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  • Pages: 12
Tosca by Giacomo Puccini test made by A. Papadolias March 2000

1.1. In Act I scene i the setting is a. a church

b. the marketplace

c. a battlefield

d. a nightclub

e. a museum

2. What religion are the characters? a. Muslim

b. Buddhist

c. Hindu

d. atheist

e. Catholic

3. The first singer is running from . . . a. the police b. his mama

c. the Pope

d. the hall monitors

e. God

c. a priest

d. a cheater

e. a soprano

c. is a witch

d. prays a lot e. died

4. Cavaradossi is . . . a. a painter

b. a cop

5. The portrait is of a woman who a. complains a lot

b. never complains

6. The janitor calls Cavardossi Satan because . . . a. he's a rebel b. he's an artist c. he painted someone praying d. he's a Loyalist e. he cusses 7. Cavaradossi's girlfriend is . . . a. a supermodel

b. two-timing him

c. Madonna

d. Tosca Floria

e. playin' him

8. Floria has . . . a. a huge chip on her shoulder b. dark hair and eyes c. rabies

d. blond hair e. no teeth

9. Cavaradossi holds a locket on a chain, holding a picture of . . . a. Tosca

b. his mama

c. the King of Italy

d. the Pope

e. a stuffed monkey

10. The government in the opera is . . . a. Democratic

b. Royalist

c. Republican

d. Communist

e. Anarchist

11. Penance can be . . . a. not eating

b. partying

c. fun

d. entertaining

c. Royalist

d. Catholic

e. a reward

12. Cavaradossi is a rebel, not a . . . a. painter

b. protester

e. tenor

13. Tosca's dominant trait is her . . . a. serenity

b. inability to trust men

c. appetite

d. shyness

e. jealousy

14. Angelotti has escaped from the prison at . . . a. Gage Park High School

b. Sant Angelo Castle c. Joliet State d. Cook Co. e. Alcatrazz

15. A Sacristan works . . . a. at McD's

b. in a saccharine factory

c. in Sacramento

d. in a church e. at home

16. When Tosca first enters, she insists Cavaradossi is hiding . . . a. his feelings

b. Christmas presents

c. in a tree

d. and seeking e. a woman

17. Tosca jests not to kiss her in front of . . . a. her parents

b. her ex

c. the Madonna

d. her children

e. God

18. Tosca loves to go with Cavaradossi to . . . a. the cottage in the woods

b. the mall

c. the show

d. Lincoln Park Zoo e. concerts

19. Tosca's heart is burning with a. love

b. valor

c. compassion

d. heartburn

e. a Scarlet A

20. Siren is a metaphor for someone . . . a. who writes

b. who raps

c. in love

d. who arrests people e. who screams

21. Cavaradossi tells Tosca the painting is of . . . a. Mary Magdalene b. Mary Mary Quite Contrary c. Mary Martin d. the Virgin Mary e. Mary J. Blige 22. Cavaradossi admits he is painting . . . a. a woman who comes to pray d. graffiti art e. his mom

b. people's garages

c. lowriders

23. Tosca says the painting is laughing . . . a. at her

b. at a joke

c. because she's crazy

d. like a hyena

e. at her man

24. Cavaradossi's whole life is bound up in . . . a. chains

b. bungie cords

c. her dark, burning eyes

25. Tosca says to paint the woman but . . .

d. her hair

e. her locker

a. give her a mustache b. paint devil horns on her d. erase her when he's done e. make her hair braided

c. make her eyes dark

26. Floria has to mean . . . a. flour

b. favor

c. flavor

d. Florida

e. flower

27. Cavaradossi did not tell Tosca about the fugitive because . . . a. she tells her confessor everything b. she tells the teacher d. she calls her dad and cries e. he didn't trust her

c. she wouldn't understand

28. The fugitive will escape dressed as . . . a. a Superman b. Jerry "The King" Lawler c. Harrison Ford

d. a woman

e. a priest

29. The praying woman left the clothes for . . . a. the poor

b. the priest

c. the painter d. the fugitive

e. Tosca

30. The bad guy, hypocrite, and lecher is . . . a. Scarpia

b. Mario

c. Cavaradossi

d. Tosca

e. Kermit

31. Scarpia pries confessions out of . . . a. priests

b. his parents c. his kids

d. the King

e. Napoleon

d. a well

e. Tosca's mind

32. There is a hiding place in . . . a. heaven

b. prison

c. 228

33. Scarpia yells at the altar boys for . . . a. graffiti b. not doing their homework c. spilling candle wax d. listening to heavy metal e. playing in church 34. Scarpia has the church searched for . . . a. roaches

b. leaks

c. asbestos

d. the fugitive

e. Communists

35. The fugitive's name is . . . a. Harrison Ford

b. Angelotti

c. Scarpia

d. Tosca

e. Miss Piggy

36. Cavaradossi's first name is . . . a. Mr.

b. Adam

c. Prince

d. JAM

e. Mario

37. Scarpia has the hots for . . . a. Cavaradossi

b. Flenoid

c. Doritos

d. Tosca

e. candles

38. Scarpia lies and says the blond woman left her fan . . . a. in his office b. on the porch c. blasted on high d. on Cavaradossi's painting platforme. mail at the post office 39. Scarpia is trying to make Tosca think Cavaradossi is . . . a. cheating on her

b. a bad rapper

c. a horrible painter

d. a cool guy e. a monkey

40. Tosca thinks Cavaradossi is unfaithful because . . . a. he's a two-timing punk b. she found a lovenote c. you just can't trust artist types d. the blond woman's fan was not in the pew e. she's an idiot 41. Scarpia makes an allusion to . . . a. b. c. d. e.

Even giving Adam an apple in the Book of Genesis Celie writing letters to Nettie in The Color Purple Moses parting the Red Sea in Exodus Iago using a handkerchief to trick Desdemona in a Shakespeare play a 90210 episode

42. Scarpia sends men to follow and spy on . . . a. Tosca

b. Cavaradossi

c. Angelotti

d. Mr. P

e. the Terminator

43. Scarpia feeds on Tosca's a. uneaten dinner

b. innocence c. jealousy

d. Lean Cuisine

e. horse's hay

44. Scarpia's two prizes are to catch the escapee and to steal . . . a. money from the church d. candy from a baby

b. a large cross from the church e. dog food cans

c. Tosca from Cavaradossi

45. Tosca makes Scarpia forget a. his bus pass

b. his lunch money

46. The first act ends . . .

c. his ID

d. God, or his conscience

e. her #

a. at an execution b. at an election c. at a Catholic mass d. at a fashion show e. at school 47. This is ironic because Scarpia is a/an . . . a. priest b. devout Catholic c. lying, murderous governor d. only child e. honest man 48. The star performers come out and . . . a. kiss people's babies b. grab some coffee c. sign autographs d. bow half way through the show e. confess their sins 49. The star performers have tremendous . . . a. egoes

b. criminal records

c. devotion to religion

d. grades

e. hair

50. Act II begins . . . a. before Act I b. in a church c. in Chicago d. in Scarpia's governor's palace e. after Act III 51. Scarpia is the . . . a. best governor in Italian history b. handsomest baritone in all of opera c. antagonist d. protagonist e. resolution 52. Scarpia plans to hang . . . a. Angelotti and Mariob. Tosca and himself d. Angelotti and Spoletto e. loose

c. Tosca and Mario

53. A diva is a/an . . . a. star performer

b. diver

c. avid fan of R&B

d. aviary

e. dinosaur

54. Scarpia's dominant trait is . . . a. honesty

b. courage

c. lust

d. beauty

e. virtue

55. Spoletto arrested Cavaradossi at the cottage because he apparently knows . . . a. his ABZ's b. every Prince song ever written c. right from wrong d. where Angelotti is hiding e. some Bible verses

56. Scarpia plans to torture Cavaradossi into confessing . . . a. his sins

b. his favorite color

c. where Angelotti is hiding d. his PIN # e. he's an alien

57. A spiked ring, like a crown of thorns, spears into Cavaradossi's head every time he lies about .

.. a. his sins b. the air speed of a sparrow c. knowing where Angelotti is d. he's not really Italian e. he's wearing boxers with yellow duckies on them 58. Tosca can hear her boyfriend yelling . . . a. in pain

b. gangster rap

c. obscenities

d. "HALLSWEEP!" e. nasty rumors

59. Cavaradossi tells Tosca not to tell anything she knows even though he's . . . a. not really Italian b. not really a soprano c. being tortured d. lying about his age e. trippin' 60. Scarpia says that if Tosca wants to stop her boyfriend's torture, she must . . . a. recite the Pledge of Allegiance b. quote Mr. P's grandmother d. reveal her secret recipe for egg salad e. marry him

c. talk

61. Scarpia orders the dungeon door opened so Tosca can . . . a. clean the place b. hear her boyfriend screaming d. think hard about life e. sing to the prisoners

c. smell that prison cooking

62. Tosca figures out that Angelotti is hiding . . . a. his real weight and height b. in the well in the cottage garden c. at Ford City d. in the lunchroom e. a pager in his pocket 63. Tosca lies to Cavaradossi and says . . . a. she didn't tell Scarpia anything d. his mom's cooking is great!

b. she cheated on him e. he doesn't look his age

c. she never liked his painting

64. Napoleon Bonaparte won a big battle and Cavaradossi yells, "Vittoria!" which means . . . a. victory

b. vomit

c. Virginia

d. vitamins

e. losers

65. Baron Scarpia must be battling . . . a. the Greeks

b. Russia

c. the French d. Native Americans e. the NWO

66. This opera is set in . . . a. Europe

b. Asiac. Africa

d. Antarctica

e. South America

67. Scarpia offers not to kill Cavaradossi if Tosca will . . . a. clean his kitchen

b. "sleep" with him (with Scarpia)

c. switch to R&B

d. join the Royalists e. marry him (Scarpia) 68. "Agile as a leopard" is a/an . . . a. hyperbole b. simile

c. rhyme

d. exaggeration

e. resolution

69. Scarpia was turned on by Tosca's tears and loyalty to . . . a. Mario

b. Angelotti

c. Spoletto

d. her dog

e. Mr. P

70. Scarpia says he can get a pardon from . . . a. the priest

b. the President

c. Mr. P

d. the Queen e. his mom

71. The drum is the last call for . . . a. drummers b. condemned men

c. supper

d. Native Americans e. Tosca

72. The gallows is where they . . . a. do hair

b. arrange flowers

c. diagram sentences

d. hang people

e. gamble

73. When people hear the drums, they know that someone is going to . . . a. get marrried

b. start a rock band

c. be executed

d. open for KISS

e. dye his hair

74. Angelotti killed himself before Spoletto could . . . a. get the recipe for egg saladb. arrest him and hang him c. write down his last request d. tell a funny joke e. call him a no good rascal varmint 75. Scarpia orders that Angelotti's dead body be . . . a. stuffed with crab meat b. hung at the gallows

c. burned

d. cremated

e. embalmed

76. Tosca agress to sleep with Scarpia if he . . . a. doesn't snore b. stops yelling c. frees Cavaradossi d. converts to Buddhism e. showers 77. Scarpia says to have the prisoner shot "just as we did Cont Palmieri," which means . . . a. a fake execution

b. an old fashioned revival

c. a big sale

d. a feast

e. no gossip

78. "Just like Palmieri" means, to Tosca, . . . a. c. e.

that she gets to decorate the cake that they will play R&B that the execution will be for real

b. that there will be fortune-telling d. that the execution will secretly be pretend

79. "Just like Palmieri" means, to Scarpia, . . . a. that he will seduce Tosca and actually kill Cavaradossi

b. c. d. e.

that he will seduce Tosca and let Cavaradossi live that he will kill Tosca and Cavaradossi that he will save Tosca and Cavaradossi that he will kill himself if Cavaradossi can beat him in thumb wrestling

80. Tosca guzzles wine while Scarpia is signing . . . a. his monthly bills b. his autograph d. the Declaration of Independence

c. the safe passes out of the country e. his mom's signature

81. After Scarpia writes the safe passes, Tosca . . . a. thanks Scarpia

b. stabs Scarpia

c. kisses Scarpia

d. thanks God e. smiles

82. Tosca's kiss is . . . a. passionate

b. a knife in the chest

c. chocolate d. a stamp

e. sloppy

83. "Mori" means . . . a. more, please

b. moron

c. DIE!

d. Morris

e. LIVE!

84. Tosca takes the . . . a. safe passes out of the hand of Scarpia's dead body b. concert tickets to D'Angelo c. cake and eats it, too d. easy way out e. safe passes and goes skiing 85. Tosca reads the safe passes to make sure . . . a. they can get her into the D'Angelo concert c. they're signed d. they're real

b. they include an all expenses paid trip e. she doesn't need her mom's signature

86. Tosca forgives . . . a. sinners b. Scarpia before she kills him c. Scarpia after she kills him d. Cavaradossi for killing Scarpia e. Cavaradossi for painting her 87. Tosca places candles next to . . . a. Scarpia and a cross on his heart b. her bed and a garlic around the window c. a glazed ham d. a birthday cake e. the letter 88. Act III is set at the castle where . . . a. the executions take place b. the Count counts c. HeMan met SheRa d. Rapunzel let down her haire. they sell sliders

89. The conductor can be described as very . . . a. sedate

b. serene

c. animated

d. handsome e. bald

90. Cavaradossi gives a ring to the jailer in exchange for . . . a. promising to marry him d. bringing him a file

b. promising to take a letter to Tosca e. promising to kill Tosca

c. letting him go

91. Cavaradossi does not know that his execution . . . a. will take place at dawn b. is supposed to be a fake c. will be fun d. will not include a last request e. will include a last request 92. Never does Cavaradossi love life more than . . . a. when he first met Tosca b. when he got his HIV test results d. after he dies e. when he got tickets to see D'Angelo

c. in the hour of his death

93. Tosca comes to the prison and . . . a. shows Cavaradossi the safe passes b. dumps Cavaradossi d. sneaks a file inside a cake e. brings Mario a stuffed monkey

c. gives Mario a kiss

94. For a minute Cavaradossi thinks . . . a. he's hearing God talk to him b. Tosca's dumping him d. Scarpia's a great guy e. Napoleon has lost

c. Tosca slept with Scarpia

95. Tosca says to fall when . . . a. he walks down the stairs b. the soldiers shoot blanks c. he dies d. he lives

e. he sings

96. Then they'll . . . a. take a ship and escape d. get married in Vegas

b. hitchhike to Rio c. live happily ever after e. get another stuffed monkey

97. Cavaradossi and Tosca believe Scarpia gave . . . a. away his governor's license d. the okay for a real execution

b. chicken pox to Angelotti c. a social disease to Tosca e. the okay for a mock execution

98. The execution is set for . . . a. the New Year

b. sunrise

c. sundown

d. dusk

e. el 5 de mayo

99. Mario does not . . . a. blindfold himself at the execution b. shave

c. cry d. sing

e. whine

100. The guards and jailers leave Tosca alone with the body of her boyfriend, who she thinks is ... a. still alive

b. dead

c. meditating d. ugly

e. executed

101. When she tells Mario to get up, . . . a. he laughs

b. he snores

c. he is dead

d. he sings

e. he raps

102. The guards come back in to . . . a. arrest Tosca for murdering Scarpia b. congratulate Tosca on her fine performance c. get up with the chickens d. arrest Tosca for being a Thought Criminal e. bow 103. Tosca's last words are, . . . a. "Thank God It's Friday b. "You can lead a horse to water" c. "I will always love you" d. "Scarpia, we shall meet before God" e. "Scarpia, you shraver!"

104. Tosca . . . a. jumps off the top of the palace and kills herself c. has gone mad and thinks she's a helicopter

b. gets pushed off the palace d. is really a bird e. lives

105. Cavaradossi was played by . . . a. Prince b. Mr. P's father c. the one and only Mr. P d. Placido Flamingo

e. Placido Domingo

106. The opera was directed by . . . a. Spielberg

b. George Lucas

c. Spike Lee

d. Pedro Almodovar e. Zefferelli

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