Tides Of Blood Strategy

  • August 2019
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UD: Early Game: ward can start on a side and go mid at 6-7. sh needs to be top and stay there around level 7. dr needs to get a zep early for allied top push. watch for allies pushing top when maid hits 9-10. you can tome scion, rat, or ward. if you tome ward, then rat/ward/scion should try to kill maid or malf at level 1 (scion goes vent first. rat crabs). rat tome means early boat but crabs not good enough for pushing due to wons. scion is best pusher. tomed scion needs 3 mana pots though. recommended: tome scion. after initial pushes if you win either side you're doing OK, but watch out for the people who won their side getting ganked. they should come back and help the side that lost, that's safer. either way, you should now be all 4 mid heros together. if you lose both pushes, the top mid people need to walk backwards around the cliffs and join bot mid. stay together now. if you stay 2 per lane allies will gank you a lot. it's really not safe after allies hit level 5 or so. especially since they have invis. so work together bot mid, support each other, run to fountain as needed. allies are better early mid, so be careful, don't die, and wait for a chance to kill with boat and get the advantage. mid game: allies will be warping around and pushing, play defense while jim levels to 16. sh can stay top. the others can tend towards bottom or bot mid with zeps ready. rat can be top mid b/c he can get top with dagger, but you need to know where they are to avoid getting ganked. you cannot just sit on top/bot if the allies are good: they will go back mid and get a level advantage. when you come mid, now they'll warp back top. you need to clear out quickly after you defend something and get to good places and scout (run skeles/crabs into their base to see if they stayed top or went mid) and know where allies are. hero specific: rat should dagger over the cliffs at top after a push and go get xp quickly. if they push again dagger has cooled so just run back. jim: only tp top if it's big trouble or others are late. sh is imba defense, if everyone is on time you aren't needed. if people are dead stay top a while. when everyone is settled in again run back mid (go around back the safe way). and get a new TP right away. sh: just stay top. scion: you need to get a zep or use TPs or try to share DR's zep. DR: you have a zep. you need to understand when it's safe to warp back to bottom base. if you fuck up don't worry too much just use your TP scroll. if you see them going mid that's a good sign. but figure out where the maiden is. ward: you can blink, you should be fine. just won't waste warp if you're far from top and they might push it soon. defending bottom: don't worry too much, if you're all top and they hit bottom you can always buy a zep at the shop there and all warp bot. but do be careful leaving it completely alone. when dr warps top early to help vs maid the cow or someone might start pushing bot. if you ignore it he'll half kill a tower. unless maid or jean or others warp in. then you're in trouble. dr zep may still be on cd. when dr is top people need to watch bottom. jim/rat/scion can do this, whoever is free.

further into the game rat/scion can try to push bot and that helps keep it safe. dr/sh are very hard to push on top, w/ ward support. at 16 jim can either help sh defend top or push bot w/ eat. if jim's top dr can be bot more. either is good. zeps: maid is good at killing zeps. she's going to run into bases from behind and attack them with 2 birds + yew. and she'll ams right as you try to silence her. dr should be OK anyway: charm bird, won ams, silence. only one yew goes off. but if she goes somewher ethe DR isn't the zep has to warp out. 2 yews = dead zep, if she hits it right (aim for the shadow on the ground not the zep graphic). therefore: as few zeps as possible. 1 for dr. 1 for scion. rat and sh can live without and sometimes borrow. sh can tp scroll bottom in emergency. clearing mid: bottom mid ppl can make runs to mid if they time it will, esp if they have a tp scroll or zep w/ them. ward can deal with small problems. otherwise sh clears mid best, let him do it. he can even tp scroll ot the shop, buy a new one, clear mid, tp top if it's in trouble, then mule new tp. it's ok you get money clearing mid. that's if you can't spare any time. can also zep mid if you really want another zep to defend. dr mid can charm, so if top is well defended dr charming bot mid is a good idea (bring zep with you), but pushing bottom is usually better. late game: vent/eat cow, then vent/sil/boat malf or jean. 2 dead. silence someone else. win fight. kill stuff. and bring your charmed units if you kill enough allies. UD are imba. important note: allies get more gold due to more unit kills. so conserve gold. just keep everything under control all game, don't lose zeps/workers, and you'll have enough to get your mid towers up. don't use a lot of animate dead scrolls either. it's worth it for finishing a hall or cheesing a spawn tower. otherwise save your money. also farm gold from mid when you can -- watch for good timing when you won't miss anything important and there are some spawns coming in mid (esp bot mid) and go kill them fast. Not dying: if ash is around, won ent off you and don't ams unless you have to block wind or moove -- worth a try and hope for late puri. learn to dodge wind. fear the cow a lot -- stay out of blink/moove range. DR Items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, HEAL, MOT (note: all items are late game items. many heros want a many pot early. not DR though.) Skill order: arrows first but max sil at 9, 2 charm by 11 Role: you need a zep with a nec and 3 workers. silence the maid a lot. a lot of times when there is a big fight maid switches sides -- you and ward are the ones who need to watch for that. you and ward prevent maid cheese. you repair. keep back in fights. if wind hits or a good moove you're probably dead. when you push keep your zep with you and be ready to warp. 2nd role: charm stuff and cheese with it, esp morts (use frenzy) Note: if you charm a bird and it has a lot of duration left, frenzy it before you

send it off looking for zeps. frenzied birds kill zeps real fast. it's worth casting. SH Items: BoS, AMS, WON, HEAL, TP, MANA POT Skills: depends. get 1 in voodoo. get mines. probably pain ward over heal. you can stop leveling painward at 2-3 if you want. only 4 in heal. Role: defend top with mines. save ppl with voodoo. heal team. don't get hit by wind/moove. Rat Items:


Skills: crabs first, max hoist, get boat, aura last Role: HK with boat/hoist and crab surrounds, siege with crabs/boat/aura. don't forget you can boat walls. rat needs to be mobile -- when in doubt run to the center of the map. then if you're gonna need to help defend either side go there. if you judge you have time, go run behind an allied base (usually bot) and go for a tower. time your attack with allies being busy somewhere. you can also hit vault or the sides of their main. for vault the first time just get the canon tower and leave. don't use animate dead. you do need boat for the spawns. Ward: Items: BoS, AMS, WON, HEAL, MOT, WON Skills: ss, then blink, then warp, bb last. but only 4 in blink. Role: warp in to kill people or buildings, harass repairers, kill mules. first man to defend cheese. when in doubt you run through their main and kill mules. otherwise just find the maid and annoy her. maid is your problem, not just the DRs. if she warps to an empty lane go too if you can and SS her before she's even shooting the tower. Jim: Items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, pendant, HEAL or dagger Skills: cleave (splash) first, get 1 in cannibalize when u need it (level 2 if ur losing push), then max cleaver with cleave secondary. get ults. Role: eat the cow with vent. kill ppl with cleaver. lead sieges. it's hard for them to push on you -- you heal real fast at fountain. power level to 16 at mid. have a TP scroll on you when you do this and warp if there's big trouble. Scion: Items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, HEAL, dagger Skills: lightning, then vent, get nado. tenebris sucks. Role: vent and sil indicate who to gank. you need to be there for most fights to help get kills. lightning before vent or they'll AMS the lightning. the only

exception is if they might get out of vent range. then vent first, but pause a moment to see if the AMS. if they do, WON before you lightning. you need to be in fights but you're weak like sh/dr. so cast cl and vent, then back off while they cd. dagger away if you're in trouble. 2nd role: you kill enemy zeps. save vent in case they try to warp away. you can't really do this with allied heros around. you need to be fast on your zep. if there is an base being pushed with some allies dead then warp there before the allies and attack zeps. Note: don't use nado for siege to damage buildings. it doesn't do a lot of damage. nado is best for slowing heros while your allies kill them (better to slow not send them into air usually), or to send them into air to save your allies who are getting ganked

Allies: Heros in order of how good they are: maid/cow/sashi/leto/ash/ jean and malf /BR/blm maid is the best hero. the rest of you are support for the maid. sorry, but it's true. if you can pull off a big gank then great, but when the UD are all alive just let the maid harass and don't get killed. UD vs allies, all level 18, 6v6 fight, open ground between expos: UD win. period. they have to mess up pretty bad to lose, especially with voodoo. also boat, eat, nado, sil, etc. sashi or cow is silenced. that only leaves one good lead stun. sorry but it's real hard to fight. so you want to spread the UD out, use your superior siege. and bear in mind allies are bad at defense, so make that a priority later on. early on you have level lead b/c you're better mid, so use it to push but do it conservatively don't die. get lots of frosties. UD have lots of damage spells, and you have gold advantage. get zeps too. UD can't kill them unless you leave them alone with the scion (also be careful of charmed birds, esp with frenzy). early lanes: jean top; lane. (if from maid tome, ash

leto bot; maid/ash follow UD tome (scout with bird); sashi/cow other they tome scion and send rat other lane, if you're pro give the WONS to sashi. or just have the WONs on ash in the first place, maid follows follows rat, cow can go with maid if ash doesn't)

or with malf team, malf/maid for ent/yew, leto top, cow bot, sashi/ash other mid lane. these lanes are not as good as jean team. sorry. if you wanna put malf on the side like jean you can have the jean team lanes, but malf isn't good at that. only put cow bottom if the cow has practiced facing DR and won't get underleveled. he needs to know how to moove the first captain, also know how to focus the DR from the start (keeps options open), know how to lose the push and counterpush if things go wrong, and needs to be able to buy 4 druids as soon as they cool down from his shop and micro them. (yes 4, and yes they will get charmed. it's ok. they farm gold. they get you xp. DR gets less xp. if they charm one and you kill it that's more xp). little later: win your pushes, then gank people. bring invis once you get your

first kill. leave sorc by the portal. meet at center of map and invis. then send sorc back to main and go gank someone. cow/leto should come mid from bottom at some point. leto can at 6 with gp. cow would like to be 8-9 but could come at 6 once he bugs. if cow comes mid he should keep zep in the water between bot mid and bottom and he should show up invis the first time and get a surprise kill. also keep in mind if you all invis they get suspicious. if you invis half your team at random sometimes that's better. don't die. next: push top, go back mid or bot, keep making the UD travel while you quickly get mid xp, quickly try to kill a tower top, etc. if they ever don't keep up you get an advantage. either you kill towers top/bot. or if you go mid and they are late you get level lead. they can't push yet they are too low level. next: frosty maid first, then malf, then sashi, then jean, that's the order. if jean is weak player then she can frosty before sashi. if she's pro she might prefer a dagger, and she might hold off until rat hits 16, especially if she has a level lead (she often does, she's really great from levels 7-13 or so, and that can get her a few levels ahead if she doesn't die). frosts help you not die. keep trying to push. stop going mid once you're high enough level. push conservatively without dying though. only die if it's for tower kills. but careful doing that it lets UD catch up on levels. next: eventually UD catch up on levels. they haven't lost a hall yet. they might still have a number of towers. that's OK. all is not lost. you need to spread them out. take trips to push mid. leto between GPs, jean, or sometimes maid can do this best. sashi and cow can do it with good timing, but they are important heros for fights so prefer not to. mid pushes help keep your gold advantage. you can get 3 frosties and still have more towers. once you force some UD to come mid you can try to push top or bot with numbers advantage. you want to keep making the UD move around like before. mid pushing works best once some towers are up. otherwise they can ignore it. how you lose: you try to push, sashi/leto get double boated in UD base, cow gets eaten, and your lose a hall. or: cow is eaten in the open, someone is silence/vent/boated to death, UD proceed to win fight and kill a hall. or: you have this great push and almost kill their hall, then you all die, then they counterpush how you don't lose: keep the UD too spread out to kill a hall. defend any rat cheese. don't mass die. sashi/leto/cow need to be careful and conservative when they don't have a clear advantage. and maid needs to be on offense a lot keeping some UD back on defense. how you win: push everywhere and hopefully the UD mess up eventually. sorry, your alies, it's hard. but even if they don't mess up, just keep getting gold advantage and not dying and you shouldn't lose. be careful of eat and boat. eventually you can frosty leto and cow and dagger ash and sashi and malf. towers are generally more important but that will help you not die. eventually if you are constantly on offense and keep mid pushed you find out the maid can suicide and UD are too busy defending everywhere to take advantage of it. the top/bot UD towers are dead, so melee heros can push without the maid now. you can have them just go beat on halls and the UD have to organize and go in together to defend. keep the UD on defense enough and you will get at some point want to cheese their mid spawn towers. if you get those you're finally winning. and if you lose your top or bottom don't give up. that means less targets to defend. good. you suck at defense. if you can

trade top/bot with the UD that's good for you, b/c you're less good at xpo wars. if you trade top for bot that's even better. more cheese and siege, less big hero fights. also at some point start hitting vault too. once you get the towers down you can send birds and nala there periodically which is pretty annoying.

Sashi: Items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, HEAL, FROST Skill Order: max wind, 1 in water, then fire. get ult. Role: sashi/leto/ash should stay together to be very useful. needs to stay alive. maid will die some. you can't have too many dead. UD are better at HKs so try for a wind/GP, if the fight doesn't start off your way then back off. fight at your fountain. if they won't come in, let the game stall. meanwhile your maid is doing something. Role 2: when anyone is dead, don't push, you need to defend. if maid is doing some suicidal cheese, play conservative. allies usually lose by mass death. and that usually happens in UD base when they push at bad times. if you're gonna all get killed, at least make them do it at your fountain. it's dangerous for sh/dr/scion to go out that far. Note: you do need a frosty. after maid/malf/jean, sashi is the number one target. you are a lot higher priority than leto/cow/ash. you will be targeted a lot. even with a frosty you're often higher priority than leto or cow. so get one and make them pay for targeting you. Leto: Items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, HEAL, EXTRA (won/ams/animate/molotov) Skills: max bindu, then skin, get gp Role: follow sashi around and gp people. chase people down with bindu. when sashi is winding, WON where he's gonna land so if people try to AMS block they still get stunned. gp workers to prevent repairs. between GPs you can often go push mid. Note: you can help maid cheese sometimes. you tank towers well with your skin. you can get places easily with bindu. so if nothing's happening go to left side of map between UD main and top and have maid warp to you, then cheese something. if you screw up your timing don't worry just use your TP scroll. Ash: Items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, HEAL, EXTRA (won/ams/animate/molotov/mot) Items vs warlock: BoS, AMS, HEAL, WON, WON, WON (puri + won a red death and you can kill it immediately) Skills: max smite, get ult. not certain about aura vs puri. aura hurts when maxed early. but more puri stun is good. get one in each though. Role: the UD really really don't want to target you once you're 11, and especially after 16. anyone else first. so you go in front. you can't push mid. you can't

defend against spawns. all you can do is help deal with enemy heros. so go with sashi/leto and try to kill people. on defense run out to dr/scion/sh in back and harass them. note: ash can get a mot for purifying SH mines. not a great idea really -- birds can see, otherwise you should know you're in a minefield or not and AMS them. and if AMS is dispelled and there's mines around and you're not slaughtering the UD, probably time to run away). but if you get a sorc charmed then get a mot for ash. note: save puri until they AMS. but there are exceptions. if they are going to get away, puri to make them waste AMS. and if there is going to be a long chase through mid, puri right away and won the AMS off them. now they can't ams block, and when you're next puri is ready they're screwed. cow: items: BoS, AMS, WON, dagger, HEAL, pendant skills: max moove, one in armor role: you lead kills more than sashi. ams/blink/moove is the goal. AMS before you blink to deal with mines and silence so moove will go off. you can also help siege when redbull is up: the first stomp hurts towers. the fire stomp also kills trees: use it on the trees at top so you can siege easier. role 2: you can help maid cheese stuff with redbull stomp and tank towers with your massive hp. especially if you don't have jean. you are also great for stopping rat cheese or defending a base in big trouble from spawns. stomp and use cow bug. you can clear mid well too but you are too important so let someone else do it. note: you can stomp (optional) moove/rb/dagger/moove/stomp and do 1000 damage in stunlock. if you blink to catch up after the first moove you can get the second one off while they are still stunned. even if you don't do that, use rb for a second moove can get you kills. this uses a lot of mana though you need your pendant. cow bug: if you're in a zep/tank when red bull ends the immolation stays until your next death. note: you are the target for eat. when jim is 16 avoid jim/scion together. they really want to eat you. stay away. they will be very annoyed if you switch sides and avoid them. you are a powerful hero worth staying alive. tip: every blink/moove you use an AMS. you run out fast. keep some on a mule in your zep. or on your sorc in your zep. malf: items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, HEAL, FROST skills: ent/juv. then one in monsoon and get roar. ent first with tomed maid to help yew people. role: help gank people with ent but you're a big target so keep back. heal people. run away from ward a lot. if you kill the UD then roar and you can kill their buildings a lot faster. roar also good for late mid pushes.

jean: items: BoS, AMS, WON, TP, HEAL, FROST or DAGGER (frost better vs ward harass and lets you stay above boat hp a lot easier. dagger lets you get the hell out of the way if you're too far forward. once scion has dagger it's pretty scary. you need to stay back. or if you have dag and you're fast you can plan to blink away when he blinks at you. with dag you also need to plan to blink dodge boats. good luck. frost is easier.) skills: ent/juv. then one in monsoon and get roar. ent first with tomed maid to help yew people. role 1: flare helps kill towers (but not halls so much) role 2: wake is clear spawns really well. this makes jean a good defender. she's weak so this is usually a beter idea than offense which can be suicide. role 3: wake is the best spell in the game for pushing mid. allies want to spread the UD out. and want to farm mid for gold advantage. zep to mid. if there is an emergency use TP scroll. otherwise stay mid until zep is ready to go back. role 4: they want to kill you. wake has really long range. so just stay the hell away if there are too many UD around and you don't have a big team in front of you. run out the back of your own base in needed. and keep a zep around. MAID: items: BoS, AMS, HEAL, FROST, 2 Extras: early you want WONS and mana pot. late the wons are optional. also very nice are: mana pot (still), pendant, dagger, tp scroll, or extra ams (maid spam AMS constantly all game and always runs out. she often wants to uses 3, even 4 charges in one trip away from base). skills: yew, birds. get ult at level 6. do not get a point in nala for early push -- you spend a while on level 10-11 and want high birds then. don't get ult at 11. finish birds on 11. get 2nd in ult on 12. role early: you make the allied team. first you get tomed and you win the mid pushes. and you help with kills: someone stuns, you yew from point blank for a ton of damage. you can yew without stun too if you're good at aiming. yew rocks. spam it. your intial items minimum are: tome, mana pot, heal pot, and WONs. the wons are for crabs so you can still win the push easily. you want to win the push fast so you can help the other lane. keep both pushes won and have freedom of movement for ganking, invis at the center, underlevel the UD, etc mid role: when maid is 9 you're ready to push top. (or sometimes bot). don't wait, push early. if the UD don't come you'll slaughter top with max level yew. so they have to come. getting to top is a problem. once they are there, they're going to boat you and do other mean stuff. if some towers are almost dead finish them off, then just leave. now you can warp bottom or go mid again and level up. UD have to follow you mid. then after you win both pushes all the way don't wait around go top again. maid is the leader during the mid phases of the game. your team is higher level and they go in front to kill people. maid kills the towers. if enough UD come you go somewhere else. and make them keep moving around. you need a zep obviously. your team should have some more. cow will have one for cow bug and he needs it to get top for the first push. jean needs one to not die. sashi needs one at some point. ash or malf probably gets one eventually. yeah, that's like 5 zeps

for 6 people. and that's if you're organized. often allies have more zeps than heros. that's ok. warping around rocks. late role: if your team has a good push and some kills warp onto them and siege. if your team has a good push and no kills you want to push the other side to split the UD up. but if they get some kills (esp dr) then go to them. otherwise you can go cheese stuff. invis and go behind bases then summon birds and run in (and AMS to stop mines/silence) and yew a zep and shoot it with birds. aim yew at the zep's shadow which is below the zep graphic. also try to get towers when you can. but if dr/ward come, or generally any 2 UD, run away. a great place is in the water behind UD bottom base. and get that one tower you can yew from there. DR has a real hard time silencing you. whichever way she comes to get down off the cliffs run the other way. she can't get in WON range. and your birds only get hit by one tower while shooting this one from behind. the other things to do are mess with the DR's warping like send bird+nala bottom and if she warps hit top or just go where she isn't and bring your zep and have it ready to warp, so she warps in, you zep to the other side, and she has to TP or not follow for a minute. if you time this with your team pushing she'll have to TP. you can also use a TP scroll yourself to change sides and make her follow. the other thing to do, especially if you don't have jean, is clear mid. mid is a good place b/c the DR really has to keep an eye out you can run anywhere. going mid is hardest on her warping patterns. and you can farm gold and get nice mid pushes that someone has to deal with. and it keeps you out of the way. then when something happens you warp to the appropriate place. UD push warp other side (don't defend unless your whole team's dead, you're great offense). if your team pushes you can warp other side to split the UD or warp to them to help if it's going well (UD late getting there or some UD dead). if your team pushes against even UD forces don't join in. they aren't gonna win. sorry, you're allies, you don't win fair fights late game. just go somewhere else. now either your team dies or runs away. if they die thank god you started pushing the other side so some UD have to come defend (and you run away from them). this gives your allies time to respawn. note: the DR wants to silence you. don't let her. put on AMS and stay out of WON range. it's really a pain for her. if your team is around she can't just run up to you. she needs the ward to won you for her. note: try not to get the DR birds with high duration. and don't summon birds on defense and let the DR charm them. really don't do that. if you do by accident unsummon it. if the DR is a little ways away you can summon a bird if you immediately send it far away on a path the DR won't see it. note: for some fun, early game send some birds to the UD portal that goes to mid. there are often mules there. birds kill mules real fast. note: late game if the ward dies, then if possible go cheese something right away that's annoying for the other heros to get to, like some of their main towers

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