Torsional Pendulum Design Lab (d)

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 186
  • Pages: 1
International Baccalaureate Physics


Non-Swinging Pendulum Design Lab Aim: You may be very familiar with swinging pendulums and the variables that do and do not affect. In this design lab, you will learn about how a torsional (twisting) pendulum works.

IB Criteria Assessed Design Criteria assessed

Aspect 1



Level awarded


Apparatus: CE • Ring stand and clamps ISM score • Rubber bands • Ruler • Stopwatch • Hanging Mass • Sticky tack • Coins • Anything else you might find in a normal physics classroom.

Design: Design a procedure to test how a certain variable (of your choice) may affect a twisting. As always, this should design lab should include….. • • •

Defining the Problem and selecting variables: Controlling the Variables: Developing a method for collecting data:

Thus, step by step instructions and diagrams are helpful to the reader and highly recommended. Also include a hypothesis and a sketch graph of what you think will happen. The above information was given to the student by the instructor. What follows immediately below is the student’s own work.

© Dingrando - ISM


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