To Tad

  • May 2020
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To Tad I have come across this comment .It is very specific and professionally presented but some of the comment are actually over stated or you were miss informed. I personally believe that the good place to start critsism is from the organization bylaw (metedaderia deneb).So I have tried to annotate your comments based on that. I can’t argue that all members abide to the standard of MK nor do they understand the purpose of this Mahibere because they have become members for the name sake. Here is the full document or you can refer to the official website 1. Stop sunday school with in sunday school strategy. The first and foremost goal of MK is to strength and make members participate in Sunday school. This is what it says on the bylaw “xNq{ 4 y¥~b„ ›§¥Â tGÆR 4. wÈt$ TWLD bx!T×ùà åRèìKS tê?ì b@t KRStEÃN ysNbT T¼b@èC xÆL çñ QDST b@t KRStEÃNN bQNnT XNÄ!ÃglGL bxbW XGRM ttk! XNÄ!çN ¥DrG½ 5. wÈt$ TWLD b|‰M çn bTMHRT MKNÃT kxNÇ x_b!à wd l@§W x_b!à y¸zêwR bmçn# bxNÄ!T x_b!à b@t KRStEÃN [Nè lmñR Sl¥YÒlW bÿdbT tk¬TlÖ bsNbT T¼b@T bsbካ g#Æ›@ XNÄ!¬qF½ bgNzb#½ b:Wqt$ XNÄ!h#M bg#Lbt$ b@t KRStEÃNN XNÄ!ÃglGL h#n@¬„CN ¥mÒcT½ 12. ysNbT T¼b@èC ¥d‰© mM¶ÃW sNbT T¼b@èCN l¥d‰jT l¥-ÂkR y¸ÃdRgWN _rT b¸ÃSfLgW h#l# YtÆb‰L››”

2. Stop establishing MK churches in America, I can name if you want. There is nothing that says about owning a Church .A church is owned by the Christ. Like I said earlier there are people who have become members for the name sake. Such people are capable of doing any thing since they don’t even understand the purpose and vision of MK. Instead there is something that says this “xNq{ 4 y¥~b„ ›§¥Â tGÆR 7. ?Brsbb# yx!T×ùà åRèìKS tê?ì b@t KRStEÃNN XNÄ!ÃW”T bgNzb#½ b:Wqt$ XNÄ!h#M bg#Lbt$ XNÄ!ÃglG§T xSf§g!WN h#l# ¥mÒcT½”

3. Stop taking 10 %,( that is against EOC teachings). This is actually every body’s question a fairy tale far away from the truth.As any organization MK has membership criterion and one of the criteria is monthly membership fee that is 1% of your income NOT 10% percent and this is not even applicable to students .Read this “xNq{ 6 yxÆLnT mmz¾ s¼ XNdygb!ÃcW m-N byw„ b!ÃNS kmè xND XJ l¥~b„ yxÆLnT xStê{å y¸ÃdRg#½”

4. Broaden your agenda for EOC, I mean with out a political solution it is unlikely that there will be a tangible change in EOC. I don’t know how MK will approach this because it has this on the bylaw “xNq{ 5 y¥~b„ xÃM ¥~b„ b¥N¾WM y±ltEካ XNQS”s@ WS_ MNM ›YnT ÈL” gBnT xYñrWM››”

5. Get new strategy to work with Gonder clergies in America.

6. Minimize being influenced by Shoa clergies and politicians. I don’t know how these issue fits but here is what it says xNq{ 10 b¥~br QÇúN xgLGlÖT yxHg#r SBkT ˆ§ðnT 1. bx!T×ùà ìRèìKS tê?ì b@t KRStEÃN ”l ›êÄ! X b?g b@tKRStEÃN xNq{ 35 DNUg@ btsÈcW |LÈN m\rT ¥~b„ bNx#úN ¥:k§t$ x¥ካ"nT l¸ÃbrKtW mNfúêE xgLGlÖT mtÆbR xlÆcW›› 2. yNx#úN ¥:k§TN yxgLGlÖT :QD y|‰ xfÚ[M y¥wQ xgLGlÖt$N ymk¬tL ˆ§ðnT xlÆcW½ 3. bhgr SBkt$ l!q ÔÔS f”D Nx#S ¥:kl# -Q§§ g#Æx@ ÃdRUL››

7. Show and make an official announcement for all rounded reconciliation among bishops both in Ethiopia and in America. xNq{ 4 ›§¥Â tGÆR 1. yx!T×ùà åRèìKS tê?ì b@t KRStEÃN XMnT |R›T t-Bö kTWLD wd TWLD XNÄ!t§lF l¥DrG YÒL zND QÇS s!ñìS b¸ÃwÈW mm¶Ã m\rT yzmn#N TWLD xd‰Jè wQt$ b¸fQdW h#n@¬ bqE ZGJT b¥DrG TMHRt ¦Y¥ñT lh#l#M XNÄ!ÄrS ¥DrG½ All your comments are valuable I am sure MK will benefit from it

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