To Ten To Fourteen-year-old Children

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  • Words: 857
  • Pages: 3
TO TEN TO FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN The Revelation or Communicability of the Angels, Spirits or Souls has been a recognized phenomenon since the most remote civilizations included in all the Bibles of Humanity. Zoroaster was the first great cultivator of the Revelation, having firmly based his Doctrine upon the difference between GOOD and EVIL and the advantages of healthy mediumistic cultivation. The Vedic-Budhic period goes back to more than two hundred and forty thousand years. Moses was the reincarnation of the first of the four Zoroasters and wished the generalized Revelation. Moses received the Law of God through mediumistic message. The Law of God does not recommend any religion but the cultivation of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, because the Divine Justice is above frivolities and other human foolishness. The entire Bible is a repository of mediumistic messages. Jesus had been announced, before incarnating, by angels, spirits or souls, for a period of three thousand and six hundred years. Jesus had the angels, souls or spirits ascending and descending over Him, so that the mediumistic prodigies, called miracles, could have sequence and reason to be. It is blasphemy to talk about Jesus and condemn the Communicability of the Spirits, once that was what He practiced while incarnate, having returned in Spirit to Generalize the Revelation or to Baptize in Holy Spirit. There is no Christ without the Law of God, or Gospel without the Moral of the Law and the cultivation of the Revelation. The Fundamental Doctrine is Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue. The tools that must be divinely controlled are Pocket, Stomach, Sex, Pride and Selfishness. The problem of the Spirit is not about salvation but about self-christification through worlds and lives, and by facing the most diverse conditions and situations until the spirit becomes PURE and WISE according to the Divine Modeling of Jesus Christ. A spirit can only be a Christ or a Christ to be; therefore, think about the DIVINE ORIGIN, the EVOLUTIVE PROCESS and the SACRED FINALITY, if you do not want to make serious mistakes against your own self-christification. The Reincarnation is the redemptive and evolutive valve of the spirits, since without the Reincarnation the Divine Justice would be anything, but Divine Justice. It is enough being ignorant to say that he does not believe, instead of saying that he does not know. When Pythagoras was making experiments with his wife, the medium Theoclea, who was a seer and also psychometer and unfolder, he did the greatest studies about the evolution of the spirit, affirming that the spirit spends, on average, three million years going through the inferior species before reaching the human specie. Hermes was the Great Beginners who succeeded to know the most about the Divine Creating, Sustaining and Destining Essence of everything and everyone. For the Initiatic Vedism there is only God, the Divine Unique Essence, that also reveals or manifests Himself as Creation. Krishna lived one thousand and five hundred years before Jesus Christ and his book is the only Treat of Divine Monism that is available for the Humanity. The Red Race was the first one to command the Earth, then the Black, and Ramah was the one who made them lose the domination for the White Race.

Enoch was the patriarch before the flooding, who transferred the Vedic-Budhic Doctrine to the western world, where it had different names, but having the better exponents in Egyptian and Essenic Cabalas. Samuel, who later was Daniel and John the Evangelist, and then Antonio of Padua and Giordano Bruno, was the one who reorganized the Essenic Order or the Nazirites Order, because after the death of Moses everything was corrupted. Eve means Primitive Race. Adam means Supervened, that is, those who came from a world in the Constellation of Capella, because they no longer deserved that world. The spirit never loses the evolution achieved, but he temporarily loses the social position if he commits violations, and has to answer for them. No EXTERIOR TRUTH is more important than the INTERNAL TRUTH, which is the Kingdom of God that each one must develop in himself. To develop the INNER HEAVEN is to grow in PURITY and WISDOM; it is the only way to penetrate into the DIVINE UBIQUITY. The spirit, which is enfolded by the seven energetic crowns and by the density of the perispirit and the physical body when incarnated, should become, when christified, only one free spark, reflecting his Glory and Power through the first crown, which is the Universal Divine Light, although individualized. To be Spiritist is to be UNIVERSAL, above religions, sects and any human maneuvers, under any pretexts, in any time and place. To be Spiritist is to be from the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE. Osvaldo Polidoro

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