
  • July 2020
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Atagl ance-t heNEW packedl unchpol i cy Forabal ancedpackedl unchsel ectt heseheal t hi erf oodsanddr i nks Fr ui tand Veget abl es

I ncl udeatl eastonepor t i onoff r ui tandonepor t i onofveget abl es orsal adever yday .

Meat& Al t er nat i ves

Meat ,f i shoranot hersour ceofnondai r ypr ot ei nshoul dbei ncl uded ever yday .Nondai r ysour cesofpr ot ei ni ncl udel ent i l s,ki dneybeans, chi ckpeas,hummus,peanutbut t er †andf al af el .

Oi l yFi sh

I ncl udeoi l yf i sh,suchassal mon,atl eastonceever yt hr eeweeks.

St ar chyFood

Ast ar chyf oodsuchasanyt ypeofbr eadorpast a,r i ce,couscous, noodl es,pot at oesorot hercer eal s,shoul dbei ncl udedever yday .

Mi l kand Dai r yFood

I ncl udeadai r yf oodsuchassemi ski mmedorski mmedmi l k,cheese, yoghur t ,f r omagef r ai sorcust ar dever yday .

Dr i nki ngWat er

Fr ee,f r eshdr i nki ngwat ershoul dbeavai l abl eatal lt i mes.

I ncl udeonl ywat er ,st i l lorspar kl i ng,f r ui tj ui ce,semi ski mmedorski mmed mi l k,yoghur tormi l kdr i nksandsmoot hi es.

Heal t hi er Dr i nks

Avoi di ncl udi ngt hesef oodsi npackedl unches


Snackssuchascr i spsshoul dnotbei ncl uded.I nst ead,i ncl udenut s†,seeds, veget abl esandf r ui t( wi t hnoaddedsal t ,sugarorf at ) .Savour ycr acker sor br eadst i cksser vedwi t hf r ui t ,veget abl esordai r yf oodar eal soagoodchoi ce.

Conf ect i oner y

MeatPr oduct s

Conf ect i oner ysuchaschocol at ebar s,chocol at ecoat edbi scui t sand sweet sshoul dnotbei ncl uded.Cakesandbi scui t sar eal l owedbut encour ageyourchi l dt oeatt heseonl yaspar tofabal ancedmeal .

Meatpr oduct ssuchassausager ol l s,i ndi vi dualpi escor nedmeat andsausages/ chi pol at asshoul dbei ncl udedonl yoccasi onal l y .

†Beawar eofnutal l er gi es .Ref ert ot hes c hool pol i c yonnut sorv i s i twww. al l er gy i ns c hool s . c o. ukf ormor ei nf or mat i on.