Timp Parent Packet

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,078
  • Pages: 4
Dear Student and Parents, We are very pleased with the talent and abilities that your student has shown and are excited to have them as part of the winter 2009 Timpanogos Color Guard. This year’s team shows a lot of promise and with your support your child will be able to have a very successful year. The goal of this Color Guard is to provide an opportunity for students to develop skills in performance, equipment, and movement. It is also a chance for students to develop team unity and school and personal pride. Hopefully this packet will answer any questions you have regarding rehearsal schedule, fees, fundraisers, and expectations of your student. Please fill out and sign the appropriate forms enclosed and send them back with your student to the next rehearsal. If you have any questions at any time, feel free to call. We are excited about this year’s team and look forward to getting to know you and your student.


Elizabeth Spencer 801.863.8593 or 801.318.9864 [email protected]

Timpanogos High School 1450 North 200 East Orem, Utah 84057

PHONE: 801.223.3120 FAX: 801.223.3134 E-MAIL: [email protected]

Expectations: •

Each member of Timpanogos Dance Guard is expected to act with respect and dedication to the program and team members. Students that continually show a poor attitude during rehearsal, show disrespect to any member of the team, or display inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave rehearsal and may be benched from the next competition.

Each member is expected to maintain a good status at school, including maintaining at least a 2.0 GPA with no F’s. Periodic checks will be made on the student’s grades, if they fall below a 2.0 or have any F’s at one of these checks, the student may be benched from competitions until the grades are raised.

Each member is expected to attend all rehearsals and competitions as well as be on time, which means ready to start at the designated time. All members must participate with good sportsmanship at all competitions and participate in rehearsal with a positive attitude. Rehearsal time is meant for practicing the routines of the Color Guard, all other school work and outside circumstances must be handled before or after rehearsal.

Practice outside of rehearsal is encouraged to ensure the success of the team. Difficult routines and moves may be taught, in which the members are expected to do their best and rise to meet the challenge to the best of their ability. A parents Signature is required to verify outside rehearsal time.

Each member is expected to wear tennis shoes or dance shoes (NO FLIP FLOPS OR SANDALS), shirts that you are able to move in and cover the shoulders and midriff when dancing or spinning, and pants or capris that also allow for all types of movement (NO JEANS, dance pants are encouraged). If proper clothing is not worn the student will be asked to change or leave rehearsal.

Since we are a competitive program we will be having pass offs to ensure that all students are on the same level. (Just like a test in Math or Science) If a student cannot properly pass off the required work within two attempts they will be benched from the next performance. Again we are a competitive program and in order to become the best we must be the best.

Fees and Fundraisers The fees for the Winter Guard season will be a total of $280 which will cover the costs of all competition fees, uniforms, and use of equipment. Fees can be paid all at once or over time. - The first payment of $150 is due by the end of November. - The final payment of $130 is due before Christmas break. Fees must be paid by these dates. A $20 late fee will be assessed for each week that the participant’s fees are late. Students who are no longer a part of the team at any point in the season cannot be given refunds for any fees already paid and will be held responsible for fees already owed to the team at that time.

Parent Support/Volunteering Opportunities In order to have a successful team we need a great deal of parent support. We cannot do this without you, the parents. So what are some ways you can help the team? 1. Coming and being a helping hand at the competition (you get in free). 2. Providing a healthy snack for the kids at the competition (if you come you get in free) 3. Carpooling to the competitions (Orem and American Fork) 4. Volunteering for the State Championships Competition. i. As mandated in the UWGA bylaws all winter guard groups, in the state of Utah, have to provide two (2) volunteers, one for prelims and one for finals, for state championships. Championships will be held at Riverton High School on March 28th, 2009. If you are interested in volunteering please be aware you will be gone all day.

Member Agreement I, ________________________________, have read and understand the information in this packet and am willing to abide by these guidelines. I also agree to attend all rehearsals and competitions unless extreme circumstances arise, in which I will notify the instructor in advance. I also agree to pay or fundraise the fees by the deadlines which will be given and understand that I will not be permitted to perform unless these fees are paid. Finally, I agree to uphold the expectations outlined and be a positive member of the Color Guard. Member Signature ______________________________ Date__________________

Volunteer Sign-Up Parents are an important asset to the team and we would love to have as much parent participation as possible. If you are interested in helping out please indicate it below. Parent’s Name:____________________________________ Phone:_________________________ I can help with…


Coming and being a helping hand Providing a Healthy snack for the Kids Carpooling to competitions (Orem and American Fork) Volunteering for Championships

Other: ________________________________

Parent Agreement As parent or guardian of _______________________________, I have also read and understand the information in this packet and am willing to support my child in this activity. I understand the fees and deadlines in which they must be paid, and that no refunds will be given for any reason. I also understand that my child is expected to attend all rehearsals and competitions and unless extreme circumstances arise, I will aid them in doing so. Parent Signature _______________________________ Date ________

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