Tled 408 Comprehension Assignment Complete

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,185
  • Pages: 5
TLED 408: Comprehension Activity Assignment For this assignment you will develop a comprehension activity to be used with one or more of your chosen texts in your unit plan. To complete this assignment you will need to have an idea of the grade level, discipline, and both the content and literacy standards that will be addressed. Using your knowledge of comprehension activities and their impact on student comprehension, fully develop a lesson that uses a questioning strategy as well as a graphic organizer or reading guide activity. This activity should help students to build their comprehension through questioning and interacting with the text. Grade Level, Content Area, and Theme: Grade 2, Science, Solar System Standards/Learning Objectives: ▪

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English Standard 2.12: The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.  a) Generate ideas before writing.  b) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.  c) Revise writing for clarity. English Standard 2.13: The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling English Standard 2.14: The student will use available technology for reading and writing. Science Standard 4.7: The student will investigate and understand the organization of the solar system. Key concepts include  a) the planets in the solar system;  b) the order of the planets in the solar system; and  c) the relative sizes of the planets.

Overall Description: The comprehension strategy that will be used is a Description Web for each planet. Each web will have 3 fact lines. The worksheet will have question prompts to give students an idea on what information is considered factual. The students do not need to find 3 facts for each planet if they feel like they cannot find any more, however, they are to try to find up to 3. Rationale: Description webs give detailed descriptions of topics. This comprehension strategy will be the most beneficial as science is very factual and a web will support the organization of facts. This activity gathers all the facts of a topic together so students can easily read the information. Organizing information in a systematic, graphic way, helps students remember what they read. Materials: The materials used for this assignment will be writing utensils, a blank piece of paper, and the web worksheet attached below: • • •

writing utensils (preferably pencil) loose-leaf paper one web worksheet

Instructional Steps: 1. Following the K-W-L, TTW pass one web worksheet and one piece of loose-leaf paper to each student and ask the students to take out one writing utensil. 2. TTW tell the students not to write on the loose-leaf paper yet. 3. TTW ask the students to label the center of each web with the names of the planets, explaining that only one planet should be in each bubble. 4. TTW explain to the students that they are going to re-read their book (as they should have already read it for the LEARNED part of their K-W-L), only this time, they need to try to find 3 facts about each planet and write them on the lines. 5. As the students are finding information, TTW put a bigger version of one web on the board. 6. When everyone has finished, or feels like they cannot find any more information, TTW ask the students to set their worksheets aside and no longer write on them. 7. TTW choose one planet and write it in the center of the web on the board. 8. TTW call on students to state ONE fact about that planet and write it on the board. 9. When all 3 lines are filled for that planet, TTW have the students write those facts, along with what planet it is, on their blank loose-leaf paper. 10. TTW then erase the planet and facts and write a new planet in the center. 11. TTW repeat steps 9-12 until all planets have been discussed and all students have the same facts about each planet. 12. TTW then have the students write, on the back of their web worksheet under the webs, one thing that they learned from the class discussion, or one fact they didn’t have in their web that we had in our class webs and collect their web worksheet. Differentiation: Because this activity is primarily written, the students will also be given the option to draw something to represent their facts. Students who have limited mobility, or cannot write or draw, may participate in the class group discussion. The teacher or assistant/aid will be able to write what the child is saying so s/he can have a written form as well. When it comes time to write something that they have learned, the students can either draw or write it and those who cannot do either will have time to discuss with the teacher what they have learned. Assessment Plan: Throughout the activity, I will be walking around the class and observing the students, watching how they work independently, determining whether they are able to find the given information in the text. After everyone has finished, I will assess their knowledge and comprehension through class discussion. After the activity, I will have the students write one thing that they learned from the class discussion, or one fact they didn’t have in their web that we had in one of our class webs. This will help me determine which students comprehended both the text and what was being asked to find, and which students have a hard time navigating the text.

Description Webs: Planets Possible Questions: 1. Size? 4. Color? 2. Atmosphere? 5. Gasses? 3. Temperature? 6. Distance from sun?

Name: __________________ Date: ___________________

Something You Learned:

Comprehension Activity Assignment Rubric Points Possible Grade Level, Content Area, Theme, and Standards

The student specifies the grade level, content area, and theme the unit will cover. The precise learning objectives that will be addressed by the unit are identified for both literacy and the discipline.


The student clearly identifies the comprehension activity and provides a brief description of how they will be used in the unit. The student provides a clear rationale as to why this comprehension strategy is appropriate for the unit. There are clear connections made between the strategies chosen and the comprehension benefits for the students. The student provides a clear description of the materials used in this activity. The student creates all of the materials needed for the students to successfully complete the activity. The student outlines all of the instructional steps for the comprehension activity. There is a clear beginning, middle and end to the activity. The student clearly explains how and why the teacher will differentiate during the comprehension activity. The student clearly explains how the teacher will assess comprehension throughout the activity. The specific types of assessments are clearly identified, and a clear rationale for the types of assessments chosen is provided. The assignment is presented using the bold headings provided. There are no formatting or spelling errors. It is written in 12pt black font.



Instructional Steps Differentiation Assessment Plan


Total Points






1 .5




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