Timeline Sefer Bereshis

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  • November 2019
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Sefer Bereshis

(based mainly on the Seider ha'Doros)

Bereshis st


0-1 130 930 1056

Creation…1 Shabbos…1 Havdalah…Kayin kills Hevel and goes into exile…Kayin’s generations Sheis born…listing of his generations until Noach Adam HaRishon dies Noach born…Nefillin start the corruption of civilization…Noach finds favor in G-d’s eyes

165657 1948 1973 1996 2001

Year of the Flood…Mesushelach dies and seven days later the rains start…Noach entered the Ark…rains for forty days…after a year and 11 days all leave the Aark…incident with Cham Avram born Avram marries Sarah Year of the Dispersion (Tower of Babel) Start of 2000 years of Torah…Avram & Sarah make new souls in Charan


Lech Lecha Avram leaves Charan for Eretz Yisrael ... Famine ... Avram goes down to Egypt ... splits up with Lot ... the battle with the kings ... the king of S'dom 2033 Hagar and Sarah 2034 Hagar gives birth to Yishmael Avram circumcises himself, Yishmael, at 13, and all the members of his household on the thirteenth of 2047 Nisan ... his name is changed from Avram to Avraham, and Sarai's to Sarah. 2023

Va’Yeira 2048 2050 2083 2085

The 3 angels ...overturning of S'dom ...Lot's daughters, the birth of Amon & Mo'av ...Avimelech & Sarah The birth of Yitzchak on the 15th Nisan Yishmael mocks Yitzchak ... Hagar and Yishmael are sent away ... Yishmael moves to Midbar Paran ... Avraham lives in Be'er Sheva ... Avraham and Avimelech Terach dies in Charan. The Akeidah ... Rivkah is born to Besuel and Milkah

Chayei Sarah Sarah dies ... Efron and the people of Cheis. 2087 Lot dies 2088 Eliezer, Rivkah, Lavan, Besuel ... Yitzchak marries Rivkah ... Avraham (re)marries Keturah & has children

Toldos 2108 2121 2123 2126 2148 2171

Yitzchak and Rivkah daven for children ... Eisav and Yaacov are born Eisav and Yaacov grow up. Eisav goes hunting ... returns exhausted after murdering Nimrod ... Avraham dies ... Yaacov buys the birthright from Eisav. Yitzchak sends Yaacov to the Yeshivah of Shem and Eiver. Yitzchak and Avimelech and the wells. Eisav age forty, marries Yehudis and Bosnas. Eisav and Yaacov and the B'rachos ... Yaacov returns to the Yeshivah of Shem and Eiver ... Elifaz, Eisav's son, takes all his possessions ... Yishmael marries Eisav's daughter, Machalas ... he dies the same year. www.parshapages.blogspot.com

PARSHA AIDES Va'Yeitzei 2185 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2204

Yaacov leaves Yeshivah ... the dream ... he arrives in Charan ... works seven years for Rachel. Yaacov marries Leah, and Rachel - for whom he has to work another seven years. Reuven is born to Leah (on the 14th Kislev) Shimon is born to Leah (on the 28th Teives) Yaacov marries Bilhah ... Levi is born to Leah (on 16th of Nisan), and Dan to Bilhah (on the 9th of Elul). Yehudah is born to Leah (15th Sivan), & Naftali to Bilhah (on the 5th Tishrei) ...Yaacov marries Zilpah Gad is born to Zilpah (on the 10th Cheshvan) and Yisachar to Leah (on the 10th Av) Zevulun is born to Leah (on the 7th Tishrei), and Asher to Zilpah (on the 20th Sh'vat). Yosef is born to Rachel (on the first or the 27th Tamuz), and Dinah to Leah ... Yaacov works six years for his own needs ... Lavan attempts to swindle him constantly. Yaacov runs away from Lavan ... Rachel steals her father's idols ... Lavan chases after Yaacov ... the confrontation & the treaty ....

Va’Yishlach 2205

Yaacov fights with the angel…Yaacov's confronts with Eisav ... parting of their ways ... Yaacov in Sukos B’nai Yisrael arrive in Sh'chem and he builds a Mizbe'ach ... Dinah and Sh'chem and Chamor ... Shimon 2206 and Levi kill Sh'chem ... Devorah, Rivka's nurse dies, and so does Rivkah ... Yaacov's name is changed to Yisrael ... He travels to Beis-E-l and fulfils his promise to set up the stone as the House of G-d. 2208 Binyamin is born (on the 11th Cheshvan) ... Rachel dies ... Yaacov arrives home in Chevron, after 36 years 2228 Yitzchak dies ... the generations of Eisav, and the kings of Edom.

Va’Yeshev 2216 2217 2218 2226

Yaacov gifts special garment to Yosef…Yosef sold into slavery when he was 17…Brothers show the torn “special garment” to Yaacov…Leah dies Yosef serves Potiphar for one year Yosef begins time in prison The baker and cupbearer enter prison…at end of year the baker is released and the cupbearer is killed Tamar marries Er, first-born son of Yehudah

Miketz On Rosh HaShanah Yosef is released from prison and meets with Paroh…Yosef interprets the dreams…Yosef is appointed second-ranking in Egypt…Yosef establishes storehouses for food… Yosef marries Osnas 2235 Final year of the seven years of plenty…Kehas son of Levi born Two years (which were suppose to be seven years) of famine begin…10 brothers come to Egypt for food… 2236 Shimon imprisoned…Brothers return to Egypt with Binyomin 2229

Va’Yigash 223738

Confrontation with Yaacov and Yehuda…Yosef reveals himself to the brothers…Is my father still alive?...Yaacov comes to Egypt for the “best” years of his life…Yocehved daughter of Levi is born

Ya’Yechi 2255 2309

Yaacov blesses Efraim & Manesheh…Yaacov blesses all the brothers…Yaacov dies and is buried in the burial cave in Chevron Yosef dies


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