Toefl Preparation: Dias Agata, S.s., M.pd

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  • Words: 934
  • Pages: 38

What is TOEFL? The Test Of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL, pronounced "toe-full")

evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand standard American English at a college level. The TOEFL is the product of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which is contracted by the private, non-profit firm, the College Board to administer the test in institutions in the US.

Kinds of TOEFL Test • Paper Based TOEFL (PBT)  ETS • Internet Based TOEFL (IBT)  ETS • E-TEFL  PENS

TOEFL PBT Scores Skill Score Range Skill

Score Range

Listening Comprehension

31 to 68

Structure/Written Expression

31 to 68

Reading Comprehension

31 to 67

Total Score

310 to 677

The raw score for each section is converted by statistical means to a number on what is called the TOEFL test scale. The TOTAL paper-delivered test score is reported on a scale that ranges from 310 to 677.

Sections in TOEFL PBT • Listening Comprehension • Structure • Reading Comprehension


Listening Comprehension 1. Short Conversations 2. Long Conversations 3. Long Talks

Listening Comprehension General Strategies 1. 2. 3. 4.

Get Information in a Quick Glance Eliminate Wrong Answers Keep Up the Rhythm as You Practice Build Skills by Repetition

Listening Comprehension Test Taking Strategies • Short Conversations: Backwards way • Long Conversations: WH Questions • Long Talks: 1. Anticipate the Topic 2. Anticipate the Questions

Listening Practice




Structure 1. Sentence Completion Questions 2. Error Identification Questions

Structure 1. Sentence Completion Questions 2. Error Identification Questions

Sentence Completion Strategies • Taking the leaves off a tree Taking out the prepositional phrases • Look for the main “Sentence Pattern” Subject-Verb-Object • What kind of structure is needed • Does it make sense? • Does it sound correct?

Sentence Completion Strategies:

Taking the leaves off a tree Example: _________ all summer, sipping nectar and collecting pollen from flowers. (A) Bumblebees are the busy (B) Busy bumblebees are (C) Being busy bumblebees (D) Bumblebees are busy

Sentence Completion Strategies:

Taking the leaves off a tree Example: _________ all summer, sipping nectar and collecting pollen from flowers. (A) Bumblebees are the busy (B) Busy bumblebees are (C) Being busy bumblebees (D) Bumblebees are busy Simplify: _________ all summer, sipping xxxxx and collecting xxxxx. So, the most suitable answer is (D) Bumblebees are busy.

Sentence Completion Strategies:

Look for the main “Sentence Pattern” Example: The batteries in cordless handheld vacuum cleaners ________ hundreds of times. (A) can be recharged (B) recharging (C) recharged (D) was recharged

Sentence Completion Strategies:

Look for the main “Sentence Pattern” Example: The batteries in cordless handheld vacuum cleaners ________ hundreds of times. (A) can be recharged (B) recharging (C) recharged (D) was recharged Problem: There is no main VERB. So, the most suitable answer is (A) can be recharged.

Sentence Completion Strategies:

What kind of structure is needed Example: After you have turned over the soil, weeded, and ______ , you’ll be ready to plant. (A) cultivating (B) cultivation (C) cultivated (D) cultivate

Sentence Completion Strategies:

What kind of structure is needed Example: After you have turned over the soil, weeded, and ______ , you’ll be ready to plant. (A) cultivating (B) cultivation (C) cultivated (D) cultivate Problem: Has 3 verbs separated by commas, 2 are using past verbs. So, the most suitable answer is (C) cultivated (past verb).

Sentence Completion Strategies:

Does it make sense? Does it sound correct?

Structure 1. Sentence Completion Questions 2. Error Identification Questions

Structure 1. Sentence Completion Questions 2. Error Identification Questions

Error Identification Strategies • Read quickly Recognize the error • Simplify the sentence • Focus on the underlined words  how they relate to the main S & V

Error Identification Strategies:

Read Quickly

Example: A full-sized tripod is the most effectively way to steady a camera. A B C D

Error Identification Strategies:

Read Quickly

Example: A full-sized tripod is the most effectively way to steady a camera. A B C D

Problem: The word “effectively” is an adverb; it should be an adjective “effective”. So, the error found in the sentence is in part (C) effectively.

Error Identification Strategies:

Simplify the sentence Example: When having difficulties, many people try for get help from A B C D a professional.

Error Identification Strategies:

Simplify the sentence Example: When having difficulties, many people try for get help from A B C D a professional.

Simplify the sentence: xxxxxx, many people try xxxxxx. “for”should be “to”. So, the error found in the sentence is in part (C) for.

Error Identification Strategies:

Focus on the Underlined Words Example: Disneyland was Walt Disney’s special dream A for more as 20 years before it became a reality. B C D

Error Identification Strategies:

Focus on the Underlined Words Example: Disneyland was Walt Disney’s special dream A for more as 20 years before it became a reality. B C D Identify the problem: special  okay for  okay as  should be “than”(comparative), so the answer is (C).

Structure Practice

40 questions for 25 minutes





Fast Reading Strategy SKIMMING


Look for the main idea or topic

Look for the specific information

Multiple Strategies for Reading Comprehension Summarizing – identifying and paraphrasing main ideas. Questioning – formulating and answering questions about the content. Clarifying – recognizing and correcting “breakdowns” in comprehension Predicting – forming hypotheses about upcoming events or information.

Reading Comprehension Practice

50 questions for 55 minutes




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