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1,0 A cu.rre11.1, {a} What.h1tbl:I m.agn_ill al the eurrcnt den1'ify ill thill wire? lh>W' d witb the dirccc..ion of the dect.ticcumot. jo the •irt'f (b) What. is the drift. speed of
it. (lirw(ion oomi-rc
electrons curyiag \hiscu.rN:nt?
(c) What. bl lbe elec\rieal re11lstance ol a bOc:m or lhl6 w1Nt1 (d) \VlialIsthe pou aual dlfferente lM!tween the eadsof tbi11 wire w-hei1earryl.ng 1.0 A cun-eat?
(t!) W'haL e the clec:lricSeid ia lid:.wire? Do the2 •-a)'ll: (i) llllingelcelric circuit q UAUtit iel , and (i i) u.,i».g th<:c.:ttmmi dl:lmty nnd -h iQ' of -ooppcr. (f) This •·ire isrll)W joit1«:I eod to eod with a. 2-tid -OOpper wire wltl1 twict tbll!Iradiu9and tbrft! timestbcl length. A hat.tery eon.n,c,cied to I.he "Cl'JM!fl endiloC tltct..u llins. Compare ed of the following qn.antlln ill the 2 wire, by givi11g the nllio (quantity in 200 ••if'1:)-/ ( qu n.r.tity in originnl"''ire): (i) electric c;um::r.t,{ii) drift $p00d, IUld (i.ii)electric 6ekl, (l\t) JXAA)ltial diffete:n<:8, (v) l'OOst&OO(I, e.nd (\i) cum:nt deosh).' Note: it. me.y 00 e11,11k!r w ceJcu1-te tOOf:18 111,tio& io 11, WIJfflllU ordl!rl