Top Left February 2009

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Extraordinary DAY OUT ..............................................................................................

Are you a final year undergraduate? Do you want your opinions on your student experience to be heard? Take part in the National Student Survey. It’s quick to complete and you’ll be helping prospective students make the right choices of where and what to study.

Extrodinary Conference as seen through the eyes of Oz Hetherington (Union President)... NUS has been attempting to reform its democratic structures for as long as I can remember. A new constitution was debated last year at an extraordinary conference but needs to be ratified at a second to pass the whole document as the

soveriegn document around which the NUS operates. The 2nd EC took place on Tuesday 20 January 2009 and was to be a historic day beyond it simply being the inauguration of Barack Obama as US President. For this was the day of the second and final NUS Extraordinary Conference. ‘The Conference at which students would finally choose to bring NUS’s

structures into the 21st Century.’ Birmingham City Students’ Union has consistently committed to support NUS reform and 9 of our students set

Continues inside.

Continued from front.

Extraordinary DAY OUT .............................................................................................. off to Wolverhampton’s Civic Hall, anticipating a fun-filled day of debating. NUS conferences are renowned for bringing out a wide array of political activists and so on arrival we were greeted by the usual barrage of socialist leaflets and flyers slating our national leaders and government and including other issues which we should be aware of. Nevertheless we made it through unscathed and without any papercuts. The morning commenced with an empowering speech by Wes Streeting,

NUS President and as usual he was greeted by a great eruption of noise from the conference floor. The whole day went swimmingly until just after lunch, debates on Israel and Gaza started coming through all of the discussions. While I think that this is a debate worth having, this was not the time or the place. This came to a pinnacle when members of socialist workers and the socialist movement occupied the stage. They continued to protest about the issue which for some was intimidating, I felt some of the comments to be anti-Semitic which, from

Top of the Class .......................................

role is working on the reception in the ARC (Activities & Resource Centre), this is where students come to join societies and sports. I love working at the Union as it’s very easy to fit in around my University work and it’s a good laugh. I can’t believe I am Employee of the month, thanks guys!



So what happened to reform? Well once the interruption was cleared, I am pleased to say we did manage to discuss the NUS constitution and pass it with just the majority needed. I am personally delighted that NUS has finally made these changes and in advance of the main conference. It gives the national union a clear chance to now get on with better representing students. For more information and to see what NUS says visit our website

Grad Ball ..........................

Every month the Union celebrates the hard work of one of our casual staff emplyees. Well done to Harriet King! I am a fourth year Marketing, Advertising and PR student and I work for the Union in my (limited!) spare time. Working as student staff member for the Union involves manning the Reception on Level 2 of the Union Building, City North Campus where I sell university merchandise and NUS cards amongst other things. My other

my understanding, is not what the faction is about.

Acting on your suggestions this year we will be holding a Graduate Ball. This will be a great chance to celebrate in style and see your friends once again before the summer break. We’d like to make this a truly memorable event, so we welcome all students’ opinions on what the Grad Ball should look and feel like. To have your say please contact Dave Solloway at union. [email protected] or 0121 331 6813.

It’s decision time… ............................................................................................. Exec Elections 2009 Nominations: MON 9th - FRI 27th FebRUARY Voting: Monday 9th – Friday 13th Mar Every spring, students vote in elections for the people who will run their Union the following year, and one of them could be you! Executive Officers are in charge of every aspect of the Students’ Union; from organising sports teams and events at Bar 42 to leading campaigns against higher top-up fees. Any student can stand in the elections: all you need are the ideas to make the university a better place and the determination to put them into action.

Being an Exec is an exciting and rewarding job that also looks great on your CV: not many graduates can say they’ve been company directors when they apply for jobs! If you think you have what it takes to run your Union and you want to find out more, come to one of our Executive Drop Ins in February. Anyone who wants to help you with your campaign can also come along. You’ll be able to meet current Officers and Staff and get answers to all your questions about elections and life as an Exec. If you don’t think the Executive is for you but you would still like to

get involved with the Students’ Union, there are many other opportunities. We will also be holding elections for NUS National Conference in March, so if you would like to represent your fellow students on a national stage and help shape decisions about the future of the student movement then we would love to hear from you. Whatever you are interested in, go to www. elections or email union. [email protected] for more information.

Involvement Week! .............................................................................................

Ever thought you weren’t getting good enough value for your money? Well, now you can! Boost your university experience by getting involved. From 23rd February, we have a week full of fayres at different campuses showcasing loads of different volunteering opportunities, a large range of our societies

and many more ways you could get involved to make the most of being here at Birmingham City University. The fayres are run in conjunction with National Student Volunteering Week; encouraging students around the world to be inspired, get involved, gain new skills and give something back to your community.

So, whether you want to volunteer with the youth offending team, become a member of the Hindu society, or just understand more about how to get involved with the Students’ Union, be sure to come down to your local fayre! You can find out more about the involvement fayre on your campus at www. or call 0121 331 6804.

The Big ‘Wild West’ Squeeze .............................

Monday 9th February sees the 2nd Birmingham City Students’ Union bar crawl of the year. The theme is the Wild Wild West - Boots, chaps and cowboy hats... nothing else matters!! T-shirt prices are £6 and only £5 with an NUS Extra Card. T-shirts will be on sale as of Monday 2nd February from all union outlets.

New Menu at Bar 42 ............................. This term sees a new menu at Bar 42. Along with the baguettes, Jacket Potatoes and Burgers, we have now added some old favourites including; Sausages & Mash, Chilli & Rice and Fish & Chips. At just £3 each, it’s too good an opportunity to miss!

Village Inn Improvements .............................................................................................

Village Inn now has a new entertainment programme; from Karaoke on a Monday through to live bands on a Friday with a Pool Competition, Cocktail Night and Quiz night thrown in too! There are drinks offers every day with a 2 pint jug of beer for £3 or a double spirit (selected lines) and mixer for £2.50.

Weekends at Village Inn have also changed; it is now open from 12pm on Saturday and Sunday so that you can settle in for the afternoon to watch the live sporting events or just keep up-to-date with the football scores. A questionnaire is being sent around Hamstead Campus for your opinion on the current entertainment at the

Village Inn and what you think should be added to the programme; if you haven’t yet received your questionnaire, just ask for one at the bar.

Get £200 for your Talent!


Birmingham City’s Go Talent will take place during Term 2 with heats at Union bars on Thursdays throughout February. The grand final is scheduled for the 19th March. If you can sing, juggle or have a dancing pet, get your application in now! All talents are welcome to apply. You can download an application form from www.birminghamcitysu. com/talent or pick one up from any Union reception. The prize for this competition is a paid performance slot with a payment of £200 - at the End of Year Ball as well as some great prizes! Closing date for Entrants: Friday 6th February 2009.

Need a Laugh?

........................... Laugh out loud Paramount Comedy at Bar 42! Tuesday 3rd Feb plays host to our forth amazing Comedy night. Doors open at 8pm and it is a night not to be missed; at just £4 a ticket it’s a real bargain! This time the laughter will come from Sean Percival, Sean Walsh and Maff Brown. Arrive early to ensure you get a seat!

Live Lounge... .............................................................. Lounge… has some new and exciting offers for you. Monday is ‘Healthy Day’ where you can buy a smoothie for Half Price! That’s only £1.25 to get your week off to a healthy start! Wednesday sees 2-4-1 offers on Drinks; whether you would prefer tea for two or a cheeky glass of wine after a long day, Lounge… is the place to go. Friday is ‘Indulgence Day’ and what better way to indulge than with a nice piece of cake and a

mug of coffee. There is also a new entertainment programme at Lounge…; Karaoke on a Monday night, Cocktails on a Wednesday night and a Quiz on Thursday night – if you needed an excuse to visit Lounge…, there are 3 for you!

Fairtrade Week


Monday 2nd to Friday 6th March is Fairtrade Week; during this week you will be able to get half price hot drinks at Café Direct and Lounge… Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against

the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. For more information, visit

Student Council We still need you!

Acting on our members’ voices...



Care about your Union? Want to get involved in a body that makes a difference? Then join Student Council.

Suggestion: Communicate better with students at TIC. Have the Exec / full members go and talk to students at TIC at least once a week! Tell students at TIC what is going on and have events during the day at the TIC. Get results out quicker (at the TIC). Halal food at University canteen. Response: I’m sure you’ll be happy to know we now have a Part Time Exec Officer for the TIC campus. His name is Lewis Read and he can be contacted at union. [email protected]. We have also assigned all Full Time Sabbatical Officers a campus they must visit at least once a week; Oz Hetherington (President) has been assigned to TIC. You can contact him at union.president@bcu. With regards to Halal meat, the canteen at TIC is run by the University not the Union; so this is something they would have to deal with. However, we shall pass on your comments and if you need any help to

There are 69 Student Council positions in total, but we still have a few outstanding we’d like you to fill. These are: Societies position LGBT student

Disabled student International student Student studying at Bournville, Vittoria Street, Margaret Street. Technology, innovation and development, 5 places Faculty of Health, 8 places Business School, 1 place Performance, Media & English, 1 position at MPt

BIAD, 1 position at Vittoria street, 1 position at Margaret Street and 1 position at Bournville For more info visit www. or email union.comms@bcu.

Be Inspired, Get Involved! .............................................................................................. Birmingham City Students’ Union is here to help each and every one of you and also offer ways for you to develop yourself both personally and professionally. One of the ways you can do this is by giving up some of your time to Volunteer. At the Students’ Union we are here to help you achieve exactly this. We have links with lots of external volunteer projects all ready and waiting for a fresh, enthusiastic face

to help them make a real difference. The projects range from Age Concern, Friends of the Earth, Youth Offending Team, Witness Service to Birmingham Children’s Hospital, BUMP and Volunteer Reading Help. Volunteering can give you so much and most opportunities only ask for a few hours commitment a week. You can have the chance to try out a potential career, gain

valuable skills, enhance your employability and support a cause you are really passionate about. By volunteering you are also making a real difference in the local community and to other people’s lives. So come in to any Union office or visit www. volunteering to find out more about volunteering and all the other amazing ways your Union can help you.

get them to serve Halal meat contact any of your Executive Officers who will be more than happy to help. Suggestion: Why don’t you take cards. Very annoying to have to get cash out every time. Response: Taking cards has been an ongoing debate for some time now and talking with our commercial department, there are some implications with taking cards at Union outlets. However the team have said they are going to look into the processes of taking cards so watch this space for updates. Suggestion: Photocopies too expensive - should be 2p a sheet. Faxing very expensive. Response: The photocopying prices were set in line with the University’s pricing structure. As for the faxing, your comment has flagged up the pricing of


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your time. Pleas e pop me in the Visit www.birming suggestion Namebox. ................................ veyoursay to see ................................ ................. ourCamp respous nses. ................................

................................ ........

Thank you for your time. Plea Visit www.birming

faxing and it is something that we’re looking into. Suggestion: Opening hours are too short, why not till 4pm. Response: Do not fear we have reviewed reception opening hours and this year reception will be open longer. To find out what times what outlets are open visit www. If you’d like to make a suggestion of your own or read more of our responses visit www. haveyoursay and help us make your Union better! BIRMINGHAM CITY STUDEN TS’ UNION existS to act on ou r members’ vo ices and cultivat e vibrant and united communitie s for better student life ...

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