To The Children Who Study My Scripture 1

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 7
TO THE CHILDREN WHO STUDY MY SCRIPTURES; EVERY CONCEPT HAS ITS TIME AND ITS END; A SORT OF LIGHT FOLLOWS ONE AFTER THE OTHER; JUST AS THE GENERATIONS FOLLOW ONE AFTER THE OTHERS.Certainly, children who look for the knowledge that leads to the Father; it was written; SEEK AND THOU SHALT FIND; every effort no matter how microscopic it might be, abides by the divine command: THOU SHALT EAT THY BREAD BY THE SWEAT OF THY FACE; behold one of the most ancient divine commands; every command derived from the Father Jehovah, has got neither beginning nor end; his commands are not only for a world; for the Creation of the Father, is not restricted to a single world; as many might believe; no one is unique in the Universe; only the Father is unique; and being unique, He allows that everything exist; every concept was requested in the Kingdom of Heavens; and every request includes time, space and philosophy; what the spirit requests, so does the matter request; for no one is least before the Father; neither matter nor spirit; everything is alive before the Father; death corresponds to requests of lives under tests; for one is born being ignorant of everything; including death; every concept concerning the Father, must differentiate amongst three things: the study of my Scriptures, the so-called religions and the Revelation; for these concepts were requested by yourselves; three requests and a single law only; the one study my Scriptures, is first in the Kingdom of Heavens; for all Scripture is the very same Free will of the Father; and whosoever gives preference to the Father in heart and mind, is first in the Kingdom; the sopdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now!

called religions, are one form arisen from human psychology, to interpret the Word of the Father; and all interpretation is also a test, just like the other tests of life; Verily I say unto you, the so-called religions will be accused before the world for having divided my children into many beliefs; existing one God only; only satan is divided against himself; verily I say unto you, that the so-called religions are unknown in the Kingdom of Heavens; just like any philosophy, which divides the planetary flocks, are unknown; verily I say unto you, that it is easier for one who did not know about religion to enter into the Kingdom of Heavens, than for one who knew it; the first one divides no one; the second one is divided in spirit; and verily I say unto you, that no spirit being divided, will enter into the Kingdom of Heavens; everyone promised the Father, not to become divided nor diving anyone; the Revelation is the addition to the already-existing light; thy Father Jehovah makes the worlds progress, there is no need for Him to divide them; for any Father unifies his work; he does not divide it; thy Creator makes use of living doctrines; for they are doctrines to go through one’s existences; they change my creatures’ ways of life; certainly you, studious of my Scriptures, know that I sent the Mosaic Law in the past; the Christian Doctrine followed; and the third one is the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; verily I say unto you, that this Doctrine will cover the face of all the Earth; the way of the Father has got no limits; THE TREE IS KNOWN BY HIS FRUIT; by the contents of a doctrine one gets to know if it is of God or it is not; verily I say unto you, if you are first to see the Scrolls, is due to the fact that you requested it so; thy divine Father has not preferential ones; if my Son receives telepathic writings is pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now!

due to his own merit; and all of you will receive according to your merits and works; verily I say unto you, the so-called privilege is unknown in the Kingdom of Heavens; one lives the Celestial Communism with the philosophy of a child, in the macrocosm called Kingdom of Heavens; that is why it was written: SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME, AND FORBID THEM NOT; FOR OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; for one lives the eternal joy in the Kingdom of the Father; verily I say unto you, that whosoever might not have lived through constant joy, will not enter into the Kingdom of Heavens; it is easier for one, who endured his trials joyfully, to enter into the Kingdom, than one that did protesting; the most microscopic merit, is rewarded by the Father; and the most microscopic violation is punished; verily I say unto you, that you will witness the greatest revolution in human knowledge; for the greatest is arisen from the Father; this world will know about its Final Judgement, firstly by knowledge; with full knowledge of cause; above just like below; verily I say unto you, you requested even the most minimum detail of this Judgement, and it was granted to you; the Christian world will be shaken by the same thing requested in the Kingdom; and what will happen here, also takes place in infinite spots of the Universe; the planets are called Spot in the Kingdom of Heavens; all new knowledge brings disputes along; for everyone is a living truth; one is born searching for the truth; the free will is a fire or magnetic saturation, arisen from the suns Alpha and Omega of the Trino galaxy; there is only a single Universe; and inside this Universe, all of the universes that the mind can conceive; what does not exist on the earth, pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now!

exists out of it; the living Universe of the Father Jehovah, is so infinite that, the so-called fantasy comes to be a reality; Were you not taught that, the way of the Father has got no limits; it means that everything exists; whosoever has doubts about the Father, he will be disbelieved, likewise, in the Kingdom of Heavens; whosoever have doubts about the Father, rejects his own entrance into the Kingdom; verily I say unto you, that the greatest spiritual revolution ever known in this world, is the very same world of Armageddon; behold a light to one of the interpretative mysteries, which the human creature requested; Armageddon means in Celestial Science; PEOPLE THAT GETS ARMED; for each one will get armed with his own works; to face the Intellectual Judgement; it is not material war; like many studious people believe; the Father needs no make use of the force against his children, on principle; the Father only intervenes in the very same nature as soon as the heart of the children turn into rocks of human egoism; just like it took place in the judgements of the past of your world; for there have been many judgements in this world; every judgement of the Father, is parallel to the behaviour of the creatures in their corresponding evolution; as a consequence thy judgement could not be applied to the ancient world; for the spirits of ancient times, requested other trials in life; a different morality, a different understanding, different customs and a different philosophy; these creatures were more primitive; intuitive; the intellect was not born in them yet; they did not have any single concept of the eternity of the Living God; however immoral were these creatures, they were under their own law; they were easily impressed by the natural movements; their free wills were influenced by the pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now!

matter; the awakening to life was so; these spirits requested to know what they did not in the Kingdom of Heavens; and all life in the Universe, has got no other objective except its own perfectioning; all existence represents a momentary absence of the spirit, from the Kingdom of Heavens; existences have got an end in what they represent; the spirit is eternal; it has got no end; the existences were taught in the parable; ALL SPIRIT MUST BE BORN AGAIN; for the knowledge in the Father is so infinite, that a single existence is not enough to know it all; verily I say unto you, that no one knows it all; only the Father who has created all things; the ancient world known to you, arose from the same elements; from the very matter; just like many other microscopic creatures are born; for YOU MUST BE LITTLE AND MEEK, IN ORDER TO BE GREAT IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; not a single thing in the Creation of the Father, originated gigantic; all of you were microbes; even the very same Kingdom of Heavens; for the Father’s commands, have got no limits; they are not only for one or two worlds; they are for infinitive worlds; which will never be able to be numbered; every principle be it in spirit or matter, complies with the same law; no one is looked down before the Father; neither matter nor spirit; for all of you are equal before God; verily I say unto you, that everyone have the same rights; the matter in its laws, as well as the spirit in its own; matter and spirit are one single thing; derived from a single law; from a single God; and manifested in different free wills; the spirit has got life just as the matter does, within its own corresponding laws; for everything is alive before the Father; He is a living God who creates living things; the death which you know about is one pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now!

of the characteristics of the living; it is the denouement amongst the living alliances which the spirit requested in the Kingdom of Heavens; it is the conclusion of his Ark of Alliances; verily I say unto you, that the Ark of the Alliances, is the union of the spirit, with the elements of nature; no one is born alone; other microscopic creatures develop together with the spirit; they are the virtues and molecules; verily I say unto you, that every human flesh is made up of 318 virtues; thy way of thinking makes use of these 318 virtues in its ideas, in every instant and daily; just like the Father is creator of gigantic worlds, so are you creators of ideas; verily I say unto you; that the most microscopic thing that you possess, is your ideas; ideas do not die; they have the same rights as the spirit does; thy spirit is eternal; and thy ideas as a product of the very same spirit, keep the same inheritance; it lasts an eternity in expansive fashion; just as the Universe of the colossal expands itself; ABOVE IS SO IS BELOW; for what is above was also a microscopic and invisible idea, in the galactic past; the divine Command of the Father of Be The Light, was the first divine-mental idea; all of the other ideas have sprouted out of this one; and this creation will never stop; verily I say unto you, that the future worlds of thy future heaven are born out of thy invisible ideas; it was written: EACH ONE MAKES UP HIS OWN HEAVEN; for everyone creates their own works; and there are ideas in every work; they are inseparable; the Father creates in infinite sizes; and you do in microscopic ones; above is so as is below; for no one is disinherited; what the Father has got, so do the children; what is yours is so microscopic that you are unknown in the Kingdom of Heavens; that is why it was written: DUST pdfMachine A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now!

THOU ART AND UNTO DUST SHALT THOU RETURN; which means in other words: you are of the microscopic and unto the microscopic will you return; for you are born again, going through infinite earth planets; verily I say unto you, that rebirth, is the very reincarnation; a law can be expressed in many ways; and it does not stop from being the very same law; reincarnate or reborn is the entrance of the spirit into a new flesh; when it requests a new existence; it is entering to live a new ark of alliances; it is getting to know a new world, new laws, new virtues, new knowledge, new salt of life, new science and new philosophy; verily I say unto you that the salt of life, is the same knowledge learnt in each existence; all knowledge shines just as salt does before the sun rays; that is why it was written: HE WILL COME INTO THE WORLD, SHINING AS A SUN OF WISDOM; for the salt of life of my First-born Son, has got a solar hierarchy; the suns are as alive as you are; ABOVE IS AS IS BELOW; there is life above and there is life below; thou art terrestrial parents, and above are they Solar Parents; and one single God only; verily I say unto you, that the laws which you were given, so were they given above; the Father makes the microcosm and macrocosm, fulfil a single law; and it does not affect at all the variety of the free will;… ALPHA AND OMEGA VISIT:,,

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