To Know Him Bilingual New

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To Know Him

认识祂 (student book)

Purpose Of The Book 本书的目的 The study of this manual enables an individual to “know God”: who he is and what he does. This manual is intended for all: men and women, young and old, those who are seeking the truth as well as those who want to review the truth. 使个人能「认识祂」,--祂是谁及祂作了何事。本书的对象是所有人:无论男或女,老或幼;寻求真 理或对基督教有兴趣者;准备受洗加入教会或本身已是信徒的人;皆可用此书,作为清楚明了基督 教信仰或重温之用。此为本书最终之目标。 Method 方法 This manual uses the catechetical method of instruction: questions are raised, and answers are formulated on the basis of passages selected from the Bible (the basic book of Christianity). In addition, each lesson includes a worksheet which is to be used for review, discussion, and/or introducing new concepts. 用问答的方式:提出问题,而答案是基于圣经中选择出来的经文 (圣经是基督教的基本书籍)。此 外,每课之后,设有习作纸,供(一)温习,(二)讨论及(三)介绍新概念之用。 Table Of Contents 目录表 To Know Him (The Christian Faith) 1. Introduction: Why must we know God? How do we know God? 2. God reveals himself to us 3. The Father creates and protects us 4. The Father has a plan to save us 5. The Father’s son, Jesus, has come to our world

6. Jesus Christ has redeemed us 7. Jesus Christ will come again 8. The Spirit enables us to believe 9. The Spirit works through God’s word 10. The Spirit works through baptism 11. The Spirit works through the Lord’s Supper 12. The Spirit works through the church

认识祂 (基督教信仰) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

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导言 – 为何 / 怎样认识神 神向我们显明自己 天父创造并保守我们 天父有一个拯救我们的计划 天父的儿子耶稣曾来过我们的世界 耶稣基督已救赎我们 耶稣基督将再到我们的世界来 圣灵使我们相信 圣灵藉神的道工作 圣灵藉洗礼工作 圣灵藉圣餐工作 圣灵藉教会工作

1. Introduction: Why Must We Know God? How Can We Know Him? 第一课:导言 – 为何/怎样认识神 1. For what purpose do we live on this earth? 人生存在世上有什么意义? Acts 使徒行传 17: 24-28 ________________________________________________________________________ Cf. Philippians 3:4-11: a personal testimony, which shows the importance of knowing God 参: 腓立比书 3:4-11 个人见证 – 认识神有何价值? 2. What does it mean to know this God (Jesus Christ)? 认识这位神 (耶稣基督) 有何意义? John 约翰福音 10:14 2 Peter 彼得后书 3:18 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the result of knowing this God (Jesus Christ)? 认识这位神 (耶稣基督) 会有何结果? a) Ephesians 以弗所书 1:7 b) John 约翰福音 17:3 c) Romans 罗马书 8:32 i) John 约翰福音 14:27 ii) Philippians 腓立比书 4:4 iii) Philippians 腓立比书 4:13 iv) Philippians 腓立比书 1:21 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ iii)_______________________________________________________________ iv)________________________________________________________________ 4. How can we get to know this God? 我们怎样才可认识神 (耶稣基督)? 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 3:15 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the Bible? 圣经是什么? a) 2 Peter 彼得后书 1:20-21 b) Hebrews 希伯来书 1:1 b) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 2:13 b) 11 Timothy 提摩太后书 3:16 c) John 约翰福音 17:17 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ Old Testament 旧约 New Testament 新约 Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 语文 Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 作者 Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

年期 Number of books . . . . . . . . . . 卷数 B.C.公元前 A.D. 公元后

Note: “Verbal Inspiration:” God moved the authors of the Bible to write the very words of the original Hebrew and Greek. 注:「逐字灵感说」 -- 神感动圣经作者写出最早的希伯来文和希腊文原始版本中的每个字。 6. What evidence reveals that the Bible is God’s word? 有什么证据显示圣经是神的话语? INTERNAL EVIDENCE 内在证据: a) Genesis 创世记 6:7 b) Jeremiah 耶利米书 1:1-3 b) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 2:13 b) 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 3:16 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 外在证据 a) Unity of the Bible: 40 people with very different backgrounds wrote 66 different books over a period of 1500 years without contradiction 圣经的一致 -- 四十位不同国藉的作者,在超过 1500 年的时间内,写成 66 卷 不同的书,而毫无 矛盾。 b) Fulfilled prophecies: more than 300 prophecies regarding the person and work of Jesus Christ were recorded in the Old Testament 1400 to 400 years before his birth and were fulfilled during his life on earth (e.g., compare Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:21-23; Micah 5:2 and Matthew 2:4-7) 应验的预言 -- 超过 330 个关于耶稣基督的预言,早在祂出生前 1500 至 400 年的旧约时期已被 记载, 并在祂有生之年都应验了。(例如:以赛亚书 7:14 和 马太福音 1:21-23; 弥迦书 5:2 和 马太福音 2:4-7) c) Unique message: only the Bible states that man enjoys a relationship with God because of what God has done; the ‘scriptures’ of all other religions claim that man establishes a relationship with God because of what he (man) has done. 圣经所传的独特讯息 -- 基督教的圣经指出,人因神为人所作的,建立并享有神的联系 (神主动寻 找人)。其他宗教的书卷则声称,人是因人为神所作的,才建立和享有与神的联系 (人自己去寻找 神)。 d) Effect: The reading of the Bible has produced verifiable changes in the lives of many people throughout history. 果效 -- 从古到今,阅读圣经,使很多人的生命,产生了确切的改变 e) Preservation: In spite of repeated efforts to discredit or destroy the Bible, it has remained the “best-seller” throughout history.

保存 -- 历史记载中显示,虽有人千方百计,想否证或毁灭圣经,但它仍保持「最畅销书籍」的纪 录。 7. How can we become assured that the Bible is God’s word? 我们自己怎样才可以确定圣经是神的话语? John 约翰福音 7:17 John 约翰福音 6:40 ________________________________________________________________________ Cf. Matthew 5:18, John 10:35: Jesus’ attitude toward the Bible 参:耶稣对圣经的态度 -- 马太福音 5:18;约翰福音 10:35 8. How are we to use the Bible? 我们应怎样使用圣经? a) 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 3:14-15 b) Luke 路加福音 11:27-28 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)_____________________________________________________________________ b)_____________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ WORKSHEET 1 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( ) 最正确的句子 _____ The Bible is God’s word. 圣经是神的话语。 _____ The Bible contains God’s word. 圣经包含神的话语。 _____ The Bible is called “God’s word” because it reveals God. 圣经被称为「神的话语」,因为它显明了神。 _____ The Bible is called “God’s word” because it is inspired by God. 圣经被称为「神的话语」,因为它是神所默示的。 2. Read Luke 16:19-31. What does this passage reveal about God’s word? Note: in this passage, God’s word is called “Moses and the prophets.” 阅读:路加福音 16:19-31 这段经文,对神的话语有何启示 (这里称「摩西和先知的话」)? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Read Psalm 119: 105. What does this passage reveal about God’s word? 阅读:诗篇 119:105 这段经文,对神的话语有何启示? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ READ Philippians 阅读:腓立比书 MEMORIZE 2 Timothy 3:16-17 背诵:提摩太后书 3:16-17 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, Chapter 1 参考:《圣经要道》第一章

2. GOD REVEALS HIMSELF TO US 第二课:神向我们显明自己 1. How does God reveal himself to us? 神怎样向我们启示祂自己? a) Romans 罗马书 1:19-20 a) Acts 使徒行传 14:17 b) Romans 罗马书 2:15 b) Romans 罗马书 1:19-20 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ Cf. 1 Corinthians 2:9: God’s revelation of himself in nature and through man’s conscience is insufficient for a personal relationship with God. 参:哥林多前书 2:9 – 神藉自然界,以及透过人的良知,启示祂自己,但这并不足以使人与神建立 亲密的关系。 2. How has God most clearly revealed himself to us? 神怎样明明地向我们启示祂自己? John 约翰福音 1:18 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 2:9-13 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who is the God revealed in the Bible? 圣经所启示的神是谁? Deuteronomy 申命记 6:4 Matthew 马太福音 28:19 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 13:14 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are the characteristics of this God revealed in the Bible? 这位在圣经所启示的神有什么特性? a) John 约翰福音 4:24 a) Luke 路加福音 24:39 b) Psalm 诗篇 90:1-2 c) Genesis 创世记 17:1 d) 1 John 约翰一书 3:20 e) Jeremiah 耶利米书 23:24 f) Leviticus 利未记 19:2 g) Deuteronomy 申命记 32:4 h) 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 2:13 i) Malachi 玛拉基书 3:6 j) 1 John 约翰一书 4:8

a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ e)______________________________________________________________________ f)______________________________________________________________________ g)______________________________________________________________________ h)______________________________________________________________________ i)______________________________________________________________________ j)______________________________________________________________________ 5. What is to be our response to this God revealed in the Bible? 我们对这位圣经所启示的神,有什么回应呢? Psalm 诗篇 31:14 ________________________________________________________________________ WORKSHEET 2 习作 1. Indicate whether the statements are true (+) or false ( - ). 是非题:(+)是;(-)非 _____ There are three distinct persons in the Trinity. 三位一体内有三个明显不同的位格。 _____ The three persons of the Trinity are three gods. 三位一体的三个位格是三位神。 _____ The three persons of the Trinity are equal in all respects. 三位一体的三个位格在各方 面都是相等的。 _____ There is only one God, but he has revealed himself in three persons. 只有一位神,但祂在三个位格中启示自己。 2. Read Matthew 3:16-17. At the baptism of Jesus Christ, how was each person of the Trinity revealed? 阅读:马太福音 3:16-17 三位一体的各个位格,如何在耶稣基督的洗礼中彰显出来? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3. God is a spirit; he has no body. What, then, does the Bible mean when it speaks of… 祂没有躯体。那么,圣经所指的是什么意思?尤其当圣经说: “God’s right hand” (Cf. Psalm 37:24) 神的手 (参:诗篇 37:24) ________________________________________________________________________ “God’s eyes” (Cf. Genesis 6:8) 神的眼睛 (参:创世记 6:8) ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Each characteristic of God has a special meaning for our lives. 神的每一个特性,均对我们的生命有特殊的意义。 How does God’s omniscience frighten us? 神的全知如何使我们惊惧? ________________________________________________________________________ How does God’s omniscience comfort us? 神的全知如何安慰我们? ________________________________________________________________________

How does God’s omnipotence frighten us? 神的全能如何使我们惊惧? ________________________________________________________________________ How does God’s omnipotence comfort us? 神的全能如何安慰我们? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is “faith?” 何谓「信心」? ________________________________________________________________________ MEMORIZE the names of the books of the Bible (below) 背诵:圣经各卷的名称 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, Chapter 2

参考:《圣经要道》 第二章 旧

旧约/新约全书名 约全书 摩西五经 (历史书 ) 创世记 (创) 出埃及记 (出) 利未记 (利) 民数记 (民) 申命记 (申) 历史书

约书亚记 (书) 士师记 (士) 路得记 (得) 撒母耳记上 (撒上) 撒母耳记下 (撒下) 列王纪上 (王上) 列王纪下 (王下) 历代志上 (代上) 历代志下 (代下) 以斯拉记 (拉) 尼希米记 (尼) 诗歌书

约伯记 (伯) 诗篇 (诗) 箴言 (箴) 传道书 (传) 雅歌 (歌) 大先知书

以赛亚书 (赛) 耶利米书 (耶) 耶利米哀歌 (哀) 以西结书 (结) 但以理书 (但) 小先知书

何西阿书 (何) 约珥书 (珥) 阿摩司书 (摩) 俄巴底亚书 (俄) 约拿书 (拿) 弥迦书 (弥) 那鸿书 (鸿) 哈巴谷书 (哈) 西番雅书 (番) 哈该书 (该) 撒迦利亚书 (亚) 玛拉基书 (玛)

新约全书 四福音 (历史书 )

马太福音 (太) 马可福音 (可) 路加福音 (路) 约翰福音 (约) 历史

使徒行传 (徒) 保罗书信

罗马书 (罗) 哥林多前书 (林前) 哥林多后书 (林后) 加拉太书 (加) 以弗所书 (弗) 腓立比书 (腓) 歌罗西书 (西) 帖撒罗尼迦前书 (帖前) 帖撒罗尼迦后书 (帖后) 提摩太前书 (提前) 提摩太后书 (提后) 提多书 (多) 腓利门书 (门) 普通书信

希伯来书 (来) 雅各书 (雅) 彼得前书 (彼前) 彼得后书 (彼后) 约翰一书 (约一) 约翰二书 (约二) 约翰三书 (约三) 犹大书 (犹) 预言

启示录 (启) The Books of the Bible Old Testament Books of Moses (Historical) Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers

Deuteronomy New Testament Historical Gospels (Historical) Joshua Matthew Judges Mark Ruth Luke 1 Samuel John 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings Historical 1 Chronicles Acts 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Letters of Paul Esther Romans 1 Corinthians Poetical/Wisdom books 2 Corinthians Job Galatians Psalms Ephesians Proverbs Philippians Ecclesiastes Colossians Song of Solomon 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians Major Prophets 1 Timothy Isaiah 2 Timothy Jeremiah Titus Lamentations Philemon Ezekiel Daniel General Letters Hebrews Minor Prophets James Hosea 1 Peter Joel 2 Peter Amos 1 John Obadiah 2 John Jonah 3 John Micah Jude Nahum Habakkuk Prophecy Zephaniah Revelation Haggai Zechariah Malachi 3. THE FATHER CREATES AND PROTECTS US 第三课:天父创造并保守我们 1. What work is ascribed to God the Father? 有什么工作是归因于父神? Genesis 创世记 1:1 ________________________________________________________________________

2. What did God the Father create? 天父上帝创造了什么? Exodus 出埃及记 20:11 Colossians 歌罗西书 1:16 ________________________________________________________________________ Cf. Genesis 1:31: God’s original creation was good. 参:创世记 1:31 ,神原先所造的一切都「甚好」。 3. How did God the Father create everything? 天父上帝怎样创造了万物? a) Hebrews 希伯来书 11:3 a) Exodus 出埃及记 20:11 b) Genesis 创世记 1 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)____________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Evolution – generally taught as fact – is the theory that all things gradually developed over long periods of time in accordance with existing natural laws. “Atheistic” evolution asserts that this process transpired naturally, without the aid of a super-natural being. “Theistic” evolution assumes that a supreme being assisted in the process of evolution. The theory of evolution is a product of the “doctrine of progress,” a concept popular in the western world during the last half of the 19th century. This “doctrine,” which claims that everything is improving, no longer is regarded as valid. In fact, this “doctrine” is refuted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics which asserts that everything actually is deteriorating. The theory of evolution itself is unscientific. Science is based on observable facts. However, the process of evolution (i.e., the transformation of one species into another, new species) never has been observed. In addition, the fossil record, in whose strata all species – from the most simple to the most complex – are found together, refutes the hypothesis that simple species gradually evolved into the more complex species. Above all, the theory of evolution is unbiblical. The concept that everything gradually

developed by itself is contradicted by God himself, who – in his word – claims that all things were created spontaneously by him. 进化论 - - 一般被说为一个事实 - - 是一种认为万物按着现存之自然律,经过漫长的岁月,渐渐演化 的理论。「无神论」的进化论主张,此过程不受超自然力量的影响,而自然地发生;「有神论」的 进化论则假设,一位至尊的存在,曾协助这进化的过程。 进化理论是「进步学说」的产物,是一种在十九世纪后半期流行于西方世界的概念。这种声称万物 正在改良中的「学说」早已没有充份根据;事实上,这「学说」已被那主张万物正在衰残中的第二 热力定律所驳斥。 进化理论本身是不合科学原则的,科学是建基于在可观察的事实上,但进过程 (即是由旧品种演变为 新品种) 从未被观察过;再者,化石记录上,所有品种 - - 从最简单到最复杂都一起在同一石层中发 现,驳斥了简单的生物品种渐演变至更复杂的生物品种之假设。 尤其是,进化理论不合圣经原则,万物自己自然生发的观念,违背了神自发地藉着祂的话语创造万 物的真理。 4. How did God the Father create us? 父神怎样创造了我们? a) Genesis 创世记 2:7 b) Genesis 创世记 1:26-28 i) Colossians 歌罗西书 3:10 ii) Ephesians 以弗所书 4:24 a)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ 5. What does God the Father continue to do? 父神继续做什么? a) Genesis 创世记 1:28-30 a) Genesis 创世记 8:22 b) Psalm 诗篇 121:7 i) Psalm 诗篇 91: 9-11 ii) Romans 罗马书 8:28 a)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________

i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ 6. How are we to respond to all that God the Father does for us? 我们应怎样回应父神为我们所做的一切? a) Genesis 创世记 32:10 b) Psalm 诗篇 118:1 c) 1 Peter 彼得前书 5:7 d) Deuteronomy 申命记 10:12 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ Cf. Martin Luther’s explanation to the First Article of the Apostle’s Creed: 马丁路德对使徒信经第一段解释: THE FIRST ARTICLE (Creation) I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. What does this mean? I believe that God has created me and all that exists. He has given me and still preserves my body and soul with all their powers. He provides me with food and clothing, home and family, daily work, and all that I need from day to day. God also protects me in time of danger and guards me from every evil. All this he does out of fatherly and divine goodness and mercy, though I do not deserve it. Therefore I surely ought to thank and praise, serve and obey him. This is most certainly true. 第一段 论创造 「我信天父上帝,全能的父,创造天地的主。」 这是什么意思? 答:我信上帝造我和万物,赐我身体、灵魂、耳目、百体、理性和官能一切的功用,并且还是保 存;又赐我衣履、饮食、屋宇、妻子、儿女、田地、牲畜、和一切的财物;为养活身体生命每日丰

富的供给我一切所需用的;无论有什么危险、凶恶,祂护庇保佑我;这都是出于祂为父为神慈爱和 怜悯,并不是因我有什么功劳或配得的;为这一切的事我应当感谢、颂扬,事奉、顺从祂,这是实 实在在的。 WORKSHEET 3 习作纸 1. Complete the following sentences. 完成下列句子 God the Father created everything by 父神创造万物, 是藉着祂的… ___________________________________________________________________. God the Father originally created human beings “in his image.” This means that human beings originally 最初, 神「照祂的形像」创造了人类, 意思是人有… __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________. God the Father protects his people either by 父神保护祂的子民使他们 _____________ _______________________________________________________________________ or by 或将 _____________________________________________________________ . 2. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的句子: _____ God preserves and protects us because we are good. 神保存和保护我们因为我们是好人。 _____ God preserves and protects us because he is good. 神保存和保护我们因为祂是美善的。 3. Answer the following question. 回答下列问题: Psychologists claim that it is essential to have a good ‘self-image.’ How might the teaching of the theory of evolution contribute to a poor ‘self-image?’ 心理学家声称 , 对每个人来说 , 拥有美好的「自我形像」是很重要的。那么 , 进化论的教导如 何令人产生残缺的「自我形像」? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ READ Genesis 1 – 3 阅读 : 创世记 1-3 MEMORIZE Hebrews 11:3, Psalm 118:1 背诵 : 希伯来书 11:3; 诗篇 118:1 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapter 3 参考 : 《圣经要道》第三章

4. THE FATHER HAS A PLAN TO SAVE US 第四课 : 天父有一个拯救我们的计划 1. In the beginning, God the Father created all things, including the angels (Cf. lesson 3:2). 起初 , 神创造万物 - - 包括天使 (参 : 第三课 , 问题二)。 Who are the angels? 天使是谁? Hebrews 希伯来书 1:14 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. For what purpose did God the Father originally create the angels? 父神最初创造天使的目的是什么? a, b) Hebrews 希伯来书 1:14 i) Psalm 诗篇 91:11-12 ii) Luke 路加福音 16:22 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ 3. What did some of the angels do after God had created them? 神创造了天使之后,其中一部份天使做了什么事? a, b) 2 Peter 彼得后书 2:4 b) 1 John 约翰一书 3:8 c) Jude 犹大书 6 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 4. What do these evil angels (evil spirits) now do? 这些邪恶的天使 (邪灵),现今在干些什么? 1 Peter 彼得前书 5: 8-9 Ephesians 以弗所书 6: 11-12 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. What part did these evil angels play in humanity’s fall into sin? 对于人类堕落在罪中,邪恶天使 (邪灵) 扮演了什么角色? a) Genesis 创世记 2:16-17, 3:1-13 b) Romans 罗马书 5:12

a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ Cf. 1 John 3:4: Sin is disobeying God/God’s law. 参:约翰一书 3:4 罪就是不顺从神的律法。 6. What now is the natural condition of all people at birth? 现在,所有人类出生时的自然景况是什么? Genesis 创世记 1:27, 5:3 Psalm 诗篇 51:5 John 约翰福音 3:6 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The church traditionally has used the term “original sin” to denote this natural condition of all people at birth. 参:自然景况是指人类犯罪之后的景况,教会传统称之为「原罪」。 7. What are the characteristics of this condition, “original sin”? 「原罪」有什么特徵? a) Romans 罗马书 7:18-19 a) Genesis 创世记 8:21 b) Romans 罗马书 8:7 c) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 2:14 d) Ephesians 以弗所书 2:1-3 ___________________________________________________________________ a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ 8. What is the effect of “original sin” on us?  「原罪」对我们的生命有什么影响? a) 马太福音 Matthew 7:17 a) 马可福音 Mark 7:21-22 b) 马太福音 Matthew 15:19 b) 雅各书 James 4:17 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________

i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ 9. What do we all deserve because of our “original sin” and “actual sin?”  因着人的「原罪」和「本罪」,我们只配得些什么? Ezekiel 以西结书 18:4 Romans 罗马书 5:12 Romans 罗马书 6:23 ________________________________________________________________________ 10. How does God the Father plan to save us from our sin and its consequences?   神拯救人类脱离罪恶和死亡的计划是怎样的? Genesis 创世记 3:14-15 John 约翰福音 3:16 ________________________________________________________________________ Note: This is the “gospel” – the good news of a loving God’s forgiveness of sin because of the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ (Cf. Romans 1:16). 「福音」是:一个大喜的信息,就是那慈爱的神藉着祂的爱子耶稣基督,宽恕了人的罪。 (参:罗马书 1:16) WORKSHEET 4 习作纸 1. Indicate whether the statements are true (+) or false (-).   是非题:是(+);非(-) _____ Infants are born morally neutral.    婴孩出生时,在道德上是中性的。 _____ “Original sin” refers to something we are, not something we do. 「原罪」乃是指我们的本性,不是指我们的行为。 _____ Because God is love, he overlooks our sin. 神是爱,因此祂不计较我们的罪。 2. The “wages of sin is death.” There are three kinds of death: spiritual, physical, and eternal. Death always implies a separation. Complete the following sentences. 罪的工价乃是死」,死有三种:属灵、属肉体和永远的死。死是一种隔绝。请完成下列句子: Read Ephesians 读:以弗所书 2:1, Isaiah 以赛亚书 59:2 “Spiritual death” is the separation of ___________________ from _________________. 属灵的死就是   ___________________   与 ______________ 隔绝。 Read Ecclesiastes 12:7 读:传道书 12:7 “Physical death” is the separation of ___________________ from _________________.    属肉体的死就是  _________________ 与  _________________隔绝。

Read Matthew 25:41 读:马太福音 25:41 “Eternal death” is the eternal separation of ______________ and ___________________ from _________________________.    永远的死就是_____ 和_____ 永远与 ___________ 隔绝。 3. Check the correct statement. 请选出正确的句子: _____ We are saved from sin and its consequences by trying to live a good life. 我们从罪和罪的结果中得救,乃因我们尝试活出一个好的生活模式。 _____ We are saved from sin and its consequences by trusting in Jesus Christ as our Savior. 我们从罪和罪的结果中得救,乃因我们相信主耶稣是我们的救主 4. Complete the following sentence. 请完成下列句子: The “gospel” is 「福音」是:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

READ John 3; Old Testament History (below) 阅读:约翰福音 3 ;及「旧约历史」 MEMORIZE Romans 6:23; John 3:16 背诵:罗马书 6:23,约翰福音 3:16 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapter 4 参考:《圣经要道》第四章

OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY Creation – 2000 B.C. God creates the universe, including the first couple, in 6 days. Everything is perfect. However, Adam and Eve – tempted by the devil – sin. Immediately afterwards, God promises to send a Savior. As the human race multiplies, people become more wicked. God sends a worldwide flood to destroy them. Only 8 members of Noah’s family survive. Of Noah’s 3 sons, God selects Shem as an ancestor of the promised Savior. 2000 – 1700 B.C. (Age of the patriarchs) God calls Abraham, a descendant of Shem, and directs him to go to Canaan, the land which God has chosen for his people. God also tells Abraham that he is an ancestor of the promised Savior. By God’s power, elderly Abraham and Sarah produce a son, Isaac. At this time, God institutes circumcision as a sign of his covenant with his people. God tests Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham is willing, but God intervenes by providing a lamb for the sacrifice. Isaac produces a son, Jacob, who

is also an ancestor of the Savior. Joseph, one of Jacob’s 12 sons, is sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers. Later, by God’s providence, Joseph becomes prime minister of Egypt. As such, he invites his family to come to Egypt to escape the famine in Canaan. When in Egypt, another of Jacob’s sons, Judah, is designated as an ancestor of the promised savior. 1700 – 1500 B.C. (Israel’s deliverance from Egypt) Jacob’s descendents remain in Egypt and increase in number. As the years pass, the Egyptians force the “Israelites” to become slaves. God calls a man named Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt. To force the Egyptians to free his people, God afflicts them with 10 plagues. Before the last plague, God instructs each family of Israel to kill a lamb, eat its meat for supper, and paint its blood on the doorpost. All families who follow God’s instructions escape the last plagues. Afterwards, this “Passover” – which is observed annually – pre-figures the Savior, Jesus Christ, the “lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” After the Israelites leave Egypt, they begin their journey to Canaan, the “promised land.” Along the way, the people often rebel against God. Nevertheless, God guides them with a pillar of cloud by day and with a pillar of fire by night. He also feeds them with “manna” (bread) and quails. At Mount Sinai, he gives them his law through Moses. 1500 – 1100 B.C. (Israel’s journey to & conquest of Canaan) Because of his people’s disobedience, God forces them to journey in the wilderness for 40 years. One time, God sends poisonous snakes among his people. At the same time, God tells Moses to make a brass snake and raise it on a pole. Anyone who trusts God and looks at the brass snake on the pole is saved. Again, this incident pre-figures Christ, who died on a cross and saves those who trust him. Joshua succeeds Moses as leader of Israel and leads the people into the twelve tribes, named after the sons of Jacob and Joseph. After the death of Joshua, God appoints “judges” to lead his people. The last of these judges is a prophet called Samuel. 1100 – 980 B.C. (The unified kingdom) When Samuel is old, Israel insists on having a king. Saul is chosen. In the beginning, Saul is a good king. However, he later disobeys God and, finally, commits suicide. God directs Samuel to anoint David to succeed Saul. David, originally a shepherd, also is the poet who wrote many of the psalms. Under king David, Israel becomes a great nation. David, however, is not perfect. At one stage in his life, he commits both adultery and murder. When David dies, his son Solomon succeeds him. Solomon, who is famous for the wisdom which God gave him, writes many proverbs. During his reign, he builds a beautiful temple for God. Solomon’s shortcoming, however, is his many heathen wives. At the time of this death, the nation of Israel begins to decline. 980 – 720 B.C. (The divided kingdom) After Solomon’s death, the nation of Israel is divided into 2 kingdoms. The northern kingdom, consisting of 10 tribes, is called Israel. The capital is in Samaria. The smaller southern kingdom, consisting of only 2 tribes, is called Judah. Its capital is Jerusalem. The kingdom of Israel is ruled by evil kings. God sends 2 prophets, Elijah and Elisha, to warn the people. However, the people do not listen and fall away from God. Finally,

Assyria conquers Israel and destroys it completely about 720 B.C. In the meantime, the kings of Judah are both good and evil. The people vacillate between the worship of God and the worship of idols. God also sends prophets to warn the people. Some of these prophets, such as Isaiah, remind the people of the Savior whom God has promised to send. 720 – 400 B.C. (The captivity and restoration of Judah) Because the people of Judah repeatedly rebel against God, God allows Babylon to capture them. However, because God has promised the Savior is to come from Judah, he preserves this small kingdom. After 70 years of captivity in Babylon, the people return to Canaan. There they rebuild the city of Jerusalem and its temple. 400 B.C. – Birth of Jesus Christ The Bible does not record any history from the time that the people of Judah return to Canaan until the time of Jesus’ birth. God, however, does preserve the small kingdom of Judah until Christ, the Savior whom he has promised, is born. Summary The Old Testament is a record of God’s dealings with his people. It reveals how frequently people sin against God. It reveals God’s hatred of evil AND God’s deep love for the sinner. Above all, it reveals how God preserved his people so that he could provide the Savoir which he had promised to the world.

旧约历史 创世记至公元前 2000 年 神在六日内创造宇宙 – 包括第一对夫妇在内。一切都是美好的。然而,亚当和夏娃 – 受了魔鬼的诱 惑 – 犯了罪。纵使如此,神立即应许会差一位拯救者。 人类在地上不断加增,变得邪恶。神用大洪水将他们毁灭,只得挪亚一家八口得以存活。在挪亚的 三个儿子中,神拣选闪为祂应许之救主的祖先。 公元前 2000 年至 1700 年 (族长时代) 神呼召闪的后裔亚伯拉罕往神为子民所拣选的迦南地去。 神亦告诉亚伯拉罕,他要成为神所应许之救主的祖先。藉着神的大能,年老的亚伯拉罕和撒拉生了 一个儿子,名叫以撒。那时,神用割礼作为与民立约的一个表徵。神要求亚伯拉罕将儿子以撒当墦 祭献给祂,藉此试炼亚伯拉罕的信心;亚伯拉罕愿意遵照神的话行,但神插手,并亲自将一只燔祭 用的羊供给他。 以撒的儿子雅各,亦是神所应许之救主的祖先。 约瑟是雅各十二个儿子的其中之一,被兄长卖到埃及作奴。后来反成了埃及的首相,并且在一次迦 南的饥荒之中,请了他的家人往埃及避难。在雅各的众子中,犹大成为神所应许之救主的祖先。 公元前 1700 年至 1500 年 (以色列人得释放出埃及) 雅各的后裔留在埃及,人口不断增加。过了许多年,埃及人强逼「以色列人」作他们的奴隶。于 是,神呼召摩西领以色列人出埃及。为逼使埃及人释放祂的子民,神使埃及人受十灾之苦。未降下

第十个灾害之先,神吩咐以色列每一家,宰杀一只羊羔,并用羊羔的肉做晚膳,用羊羔的血涂在门 框和门楣上。所有依照神指示而行的家庭,都能够逃过这最后一灾。后来,人们每年都守逾越节; 逾越节乃是豫表「神的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的」基督的。以色列人离开埃及,向「应许地」迦南进 发。在往迦南地的路上,以色列人反叛神;纵使如此,神仍用云柱和火柱引领他们,又以吗哪和鹌 鹑作他们的食物。其后,又藉摩西在西乃山向以色列民颁布律法 公元前 1500 年至 1100 年 (以色列人往迦南,并进入迦南地) 以色列人不顺服神,神使他们在旷野流浪了四十年。有一次,神使毒蛇进入百姓中间,同时告诉摩 西制一条铜蛇挂在扞子上。任何人若相信神,一望这铜蛇便可得救。这件事再一次豫表了基督,祂 为救赎那些信靠祂的人,死在十字架上。约书亚继承摩西,成为以色列人的领袖,带领子民进入迦 南地。人民征服迦南地后,分成十二个支派,并分别以雅各和约瑟儿子的名字为族号。约书亚死 后,神差派「士师」领导以色列人,最后一位士师的名字是撒母耳。 公元前 1100 年至 980 年 (联合王国) 撒母耳年老时候,以色列人坚持要立一个王;于是扫罗被拣选为以色列的王。初时,扫罗确是一位 好君主。后来,扫罗不顺服神;最后,便落得自杀的下场。神指示撒母耳,要他膏大衞继扫罗为以 色列的王。大衞本来是个牧人,亦是诗人,作了许多诗歌。在大衞王的统治下,以色列日渐强盛。 然而,大衞不是完人。在他生命中的一段日子里,他犯了奸淫和谋杀罪。大衞死后,由儿子所罗门 继位。所罗门以智慧过人而名闻遐迩。他更以神赐的智慧写下许多箴言。在所罗门统治时期,他为 神建造了一座宏伟的圣殿。所罗门也有缺点,他娶了外邦和不信神的女子为妻妾。在他去世的时 期,以色列国开始衰落。 公元前 980 年至 720 年 (分裂的王国) 所罗门王死后,以色列一分为二。北部的以色列国包括十个支派,首都是撒玛利亚。南部的犹大国 比较细小,包括两个支派,首都是耶路撒冷。 以色列国的王尽皆邪恶。神差讉先知以利亚和以利沙向百姓发出警告。但是,百姓不听劝诫,反而 远离神。最后亚述国打败以色列国,后更于公元前七百二十年时,将以色列国撤底毁灭。 当其时,犹大国的王,好坏参半。百姓在敬拜神,以及拜偶像之间徘徊着。神亦差派先知劝诫人 们。先知以赛亚便是其中之一,他提醒百姓,神要差讉所应许的救主来到世界。 公元前 720 年至 400 年 (被掳和归还的犹大国) 由于犹大国的人一次又一次的反叛神,神让巴比伦人掳走他们。虽然如此,神仍保存细小的犹大 国,因为祂们所应许的救主要从犹大国中出来。被巴比伦人掳去七十年之后,百姓回到迦南地。他 们在那里重建耶路撒冷城和圣殿。 公元前 400 年至耶稣基督的诞生 圣经并没有记载犹大国百姓回到迦南地后,直到基督降生之前这段时期的历史。然而神的确将这个 细小的犹大国保存下来,直至耶稣 – 神所应许的救主诞生。 小结 旧约圣经记载了神怎样对待祂的子民,并显示人怎样一次又一次向神犯罪。旧约圣经表明神对恶的 憎恶,以及对罪人的大爱。旧约圣经最重要显示出神怎样保守子民,以致祂能将所应许的救主赐给 世人。 5. THE FATHER’S SON, JESUS, CAME TO OUR WORLD 第五课:天父的儿子耶稣基督曾来过我们的世界 1. God the Father determined to save us through his son, Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? 父上帝决意藉祂的儿子耶稣基督拯救我们. 耶稣基督是谁? 1 John 约翰一书 5:20

________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why do we believe that Jesus Christ is true God? 为何我们相信耶稣基督是真神? a) John 约翰福音 1:1,14 b) Matthew 马太福音 28:18-20 b) John 约翰福音 21:17 c) John 约翰福音 1:3 c) Matthew 马太福音 9:6 d) John 约翰福音 5:23 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ 3. What unique event occurred about 2000 years ago? 约二千年前,有什么独特的事情发生? Luke 路加福音 1:35; 2:7 John 约翰福音 1:1-2, 14 1 Timothy 提摩太前书 3:16 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do we believe that Jesus Christ also is true man? 我们为何相信耶稣基督也是真人? a) 1 Timothy 提摩太前书 2:5 b) Luke 路加福音 23:46 c) Matthew 马太福音 4:2 c) Luke 路加福音 8:23 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 5. How, then, are we to view Jesus Christ? 那么,我们应怎样看耶稣基督? Romans 罗马书 9:5 Colossians 歌罗西书 2:9 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why did Jesus Christ have to be both God and man in order to save us? 为何耶稣基督,又要是神又要是人,才可以拯救我们? a) Galatians 加拉太书 4:4-5 a) Galatians 加拉太书 3:10,13

b) Romans 罗马书 5:19 b) Mark 马可福音 10:45 a)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. For which people did Jesus obey the law and suffer the punishment of sin? 耶稣为了哪些人,要顺服律法,并遭受罪的惩罚? Romans 罗马书 5:19 1 John 约翰一书 2:2 ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Jesus obeyed the law on behalf of all people. He also suffered the punishment of sin on behalf of all people. However which people personally benefit from what Jesus has done? 耶稣为所有人顺服律法和忍受罪的惩罚,但是哪些人可以亲身从耶稣基督做的事中获得益处? Acts 使徒行传 16:30-31 ________________________________________________________________________ WORKSHEET 5 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( ) 最正确的句子: 1) _____ When Jesus Christ came into the world, he ceased to be God and became man. 当耶稣基督来到世上,祂不再是神,乃成为人。 _____ When Jesus Christ came into the world, he became man but remained God. 当耶稣基督来到世上,祂成为人,却仍是神。 2) _____ Jesus Christ came to the world to teach us that God is love and accepts us. 耶稣基督来到世上,教导我们神是爱,并接纳我们。 _____ Jesus Christ came into the world to be our substitute, obeying the law and suffering the punishment of sin for us. 耶稣基督来到世上,代替我们顺服律法,并为我们受了罪的惩罚。 2. After reading the Bible references, match each of the names given to God’s Son with the correct definition. 配对:阅读经文;并填上正确答案。 A) Jesus 耶稣 (Matthew 马太福音 1:21) B) Christ / Messiah 基督 / 弥赛亚 (John 约翰福音 1:41) C) Immanuel 以马内利 (Matthew 马太福音 1:23)

_____ a Greek and Hebrew title, meaning “the anointed one” (i.e., the one chosen by God to perform a special task) 希腊 / 希伯来名号,意思是「受膏者」(即上帝拣选作特别职事的人)。 _____ a name, meaning “he saves” 名字,意思是「祂拯救」。 _____ a Hebrew word, meaning “God is with us” 希伯来文,意思是「上帝与我们同在」。 READ “Life of Christ” (below) 阅读:「基督生平简介」 MEMORIZE Galatians 4: 4-5 背诵:加拉太书 4:4-5 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapter 5 参考:《圣经要道》第五章 LIFE OF CHRIST Birth and childhood When God decides to fulfill his promise of a Savior, he informs a virgin named Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most high will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the ‘Son of God.’” Later, God also informs Mary’s fiancé, Joseph, that “what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” After Joseph and Mary are married, they travel to Bethlehem. While they are in Bethlehem, the promised child is born in a stable. At the time of his birth, a host of angels announces the event: “Today… a Savior has been born to you.” Eight days later, the child is circumcised and called “Jesus.” When Jesus is 2 years old, “magi” from the East come to worship him. At the same time, a king named Herod seeks to kill him. As a result, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus flee to Egypt. After Herod’s death, the family returns to live in Nazareth, a city in the province of Galilee. When Jesus is 12 years old, he travels to the temple in Jerusalem. There he amazes everyone with his wisdom. Public ministry When Jesus is 30 years old, he begins his public ministry. John the baptizer announces that Jesus is the “lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” and baptizes him. Jesus then spends 40 days in the wilderness overcoming the devil’s temptations. He chooses 12 ordinary men as his disciples. For 3 years, he travels throughout the land of Israel. All the while, he preaches, urging people to trust in him. At the same time, he performs many miracles, e.g., raising the dead. He performs these miracles not only to help people, but also to demonstrate that he is God’s son and God’s promised Savior. Some of the Jews accept him, but most reject him. Suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension When he is 33 years old, Jesus announces that he will suffer and die, then rise from the dead. Shortly thereafter, he enters Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. A few days later, he meets with his disciples and institutes a special meal for them, now called “The Lord’s Supper” or “holy communion.” That night, he is betrayed by Judas, one of his disciples, and arrested. The next day

(Friday), he is sentenced to death, first by the Jews and then by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. He is crucified with 2 criminals. Later in the day, he dies and is buried. On the third day after his death, Jesus returns to life. During the next 40 days, he meets with his disciples. To prove that he has risen from the dead, he also appears to more than 500 other people. Then, exactly 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus returns to the Father by ascending to heaven. Summary During his 33 years on earth, Jesus was God’s representative. He revealed the Father to us. At the same time, Jesus also was man’s representative. He did what God required us to do: obey the law perfectly. He also suffered what God required us to suffer: the punishment for sin. He indeed is God’s son and our Savoir. 基督生平 (简介一) 诞生及童年 神要实践差遣救主的应许,于是童女马利亚:「圣灵要临到你身上,至高者的能力要荫庇你;因此 所要生的圣者,必称为神的儿子。」后来,神又对马利亚[未婚夫约瑟说:「因她所怀的孕是圣灵来 的。她将要生一个儿子,你要给他起名叫耶稣,因他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来。」 约瑟娶了马利亚为妻,一同去到伯利恒;这时,神应许的圣婴在马糟里降生。主诞生的时候,有一 群天使向人报告这个大喜的信息:「今天...为你们生了救主。」过了八天,婴孩行了割礼,并起名 叫「耶稣」。 耶稣两岁时,东方的博士来朝拜他。当时,希律王想杀害耶稣。于是,约瑟携同马利亚和耶稣逃往 埃及。希律王死后,他们才回国,在加利利一个叫拿撒肋的小城中住下。耶稣十二岁时,在\耶路撒 冷的圣殿里,「坐在教师中间,一面听,一面问,所有听见他的人都希奇他的聪明。」 耶稣的工作 耶稣三十岁开始公开做神的工作。施洗约翰宣称,耶稣是「神的羔羊,除去世人的罪孽的」。约翰 为耶稣施洗;随后,耶稣在旷野四十昼夜,受魔鬼的试探,并胜过这些试探。祂拣选了十二个很平 凡的人作门徒。耶稣用了三年时间与门徒一起遍历以列地;并传讲音,叫人信祂。耶稣神迹,不单 为了帮助人,更重要是使人知道祂是神的儿子,是神所应许的救主。有一些犹太人接受了耶稣,亦 有一些拒绝了祂。 受苦、死亡、复活和升天 当耶稣三十三岁时,祂自称会受苦及死亡,并要由死里复活。过了不久,耶稣骑驴返耶路撒冷。几 天后,耶稣和门徒相聚,为他们设了一顿特别的晚餐,现在我们称此为「圣餐」。是夜,耶稣被一 个叫犹大的门徒出卖,被逮捕。翌日(星期五),耶稣首先犹太人判了死罪;其后,又被罗马巡抚彼拉 多判死罪。祂与两名罪犯,分别被钉在十字架上,死,了后来葬了。 耶稣死后,第三天复活;并在复活后四十天内,多次与门徒相聚。耶稣亦曾向五百人显现,证明祂 已由死里复活。复活后四十天,日子一到,耶稣便被接升天,到父那里去了。 小结 耶稣在世三十三年之中,是神的代表;祂向我们显明天上的父。同时,耶稣亦是人类的代表,祂作 了神豫定我们要作的事:完全遵守律法;祂又受了神豫定我们要受的苦:罪的惩罚。耶稣的的确确 是神的儿子,我们的救主。 6. JESUS CHRIST HAS REDEEMED US 第六课:耶稣基督己救赎了我们 1. What did Jesus Christ have to do in order to save us? 耶稣要作何事才可拯救我们?

Philippians 腓立比书 2: 6-8 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Jesus “humble himself”? 耶稣怎样「虚己」? a, b) Matthew 马太福音 1:18-25 c, d, e, f) John 约翰福音 19: 1-3, 16-18, 30-33, 40-42 a)____________________________________ b)______________________________________ c)______________________________________ d)_________________________________________ e)___________________________________________ f)_______________________________________________ 3. Why did Jesus endure this “state of humiliation?” 耶稣为何要忍受此「卑微地位」? a) Galatians 加拉太书 4: 4-5 b) Isaiah 以赛亚书 53:5 a, b) 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 5:21 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ 4. After Jesus endured such humiliation, what did God the Father do? 耶稣忍受此「卑微地位」后,神作了什么? Philippians 腓立比书 2: 9-11 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. How did God the Father exalt Jesus? 父神怎样高举耶稣? a) 1 Peter 彼得前书 3: 18-19 b) Acts 使徒行传 10: 39-41 c) Luke 路加福音 24: 50-51 d) Ephesians 以弗所书 1:20 e) Acts 使徒行传 1: 9-11 a)____________________________ b)____________________________ c)_____________________________

d)_____________________________ e)______________________________ 6. Why did Jesus enter this “state of exaltation?” 为何耶稣能得到此「高举地位」? Acts 使徒行传 2: 32-36 ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Of what does Jesus’ resurrection assure us? 耶稣的复活使我们确信什么? a) Romans 罗马书 1:3-4 b) John 约翰福音 2:19-22 b) Matthew 马太福音 28:5-6 c) Romans 罗马书 4:25 d) John 约翰福音 11:25-26 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ 8. Of what does Jesus’ ascension into heaven and sitting at God’s right hand assure us? 耶稣升天,并坐在神的右边,使我们确信什么? a, b) Ephesians 以弗所书 1:20-23 c) Ephesians 以弗所书 4:10-12 d) Romans 罗马书 8:34 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ 9. In the past, Jesus lived, died, and rose again for us. Today, he continues to live for us. For what purpose does Jesus do all of this? 从前,耶稣活着、死亡、并复活。今天,祂继续与我们同活。耶稣作这一切事,有什么目的? a) John 约翰福音 8:34, 36 a) 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 1:10 a) 1 John 约翰一书 3:8 b) 1 Peter 彼得前书 2:24-25 b) 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 5:15, 19 a)______________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. Who receives the benefit of all that Jesus has done? 谁可以接受耶稣所作成之事的益处? a) 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 5:19 b) John 约翰福音 3:16-18 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ Cf. Martin Luther’s explanation to the Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed: 马丁路德对使徒信经第二段的解释:

THE SECOND ARTICLE (Redemption) I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there he shall come to judge the living and the dead. What does this mean? I believe that Jesus Christ – true God, Son of the Father from eternity, and true man, born of the Virgin Mary – is my Lord. At great cost He saved and redeemed me, a lost and condemned person. He has freed me from sin, death, and the power of the devil, not with silver or gold, but with his holy and precious blood and his innocent suffering and death. All this he has done that I may be his own, live under him in his kingdom, and serve him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness,

just as he is risen from the dead and lives and rules eternally. This is most certainly true. 第二段 论赎罪 「我信耶稣基督,上帝的独生子,我们的主;因着圣灵成孕,从童女马利亚所生;在本丢彼拉多手 下受难,被钉在十字架上、死了、葬了;下到地狱;第三天从死人里复活;后升天,坐在无所不能 的父上帝右边;将来必从那里降临,审判活人死人。」 这是什么意思? 答:我信耶稣基督是我的主,就是从天父自永远而生的真神,从童女马利亚所生的真人;祂救赎我 这失丧被定罪的人,从诸般罪恶、死亡、和魔鬼的权柄中赎买我,夺获我;不是用金银,乃是用祂 的圣宝血,和无辜的苦难、死亡,为要使我属于祂,在祂的国度管理之下活着,并永远的在公义无 罪和蒙福中服事祂,正如祂从死里复活永远活着掌权。这是实实在在的。 WORKSHEET 6 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的句子: After his death, Jesus descended to hell _____ to preach the Gospel. _____ to proclaim his victory over sin, death, and the devil. 耶稣死后,下了地狱 ___ 传福音。 ___ 宣告自己已胜过罪恶,死亡和魔鬼。 Jesus’ resurrection assures us _____ that Jesus is God, our sins are forgiven, and that we will rise from the dead. _____ that no one will ever forget what Jesus said and did. 耶稣的复活,使我们确信 ___ 耶稣是神,我们的罪得以赦免,我们也要从死里复活。 ___ 没有人会忘记耶稣的言行。 Jesus ascended into heaven _____ to rest. _____ to rule the world until he returns to take all believers to heaven. 耶稣升天是要 ___ 休息。 ___ 统治世界,直至祂再回来,接所有信徒往天家。 Jesus’ sitting at God’s right hand means

_____ that Jesus sits on a throne next to God. _____ that Jesus has equal authority and honor with God the Father. 耶稣坐在神的右边,意思是 ___ 耶稣坐在神旁边的宝座上。 ___ 耶稣与天父神「同荣同权」。 2. Why do Christians say that Jesus Christ is prophet, priest, and king? 为什么基督徒宣称,耶稣是他们的先知、祭司和君王? What does Jesus do as our prophet? 耶稣作了何事和先知一般? ________________________________________________________________________ What does Jesus do as our priest? 耶稣作了何事和祭司一般? ________________________________________________________________________ What does Jesus do as our king? 耶稣作了何事和君王一般? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Indicate whether the statements are true (+) or false ( - ). 是非题:是 (+) ; 非 (-) _____ Jesus redeemed the whole world. _____ Jesus redeemed only those who believe in him. _____ 耶稣救赎了整个世界。 _____ 耶稣只救赎了那些相信祂的人。 _____ All people receive personally the benefit of Jesus’ saving work. _____ Only people who trust in Jesus receive personally the benefit of his saving work. _____ 所有人都可亲身领受耶稣救赎工作的益处。 _____ 只有那些信靠耶稣的人,才可亲身领受耶稣救赎工作的益处。 READ 1 Corinthians 15 阅读:哥林多前书 15 MEMORIZE John 11:25-26 背诵:约翰福音 11:25-26 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapters 5-6 参考:《圣经要道》第五、六章 7. JESUS CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN 第七课:耶稣基督将再到我们的世界来 1. What has the ascended Jesus promised to do? 耶稣升天时曾作了什么应许? Acts 使徒行传 1:9-11

Revelation 启示录 1:7 Matthew 马太福音 25:31 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. When will Jesus Christ return? 耶稣何时再临? a) Acts 使徒行传 17:31 a) Mark 马可福音 13:32 b) Matthew 马太福音 24:4-14, 42-44 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ 3. If we die before Jesus returns, what will happen to us? 若我们在耶稣再临前死去,我们会怎样? a, b) Ecclesiastes 传道书 12:7 c) Luke 路加福音 16:19-26 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 4. When Jesus Christ returns, what will happen? 当耶稣基督再临时,会有何事发生? a) John 约翰福音 5:28-29 a) Job 约伯记 19:25-27 b) 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 5:10 b) John 约翰福音 3:36 c,d) Matthew 马太福音 25:31-34, 41, 46 e) 2 Peter 彼得后书 3:10 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ e)______________________________________________________________________ 5. How does God – in the Bible – describe hell? 神在圣经中,怎样描绘地狱?

2 Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:8-9 Luke 路加福音 16:23-24 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. How does God – in the Bible – describe heaven? 神在圣经中,怎样描绘天堂? a, b) 1 John 约翰一书 3:2 b) Philippians 腓立比书 3:20-21 c) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 13:12 d) Revelation 启示录 21:1-4 e) Psalm 诗篇 16:11 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ e)______________________________________________________________________ 7. How can we be prepared for our own death or the return of Jesus Christ? 我们要怎样为自己的死亡,或耶稣基督的再临作好准备? a) Acts 使徒行传 16:30-31 b) Revelation 启示录 2:10 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ WORKSHEET 7 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的句子 When a person dies, _____ both body and soul rest in the grave until Jesus returns. _____ the body decomposes while the soul lives on, either with God or separated from God. 人死后, ___ 身体灵魂,皆在坟墓里安息,直至耶稣再临。 ___ 身体消灭,但灵魂永存 -- 或与神同在,或与神隔绝。

The time of Jesus’ return _____ can be determined after much research. _____ is known only to God and will come unexpectedly. 耶稣再临的时间, ___ 可以靠多项研究,作出决定。 ___ 只有神知道;祂会出其不意地再临。 When Jesus returns, _____ all people will see him. _____ only believers will see him. 耶稣再临的时候, ___ 所有人都得见祂的面。 ___ 只有信徒得见祂的面。 When Jesus returns, he will raise up from the grave _____ all people. _____ only believers. 耶稣再临时,祂要从坟墓里,叫那些人从死里复活? ___ 所有人。 ___ 只有信徒。 When Jesus returns, he will judge all people on the basis of _____ what they have done for God and man. _____ what they have believed. 耶稣再临时,要根据何事审判万民? ___ 他们为神为人作了什么。 ___ 他们相信什么。 READ 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:11; “What’s Ahead for Planet Earth?” (below) 阅读:帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:13 - 5:11;「世界的前途将会如何?」 MEMORIZE Revelation 2:10 背诵:启示录 2:10 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapter 16 参考:《圣经要道》第十六章

WHAT’S AHEAD FOR PLANET EARTH? A complete study of what the Bible says about the end of the world can be difficult. When we undertake such a study, we will discover that the Bible does “contain some

things that are hard to understand” (2 Peter 3: 16). As a result, false teachings about the end of the world have been spread around. The following simply remind us of the difference between biblical teaching about the end of the world and false teachings about the millennium. A SUMMARY OF THE BIBLE’S TEACHING ABOUT THE LAST THINGS 1. God has not revealed to anyone when the Last Day will come. No one but God knows the day or the hour when Christ will return in glory. See Matthew 24:36; 24:42; Mark 13:32; 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10. 2. Christ’s return could have taken place at any time since Pentecost – and can take place today. All the “signs of the times” (see Lesson 7) have been fulfilled and are continuous, ongoing characteristics of this New Testament age (between Christ’s first and second comings). So if we speak of the “tribulation” and turmoil of the church, or the workings of the “Antichrist” and antichristian forces (see 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12), or any other sign preceding the Last Day, we mark these as realities. 3. The unbelievers in the world will be caught by surprise and be totally unprepared for Christ’s return. See Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:28-30. 4. We are specifically instructed to remain prepared, watchful, and alert. Relying on Christ alone and guided by Scripture alone, we await the Last Day and expect it anytime. See Matthew 24:42-44; Luke 21:36; James 5:7-9; 1 Peter 4:7. 5. Jesus will return visibly, in glory, and everyone will see him. He will return only one more time, and on that day there will be only one great resurrection of all the dead. This second (and last) coming of Christ is what we are pointed to: the day of the resurrection of all mankind. See John 5:28-29; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Hebrews 9:2728. 6. The final judgment of all people will take place when Jesus returns. 7. At Christ’s return the present creation will be replaced or renovated. As noted also in Lesson 7, the “new heavens and new earth” will be established. 8. Unbelievers will be banished forever in hell, while believers will receive eternal life in heaven. See Lesson 7 on this also. Our citizenship is truly in heaven and we have the heavenly kingdom prepared for us! A SUMMARY OF FALSE TEACHINGS ABOUT THE LAST THINGS 1. The Last Day will be preceded by a 1,000 year period (millennium) during which Christ will rule visibly on earth. The belief that there will be a distinct 1,000 year period before the Last Day is called “millennialism.” There are many kinds of millennialism, but the most common is “premillennialism,” which declares that Jesus will return visibly before (pre-) the millennium, as well as on the Last Day. Revelation 20 is the socalled basis of this teaching. 2. Believers will be caught up (“raptured”) into heaven prior to the Last Day, while

unbelievers will be left on earth to await Judgment Day. This teaching, wrongly based on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, is called “the Rapture.” 3. God has divided time into distinct periods (usually said to be seven) and deals with people in different ways during each period. Each so-called period is called a “dispensation,” and those who hold to this teaching are called “dispensationalists.” Using this kind of outline of world history, millennialists are able to fit their ideas of the “rapture,” the “millennium,” or the “tribulation” (see below) into a preferred dispensation. There is no special part of the Bible that supports this false concept. In fact it has no basis in Scripture at all. 4. A distinct period (usually said to be a seven-year period) will come before the Last Day and is called the “Great Tribulation.” Rather than referring to the ongoing tribulation of believers throughout the New Testament age (which we are now in), millennialists and dispensationalists claim this is a separate period of time, usually expected after the “rapture” but before the “millennium.” 5. All the Jews will be converted to God and will be saved before the end of the world. This teaching insists that all references to God’s “Israel” must refer to the physical descendants of Abraham (the Jews), rather than accepting the Bible’s own definition: The “Israel of God” refers to all people, regardless of race or nationality, who share Abraham’s faith in the Savior. See Romans 4:11-12; 9:6-8; 9:27; 11:25-27. 6. The Antichrist is a future political ruler who has not been made known yet. Most millennialists believe this person will work during the short period called the “great tribulation” (see number 4 above). But Scripture describes the Antichrist as a predominantly spiritual or religious leader who falsely distorts God’s truth and whose workings began already at the time of the apostles. See 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 1 John 2:18-23; 4:1-3; 2 John 7. MAIN CONTRASTS BETWEEN THE TRUE AND THE FALSE TEACHINGS ABOUT THE LAST THINGS 1. The Bible teaches that Jesus will return only one more time; millennialists and dispensationalists teach that Jesus must return two or more times. This is an obvious contrast, and an important one. The more a person studies this subject, the more he will see that a completely different outline of world history is presented by each side of the controversy. 2. The Bible uses words in one way; millennialists and dispensationalists use those same words and concepts in totally different ways. This is what leads to greater confusion for the Bible student. On the next page are simplified charts of the biblical as well as the millennial view of world history. Notice how the same terms are often used to refer to different concepts. 3. The Bible requires that we read it and interpret it in one way; millennialists and dispensationalists read and interpret it with a different set of presuppositions and rules of interpretation. It is not an overstatement to say that practically all errors in this subject stem from a faulty view of how to interpret the Bible (instead of letting the Bible interpret itself). The main source of error concerning the last things is to be found in improper and inaccurate use of Bible sections (especially visions, picture language,

and prophetic language). This different mindset and set of presuppositions among millennialists results in their errors. Note: The following diagrams showing the difference between the biblical and the premillennial view of history prior to the Last Day are greatly simplified and do not mention everything that could be studied in this matter. Let these diagrams simply remind us that there is really a great difference between biblical and millennial teachings. Be alert! THE TRADITIONAL, BIBLICAL VIEW OF CHRISTIAN HISTORY

THE MILLENNIUM We are now in the millennial age, the full time set by God until the Last Day. Jesus rules and Satan is “bound” and able to work only as God permits. For believers it is both a period of secure peace (with God) and of tribulations as Christ’s foes strive against His Church. As the age nears its end the tribulation will increase with Satan being “loosed” for a “short time.” Lawlessness will abound. The Antichrist, with beginnings in apostolic times, continues to deceive and oppress the saints. The “signs” to precede the end were already fulfilled in the apostolic age and remain complete. Saints remain “on the alert” as they persevere in tribulation and rejoice in their assured victory with Christ. So we speak of a “realized millennialism” since we experience it now. We await no future millennium or golden age. On the Last Day, all believers will be taken into heaven with the Lord forever in perfect peace and joy. THE LAST DAY When Christ appears, the “rapture” occurs as saints are caught up in the air to be forever with Christ. This is also the “Battle of Armageddon” when the Lord puts an end to all godless acts. Satan, with the now exposed Antichrist, is consigned to hell. Creation itself will be renovated into the “new heavens of righteousness.” This second

coming of Jesus is the only expected return. THE PREMILLENIAL (FALSE) VIEW OF CHRISTIAN HISTORY

THE RAPTURE A “secret” appearing of Christ will occur and all believers will be removed from the earth. Only unbelievers, Jew & Gentile, will remain. Unbelievers who have died will remain buried while the remainder of people are mystified. The Holy Spirit is now withdrawn from the earth (say most). Unbelievers will not see Jesus at this time. THE TRIBULATION This seven-year period is divided into two 3 ½ year segments. In the first part the Antichrist will make a pact with Israel and the Jerusalem temple is restored. Jewish “evangelists” will convert almost the whole world. At mid-tribulation Russia will invade Israel, the Antichrist is to break the pact with Israel, and great destruction will follow. “Armageddon” will come and all appear to be lost – but Christ suddenly appears (visibly) to usher in the millennium. THE MILLENIUM Jesus is to return to rule on earth for exactly 1,000 years, with the earth filled with peace. All Israel is restored and Jerusalem is the center of all. Satan is to be “loosed” (some say) only to be ultimately defeated by Christ’s final (third) coming. This final coming will usher in eternity and the new heavens and new earth. Final Judgment is at this time.

地球未来的前途如何? 圣经所说有关末世之事可以是一门很困难的学问,在第七课曾简略涉及过这门学问,它会把我们带 入圣经中「有些难明白的」(彼后 3:16)部份。因这缘故,有很多假意念、假道理还绕我们。以 下是圣经中有关末世之主要教训的简介,并对一些常见的错误教导提出警告。 圣经有关末世的教训之摘要 1. 上帝没有向任何人启示末世何时将会来临。除了上帝,没有任何人知道基督何时会荣耀地再 临。(参照太 24:36, 24:42;可 13:32;帖前 5:2;彼后 3:10) 2. 基督的再临可能发生在圣灵降临的那个五旬节后的任何时刻───也可能在今天发生。所有 「时代的征兆」(见第七课)已应验,而且延续此进行中的新约时代之特征(耶稣第一次与 第二次来临之间的年代)。所以,若我们说及「大患难」和教会之混乱或敌基督的之工作及 其力量(帖后 2:1~12);或任末日前之征兆,我们皆认为这是事实。 3. 世上之非信徒对基督之再临仍然是全无准备。(参照太 24:37~39;路 17:28~30) 4. 我们是特别受指导要有所预备、警觉、和小心。我们只要依靠基督及圣经的指引,等候末日 并期待它随时到来。(参照太 24:42~44;路 21:36;雅 5:7~9;彼前 4:7) 5. 耶稣将在荣耀中有形有体的再来,每个人都可见到衪。衪只会再来一次,该日,所有死了的 人只会复活一次,基督第二次之来临是我们所指望的:万民复活之日。(参照约 5: 28,29;帖前 4:16,17;来 9:27~28) 6. 耶稣再临时,万民会受最后的审判。 7. 基督重临之时,现今之万物会被取代或变新。如第七课所提,新天新地被建成。 8. 非信徒将被摒弃在地狱里永远受苦。信徒在天堂领受永生。(见第七课──我们乃天上的国 民,天国也是为我们预备的。) 有关末日之假教训摘要 1. 末日之前有一千年(千禧年),这期间基督将有形有体地统治世界,末日以前有明确的一千 年之信仰称为千禧年主义。千禧年主义有很多种,惟最常见的是「前千禧年主义」,此主义 宣称耶稣在千禧年之前再临,同时在末日又再临,启 20 是这教义所谓之根据。 2. 信徒末日之前被提上天,而非信徒仍留在地上等候审判日,此教训称为「被提」,乃错误地 根据帖前 4:13~18 而成的。 3. 上帝把时间分作数期(通常说七期),并在不同时期以不同方法对待人,每一时期乃一「时 代」,此教训称为「时代主义」,千禧年主义者以此类世界史大纲,可以把「被提」、「千 禧年」或「大患难」(见下图)这些意念纳入不同时代。圣经中没有特别的部份支持这假教 义。实际上,此教义完全无圣经根据。 4. 末日之前有一时期(一般说为时七年),称「大患难时代」,千禧年主义者和时代主义者宣 称此时期乃分开的,在「被提之后」但在「千禧年之前」。(他们不认为「大灾难」乃新约 时代﹝我们现处的时代﹞信徒不断经历的苦难。) 5. 所有犹太人都在末世前悔改信主并得救。此教义强调所有有关上帝的「以色列民」都指亚伯 拉罕肉身之后裔(犹太人)而忽略圣经本身的定义:「上帝的以色列民」指所有在主内分享 亚伯拉罕同一信仰的人而不分种族与国藉。(参照罗 4:11,12;9:6~8,9:27;11: 25~27) 6. 敌基督的乃一未来之政治统治者,现在还未出现。大多千禧年主义者都相信此人会在「大患 难时代」(见以上第 4 条) 展开工作。惟圣经描述此敌基督的乃有影响力之属灵及宗教领袖, 他扭曲了上帝的真理,并在使徒时代已展开工作。(见帖后 2:1~12;提前 4:1~3;约壹 2:18~23,4:1~3;约贰 7) 有关末世真假教义之比较 1. 圣经教导我们耶稣只来一次,千禧年主义时代主义却教导我们耶稣将会再来两次或多次,这 是明显和重要的分别。人愈研究此题目,愈知道每一方所提出之世界史大纲全然不同。 2. 圣经用一字以表一义,千禧年主义和时代主义同一字却表示全然不同的意思,这带给研经者 大混淆,下一页乃一简单图表,说明圣经和千禧年主义者怎样看世界史,注意相同措词所表

达之相异意思。 3. 圣经要求我们以一方法读经及解经,千禧年主义和时代主义以不同的假定及解经规则。若说 所有有关末日的题目之错误乃由错误地释经〈而非以经释经〉而起,也不为过。第十四课我 们会研究释经问题,此处只指出有关末世之主题的错误源自不正确使用圣经内容〈尤其是异 像、图像及预言〉,千禧年主义之不同的思想倾向及假定导致错误。 注:此图显示的「末世前历史」之圣经观点与前千禧年主义者的观点之不同,乃大为简化了,并未 提及可供研习之所有知识。若要更多数据,可与你的牧师商谈,且让此图提醒我们圣经与千禧年主 义之教义大有不同,小心为要。


撒旦被捆绑及基督伯王 撒旦被释放 千禧年 我们现在正处于千禧年时代,乃上帝预定末世前之年代,耶稣统治而撒旦被「捆绑」,并只能作上 帝所容许的事,对信徒而言,此时期又是平安时期〈与上帝同在〉,又是灾难时期〈基督的敌人攻 击衪的教会〉,此时期即将完结时,大灾难会增多,撒旦会「暂时被释放」,到处充满不法之事。 在使徒时代已出现之敌基督的继续欺骗和压迫圣徒。使徒时代所说有关末世之「征兆」己应验。圣 徒经历大患难时应「小心」,并因确实能与基督一同得胜而喜乐。因我们现在经历它;所以我们所 说的乃是「实现千禧年主义」。我们不必等待千禧年。在末日,所有信徒被提上天,与主同在,永 远得享完全之平安和喜乐。 末日 当基督出现,「被提」就开始,圣徒被提升到天上与基督永远同在。这又称为「哈米吉多顿大 战」。此时,主使一切不敬虔的行动结束。撒旦及在末世时暴露之敌基督的下入地狱。万物将更新 为一个新天新地并且有义居在其中,耶稣之这个再临乃惟一期望之重临。 基督教历史之前千禧年主义的观点 (假教义)

被提 基督「神秘地」出现,而所有信徒皆从地上被提,只留下不信的犹太人与外邦人,已死之不信者仍然埋 在地下, 其他人则被迷惑。圣灵也从地上退去,不信者在此时不会见到耶稣。 大患难 此七年期分成两部份,各为三年半,前半期敌基督的与以色列人立约,恢复耶路撒冷圣殿的崇拜。犹太 籍的「传道人」差不多改变了整个世界。大患难中期,俄罗斯侵占以色列,敌基督的违背与以色列人所 立之约,并进行大破坏。「哈米吉多顿大战」来临,一切有形有体的都会消失- -惟基督(有形有体的)突 然出现,引进千禧年。 千禧年 耶稣统治世界一千年整,地上满有平安,全部以色列国得以恢复,而耶路撒冷是一切的中心。撒旦被释 放(有些人这样说),而且只有在基督最后一次(第三次)再临时,才被战败,此最后再临引进永恒和新天新 地,最后的审判即在此时。

教会年代 8. THE SPIRIT ENABLES US TO BELIEVE 第八课:圣灵使我们相信 1. What did Jesus Christ do ten days after his ascension into heaven? 耶稣基督升天十日后,作了什么? Acts 便徒行传 2:1-4, 32-33 ________________________________________________________________________

2. Who is the Holy Spirit? 圣灵是谁? Acts 使徒行传 5:1-4 Matthew 马太福音 28:19 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does the Holy Spirit do? 圣灵的工作是什么? Acts 使徒行传 2:1-4, 41 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 12:3 ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why can’t we – by ourselves – believe in Jesus Christ? 为什么我们不能靠自己相信耶稣基督? a) Ephesians 以弗所书 2:1 b) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 2:14 c) Romans 罗马书 8:7 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 5. At that moment in which the Holy Spirit creates faith in our hearts, what happens? 由圣灵使我们相信耶稣那一刻开始,有何事发生? a) Ephesians 以弗所书 2:4-5 b) Ephesians 以弗所书 5:8 c) 1 Peter 彼得前书 2:10, 25 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ Note: God, in the Bible, uses various terms to describe the moment in which the Spirit enables us to believe in Jesus: “born again,” “conversion,” “repentance.” 注:圣经中,神使用不同词语,去描述圣灵使我们相信耶稣那一刻;此刻可用以下三个同义 词代表:重生、归正、悔改。 6. After the Holy Sprit enables us to believe in Jesus, what does he continue to do for us? 圣灵使我们相信耶稣之后,继续为我们作什么?

a) John 约翰福音 14:16-17, 26 b) Galatians 加拉太书 5:22-23 c) Romans 罗马书 8:26-27 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 7. What, finally, does the Holy Spirit do for us? 圣灵「直到末后」为我们作了什么? Philippians 腓立比书 1:6 ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The entire work of the Holy Spirit in our lives can be called “sanctification.” 注:圣灵在我们生命中的全部工作,(参:第五,六,七题的内容) 可以称为「成圣」。 8. How do we know if the Holy Spirit is working in our hearts and lives? 我们怎样知道,圣灵在我们心中和生命里工作? Romans 罗马书 7:19-25 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Cf. Martin Luther’s explanation to the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed 马丁路德对使徒信经第三段的解释:

THE THRID ARTICLE (Sanctification) I believe in the Holy Spirit; the Holy Christian Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. What does this mean? I believe that I cannot by my own understanding or effort believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me through the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and kept me in true faith. In the same way,

he calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it united with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. In this Christian church day after day he fully forgives my sins and the sins of all believers. On the last day he will raise me and all the dead and give me and all believers in Christ eternal life. This is most certainly true. 第三段 论成圣 「我信圣灵;一圣基督教会,圣徒一体;罪得赦免;肉身复活;并且永生。阿们。」 这是什么意思? 答:我信我不能由自己的理性或力量信靠我主耶稣基督或亲近祂;乃是圣灵用福音宣召我,用恩赐 照亮我,使我在真信里成圣,而得保存;正如祂宣召聚集世上全基督教会,并光照她使她成圣,保 存她在独一的真信里与耶稣基督联合;在这基督教会圣灵每日多多赦免我和众信徒一切的罪,到末 日叫我和凡死了的人都复活,又赐永生给我和一在基督里的信徒。这是实实在在的。 WORKSHEET 8 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的答案: The Holy Spirit is _____ God. _____ the power of God. 圣灵是 ___ 神。 ___ 神的能力。 God, in the Bible, teaches that _____ the Holy Spirit enables us to believe in Jesus. _____ we must cooperate with the Holy Spirit before we can believe in Jesus. 圣经中,神教导我们 ___ 圣灵使我们相信耶稣。 ___ 我们相信耶稣之前,必须与圣灵合作。 At the moment in which the Holy Spirit gives us faith in Jesus, _____ we give up all our “bad habits.” _____ we become saints in the eyes of God. 圣灵使我们相信耶稣之时, ___ 我们抛弃所有的“坏习惯”。 ___ 我们在上帝的眼中成为圣徒。

After the Holy Spirit gives us faith in Jesus, _____ he leaves us alone to earn eternal life. _____ he helps us live for Jesus Christ. 圣灵使我们相信耶稣之后, ___ 祂留下我们独自赚取永生。 ___ 祂帮助我们为耶稣基督而活。 2. On the basis of Ephesians 2:1-10, explain why we believe that we are “saved by grace alone.” 按照以弗所书 2:1-10;试解释我们「藉恩典得救」的意思。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ READ Romans 8 阅读:罗马书 8 MEMORIZE Ephesians 2:8-10 背诵:以弗所书 2:8-10 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapters 7-8 参考:《圣经要道》第七、八章 9. THE SPIRIT WORKS THROUGH GOD’S WORD 第九课:圣灵藉神的道工作 1. How do we receive all that God – in his grace – does for us? 我们如何领受神在祂的恩典里为我们成就的一切? Ephesians 以弗所书 2:8 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. How can we trust in Jesus Christ and, subsequently, receive all that God – in his grace – does for us? 我们怎样才可信靠耶稣基督,并领受神在恩典为我们成就的一切? 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 12:3 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What means does the Holy Spirit use to give us faith in Jesus and, subsequently, all that God – in his grace – does for us?

圣灵以什么「方法」,使我们能信靠耶稣基督,并领受神在恩典里为我们成就的一切? Romans 罗马书 10:17 i) 2 Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:13-14 ii) 1 Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦前书 2:13 ________________________________________________________________________ i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ Note: In addition to God’s word (the Bible), the Holy Spirit uses the sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper) to create and sustain faith. The word and the sacraments, then, are called “the means of grace,” that is, the means – or method – by which the Spirit enables us to receive the benefits of God’s grace. The sacraments will be studied in lessons 10 and 11. 注:除了神的话语,圣灵使用圣礼 (圣洗礼和圣餐礼) 创造和坚固信心。故此,圣道和圣礼, 又称为「施恩具」;这是一些圣灵使用的方法 (办法),藉此我们可以领受神的恩典。 在第十 课和第十一里,我们会学习圣礼的内容。 4. In addition to history, God’s word – the Bible – also contains doctrines, i.e., teachings. What are the two main teachings of the Bible? 圣经 (神的话语),除了历史外,还包括教义 (教训)。请问圣经有那两大教义? Luke 路加福音 10:25-28 Acts 使徒行传 16:25-31 ________________________________________________________________________ Old Testament New Testament 旧约 新约

5. What is the law? 律法是什么? Exodus 出埃及记 20:3-17 Matthew 马太福音 22:37-40 ________________________________________________________________________ 6. What does the Holy Spirit seek to do through the law? 圣灵藉着律法要作什么? a) Romans 罗马书 3:20 b) Psalm 诗篇 119:104-105 a)______________________________________________________________________

b)______________________________________________________________________ 7. Which people need to hear the law? 谁需要听律法? Luke 路加福音 10:25-29 ________________________________________________________________________ 8. What is the gospel? 福音是什么? John 约翰福音 3:16 Romans 罗马书 1:16 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. What does the Holy Spirit seek to do through the gospel? 圣灵要藉福音作什么? a) John 约翰福音 20:30-31 b) 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 5:14-15 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ 10. Which people need to hear the gospel? 谁需要听福音? Acts 使徒行传 16:25-32 ________________________________________________________________________ 11. In summary, what does the Holy Spirit seek to accomplish through God’s word, both law and gospel? 综合而言,圣灵要藉神的道 (「律法和福音」) 成就什么? 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 3:15-17 ________________________________________________________________________ WORKSHEET 9 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的句子: The “means of grace” are the means – or method – by which _____ we earn forgiveness of sin and eternal life _____ God offers and gives forgiveness of sin and eternal life earned for us by Jesus Christ. 「施恩具」是......的工具 (方法)。 ___ 我们自己赚得赦罪之恩和永生

___ 神将耶稣基督为我们赚得的赦罪之恩和永生赐给我们 The “means of grace” are _____ the gospel in God’s word and the sacraments. _____ prayer and church ceremonies. 「施恩具」是 ___ 在圣道和圣礼中的福音。 ___ 祈祷和教会礼仪。 2. Indicate whether the following Bible passages are law or gospel. 请以( )表明以下经文是律法,还是福音: 1 John 约翰一书 1:7 _____ law 律法 _____ gospel 福音 Matthew 马太福音 5:48 _____ law 律法 _____ gospel 福音 Matthew 马太福音 11:28 _____ law 律法 _____ gospel 福音 1 Timothy 提摩太前书 6:8 _____ law 律法 _____ gospel 福音 Romans 罗马书 6:23 _____ law 律法 _____ gospel 福音 READ Psalm 119 阅读:诗篇 119 MEMORIZE Romans 3:20; 1:16 背诵:罗马书 3:20; 1:16 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapter 10 参考:《圣经要道》第十章 10. THE SPIRIT WORKS THROUGH BAPTISM 第十课:圣灵藉洗礼工作 1. Before his ascension into heaven, what command did Jesus give? 耶稣在升天前,祂给了我们什么命令? Matthew 马太福音 28:19 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. By what means do people become Jesus’ disciples and receive all that God – in grace – does for them? 我们怎样才能成为耶稣的门徒,并领受神在恩典中为我们所成就的事? Matthew 马太福音 28:19-20 ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The Holy Spirit uses God’s word (the Bible) to create and sustain the faith by which people become disciples of Jesus and receive all that God – in grace – does for them. The Spirit also uses baptism to do this.

注:圣灵用神的道 (圣经) 创造和坚固信心,我们藉此信心能成为耶稣的门徒,并领受神在恩典中为 我们所成就的事。圣灵亦用洗礼作同样的事。 3. What is baptism? 洗礼是什么? Matthew 马太福音 3:11 Matthew 马太福音 28:19-20 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The original Greek word for baptize {βαπτίζω} means to apply water in any way (cf. Mark 7: 4). Therefore, the water used in baptism may be applied in any way, e.g., sprinkling, pouring, immersing, etc. However, the water always must be applied as God’s word is spoken. 注:「洗礼」希腊文原是 ,意思是「以水来洗」(参:马可福音 7:4)。因此,洗礼可用任何形 式施水。例如:洒、倒、浸均可。然而,施水时必须同时宣讲神的道。 4. What does the Holy Spirit do through baptism? 圣灵藉洗礼作了什么? a) Acts 使徒行传 2:38 b) Galatians 加拉太书 3:27 i) Acts 使徒行传 22:16 ii) Titus 提多书 3:5 ii) 1 Peter 彼得前书 3:21 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ Note: The Christian church calls baptism a “sacrament.” By a sacrament, the church means a sacred act, instituted by Jesus and using a visible element administered with God’s Word, through which God himself offers and gives what Jesus has earned: forgiveness and life. 注: 基督教会称洗礼为「圣礼」,意思是此「礼」由耶稣亲自设立,用有形的媒介物,与神的道一 同施行。神藉着「圣礼」使人能领耶稣已经获得的赦罪之恩和永生。 5) Who should be baptized? 谁要受洗? Matthew 马太福音 28:19 ________________________________________________________________________ 6) Why are children to be baptized? 为什么孩童 (包括婴儿) 也要受洗?

a) Matthew 马太福音 28:19 b) John 约翰福音 3:5-6 c) Acts 使徒行传 2:38-39 d) Matthew 马太福音 18:6 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________________ d) _____________________________________________________________________ Note: The Christian Church, from the beginning, baptized infants (cf. Acts 16:15, 33; 18:8; and “Didache,” a book written in A.D. 120 which defines the practices of the church in the 1st Century.) 注:基督教会由最初开始便给孩童施洗,请参考:使徒行传 16:15, 33;18:8 及「十二使徒遗 训」,此书于公元一二零年写成,解释第一世纪教会的各种行事方法。 7) According to Jesus, what always must accompany baptism? 按耶稣的命令,洗礼要与什么一同施行? Matthew 马太福音 28:19-20 ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The Christian church generally has observed the following practice: Children – instruction after baptism Adults – instruction before baptism 注: 基督教会从最初开始,一般皆遵守下列方法: 孩童:洗礼之后训示 成人:洗礼之前训示 8. Can a person be saved without baptism? 人没有受洗,可以得救吗? a) Luke 路加福音 23:39-43 a) Mark 马可福音 16:16 b) Acts 使徒行传 8:35-38 b) Luke 路加福音 7:30 a)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. What is the on-going significance of baptism in our lives? 在我们的一生中,洗礼有什么持续的 (终生的) 意义?

a) Galatians 加拉太书 3:26-27 b) Romans 罗马书 6:4 a)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ WORKSHEET 10 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的句子: To baptize means 施洗的意思是... _____ to sprinkle with water. 用水洒。 _____ to immerse in water. 浸在水中。 _____ to apply water. 施水。 Baptism is intended for 洗礼乃为......而设。 _____ adults only. 成人 _____ all people. 所有人 _____ children only. 孩童 Baptism is 洗礼是...... _____ a sign that shows that a person has become a Christian. 表明人成为基督徒的一个标记。 _____ a means by which God creates or sustains faith. 神以创造和坚固信心的方法。 _____ a church ceremony for new members. 为新教友而设的教会仪式。 READ “Babies too” (below) 阅读:「洗礼为万民而设」 MEMORIZE Titus 3:5 背诵:提多书 3:5 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapter 11 参考:《圣经要道》第十一章

Babies Too Question: You’re a Lutheran, aren’t you? Answer: Right. Q: Then you baptize babies, don’t you? A: Right.

Q: But the Bible never says, “Go and baptize babies.” A: Sure it does. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…” (Matthew 28:19). All nations means everybody. All ages, every race, both sexes – everybody. Babies too. Q: But why baptize babies? They’re such innocent looking little things. Until they reach the age of accountability, they don’t need baptism anyway, do they? A: Oh yes they do. Babies are sinners, from the moment they’re alive. Babies are sinners because they’re our babies, and we’re sinners. “Surely I have been a sinner from birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5). The “age of accountability” is a nice, neat, sensible-sounding teaching. The trouble is, it’s not in the Bible. Q: You’re saying babies are sinful? A: Absolutely. “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), right? Babies die, right? Then babies are sinners. Q: But the Bible also says, “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith (Ephesians 2:8). How can babies believe? A: How can anybody believe? Christian faith isn’t an intellectual decision. I can’t choose to believe in Jesus Christ. Oh, it may look as though people do the choosing. But faith is the Holy Spirit’s gift. “No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1Corinthians 12:3). The Holy Spirit can give his gift of faith anywhere he wants to. Jesus talked about “little ones” who believe in him (Matthew 18:6). Q: But baptism looks like such a harmless little ceremony. A: Maybe. But it’s pretty powerful stuff. The Bible connects baptism with forgiveness. “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven” (Acts 2:38). “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by washing with water through the word” (Ephesians 5:25, 26). The Bible connects being baptized with being saved: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved” (Mark 16:16). “[God] saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). It may look like a harmless little ceremony. It may look like plain old water. By itself it is plain old water. But the words are God’s words. That makes all the difference. Q: But if God wanted babies to be baptized, wouldn’t we read about infant baptisms in the Bible? A: We do. “[Lydia] and the members of her household were baptized” (Acts 16:15). The jailer at Philippi “and all his family were baptized” (Acts 16:33). Sometimes individual adults were converted and baptized. We would expect a new faith to make initial

converts among adults. But whenever entire families came to the faith, there were “household baptisms.” Peter said, “The promise is for you and your children.” (Acts 2:39). Q: But it seems so young, doesn’t it? Such little babies? A: Baby boys in Old Testament Israel were circumcised at a young age too – eight days old. The Bible compares baptism with circumcision. “In him you were also circumcised …, having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God” (Colossians 2:11,12). Q: But this is what I don’t understand: If Lutherans believe God wants babies to be baptized, and if babies are sinners and need to be baptized, and if the Holy Spirit uses baptism to give babies faith, and if we receive forgiveness and salvation in baptism, why do so many Lutheran parents wait so long to have their babies baptized? A: Good question. 洗礼为万民而设 问: 你是路德会的信徒吗? 答: 是。 问: 你为婴儿施洗,对吗? 答: 对。 问: 但圣经没有说:「去为婴儿施洗。」 答: 圣经当然说过了。耶稣说:「去,使万民作我的门徒...给他们施洗。」 (太 28:19) 万民表示所 有人,包括不同年龄,不同种族,不同性别的人,婴儿当然也包括在内。 问: 但为什么婴儿要受洗? 他们好像没有犯过罪。到他们自己能够辨别是非的时候,才受洗也不算 迟嘛!你认为对吗? 答: 不对,婴儿是我们的儿女,所以,所以他们也是有罪的。「我是罪孽里生的,在我母亲怀胎的 时候,就有了罪。」 (诗 51:5) 「自己能够辨别是非的时候才受洗」这个想法看来不错;问题却 是,圣经并没有如此说。 问: 你说婴儿也有罪? 答: 当然。「罪的工价乃是死」 (罗 6:23),对吗? 婴儿也会死,对吗? 所以,婴儿也有罪。 问:但圣经亦说:「你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信。」 (弗 2:8) 但婴儿怎能相信呢? 答: 人怎能相信呢? 基督教的信心不是一个理性的抉择。我不可以选择相信耶稣基督。虽然看起来 人似乎作了选择,但信心是圣灵的恩赐;圣经说:「若不是被圣灵感动的,也没有能说耶稣是主 的。」(林前 12:3) 圣灵可以把信心的恩赐,赐给任何人。耶稣也曾谈及相信祂的「小子」。 (太 18:6) 问:但洗礼看来只是一项微不足道的仪式罢了。 答: 或许是吧。但它是大有能力的。圣经把洗礼和饶恕联在一起,说「你们各人要悔改,奉耶稣基 督的名受洗,叫你们的罪得赦。」 (徒 2:38) 又说:「基督爱教会,为教会拾己,要用水藉着道, 把教会洗净。」 (弗 5:25,26) 圣经已把受洗和得救联在一起,说:「信而受洗的,必然得救。」 (可 16:16) 又称:「神救了我们...乃是照顾祂的怜悯藉着重生的洗和圣灵的更新。」 (多 3:5) 看来 似乎只是微不足道的仪式,那些只是普通的水。但当神的道联合时,整件事就不同了。

问: 神若要婴儿受洗,在圣经中,为什麽没有婴儿受洗的例子呢? 答: 有的!「他和他一家既领了洗」 (徒 16:15) 腓立比的狱卒「并属乎他的人,都受了洗。(徒 16:33) 当一个人悔改受洗,我们都会料想这人是一个成年人。但当全家信主后,就有「全家洗 礼」。彼得也说:「这应许是给你们和你们的儿女的。」 (徒 2:39) 问: 但这些婴儿是否年纪太小呢? 答: 旧约时期,以色列的男婴也很小便受割礼 – 出生后第八天。圣经曾以洗礼类比割礼。「你们也 受了不是人手所行的割礼...你们既然受洗与祂一同埋葬,也就在此与祂一同复活,都因信那叫祂从 死里复活神的功能。」(西 2:11,12) 问: 但我不明白的是:路德会的信徒相信神要婴儿受洗,圣灵藉着洗礼赐信心给婴儿,使他们在洗 礼中接受赦罪和救恩。那麽,为何这麽多路德会的父母,迟迟不让他们的婴儿受洗? 答: 这问题,问得好。 11. THE SPIRIT WORKS THROUGH THE LORD’S SUPPER 第十一课:圣灵藉圣餐工作 1. Shortly before he died and rose again, what did Jesus institute? 耶稣在死亡和复活之前,设立了什么? Matthew 马太福音 26: 26-28 ________________________________________________________________________ Note: In English, the Lord’s Supper is sometimes also referred to as “the Eucharist,” “Holy Communion,” or “the Sacrament of the Altar,” though in Chinese it is usually only called 圣餐. 2. What is the Lord’s Supper? 圣餐是什么? Luke 路加福音 22: 14-20 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 11: 23-25 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 10: 16 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Note: It is impossible to explain how Jesus gives His body and blood to us “in, with, and under” the bread and wine. However, on the basis of Jesus’ own word, we believe we drink Jesus’ true body and blood when we eat the bread and drink the wine in the Lord’s Supper. 注: 要解释耶稣如何藉饼和酒,将祂的身体和血给予我们,是不可能的。但是,根据耶稣自 己所说,我们确信在圣餐中,我们领受饼和酒时,是领受了主的身体和血。 BIBLICAL SOME CHRISTIANS ROMAN CATHOLIC 合乎圣经的 有些基督教宗派 天主教

Bread / wine


Body / blood 身体 / 血 Real Presence Representation Transubstantiation 实体临在 代表 变质说 3. What do Jesus and the Holy Spirit do through the Lord’s Supper? 耶稣和圣灵藉着圣餐作什么? a) Luke 路加福音 22:19-20 a) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 11:23-25 b) Matthew 马太福音 9:2 b) Ephesians 以弗所书 4:32 a)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The Christian church also calls the Lord’s Supper a “sacrament” because it, too, is a sacred act, instituted by Jesus and using visible elements administered with God’s word, through which God himself offers and gives us what Jesus has earned: forgiveness and life. 注:基督教会称圣餐为「圣礼」,因为这是耶稣亲自设立的;以有形的媒介物与神的道一同 施行,神藉此将耶稣已为我们获取的 (赦罪之恩和永生) 赐予我们。 4. For which people did Jesus institute the sacrament (the Lord’s Supper)? 耶稣为谁设立圣餐礼? 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 11:23-29 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Note: Before receiving the Lord’s Supper, we examine ourselves to determine a) whether or not we are Christians, i.e., confess sin and trust in Jesus as Savior; b) whether or not we believe that we receive Jesus’ body and blood with the bread and wine. 注:领餐前,我们应该自省: 一) 自己是否基督徒,即:是否认罪并信靠耶稣为救主。 二) 自己是否相信领受饼和酒,也领受耶稣的身体和血。

5. When we receive the Lord’s Supper, to what do we testify? 我们领圣餐表明了什么? a, b) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 11:24-26 c) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 10:17 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 6. Why should we receive the Lord’s Supper often? 为何我们要常领圣餐? a) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 11:23-25 a) Acts 使徒行传 2:42 b) Luke 路加福音 22:19-20 c) 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 11:26 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ WORKSHEET 11 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的句子: In the Lord’s Supper, we receive 圣餐中,我们领受 _____ bread and wine. 饼和酒 _____ the body and blood of Christ. 基督的身体和血。 _____ the body and blood of Christ with the bread and wine. 饼和酒并基督的身体和血。 The Lord’s Supper is 圣餐是 _____ a means by which God forgives our sin and strengthens our faith. 神赦罪和坚固我们信心的工具。 _____ a sacrifice by which we complete payment for our sins. 我们完成赎罪的献祭。 _____ a ceremony by which we remember Christ. 我们纪念耶稣基督的仪式。 2. Indicate whether the statements are true ( + ) or false ( - ). 是非题:是(+),非(-) _____ A person whose faith is weak must not receive the Lord’s Supper. 信心软弱的人不可领圣餐。 _____ A person can receive the Lord’s Supper only in a worship service. 人只可在崇拜时领圣餐。 _____ A person should not receive the Lord’s Supper more than once a month. 人每月不应领圣餐超过一次。

READ: Why Should Christians Receive the Lord’s Supper Often? (below) 阅读:「基督徒为何要常领圣餐?」 MEMORIZE 1 Corinthians 10: 16 背诵:哥林多前书 10:16 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapter 12 参考:《圣经要道》第十二章

Why Should Christians Receive the Lord’s Supper Often? Dr. Martin Luther once said: “If someone receives the Lord’s Supper only four times a year, I am afraid that he despises the Lord’s Supper and is not really a Christian; just as those who refuse to hear the gospel are not considered Christians.” If we judge according to this standard, then there are indeed so many people that we are horrified, because they despise the Lord’s Supper and do not appear to be Christians. From the number of people in the church who receive the Lord’s Supper, we can see the spiritual condition of the church. Those who seldom receive the Lord’s Supper – only once or twice a year – demonstrate that their spiritual condition is very weak. Since the church is concerned about their spiritual welfare, and they are in such an abnormal situation, finally the pastor and all the church members give them a most serious admonition. For example, if someone’s appetite decreases his health will also decline, and his loved ones will be worried about him. In the same way, in regard to the spiritual food and drink that God provides in the Lord’s Supper, if a Christian thinks it is useless and doesn’t go to receive it, then his spiritual condition also will become weak, and this will naturally cause the church members and pastor to show heartfelt concern for him. The Lord’s Supper – the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the bread and wine, given to Christians to eat and to drink – is a sacrament which Christ himself instituted. Every Christian should receive the Lord’s Supper often, for the following reasons: 1. because Jesus invites us. 2. because the Lord’s Supper is a means of grace. 3. because we are always in need of grace. 4. because it proclaims the Lord’s death. 1. …because Jesus invites us. When Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper, he said: “Do this.” Christ never said: “You may give this up,” or, “You may disregard this.” Rather, he said: “Do this.” Indeed, he instituted this sacrament not wanting us to give it up or disregard it. “Do this” – this is his command. However, this command does not come from the law, but it is a gracious gospel invitation. If a Christian refuses the Lord’s invitation, this shows his ingratitude before the Lord. Christ not only says, “Do this,” but also, “…whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” It is clear that the Lord Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper as a sacrament for us to receive frequently. The Christians of the Apostolic Age understood Christ’s invitation well. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, advocated frequent use of the Lord’s Supper. In

his letter to the church at Corinth, he wrote: “Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). The earliest Christian church, the Christians in Jerusalem, “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). The earliest Christians received the Lord’s Supper every day. Even during St. Augustine’s lifetime, A.D. 354-430, some Christians were still receiving the Lord’s Supper every day. Augustine says: “Some Christians receive the Lord’s body and blood every day, others only receive it on several set days. In some places the Lord’s Supper is celebrated every day, in other places it is only celebrated on Saturday and Sunday, and in some places the Lord’s Supper is only celebrated on Sunday.” Basil the Great (329-379) says in his writings: “We celebrate the Lord’s Supper four times every week.” By the fifteenth century, this practice had already come to a stop. The Council of Trent (1545-1563), which condemned the chief teachings of the Reformation, required that the Lord’s Supper must be celebrated at least once every year, on Easter Sunday. This requirement does not at all comply with the Lord’s command or the practice of the early Christian church. If your friend only comes to visit you once a year, can he say that he visits you often? Of course not. If you only receive the Lord’s Supper once a year, can you say you receive the Lord’s Supper often? Absolutely not. 2. …because the Lord’s Supper is a means of grace. Christ suffered and died for us to save us from our sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, and to earn for us eternal salvation. The Lord’s Supper is a means that the Holy Spirit uses to give these blessings to us. It gives us the grace brought about by the merits of Christ, and assures us of the grace we receive. Whoever receives the Lord’s Supper receives the grace of the forgiveness of sins. Just as Psalm 22:26 says: “The poor will eat and be satisfied.” Matthew 11:28 says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Whoever eats this bread and drinks this cup in faith lives in Christ and Christ lives in him, and he receives eternal life. Christ gives his body and blood to each person who receives the Lord’s Supper, in order to strengthen his faith and forgive his sins. He says: “Take and eat, this is my body; take and drink, this is my blood; given for you; shed for you; for the forgiveness of sins.” The promises of this means of grace move us to desire the Lord’s Supper, which brings us so many blessings. 3. …because we are always in need of grace. The Lord’s Supper is a means by which God gives grace to man. We need God’s grace. In God’s eyes we are sinners. God requires us to obey his commandments, but we have disobeyed all of them. God wants our thoughts words and actions to be completely holy, just as God himself is holy (Leviticus 19:2; Matthew 5:48), but our nature is depraved and our hearts are completely corrupted. We commit sin every moment of every day, for which we deserve punishment (Romans 6:23). Without God’s grace we can not be saved. Therefore we need God’s salvation. Through the Lord’s Supper, God gives us this salvation. Shouldn’t we desire and receive this kind of grace? When we receive the Lord’s Supper, we again hear the precious gospel message: “This is my body, given for you,” “This is my blood, shed for you, for the forgiveness of sins.” Therefore we remember that Jesus gave up his life for us on the cross; because of his

death, our sins are forgiven. We receive the Lord’s Supper – the same Lord’s Supper that Jesus himself instituted, as the disciples witnessed with their own eyes – the true body and blood of Christ, given into death for our sins. We believe that Jesus is our Savior and that our sins are forgiven. If a Christian does not really think that he is a sinner, then he will not have a strong desire for his sins to be forgiven. If a Christian clearly realizes his own sinfulness, he will gladly receive the assurance of the forgiveness of sins which Christ gives in the Lord’s Supper. For this reason, the record of communion attendance is a good indicator to testify to a person’s spiritual condition. If a Christian fully understands the Lord’s invitation and promise and his own need, then he will frequently receive the Lord’s Supper. 4. … because it proclaims the Lord’s death. “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24). By receiving the Lord’s Supper we proclaim the Lord’s death, that is, we testify to the fact that Christ suffered and died for the sins of the whole world. In this manner we confess our faith, because we are deeply thankful that our Savior has forgiven our sins, and at the same time we also proclaim the gospel. This should be our common practice. In general, if a Christian does not want to receive the Lord’s Supper, or despises the Lord’s Supper, then he can not be considered a true Christian. Those Christians who infrequently receive the Lord’s Supper should examine their own sin and spiritual need, understand Christ’s invitation, receive the blessings the Lord’s Supper gives them, and take the opportunity to proclaim the Lord’s death. Those Christians who infrequently receive the Lord’s Supper are depriving themselves of great spiritual blessing, forsaking the well-being of their souls. Dear Christian, how often do you receive the Lord’s Supper? Once or twice a year? Or do you frequently receive the Lord’s Supper? Are you aware of your great need and the solution of God’s grace? Do you deprive your soul of spiritual benefit? What you need is the blood of the Savior for the forgiveness of your sins and the purification of your heart. Your faith needs power and courage to overcome your sinful nature, the world, and the devil. Through the Lord’s Supper you receive forgiveness of sins and your faith receives new power. Just think, the Savior Jesus has offered himself as the atoning sacrifice in your place, for the redemption of your sin. How great is his love! In your place, Jesus endured terrible insults; was mocked by men, humiliated, spat upon, and whipped; he wore a crown of thorns, was nailed to the cross, and suffered the most shameful and horrible death. He willingly bore all these things, in order that you may receive the peace of God, the forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. The blessings he earned for you (peace, forgiveness, eternal life), he now gives to you through the Lord’s Supper. Furthermore, he graciously invites you to receive all these blessings through faith. So, you have ample reason and need for the Lord’s Supper, therefore receive it regularly and frequently. Please meditate on the following hymn: I come, O Savior, to your table, / For weak and weary is my soul;

O Jesus, you alone are able / To satisfy and make me whole. Lord, may your body and your blood / Be for my soul the highest good! Weary am I and heavy; / With sin my soul is sore oppressed. Receive me graciously and gladden / My heart, for I am now your guest. Lord, may your body and your blood / Be for my soul the highest good! Unworthy though I am, O Savior, / Because I have a sinful heart, Yet you your lamb will banish never, / Nor will your faithfulness depart. Lord, may your body and your blood / Be for my soul the highest good!

基督徒为何要常领圣餐? 有一次,马丁路德博士说:「谁若在一年内只领四次圣餐,恐怕是他轻视圣餐,就不是一个基督徒 了;正如那些不听福音的人,也不算是基督徒一样。」 我们若根据这个标准来观察,那末就有不少的人足以令我们惊骇,因为他们轻视圣餐,不像是基督 徒。从教会中参考加圣餐的人数升降,可以看出教会属灵生活的光景如何。 那些很少领受圣餐的人,每年只领一次或两次,这证明他们的灵性低落。教会为他们属灵的益处着 想,他们这种不正常的情况,实足以令牧师和全体教友向他们出严重的警告。比方说,若是某人的 食慾减退,他的健康也随之衰退,他的亲友必替他耽心。照样,基督徒对于上帝供给的属灵饮食圣 餐,若感到乏味,不去领受,那他的灵性也必衰弱,自然会引起教友和牧师对他的深切关怀。 圣餐是我主耶稣基督的真身体和宝血,藉着饼和酒,赐给基督徒吃喝,是基督亲自设立的圣礼。 每位基督徒都该常领圣餐,理由是: 一、因为基督邀请我们 二、因为圣餐是施恩的工具 三、因为我们经常需要恩典 四、因为这是宣扬主的死 一、因为基督邀请我们 基督在设立圣餐的时候说:「要如此行」。基督未曾说,「这事可以放弃」。或说,「这事可以藐 视」。乃是说,「要如此行」。祂实在施行这事,决不要我们放弃或藐视。「要如此行」,这是祂 的吩咐。 然而这项吩咐不是属于律法的命令,乃是一项施恩的福音邀请。但基督徒拒绝主的邀请,即是表示 他自己在主面前是个忘恩负义的人。 基督不但说:「要如此行」而且还说过:「你们每逢喝的时候,要记念我。」可见主耶稣设立圣餐 为一种屡次领受的圣礼。使徒时代的基督徒很了解基督的邀请。外邦的使徒保罗主张经常使用圣 餐,他写信给哥林多教会说:「你们每逢吃这饼,喝这杯,是表明主的死,直等到祂来。」(林前十 一章廿六节)。初期教会,那些在耶路撒冷的基督徒,「他们会恒心遵守使徒的教训,彼此交接、擘 饼、祈祷。」 (使徒行传二章四十二节)。 早期的基督徒每日都领受圣餐。甚至在主后三五四至四三零年间,奥古斯丁的时代,有些基督徒仍 然每日领受圣餐。奥古斯丁说:「有些基督徒每日领受主的身体和宝血,有些则只在规定的几个日 子里领受。有些地方每天都举行圣餐,另一些地方只礼拜六和礼拜日才举行,也有些地方只在礼拜 日才举行圣餐。」大巴色耳 (三二九至三七九)的记载说:「我们每周举行四次圣餐。」 这种惯例到了十五世纪已经停止。天特会议 (一五四五至一五六三),咒诅改革教会的主要教义,并 规定每年至少在复活节主日要举行一次圣餐。这规定并不是遵守主的吩咐和早期教会的惯例。若你 的朋友每年只来探访你一次,他能说他时常探访你吗? 自然不能说。若你每年只领一次圣餐,你能说 你常领圣餐吗? 绝对不能这样说。 二、因为圣餐是施恩的工具

基督替我们受苦而死,救我们脱离罪恶、死亡、和魔鬼的权势,又为我们赚得永远的救恩。圣餐是 圣灵用以将这些福气赐给我们的工具。它把基督的功劳所造成的恩典赐给我们,并且作为我们蒙恩 的印记。谁来领受圣餐,谁就领受赦罪的恩典。正如诗篇廿二篇廿六节所说,「谦卑的人必吃得饱 足。」马太福音十一章廿八节说到:「凡劳苦担重担的人,他们的心灵将可获得安息。」无论任何 人吃这饼喝这杯,对基督有信心,他就住在基督里面,基督也住在他里面,并且他享有永生。基督 把他的身体和血赐给每一位受餐者,为要加强他的信心,赦免他的罪恶。祂说:「拿着吃,这是我 的身体,拿着喝,这是我的血,是为你们舍的,为你们流出来的,使罪得赦。」这种施恩的应许岂 不鼓励我们常常寻求那为我们带来诸般福气的圣餐么? 三、因为我们经常需要恩典 圣餐是上帝施恩给人的工具,我们需要上帝的恩典。在上帝看来,我们是罪人。上帝要求我们遵守 十诫,我们却都违背了。上帝要我们的思想、言语、行为圣洁而完全,正如上帝自己是圣洁的一 样,(利未记十九章二节,马太福音五章四十八节),但我们生性败坏,心中充满污秽。我们每天、每 时都在犯罪,只配受刑罚。(罗马书六章廿三节)。若没有上帝的恩典,我们就不能得救。所以我们但 唯独需要上帝的救恩。上帝藉圣餐将这救恩赐给我们。我们岂不应当寻求并且领这样的恩典么? 在领 受圣餐的时候,我们再一次聆听宝贵的福音话语:「我的身体是为你们舍的」,「我的血是为你们 流出来的,使罪得赦。」因此我们纪念耶稣在十字架上的舍己;因祂的死,使世人的罪获得赦免。 我们领受圣餐,就是领受当日那位亲自设立圣餐,为门徒亲眼看见以及又为我们的罪而死的基督之 真身体和宝血,也即是领受基督的真生命。我们信靠耶稣是我们的救主,罪就获得赦免。 若然一个基督徒不深深觉得他自己是个罪人,就不会十分渴望他的罪获得赦免。若然一个基督徒较 为明白他自己的罪,就必乐意接受基督在圣餐里给予他罪得赦免的保证。因为这个缘故,参加圣餐 的记录,就成了测验属灵生活的良好指示器。基督徒若充分领悟主的邀请和应许,以及他自己的需 要,就必常常领受圣餐。 四、因为这是宣扬主的死 「你们每逢吃这饼,喝这杯,是表明主的死,直等到祂来。」(哥林多前书十一章廿六节)。基督说: 「你们应当如此行,为的是记念我。」(林前十一章廿四节)。我们藉领受圣餐来宣扬主的死;即是我 们见证基督为世人的罪受苦而死的事实。我们用这方式来承认我们的信仰,为罪得赦免而深深感谢 我们的救主,同时也是传扬福音。这该是我们常常实行的事。 总之,基督徒若不愿领受圣餐,或藐视圣餐,那他就不算是真正的基督徒了。那些不常领圣餐的基 督徒,应该察看他们自己的罪和灵性上的需要,并要学习明白基督的邀请,接纳圣餐带给他们的福 气,以及把握机会宣扬主的死。那些不常领圣餐的基督徒是自己剥夺自己最大的属灵福气,放弃他 们灵魂的幸福。 亲爱的基督徒阿,你多久才领一次圣餐呢?是一年领一次或两次呢?抑或是经常领受圣餐呢? 你有没 有注意你的最大需要和上帝恩惠的帮助? 你有没有剥夺你灵魂的属灵益处? 你正需要救主的血使你的 罪获得赦免,内心得清洁。你的信心需要力量和勇气去克服你的肉体、世界、和魔鬼。藉着圣餐你 接受赦罪,你的信心得着新的力量。 试想一下,救主为赎你的罪,把自己当作赎罪的祭物替你献上,祂的爱是何等的伟大!祂为了爱 你,身体和心灵都替你忍受了那些可怕的羞辱,被人戏弄、凌辱、唾弃、受鞭打、戴荆棘冠冕、被 钉于十字架、受最羞耻而恐怖的死刑。祂甘愿忍受这一切,为要使你获得上帝所赐的平安、罪得赦 免、和永生。祂替你取得的福气 (平安、赦罪、永生),现在藉着圣餐赐给你。而且温柔地邀请你来 凭信心领受,以享有这一切的福气。所以你有充分的理由,需要领受主的晚餐,而且有规律的常常 领受。 请默想以下的圣诗: 一、 我来恭领救主圣晚餐,因我心灵饥渴不湛,惟生命粮乃我所盼望,求主赐我,使蒙恩养。恳求 主使圣体、宝血,作我灵性最上产业!

二、 我今前来赴属天恩筵,恭敬跪拜,不敢望天,求主我能为主嘉宾,洁除思虑,得见主面。恳求 主使圣体、宝血、作我灵性最上产业! 三、我原不配领受主晚餐,因负重罪,污秽不堪,但属主羊主必不丢弃,主乃牧人,最为良善。恳 求主使圣体、宝血,作我灵性上产业! 12. THE SPIRIT WORKS THROUGH THE CHURCH 第十二课:圣灵藉教会工作 1. After Jesus had sent the Holy Spirit into the world, what did the Spirit do? 耶稣差派圣灵来到世上之后,圣灵作了什么? Acts 使徒行传 2:1, 4, 41 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the “church?” 「教会」是什么? 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 1:1-2 ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The writers of the Bible, in speaking of the “church” (i.e., the people who trust in Jesus as Savior), use a variety of names: kingdom of God, people of God, body of Christ, Israel, Jerusalem, Zion, etc. 注:圣经的作者,述及「教会」 (即:信靠耶稣为救主的人)时,用了不同的名称:神的国, 神的子民,基督的身体,以色列,耶路撒冷,锡安,等。 3. What are the characteristics of the “church”? 「教会」的特徵是什么? a) Romans 罗马书 12:5 b) Romans 罗马书 8:9 c) Luke 路加福音 17:20-21 c) 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 2:19 d) Ephesians 以弗所书 5:25-27 e) Isaiah 以赛亚书 55:10-11 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________ e)______________________________________________________________________ Note: In the creeds of Christianity, the “church” is defined as the “holy Christian church, the communion of saints.” 注:在基督教的信经里,「教会」的定义是「一圣基督教会,圣徒一体」。

4. What are local congregations? 堂会是什么? Acts 使徒行传 15:41 Acts 使徒行传 2:42 ________________________________________________________________________ 5. How are local congregations different from the “holy Christian church?” 堂会与教会 (一圣基督教会) 有何不同? a) Acts 使徒行传 15:41 b) Matthew 马太福音 13:24-30 c) Revelation 启示录 2:12, 14-15 c) Revelation 启示录 3:7-8 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the function of a local congregation? 堂会的功能或目的是什么? a) Acts 使徒行传 2:42 b) Hebrews 希伯来书 10:24-25 c) Acts 使徒行传 8:1-4 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the function of the leaders in a local congregation? 堂会领袖的功能是什么? a) Ephesians 以弗所书 4:10-11 b) 1 Peter 彼得前书 4:11 i, ii) Ephesians 以弗所书 4:11-13 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ i)________________________________________________________________ ii)________________________________________________________________ 8. What is our responsibility as members in a local congregation? 作为堂会的弟兄姊妹,我们有什么责任? John 约翰福音 8:31 ________________________________________________________________________

WORKSHEET 12 习作纸 1. Check the correct statement. ( )最正确的句子: The “holy Christian church” is 「一圣基督教会」是 _____ the sum total of believers in Jesus the Savior. 所有信耶稣为救主的人的称呼。 _____ the sum total of all church members in the world. 所有世上的教会教友的称呼。 Members of the “holy Christian church” are called “saints” because 「一圣基督教会」的会员是圣徒,因为 _____ they are better than those who don’t belong to the church. 他们比较不属教会的人好。 _____ their sins have been forgiven by Jesus Christ. 他们的罪被耶稣赦免了。 2. Indicate whether the statements are true ( + ) or false ( - ). 是非题:(+)是;(-)非 _____ All people who belong to a local congregation are Christians. 所有属于堂会的人,都是基督徒。 _____ All local congregations teach all the doctrines of the Bible. 所有堂会皆教导圣经的所有真理。 3. Read Matthew 16:18 to answer the question. 阅读马太福音 16:18,并回答下列问题: The future of the world seems to be very uncertain. In this uncertain world, what is the future of the church? 世界的将来似乎并不稳定。那么,教会 (一圣基督教会) 的将来又会如何? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ READ Ephesians 4; “Brief History of the Christian Church” (below) 阅读:以弗所书第四章,及「基督教会简史」 MEMORIZE Romans 12:5 背诵:罗马书 12:5 CONSULT Basic Doctrines of the Bible, chapters 13-15 参考:《圣经要道》第十三 - 十五章 BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH A.D. 33 – 100: THE FOUNDING OF THE CHURCH 10 days after Jesus ascended to heaven, he sends the Holy Spirit into the world. On that day (Pentecost), Jesus’ disciples begin to preach, starting in Jerusalem. Many people in Israel and the surrounding regions believe. When the local governments persecute these “Christians,” they flee to other countries, preaching the gospel wherever they go. At the same time, God enlists a man named Paul to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. As a result, the church grows rapidly. By the end of the 1st century, Christianity has spread through southern Europe and northern Africa, as well

as to India in the east and to Spain in the west. A.D. 100 – 500: THE ANCIENT CHURCH As the Christian church continues to expand, she faces two problems: persecution from without and heresy from within. The government of the Roman Empire increases its persecution of Christians. Countless people suffer and die for the sake of their Savior, Jesus Christ. However, when the Roman emperor Constantine becomes a Christian in A.D. 313, the persecution ceases. The church also must face heresy from within. Some people begin to deny basic teachings of the Bible: the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and original sin. Several outstanding theologians, such as Athanasius and Augustine, defend the teachings of the Bible. At the same time, the church also formulates creeds (e.g., Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed) to state the truths of the Bible. In spite of difficulties, the Christian church continues to grow. By the end of the 6th century, Christianity has spread throughout all of Europe, to Russia in the east as well as to central Africa in the south. A.D. 500 – 1500: THE MEDIEVAL CHURCH As the Christian church continues to grow, conflicts arise. There are conflicts between the church and the state. At some times, the state tries to control the church. At other times, the church tries to control the state. There is a conflict between the church in the East (Eastern Orthodox church) and the church in the West (Roman Catholic church). Basically, this conflict is a “power struggle.” However, differences in language and culture – as well as differences in doctrine – contribute to this conflict. There is also a conflict between Christianity itself and Islam. As Islam spreads throughout the Middle East, it threatens Christianity. To stop the spread of Islam, the church conducts several “crusades.” These “crusades,” though, only increase enmity among Christians in the East, Christians in the West, Jews, and Muslims. During this period of conflict, the Christian Church also departs from the Bible in both its teaching and practice. As a result, a reformation of the church is needed. In spite of the conflicts, however, the Christian church continues to expand. By the end of the 15th century, Christianity has spread throughout all of Europe as well as most of Africa and Asia. A.D. 1500 – 1600: THE REFORMATION As the Christian church continues to depart from the Bible in both its teaching and practice, the need for reformation becomes more acute.

Early attempts at reformation fail. Early reformers – such as Jan Hus and Savonarola – are executed by the church in the West. Within 100 years of their deaths, however, the reformation succeeds under a man named Martin Luther. Martin Luther, a German, becomes a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. As he studies the Bible, he discovers that the church’s teachings are different than the teachings of the Bible. On 31 October 1517, he publishes 95 theses urging the church to return to the teachings of the Bible. In the years following, Luther emphasizes 3 principles: sola gratia (grace alone), sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), sola fide (faith alone), i.e., man is saved only by God’s grace which is revealed only in Scripture and which is received only by faith. Luther only wants to reform the Roman Catholic Church. However, when he is excommunicated, he and his followers form a new church, today called the “Lutheran church.” The Reformation, begun by Luther, spreads throughout Europe. John Calvin, a Frenchman, also seeks to reform the church in his land. In his teaching, Calvin emphasizes God’s sovereignty rather than God’s grace. When he is forced to flee France, he goes to Switzerland. There, he and his followers establish another new church, today called the “Reformed church.” By the middle of the 17th century, the church in the West is divided into 3 sections: the Roman Catholic church, the Lutheran church, and the Reformed church. Each of these 3 churches defines its own doctrinal position. (The doctrinal position of the Lutheran church is explained in the “Book of Concord.”) As a result of the doctrinal differences, the 3 churches become bitter enemies. At times, they even engage in wars with one another. To escape these conflicts, Christians often flee to the newly discovered lands in North and South America. Wherever they settle, they establish churches. As a result, Christianity continues to spread. A.D. 1650 – 2000: THE MODERN CHURCH After the reformation, three successive movements or ideologies surface within the Christian church: pietism, rationalism, and ecumenism. From 1650 to 1850, pietism affects the church. Pietism is a reaction to the emphasis on systematic doctrine during the reformation. In pietism, personal meditation and the Christian life are emphasized. In the end, pietism becomes very subjective: proponents base their teaching and practice on individual feelings rather than on the objective principles of the Bible. From 1850 to the present, rationalism affects the church. Rationalism is a reaction to the emphasis on human emotion in pietism. In rationalism, the search for absolute truth is emphasized. In the end, rationalism also becomes very subjective: proponents determine truth on basis of human reason rather than on the divine revelation in the Bible. Since 1900, ecumenism also affects the church. Ecumenism is a reaction to the divisions within the Christian church. After 1650, many new denominations are formed: some because of doctrinal differences, others because of cultural difference. In ecumenism, a unified church is emphasized. In the end, outward union becomes more

important than internal, spiritual unity. In spite of problems, the Christian church continues to expand. Many different denominations proclaim the Christian gospel in many different countries. By the end of the 20th century, Christianity has spread to every continent on earth. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH After the reformation, the Lutheran church was established in Europe. From Europe, Lutherans spread the Christian gospel to North America (1650), then to Asia (1700), then to Africa (1850), then to Australia (1850), and finally to South America (1900). Lutheran churches from both Europe and North America planted congregations in China, first on the mainland and then in Hong Kong.

基督教会简史 公元 33 至 100 年:建立教会 耶稣升天十日之后,祂差派圣灵来到世界。在五旬节那一天,耶稣的门徒,开始在耶路撒冷传道。 许多以色列和邻近地区的人都信了。当地政府迫害这些「基督徒」,于是他们逃到其他地方去;无 论他们去到那里,他们都传扬福音。 同时,神特选一个叫保罗的人,向外邦人传福音。结果,教会 增长得极快。第一世纪末,基督教已传遍欧洲南部和北非;亦传到东方的印度和西方的西班牙。 公元 100 至 500:早期教会 基督教会在扩张的同时,遇到两大难题:外来的迫害和教会内部产生的异端。 罗马帝国不断迫害基督徒,很多信徒为救主 – 耶稣基督 – 的缘故受苦和失去性命。但是,当罗马帝 皇君士坦丁于公元三一三年成为基督徒之后,逼迫才停止。 教会另方面,要面对异端邪说的问题。有些人开始否定圣经的基本教导:三位一体,耶稣的神性和 原罪。数位杰出的哲学家,如:亚他那修和奥古丁,为圣经的教训辩护。同一时间,教会写成一些 信经 (例如:使徒信经,尼西亚信经),阐明圣经的真理。 纵使困难重重,基督教会仍继续增长。公元第六世纪末,基督教已传遍整个欧洲、东方的苏联,以 及南方的中非。 公元 500 至 1500 年:中世 纪 教会 基督教会继续增长,纷争亦发生了。 教会与国家之间的纷争。有时,国家想控制教会;有时教会又想控制国家。 东方教会 (东正教会) 与西方教会 (罗马天主教会) 之间的纷争。基本上,这是一场「权力斗争」;但 是不同的语言文化 – 以及教义上的分歧 – 亦导致纷争。 基督教与回教之间的纷争。回教广布中东地区,威胁基督教。为了阻止回教的传播,教会组织了几 队「十字军」。这些「十字军」反而加深了东西方基督徒、犹太教徒和回教徒之间的仇恨。 在这段纷争的时间内,基督教会亦在圣经的教训和实践上起了分岐。于是需要改革教会。

虽然有纷争,基督教会仍继续增长。公元十五世纪末,基督教已传遍整个欧洲,以及非洲、亚洲大 部份地区。 公元 1500 至 1650 年:改革教会 基督教会在圣经的教义和实践上的分歧愈来愈大,改革教会的需要变得更为逼切。 有些人尝试改革教会,但这些早期的改革者失败了,并且被西方的教会杀头,其中包括胡司和萨沃 那柔拉。他们死后不到一百年,一个叫马丁路德的人改革成功。 马丁路德是德国人,成为一位天主教神父。研究圣经的时候,他发现教会的教训与圣经的教训有很 大距离。于一五一七年十月三十一日,他发表「九十五条」,希望促使教会回到圣经的教训中。接 着数年内,路德强调三点原则:sola gratia (唯靠恩典),sola scriptura (唯靠圣经),及 sola fide (唯靠信心);意思是,人得救是以信心领受神在圣经内启示的恩典。路德的目的,只是改革天主教 会,但是他被逐出教会。于是,他和跟随者组织新的教会,今天称为「路德宗 / 信义宗教会」。 始于路德的改革运动,仲延了整个欧洲。法国人加尔文亦在本国发起教会改革。在他的教导中,加 尔文强调神的主权,而非神的恩典。后来他被逼离开法国,逃往瑞士。在那里与跟随者,建立另一 个新教会,今天称为「改革宗教会」。 十七世纪中叶,西方教会一分为三:天主教,路德宗 / 信义宗,以及改革宗。各一个教会均申明其 教义立场。路德宗 / 信义宗的教义立场详列于「协同书」内。教义方面的分别,令这三个教会互相 为敌。更时而为此,卷入战争的漩涡。 为了避免纷争,很多基督徒逃往南美洲,这些新大陆。他们每到一个地方,在那里建立教会。结 果,基督教得以继续传广。 公元 1650 至 2000 年: 现 代教会 教会改革以后,基督教会内接连出现三个运动 (意识形态) :敬虔主义、理性主义、普世教会主义。 由 1650 至 1850 年,敬虔主义影响教会。敬虔主义是对教会改革时强调系统教义的一种反应。敬虔 主义强调个人默想以及基督徒的生活。后来,敬虔主义变成非常主观:提倡者以自己的教训和实践 个人感受为基础,而非以圣经客观的原则为基础。 由 1850 直至现今,理性主义影响教会。理性主义是对敬虔主义过份强调人的感受的一种反应。理 性主义强调要寻找绝对的真理。后来,理性主义亦变得非常主观:提倡者以人类的认知能力作为断 定真理的基础,而不是用圣经神圣的启示作为真理的基础。 由 1990 年开始,普世教会主义亦影响教会。普世教会主义是对基督教会内纷争的一种反应。1650 年之后,很多新宗派成立:有些是由于着教义上的分岐,有些则因为文化上的不同。普世教会主 义,主张统一教会。后来,外在的联合变得比内在、属灵的合一更重要。 纵使有以上这些问题,基督教会仍得以传广。不同的宗派在不同的国家传讲基督的福音。是而,20 世纪末,基督教已广传世上每一个大陆。 路德宗 / 信义宗教会简史 教会改革以后,路德宗 / 信义宗在欧洲成立教会。路德宗 / 信义宗教会,把基督的福音由欧洲,传 到北美洲 (1650),亚洲 (1700),非洲 (1850),澳洲 (1850),最后传到南美洲 (1900)。位于欧 洲和北美洲的路德宗 / 信义宗教会,在中国培植教会,首先是中国大陆,然后是香港。 CONCLUSION 结论

1. Through our study of the Bible, we have had the opportunity to “know God” – who he is and what he does. How shall we respond? 藉着研习圣经,我们有机会「认识神」,知道祂是谁,以及祂作了什么。我们有什么回应呢? 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 13:5 ________________________________________________________________________ 2. If we believe in God, what shall we do? 若我们相信神,应该怎样做? a) Acts 使徒行传 8:35-38 b) Acts 使徒行传 2:38-39, 41-42 c) 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 5:15 a)______________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________ c)______________________________________________________________________ Through this course, “To Know Him,” we have had the opportunity to know what God does for us. Another course, “To Live for Him,” helps us to understand how we can live for God. 藉着「认识祂」这个课程,我们有机会认识神为我们所成就的事。另一个课程:「为祂而活」,帮 助我们了解我们可以为神作些什么。

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

TO LIVE FOR HIM (THE CHRISTIAN LIFE) 为祂而活 (基督徒生活) – 基督徒学习神的话语 - 基督徒与神交谈 - 基督徒明白神的旨意 (一) - 基督徒明白神的旨意 (二) - 基督徒明白神的旨意 (三) - 基督徒明白神的旨意 (四) - 基督徒明白神的旨意 (五) - 基督徒敬拜神 – 基督徒爱人 – 基督徒作神的祭司 - 基督徒运用属灵恩赐 - 基督徒为神作见证 The The The The The The The

Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian

studies God’s word talks with God knows God’s will (1) knows God’s will (2) knows God’s will (3) knows God’s will (4) knows God’s will (5)

8. The Christian worships God 9. The Christian loves people 10. The Christian serves as God’s priest 11. The Christian uses his/her spiritual gifts 12. The Christian witnesses for God

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