Time Boxing

  • May 2020
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Timeboxing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Timeboxing is a time management technique common in planning projects (typically for software development), where the schedule is divided into a number of separate time periods (timeboxes, normally two to six weeks long), with each part having its own deliverables, deadline and budget. Timeboxing is a core aspect of rapid application development (RAD) software development processes, such as dynamic systems development method (DSDM) and agile software development techniques. Timeboxes are used as a form of risk management for tasks that easily run over their deadlines. The end date is set in stone and may not be changed. If the team exceeds the date, the work is considered a failure and is cancelled or rescheduled. Some timebox methods allow the team to adjust the scope of the task in order to meet the deadline.

Contents [hide] • • •

1 Triple constraint management 2 Personal timeboxing 3 References

4 External links

[edit] Triple constraint management There are three main constraints to managing projects: time, cost, and scope[1] (often extended to four including quality[2]). Without timeboxing, projects usually work to a fixed scope[3], such that when it is clear that some deliverables cannot be completed, either the deadline slips (to allow more time) or more people are involved (to do more in the same time). Usually both happen, delivery is late, costs go up, and often quality suffers (if only that requirements had changed by the time the project delivered).[citation needed] With timeboxing, the deadline is fixed, but the scope may be reduced. This focuses work on the most important deliverables. For this reason, timeboxing depends on the MoSCoW prioritisation of deliverables, to ensure that it is the project stakeholders who determine the important deliverables rather than software developers. A lack of detailed specifications typically is the result of a lack of time, or the lack of knowledge of the desired end result (solution). In many types of projects, and especially in software engineering, analyzing and defining all requirements and specifications before the start of the realization phase is impossible. Timeboxing can be a favorable type of contracting

for projects in which the deadline is the most critical aspect and when not all requirements are completely specified up front.[citations needed] The advantages of timeboxing over working with more traditional methods - in which there is a need to specify all details and features upfront - are that work can be started on the actual solution, or product, sooner, because less requirements and specifications gathering is necessary upfront. There is also a better structure for allowing for new insights that are developed during the project to be reflected in the end result.[citations needed]

[edit] Personal timeboxing Individuals can use timeboxing for personal tasks, as well. This technique utilizes a reduced scale of time (e.g., thirty minutes instead of a week) and deliverables (e.g., chores instead of a component of a business project). Personal timeboxing also works to curb perfectionist tendencies by setting a firm time and not overcommit to a task.[citation needed] This method can also be used to overcome procrastination (delaying activities or tasks).

[edit] References 1. ^ What are the Triple Constraints in Project Management, article by Rod Hutchings on Project Management Australia (22 Oct 2008) 2. ^ Snedaker, Susan; Nels Hoenig (2005). How to Cheat at IT Project Management. Syngress. ISBN 1-5974-9037-7. 3. ^ Godin, Seth. Getting Real. 37signals.

[edit] External links • • • • • • •

Agile Requirements Change Management Designing To Schedule Agile Thoughts Blog Timeboxing for Freelancers MSDN - How To Use Timeboxing for Getting Results Steve Pavlina - Timeboxing Timeboxing is an effective Getting Things Done Strategy

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeboxing" Categories: Project management | Dynamic Systems Development Method | Software project management Hidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements from June 2009

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