Three Mace Don Ian Nations Vie For Aegean Outlet

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Refugee Jews Pour Into U. S. Sector

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Sunday, January 6, 1946

Army Alters Deployment PlaninETO





* < Il^BISp^ 1 A C E D O N I A ALBANrXP6*M '*


Mobs Protest Assassin Kills Pro-British Killings ~ in Egyptian Political Leader Mexico Riot


CAIRO, Jan. 5 (UP)—Former Exclusive, N. Y. Times, Salt Lake Tribune Finance Minister Amin Osman, MUNICH, Germany, Jan. 3 (De- pro-British Egyptian political layed)—Representatives of the leader, died in a Cairo hospital united nations relief and rehabili- Saturday night a few hours after tation administration at a transient center where Jews from Po- he was shot twice by an unidentiland are arriving in thousands fied assassin. Osman was shot down as he was every month, said Saturday that they attributed the rise in infiltra- entering his office' building in earlier Saturday,. The assastion to the fact that word had got- Cairo ten out that the British quota of sin, armed with pistols and a hand 1500 monthly admittances into grenade, pumped two bullets into Palestine, /suspended since Sep- his victim's body and fled, throwtember when negotiations for an ing the grenade at his pursuers. First reports said Osman had Increase began at Pres. Truman's request, was about to be restored. been wounded only slightly in the About 50% of these certificates left shoulder, but an emergency of acceptance are expected to go operation revealed one bullet had to Polish Jews and children under lodged in his abdomen nnd a sec16 years of age are to have first priority. , Refugees now pouring into the United States zone ol Germany from Poland seem to follow two routes, t h e U N R R A officials said. These are from Lodz or| Cracow to Prague and thence either through Czechoslovakia and By ROMNEY WHEELER Regensburg to Munich or from LONDON, JaA. 5 UP) — The Prague to Vienna, LInz and Salztides of socialism in Europe, eviburg to Munich, It .is estimated that of the 35,000 dent in the leftward trends of Jews now in Bavaria, 10,000 have elections since the liberation, nre InCiltered in the past two months. being slowed in the breakwaters In the western district of the of moderation. American zone, which has been The roots of conservation go "loss affected by the recent mass deep, even in the belt of soviet movement, it is estimated there influence in eastern Europe, and are now from 8000 to 10.000 Jews; today in many places traditional the British zone shows between conservatism seems to be boring 12,000 and 15,000, whiic the French from within. have fewer than 2000. Thc necessity for public ownIt is estimated that where there

ond had gone through his left lung. He died on thc operating: table shortly before midnight. Police said they had a clue to the assassin's identity, but no arrest was announced up to a late hour Saturday night. A prominent Wafdist leader, Osman recently was attacked by sections of the Egyptian press in connection with his party's assumption of power in 1942 "with the support of British fanks and bayonets." It was the second assassination attempt in Cairo within a month. On Dec. 6, 22 persons were injured when a bomb was thrown at former Premier Mustaplm Nahas Pasha, who was not hurt.

LEON, Mexico, Jan. 5 (JPi— Fresh demonstrations broke out in Mexico City and in this city where at least 30 persons were killed Wednesday night in a political demonstration. Large crowds gathered here Friday night and smaller ones Saturday voicing speculation a» to whether the officially announced casualty list included all fatalities. In the national capital a parade of 1500 men and women formed shortly after noon at the monument to Mexico's independence and marched through th«* downtown district to thi> nation*! palace currying their objections to President' Avil.i Comacho. Mnny nor* placards with thc single word "Leon." Fired Into Crowd Federal troops were reported to have fired into a crowd here Wednesday night when citizen* oppoiing the newly-elected mayor. cause Yugoslavia is predominantly Ignacio Qulroz, candidate of th« agricultural. government party, P R M, demonIn Albania, Gen. Envcr Hodjas1 strated before thc municipal pal"democratic front" government ace. Since then nonpartisan Je*u« has confiscated large estates Perez Bravo has been named without compensation from "fas- msvor by the city council to serve cist land owners," presumably re- until a federal investigation now distribution to peasants, but has under way is completed, shown no inclination to control inNew Blot Seen dustry or business. The provisional government of Another demonstration was exPoland, potentially the most so- pected in Mexico City to take place *u_ zocalo, _,~~..irs or" /\,« r*«nstitt]tion cialized state in eastern Europe r. . - the Constitution except Russia, proposes nationals- sflvmrc on wwhich hieh the the national national zalion of most industries and co- ^]acc" cat hedral and other public operative operation of farm lands bui',dings f ace . on Russian lines.. "~ ""' ' Thee president Saturday nsked - - — .*. f i__ TL*'«rt^T»««»yATAlthough ,/vn.nougn the L:H: Polish i uu^n workers wv*,^»« ;>IBA.VJ*<;|,,«I, Genaro Fernandez MscGrcgor, j socialists, largely communist, '|an( rac or Of t nc National university Stanley Mikoln.jczyk's discourage students from dcmaccuse peasant party of "reaction,1 thc onot,.ntj,,c. latter claims support o£ Poland 9 ] Govcrn ment nnthoHUe* m.vl« o - concessions to the religious f«-el2.').000,000 people. In Italy, the conservative Chris- in of bereaved fafiiilic* duringtian democrats were strengthened ^^ funeral services for 28 of the 'by thc upheaval which thrust Al- dc'B'j ncre Friday. They allowed cide De Gnsperi Into power. In the lwQ officiating priests to- wear absence of elections, p a r t y in- their r0bcs ou tside the church to fluence is uncertain. thc cemetery, contrary to a. federal Spain, where Gen, Francisco Franco has avoided nationalization of any sort and remained hostile to socialism and communism, has had no elections for a decode, and has no political party but the

o T/Vv' ^ FRANKFURT, Germany, Jan, 5 UP>—Gen. Joseph T. McNarncy disrEHfenflfc' closed Saturday a new system of V. S. army redeployment from S»mothrik*^ Europe under which the release ri imroz^g of men to go home will depend ,/Js' U Dardanelles A Argiroewtro' on whether they are essential in t their Jobs, and whether replacements arrive. Thc old redeployment program A E C E A N in ended, he announced. Corfu! It was good news for men with .?:'E'A MytiBnS^g. low points. Men with JO or 15 points who had thought they ••»;» J^+ ^'/ © Nation*! Geographic Socitty International Bound»5Ii '*&, might ho In Gormiuiy for years u n d r r tho point system could be Greece and Yugoslavia— share this bone of home by July 1, If replacements Macedonia Is the ultimate in confused border arrive. lands—» refjloii of numerous and long-con- contention;" two of them would like a larger Denle* Ship* Scarce flicting interests. Three nations—Bulgaria, share to gain an outlet to the Aegean sea^ McNarney. U. S. commander In the European theater, told a news conference that high point men kept In Europe remain because they arc needed, and not because of lack of ships. He said that through the new program "we will have the rcqul«ltfl American forces to f u l f i l l our nation's rcspan.HlbllUlcH In GerNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC clonia. .art ridged with .rugged and many. Thc United States forces divorce mountain chains which SOCIETY will 'be employed efficiently and TUCSON, Jan. 5 UK—Fear that The vortex of the.political whirl-1 girdle hilly plains. 'There the •will be assisted by a maximum pool known as the Balkan penin- climate is continental, and a no- three great economic blocs may of nonmllitary personnel. "To this end I have created a m!a—where history has long re- madic shepherd's life is the lot of result if thc $4,-100,000.000 loan to liquidation and man power board ,'lccted strife, violence and oppres- most Inhabitants.' Farther south, Great Britain, now before con- who survived thc nazi exterminato check into every activity, its sion—|s n loosely bounded area a 'series of broad alluvial plains gress, is not granted was exar-stricjven nations, luiuutio, but w- an "••• program about 80% are po- in war-stricken objective l» to recommend per- called Macedonia. There difficult stretches across the seacoast re- pressed by William L. Clayton; as- tion ;iated Press survey of 20 capcaptential migrants. Of the 250,000 Associated discloses significant resurgsonnel reductions by eliminating problems defy the wisdom of, a gions—fertile basins with a MediJews In the soviet union it has itals task or speeding their end." Solomon—for more than two mil- terranean climate which produces sistant secretary of state, in an- been estimated that ns many as ence of political nnd economic inexclusive Interview to be published 350,000 may decide to emigrate. grains, tobacco, grapes, figs, aprifluences linked with free enterIon people of , varying racial All Infantry Unit* prise urn! the kind. (trains, creeds and tongues live In cots and similar crops. Much to- Sunday In the Arizona Daily Star. Copyright by N. Y, Times. bacco smoked in America and laHe said it had not been decided Komo 55,000 square miles divided In Hunpnry,, Zoltun Tildy's Clayton, who is now resting on what divisions would compose thc among three neighboring nations, beled Turkishes really from Macecoalition government plans t h e a ranch at Sosabft, Ariz., granted newly planned occupation force, nationalization of natural re'." Macedonia, roughly hm-shapccl, donia, This southern section is better the interview to William R.. Mathbut that all would be infantry. sources and sources of. industrial Is bordered on thc southeast by Therf! will be no armored dlvl- thc Aegean, sea and stretches east, developed and more populated. Be- ews, editor and publisher of the power. Broad principles of nationalizanlons H.I such but tho constabu- north and west from Salonika, its neath its.surface lies oil, as yet Star. As official representative of practically untapped. Along the lary will be entirely armored." tion were set forth by all four of the United States government, he chief city and principal port. coast Itself, the vastly irregular Hungary's major parties before Infantry divisions will be com- Touched on thc east by the Nestos is regarded as the man who had posed of about 15,000 men each. rer'Tnd"^ ^o Rh££ Khalkidike (Chalcidice) peninsula more to do with the details of nethe recent election in which the The armored constabulary will mountains, Macedonia includes thrusts ,te^ three rocky promon- gotiation of thc loan than any largely conservative Small Holdhave 38,000 men and the air force much of the southern lobe of tories tndent-like into the sea. other. ers, of which Tildy leads a liberal The easternmost of the three is 62,000. The rest of the occupa- Yugoslavia and reaches on the OTTAWA. Oht., Jan. 5 (CTPS) wing polled more than the comEnglish Object the site of famous Mt. Athos montion force will be made up of west to the Albanian border. —"Any loans we get from Canada bined voted of the laborite social democrats, communists and the headquarters, supply, engineers Macedonia's generally accepted astery, where it has long been thc "Large and powerful interests | and the United StaTru rule that nb WoYnan—not even a and other supporting troops, he southwestern border meets thc sea In England," he says in the inter- i and the U S A will help us meet national peasant party. be admitted. view, "are expressing militant explained. immediate crisis in our balance just north of famed Mount Olym- female animal—shall Walt Reds' Exit population consists public opposition (to the loan). the In releasing charts of figures pus, The region Is drained by of Macedonia's of payments, but will not solve Serbs, Bulgarians, holders' influence > our long term problems," Herbert j The small „ on troop replacements, the general two important rivers, the Vardar nomad .Vlachs, Albanians, Greeks, They say the 'terms •are' too hard Turks, and. that rather than accept its Morrison Britain's lord privy seal, disclosed there are 616,000 troops and the Struma, which have cut WBS enhanced by the Hungarian Jews. The inhabiGypsies and -- "-•••left in the European thenter, of valuable outlets for the. -inner Bal- »M.o ..,—.. a dozen different terms Britain should solidify her told the Canadian club here Satur apprehension of implying indirect speak t approval of communism and the whom SOO.OOO will comprise thc kans. An important east-west tants empire and seek prosperity by day. . , tongues and are divided into seven Denmark, Jan. occupation force nnd 316,000 tlic route which skirts the sea from rival religious groups. There, in- trade within thc empire, The extent to which potential red army by voting for the leftist 5 COPENHAGEN, (CTPS)—At a cost of -'SeO.OOO,Conservatives "If this should happen, I am demands in Britain can be satis- social democrats. "close out" troops. southern Greece to Istanbul (Con- deed is the land of Babel—a "tanstantinople) passes through south- pie of tongues," a "dumping afraid you would sec three great fied depends largely on the speed perceived in Tildy a chance to 000 an ultramodern city was built How It Work* press the center's political advance by the Americans at TunugdUarern Macedonia, ground of peoples," a museum of economic blocs built up: The ster- and success with which we re- and possibly promote an even more fikfiord, where Greenland was ocTo bring the total down to ling area, the dollar area, and the store our financial and economic raciaj strains. Salonika Important conservative government a f t e r the cupied by the United States forces, 300,000, equal shipments of solRussian urea, in which governequilibrium. This cannot be done A crossroads battleground since diers will be made each monUi Salonika, ancient and cosmopoli- prehistoric times, Macedonia was ments would struggle against gov- merely by borrowing," he said. He red army withdraws. Neverthe- according to a letter received in 'city oC of a thousand sails," is subdued by ancient Persia in the ernments on matters of economics called attention to the fact that less -there has b e e n a strong Copenhagen from Danish Dr. Erik between January nnd July. tan "cit ,,^,. in history. An important early fifth century, B. C. It has ancTtrnde. I flo not think that such before tho war "Britain was the swing to the left with government Skeller. McNnrncy warned, however, rich The town comprises everything that there would be delays of one Greek colony, It wns n busy Roman known the rule of Philip and Alex- a development would promote the best customer Ot both Canada and division of large estates and "•nationalization of ninny cnter- modern a human being can, into three months>JK>W,in shipping port anrl became tho 'second city ander'the'Great: the'sway of the possibilities of future peace." the United'States." cluding central heating, hotel, lifts, unmo categories of troops home of. thc Byzantine empire. Sacked Romans, Byzantines, barbarian "Potentially our country is a prises. Loan ImllspenNttblo its victorious modern harbor, warehouses, office D u, s «.,», with Bulgaria, because replacements were con- by thc Saracens In 904 and by the Slavs and Turks. Saint Paul estabbigger market than it has ever Clayton believes'the loan ia an been for all types of gooda from •fatherland front," is moving buildings, bus service, an ultraNormans in 1185, it Inter fell into lished the first Christian churches siderably behind schedule. He said that because there Is the hands of the Venetians. Tha there, and Saints Cyril and Me- indispensable step for the restora- all sources. Potential demand, toward control by communist ele- modern hospital equipped with the tion of free enterprise, as distin- however, can only be made actual ments, although it has not com- latest scientific' instruments and plenty of shipping, war brides Turks took the city In J'130 and thody, creators of the Slavic aln t one time employing 20 doctors would be sent home on a regular ruled it for nearly 500 years, A phabet still used throughout east- guished from existing state con- by existence oi' purchasing: power. munist regime. Moderation — is due to and eight dentists. schedule between now and July, b e a u t i f u l white tower-fort, built ern Europe, went north from Sa- trolled foreign trade, in the field To adiust our balance Da,, T u of uj. payj.m.y- j jviwu,-,.*,.<"<> -- continued . menu it vrtll be necessary to build ! opposition from conservative^, Referring to complaints by sol- by Suleiman the Magnificent at lonika to enlighten the barbarians. of international commerce. The Greenland fairy trtle city Speaking ot Britain's predica- our exports to a volume much | mcnts nnd to the governments , further offers visitors «. selection diers In England that wives were the height of Turkish power, still Turku J.ONO J desirc to gnin foreign recognition ment, he said: "in order to under- higher than prewar." being sent homo before them, Mc- stands guard over Salonika, of amusements including billiards, ' "'— ' '" In thc Ifith century thc vising stand the British position, it is Thc city's Importance today saloons, sporting accommodations »arney declared: Morrison pointed out that Brit and a peace treaty with Britain pr. nnd America. Communists •"-"important to bear in mind two stems from the fact that It is the tide ofIslam inundated all the "This Is a good example of and movies. tested recently when proposals Balkans and beat against the only first-class port of the north things: That Britain lives by Imwhat happens-when an Individual Fraternization of Americans interest on capital investments in and JIK.I lies at ;iui iinu «•<- the me mouth I M U U U I of «' fates of Vienna. For nearly 400 ports, which is only another way Canada (which once totaled about were made for total collectiviza- with Greenlanders has been stnctconcerned does not understand Aegenn thc factors which affect this par- the" Vardar depression, route of I years the tide remained full and of saying she lives by exports; and $2,500,000,000) since these had tion of peasant l a n d holdings. lv prohibited. According to Skeller, the principal railroad line from | 3 trong, but in the 19th century a that she mobilized for war, both in been largely liquidated during the There has been no general indus- it is projected that Denmark will ticular situation." TJt>lcr*eif1tt R,,/^anpc^ nnrl beyond. hftvnrid. strengthening .,* ..onrt-th^ninp* undertow l i n d e r t O W Of ntltion- human and material resources, to of nationtrial nationalization. Eelgrade, Budapest, nnd take over the city, which the war. , Yugoslavia, deprived of good Adri- alism caused Turkish power to a considerably greater degree than Americans are preparing to leave "While wo hope that financial atic ports by the lofty Dinaric recede, and Greece, Serbia, Mon- we did in the United States, and as.fistanco from Canndn nnd the HEADQUARTERS for Alps, looks south for an outlet, tenegro, Romania a n d Bulgaria in so doing she naturally had to U S A will diminish the gravity of The "front's" central committee Copyright by Chicago Tribune as doc.'i Bulgaria. Three nations— gained their independence. sacrifice her export trade." the Immediate situation, in the warned opposition groups recently Macedonia wns among the last Greece, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia— long run the only way to pay our that their attacks upon thc new TRAILER HOMES sections to be liberated from tho share Macedonia, making it a bone debts and buy thc goods we need national assembly would result ir. Ottoman empire. The desire to of contention, Is 'b.V greatly increased export reprisal. Romania is tending leftward, alThe northern reaches ot Mace- e'ld Turkish rule in Macedonia trade." caused thc new Balkan states to though Petrc Groans' government Morrison explained priority attack their former muster in is meeting resistance in its effort *° being given by Britain to im- to .1012, and tho sultan's power In communize thc nation and has FUNXSUTAWNEY, Fa., Jan. C oC foodstuffs nnd mnnufacEurope was reduced to small hold- l/p)_Sarah E. McGregor, who died fftilfti to win workers' elections in i. i goods which ore essential to U UU ings in Thrace. "our home production factory areas where it would be .Division of thc spoils caused a at thc uge of 86 In n. small frame supplement • • ••« recov- supposed strong - • ,, , house without electricity or other COPENHAGEN, Jan. 5 l/P)— „„ among ..„ the Balkan allies the modern conveniences, .left an esHclwig Larsen, 34-year-old former next year, and at its war correspondent for a. Danish Macedonia was divided among tate in excess of 5600,000, it was peasant'party and the misnamed _ '_. t _ n t « _ i v.. n Bulgaria, c-nwKia and o n H Greece. nrpppp. TMS~ Dis- disclosed with the filing of her will sive relaxation of import control" liberal partv, whose leaders Groza nazli newspaper, was killed by a «._i _:.* Ser.bia Copyright IMS by Tho appointment at her small share Friday.' firing squad Saturday in Denaccuses of being "fascist roactionChicago Tribune mark's first execution in 54 years. caused embittered Bulgaria to ' Approximately $230,000 of the n Eight policemen wearing half loin the central powers in 1910. amount was in cash on deposit in 'Recently Titel Peterscu, social masks composed the firing squad. Greece received additional parts ot about 20 banks. democratic leader, said his party Suspends Rome Flights Larsen was sentenced to death for Macedonia in 1919, shutting BulThe will bequeaths an estimated wanted a government which ROME, Jan. 5 (.•!>>—The U. S. would "reestablish We are fortxmnte to l,ho murder of a Berlin corre- garia off from the Aegean sea. $100,000 to churches, friends and the democratic receive Uils shiparmy's Mediterranean air transThe latter country heeded Hitlers spondent of another Danish newsrelatives, The remainder ia to be liberties, suppress censorship and ment of finest qualpromises 20 years later and joined port service Saturday suspended apply laws in their letter and paper. ity post - wnr p«i divided among her "legal heirs." all passenger flights, saying re1-nnKos av a 1 1 a b I o the axis nations. now for immedltvt'; deployment had curtailed skilled spirit." Yugoslavia's new republic js delivery . . sec them flight maintenance personnel to a moving at our store . . buy moderately left with Marpoint where continued operations now find be Rssured —Announcing— shal Tito's "peoples front" which of Hrst choice. were regarded as unsafe. Resumption depends upon the numbers .can have no opposition until a con-

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cariizaj-; -/fZfj&fzm^mmira'iw:!^




Conservatism Slows Tide Of Socialism in Europe

Three Macedonia Nations U.S. State Aid Fears War Vie for Aegean Outlet Of Economies

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Briton Points To Need of More Exports


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LONDON, Jan. 5 (fP>—Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick Morgan, asked by the U N R R A to resign as head of the organisation In Germany, presumably will be deprived of his authority and dropped from the pay roil'if he persists In his refusal to quit, a spokesman for the relief agency said Saturday. Morgan, under fire for expressing belief' at a Frankfurt news conference that a secret Jewish organization was responsible for the mass exodus of Jews from Poland and Czechoslovakia, has been


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Instructed to return to London. A U N R R A public relations officer said, however, t h a t reports that Morgan (ilraidy had been dismissed were exaggerated. Morgan said Saturday that he saw no reason why he should resign. ' U N R R A regional headquarters said Morgan was expected to fly from Germany to London "as soon .as the weather ia clear enough, probably Sunday or Monday." Morgan's deputy, "Brig. William Arthur MacDonald Stawell, will succeed to the post temporarily, the spokesman said. (In Frankfurt, Gen, Joseph T. McNarney, U, S. commander in tho European theater, asked to comment on the controversy, replied that "Gen. Morgan is an honest, conscientious and efficient administrator and he will bo extremely hard to replace," Ho said ho did not cnro to comment f u r ther, because thc matter was thc sole responsibility of U N R R A , Thc war office tmid Morgan, who served as ri. deputy chief o£ staff to Gen. Eisenhower during ^the war, had been "made available" to U N R R A but is still on t h c army's active list and is eligible to return to duty.



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