with chicken: sored chicken tid bits with onions, tomatoes over linguini Green spaghetti: Spaghetti sautéed in a special spinach-basil sauce. Sprinkled with Parmesan cheese green spaghetti with steak Green linguini with breaded beefsteak: Breaded top sirloin served on top of linguini with spinach-basil sauce and parmesan cheese green spaghetti with steak: spaghetti in basil sauce served with char-broil steak green spaghetti with chicken: spaghetti in basil sauce served with chicken breast noodles Spaghetti al pesto w/steak and potatoes stalk, stem ground corn cooked, stuffed with chicken or pork, and wrapped in banana leaves or corn husks. this package is then tied and steamed until the dough is cooked through small dumpling made of indian meal stuffed with minced meat or other eatables and boiled in the husk of the indian corn tamal: oiled corn with pork or chicken meat and wrapped in banana leaf. tamales tamal tamal: meat-filled corn dumplings Chicken or pork tamale Corn flour, chicken and cooked in banan leaves tamarind also on the cards is sieve, sifter sieve sift to sift, to sieve, to screen lid round of beef, brisket

spanish tapa de cuadril tapando tapar tapioca

tapioca taquilla taquilla Tarata

tarifa de clase económica restringida tarifa económica tarifa especial de consolidador tarifa mínima tarifa no incluye impuestos de aeropuerto ni cargos por servicio tarifas con descuento que no se ofrecen al público general tarjeta sanitaria europea tarjeta sanitaria Europea tarta tarta de frutas tarteleta tartera tartera tasa gravada por terceros tasajo taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi turístico taxis acuáticos taxis acuáticos tipo góndola taxista taxista taza taza con pico taza grande tazón té té de uña de gato Té Helado

english rump cap clogging cover a starchy substance derived from the root of the cassava plant that is used as a thickening agent for soups, fruit fillings, and desserts. used much like cornstarch tapioca booking office ticket office Tarata: town east of Tacna, 89 km 3-hour drive from downtown. Typical agricultural terraces restricted economy class airfare leisure rate consolidator fare minimum fare airport taxes and service fee not included in the price discounted ehic european health insurance card pie shortcake tartlet baking tray earthenware baking dish pass-through fee jerked beef, jerky cab taxi taxi taxicab taxi-guide water taxis long tails water taxis cab driver taxi driver cup beaker mug bowl tea cat`s claw tea known for its healing or medicinal properties iced tea

spanish teatro teatro Teatro Municipal Teatro Municipal tejas


tejas tejido tejos telas con tonos blanquecinos teléfono de contacto para emergencias en tierra telesilla temblar tembloroso temperatura templado temporada temporada baja temporada baja temporadas y tipos de alojamiento/habitación tendencias históricas y proyectadas tendones tenedor tenedor de pescado tener a alguien en vilo tener hambre tener sed tenis diurno tentempié terminado terminal aéreo terminales termo termos de acero inoxidable ternera ternera (carne de) ternero (animal ) terrain parks Terrazas - Alto Malbec Terrazas - Cabernet Sauvignon Terrazas - Reserva Cabernet

english theater (US) theatre (GB) Municipal Theater (US) Municipal Theatre (GB) Candy filled with manjar blanco and coated with a fondant-like shell. Also made with a chocolate shell (chocoteja). candy filled with manjar blanco and coated with a fondant-like shell. Some are also made with a chocolate shell (chocoteja). colonial-era sweets webbing quoits off-white fabric accents in case of emergency while ashore contact phone ski lift tremble quivery, shivery temperature warm season off season shoulder time seasons and room types historical and projected trends tendons fork fish fork keep sb on edge to be hungry to be thirsty daytime tennis snack doneness air terminal travel ports thermos silver bullets veal, calf veal, calf calf terrain parks high Malbec Terrazas - Cabernet Sauvignon Terrazas – Cabernet Reserve


english Terrazas - Reserva Malbec Terrazas – Malbec Reserve terrine well-seasoned ground meat preparation cooked in a pork fat-lined container terrón lump tetera teapot textura texture The fish is cut like carpaccio instead of being diced, and it is tiradito not served with onions but with a variation of different sauces. The fish is sliced in fine strips (about 6 cm by 2 cm) that are tiradito similar to sashimi, and then marinated in a mix of lime juice, ginger and ají limo. Unlike ceviche, tiradito lacks onions, which translates into a subtler taste Tía María aunt Mary tibio tepid tiempo compartido time-sharing tiempo de reposo time to settle tiempo del centro cst tiempos emocionantes heady times tienda shop tienda store tienda de artículos deportivos mini-pro shop tienda de baratillo junk shop tienda de camping wilderness store tienda/boutique de la cadena de franquicias lenôtre boutique franchised tiendas por departamentos department stores tierno tender tierra baldía baldland tierras de cultivo pastoral farmlands tierras y aguas de la corona crown lands and waters tijeras scissors tilapia tilapia tilapia tilapia Timbal de Camarones Shrimp timbale Fettuccini with shrimp in fine chef sauce au gratin Típico Montanero Beef, 1 egg, plantains, pork, rice, beans and salad tipos de habitación room configurations tira de asado short ribs tira de velcro hook and loop patch tiradito fish strips cooked in lime juice tiradito The fish is cut like carpaccio instead of being diced, and it is not served with onions but with a variation of different sauces. tiradito The fish is sliced in fine strips (about 6 cm by 2 cm) that are similar to sashimi, and then marinated in a mix of lime juice, ginger and


english ají limo. Unlike ceviche, tiradito lacks onions, which translates into a subtler taste tiradito a la crema de rocoto fine slices of fish (sole) with rocoto sauce tiradito al ají amarillo fish (sole) marinated in lemon, with yellow hot peppers sauce Tiradito de conchas señoritas, en finas láminas del callo, Scallops tiradito, fine slices with squid torneadas en tiradito, adornado con fideos de calamar y salsa surprises in a green chili sauce, garnished de ají verde al verde, tiras de yuca amarilla y granos de with yellow yucca sticks and fried corn choclo frito kernels The hots marinated from the bowl to the grill Tiradito de la cumbre a las dos cremas, de ají amarillo y Summit Tiradito, catch of the day, with rocoto, captura del día yellow chili and red hot chili pepper sauces tiradito de lenguado sole marinated in lemon, with yellow hot peppers Tiradito encevichado, con cebolla matadita en jugo de limón Tiradito ceviche, with peruvian lemon and y extracto de ajíes, con choclitos chili pepper extracts, with corn kernels tiradito especial fine slices of sole and tuna fillets with our chef's light sauce tiramisu Italian dessert made of Lady Fingers dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream tiramisu Italian dessert made of Lady Fingers dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream Tiramisu tiramisú tirar a la basura throw away tirar dedo hitchhicking tirar dedo hitching tiras strips tirón strike tisana infusion, tisane to con destino a tobaguense tobagonian tobillera portavalores leg safe tocino bacon tocino ahumado bacon todaespecia allspice takes its name from its aroma, which smells like a combination of spices, especially cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. todaespecia molida Ground allspice: Comes from the pea-sized berry of the evergreen pimiento tree, native to the West Indies and South America. Named allspice because it tastes somewhat like a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. todo terreno mini-monster mini-monster 4 wheeling todos los servicios incluídos full-service supply tofu a low-calorie, high-protein, cholesterol-free food made from curdled soy milk. it is creamy white with a sliceable firmness that varies from soft to firm. tofu should be kept


tofu tolina tolina toma de agua de bomberos tomar sol tomar una fotografía tomar vacaciones tomarse una siesta tomarse vacaciones Tomás Collins tomate Tomates secados al sol tomillo tomillo

tonalidad rústica tonel tónica tónica top cut / sirloin toro Torre Negra torta Torta de Chocolate torta de chocolate Torta de Chocolate a la Moda Torta de chocolate mojado torta de manzana Torta de Queso Torta de queso marmoteado Torta helada torta, tarta Tortas

tortera desarmable tortilla Tortilla peruana tortuga de agua

english refrigerated: the water it is packed in should be changed daily beancurd abalone abalone hydrant to sunbathe to take a photograph to take a vacation (US) catch a little shut eye to take a holiday (GB) Tom Collins tomato Sun Dried Tomatoes: Goat cheese, prosciutto, basil and dried tomatoes thyme thyme: two popular members of this mint family herb are garden thyme and wild thyme. both varieties are used widely in cooking and to season vegetables, meats, poultry, fish, soups, and sauces. it is the key ingredient to bouquet garni. colourfully coarse cask tonic tonic water contrafilete bull, bullock Black Tower cake chocolate cake chocolate gateau fashionable chocolate cake Wet chocolate cake apple pie cheese cake Marmoted Cheese Cake Frozen cake cake, gateau Bread cut in half filled with beans, lettuce, pico de gallo sour cream and cheese with choice of meat springform pan omelette, pancake Peruvian Tortilla: Sautéed potatoes, parsley, garlic in fluffy seasoned egg batter turtle

spanish tortuga de tierra tortuguita (de vaca) tostada Tostadas

tostadas de pan de forma tostado tostar tostones totalmente calificado y asegurado trabajar de portero en disco, teatro, restaurante, etc. trabajar la harina tradicional tragar tragar trago de maría I tragos tragos traifas aéreas sin restricciones tramboyo trancés transatlántico transfer transformaciones profesionales de apariencia tránsito por ferrocarril ligero transmisión vía internet transporte en autobús tranvía tranvía tranvía trapo trapo para secar platos trasbordo trasbordo traslado travesía travesuras debidas al alcohol trayecto tren tren de cercanías tren de cercanías tren de intercambio tren de intercambio tren de recreo

english tortoise heel (meat) toast Fried tortillas top off with chicken or beef, refried beans, lettuce, pico de gallo, sour cream and cheese crumpets toasted to roast, to toast smashed fried green plantains fully qualified and insured work the door Work, rub the flour rootsy to gobble to swallow bloody mary dregs drinks unrestricted airfare blenny fish French ocean liner traslado professional appearance makeovers light rail transit cybercast motor coach transportation streetcar tram tramcar dishcloth dishcloth change transfer transfer crossing drunken antics route train commuter suburban train commuter suburban excursion train

spanish tren directo tren expreso tren ómnibus tren ómnibus tren rápido trenes de cremallera tres huevos con queso o crema y tocino, jamón o salchicha


through train express train slow train stopping train fast train cogwheel trains Three eggs served with cheese or cream and bacon, ham or sausage tres huevos con tajadas de papas fritas y tostadas Three eggs served with homefries and toast tres leches juicy three milk cake tres minienlaces mini-three links Tri de mousses, chocolate cannolis relleno con mango, moka Chocolate cannolis stuffed with mango, moka y lúcuma con chocolate, salsas Inglesa y de fresas and lucuma with chocolate, English and strawberry sauces trigo wheat trigo sarraceno buckwheat trinchante serving or meat fork trinchar to carve trinitense trinidadian tripa gut Triple de Aceituna Olive, egg and avocado Triple de Pollo Triple chicken: chicken, artichoke and avocado triple sec triple sec triple sec triple sec trituradas chopped, crushed trocear to cut up trocitos nuggets troncos de [para] rodar log rollers trotamundos drifter trozo chunk, lump, chop trozo piece trozo slice, chunk, lump trozo slice, strip trozo en forma de cuña wedge trozo grande wedge trucha trout trucha arco iris rainbow trout trucha arcoiris rainbow trout trucha de mar sea trout trufas truffles tu lugar al sol your place in the sun tubos internos inflables inflatable inner tubes tuco tomato sauce tugurios slums tumba grave

spanish tumba túmulo turismo turismo cultural y por tierra turismo de salud turismo ecológico poco contaminante turismo especializado turismo individual en masa


tomb grave-heap tourism overland touring health tourism low-carbon tourism niche resorts individual mass tourists organized mass tourists turismo organizado en masa organized mass tourists turismo receptivo inbound-travel turismo sostenible resource-based tourism turismo sostenible y de salud caring and sustainable tourism turismos basado en los recursos naturales resource-based tourism turista tourist turrón nougat turrón nougat turrón de chocolate a chilled chocolate confection turrón de chocolate crujiente suchard turrón de doña pepa an anise pastry filled with a fruit syrup confection turrón de Doña Pepa Doña Pepa nougat: anise and honey nougat that is traditionally prepared for The Lord of Miracles procession, during October. Turrones are most commonly made from almonds turrones Turrón de Doña Pepa, an anise and honey nougat that is traditionally prepared during October. tuvimos un trimestre equilibrado a pesar de la extrema we had a balanced quarter despite the extreme volatilidad volatility ubicación de propiedades locations ubicados en un complejo turístico lleno de palmeras set in a coconut palm-strewn resort última fracción de milla mile of part último show de la noche late show un defensor/representante permanente para ustedes consistent advocate for you un esquiador que domina el esquí alpino parallel skier Un huevo y queso con opción de tocino, jamón o salchicha One egg and cheese with choice of bacon, ham or sausage un impreso de autoliquidación del iva cumplimentado a completed vat self billing form un paquete de noches de estadía a precio de urgencia o no de a block of distressed or not so distressed room tanta urgencia nights un tacón bien moldeado well-turned heel una bandeja navideña a christmas plate una ciudad conocida por su cerámica blanca y azul a town famed for its blue-and-white pottery una entrevista al dejar su puesto de trabajo exit interview una gran oportunidad hot value

spanish una mancha vergonzosa para el buen nombre de una ciudad una publicidad moderna una región llena de vida una reservacion personalizada para mi unidad independizable unidireccional universidad universidad untado untar untar unto urbano urbe utilice muebles de salón y mesas vestidas uva uvas vaca vacaciones vacaciones vacaciones activas vacaciones en dos centros coordinados vacherin

english an outrageous stain on city`s fair name it’s cool advertising a living, working landscape personalization of reservation to me lock-off unit unilinear college (US) university (GB) smeared smear to smear ointment urban metropolis use residential furniture and skirted tables grape grapes cow holidays (GB) vacation (US) activity-based holiday twin-centre holidays a dessert consisting of several crisp meringue rings stacked on top of each other and placed on a meringue or pastry base. this container may be filled with ice cream or chantilly cream and/or various fruits air pocket flank (meat) carriage pod vanilla Valdivieso Brut docket suitcase down the valley a dry river valley amenity values from ecoturism heifer variety pork skins

vacío vacío de vaca vagón vaina vainilla Valdivieso Brut vales valija valle abajo valle seco valores de satisfacción del ecoturismo vaquillona variedad variety of pork crackling country style ribs first boiled until dried and until they render their own fat where they continue the browning process required for them to be called chicharrones vasija de barro cocido crockpot vaso glass

spanish Vaso de Leche vaso de leche veal carpaccio vegetariano vegetariano estricto Vegetariano Triple vehículo de modelo más reciente vehículo de todo terreno 4 x 4 vehículo para pantanos vela vela aromática velero venado venta de mercadillo al aire libre ventana panorámica ventanilla de servicio para personas a pie ventas sector viajes veraneante, turista verbena verdulero verduras verduras verduras verduras de hoja vereda vereda verga/penol vermouth vermut verter vestirse elegantemente Veuve Cliquot Brut - Francia vía viajar viaje viaje viaje viaje viaje circular viaje de ida viaje de ida viaje de ida viaje de ida y vuelta viaje de ida y vuelta

english glass of milk glass of milk carpaccio de ternera vegetarian vegan Triple vegetarian:Whole grain bread, avocado, spinach and green cheese later specification vehicle all-terrain 4x4 atv swamp buggy candle mood candle hobie deer, stag parking lot sales window view walk-up travel trade holidaymaker verbena greengrocer vegetables vegetables, greens veggies lefy stuff pavement (GB) sidewalk (US) yardarm vermouth vermouth pour dress to the hilt Veuve Cliquot Brut - Francia track to travel journey journey onward trip trip circular tour one-way ticket (US) outward journey single ticket (GB) return journey return ticket (GB)

spanish viaje de ida y vuelta viaje de ida y vuelta viaje de negocios viaje de placer viaje de turismo viaje organizado viaje todo comprendido viaje todo comprendido viajero viajero viajeros que entran y salen de Perú viajes a sitios patrimoniales viajes de distancias largas viajes posteriores viajes previos viajes todo incluido vianda vid video account review vieira vieira, concha de abanico viento de ultramar vientre vigas de roble remachadas vigoroso y persistente defensor de sus propias causas vinagre

vinagre vinagre balsámico

vinagre de alcohol vinagreta vinagreta

vinculación de giros vino vino blanco vino de Burdeos vino de chacra vino joven

english round ticket (US) round trip business trip pleasure trip holiday organized tour inclusive tour package tour traveler (US) traveller (GB) Peru-bound travelers and Peru-outbound travelers birthright trips long haul travel post-tour pre-tour inclusive tours viands, food, meal vine revisión de cuentas por video scallop scallop offshore wind belly hammer beams vigorous and persistent lobbyist and petitioner on his own b vinager: a weak solution of acetic acid and water used in pickling, preserving, tenderizing, and to add a sour flavor to foods vinegar balsamic vinegar an italian vinegar made from white trebbiano grape juice. this fine fragrant vinegar gets part of its flavor from aging in wooden barrels over a period of years. white vinegar vinaigrette, sauce vinaigrette: a basic oil-and-vinegar dressing that includes salt and pepper. more elaborate variations include herbs, shallots, onions, mustard, and spices linking turns wine white wine Bordeaux wine countryside wine new wine

spanish vino por botella vino por copa vino rosado vino tinto vino torcido vinos de calidad con distinción especial virgen maría visa visa visceras visita con guía visitantes no residentes visitar cuevas visitar lugares de interés visitas a viñedos guiadas por sommeliers vista en planta vistas de propiedades simples y múltiples vistas moldeadas para el refrigerador viva la experiencia de la escalada en roca Vivaldino

vodka vodka amargo Vodka con Jugo de Naranja vodka lima vodka tónico volador y guargueros volar vol-au-vent

vuelo vuelo chárter vuelo directo vuelo sin escalas vuelos de regreso en clase de negocios categoría roja vuelos en tiempo real vuelta w/o wasabi

week of

english Bottle Wines Wines by the glass rosé wine red wine old wine in the process of becoming vinegar predicate wine virgen mary visa visa guts sightseeing tour non local residents visitors caving in this sentence to go sightseeing vineyards sommelier tours floorplan multi and single-property displays raised refer inserts hand at rock climbing Crab claws, shrimp balls, fish kebobs and grilled scallops with a sweet and sour sauce and crunchy garlic vodka Vodka Sour vodka with orange juice Vodka Lime Vodka Tonic a delicate egg-based pastry to fly very light puff pastry shell that resembles a pot with a lid. usually filled with a cream sauce-based mixture, made of meat, chicken, fish or vegetables flight charter flight non-stop flight non-stop flight red business class returns live flights return week of japanese horseradish that is dried, powdered, and made into a pale green paste with a sharp, pungent, extremely potent flavor. often mixed with soy sauce and served as a condiment to sushi, sashimi, and other japanese specialties. w/o

spanish whisky Whisky Ballantine`s fino whisky Ballantine`s sello de oro Whisky Chivas Regal Whisky Jack Daniel`s Whisky Jim Beam Whisky Johnnie Walker Etiqueta Azul Whisky Johnnie Walker Etiqueta Dorada Whisky Johnnie Walker Etiqueta Negra Whisky Johnnie Walker Etiqueta Roja Whisky Johnnie Walker Etiqueta Verde Whisky Old Parr whisky sour Whisky Swing y luego disfruta juguetear en el área de juego en plena montaña y un pueblo bullicioso siempre dispuesto a atenderlo yate yema yema de huevo yemas yendo a la cola yogur yogurt

yogurt yuca yuca a la huancaina

Yuca Frita yuca frita yucca yuyo yuyo zabaglione

zanahoria zanahorias zapallito zapallito grande


english whisky Whisky Ballantine`s Finest Whisky Ballantine`s Gold Seal Whisky Chivas Regal Whisky Jack Daniel's Whisky Jim Beam Whisky Johnnie Walker blue label Whisky Johnnie Walker golden label Whisky Johnnie Walker black label Whisky Johnnie Walker red label Whisky Johnnie Walker green label Whisky Old Parr whisky sour: bourbon and lemon juice drink Whisky Swing then enjoy frolicking on the mid mountain playground bustling attendants yatch egg yolk egg yolk yolks bringing up the rear yogurt a dairy product. food prepared from milk that has been thickened by the action of certain bacteria yoghurt manioc Huancaina cassava: fresh cassava lightly seasoned and deep fried, served a creamy and delicious low-fat cheese and yellow pepper sauce Fried cassava fried cassava yuca, cassava algae weed Sabayon: dessert made by whisking together egg yolks, wine (marsala) and sugar over simmering water. carrot carrots squash, courgette squash: vegetable, member of the gourd family. squash varies widely in size, shape and color pumpkin

spanish zapallo

zapallo loche zarzamora zarzamora zatar zona de salidas transatlánticas al extranjero zona residencial zona roja zonas de servicio zonas de servicio zonas vedadas zonificación zucchini

zumo zumo zumo de naranja zumo de pomelo zumo de tomate

english Pumpkin: Large, round and orange member of the gourd family which includes squash, muskmelon and water melon. Its orange flesh has a mild sweet flavor squash blackberry blackberry arab-israeli spice mixture departure outbound residential area redlight district back-of-house areas back-of-house plans out of bound areas zoning small summer squash shaped like a slightly curved cylinder, a bit smaller at the top than the bottom. juice squash orange juice grapefruit juice tomato juice

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